4 Disturbing TRUE Stories from Reddit

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[Music] [Music] I was 10 years old when this happened I live in quite a big house which my parents have bought together back in the early 90s it was great the neighborhood was great and the people were amazing my parents didn't think that anything could go wrong now it was always quite restless when I was young I could never sleep me and would just lay in bed for hours and hours staring at the ceiling with strong hopes that I could finally fall asleep he insomnia at a young age isn't very fun to deal with anyway one particular night I sat up from my bed after laying there for a few hours and reach for a glass of water that was on my nightstand I shared a room with my sister who was less than six months old at the time she didn't like to sleep alone so I offered to share a room with her in hopes that it would help my parents when I looked over to her crib I saw a large shadow leaning over her yets back was to me and it seemed like quite a big man dad I called out wondering why he was awake when he had work early in the morning the shadow turned around and I didn't get a chance to see any details seeing us the only light source in my room was a dim nightlight he walked away without a word and I remember shrugging it off and laying back down again this went on for a few nights a man who I assumed was my father came in and looked over my sister's crib even going so far as to pick her up if she cried and then walked out quietly once he noticed I was awake one night I remember finally being able to fall asleep and feeling rough hands against my cheek as I managed to do so I was too tired to open my eyes but I really wish I had my mum picked me up from school one day and our usual routine was to go to the store and get some stuff for dinner yeah and then go straight home that day though my mum was a bit sick and wanted to just go back home when she opened the door at the top of the stairs was a large man he had a bag of bread with him and a pair of my mum's underwear my mum who was carrying my baby sister and her car seat immediately froze I didn't know what to do either without any warning my mum yelled who the [ __ ] are you the man stopped walking and turned to notice us he gave us a toothy grin and stared at us I felt fear travel up and down my back my mum told me to never talk to strangers she never told me what to do if one was in the house the man had a gun in his pocket and when my mum noticed this she let out a loud scream she handed me my sister's car seat and pushed us behind her pushing us outside the door I heard the door slam and I began to cry uncontrollably I knew what guns did and how intruders used them so I rushed while holding my sister to my neighbour's house across the street and banged on the door as hard as I could my sister started crying along with me and after what seemed like forever my neighbour opened the door what's wrong she yelled when she noticed the two of us I didn't know how to explain what was going on I just knew that there was a bad man in our home yeah my mum was in there with him nine-one-one was all I managed to get out to which my neighbour grabbed her phone and dialed after I had calmed down enough I talked with the dispatcher and we had police heading our way I can't remember exactly how I explained it to the lady on the phone I just remember vividly saying that my mum was in trouble it was our luck that we lived right next to the police station and they showed up in no time my mum opened the door when she heard the sirens men looked ghostly white I didn't know why until a couple of years later my mum told me that the man had gotten away he escaped through the back door after pointing a gun at my mum's head he heard the sirens to unbolted the police did a thorough search of our home we including our attic which we never used they found tons of empty bread bags chips peanut butter and a lot of candy a couple of pairs of my mum's underwear were found as well sticky new a few blankets were found in the corner and they dusted for fingerprints four years later during my freshman year of high school something else happened my school is quite a ways from my house and it takes about 30 minutes to walk home with a shortcut through a field with a lot of trees it only takes me about 20 I walked the shortcut alone because I'm the only one in my group of friends who lives in this particular area a couple minutes into the walk I felt chills up and down my back again so I turned around and met eyes with someone I thought I would never see again here was him I didn't know what to do so I just started running and screaming for help nobody else was in the field so I ran as fast as I could to the fence that led into my neighbourhood he hits a large fence so I tossed my bag over while still screaming and tried to climb it but felt his hands grabbed the back of my jeans and throw me off the fence you're as beautiful as your mother he said deeply giving me the same toothy grin he did four years before I continued to scream for help but his hand covered my mouth I heard more footsteps rushing towards us we and I prayed it wasn't his friends coming to help him to my surprise one of the school's football players rushed and tackled the man his fist went flying into the man's face and I cringed as I heard the crack of the man's nose he didn't bother fighting back so I took out my phone and called 9-1-1 this time they got him two years worth of therapy sessions and I'm finally okay to talk about it anytime I think that to either of those incidents I think of how it could have easily been avoided if only we had checked the Attic I was working for a condo building letting air-conditioning guys look at units within condos I was just the keyholder one of the last units of the day was a condo I knocked on the door but there was no answer I opened the door and immediately a waft of foul smell hit me just some rotten eggs right I enter the unit with the air-conditioning guys and see some moldy looking bread on the counter and due to condensation a sweaty