Top 22 Scary TRUE Stories | October 2019 Compilation

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[Music] [Music] the year was 1937 the setting Beijing lend known as peaking 19 year-old Pamela Juana was the adopted daughter of an established British diplomat and it spent the vast majority of her life in the Chinese capital she was fluent in Mandarin knew her way around the city well and had many friends who she socialized with frequently on a cold evening in January Pamela went ice-skating with her friends she was due to leave for London in a few days to further her education and wanted to spend some quality time with the people she cared about the most at around 7 p.m. Pamela said goodbye to her friends this would be the last time that ever see her alive the next morning Pamela's mutilated corpse was discovered by the last surviving section of P Kings Ming Dynasty wall only a short walk from her home her ribs were broken and many of her organs had been cut out her halt kidneys liver and bladder were missing her throat had been slashed open so deeply that her head was almost severed her right arm was barely still connected to her torso the frozen ground around her was stained red the expensive watch on her wrist had stopped a few minutes after midnight it remains unclear what happened to Pamela after she left the ice room that night there's no concrete evidence to tell us where she went and what she may or may not have got up to or who she may or may not have bumped into with all that said two prominent theories do exist Paul French and Graham Shepherd have both published books about the murder mystery of miss Juana but the authors paint two very different pictures in fact the only thing they both seem to agree on is that Pamela's life came to an end with a blow to the head I'll start with French's version of events which he presents in his book midnight in Peking after researching the case extensively French believes it's most likely but after skating with her friends Pamela met up with another group of females to go to a party the party was being hosted by an American dentist in the city Wentworth Prentice Prentiss and his friends were known for not being the nicest of people but her like that not the kind of guy she had bring back home to mother Pamela was a patient of the bad boy dentist and so likely didn't feel intimidated by him or his mates their party eventually moved on to another place a seedy club in a place known as the badlands you can imagine what kind of things went on in that neighborhood French claims that it's here Pamela was separated from her friends there she stood in a room with only a bed in it surrounded by a group of men from the number of things could have happened maybe she resisted maybe she screamed maybe one of the men panicked and hit her over the head with something hard to shut her up he the way that was both the end of the party and the end of Pamela the men then drained her body of all her blood to make her lighter and easier to move they took her to where she was discovered the next morning a place with no streetlights and few passes by their plan was to chop up her body make her unrecognizable dispose of the pieces in predominantly Chinese areas and passed the blame on to a non-existent local psychopath in the dentist and his friends were all hunting buddies and all knew their way around a blade they were likely interrupted when someone came by and left Pamela where she was found Graham Sheppard's hypothesis about what happened that night is much different the writer himself was a former police detective and he claims that French's version of events doesn't make sense from a policing perspective no his version is much more simple and it goes like this Pamela was not the kind of girl who go along with a group of men to the infamous Badlands that would have been completely out of character for her even if the party actually happened in so likely that she never went to it it's more likely that she met up with one of our old Chinese schoolmates a man called Han su Ching this man would be the one to end her life after she broke his heart sometime before he probably dumped her body in the street late that night and then some random passers-by harvested her organs to sell for some superstitious Chinese medicine practices a dark theory indeed both writers have problems with each other's version of events but in all likelihood we'll never know which one if either is correct in 1943 the Japanese army took control of Peking and the investigation into Pamela's demise came to an end after the war all interest in the case faded whatever evidence had been collected was already lost we know as much now as 82 years ago although the circumstances of Pamela's untimely demise remain a mystery and probably will forevermore at least these two books have shone a light on her case and ensure that she won't be forgotten to history you I'm a private investigator in a small town in central Ukraine for the sake of my business and I can't reveal which town exactly heck I probably shouldn't even be sharing this story to begin with yet here we are most of the cases I've worked over the years have been unremarkable to say the least I specialize in infidelity and spent most of my working day spying on cheating husbands and wives then reporting back to my client letting them know whether their partner is innocent or guilty of a double dipping so to speak a few years back though I worked an unusual case one that ended up being much darker than I anticipated it all started when a husband and wife entered my office they hadn't even booked an appointment and they didn't need to just from glancing up at them I instantly knew who they were LaRoche chess by far the richest people in our area they had the biggest house nicest car everybody knew they were hot stuff I asked them to take a seat and tell me how I could help them sir they explained to me it's our daughter Sofia she's a runaway with a new boyfriend and we have no idea where she is they've only known each other for a couple of weeks they left two days ago look she left us a note the father handed me a crumpled up piece of paper it read as follows dear mother and father I've decided to elope with my boyfriend Andre he's won my heart and I wish to start a new life with him across the border I don't know when I'll be back hey if ever don't cry for me for he makes me happier than anyone deserves to be forever yours Sophia Roger and they told me this was completely out of character not to mention the handwriting didn't look like hers at all and the words didn't sound like something she had put it was all too formal they tried calling Sophia but she never answered the family immediately went to the police begging them to help find their daughter the authorities were strangely unhelpful they said there was no reason to be suspicious and that the goal had just left on her own terms the family even offered to pay the cops seeing how rich they were off but even still they refused to look into the case and that's why they came to me I was the only person who'd be willing to help them look for her I asked if there was anything they could give me to help me get started they gave me several pictures of Sophia and her new boyfriend Andre a very handsome young man in his late 20s apparently they had to snap the pictures secretly Andre really hated being on camera sir and that's not all they told me you see the reason we came to you specifically this morning we received an anonymous letter in the mail we have no idea who it came from here I opened the precisely folded letter and read it to the rostra family your daughter Sophia is in grave danger Andre is not who he claims to be the police won't help you it may already be too late go to this man for help it's your best chance signed a friend the man he named in the letter was me the plot thickened I agreed to help the family told them up meet the case my priority they told me to do whatever I had to do money wasn't a factor problem was with zero leads it was hard to know where to start looking turns out a lead came to me an hour after Sofia's parents left my office I received a call from a private number an unknown male voice spoke listen closely Andre will be at this location at a p.m. he won't be alone it could be dangerous if you go be careful I dropped it down the location the stranger told me a restaurant in the nearest city maybe a 45-minute drive oi I then asked him the obvious question Who am I talking to a friend whatever you do don't tell the parents how do I know I can trust you I've already said too much good luck the line when called no doubt it was the same guy who sent the letter to the russiaƭs I thought about calling them but decided to heed the stranger's warning instead I grabbed my camera and hopped in my car outside drove to the restaurant the guy mentioned I made it there around 8:15 I entered and made my way to the bar ordered a soft drink i subtly scanned the room there on the corner table morse andre the supposed boyfriend so much for running and eloping to another country he was sat with a girl it wasn't Sofia what the hell was this guy up to I kept an eye on them biding my time they paid their bill I paid mine they left together I followed behind at a distance they both got into a car outside I got into mine they had no idea I was tailing them as they drove off after about 20 minutes of driving I was startled when I saw them turn off into what looked like an abandoned factory complex not exactly a romantic spot I pretended to continue on down the road straight then quietly pulled off to the side and switched off my headlights I decided to get out of my car and walk into the factory grounds not wanting Andre to know I was there too I sneaked through the gate and into the complex I watched as Andre switched off his engine outside the old factory to my surprise two other men emerged from the abandoned building they were large and skin-headed with a look of cruelty about them that's when I heard muffled female screaming coming from inside Andres vehicle and which only got louder as the two men opened the passenger side door and dragged Andres date out she was kicking and struggling as they dragged her into a black van waiting nearby god damn it human traffickers I couldn't sit there and do nothing but what could I do I was unarmed the only thing I had to hand was my camera I lifted up the device and covertly snapped several images of the men and their license plates the engine of the black van roared and began to make its way towards the gate I was next to Christ if the headlights shine on me and host I turned and sprinted towards my car down the road on the left the sound of the van getting louder as it approached me I made it inside my car the van pulled out of the complex please turn right please turn right dammit it turned left as it came to pass me the driver turned his head and there was no doubt he saw me huddled down in my seat he continued on a little further down the road before I saw the Vans brake lights flare next thing I knew Andres car pulled up right beside me and this was it this was the end Andre looked me straight in the eyes gave me the most sinister smile I've ever seen in my life and raised up his hand with his fingers in the shape of a gun he pretended to shoot me then gave me a wink and drove off behind the black van I drove off in the opposite direction I of course passed on all the information and evidence I collected to the police they paid it absolutely no attention and I immediately knew why they were almost certainly in the pocket of whatever syndicate was behind the trafficking you see from what I know about this sort of thing Andre was likely a recruiter for their organization hired because of his good looks charisma and total lack of conscience his job was probably to travel around to different towns and cities his boss were given money to wine and dine the girls buy them expensive gifts etc he was the stereotype of what women look for in a man at least on the surface so it was easy for him to win their hearts then once his prey was head over heels for him he had lured them to their doom just like a human Venus flytrap he had lead them to wherever their organization had set up their temporary base of operations as soon as they got into the car with him and it was already too late for them they'd be forced into trucks carted off to some secret location and then auctioned off to the highest bidder their friends and family would likely never see them again Andre was just one small cog in the machine unfortunately the capturing and selling of other humans is the most profitable crime there is so even if the police were after Andre he wouldn't change much the world keeps on spinning and for as long as it does and there's gonna be evil living on it I never did find out who the so-called friend was who sent the letter to the rush chess hand called me with the tip-off my guess would be one of the local cops who knew something was going on he knew he couldn't intervene but felt the need to help out with the case anyway he was right though it was already too late for Sofia sadly the corruption just ran too deep in the end I never our Sofia's parents for any money ultimately I decided to tell them that Sofia really did run off with Andre I wanted to save them from heartbreak from knowing that their daughter suffered the worst fate imaginable I still asked myself whether I should have told them or not keeps me up some nights for quite some time now the u.s. and Cuba have had a let's call it a tumultuous relationship back in 2015 however the United States government officially reopened their embassy in Havana and sent some of their finest agents and officials to work there even though there was still a lot of tension between the two nations everything appeared to be hunky-dory over at the Embassy that is until late 2016 when an American CIA operative started hearing a strange buzzing noise in his apartment the buzzing caused an uncomfortable feeling of pressure in his head at first he figured it was cicadas or crickets outside his window but that turned out not to be the case the mysterious insect-like buzzing wouldn't let up and the agent began suffering from dizziness and chronic headaches things got so bad that he sought medical attention the report was sent to Washington since this was just a one-off case nobody paid it much attention no investigation was launched into the matter and business continued as usual in February 2017 though two more agents reported hearing the same strange buzzing this time it caused more serious symptoms they not only suffered from headaches and dizziness but also motor issues and tinnitus whatever this strange