4 Scary True Stories, Shared by Reddit Users

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Number one: I'm an 18 year old Male, I have an extremely large Alsatian dog which needs to be walked about three times a day for an hour. I'm a large guy and on the day of this encounter, I was wearing an extremely large padded black leather jacket with black skinny jeans. My house is close to a large State Park. I walk my dog there daily. I always take a secluded path of the main trail. There are two of these paths which run parallel to each other about 20 metres apart. One path runs adjacent to a river over which there's an abandoned house. The other path is higher up and overlooks the one next to the river. this whole area is heavily wooded. I left my house and started walking my dog at around 1:00 p.m. I take the main trail until reaching the secluded paths. I take the path closest to the river so that my dog can go swimming. As I get around one mile in I hear people talking from up and around the corner of the pathway I put my dog on a tight leash as I slowly walk up the hill and around this corner. as I look for the source of the noise. I see a lady in a pink blazer sitting on the ground talking to another man. Who's also on the ground. As I approached I realized that something was wrong. The woman was smiling. The Man was sitting halfway down the hill almost in the river with his bike upturned next to him. It appeared to be some sort of accident. The Path wasn't slippery, but it was steep and narrow. The drop at this section of the path was around 8 meters of Sharp Rock into a wide river. That's when I hear the pink lady say: 'someone's coming'. The man grumbles something I couldn't hear what. 'How do you know that?' the lady replied. my dog started crying and walked just off the path to go and investigate. I pull him back. I Ask the woman if everything's okay. She gives no response and just smiles at me and looks towards the older balding man. We stared each other for a second and I get a better look at her before continuing to walk down the path. Let me describe this lady in even more detail: She wore a bright pink blazer with camouflage trousers and large hunting boots. She had to be at least in her late 40s. If any of you have seen the harry potter films, just think of Dolores Umbridge, And you'll have a good idea of what she looked like. After 10 minutes the path walks back or ceases to continue. I decide to walk back, but this time not on the same path. I end up back at the main trail. I start to walk home, but I get a feeling in my gut that I should turn back. after all that man could have been seriously injured and the woman may have just been Intimidated by my sudden presence or my grotesquely large dog. As I walk back down the path I see this pink lady stop two young boys, No older than twelve and say something about the man being stuck and needing their help. Instead of going down the path where the man was situated. I took the back path which overlooked the river. As I look down I'm shocked. The man is moving his bike to a steeper part of the path, and then he lies down to look like he's injured. This lady was alluring these boys to this obviously uninjured man who had just staged an accident. I tried to phone 101 the non-emergency number in my country, but I had no credit left. the pink Lady had left by this point and was nowhere to be seen. I decide I have to loop back around and walk down that path. it takes me ten minutes to do so. As I get around there the lady and man are arguing. Their conversation went something like 'Now where are we meant to go? If you weren't such a spooky bitch those boys would have come down.' 'Hey, you were the one that said we couldn't tackle that big guy.' At this moment I go into a panic. I make my presence clear and approach them quickly. I have to get past them as quickly as I can. I pull my dog closer to me as I'm passing them on this narrow pathway less than a meter in length. The man gives me the dirtiest of looks while the lady gives me the toothiest yellow smile I have ever seen. I'm not afraid to admit it. I was scared. I run as quick as I can out of those woods. When I do get out I pass a member of the local government while walking past the parking lot and tell him what I had Witnessed and heard. Fortunately the boys the lady was talking to had already reported the suspicious activity. Apparently the lady was claiming that her husband had fallen off the path and needed some help. The boys didn't fall for it. The government official had called the police as soon as the boys told him. I quickly left and won't be returning to that part of the woods for a good long while. So creepy pink lady if you ever hear this I hope you got caught for whatever sick thing you were plotting. In our hopefully unrelated side-note her body was found in that area two years prior. If you'd like, I could write up about that incident as well. Keep me posted. Number two: Someone knew where I put my spare key and tried to break into my house tonight, Fortunately the key doesn't work if the door is locked from the inside. Even though my family left for the weekend. Whoever tried to break in definitely knew I was inside. I was up until 3:00 a.m.. With all of the lights on. My dog who slept in my room, didn't hear anything either or maybe I just didn't hear my dog. The weirdest thing is that I'm the only one in my family who uses the spare key. And I hide it in a very safe spot that can't be found accidentally. And this person must have been stalking me. This is how I found the door this morning. When I let my dog out. Number three: My husband, son and I moved into government housing seven years ago after being on the list for ten miserable years. We love our house. Since we moved in though we've had someone messing with us. The first thing that happened was that our power kept being turned off a couple of times a night for a few months. Then I had two distinctive pieces of clothing go missing. I'm a goth pretty much my whole wardrobe is black. one of these items was a little gray and black striped t-shirt of an unusual shape, And the other much harder to lose in an all-black wardrobe was a hand embroidered raspberry red dress. Two years they were gone. We came home one day, and they were laid out on our bed. In the meantime a lot of strange stuff happened. For instance someone took to eating KFC amongst some pot plants in our backyard we had find the remnants. Someone also took to live in goth women's clothes around our washing line. The first time it had been very windy outside, and we thought it might have blown in from our neighbors side. No, my underwear started vanishing from our washing line too. Stuff would get moved around in our house. Things would go missing and then just to reappear in super obvious, High-traffic areas they couldn't have possibly been. In one case place smack dab in the middle of a table that had just been cleaned off entirely before we left home. the scariest was when they seemed to be focused on my medication. I have severe hypertension. I can't miss my meds. My meds would get taken and reappear in bizarre places. They couldn't have gotten to naturally. This