looking cake on the stove it's pretty [ __ ] rank in here I say to the guys I look into the bedroom and see an older black woman with kind of a bad blond hair dye job hunched over in bed in a bit of a yoga pose sort of sat up but head of feet legs crossed I'm immediately embarrassed whoa sorry man I didn't know you were home no movement I take a step closer ma'am she's [ __ ] dead dude one of the air conditioning guy says as he hurries out of the unit his only evidence is the smell man my tone of voice when I said ma'am I step a little closer the woman's skin is bruised and has moldy patches on it this is not a yoga pose this is a settling into bed pose I later learned from the police that she was a young Caucasian blonde woman not an older black woman lost re-entry was 10 days prior pill bottles and a last will and testament were on the bedside cabinet I can no longer eat wonton soup which was the first thing I tried to eat eight hours later on top of that I can no longer handle the smell of dirty fridge such as moldy items left by careless coworkers I also no longer fantasize about how cool the zombie apocalypse would be the smell alone this is one of my not so wholesome adventures from the ghetto it deals with attempted kidnapping and trafficking or possibly even murder who the [ __ ] knows not me I'm still here as can be inferred from the word ghetto my neighborhood was pretty horrible crime rate wise with a strong divide between ethnic groups I lived in Israel at the time and seeing as I'm Russian my friends were also Russian and what friends they were Ron Andre and Eli were my best friends in fifth grade we were the coolest 10 year olds ever so cool that we had our own Zula Zula is a hebrew slang word describing a private place usually built by you where you and your buddies can come to chill and hang out I guess the American equivalent to Azula would be a tree house Ron Andre Eli and I found the perfect place to settle down and claim as our own the ruins of a roof of an old bunker next to a tree in the middle of a field on a hill it was positioned on somewhat of a steep hill and it looked like a concrete bunker in a sea of tall yellow grass field we traveled the neighborhood in search of discarded items and furniture to bring back to our little Zula and came back with a magnificent cum-stained couch a rug and old school posters of naked ladies Missoula was officially complete the most wholesome one in town Andre hung his naked ladies on our tree and was very proud of his work Andre Ron the Nilay had a tradition they'd skipped school every Wednesday to hang out Azula so naturally I'd start skipping Wednesday's as well to join them and for a while it was great we'd play cards discuss fifth-grade politics Sam prank call our neighbors until one day Andre just had to do a stupid you see when little horny Andre picked up those naked damsels from the street he also picked up a business card an escort service card one Wednesday morning Andre decided we just had to prank the poor hooker Eli whose role was to be the clicks official dumbass he instantly agreed it was a good idea Ron and I however were a bit more skeptical of Andres seemingly harmless ruse but you know how well peer pressure works on ten-year-olds Andre calls the number and puts it on speaker it rang and rang until someone answered a man who I can only imagine was the girl's pimp the man told Andre he sounded like a big boy in an incredibly creepy way and mind you Andre did have somewhat of a deep voice in comparison to normal ten year olds so when Andre the beautiful idiot decided to pretend to buy a hooker the guy on the phone had no objections Andre proceeded to give him the closest [ __ ] address to Azula and an exact description of how it looks as soon as the call ended Ron flipped out at Andre and left Eli and Andre were super pleased with their prank and I just sat there on the [ __ ] stain sofa wondering what the [ __ ] we just did and is that hooker seriously going to arrive Andre and Eli were sure that the man got their joke he didn't ten twenty thirty minutes pass and nothing no hookers to be seen we all laugh about our biggest achievement yet and completely forget about the what a big voice you have man I think it was an hour later we saw a black van pull over the street next to our zilla's field and the address which andre gave nan drea Neill I ignore my concerns regarding the inconspicuous van and so I'm Yoon Lee won watching it it went up and down the street as if it was trying to see if there's any way for it to drive into the field impossible since it's kind of locked between two apartment complexes and a cliff it then pulls over again at the original spot at this point you'd expect a woman to come out but no Oh two men get out of the van and start walking up the hill towards our field towards us I could feel myself screaming internally as I motioned my buddies to look we all sort of freeze and have a little hole my god what have we done moment one of the men yells big boy I need to ask you something we practically leave a cloud of dust getting the [ __ ] out of there we ran up the grassy hill which gets quite steep as you approach the peak where Neil I force and scabs his knee we didn't notice him falling because he didn't make a sound and by the time we saw him we were too far and even more terrified as the men were approaching him and us fast so we left him there like the cowardly 10 year olds we were and just kept running we reached another bunker area in the upper Street it is Israel bunkers and shelters are everywhere we hid in one of those four concrete shelter buildings designed like big old boxes we gently closed the metal door sat in the farthest darkest corner and waited we could hear the men searching the other shelters and at this point we're pretty sure we're going to be found the moment came when the men opened our shelter's door I remember his voice to this day cold eerie disturbing we just want to talk we came all this way for you we screamed our lungs out we am by sheer chance a couple who were walking by with their dogs came to the area to investigate our