sound was it only seemed to be affecting US personnel stationed at the Havana embassy and it was seriously doing a number on their brains the symptoms were the same as in patients with damaged inner ears when confronted by the head of the US Embassy the Cuban government denied any wrongdoing the Americans launched an investigation into both the Cubans and the Russians but didn't find any evidence to link them to the buzzing sound by March even more American personnel came forward with similar symptoms motor issues extreme migraines vertigo and tinnitus some of these personnel didn't even report hearing the buzzing sound at all and they just fallen sick out of the blue they called it Havana syndrome as the months went by more and more Americans stationed in the Cuban capital began to fall prey to it by September of that same year 16 CIA agents alone had been affected along with many other civil servants the doctor was sent to treat them he too fell sick those affected by Havana syndrome soon began developing other symptoms insomnia nausea fainting vision loss frequent nosebleeds most worryingly signs of brain damage they were struggling with severe memory loss and became unable to concentrate on anything these cognitive issues were making it difficult for them to complete even simple tasks and lost it for months after being exposed to the mysterious buzzing sound due to the secrecy of the CIA's investigation we don't know exactly how many staff members were affected by the syndrome but we do know that at least 40 personnel fell sick their brains were examined using advanced imaging techniques the results of these tests were then compared with the control group in July of this year the report was published the 40 staff members affected by Havana syndrome had significantly less brain matter than the control group they also have problems with functional connectivity in their brains they then came to light that Canadian officials in Havana were being affected 214 of them in total both the US and Canadian governments were convinced that some sort of radio or electromagnetic weapon was being used to attack their workers but couldn't pinpoint exactly who was responsible or what sort of device was being used both governments withdrew all their non-essential personnel from Havana the 14 affected Canadians sued their government for 28 million dollars for failing to address the Havana Syndrome problem their lawsuit is still ongoing as of right now we still don't know who or what was responsible for the buzzing some people think that the syndrome was the result of some environmental issue and that it really was just the constant sound of crickets or cicadas that affected the workers brains and that doesn't explain why only US and Canadian government officials were affected though the whole thing's very suspicious and theories range from Cuban Russian or Chinese sabotage to the whole thing simply being an unidentified virus that spread around the embassies since it's such a recent phenomenon we might actually uncover the truth on this one if the American and Canadian governments don't keep the whole thing secret that is it seems they're doing their utmost to keep their investigations under wraps understandable I suppose for anyone wondering what this mysterious buzzing sounded like I'm about to play a short recording taken by one of the US agents don't worry the clip isn't long enough to fry your brain probably if you don't want to hear it pause the video now and use the timestamp in the description to skip to the next entry for the curious amongst you though here it is I'm not sure how well-known this one is but it's one that's always tickled my fancy the bath game sometimes known as daruma-san is a game that dates back a long way the game itself carries with it huge risk but also the potential for huge reward according to legend by conducting a simple ritual you can summon an entity known as daruma-san who will play a game of cat-and-mouse with you the reward for winning is that you'll be blessed with amazing fortune this one's not for the light hearted amongst you though there's a lot of bad things can happen to you if you decide to play the game including death here are the rules to play you'll need a bathroom with a bathtub only one person can play this game at a time but don't worry you won't really be playing alone step 1 wait until nighttime just before bed step 2 fill up your bath with water and turn off all the lights step 3 take off your clothes and get into the bath make sure your body is facing the faucet step 4 close your eyes and begin to wash your hair step 5 as you wash your hair repeat the phrase daruma-san fell down daruma-san fell down make sure to keep repeating this the whole time you wash under no circumstances should you open your eyes step 6 if everything's gone according to plan your head will be filled with the mental image of a woman standing in the bathtub in this mental image she'll slip and fall face-first onto the tap couching out her right eye she'll die in the process step seven if after this mental image you feel a presence in the water behind you do not turn around or open your eyes instead ask aloud why did you fall step 8 there'll be no answer to your question just let it linger in the air for a moment then with your eyes still firmly shut step out of the bath and dry yourself off and this can be dangerous so be careful not to slip as you get out step 9 you can now open your eyes head to your bedroom it's time for bed do not turn on the bathroom lights do not drain the bath water until morning do not re-enter the bathroom after you leave and make sure to close the door behind you step 10 go to sleep the ritual is now complete as soon as you wake up in the morning the game will begin the ghostly figure of daruma-san will follow you all day you can tell who she is by her stained white clothes her long black hair and the fact that she's missing her right eye her left one is open and bloodshot throughout the day you'll occasionally feel her presence creeping up behind you when you do quickly look over your right shoulder when you turn to look you probably won't see her as the day goes on there she'll get closer and closer do not let her touch you if you sense that she's getting too close shout domine meaning stop shout this while swinging your arm in a chopping motion then run you've just told her and bought yourself some time but as much distance between you and her as possible use this Dom array command sparingly though it'll become less effective with every use so only say when you really feel the need to the game will only end when you manage to catch a glimpse of the luma of your right shoulder when you finally do see her immediately shout Gaeta meaning I cut you loose say this while swinging your arm like before if you manage to do that before midnight congratulations you've won the Baths game and good fortune should be yours for a time at least should you fail to spot her by midnight and cut her loose though then I'm afraid you've lost the Baths camera Dodoma will never stop following you you can run as much as you like but you'll always be close behind and eventually you'll need to sleep giving her the opportunity to catch you either in person or in your dreams when she catches you well that's the end don't try to play this game more than once on the second playthrough she'll start at the same distance you caught sight of her last time and you won't have enough time in the morning to get away this was back in the 80s and I lived in Australia and was driving from Brisbane to Sydney I had a Jimi Hendrix bobblehead on the dashboard of my truck we had recently had a Secret Santa at the new company I was working at and a co-worker bought it for me as a gift why she'd pick that out for me was anyone's guess I guess I was a newbie and she didn't really know me that well so maybe she thought it might be a funny present rather than a I wasn't naturally a Hendrix fan that was more into disco music myself but obviously I didn't tell her that she was cute though and told me off chance that she might one day get inside my vehicle I decided to put the bobble head on my dashboard on that drive to Sydney I noticed the hitchhiker on the side of the road well and this was the 80s when this sort of thing was more acceptable and viewed as less of a big deal so I decided to help the guy out and give him a ride here at normal enough the guy hops in and thanks me says that he's heading in the same direction as we made our way towards Sydney the guy points out to the Hendrix bobblehead on my - hey man you're a fan of Jimi Hendrix huh he's the greatest guitarists of all time am i right the route starts getting seriously passionate about Jimmy Hendrix and starts going off about him so much that I can't get a word in edgeways he seemed like such a big fan of Jimmy Hendrix and that when he asked me so you're really into his music too huh I just replied with yeah I'm a big fan didn't want to ruin the guy's buzz you know wow that's awesome man which songs oh you know more of them man couldn't pick one in particular in all honesty I couldn't actually think of a single song title the hitch-hiker gives me a big smile right on he says he spent the rest of the journey smiling and looking out of the window as if he was contemplating something we start to get close to Sydney that's when he says that we're near where he needs to be dropped off he points me down some side road that took us off the beaten track I pull up where he tells me the place looks deserted no buildings around and they're people real Nowheresville why did he want to be dropped off here of all places he hopped out of my vehicle thanks for the ride man he says to me yeah don't mention it it was good to have some company hey I'm gonna be honest with you he said he dipped his hand into his waistband and pulled out a pistol I was gonna end you man right here right now just take your money and run you know but I can't do that to a Hendrix family not to a Hendrix fan I had no idea if this was some kind of sick joke or what but his weapon looked real enough to me I knew I had to say something but all like a muster was oh thanks for not going through with it I guess with that he strolled off to who-knows-where didn't went around to see just floored it out of there not too long after that the guy's face showed up in a newspaper I was reading he was facing charges for slain a middle-aged man that had picked him up while he was hitchhiking could have easily been me had my coworker not picked me a Secret Santa and not bought me that stupid bobblehead this isn't my story but my friends his name is Marita and though he's not the purest of people I don't think he deserved what happened to him still I won't sugarcoat things and I'll let you guys judge for yourselves this all happened five years ago Marita and I both lived in Osaka Kansai we met at university know at the time of this story Morita had already been working at an accounting firm for the past two years he'd done well for himself I was stuck making okonomiyaki for tourists no lawful job per se but I always thought I'd be working for a big firm like him I am beat him a little anyway Morita had to go away for a week to audit some company in Hashima a good six hour drive away from Osaka as such his company paid for him to stay in a hotel there for a week when he came back we met up for dinner hey man he told me I have a crazy story to share with you oh yeah I said Jing him to spill the beans yeah I met a goal down in her Russia more on my first night have myself a little holiday romance if you know what I mean you me her name was he proceeded to show me pictures of this ume woman on his phone she's an accountant too with the company I was auditing dude I replied you already have a girlfriend I know it's a pretty bad thing to do but it's okay my girlfriend will never find out he could tell from my reaction that I was both surprised and disappointed in his behavior man relax this was only a one-week fling I made sure you me knew this was nothing serious and I wouldn't do anything like this again believe me in the end I promise to keep his secret a few weeks passed and I'd arranged to meet up with more ether again for dinner in town I arrived a little early when Marita finally arrived I was shocked by his appearance he looked pale and disheveled I knew instantly that something was the matter hey everything okay but I asked him you'll never believe what's happened he said looking like he was about to be sick he was right after he told me I genuinely couldn't believe my ears it turns out that that very day a new employee had started working at his company it was the same girl he'd had a fling with in Hashima the yume woman she had moved all the way to Osaka transferred her job to his company and completely uprooted her whole life just so she could be with him she'd become obsessed totally obsessed yume what on earth are you doing here he asked her I came to be with you silly I know you said you weren't looking for anything serious but I know in your heart you didn't mean that when you stopped replying to my messages I knew I had to prove to you how serious I was about this relationship relationship Marita gasped Yumi I only saw you for a week we only had a holiday romance no big deal you know he did his best to try and convince her that he didn't have any true feelings for her but she didn't seem to get the message Yumi would follow Morita around the office constantly talking to him and trying to get close to her when it was time to go home Morita would quickly run out of the office and out of her view he knew he couldn't let her find out where he lived if she'd followed him all the way to where he worked she'd most certainly turn up at his apartment she was after all a total andele who knows what she might do after days of trying to get her to leave him alone he finally confessed her you me I'm sorry but I already have a girlfriend oh I see her ice became extremely wide and flared with a sort of fari intensity the rest of her face remain neutral I understand with that she turned her back to him and scurried away into her cubicle then speak to him for the rest of the day well his actions up until now had been stone cold but I guess there wasn't really any other way to deal with the situation at least he'd come clean maybe this crazy girl would finally go back home now and that was for the best with four more eita and for her when Marita arrived at work the next morning Yumi was nowhere to be seen excellent she'd gotten the message monitor approached his desk and noticed something unusual there was a chocolate cake next to his computer beside ed was a post-it note keep up the good work