Top 30 Scary TRUE Stories Compilation (2018 - 2019)

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[Music] the year was 1961 Michael Rockefeller member of the esteemed and powerful Rockefeller family was a keen adventurer and ethnology enthusiast despite living an extremely privileged and comfortable life back in the States the young Rockefeller had become Restless he craved no needed a change of scenery and we're better he thought them one of the most remote places on the planet Netherlands New Guinea while on an expedition studying the Asmat people who lived there Rockefellers boat was swamped and overturned about three miles from the coast the two guides on board swam back together leaving Rockefeller in his companion Renny vessel to cling to the boat and wait for rescue this rescue was slow in coming after being stranded for two days at sea the pair had drifted approximately 12 miles from the shoreline despite this Rockefeller decided to take his chances he jumped in the water and made for dry land his companion was rescued the next day but despite an intensive search and rescue effort Rockefeller was never seen or heard from again at the time this was a major headline and as such there's been a huge amount of speculation over the years the mystery is what happened to him well the obvious answer is that either drowned or died from exposure given that he was 12 miles from the shore it makes a lot of sense but Rockefeller was in great shape and was still very young only 23 when he went missing many believe that he made it to dry land only to be captured by the Asmat people since head hunting and cannibalism were practiced by the tribe it's thought that he may well have been killed and eaten indeed there does appear to be quite a lot of evidence supporting that one thing's for certain though Michael Rockefeller died that day in 1961 everybody agrees on that that is everybody agreed on that until a piece of video footage that was filmed in 1969 recently resurfaced it was captured close to where Rockefeller would have landed had he made it to shore the footage shows 17 cannibal wakka noose making their way across the water for a brief moment one member of the tribe stands out his face partly covered by blue warpaint could this be a Rockefeller the accomplished canoeist who wore a beard is it possible that he was accepted by the tribe and adopted their ways to survive there are of course many skeptics saying that the Asmat people would have definitely eaten an outsider there are also those who say that this could just be an albino member of the tribe still this image gives some credence to the theory that Rockefeller survived his ordeal if this is indeed Rockefeller is it possible that he could have been saved after eight years would he have wanted to be it's unlikely the young man's fate will ever be definitively proven that this photo definitely makes the mystery more intriguing my family originally comes from Russia here's a tale that's been passed down to me as you're probably aware things were harsh for Russians under Stalin's leadership my granddad was a critic of the Man of Steel and as a result he found himself imprisoned in a Siberian gulag for being a so-called enemy of the community his sentence ten years hard labor for many this might as well have been a death sentence millions died in these camps due to the freezing cold temperatures rampant disease lack of food and just generally being overworked to the point of collapse my granddad was a hardy fella though he knew that if he put his mind to it he had survived according to him life in the camp was brutal violence amongst the prisoners was commonplace there compete for warmth cigarettes and everything in between a true friend was hard to come by plenty of inmates became informers just waiting to tell the guards about anything that might land them an extra chunk of bread during his time at the camp my granddad saw many people tried to escape most were shot within the first minute of their attempt the guards always aim to kill if an inmate escaped on their watch they'd often be stripped of their uniforms and ran the risk of becoming an inmate themselves those escapees who managed to avoid getting gunned down rarely made it very far the cold Siberian weather killed most of those poor bastards off their bodies were usually found a few kilometers away from the camp running was almost guaranteed suicide almost each day my granddad and his fellow inmates spent 12 hours cutting and stacking locks they were running on barely any food the more timber you cut the more food you were given inevitably the weak were starving and occasionally would steal another inmate spread the guards didn't bother to punish anyone who stole food no they left that to the other inmates it was an unwritten rule anyone that was caught stealing bread was sentenced to death the other workers would simply wait for the guards to avert their eyes then they'd take their axes and the thief would end up having an accident it was a code that all the inmates lived by so when my granddad caught a young lad eating some of his bread one day you can imagine how sickened he felt he was the only witness but his word would have been good enough to condemn the boy instead my grandfather decided to show him mercy the lad was one of his bunk mates and he wanted to give him a second chance my granddad decided to keep his mouth shut but made the boy promise never to steal again this was going to be his one warning the boy thanked my grandfather and promised him that he had never touch anyone else's food as long as he was in the camp one night a few months later my grandfather awoke to find the young man nudging him he urged my grandfather to follow him out into the yard delirious with tardiness and hunger my grandfather did as the young man asked the pair of them crept their way to a nearby shelter and watched as a group of guards entered their bunkhouse as it turns out several of my grandfather's bunk mates had been planning an escape when the gods got word of this they decided to hold the whole bunkhouse responsible the guard surrounded up all ten men inside and marched them out into the freezing cold