cries and they scared away the men with threats of the police and their massive German shepherds we were so [ __ ] relieved but then we remembered Eli we quietly creep down the road towards our Zula but didn't see Eli anywhere Andre was the only one of us who owned a cell phone so calling him was impossible we thought maybe he had managed to run back home and so that was our next destination I remember we looked around carefully for the van it wasn't parked in our vicinity anymore so we walked down to that Street on a route which connects to my street and eventually to Eli's we managed to get to my street and at this point we were sure the van and the men were gone we were wrong they had circled the neighborhood we saw them coming back behind us we freaked out and ran up a long case of stairs the van almost hit us and the stairs breaking with a screeching tire sound and one of the men jumped out of it and started galloping up the stairs chasing us like a crazed baboon yelling disturbing things at Andre you have such a pretty ass it's gonna be mine and that was the least disturbing comment of them all we weren't fast enough to outrun the man and in the middle of the staircase just as we were about to break left into a rocky terrain he grabbed Andre Andre was screaming hard now I had never heard him scream like this I was in tears then in a moment of accidental courage I picked up a rock and ran down towards the van the man was so [ __ ] close to shoving Andre in the back of that van when I proceeded to snipe his head with my trusty rock he had at least made him let go of Andre miraculously turning him into speedy [ __ ] Gonzalez as he started to run away still screaming his very soul out I on the other hand was pretty much [ __ ] the man was so incredibly pissed I never saw someone that angry in my life I tried running away but at this point it was futile the man grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me towards the van in what felt like hours being dragged to the van I saw my older brothers running towards me with a metal pipe they pried me out of the man's hands yam proceeded to beat the living [ __ ] out of them they were apparently attracted by Andres ear popping screams they eventually let both of the men go you have to understand in our city in neighbourhood it takes the cops at least 30 minutes to arrive and nobody really trusted the police my brothers also feared that they might call someone up to come and get them this entire live action movie was done with me getting the arse whipping up my life from my parents my brothers getting commended laundry getting psychological treatment and run getting a pizza right after he left us with our hooker calling consequences good man Oh an eel I got a cool cast on his arm as well which he broke as he fell down the cliff in an attempt to run away from our kidnappers we later drew dicks on it like real friends we never actually found out who those men were our parents forced us to get that business card and give it to the police but the police never called us back don't even know if they investigated it our friendship slowly died as Andre Ron and Eli sir came to our neighborhoods nature and became small-time drug dealers and started hanging out with questionable characters so moral of the story don't ever go looking for hookers on shady business cards not even to prank them Oh also don't skip school I'm a firefighter an EMT so it's pretty normal to find a dead body but one will always stay with me there was this middle-aged guy who lived in his fan out in a parking lot somewhat out of town he never bothered anybody so the police just let him stay there it was around the middle of July in Arizona so about 105 to 110 degrees me and we got a call to go and check on him nobody had seen him for a while and somebody had complained about a foul-smelling odor coming from his fan we all knew what we were going to find but nothing could prepare us for what we actually came across I opened the back door to his fan and a cloud of flies flew out so thick you couldn't see through it I was immediately punched in the face by the stench of death and when the Flies cleared out we finally got to look at what was there the guy had been dead for at least two weeks and his cats had survived by eating the flesh eeeh parts of his body I've seen my fair share of corpses but something about a guy who's been in a van for two weeks in the arizonan heat with cats eating his body just stays with you hi guys Laci here and thank you very much for listening well there's a big slice of nostalgia pie for you in just a nice simple collection of four scary stories getting back in touch with my roots as it were I know a lot of you prefer these type of non themed videos and I can see where you're coming from personally I like both styles and I'll probably be making more of these uh themed videos in the future since I haven't really made many since the old days if you know what I mean but anyway having said that though up next to some more Yonder their stories for all of you kinky bastards out there to enjoy yesh speaking of which head on down south locate that elusive like button and smash the fudge out of it what the [ __ ] i moan about anyway until the next one guys you stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the doll whoo [ __ ] here come the Popo
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,270,869
Rating: 4.8915935 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, disturbing, horror, scariest video ever, on youtube, lazy masquerade, maskarade, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, Halloween, top 10, crazy, new, best, most, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, real, true, ghost, ghosts, caught on camera, haunted, mr nightmare, rob dyke, corpse husband, study music, relaxing, long video, pictures, top 5, ever taken, creepypasta, unexplained, who, how to, love, romance, valentines day, unsolved mysteries, before bed, audiobook, narration, reading
Id: uzhuFk0v8eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2016
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