Marita signed mr. Tashiro ishiguro was the head of the department Wow Morita felt pretty good about himself he'd obviously impressed his boss and was seen as a major asset to the company strange though he thought there was a single slice missing from the cake had his boss forgotten to eat breakfast and taken a slice of the cake who knew whatever the case he was ecstatic after lunch Morita planned on eating a slice of the cake with the tempura here dad had filled them up more than he expected he decided to save the cake for after dinner instead before leaving work that day he happened to bump into his boss with a bow he thanked mr. sugar dough for the cake cake what on earth are you talking about Morita I've never bought cake for an employee in my life if I was gonna start now I certainly wouldn't give you the first one what if the cake wasn't from Ishiguro yeah he already guessed it right Morita guessed it to you me had come into the office earlier than anyone else that morning and planted the cake on Morita's desk she had left the fortune though from his boss she had cut out a piece of the cake for herself to enjoy her own here's the crazy part the icing in the cake had been poisoned what hit her figured that she probably tampered with the cake in some way so he disposed of it quickly after he figured it out but he didn't suspect that she'd have done something so extreme he only found out what she had actually done with the cake and after she didn't turn up to work for several days people were sent to her apartment to check on her they found Yumi lifeless on her sofa she had eaten her piece of the cake and the icing had done its job she had left I love Nova Morita it was several pages long it closed with the lines so if I can't have you in this life I'll have you in the next see you there soon I love Forever Yours Yumi if he had still been hungry after lunch that day he really would have been us forever our actions have consequences sometimes bigger consequences than we can foresee obviously the story got relate to Marita's girlfriend and she dumped him then and there I hope you'll think twice before doing something so rotten and selfish again for the past 15 years I've been delivering groceries in Nebraska a lot of our customers have been using us for a long time though this story has to do with one household in particular for the sake of privacy we'll call them the Wilson family for almost the entire time I've worked this job but Wilson family have been using our delivery service once or sometimes twice a week I'll drop by their place to deliver their groceries the mummer of the house is called Marie her husband was called Tex I ain't sure if that was his real name or not but that's what he went by and the guy was a real modern-day cowboy wore the whole getup and always addressed me as cowboy mornin cowboy he'd say as he saw me coming up his driveway catch you later cowboy he'd say as I bid him farewell he always said this while bringing two of his fingers to his head like a real cowboy would if he was lifting his hat or something I always return the gesture we bonded over the years and would sometimes get lost in conversation with each other real nice guy Tex was didn't have the healthiest of diets though I could tell by a shopping cart seemed like the guy was living off bacon sausage and steak sadly the old man's tire caught up with him in the end and Tex kicked the bucket five years after I started delivering to him I shed a few tears for the guy the evening I heard the news and had a drink to his memory Marie kept on ordering from us after that for nine or so years I kept dropping by her place as usual this time with a smaller Hall of groceries then when Tex was still with us a lot can change over nine years let me tell you I got to watch as their two young sons grew up into teenagers and as their house changed with the times as Marie sold text says beloved motor car and as our life went on and she got married to another guy called Phil their whole increased after that as did the number of deliveries I had to make to their house every week recently though something strange happened when I made one of those deliveries I came by their house as usual only to see Texas old car outside them looking just how it had years before same paint job and everything Marie must have tracked down the buyer and bought the car back of him maybe she was feeling sentimental and wanted to hold on to that piece of text after spending so many years without him who knows I knocked on the door and Marie answered strange I thought her face seemed distinctly less wrinkled than I remembered mrs. Wilson I said you're positively glowing she blushed a little and thanked me then invited me inside to drop the groceries in the kitchen and got old Texas car back I see and I said to her she let out a little laugh did he tell you he sold it then that ugly thing will be with us until he kicks the bucket I was a tad confused by her reply but brushed it off and put it down to the old woman's brain going a little Gaga with years something else seemed a little weird though the decor of the house it was like it had been years ago old photos were strung up on the wall of the kids when they were much younger all of the furniture was like the stuff they used to have in the past my mind started darting around had she dumped Phil and gone a little duel alley or something was she trying to relive the old days when she was with Tex i dint ask didn't want to cause any drama I walked into the kitchen to put down the groceries sitting at the table eating their breakfast one Maurice two sons but that's the thing and they weren't Dean Aegis they were just kids again like how they looked in all the old photos on the wall impossible I thought they must just be her nephews or something she was just babysitting some relatives kids you know they looked so identical they could have been clones of her children from the past I put down the groceries and immediately made my way to the front door not stopping to chat with Murray something felt off about the house I didn't like it I needed some air leaving so quickly she said as I speed walk to the front door yes I managed to spurt out sorry I'm in a rush today have a good one mrs. Wilson I reached the front door which was still open but something made me stop I can't describe the feeling but I knew I had to turn and look over my right shoulder past ed into the living room behind me I trusted my instinct and turned my head sat there in an old familiar armchair was an old familiar man catch you next time cowboy he said to me erasing two fingers to his head a strange feeling came over me not fear warmth I'd recognize that face anyway I gave Texas Mile and raised my two fingers out of respect I then walked out the front door and closed it behind me I looked out onto their driveway Texas old car was nowhere to be seen nothing seemed out of place or old-fashioned everything was as it should be back to normal back like it was in my time I continued on with the rest of my deliveries for the day I've made many deliveries to Murray since then and nothing else weird has ever happened to me at that house I decided not to tell her about the incident fearing that she'd think I was making fun of her or insulting Texas memory in some way I've told my wife and friends about it they all called me crazy so I'm sharing my story here does anyone have any ideas about what this could have been I've been racking my head for months now and still can't think of a rational explanation did I experience a time warp a brain spasm some sort of glitch in the matrix I have no idea but I was completely lucid didn't have anything weird in my system and saw and heard everything plain as day I don't know what to make of all of this but I will say tax it was good to see you again cowboy it was summer in small-town New Mexico you know it was about 15 years old at the time and since school was out I was doing a few odd jobs around town to earn some money mowing lawns walking dogs anything that could make me a few bucks you know there was this one guy who lived in my town an older gentleman in his early 70s mr. Lesnar he used to be a teacher at my school but I hadn't seen him for at least a year he was bald with a big white beard put a red suit on the guy and he could have passed as a mall Santa I always remembered him as being a nice friendly guy so when I bumped into him in town I asked if there was anything he needed help with he said there was he needed help reorganizing a few parts of his house said that he'd pay me 50 bucks if I helped him when you're 15 years old having 50 dollars in your pocket feels like being a millionaire I took him up on it the next day rolled around and I went over to mr. Lesnar's house and knocked on the door he answered with a smile on his face and invited me inside first thing that struck me was the stench his house had that old person smell about it I didn't know much about the guy to be honest I mean yeah he used to teach at my school but all I really remembered about him was how he always wore socks with sandals and how he always spent every school vacation down in Mexico and I started off by cleaning up in the kitchen once I'd finished mr. Lesnar told me that he wanted help boxing up some things in the basement said he had too much junk down there and that he wanted to reorganize and get rid of a load of it told me to start boxing things up and to come and tell him we're not finished there must have been a set of 12 stairs that led down into this strangely large stale smelling basement mr. Lesnar flicked the light switch hello dusty light bulb illuminated the basement I grabbed a few folded up cardboard boxes and made my way down so there I was just boxing all sorts of things up in this grungy basement must have spent about 45 minutes down there by myself while I was working I happened to lean against the particular spot on the wall when I leant on it and I came across something odd a loose panel in the basement or not a broken part of the wall mind you I mean this panel was intentionally loose well curiosity got the better of me and I started fumbling with it he came right off behind the panel was a small compartment hidden inside that compartment was a box he felt like finding a hidden treasure chest I checked to see if mr. Lesnar was standing behind me at the top of the stairs my coast was clear I knew I probably shouldn't vant I pulled out the box I lifted off the top curious to see what the old man was hiding inside at first it didn't look like there was much in it a journal a few knickknacks and a small pile of photographs maybe ten or twelve in total I had took out the photos my heart immediately sank after looking at the top one at first I could hardly believe the image it showed mr. Lesnar with a pistol in his hand kneeling down next to a dead woman lying in the dirt her lifeless eyes were staring into the camera lens she was clearly Mexican and had obviously been shot the second photo was almost identical only this time it was a male who stayed lifelessly at the camera no no this can't be real I thought I flicked through all the pictures every damn one each one telling the same story they all showed lesnar knelt down next to some bloody human game sprawled out on the ground in front of him all of the victims varied wildly and aged I was writing on the backs of all the voters and it was all in Spanish and I couldn't make it out still I knew instantly what this was a box full of sick mementos from Lesnar's trips to Mexico hidden away from the world in a small war compartment in some photos Lesnar looked younger in others he appeared to be in his mid-60s in all of them he was kneeling down next to his victims with the same disturbing grin on his face posing like a hunter with his trophies I was overcome by this weird mixture of shock disgust anger and most of all fear fear that I was in the basement of the monster in these photos without thinking I shoved the images back inside the box and slid the container back into the wall I desperately fumbled with the wall panel trying to put it back in the exact same way it was not wanting the old man to realize that I discovered his horrible secret I just about got the damn thing back in place when I heard a creaking at the top of the basement stairs behind me I turned to see old man Lesnar standing by the basement door looking down at me I have never felt more like a rat in a cage looks like you're doing a good job he said my heart skipped a beat I just mumbled something and tried to act like nothing was wrong oh don't mind me I'm just going upstairs for a nap you keep on going down there with that he slowly turned and walked off through the hallway there was maybe 20 seconds of silence before I heard his footsteps making their way up the stairs to his bedroom my mind was racing had he seen me fiddling with the panel did he know that I'd found his photos Oh God was I in danger I was only a scrawny kid I decided not to stay down there wondering I waited for a few moments before bolting up the basement staircase I dashed towards the front door grabbed the handle and twisted no good the damn thing had been locked from the inside I figured the old man had just locked it before he went upstairs I scanned the door to see if there was a way to quickly open it no time I could hear movements above me the old man was walking back out of his bedroom and towards the stairs I sprinted through the hallway and into the kitchen I knew from the cleaning earlier there was a back door there I grabbed the handle and prayed with a twist yepp flung open it felt like winning the lottery I flew out of that house ran around the property and back onto the Main Street I looked back only once when I did I saw the old man's face in one of the downstairs windows he looked to be holding something I was too far away to make out what it was exactly but I bet you can guess what I thought it was from there I kept on running until I got home thankful that the old man lived in a cul-de-sac and not in the middle of nowhere if he did I'm certain he'd have taken a shot at me it goes without saying that I told my parents what I'd found we notified the authorities about it and I told them about the secret panel and the sick mementos in the box when they check the place out they did indeed find the secret compartment predictably it was totally empty there was no box hidden inside no evidence of any wrongdoing whatsoever they figured I was just messing with the old guy or something and decided not to look into him any further I don't know what lesson ended with the pictures whether he destroyed them or hid them elsewhere but he got away with it all regardless old man Lesnar lived another