tundra in the middle of the night they never returned to camp he doesn't know if they froze to death or if they were shot whatever the case my grandfather would have shared in their fate had it not been for the actions of the young man you see the young man had become friendly with a few of the guards in an effort to score some extra food they found him endearing enough to keep alive so when they heard that some of his bunk mates were planning a breakout they warned him to stay out of the shack at a certain time knowing what they meant the lad remembered the act of mercy my grandfather had showed him and decided it was time to repay his debt a life for a life he may have been a thief but there were still some honor left in him whether you want to call it the butterfly effect or luck or coincidence or whatever the fact that my grandfather spared that boy is the only reason he survived his time in the gulag hell it's the only reason I even exist in the first place this is my cousin's story and it takes place in Mexico one of her old schoolmates Claudia had gotten married at a very young age to this rich guy they had three children together and to the outside world they were the ideal family they lived on the nicest street in town were fashionable and attractive and seemed to have everything going for them one thing my cousin always noticed was just how security-conscious they were they had cameras set up outside and even inside their house in a state-of-the-art security system with all the trimmings I don't know what the husband did for work but my cousin always suspected it was something dodgy her friend never liked to talk about her husband's work nor how they could afford such a luxurious lifestyle anyway klaudia called my cousin one day and asked if she could babysit their kids that weekend they had a party to go to and their children were far too young to be left alone they were only five six and eight respectively my cousin told her no problem she needed the money and didn't have any plans that weekend anyway she was a bit of a nerd back then so my cousin's at Claudia's home all alone except for those three kids she was looking after it was around 10:00 p.m. and she was in the kitchen trying to open a can of something when she nonchalantly turned around and saw a guy staring in her through the window the guy tapped on the window and said sorry miss I didn't mean to scare you is this the Hernandez residence Hernandez was indeed the name of the family that lived there but my cousin wasn't stupid she said no and asked what he wanted to which he replied oh nothing my mistake have a nice night my cousin was getting some bad vibes from this dude he was polite enough but had a harsh look about him not to mention the whole scenario was kind of off who goes around knocking on people's windows at 10 p.m. my cousin went to check on the kids upstairs and they were sound asleep in bed she caught up cloudier and her husband to tell them about this guy of the window to ask them if they were expecting a delivery or something Claudia's husband snatched the phone out of her hands and started talking to my cousin directly he told her to make sure all the doors and windows were locked to wake up the kids and hide them in safe places my cousin followed his instructions within minutes a salut of police cars arrived outside the house shortly after that the policia had the guy at the window in handcuffs along with two other men she hadn't even noticed before they'd been waiting outside the house in a black Jeep my cousin was extremely confused about what was going on everything was cleared up when the family reviewed the CCTV footage the outside cameras showed the window watcher and his accomplices sneaking around outside the house they were holding machetes they split up to check around the residence looking in through the windows my cousin just so happened to look around when that guy got to the kitchen window she couldn't see the machete he was holding you see Claudia's husband had gotten in with the cartels and after some legal troubles he'd testified against his former associates as a result they'd sent some goons to come and capture his children not to stop him from speaking against them just to teach him a lesson when they saw my cousin they got confused and figured they might have the wrong address they decided to wait outside for confirmation from their boss thankfully the cops arrived just before that confirmation could come through I don't know if these guys planned to kill the kids hold them ransom or sell them to the highest bidder I don't know what they would have done to my cousin either if they had made a move thankfully we'll never find out if claudia was home with the kids that night things could have ended very badly the family went into hiding after that cut off contact with everybody and started a new life somewhere far away my cousins not sure how they're doing these days or what the husband does for work since they obviously lost touch but we all hope that their past never came back to home you might think I'm crazy for sharing this story hell I felt like I was crazy when it happened to me but I swear this is true and I still don't have an explanation for it last year a buddy of mine was getting married when the night of his bachelor party rolled around it was super stoked the only problem was I had a shift at work that night and I told the others that I'd join them at the bar as soon as I could it was 8 p.m. when I finally got off work I sent a text to my pal telling him I'd be there in 20 minutes and I grabbed my jacket and began my walk to the drinking hole the road between my workplace and the bar was always empty and desolate with the forest on one side and barren fields on the other I hated working late since walking this lonely road always gave me the creeps on the rare occasions a car drove past and met up the road ahead with its headlights and I felt more comfortable even if just for a brief moment now this night was particularly dark I was using the flashlight on my phone to light the way the phone rumbled in my hand it was a message from my buddy ok see you soon I was about five minutes into my journey