Japanese Aluminum Foil Ball Shotgun Slugs - Are they DEADLY?

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well the latest trend on YouTube seems to be the Japanese polishing balls of aluminum foil into perfectly round spheres I guess there's worse things you could waste your time on hey this is jeff of taofledermaus the idea of shooting a compressed aluminum foil slug has been suggesting me many times now the density of aluminum is not very high these balls weigh approximately a quarter of an ounce but they are very well compressed I actually hammered on them and did all that mumbo jumbo to them just to make them as compact and hard and round as possible okay let's get up there and shoot them welcome back to out later folks Jeff in the OG out here beautiful California day again just prior to arraign so we thought we'd shoot out here real quick and try out a little a little test for you this idea came to us from another famous youtuber you might have known you might already subscribe to christian joy a ysus channel person Hurston her stuff she shoots really really well yeah she told her 22 videos she's almost as hot as the OG when she's shooting but so go go over and check her channel out but her suggestion was she's watching all these YouTube videos of all this compacted and polished aluminum foil that seems to be the rage these days so her suggestion why not try to make a slug out of compacted aluminum foil so Jeff designed these slugs for you they're very very light we're gonna see what they do against a couple of different targets out here and it's all for you for science and we want to thank Kentucky ballistics too let's not forget them I'll put a link to them in the description he has a really good it was the Oh [Music] 35 yeah yeah I think so but Kentucky ballistics did a really good experiment I'd like to share with everybody using Tim Hamilton's brass pellet very good testing with that two-liter bottle of sugary beverage no okay I'm ready oh my give me a little close all right here comes the aluminum foil ball and look how accurate that thing was it was awesome and what's really neat is some of the layers of the aluminum foil actually peeled away kinda like an onion very cool okay a small block of ballistic gel be interesting to see what the aluminum foil ball will do to that you know it'll shred inside there or what that old mininum foil yes that's what the kids are calling it these days okay I'm ready aluminium aluminium confetti yeah well this one was not as accurate but at least he hit the block and again the layers of aluminum foil were peeling away before and even after it passed through the ballistic gel that's cool there we go okay there's the impact went through and there's pieces of aluminum foil in there surgeons nightmare the aluminum plate must have 30 of these things or so yeah there's so many of them I think they are but a aluminum aluminum action here yeah I think that's illegal in a few states isn't it only in Alabama is it what are you aiming for go for that green triangle right now Sarah okay okay whatever you're ready Wow right through it do you hear that not bad at all help the freeway four miles behind there and safe yeah no kiddin so uh we're both kind of shocked to find that this thing went right through aluminum on aluminum crime aluminium and the cool thing was it hit the sticker you can actually see where the sticker lines up perfectly with the shape of the hole that's not nuts but I'm really surprised they didn't they a they held together be the wood they were accurate you know functional what are you doing well look at Tory it's gotta go in accomplish that so people can get an idea how big the hole is okay dang it it's some kind of reference for gauging even though your fingers are like four times bigger than a normal person now this is really interesting because we didn't think the aluminum foil ball would have enough mass to blow a hole through that cast aluminum plate not only did it do that but it was very accurate to we've we've shot factory ammo that wasn't that accurate folks okay clay block whatever you're ready oh they had a little more power than I expected yeah all these little aluminum balls and stuff yeah when your aluminum balls are laying all over the place yeah that's that's interesting it's like a robot problem and we thought people would like to see the the big old clay block being shot we just didn't expect it to blow it apart so efficiently look at the size of the cavity that thing made you could stick your head through that hole you want to thank our viewers for this wonderful idea and Kirsten joy wise for sending this idea just 24 hours ago thanks for watching
Views: 256,512
Rating: 4.9365005 out of 5
Keywords: aluminum foil ball, japanese, trends, satire, crafting, taofledermaus, slomoguys, diversity
Id: y3aSLEBUHpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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