eight years after that in that time I graduated high school went off to college and moved out of town my parents always lived in that same place however for all the time I lived there after that incident and whenever I go back to visit my parents I'd always be looking over my shoulder I knew that mr. Lesnar wanted to take his secret to the grave and I always worried that he'd try and silence me to do so it's hard to believe there are people like this who to the outside world are leading seemingly ordinary lives I'm glad I didn't become his last trophy lƩni Derickson was your typical 39 year old family man living in Oklahoma one Saturday morning in 1998 he was eating breakfast with his son suddenly an unknown man pulled up outside their farm in a white pickup truck then he went out to greet the man his son Jared remained inside and watched as his father chatted with the stranger according to Jared the unknown man was about 40 years old stood over six feet tall was white with a full red beard and was wearing a t-shirt with the slogan no fear printed on it he couldn't hear what the two of them were talking about but their conversation appeared to be friendly and it didn't set off any alarm bells when Lenny came back into the house he told his son that the man wanted to buy one of his family's stud horses that he'd advertised in the paper then he told his son that he was going to go and show the man the horse in which he kept on a separate property and that Jared should stay behind and feed the cows said that he'd be back in the afternoon well afternoon rolled around and then he still hadn't returned home he never would Lenny was reported missing the next day investigators found that Lenny had left an uncashed paychecks they also learned that Lenny had never placed an ad for his horse in the paper after all he had lied to his son man but why they searched the property where Lenny kept his thought horses he had never arrived there on the day he went missing there was no evidence of foul play nobody nothing else to go on so what happened to Lenny well there are two possibilities either the mysterious stranger was responsible for his disappearance in some way or he ran off on his own accord his family are adamant that Lenny would have never abandoned them Lenny was extremely close with his son Jared and they spent almost all of their time together there's no way that he just upped and left him behind with that being said Lenny was struggling financially at the time he vanished it's possible he decided to start a new life somewhere else and if he did what did the mysterious stranger have to do with it all there have been two reported sightings of Lenny since he disappeared at 9:00 a.m. on the morning he went missing a waitress at a local coffee shop saw lenny talking with an unknown man according to her then he sat there drinking coffee while he just listened to the man talk all efforts to track down this unknown man have failed the second supposed sighting happened six months later in a bar in Amarillo Texas an anonymous caller phoned the cops and told them that Lennie was at the bar with him by the time the authorities arrived to investigate both Lennie and the unknown caller were gone so did Lennie run away to start a new life elsewhere had he been living a double life the entire time did he get involved with some sort of criminal network as a way to dig himself out of his financial debt did he disappear to protect his family does he want to be found or not did something more sinister happened to him after all all questions that remain unanswered the speed painting visuals used in this episode were created by Victoria skeller linkster her YouTube channel and Instagram can be found in the description I'm from Asheville North Carolina born and raised and I have my own story to share here one that's equal parts bizarre and disturbing around four years ago I was walking through one of the local parks early in the morning well before anyone else was up and awake I just broken up with my longtime girlfriend and was having difficulty sleeping as I strolled through the empty Park I heard something that caught my attention a soft whimpering sheltered under a tree on my left was a dog a black Labrador to be precise and the poor thing must have gotten lost I thought I leant down to pet the little guy in his tail immediately started wagging like crazy he licked my hand and made it clear that unlike me he was in need of a friend no collar nor anything else to suggest he had an owner what was he doing out here all by himself had somebody kicked him out was he a stray I stood up and walked a few steps to look around for his owner but the dog wouldn't leave me alone he was like my shadow wherever I walked he followed together we walked the length and breadth of that bark occasionally I called out hello hello I have your dog here and but there was nobody around at all no one was looking for the poor fella I looked down at him and stared into his big brown eyes a pair that said please take me with you it seemed like the universe had during the two of us together this dog was the answer to my newfound loneliness and I was the answer days I took him home with me for a long time I did my best to track down his owner I reported the dog is missing and put up flyers around town but nobody ever got in contact with me it looked like I'd found myself a new canine housemaid I named him Scooby creative I know every morning I'd take Scooby for a long walk the first week I had him we walked the exact same route around town thing is every time we came to pass this on one particular house Scooby would stop and start crying her try and pull him away try to get him to keep going but he'd just stare at the house and whine like crazy each time we came to pass the house it had take me a good 10 minutes to get him to continue on with me tugging on his leash the entire time after the sixth or seventh time we passed the house it became clear to me that he was gonna do this every time so in the end I just decided to switch up our walking route I had no idea what got into him or why that house seemed to bother him so much it wasn't like he was crying to go inside he never tugged on his leash to get closer it was more like he was afraid of something in there but couldn't bring himself to leave like a human who can't look away from a deadly accident he had some sort of strange doggy fascination with the place anyway for the next six months I owned Scooby I had took him on several different walking routes making sure that we never passed that damn house that freaked him out so much one day though I had an early-morning errand to run which took me past that house I decided to take Scooby along with me get his daily walk out of the way completely forgetting about how he acted six months earlier well Scooby hadn't forgotten about the house not by a long shot as we came to pass it he once again froze in place and refused to move he whimpered loudly refusing to take his eyes off the place come on Scoob there's a good boy I said to him trying to calm him down and coax him along a bit you didn't work he seemed more unsettled by that house than he ever had been before hey what's gotten into you boy I asked him rhetorically he must have stayed like that for a good 15 minutes this time I'm just staring and crying refusing to budge then without warning he bolted towards the house pulling his leash right out of my hands Scooby I shouted get back here here was no use whatever fear had consumed him before he had conquered it he rushed to that house ran around the corner and into the back yard goddamnit Scooby I thought the owners must have a cat or something and that's why you always acts crazy around it now chase Scooby into the houses backyard completely embarrassed praying that I could get him out of there before the owners woke up and started cussing me out I got back there and found Scooby frantically digging a hole in the grass had never seen him acting like this before he never dug holes in my backyard and I tried to pull him away but he just shook me off and kept digging his little paws throwing up earth left right and center I was furious with him but you see Scooby knew something I didn't knew a secret that nobody else knew he knew what was buried in that yard his former owner Scooby's digging unearthed the largely decomposed corpse of a 32 year old man shallowly buried in the garden of your average suburban house in North Carolina the man had been down there for as long as I'd had Scooby the authorities were alerted and an investigation began turns out the house was a rental the dead man had been living there with his girlfriend and their dog all their neighbors and their friends in the area knew them as Jim and Charlotte these turned out to be fake identities everything people thought they knew about their lives and their pasts were a lie the inside of their house remained untouched nothing appeared to have been taken as of right now the police still haven't been able to track down the so-called Charlotte she remains the prime suspect for his killing though nobody's really sure she was behind it all and when on the run or if she herself was a victim too buried somewhere else by somebody else if she was responsible and she left in a damn hurry it's pretty much all her personal possessions were still inside the house her wallet her fake ID her everything but her cell phone and whatever the case no one has ever come forward to reveal either Jim or Charlotte surreal identities no friends and no family no one here such Jim was reburied here in Nashville and given an unnamed headstone the strangest part in my eyes is that the houses rent was still being paid when the body was found despite the fact it had been empty for six months the landlord had always been paid in cash which arrived in an envelope through the mail it was always addressed from Jim even after his demise so the question is who was still paying the rent Charlotte the girlfriend someone else who didn't want the new tenants to be digging around in the garden and that all remains unclear I'm sure there are details the cops haven't revealed to the public but still it's a little weird Scooby is still around to this day he's still Christ whenever we go past the house but he doesn't stop and stare anymore in his own way I like to think he found a little closure I had to know how his last owner treated him or what he was like but Scooby didn't want to leave him down there in the ground he's a good boy I'll update you all if they ever find the woman [Music] at the time of this story I was a 23 year old woman living in Charleston South Carolina I know the way I phrased that makes it sound like I'm not a woman anymore I am bird anyway this is my story I worked as a paralegal at one of the small law firms in town and five days a week during my lunch hour I'd head off to the same Starbucks near my workplace to grab a coffee my job was actually pretty repetitive and so was my lunchtime routine most people sorry suppose that's why I'd always see the same faces in the coffee shop day in and day out it was like a little microcosm the same baristas were always there to know was this one guy who worked there every weekday according to his tag his name was Randall he was about 6 foot tall average built had very short ginger hair a crew-cut I guess you'd call it no Prince Charming but not entirely unattractive either just the guy who kind of blended in you know how at Starbucks they asked for your name to write on the cups well the first few times Randall took my order he asked me for mine Stephanie I'd say he saw me so frequently but I guess he just committed my name to memory after that every day I'd approached the counter and every day Randall would take my order no name required he had just jot it down on the cup without asking after a couple of weeks of this however Randall started flirting with me I suppose not verbally but through his writing on the cup he started drawing little hearts over the eye in my name and sometimes even drew some after my name as well bear in mind I'd never actually spoken to this guy well other than giving him my order no friendly chitchat or anything I mean I was flattered and all but I wasn't interested the strange part is every time I went in there he had never tried to talk to me more than just taking my order and never addressed the fact that he was adding these flirty touches to his writing in fact he never showed any kind of emotion on his face whatsoever no smiles no eyebrow movement kind of a robotic guy you'd have thought this was his build-up to asking me out or something but nope he just acted professional at the counter and never said anything apart from what would you like and that'll be X dollars 50 despite that he kept on adding the little hearts every time he wrote my name down and over time he even started adding little kisses after my name he made things a little uncomfortable for me but maybe he was just a little odd in the head and did this to regular customers too I just accepted it and ignored it and that is until the day he added his phone number to the cup along with a little winky face drawn next to it with a speech bubble saying call me I immediately went back to Randall at the counter and quietly and politely turned him down letting him know that I was flattered but that now wasn't really a good time for me just a little white lie like always his face remained neutral no emotional response at all he simply said okay and averted his eyes it was very awkward I usually take my coffee to go but that particular day I really speed walked out of there from then on I considered going somewhere else for my coffee but to be honest I really liked what I got from Starbucks and the only other one nearby was an extra 10-minute walk away I figured we were both adults and the situation didn't need to be awkward so I kept going back there Randall remains stony-faced as always luckily the love hearts on the coffee cup stopped after that and things went back to being normal time passed and one weekend I agreed to go on a lunch date with another guy I met we both had super busy schedules but work near each other and had the same time slots for lunch so it made sense for us to have a mini one-hour coffee and conversation we agreed that the Starbucks would be a nice casual spot I forgot to consider the whole Randall situation entirely I got there and the Gaea meetings already found a table I go over and give him a hug he asked me what I'd like to drink and like a gentleman goes up to the counter to order I said waiting at the table when he comes back with the coffee's my date says to me damn the guy who took my order has a real attitude problem I turned