4 Disturbing TRUE Stories from Reddit

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[Music] number one please note that I'm a female and not a native English speaker this is the second time we're being multilingual have somehow saved my bacon I recently drove from Philadelphia Pennsylvania to Buffalo New York with my cat the ride was long but we were making decent time for the most part she and I had gotten up toward right before you get into New York it was around 5:30 p.m. but that also meant it was pitch black out we had only stopped once to get some McDonald's and I drank their iced tea quickly to try and stay awake I definitely had to pee I didn't want to leave my cat in my car so I put her leash on and walked into a gas station the store wasn't empty there were some dudes around browsing for honey buns tasty cake and cheaper cigarettes than in New York there was a woman talking to counter guy up front she was probably like a regular based on their seeming familiarity with each other do you mind if I use the restroom there I said to the guy working there the man behind the counter said sure yeah my cat and I entered the bathroom she sat on the counter while I did my thing my cat jumped about a foot when we heard the doorknob rattle I laughed and said sorry occupied right now now my cat is a trained animal she's trained to be around people stimulating situations crowds and relatively loud noises she absolutely hates cars though I looked over at her after the jump and her tail was as full as could be and she got low and climbed up to a favorite position on my shoulders she dug into my hair with her nails and did a little grumble at me and the same thing she does when she wants to be let outside the doorknob rattles again and she swiped in the direction of the door like a strike it's still occupied so I called out but I wasn't laughing this time I then heard someone speak it was a man's voice and honestly it kind of made my blood run cold they were speaking a cousin of my native language should I grab her when she comes out me and my native tongue grab doesn't have multiple connotations like in English let me grab them before they go grab a bite to eat grab by the hair etc no they used what was similar to take another voice replied no the cash is right there we can go stand outside I think our cars the blue one my cat did her angry grumble sound and I tried to pet her to reassure her there weren't any windows in this bathroom and my car was parked unwisely around the side of the lot I parked it a little away from the light because I had a lot of stuff in it and I didn't want the items to be lit it wasn't the blue car though so that was one thing in my favor I heard their steps retreat and my cat and I sat there for what felt like forever we both jumped when we heard a knock on the door come out quickly and my girlfriend will lead you through the back to your car there standing out by the pumps it was the counter guy and who I thought was a regular I opened the door and she ushered me to the back not smart but I didn't know what else to do she opened the door and I could see my car about 20 feet away and I wanted to sprint when I remembered that I'd used my key fob to set the alarm I unlocked the car with my keys and the alarm went off I still have deep cuts from my cat's panic I threw myself into the driver's seat and locked the doors and I felt my heart in my throat as I threw the car into reverse and got the [ __ ] out of there on my way out I noticed the guy standing the blue car on the other side of the lot trying to nonchalantly smoke they didn't even know I got out for anyone interested he is a picture of my cat a good judge of character number two I work at my local County Animal Shelter done it for a few years while you do see a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] that would probably send you into a fit of rage you also get a channel that rage into helping lots of awesome critters it's pretty much what I was meant for the block is set up like one winding stretch of county buildings basically there's everything on this block from doctors to the homeless shelter needless to say this block has some interesting characters no biggie I live in a pretty [ __ ] area so crazy stuff happens all the time last year right in front of me someone jumped out of their car and stabbed another person in traffic didn't even meet the news took the cops almost 30 minutes to get their back on track my job lets me bring my dog to work which is awesome he just hangs out with me well gets put into a doggie playgroup with his friends depending on my days activity levels he's super nice to everyone but can be a little intimidating to some people at first it's understandable he's a 95-pound Doberman and they get a bit of a bad rap so a few days ago I was up in the front office on my own since my coworker was on a break two guys come in right off the bat I'm like man these dudes are high as a kite well whatever happens we're located next to a large college it's to be expected anyway one of the dudes starts asking about volunteering because he has some community service hours due for some law-breaking needed and I point him in the direction of the coordinator who deals with that he goes and the other guy stays and starts making idle conversation what's my name