.22 Shorts - Don't let their "cuteness" fool you

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the 22 long rifle is the most popular cartridge in the united states unfortunately a lot of people underestimate its deadliness according to the department of justice more people in this country have been killed by 22 rimfires than any other calibers combined since 22 long rifle has a proven history of being deadly how deadly is the 22 short today we'll find out on taofledermaus today we'll be testing this old box of ammunition that is at least 60 years old if not older the box is a little rugged looking missing a flap here and there now we can only hope that when we're as old as this box of ammo we'll be in as good a shape we're definitely not factory fresh anymore right now on the box there's a lot of safety warnings and stuff like that but they also talk about how they're wax coated with an invisible hard wax lubricant now the selling point of the wax was to prevent barrel fouling barrel corrosion and stuff like that but the wax coating did a fantastic job of preserving these cartridges for so many years creating an airtight barrier so no moisture or air could get inside you'll notice that the 22 short that we'll be testing today despite being old is in almost the same condition as this 15 year old cci mini mag ammo now unlike the box of 22 short which mostly talked about the wax coating the 22 mini mags actually give you the bullet weight and the velocity of the bullets the mini mag bullet weighs in at 36 grains or close to it while the 22 short bullet will be tested today comes in at just a tad over 29 grains we clocked the 22 short in this test at 1067 feet per second today we'll be comparing the power of the 22 short to the cci mini mag simply because people are so familiar with this round jeff had some of these uh western ammo super x 22 shorts and they're at least 50 years old best he can find somewhere up to 1955 or so so yeah anywhere from the 1940s world war ii era to 1957 or so same box it looks like i'm sure someone will be able to identify that and say oh that was made in november of 1953 extra clean wax coated 22 short long range be careful up to one mile good luck getting it to a mile yeah well we got a back stop out here so we're not concerned about that uh anyway we're gonna try it through some various targets through this uh what is this thing remington speedmaster model 552 no flashlight and uh that's various targets right now we're going to do some of this ballistic toilet paper if it'll stop it yeah we want to see if 22 shorts are still deadly a lot of people think they're they're one of the weakest rounds you can you could buy in the store there's one smaller nap but i cannot remember the name of it but uh but you can you find it in the store no okay there's some obscure stuff out there that's weaker than the 22 short but around here you can't even find this stuff in the store yeah there we go now the idea of using toilet paper as a ballistic medium may sound comical or ridiculous to you but we like to use common everyday objects that people are familiar with okay now 22 short i'm ready toilet paper is actually very difficult to penetrate it consists of hundreds of layers of paper and if you don't believe me try stabbing it with an ice pick you won't even get halfway through it well we were both a bit surprised by this um first shot the uh cci mini mag it knocked this roll over we put it back in place shot the short uh mini mag went in top x well pretty close pass through one pass through two number three through the center but no exit they were laughing that when they they when we showed that target i bet they were laughing and thinking oh you know what but you know what there's a lump right there okay we'll dissect that in a moment but what about the shorts too short that was surprising bottom x nice clean exit hole no comments second round through number two hit number three went just now maybe not even a quarter inch in and bounced out we found it sitting on the table right here slightly mushroom deviated a little bit to the right but it went almost as far almost as the mini mag but toilet paper's stopping a mini mag yeah three rolls that's all you need if you want to make body armor that stops 22. here it is yeah let's cut it open see what it looks like and i am going to reuse that toilet paper too for various things you got a pre-made finger hole did you find it is it right it's right it we had i picked the perfect number of toilet paper rolls i'll tell you that i don't know if buffalo outdoors could have done that then it is perfectly three hours later there it is took a bit of digging how deep was it it was about halfway here okay gotcha it just did jammed so much paper up it felt like it was just under the surface okay but yeah we had to go about [Laughter] there you go way too many mag 22 short so let's call that two and three quarters rolls with a mini mag two rolls and a quarter inch with the 22 short that's i thought it would go i thought it would you know it would go half as half the distance you know so i was kind of surprised it went that far cci mini mag i'm ready oh as you can see the ballistic banana was no match for our 22 cci mini mag plus it looks pretty cool filmed with a high-speed camera fortunately the little bee sitting on the table was perfectly fine no bees were harmed filming this video okay now 22 short okay i'm ready in the first test using the 22 short against the ballistic banana danny's aim was just a little bit off or maybe it was the ammo let's give it another try [Music] the second attempt was much better danny got a direct hit nearly as splat-tastic as the test with the cci mini mag next we have these little laptop hard drives we got two of them one for each type of bullet see what it does to these well went right through the laptop hard drive consists of a metal cover glass platters circuit boards other junk inside there the mini mag had no problem penetrating this thing completely okay now 22 is short i'm ready all right so you hit about the same spot it passed through the little 22 short as cute as it looks managed to pierce that hard drive just as cleanly as the mini mag what do we have next well there's some ebay quality reading glasses we're going to see if they're uh bullet resistant bulletproof and dougie's got on his kevlar helmet just in case we shoot a little high yeah and uh we got to thank my daughter and son-in-law for that thank you denise and aj we'll put that to good use when the right time comes but for now we're just protecting dougie's noggin don't blink doug wow now there's a good chance these glasses would protect you from a bullet fragment from a ricochet or something like that but a direct hit is