to see who he's talking about standing by the register glaring at the both of us was Randall he had a look of intense anger on his face like a person who's just been betrayed this was the only time I'd ever seen any kind of emotion from the guy at all yeah he didn't even ask me what I wanted just stared at me angrily and snatched the money right out of my hand some people huh annoyingly we couldn't take our coffees to go as they came in mugs and not take how cups and we just sat there trying to have a normal date all the while Randall continued to glared us from the counter only looking away briefly when someone came up to order after the most Awkward date of my life thanks to Randall the two of us got up said that we're be in contact and went back to our respective workplaces I'd like to say that Randall was just an awkward and harmless guy I'd like to say that this is where the story ends but on both counts I'd be lying in that same night I was sat alone in my apartment watching TV thinking about work my awkward date the bills I had to pay and life in general all of a sudden there's a frantic knocking on my front door I got up and peered through the people on the other side what's her handle if he in there with you what the hell what was he doing here better question how did he know where I lived I know you're in there I know he's there too well answer me I was terrified and confused Randall what on earth are you talking about go away the door handle rattles as he tested it from the other side luckily I had locked the thing when I got home then Sam he threw the full weight of his body against my door the damn psycho was trying to break in another slam and then another my door bounced with every thud against it from there autopilot to go for me I grabbed a knife from my kitchen area and ran into the bathroom at the other end of my apartment I locked myself in there and called the cops from all the noise he was making I'm sure a few of my neighbors did too none of them came out to stop him though and I can't say I blame them Randall was slamming on my front door for a good ten minutes before it gave way luckily it was quite sturdy and he was no superstar athlete I could hear him in my apartment though and I tried to muffle my fear as I hid in my locked bathroom thankfully the police arrived shortly after he broke in I could hear them telling him to freeze but when my heart really sank I mean it really hit the floor was when I heard one of the officers shout something I didn't expect to hear drop the weapon as it turns out Randall had come with a gun in his hand before coming to my place he'd broken into another house in a different part of Charleston namely the house of my date from earlier he'd smashed a window crawled inside and trashed the place didn't take anything but he didn't go there to steal luckily my date wasn't home that night he was out with his buddies Randall then came to my place thinking that was where my date was he figured we were an item turns out Randall had been stalking me for months always keeping his distance watching from the shadows he'd become obsessed because I live such a routine existence and I was so predictable it was easy for him to track me he followed me on his time off and by his own admission would stand outside my apartment complex at night looking up at my window thinking about coming up to surprise me before that night he decided that would be too creepy at least he had some sense I guess Randall got time five years for his threatening behavior not long enough in my book but at least I won't be seeing him at Starbucks anymore I also got a restraining order for when he gets out and switched firms and apartments to keep him from finding me still what if my date had been home that night what if the police didn't arrive as quickly as they did I'm not sure I want to know the answers to those questions he never actually hurt anyone and the prosecutors couldn't prove that he had evil intent so I can kind of understand why the judge gave him such a short sentence but I know in my heart that he came to kill now all I want is to never see Randall again it was the 18th of June 1982 the setting was the Imperial gas station in Harrisonburg on the graveyard shift that night was twenty year old Kelly Berg Dov a loving mother daughter wife and friend by all accounts Kelly was very family-oriented and since her family was a little strapped for cash she took the job at the gas station to help pay the bills her three sisters also worked at the same gas station and on that fateful night she agreed to trade shifts with one of them little did she realize in doing so she had just sealed her own fate at around 11 p.m. Kelly's mother called her daughter to check everything was going okay at that point everything was peachy that would all change in the next few hours the whole incident played out in two minutes segments at 2:27 a.m. Kelly made a call to the Harrisonburg Police Department she said that she was being harassed by a customer a man who she described as improperly dressed what she meant by that remains unclear two minutes past and at 229 Kelly made another call to the police this time asking for an officer to come to the gas station she said that the man was now somewhere outside the station and that he was calling her and making obscene remarks at 2:31 Kelly made her third and final call to the cops this time pleading that they send somebody she said that the man was now outside the gas station lurking in a silver or gray vehicle finally at 233 the authorities arrived despite arriving a mere two minutes after Kelly's third and final call and they were still too late Kelly was gone there was no sign of a struggle and nothing had been taken Kelly's purse and a magazine that she was reading was still on the counter it was like she had disappeared into thin air unfortunately the police did a terrible job at securing the crime scene they failed to dust for fingerprints or even search for any possible evidence the store wasn't even closed to the public theories about what happened to Kelly abound one thing to note his the Harrisonburg is located along the i-80 one a route infamous for human trafficking due to it being a more rural alternative to the heavily monitored I 95 as such this could have been a crime of opportunity some lowlife may have spotted the vulnerable Kelly all by herself and decided to strike Kelly has since been declared dead by her family despite nobody being found and our case remaining unsolved nobody knows exactly what happened to her that night nor do they know the location of her final resting place the only thing that is certain is that the police really messed up on this one and as a result her abductor will likely never be known or brought to justice this is an allegedly true story that happened to my friend in Japan he told me the story a long time ago and the exact location escapes my mind but he relayed this story to me with so much conviction that I can't help but believe he was telling me the truth what I do know is this incident definitely resulted in two deaths and he himself had to be questioned by police over and over it all happened when my friend and six of his co-workers at his part-time job were driving in the Tohoku region but what's the most region of Japan's main island want you they were driving out to see a suspension bridge the seven of them was split up into two cars my friend was the driver of the second car and had four passengers with him in the first car which was driving ahead of them when the manager and a couple although they set off in the morning due to the many stops they had to make along the way the Sun was already setting by the time they made it to the bridge the suspension bridge ran across a very deep valley in the middle of a mountain as they approached it the sky began to drizzle and fog began swirling around them there was an open space just in front of the bridge if the weather had been good they would have just parked their cars there and crossed the bridge by foot then they would have come back the other side of the bridge was a dead end and the structure had simply been left there for sightseeing purposes the moment the first car reached the open space however it came to an abrupt stop seeing this my friend hit the brakes and the second car came to a screeching halt about ten meters behind the first what are they doing my friend asked his co-workers in the second car and they had no clue as to why the manager had stopped for some time those in the second car just sat there looking on a few minutes passed and the first car made no attempt to move so my friend reach for his door handle he was going to hop out and see what was going on right at the same time the couple who were in the back seat of the first car suddenly jumped out in unison something wasn't right about their expressions alarmed my friend too got out of his car and tried to walk over to them and asked what had happened but the couple with their hands joined started sprinting and in a flash they climbed over the guardrail at the edge of the open space and threw themselves over the other side down into the valley the four of them in the second car were completely astounded they all rushed to the guardrail and looked down into the valley below but because of all the fog they couldn't see anything at the bottom none of them could believe what had just happened and they all stood there in a daze so they remembered that the manager was still in the car and they rushed to check on him the manager was still sat in the driver's seat his hands grasping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white under his breath he kept muttering the same phrase over and over Muhsin go mustn't go mustn't go he wouldn't respond to them there was nothing else they could do but called the police the authorities soon arrived on the scene and the delirious manager was taken away in an ambulance as you can imagine the couple who jumped over the side of the mountain were later found dead at the bottom the rest of the group had to endure a seemingly endless interrogation by the police in the end with no evidence of foul play and nothing to go on the police concluded that the pair had simply decided to end their lives together my friend Lita paid a visit to the manager at the hospital fortunately he seemed to be back to normal he asked him what happened that day at the suspension bridge why did he stop the car so suddenly the manager told him that as they drew near the bridge a girl dressed in an old fashioned kimono appeared out of the fog in front of their vehicle the startled manager immediately hit the brakes the girl wore her hair short and was dressed like somebody from a historical drama or maybe even someone from the meiji period of course this creeped him out and he wondered if maybe she needed help but before he could react he noticed that his car was now surrounded by a whole group of children all dressed in a similar fashion to the girl being a superstitious man the manager sensed that he was in danger and quickly began chanting a mantra according to him the children who surrounded the car all joined their hands together and started singing car gourmet Kagome the bird in the cage at the same time the manager heard the children's voices in his head saying come with us come with us the manager grip the steering wheel and began chanting mustn't go mustn't go next thing he do the couple in the backseat behind him blew out of the car join their hands with the children and together they all started running towards the guardrails of course the police didn't believe my story the manager told my friend well I'm not even sure I believe it myself you don't have to believe my managers experienced my friend told me but one thing's for certain that was indeed how that couple died and I for one do believe him an interesting thing to point out is about the song Kagome that the children were allegedly singing Kagome is a children's game in which a group of children hold hands and walk in a circle around another child in the center while doing so they charmed the Kagome so everyone in Japan knows it when the song stops the child in the middle tries to name the person standing directly behind them the song itself has been a subject of much interest due to its mysterious lyrics and ominous Jun and several disturbing theories exist about it one theory states that in olden times it wasn't uncommon for poor families to sell their children in order to survive according to the theory they reduce the Kagome game as a type of ritual to decide which child should be sold at the end when the play is finished singing the line who stands behind you now whichever child stood behind the person at the center would be the one to go since this was considered the will of the gods nobody could dispute the decision recently something crazy happened here in Anchorage Alaska a USB was found lying in the street by some woman no idea how it got there but it probably fell out of someone's pocket didn't look to be placed there intentionally the USB was labeled homicide at Midtown Marriott the label wasn't kidding the USB contained numerous images and videos of a woman's murder according to the authorities most of the 39 images showed the lady being beaten and strangled in a hotel room somewhere then lying face down in a pickup truck one of the twelve videos on the device showed her being strangled using this information the authorities were able telling the remains of a woman found by the side of the road to the woman in the photos and videos though they're very confident that they're the same person her identity still remains unknown no one's come forward to idea what they were able to find out for sure though was the identity of the guy who took her life the guy who did all this appeared in several of the pictures he took and guess he was confident he wouldn't be caught out not a smart play when you're clumsy with your USB they were able telling the man in the picture to a guy involved in another investigation south-african Brian Stephen Smith he was quickly taken into custody like I said this all happened very recently so we'll see how things pan out from here I grew up in England in a small southern town lived there my entire life it's a sleepy place far from the bustle of London or any other big cities when I turned eighteen however something bizarre started happening there and seemingly only happened to me I started seeing a new face around town a man who looked to be in his early 40s his skin was pasty in gray looking big dark bags hung under his eyes even from a distance I could see that those eyes had a sickly yellow tinge to them honnestly look like the guy hadn't slept in years