my birthday favorite color he also compliments my tattoos and asks if I got them all for my birthday I don't know this town's weird so I don't question too much anymore then out of nowhere he starts telling me how hot I am and asks for my last name I had to give my first it's engraved on my shirt but I lied about my last name I should have just told him I wasn't comfortable with giving my last name out but of course I have - nice syndrome and honestly didn't want to be harassed further by saying no which I have in the past so the other guy comes back Bailey and I take my break lo and behold not ten minutes into my break I get a text from my coworker that the other guys came back looking for me and not to come back into work they apparently leave 20 minutes later phew Leclaire so fast-forward days pretty much done just closing up shop a different coworker - the one I work up front with comes over and sees that I'm hurrying to leave he asks me if I want him to take my dog out to a yard we have let him do his business I appreciate it and agree my coworker also says he'll put my dog in my car - since it's parked next to his and he doesn't mind he has the night shift to watch the animals so he's got some time to chill he's also my homey and knows my routine and I say sure since I have a few binders to take out anyway and I hand him my keys he goes off with my dog and brings my keys back about 15 minutes later besides that guy I'm the last Ally for the night it's about 8:00 and already dark here and the parking lot we have is so small that employees have to find street parking that's a whole other level of [ __ ] yes I'm about halfway to my car probably a five minute walk away I can hear some low talking and footsteps coming behind me it doesn't ring any alarm bells at first lots of buildings and stuff on this street and some homeless people mill about later at night but they're pretty harmless so I just keep on trucking not that many steps later I hear the steps behind me speed up and feel a hand touch my shoulder her hands stopped me so abruptly I end up dropping my binders with loose papers I just organized I turn and freeze when I see it the two guys from earlier did you need something I asked as a sinking feeling sedid I just wanted to know why you lied to my brother here about your name like one of those stuck-up [ __ ] who thinks they're too good ask the guy who wanted to volunteer I stood there with my mouth like a [ __ ] flytrap no idea how he knew I lied the other guy answered that for me he told me he found me on Facebook from searching my work I came up with the smoothest lie I could and said that I'm not allowed to give my full name to customers for County law safety regulations that's total [ __ ] but they looked like they believed it while I'm saying all of this I see his hand resting on his pocket and I subtly take in that they both have decent sized pocket knives halfway concealed I carry one myself for work in case an animal ever gets caught on a leash or something but I'm a 21 year old girl I'm five two and a hundred pounds I'm not going to be able to do [ __ ] to these guys if it comes to it I know that much so now I'm wanting to [ __ ] cry while the volunteer guys going on about how it's good I'm not stuck up because they don't like stuck-up [ __ ] and think they should all be taught a lesson in manner is ins so I'm trying to think how to get the [ __ ] out no one's around and I don't want to use my phone to call 9-1-1 in front of them I'm almost to my car so I don't want to rest going back to work and the guy who's got the hots for me is staring at me like a damn Christmas ham so I wanna puke then they tell me about this party they're going to and that I should come since I'm a good girl and good girls go to parties with them the way volunteer guy said it it made it like an order and not a request and the hairs on the back of my neck went up I get an idea while he's talking and just pray to the Almighty it's going to [ __ ] work I force a relaxed smile and agree saying I just have to put my binders in my car or my boss will kill me they look stoked at my agreement and proceeded to follow me to my car it's too dark to see inside the windows and street lights are a rare thing on this side of town I get to the back door of my car open it and I smile when I see my dog's head pop up from the trunk out of his slumber before I even make a sound his is go back and he starts growling I hear oh what the [ __ ] is that come from behind me and that's all it took for my dog to get his ass up and Lunger them doing his best to get his large body between me and the door so I grabbed his collar and let him jump out of the car let me tell you he's going nuts he's got drool flying out of his mouth me and he's snapping and barking and growling something scary the guys back up start telling me that we can't bring a dog to the party we enter put the [ __ ] deranged mutt back in the car I hold back from rolling my eyes and apologize saying I'm just going to give him some dog food that I keep in my glove box I shut the back door and open the front my dog won't get in just keeps growling and snapping at the two guys so I keep a hold of his collar and I get in the driver's side first then call him in thankfully he reluctantly follows I shut it as soon as his ass is on the