when something caught my attention on the Left far in the distance in the open field was a moving shape a human shape about 200 meters away whoever it was and they were alone and they were slowly moving towards the road I was on it seemed odd to me that someone was out there walking through these empty fields in the dark all by themselves still I didn't pay it much mind I continued on keeping my eyes on the road for a few more steps when I turned back to look at the distant bigger I was startled by how much closer they were to me now maybe only a hundred metres away and they were still walking at the same pace a normal person would but a gained an unnatural amount of ground in the few seconds I wasn't looking at them it looked to be a tall thin woman I was more weirded out now especially since she seemed to be walking directly at me I walked a little bit faster turning my gaze back towards the road then after a few more seconds I turned back to look at her again Jesus she was just fifty meters away now moving like a moth attracted to the light of my phone it didn't make sense how was she getting so much closer every time I looked away if she was sprinting it still would have been inhuman but she was just walking hey I called out are you okay her only reply was this strange hum and no point did she stop walking heading towards me like some kind of demented zombie I briefly turned my eyes back to the road ahead and then back to her again she was almost at the roads edge nil in the blink of an eye and I could hear her footsteps squelching in the wet grass slow and consistent I picked up my pace don't look at her I thought to myself don't look the sound of her footsteps had changed she was walking on tarmac now I turned to look again there just behind me now was this woman her eyes were Hollow and pale her face emaciated she was just skin and bones her hair scraggly and light but the worst part was her mouth it looked like it had been sewn shut like with a needle and thread I wanted to ask her if I could help her with anything but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth she looked at me for a few moments before walking across the road and towards the woods on the other side and I sprinted off down the road scared out of my mind I looked behind me to see if she was following all I could make out was her figure disappearing into the trees I made it to the ball and rushed inside desperate to tell my friends what I'd just seen do good to see ya what did you so long they asked me we were all getting worried about you work like I told you I replied obviously distressed whoa are you okay bud we've been waiting for you for like three hours huh what were they talking about I'd sprinted off of my journey I must have only been 10 minutes max confused I checked my phone yes I did the hairs on the back of my neck stood up it was 11:15 p.m. I had left work at 8:00 I knew I had the time stamp on the text message I sent my friend confirmed it somehow on the short run from that girl to the ball I had lost three hours there's no rational explanation I can come up with before this incident I didn't believe in the paranormal but I'm certain that the missing time and the goal were in some way connected that was easily the creepiest experience of my life it shook me to the bone and even now when it's dark and I still take the long way home from work rather and walked out that lonely road by myself I met a guy who had been traveling Australia with a couple of friends hitchhiking around as many of us had done one of his friends told him they were near his distant uncle's house whom he had never actually met before he got a phone number from a family member and as they had hoped the uncle offered them a place to stay he picked them up in a town and drove them out to his rural property way out in the bush and they said he seemed like a pretty normal guy friendly and cheery when it was time to set up a place to sleep the uncle took them to a closet that was totally full of sleeping bags and bed rolls like total evil and they didn't think much of it at the time and all grabbed a kit and set up on the living room floor and they stayed there a couple of days and nothing out of the ordinary happened afterwards the uncle drove them to a bus station and they were on their way about a year later that man the uncle was arrested and charged with several counts of murder he was the man who was picking up young hitchhiking backpackers and slaughtering them the guy who told me the story was 100% certain he had slept in the sleeping bag of one of the victims if you found yourself in a position of real power over others how do you think you'd act most of us probably like to think we'd be kind leaders because ultimately we're good people right well they say that power corrupts and in the case of Magdalena soulless it becomes apparent that given the chance the darkest aspects of our personality tend to rise to the surface Mexico 1963 - petty criminals called Santos and Cayetana and nandus just dreamt up a get-rich-quick scheme on paper it sounded ridiculous they plan to travel to an impoverished village called the Yerba Buena and convinced the uneducated locals that they were a pair of inca prophets representatives of powerful forbidden gods after convincing them of that they were going to demand that the villagers worship them and pay them tribute in exchange they would offer them valuable treasures hidden in the surrounding mountains a nutty idea if ever there was one but unbelievably he worked the brothers reached the town and they did indeed managed to convince the locals that they were Inca prophets which is a little ridiculous in itself considering the Incas weren't historically Mexican but I digress the Aran and s brothers had effectively formed a cult and they turned many of their followers into sex slaves for a while everything worked out in their favor but as time went by the villagers became impatient with the brothers they wanted the mountain treasure they'd been promised what the brothers needed now was someone else to join them in their scam and they traveled to nearby Monterey and found a woman called Magdalena solace a local