you know how some people just have that unsettling vibe about them well this guy certainly had it in spades know when I say I started seeing him around town I mean I encountered him everywhere all the time at least once every day or two sometimes I get on a bus and he'd be there sat at the back sometimes I'd be in a store only to look out the window and see him looking in a me no matter where I saw him he'd always be staring at me with those wide sickly tired eyes he never came up to me or said anything he'd just stay at a distance examining me I guess after staring at me for a few seconds or so he'd always just walk off along the street I ignored him as best as I could at the start assuming he was just some new loony who'd moved to my town we have more than our fair share of weirdos here believe me over time his presence became more persistent I'd start seeing the guy twice a day and he'd stand there gazing at me for longer and longer periods of time eventually I'd had enough and decided I was going to tell him to leave me alone whenever I go to approach him though he'd just quickly walk away usually keeping his eyes on me as he did sometimes he'd even walk backwards away from me keeping his eyes on me the entire time as he disappeared into the crowd even on the rare occasions that I'd run after him I'd always lose him he had turned down a side street or an alleyway and when I went to follow him in he would already have vanished out of view it freaked me out that nobody else ever seemed to react to this creepy man in my town I mean aside from the tired appearance he looked ordinary enough but you'd have thought that a guy staring wide-eyed at a much younger person would have drawn some attention and never did it was like he was invisible to everyone except me I asked my family if they had ever seen a pale weird man around town they never heard after a while I tried my best to ignore the guy he was just some harmless old man with a social disability that's why he always stares at me ominously I thought I never saw him around town staring at anyone else though I only ever saw the guy when he was staring at me yeah as the months went by I started seeing the man less and less the sightings went from 9 or 10 times a week down to only 5 or 6 times then only every other week every other month eventually I stopped seeing him altogether I figured he'd gotten bored of his little game or whatever he was up to after not seeing him for a while I forgot all about him a few years past I was in my early twenties and I hadn't encountered the man for a long long time well one night after I've been out drinking with my friends at a local pub I found myself walking home alone it was sometime around midnight maybe a little before maybe a little after when out of the blue the heavens opened and it started to rain extremely heavily I rushed to a nearby bus shelter seeking cover from the rain for and this was a secluded part of my small town right on the very edge so everything was silent apart from the pounding of raindrops on the ground and the quiet bus of the electric orange streetlights that let my path back home I sat there in the bus stop waiting for the rain to ease up when from down the path that led to my house I heard a single set of footsteps thumping against the pavement kicking up water that had pulled on the ground whoever was approaching me was humming a quiet slow paced song to themselves I didn't recognize the June and just another person on their way home from a night out I thought probably drunk there aren't any pubs or bars in that direction the soaked vicar stepped under the orange light near my bar shutter and I could finally make out his face it was the man I had seen years before the same dog bags hanging under his ice he moved under the same shelter as me stopped right in front of me and turned to face me I was overcome by a strange sense of calm that I've never felt before as I heard him speak for the first time hi sorry about before I made a mistake the timing wasn't right i sat there listening intently it's never happened before so I thought about taking you out of term for my ego sake but that wouldn't have been right so I just wanted to tell you I'll be waiting and what will you be waiting for I asked next time we'll meet under different circumstances you'll be older I'll be younger I'm not sure if you'll recognize me I stared at him with a blank expression I'm not sure how to interpret his words he just smirked at me it's okay you weren't seen you coming anyway with that his face softened for the first time he dug his hands deep into his pockets stepped out from under the shelter back into the pouring rain and continued on down the street in the opposite direction he approached me from he kept walking until he was out of sight the rain stopped two minutes later the strangeness of the encounter finally struck me I don't know why it hadn't before I rushed her and double-locked all my doors since that night I've yet to see the man around my town again I still live there though I've been planning on moving for a while now the police just has this weird aura about it ever since that night I have no idea if this guy was just some lunatic who likes to play sick games on people or if he's something even more sinister to this day I'm still waiting for him recently a buddy of mine was clearing out some old house that had been abandoned for years while inside the Attic he came across a USB which really stood out to him everything else in the house was old and decrepit but the USB was obviously modern not from the same time as all the other stuff in there like somebody other than the previous homeowners had come in and left it there hammer Mahan or one word was written on it nothing else seemed out of place or an ordinary for whatever reason he decided to pocket the thing and take it home with him after he looked at what was on the flash drive he called me up and invited me around to his place said he had something I had to see now together we sat her looking at his computer screen as he opened up the USB driver there was just a one large file stored on it a video I need your opinion about what to do man I can hardly believe what's on this thing my friend said to me I could tell from his tone an expression that although he wanted to show me what was on it he was also nervous and uncomfortable and go ahead click on it I said he obliged I'll describe what I saw no but believe me and it's not for the faint of heart almost made me lose my damn faith in humanity the video look to have been filmed on a phone camera it was actually several videos all taken at different times and edited together like a compilation or highlights real it started with a man in the back of a truck he wore a mask to cover his face in his hand was a Hammond he's laughing with the guy who's holding the camera but they were speaking in a language I couldn't understand it sounded like Russia but I can't be sure the vehicle they're traveling in comes to a screeching halt the masked man quickly opens up the truck sliding door and jumps out the cameraman follows closely behind him walking alone down some lonely country road was a man maybe in his early 30s I'd say he looked shocked and confused as the masked man ran up to him before he even realized what was about to happen the guy with the hammer lifts it up and slams it down on the guy's head it was as graphic as you can imagine the unsuspecting guy drops to the ground and starts twitching there's a big dent in his head captured by the cameraman it was all over in seconds and the masked man and the camera holder quickly jumped back inside their truck which starts driving off immediately they laugh along with the driver the video quickly cuts to another scene of the masked man again jumping at the back of a truck this time there was a middle-aged woman walking along some woody country path the masked man runs up to her at full speed she has time to scream and that nothing more before she can even raise her arm to protect herself she's hit in the head by the hammer she hits the ground no movement the men again run back to their vehicle and drive off laughing and joking there were seven more Clips like that in each of them the masked man lunched from the van at some single person who had no idea what was in store for them he hits them all in the head and they all dropped to the ground pools of red spurting out of them the sound of all the thumps from the hammer were enough to make you wanna puke to think that these people just woke up one morning and figured it was just gonna be an ordinary day only for this to happen to them out of the blue makes you realize how unpredictable life can be when there's maniacs like this out there anyway I don't know exactly what this video was when it was made or where it came from but it seemed to me like a group of madmen who just drove around lonely country roads when looking for innocent people to strike with a hammer no rhyme or reason to it I have no idea how it came to be in that abandoned house nor do I know the fate of all the people in the video from what I saw I wouldn't say any of them survived my friend agreed to call the authorities and give them the USB as far as I know nothing's come of it yet hope they catch the guy and his accomplices who filmed it and drove him around my uncle used to run with some bad guys back in the day essentially him and his pals were aspiring Yakuza hoping to get a slice of the action one of these guys was called Harlan now Haru had a taste for the more seedy things in life if something was considered bad by society standards then he probably indulged in it regularly well there was one particular place that Harry would like to go in his free time let's call it a lady bar one of the women who worked there was a particular favorite of his her name was me whenever he went to the place he'd always asked from you in the end they actually ended up becoming pretty close so much so in fact that mu star to fall for Haru and his bad-boy ways she was young and naive I suppose not to mention a little unhinged that's what Harry used to say anyway but he liked that about her now me had a boyfriend but it wasn't long before she started telling Harry that she wanted to be with him instead Harry wasn't looking for mrs. right though he only wanted mrs. right now no strings attached kind of fun yes such he flat out told her no he wanted to keep their relationship strictly business he was a customer she professional well she didn't take kindly to the rejection one day Harry went back to the place to see me you again he sat down in a private room and from behind a curtain mu appeared she was brandishing a blade so ungrateful she screamed at him am I not pretty enough for you she took the sharp blade and brought it up to her face she started to drag it down the side of her cheek slicing it like a thin piece of Kobe beef how about now well now again she brought the blade down the side of her face scraping it along making long deep crimson streaks she did this over and over constantly approaching him as he backed away him there soon her face was almost entirely red she had lost her damn mind Harry ran outside and back to his home in shock the next day Harry was out with my uncle and a few of his other friends they were walking down a back alley minding their own business when they were at the end of the alleyway a van pulled up just in front of them several large men dressed like gangsters hopped out each of them holding a metal pole as a weapon so which one of you morons is Harry they all looked at each other hesitantly Harry raised his hand one of the men's salon de metal pole across Harris Lakes bringing him down to his knees in pain the rest of the men began wailing on him with their pole says he lied on the floor they struck him over and over my uncle and his other friends ran back down the alley the men from the van let them run and they weren't there for them my uncle watched from the other end of the alleyway and as Harry was picked up still half conscious and screaming and thrown into the back of the van the men drove off taking Harry with them like I said before me had a boyfriend what Harry didn't know was that he was one of the most prominent Yakuza in the area she had told her boyfriend her version of events and he sent some of his goons to go and take care of this hairy fella the guy who'd supposedly messed up his girlfriend's face nobody knows for sure what happened to her but rumors started to spread quickly the most prominent theory was that he was taken to some disused warehouse tied to a chair and had his face cut off without the use of any anesthetic the Yakuza would have seen this as a fitting revenge for something that in all honesty wasn't even harus fault ultimately nobody knows what they did with him after they threw him in the van but that was the last time my uncle ever saw Harry it was also the end of his foolish dream to become a Yakuza you this next entry actually comes from one of my earliest videos but I've always considered it to be one of my favorite stories and I've wanted to redo it for a long time here it goes during the midsummer usually around the middle of July me and a few of my good friends Ryan Kevin and Tommy always made time to go up to Kevin cabin located on Vermillion lake way up north in the forests of Minnesota throughout all of our young years we would always be accompanied by Kevin's dad and sometimes a few of our dads as well once we were juniors in high school however we felt mature enough to go to the cabin on our own finally without Kevin's dad or any other adult supervision my friend's cabin was very remote and very little based upon a large island other cabins were on the island but the next one closest to us was a solid half-mile away at least and you could only get to it by taking a man-made path around the island I want to mention that to get to my friends cabin you had to park on a gravel road on the opposite side of the island and take his boat across the lake about a half-mile vermillion Lake is huge my mind always had a tendency to run around while I was sleeping there the cabin was all on one level with only two bedrooms next to one another a kitchen and living room area connected to them and a bathroom in the back of the cabin and there was always one window in each of the rooms with no curtains to them at all so it was very easy to see outside to the Woodson lake and this is where my mind would run as I always thought about someone peering in and they never were of course I had been to the cabin about a dozen times during my lifespan and nothing bad ever happened there so the older I got the easier it was to sleep now for the event on this particular trip