passenger seat hit the locked doors button and turn on my car as soon as I do that they know I'm not about to go to some party with their dumb asses and start to bang on my window my dog goes into a rage mode and hops in the back and starts going ballistic well I feel the [ __ ] out of there really not caring if I hit one of them or not once I'm down the street a bit I see them in my rearview mirror just staring at my car I took the opposite direction in which I normally go home just to make myself feel better even though I have an hour commute on as soon as I get back I deactivate my Facebook I told my boss the next day over the phone and they're working on transferring me to one of our other two shelters in the county so if those two creepy drug guys are listening I just want you to know that my dog goes everywhere with me and I'm sure he'd love a second chance at you for anyone interested in pictures of him he's the one on the right of this picture the other is a buddy of his his name is Zeus aka Zeus the moose or Zeus EMU see number 3 so this happened in early July and it still creeps me out a bit today I'm a soldier and I live in the barracks on base since I'm not married and can't really afford my own place but security reasons so I won't name the base or its location it's typically pretty quiet around here aside from the common parties that happen on the weekends so this event was pretty surprising to me additionally and I work the night shift four days a week from 2:00 to midnight so it's even quieter on most days when I return to my room this night however was on 4th of July weekend military gets a four-day weekend on federal holidays so the common area was a bit louder on Thursday night my last workday for the week to give you a better idea about the layout the barracks are separated into all three story buildings that all share a large concrete common area since we obviously can't move in our rooms the common areas have to smoking zones on either side we call them the smoke pits the pits each consist of a picnic table or grill and a large trash bin covered by an Ordnung to block out the rain and the bits of a site of most of the parties that occur on the weekends mainly the one furthest from my building I got an out of work early so it was about 10:00 when I got back to the barracks and made my way to my room as per usual on nights that don't have work days following them there was a party at the pit furthest from my building where most of the people outside were at however there was one person at my building spit originally I assumed he was just out there for a smoke can was enough for partying what was strange however was that he didn't have a cigarette he had no babe Pam wasn't on his phone she just sat there dressed in blue jeans and a red hoodie with his hood up it was the middle of July in the south this was a bit strange but the rooms are pretty much perpetually cold during the summer we don't control the AC and the barracks NCOs just blast that shanhai we had set like 65 degrees for the entire summer for whatever reason so I figure he might just have stepped out to warm up he sat on the table with his arms in his front pocket me and his head hanging wanting to smoke I stood at the opposite side of the table and lit a cigarette the guy didn't speak or even move for the entire time I was there he just sat there blankly staring into his lap I didn't think much of it and just made my way back to my room I changed and patrolled YouTube for a while it's important to note a few things here each room houses two soldiers and the doors automatically lock when closed the only people with the key are the unit headquarters and of course the rooms residence themselves in the event that a resident loses their key they have to call to get someone to unlock it every time they need to get into their room that is until the key is replaced additionally my room is located on the second floor of the building and is a bit tucked away around the back so unlike the rest of the building there's next to no traffic outside of my room my side of the room also has the only window and it's right where the door is so I can hear when someone rarely passes my room my roommate worked an odd shift from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. and I wasn't too sure what days he worked finally the room is very dark and I can't see if my roommate is asleep in the room when I enter so I closed the door quietly by keeping the knob turned as it closes he wasn't home at this time at around 2:00 a.m. I hunkered down to get some sleep before I dozed off however I could hear a shuffling outside I peeked out of the window and could see some obviously inebriated girl tripping over herself to get to her room I knew the girl lived in the room next to mine so I didn't see a need to help her since she was literally right there but I listened for a while until I heard her enter her room about ten minutes later I heard someone walking towards my door and then stopped I figured it was my roommate getting home but I couldn't hear the obvious sound of someone unlocking the door for a long moment it was silent then I heard the sound of my door slowly opening instantly i sat up and looked at the foot of my bed where the door was there was no sound of the doorknob turning there no click of the