prostitute she traveled back to the village with the brothers and using a smoke screen they introduced her as the reincarnation of an Inca goddess well that got the villagers off their back for a while now that they had found a goddess for their followers to worship the villagers were bound to become more obedient well their plan worked and for her part Magdalena really gave a great performance like a really great performance little did the brothers know how seriously their new business partner planned on taking things you see after years of being at the bottom of society Magdalena was getting a real kick out of her new role as the factor cult leader she became religiously fanatical and started ordering her followers to perform grisly rituals in her honor she became obsessed with consuming blood and demanded that her followers take part in sadomasochistic sex acts things started becoming a little too intense for some when two of the members said that they wanted to leave the group Magdalena flat-out refused and ordered the rest of the villagers to kill them terrified of what the goddess might do if they disobeyed her the cultists lynched the pair of them right then and there weeping as they did this became a fairly regular occurrence whenever someone was suspected of wanting to leave the group she would have them sacrificed during the so called blood rituals the victims would be cut by every member of the cult their blood was then collected in a chalice after they had bled to death the chalice would be passed around and all the members were made to drink from it first Magdalena herself then the urn and s brothers the so called high priests after them all of their underlings over time these blood rituals became more barbaric to the point where the cultists were vivisecting people's hearts right in front of them while we were still breathing obviously this barbarism couldn't go on forever when Magdalena had a local police investigator sacrificed the cult was busted realizing that one of their own had gone missing in the area a small army of officers went to put an end to the group in all the commotion Santos was gunned down by the cops his brother Cayetana was assassinated by one of the cult members who wanted to gain his position as High Priest many of the other villagers died in the shootout with the authorities those who survived were captured and sentenced to 30 years of peace as for Magdalena she too was arrested all of the surviving cult members refused to testify against their beloved goddess and but that didn't matter at this point she ended up being sentenced to 50 years in prison for her role as the blood goddess let me tell you the story of Johnny l not so much what he did or said but all of that Johnny R came into our jail one night ranting and raving screaming that he was cursed by the voodoo man nothing unusual yet not in this line of work anyway but Johnny R was wearing a very nice suit in his wallet and there were signs of a guy living a normal life an unexpired ID a gold AMEX card in his name and around a hundred bucks in cash because of his psychotic state he was put in isolation days went by he wouldn't make a phone call and wouldn't eat or drink continue to constantly yell at everyone telling them to call the voodoo man in Miami and pay him the money mental health and medical personnel monitored him heck we even sent him out to a hospital but none of the experts could tell us anything other than he's having a psychotic break antipsychotic drugs seemed to have little effect on him rather than to increase his ranting another week goes by no one calls about this guy we found out that he was an executive working at a local bank his employers told us that he was a great employee he had been arrested for standing on a corner downtown screaming and spitting and when the officers tried to take him into custody he fought back and battered them he lost weight rapidly to begin with he was a well-built man about 62 and 220 pounds within two weeks he was down to 160 he had a dark complexion at the start but now his skin looked gray and it hung on him and the smell really really the smell you could smell him on the whole floor and it was like nothing you had ever smelled before not quite decay not quite gangrene not quite vomit or feces but all of that rolled into a roiling funk that traveled extensively with a strange edge of spiciness kind of like hot sauce no idea why I remember that so well but I've never smelled anything like it before or since the thing is the few times he was semi lucid you could tell that he was an okay guy he would plead with you to call Miami and to pay the man to just use his Amex but he didn't have the guy's number he said it was in his wallet we lurked but never found it on a Saturday morning our watch commander got a phone call from someone they claimed to be Johnny O's mother she was excited to have found him and told the commander that they would drive to our facility tomorrow to pick him up in a thick Haitian accent she said that she had paid the voodoo man and that Johnny would be okay now could they possibly bond him out and take him back to Miami on Sunday mummer explained what had happened prior to Johnny's arrest on vacation from his bank job he went back to Miami to be with family while there he wanted to get in touch with his Haitian roots he was born in Florida but felt a need to get in touch with where he came from so he attended a voodoo ceremony got scared wanted to leave em was cursed by the voodoo man who said that he would become a zombie if the voodoo man wasn't paid a certain amount of money by a specified time Johnny didn't think much of that threat and despite the warnings from his family he laughed it off and went back to work the day the debt remained unpaid his descent began we worked with the judge and the arresting officers to get the charges dropped if the family took him home I went up to his isolation cell to tell him that his family was coming to get him there was no smell like had all his color was back he was still thin but he was sitting up on his bunk eating lunch again completely lucid he was delighted and told me that he knew that his family was coming