we plan to stay around five nights on the third night during the trip when we were finally on our own we had set up a campfire and have been drinking beers all night I don't condone underage drinking but being the rebels we were we just so happened to sneak some we went out to the dock to stare up at the magnificent Stars and enjoy our buzz when all of a sudden we heard something out on the water and that sounded like a fish jumping out to catch a buck we quickly looked over at the lake wondering where the splash came from our fishing poles at the ready thankfully the moon was out that night in which I lit up the lake without it it would have been pitch black and what would there being no city lights for miles upon miles Ryan began to point out to something Oh guys what the hell's that after looking closely and finally spotting what he was pointing at the only way I can describe it is it simply looked like a head floating out in the middle of the lake staring at us directly it was about three-quarters worth of a football field out in the lake from the dock it had long black hair and a very pale skin like face but I couldn't make out the eyes mouth nose or chin as if it was just a blob of pale skin with long black hair over it I'll never forget that feeling that came over me the hairs on my legs neck and arms all stood up and I felt paralyzed on the inside and ready to go home at that moment we told us all so it was just a loon and those birds are very popular night drifters on the lake and they do their hunting late I mean it was possible that'll do more of a sudden popped up in the water after hunting for a bit at least we tried to convince ourselves of that scenario all of us had the creeps and that damn thing wasn't moving one bit just treading water in the same place we went back to our campfire lit it even brighter and headed inside to drink more we soon forgot about the headlight thing with the help of the bear that is until I had to use the bathroom really bad and the one inside was preoccupied I went outside to do my business seeing how we were in the great outdoors whilst taking a pee and glancing at the beautiful moonlit Lake I noticed that the black circular object was still there but about 30 yards closer now still looking as if it was staring right up at me I could easily see the nose on this thing's face again it was very pale like it hadn't seen the Sun for years her very very uneasy feeling came over me and I immediately went back inside and told my friends to come and look they all came outside to see it still they're looking at us as if the head was corked up and his chin was in the air nobody dared go down to the dock any more and we immediately went back inside deciding it probably wasn't alone for a loon to stay in the same spot for almost an hour or two made no sense to any of us this head like object was stiff as a board and not moving a single muscle just staring up at us from the deck and there was no ripple effect from it at all we said it was just a lock and went back inside I could tell everyone else felt uneasy too a few hours passed it was super late into the night at this point and we all knew we needed sleep being my curious self I looked back outside one last time and the black object had completely vanished I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief thinking the lock must have floated off or just hit sure somewhere else and there was no AC in the cabin and we had to open the windows or else we'd fry in the middle of summer me and Tommy slept in the living room while my two other friends slept in the two bedrooms with their doors open not being able to sleep but keeping my eyes shut I began to hear someone walking around outside at the bottom of the stairs to the cabin I thought I was about to have a heart attack no question that whoever or whatever I heard down there was on the deck pacing back and forth their feet clicking on the wood It was as if they weren't sure what to do with themselves it lost it for about three minutes I wanted to whisper to my buddy but was frozen in there I just kept my eyes shut in my ears on full alert the first step sounded like they took two rapid steps up the deck stairs all of a sudden but then turned around and sounded like they were sprinting away down the man-made path after it sounded like the steps were long gone and a couple of minutes had passed I woke up Tommy and asked him if he'd heard the steps we both set up and was startled by Ryan walking out of his room and saying we need to leave now and there was something very disturbing about his expression I asked him why he woke up Kevin in the other room come on get to the boat it's time to go what Ryan what the hell's wrong with you Kevin asked Ryan explained to us quickly while grabbing his stuff I'll never forget what he told us and all my other friends he said that when he was turning sides on his bed to get more comfortable he saw someone peeking in at the top-right corner of the window the figure quickly shifted out of his view he said all he saw was one eye ghostly white skin and long black hair down the window when looking back at what he experienced it chose us to the bone to realize that since this space was in the top right corner of the window in my friend's room it was either damn near 8 foot tall standing on something like bricks trying to peek in or was for looting Tommy and I told the others what we'd heard outside the cabin absolutely disturb the hell out of our minds I'm feeling like we were going to be sick we all packed up our stuff and booked it not cleaning the cabin or anything we locked up and as we headed down the stairs we saw bear footprints in the dirt heading off along the path and all around the cabin we picked up our pace made it to the boat not knowing what was watching us or around us threw our stuff in the boat untied it and sped off I didn't even think about the head in the water my eyes were just glued to the island trying to spot anything moving I saw nothing when we finally got our stuff packed in the car we hopped inside and took off we drove for about ten miles when out of the blue Ryan all of a sudden broke down in the car sobbing saying things like what was it guys what was it Oh God what did I see we called to tell our parents what had happened on the way back told them that Ryan was freaking out they said to just get home safely and quickly it was late about four or five in the morning but no one slept it was a very quiet ride home my friend's dad who owns the cabin went up that following weekend said he didn't experience anything weird while there and but did mention that the bear footprints were still lingering about that [ __ ] him badly what Ryan saw in the window really hit him hard after his breakdown he had trouble sleeping for multiple nights and ended up having to seek help for a couple of weeks and hop on some sleeping medicine as time went on he ended up being fine but isn't too comfortable sleeping next to a window without a curtain to this day I can't explain what happened Norway it seemed to happen to us nothing has ever happened at that cabin since that night so I told Mike Evans dad at least I personally have never gone back to the cabin which really makes me sad because I have some great childhood memories from there Tommy and Kevin have both been back and been fine but Ryan refuses to ever set foot there again and I'm with him a lot of people have cabins on that Island so it could have been a prank in the making and Ryan busted it when he saw the person in the window it could also have been a person wanting to do something worse to us I'll never be able to explain what was floating in the lake but the fact that that incident along with the footprints and someone looking in Orion all happened in the same night seems like more than a coincidence to me this is a rather creepy encounter I had while camping with my older brother a few years back he's two years older than I am and this happened when we were in college I was 20 he was 22 when I was a kid both me and my older brother were in the Boy Scouts we dropped out due to our time being taken up by sports and other activities nevertheless we both enjoyed camping a lot and as we got older we'd plan weekend camping trips together we lived in New Jersey and we were always exploring the Pine Barrens a 1 million plus acre pine forest that covers a large area in the south of NJ much of it's deserted with a lot of unmarked dirt roads that crisscross the state during the summer people usually go off-roading mudding or dirt biking in the backwoods area which both my brother and I did quite often there are a number of state parks and campgrounds in the area plus a few other more shady campgrounds where people squat for the night and make a home for a while we tried to avoid the non legit campsites as there were usually some shady people around there there are also quite a few abandoned ghost towns and sites here as well early 1800 settlements iron and paper mills anyway I was on this particular camping trip with my brother and we decided to make a short drive and make a trip out to a few of our favorite ghost towns and this was during ice to break from college so we had a long weekend to go and explore it had been raining the day before so we didn't really want to venture too deep into the woods some of the dirt roads bloody silly and we didn't want to get stranded we visited two of the towns before the weather started to look like it was going to turn bad again we decided to find a place to pick up some food and headed off to a spot called friendship one of the old ghost towns now it's just open cellar holes where some buildings used to be this ghost town is about three or four miles off the paved road down on long narrow dirt road we call washboard Avenue and we call it that because the ruts in the road make it feel like you're driving over a washboard or rumble strips the old town is located at an intersection where you can only turn left or right if you turn right you cross an old wooden bridge that takes you to the monument and then back to the main road if you turn left you past the front of the ghost town and go further into the woods when we arrived at the town we parked the truck off the side of the road and quickly set up our tents as the rain was starting to come down after about a half hour we finally settled into our tent and ate dinner we were sharing stories and catching up on old times for a while we turned him for the night around 9:30 and both fell asleep very quickly a few hours later I heard my brother stirring and I woke up I had to take a leak so I got up out of my sleeping bag unzipped the temple app and stood up when I turned to walk across the trail I look to my left across the dirt road there was an opening in the woods and it looked like there was a figure of a person standing there he looked like a rather large man not fat but tall and big he looked like he was wearing a black trench coat black pants and a black hat I didn't want to think too much into it since it was dark out there and I was still half asleep it could have just been a tree that had fallen or just something that looked like a person I stood there kind of creeped out finished my business and went back inside the tent I took one more look at the figure before I stepped up the temp flap and the figure was still there and it looked like it was now much further into the road it was just creepy as I got back into my sleeping bag my brother asked me what I was looking at I told him I saw something across the road that looks strange what was it he asked me in a whisper I don't know I think it was just a tree stump but it looks like a person I whispered back Jesus he said I think I saw that too when I got up to take a leak I was creeped the hell out yeah me too it was just standing there right across the street very creepy it's probably nothing just our imaginations he said we both fell back asleep some more time went by and I was awoken suddenly by the sound of the tent flapping I thought it was just the wind at first but as I gained my senses it seemed to what of a noise rapping on the side of the tent It was as if someone maybe even two people were trying to find the zipper to the tent rubbing their hands up and down the side of it frantically he creeped the hell out of me I finally grabbed the flashlight shined it in the direction of the noise and saw a pair of hands pressed into the side of the tent from the outside her let out a loud yell and threw the flashlight which landed on my brother he woke up and quickly set up to see what was going on as he did I swear I heard footsteps walking thudding but not running away from the tent what the hell what's going on my brother asked me angrily people there are people out there what people he asked me still in a daze there was someone maybe two people out there one of them was trying to get into the tent okay just calm down he told me stay here I'm gonna take a look outside and see what's there don't move I want to see - I told him as I sat up he could see that I was shaken and I usually don't make jokes like this he started unzipping the front flap at the tent and we both poked our heads out we look to the left where the truck was parked didn't see anything looked ahead to the clearing where the mysterious figure was standing before nothing on the right also nothing at least nothing we could see in the dark grab the flashlight I whispered to him I want to see what that thing was earlier when I took a leak my brother went back into the tent grabbed the flashlight and turned it on where did you see it he asked over there right in front of us he flashes the light around the opening in the woods but there was nothing there just a few tall trees and a few cinder blocks are you sure it was across the street my brother asked yeah straight out across the road from us I don't see anything he says flashing the lights or more you mean on the other side of the street near the bridge right no right across from us I said pointing in the direction really the figure I saw was on the other side right next to the bridge he said needless to say we didn't see anything after the initial shock wore off we decided to get out of our tent and look around one last time before going back to sleep we both got out and slowly walked around the tent using our flashlights to look for anything out of place we walked across the road to the opening then down to the bridge and finally back to the ghost town looking into all of the open pits didn't see anything we were both very creeped out at this point we both got back into our tent and decided to try and sleep agreeing to leave first thing in the morning I couldn't sleep 45 minutes passed just