lock the door was just slowly being pushed open as if someone was trying to enter very quietly which wasn't like my roommate once the door was fully open someone not in uniform walked in first I didn't recognize who it was until I noticed the red hoodie I gasped and screamed get the [ __ ] out the man jumped and darted out of the room I jumped out of bed and ran to the door but by the time I made it the guy jumped over the rail and onto the bushes below and was running across the common area immediately I called the MPS and they arrived within minutes a few of them did a search of the area while the rest made trips around the rooms to check on everyone the girls room next to mine was also not closed they eventually found the guy in a storage room of one of the other barracks buildings it was a few weeks before I found out the whole story apparently the guy wasn't even a soldier but was an ex of the girl who lived next to me prior to that night the ex didn't know what room she lived him and had attempted to follow her to a room after she was finished partying he knew she didn't have a roommate at the time so he figured he'd be able to prey on her without anyone noticing I don't know how the guy got onto base since there's always an ID check at the gate and the guy didn't have identification on him fortunately for the girl in my attempt to be quiet I'd accidentally not close my door completely and the guy mistook my room for hers what's worse is that the girl hadn't closed her door all the way either so had the guy not mixed up the rooms he'd have broken into hers while she was extremely drunk and likely unconscious while I'm fortunate that the goal was safe I fear for what might have happened if I'd been asleep when that creep was in my room typically the barracks are supposed to be a safe place for troops to sleep and things of this nature don't usually happen but this goes to show that you need to be careful no matter where you are number halt this happened just last night and honestly I'm a little shaken up over it well try to retell the tale exactly as it happened but my fear is sure to have punched my memory of it I work evenings as a dispatcher in a medium-sized Midwestern City I was driving home at 2:00 a.m. when I stopped for gas in retrospect it was stupid to have stopped at all the gas station was poorly lit and completely empty of other customers but I knew the shady areas of town and this wasn't usually one of them as I was pumping gas I noticed a middle-aged black woman sitting on the curb across the parking lot it was a cold night and it just started raining the woman wasn't wearing whether appropriate clothing so she was drenched when the woman saw that I was watching her she called out to me from across the lot my second of many stupid decisions that night was choosing to engage with her I was worried for her so I approached her to see what kind of help I could offer hi beautiful I'm just trying to get her but no one will help me she said I'm trying to get to City a but the cab ride is 60 bucks and I only have 40 can you help me I don't usually give money to panhandlers but this woman seemed genuine the weather was terrible and my job centers around helping people so I agreed I'd told her I didn't have any cash on me but if she would come with me inside I'd take some money out of the ATM give her a few bucks inside the ATM wasn't working I apologized then told her there was nothing else I could do for her she followed me back outside idly chatting with me as I opened my driver's side door to get in and then she got in the car I was too shocked to really say anything i sat staring at her she buckled herself into my passenger seat as soon as she got into my car her demeanor changed entirely she no longer seemed forlorn as much as she did extremely excited Restless just take me to my aunt's house she said she can give me money of course alarm bells start going off in my head although my first instinct is to tell her to get the [ __ ] out of my car my gut tells me that that would be dangerous she had already proved to be unpredictable she seemed to be high and I didn't know if she had a weapon on her forcing her out of my vehicle I thought had the potential to elicit a violent reaction where are you asking me to take you I finally said just start driving and I'll tell you where to turn no if you want me to consider driving you somewhere I need you to tell me where we're going I say this with no real intention of driving her anywhere don't worry honey I'm not one of those bad lacks I'm not gonna rob you or nine just drive no I repeat it what's your aunt's address okay it's some Street a what's the house number as I was asking her questions she got really agitated we still hadn't left the gas station parking lot there considered getting out of my car and going into the gas station bailed but a she seemed to know when be friendly with one of the attendants inside then be I wasn't about to leave her alone in my car finally she snapped at me and said why are you asking so many questions and I thought we were friends you don't trust me is it because I'm black I work at a police department I said it's my job to ask these sort of questions she flipped the [ __ ] out started yelling at me about being a snitch about trying to get her into trouble just in general