not going to stop a bullet and the same can be said about even a quality pair of polycarbonate lenses 22 short to the right lens now the damage from the 22 short was nearly the same as our 22 long rifle mini mag now we went into these tests with an open mind but really believe that the 22 short would be a very weak round and not be that comparable to a 22 long rifle uh mini mag looked like the impact point was right there uh short i can just assume it was the center of this yeah it's about where is that and you would definitely be blind these reading glasses are not good for uh safety glasses nope they're glass lenses yeah that would be a nightmare if they were like polycarbonate it might be different but we didn't have any poor dougie you're right in the pupil on that one yeah that one caught him a little bit low i might have survived that one but his sign is captured i'm really surprised how similar the damage is you know very similar and both of them pass through okay all the way through dougie we got little oh yeah look at that there's a mini mag there's a short missed the helmet i thought the 22 short would be way less powerful slightly less but not a whole lot right still very deadly i wouldn't want to get hit by one no okay what's the next test we got a stack of magazines wet magazines let's know they've been soaking all night in water that's not the title on the magazine um it's not exactly uh representative of flesh but it's close it's probably closer to ballistic gel i don't know but we use it because it's a good comparison between different rounds um some will pass through some won't so it kind of gives us a good comparison between high power rounds and low power rounds and it's it's cheap and more people really should use it um it's really i mean you take about three inches of magazines wrap it with a little bit of strapping you know packaging tape use strong tape because it'll pop this is just clear you know packing tape and then soak it for at least 24 hours it'll swell up much thicker than it originally was that started out three inches yeah it's wet so you get hydrostatic stuff going on there get the expansion where you need it yeah and it it kind of it's fibery so it's kind of like really tough fibrous tissue i i wish more people would use it because i could use their data you know it's like oh i went into four inches of wet magazine and i know exactly what they're talking about you know yep come on paul harrell okay first one mini mag oh that sounds so weak yeah that one did not sound like it had full power it was very it almost sat i thought you'd shot the 22 short let's do another mini mag and see if this one is a little better all right we'll go for that top x again okay yeah that sounded normal that's more like it what's up with that ammo cci now we did test the cci over a chronograph and we did get about 1240 feet per second okay now the 22 short never in our test did we have any issues with the 22 short despite being so old okay what happened there that first shot sounded just it was inaccurate it was it sounded like it was low it was wimpy it's got a not much of an exit or entry wound um second one same ammo 22 uh mini mag had a lot better i don't know if his expansion or just the impact anyway let's let's count that one call that a flyer it was so quiet i couldn't believe it sounded like a like a cap gun or something same lot same box ammo is very bizarre 22 long mini mag 22 short pretty consistent as far as uh location yeah except that first one it was so i mean it's an inch off target from seven yards you know there was something going on there man that was anemic you can't blame danny for that one cut this open and see what we get okay let's do it there's one still got three two let's go back here a little ways oh look at that that second one is that second one that is hilarious that was that under there it is right there oh my gosh let's see if we can uh i think went in like a half an inch that's it [Laughter] that's strange it kind of mushroomed out you know surprisingly okay that one stopped in half inch yeah all right we're going on through here the short is still holding in there guys short long [Applause] still going up there it is okay okay i just flicked it out of there okay that's the short and it is mangled yeah that's tough medium there folks we're tough medium let's see how much further we got let's separate this still going still going still going okay we stopped here somewhere might be there it is maybe okay definitely maybe there folks i'm pretty sure we got it in here well the earth news good magazine used to be there we are okay so how far did that one go in well let's see we had this one stopped in um maybe inch and a quarter and this one went probably another inch okay so inch and a quarter bit kind of a big difference there between the two you don't count that that first stud there's her short there's the long and there's the dude [Music] for the final test we did shoot some ballistic gel two shots with the mini mag and two shots with the 22 shorts now by just looking at these results can you tell which is which now if you're paying attention and you understand how bullets work you'll know that the 22 shorts were not hollow points the 22 mini mags were that created quite a difference in penetration in the gel while the 22 mini mags penetrated much deeper in all our other tests including the wet magazines in the ballistic gel test the 22 shorts penetrate much much deeper i think you'll agree with me that the 22 short is a very viable and underestimated round a lot of people think it's a toy and it definitely is not it's a very deadly round now despite being very old the 22 shorts all functioned perfectly in our test but the same could not be said for our 15 year old cci mini mags and i believe as the years pass our cci mini mags reliability will just degrade even worse but our old box of 22 shorts with that wax coating giving them a hermetic seal preventing any air from entering them will probably be functional for over a hundred years now i don't know about you but i definitely have a greater appreciation for 22 shorts now after doing these tests both danny and i were surprised at the results and i hope you were too i hope you enjoyed this video thank you for watching and finally we want to thank all our generous patreon supporters for all their help over the years we couldn't have done this without you period in a report we'll see you next time
Views: 258,906
Rating: 4.9495411 out of 5
Keywords: .22, antique, old technology, safety test, slow motion camera, slowmoguys, smartereveryday, demolitionranch, camping, survival
Id: rk_A-xjYQNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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