lying awake hearing more rain coming down hitting the tent on my brother snored after 20 minutes passed the rain slowed down to just a light drizzle I was just dozing off when I heard the heavy footsteps again this time it sounded like they were running I was freaked out but trying to play it off like it was just a deer running through the sight but those footsteps and they were way too heavy it had to be something larger I listened for a while I heard steps then nothing there more steps and nothing as if people were walking past our tent then it got louder this time it almost sounded like tap shoes crossing the old wooden bridge nearby I wasn't taking any chances I shook my brother awake so he could listen to he got up and poked his head out of the tent to listen he said he definitely heard something that sounded like heavy footsteps almost like whatever it was was trying to lure us out he grabbed his flashlight and shined it out of the tent looking across the road and down to the bridge all of a sudden he yells out oh god oh god as he dropped the flashlight outside on the ground he came back into the tent and shuffled through his duffel bag I grabbed the flashlight don't go out there he told me as he grabbed something from his back it was a handgun before I knew it he was firing off shots into the darkness in the direction of the bridge he ended up firing off all the rounds before he zipped up the tent what the hell was that what's out there I asked people healed back four of them in black suits he was almost hyperventilating that's what I saw a man in a black suit just standing there when I went out before I told him we both sat there for a good 15 minutes trying to process what was happening who were these guys what were they doing there why were they screwing with us did they follow us once we calm down I wanted to go back out there with the flashlight and see if the guys were still there ultimately we decided to stay in the tent needless to say neither of us slept for the rest of the night and we packed up as soon as the Sun came up we both got out of the tent at the same time once it was bright enough there were no footsteps in the dirt no handprints on the tent no sign of the men in black near the bridge or anywhere for that matter we packed up as quickly as we could as my brother closed the back of his truck I looked into the clearing and saw something black on a stack of old cinder blocks it could have been a hat on one of the trench coats one that those men were wearing I didn't know and I didn't want to know we got into the truck and sped off we didn't say much the whole ride home I was too freaked out to even ask where he got the handgun or why he brought it with him in the first place both of us haven't spoken about this event sense not to each other and not to anyone else that is until now all the way back in 1989 I was on a round-the-world trip had been traveling through Australia Southeast Asia and China to get back to Europe I decided to take the trans-siberian railway through Mongolia and also what was then the Soviet Union in pre-internet days and with China and the Soviet Union on exactly tourist-friendly countries at the time this wasn't a super easy thing to do I had to organize all of my own visas train tickets and everything when I got to Beijing the hotel I stayed at had free lone bicycles and I grabbed one and made my way around the city to try and find the Mongolian Embassy to get my visa there was only one train running each week so I was desperate to get this organized as soon as possible partially because I was low on money but I was also quite homesick by now I had already gotten a train ticket and a Soviet visa in Hong Kong but I still needed that bisa for Mongolia again this was in pre-internet pre Google Maps days I had a street map but just couldn't find that bloody embassy at long last I got lucky and bounded but by then they were just shutting the gates business hours were already over for the day it was only 3 p.m. if I couldn't get a visa I'd not be able to get on that week's train my train ticket would be worthless and I'd have to wait a full week for the next train plus I'd need to get a new Soviet visa too so I pleaded with the God eventually he relented and let me in there was still someone in the office and because they were keen to finish off for the day they pretty much just put the sticker on my passport and shuffled me out the door all set I got on the train the next day and had an amazing time going through Mongolia the Soviet Union he even spent a few days in Moscow and then headed via Finland and Scandinavia back home the week after I'd been on the trans-siberian train this happened a massive gas explosion caused by a leaking gas pipeline and triggered by a passing train killed over 500 people if the Mongolian embassy guard hadn't let me through I definitely would have ended up being on that train this one isn't for the weak of stomach amongst you I'll describe the incident and all its details but be warned this wasn't a pretty sight a few years back I worked as a first responder out in Oklahoma a call came through one night about a traffic incident a hit and run apparently a cyclist had been struck by a vehicle and things look pretty bad somebody had seen the whole thing and called it in but said it was probably too late already for the guy if it wasn't and then it would be real soon they were doing what they could at the scene we rushed to their location knowing that time was of the essence we came down a quiet country road trees lining both sides and sure enough up ahead in our headlights we could see two distressed people and a third person lying in the road by a mangled bicycle and I rushed out to help but instantly I knew the guy and the road was gone he wasn't wearing a helmet and blood and brain juices had leaked out all over the road his limbs were broken and contorted at unnatural angles there was a long smear of dark red where his torso had slid along the ground turning the front of his shirt into a bloody rack and completely tearing off all the skin on his body and face he must have been hit at some speed I knelt down to see what I could do though it was obvious to both me and my partner that this was not a survivable accident and I checked for a pulse just to be sure but really this was all just procedure just as everyone expected and I couldn't find a pulse I got up to face my partner who was doing his best to calm the two people who had stopped to help my back was to the man lying lifeless in the road I told my partner that there was nothing we could do for the guy even though I'm sure he already knew that he says something back to me Berta mid-sentence he abruptly stopped talking his eyes got real large as if he had just had the shock of his life he was looking at something behind me I turned to look to standing there was the injured man now I have no idea how he was still breathing or able to stand his head was split open his face was gone it was all just red the only thing distinguishing him as human were the two wide white eyes they were filled with a confusion and there before anyone had a chance to help him or even speak to him the injured man ran off the road into the woods at full speed we couldn't catch up with him we called the incident in and a search for the injured man got underway immediately they never found him his body was never discovered in the woods never has been he was never reported by any of the hospitals nobody in the local community said that they'd seen a severely injured man running around town for all intents and purposes he simply vanished somewhere in those woods judging by his injuries there was no way he could have got involved still he was never seen again never reported missing by his family wherever they were I know this must all have a logical explanation and the man just ran off because he was dazed and confused from his injuries still to this day I have no idea where he went where his body disappeared off to or why he was never found the fact that he was able to regain consciousness and run after the damage he sustained defies belief and then again Adrenaline's a hell of a thing gave me the shock of my life [Music] this story takes place in Wilmington Delaware I'll start by saying I'm a female at the time I was 26 years old and I live by myself in a small house my boyfriend had just dumped me and left me stranded paying all the rent as such I had to moonlight at a bar a few nights a week just to pay the bills the bar itself was pretty great definitely a job worth doing while you're still young most of our customers were just friendly Wilmington people but occasionally you get the odd creep or drunk ruffian drink can bring out the devil in some folks there was this one customer who seemed to come in every time I had a shift a man in his mid 40s stood around six foot one I'd say went by the name of Dennis he had a handsome face but it was all wrinkled and is obviously once athletic body was now a bit out of shape he had a small beer belly and dark bags under his eyes drove an old once white van the color of which had obviously faded over the years in tone cream always parked it right outside I figured I knew this guy story pretty well probably a bit of a Ladykiller back in his youth but was now past his prime and couldn't get over it didn't know any other way to live while all his old buddies that he used to party with got older and settled down he never got out of their cycle kept on partying half the week some people can never let the pass go Dennis would always sit at the counter and chat with me I worked there and it was part of my job to be nice to the customers so I of course let him the first few times he talked to me he seemed really friendly and a nice guy as time went on though he became a little more creepy he started making uncomfortable remarks and would grab at me inappropriately I never made a big deal out of it but made it clear that he couldn't do what he was doing he always smiled and apologized vowing to never do anything weird again he never kept those promises one night after closing time I was walking back home by myself it was dark and the streets were empty plenty of side alleys lined the path that I was walking down I only lived about 10 minutes away so I wasn't too unnerved about traveling home alone as I made my way down the dimly lit streets I realized I could hear footsteps behind me I looked over my shoulder and sure enough there was Dennis keeping pace with me with his hands in his pockets and I picked up my pace and he picked up his it was obvious he wasn't just keeping pace with me now he was actively gaining on me what his intentions were I didn't know I began sprinting down the road with Dennis hot on my heels I turned the corner and locked out another passerby I ran quickly over to them he and Dennis turned down one of the side alleys and disappeared I told my manager about it the next time I had a shift at the bar Denis wasn't allowed back in after that my next-door neighbor Jim just so happened to be a police officer he was a real nice guy still is and we sometimes chatted outside our houses when we met each other at the front doors when I saw him outside his place one day I happened to mention my new bar job I ended up telling him all about my creepy customer Denis sounds like a loser chin said you've got a shot guys like that down real quick make sure they get the message otherwise they might never leave you alone yeah I told him I'm starting to get that now he really spooked me though I just didn't want to be rude to customers since I just started working at the bar I really need that job you know and well I'm sure he gets the message now and I'll keep an eye out for you just in case we said our goodbyes and I headed back inside my house to enjoy another lonely evening in front of the TV about two weeks went by I of course hadn't seen Denis at the bar in all that time seeing how he was banned from entering I just finished a late night shift and I'd made it back to my place safe and sound I went inside threw on my jammies and hopped into bed I'd had a couple of drinks while chatting with some customers there so I drifted off to sleep pretty quickly next thing I knew I was awoken by a loud commotion in my hallway just outside my bedroom it sounded like fighting after honing my ears for a moment I snapped out of my sleepy haze and jumped out of bed I ran out into the hallway it was my neighbor Jim underneath him was Denis Jim was pinning him down on the floor called the police now Jim shouted I didn't stop to ask questions I just did as he told me yes II Dennis had broken into my home while I was asleep that night he had used their quiet glass cutting tool on one of my downstairs windows and that's how we identity had brought a sort of Club with him and a chloroform drag was found in his pocket my neighbor Gemma just so happened to be a wait late that night he noticed a cream-colored van outside my house which he had never seen before I never usually have visitors over especially not that late at night remembering the story I told him Jim became suspicious and wanted to make sure everything was okay he checked the perimeter of my house and found that one of the windows had been breached he climbed in after Dennis and caught him off guard thanks to his training he was able to overpower Dennis they searched the van outside my house in the back was a mattress along with four sets of handcuffs to restrain my limbs Dennis wanted to drag me out to that ban and he didn't want any kind of screaming or resistance you can guess his intentions what I don't like to think about is where he was planning on taking me or what he planned to do with me once he was finished in all likelihood the only reason I'm here to retell this story is because I happen to live next to a policeman and that I also happen to tell him about Dennis and his van [Music] [Music] the best things happen in a dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,883,432
Rating: 4.7907906 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true horror stories, scary true story compilation, scariest video ever, creepiest, creepypasta, lets not meet, reddit stories, 2chan, new, best, most, long video, japan, japanese, audiobook, mr nightmare, asmr, british accent, top 10, caught on tape, mysterious, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, terrifying, horrifying, horror movies 2019, horror, deeply disturbing, Halloween, photographs, ghosts, cryptids, lazy masquerade, maskarade, corpse husband
Id: HiRkAsHtD4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 14sec (8474 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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