losing her damn mind at this point I'm more scared than ever I just wanted her gone but my instincts still told me asking her to get out of the car wouldn't work so I decided to take a risk I'm not a police officer I just work at a police department why don't I Drive you to Walmart and see if they have an ATM there that works my idea was to get her out of my car as peacefully as possible and then lose her in the store she liked my idea and immediately calmed down I knew that driving off with this woman in my car was incredibly incredibly risky but it seemed like my best option at the time as we're driving she keeps talking to me her thoughts were erratic bouncing all over the place it sometimes seemed difficult for her to follow through with one thought but this is roughly how our conversation went I'm glad we're friends now I have about five or six people trying to get me I'm going to come over to your work tomorrow so we can go and arrest them together okay we can talk about that tomorrow tonight you said you're trying to get home yeah I'm trying to get the city B city B I thought you said you wanted to go to City eight yeah yeah City a that's what I meant that's why the cab ride is $40.00 yeah it's far away the cab ride is $40 you said you have $40 I do baby I have $40 but the cab ride is 60 silence are you sure you can't take me to my aunt's house she lives close by on-street me I thought you said she lived on Street hey no baby I meant street B but it doesn't matter because she won't give me money anyway you sure you can't just take me to City eight it was terrifyingly obvious that this woman was utterly full of [ __ ] because the details of her story were constantly changing when we pulled into the Walmart parking lot she finally got out of my car but only after I got out first she then followed me into the store I had told her before we went to find the ATM that I needed to use the restroom my plan was to call the police from inside the stall but she followed me into the bathroom too and that's when things got really weird she grabbed me by the crook of my arm and whispered in my ear if you don't got no money that's okay but let me ask you something sweetie do you like getting your [ __ ] ate I told her no was forcefully as I could manage bolted into a stall and locked the door as fast as I possibly could manage as soon as I had a barrier between us I said you know I have some friends at the police department that can probably help you better than I can I'm just going to give them a call and we can figure this out together again and the mention of the cops she started screaming at me I just kept reiterating that the police would help her she snapped at me that she was going to leave and stormed out of the bathroom but it wasn't over I waited to make sure she was really gone sure enough not 60 seconds after she left she came back into the bathroom and started banging on the stall door then she said something that scared me more than anything else hey come back to your car with me I left my beer in your car I blatantly tell her that no I saw her get into my car and that she had absolutely nothing with her only the clothes on her back after that she left the bathroom again and didn't come back I waited a good five minutes before exiting the bathroom I immediately found a manager who called the police for me thankfully I was in a different police jurisdiction from the one I work in because I would have been mortified at how entirely stupid I had been the whole night and would have died of embarrassment if any of my co-workers responded the officer that did respond took my statement and advised me to be more careful in the future he said that sometimes panhandlers turn violent and that just recently there had been a report of a woman who matched her description who assaulted a Good Samaritan that had stopped to try and help her I definitely learned a lesson on stranger danger and I'm lucky to have come out unscathed and I'm glad my stupidity didn't kill me so guys the next time you try and help a stranger late at night don't hey guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening sorry that I haven't been posting much lately I actually have an interview coming up which I've been preparing for so I've been trying to focus on that as much as possible at least once that's over I'll try get more content out as quickly as possible anyway I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did be sure to do some naughty things for that like button until the next video guys you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark you
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,117,237
Rating: 4.9119267 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, creepypasta, horror 2017, scary 2017 movies, disturbing, Reddit, 4chan, 2chan, Mr Nightmare, Corpse Husband, new, best, most, Be Busta, long video, relaxing, study music, british accent, asmr, learn english, true, real, caught on camera, haunted, ghost, ghosts, horror, audiobook, Halloween, dead, death, yandere, stalkers, animals save the day, lets not meet, stories, scariest video ever, scariest video on youtube, lazy masquerade, top 10, love, romance, deep web, internet horror
Id: pnTCE_Quzmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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