went on for four years. We would have changed the locks, but we've been led to believe that this was a breach of our tenancy. This wasn't true, but we didn't find out until much later. Finally we came home one day and found a bloody handprint on our bathroom wall. That was it. I was planning to call the next day and ask if the landlord could change the locks. However the next day without Prompting they rang us and said that they were going to change the locks that week. We hadn't mentioned any of the problems to the nether. Things settled down for nearly a year. Then it started up again. Quietly at first just stuff moving around like before. We started putting things up against access points at night. And it stopped as long as we remembered to do that if we slacked off it would happen again. Six months ago, weird shit started happening outside. one night someone knocked on our door. I went to answer it there was no one there. I thought nothing of it. I sat down with my back to the wall nearest to the front door. *Bang* A loud thump on the wall right behind me and then all along the front wall like someone was hitting it as they ran away, I wasn't quick enough to catch them. A week or two later. I was turning off the TV when I heard a man coughing outside, Couldn't have been more than three feet from me. We're set back from the road, so it couldn't have been someone just passing by outside. Stuff starts getting moved in our house again. My two favourite skirts vanished. They turned out a couple of weeks later neatly folded and hidden under things that hadn't been moved by us in nearly a year. the day before they reappeared I went to use my phone, And it auto filled an address by mine that I'd never even heard of let alone typed. It had turned out to be a computer repair place a thousand kilometres away. the phone had never auto filled an address for mine before. There's been a slow but persistent increase in activity. In May, I was sitting up late at night and I heard what I thought was a man, Singing sad folk music from the Direction of mine, and my husband's bedroom. I kind of recognized the tune but not quite. Then I thought I was miss-hearing my husband snoring. I went to check and the sound stopped. I thought it was just one of those things. The next day we found out that the hot water system was turned off overnight. The switch is outside our house near the head of our bed. Last week my son and I were talking about the fact that there was clearly a pattern to all of this. Something would be hidden in a ridiculous place my phone would get screwed with. Usually I would open it up and find some strange internet page open. Three days ago our son's shoes vanished. He is a 19 year old with autism. He is super regulated and careful with his possessions. They're always placed in the same spots. It's a ritual he never varies from. I opened my phone which went straight to Google Earth. The last thing the app was used for was to calculate a distance in Australia. Now however the app opened to a remote location in Turkey that I had never searched for. I keep a jar of crystallized ginger to deal with nausea. This morning I came out to find a piece of ginger had been taken out of the jar and neatly placed on top. Two cups both used have been placed back in our cupboard. One had a shade of lipstick on it. That is definitely not mine. I have no clue who's doing this. And as I said I'm changing the locks again as soon as we can afford it. Number four: I started living on my own for the first time in my life a year ago in one of the more low-income parts of downtown Charleston. Since it's in the deep south and Charleston is a major up-and-coming area there is a lot of gentrification going on, Places that were historically African-American neighborhoods becoming more upper-class and trendy chic. The homeless population and people of color being pushed farther out to the edges of the city. Typical stuff. As a liberal white 20 year old male, I Didn't really care about living in the neighborhood that was known to be black and unsafe. Quote-unquote. My Mantra was that if my mind was on my own business. And if I was nice to people, they would at least leave me alone and be nice to me in return. For about eight months, I loved it. Made friends with the neighbors Etc. Pretty nice community. The only time I ever felt scared for my life was when I came home drunk, when Tuesday night at around 3 a.m. After drinking with some friends, I bike everywhere downtown so I got To my house and proceeded to sling my bike over my shoulder and walk towards my upstairs apartment. That's when I saw a shadow across the street in my peripheral. There was absolutely no one on the streets at this hour and it was dead quiet. I didn't think much about it and just continued to walk up the stairs and unlock my door. I saw the shadow slowly cross the street to approach me. I heard the shadow say: 'Hey.' Because I was still pretty drunk and just wanted to get in the house at this point and sleep off the intoxication. I just said 'Hey!' back over my shoulder. all of a sudden this white, Bald guy walks up to me in a hospital gown with what I can only assume his blood on it. He smells like piss and feces and stares at me with these wide crazy eyes, pulls out this big-ass knife. pointed at me and says: 'I swear on my knife. I just want head from some black chick.' I froze and said: 'What?' 'I swear on my knife man. I just want head from some black chick.' With my bigger spike over my shoulder and still half way up my stairs. I was in no position to fight back. So all I decided to say was: 'I don't know what the hell you're talking about man, but I don't appreciate you pointing that knife on me.' He looks at me for a minute looks at his knife, laughs and stumbles away. I hightail it to the door fumble with the lock throwing my bike inside and lock the door. I then decide to wait and listen to see if he was still outside. I grabbed my knife and went back outside onto my porch to see where the guy went off to. I didn't want him lurking around my doorstep after all. I looked around and listened for a good 10 to 15 minutes to see if he was still around, but the guy had just disappeared. Like he never existed in the first place. It was dead quiet again, and I decided to go back inside. Can confirm, the crazies exist out there, and they scare the shit out of me. The best things happen in the dark.
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 719,298
Rating: 4.8853683 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, horror movies, scary 2017 movies, deeply disturbing, creepypasta, horror, horror stories, real, true, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, lazy masquerade, scariest video ever, on youtube, top 10, new, best, most, long video, before bed, british accent, relaxing, study music, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on camera, freaky, shocking, Halloween, asmr, mysterious, mysteries, horrific, who, how to, lets not meet, crazy, nightmare, maskarade, mascarade, lazy, lazy scary stories, experiences
Id: w7q1bu-SHPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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