because he knew the man had been paid Sunday his whole family about seven of them came to the jail to get him and they were dressed in their church clothes I talked with his mother her delightful lady and a light yellow skirted suit wearing a fabulous feathered hat she thanked me for helping her son and as he walked out in his wrinkled suit a rope holding up his sagging pants she turned to me and told me you have to pay the voodoo man he should have known that I was an underwater welder for almost a decade in the 90s the job involved getting sent down to the bottom of the ocean usually to repair damaged pipelines occasionally we'd work on oil rigs - sometimes dams and the underbellies of ships the pay was amazing but you can probably guess why underwater welding was one of the most dangerous jobs in the world still is the mortality rate is something like 40 times the national average when you're working as an underwater welder you have to be extremely careful things can go sour very quickly if you're not concentrating the job comes with a whole plethora of risks decompression sickness electrocution drowning getting crushed cognitive problems you name it the scariest however is Delta P essentially it's when two bodies of water have dramatically different pressures if a diver happens to be near an open valve when Delta P is in effect it'll suck them up what makes it so scary is that there's almost no way of sensing it until it's too late you can't see it you can't feel it but once it grabs you that's your lord here's a video that shows how it works on an unsuspecting crab maybe you've even heard of the dolphin Bell incident where a guy got sucked through a small hole no more than the size of a clock face expelling all his organs in the process that was Delta P now that I've painted that beautiful picture on with my story at the time I was working in the Gulf of Mexico I was tasked with going down to the depths and clearing a blockage should have been pretty routine something I could have easily done by myself instead I got paired up with a newbie the company wanted to get him more experienced the newbie was a pretty nice guy I talked with him a bit before we got in the water asked him what made him choose this line of work he said pure chance he had been studying business at university and planned to go down that route with his life during one of his tests however he came to a question that was 50-50 not knowing what answer to pick he flipped a coin turns out the coin betrayed him and gave him the wrong answer he failed that test by one point and ended up getting kicked out of school with nothing but diving experience under his belt he figured he'd start a lucrative career in commercial diving we're in the water at this point and the newbie goes off ahead to clear the blockage while I keep an eye on him and examine some of the pipeline down there once he unclogged the blockage something went horribly wrong an unexpected powerful surge of Delta P took hold of him he had sucked him deep inside the pipe like completely inside we rushed to shut off the right valves and get the pressure back under control to get in there and try get the newbie out we needn't have bothered we already knew it was too late I was sent in to retrieve the guy's body his wasn't the first that had to retrieve in my career but it was the last once my contract expired I quit I'd been faced with the death of colleagues a couple of times in the past but I'd never come that close to losing my own life I still get the occasional flashback of that incident popping into my head from time to time it's only pure dumb chance they're that newbie got sucked into the pipe work instead of me hell he wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place it terrifies me to think about how that coin flip decided which one of us would live and which would die anyway that's my tail trust me every diver has at least 10 crazy stories half of which involve them almost dying if you ever thought about getting into this line of work I seriously suggest you reconsider not me but a past coworker he was a prison guard for years so many stories one time he found the cell of a lifer literally covered in his dead cellmates blood this lifer had killed his cellie yam meticulously covered the cell floor walls and ceiling and blood the life I thought this would get him into a solitary cell he didn't my coworker got to be the one to introduce the guy's new cellmate while the smell of blood was still in the air that new cellmate didn't last very long lifer got transferred after that my father used to have two Cambodian employees that were cousins and they were survivors of the Cambodian genocide they were in a labor camp that had no fences if you ran he would likely die in the harsh conditions every day they would line up the prisoners and shoot one person at random saying something like more of you will die if anyone leaves they were kept there purely through fair the two cousins decided to escape one day one of their brothers was too afraid to go with them and they left him behind and they said that they live with knowing and that probably a hundred or more people were killed because they escaped but they tell themselves that those people would have likely died anyway July 1974 the body of an unknown woman was discovered just off the side of the road in the race point dunes of Provincetown Massachusetts since nobody came forward to identify her and since the police had no idea who she was she was given the nickname lady of the dunes whoever she was she had obviously been murdered two sets of footprints led to her body and a set of tire tracks were found 50 yards from the scene she was lying face down on a blanket and she was nearly decapitated her head barely connected to her body one side of her skull had been crushed by some kind of heavy tool interestingly a blue bandanna and a pair of Wrangler jeans were resting under her nearly severed head acting as a sort of pillow her hands for armor and several of her teeth were missing taken by the killer to either hide their identity or the identity of the victim there were no signs of a struggle suggesting that the lady of the dunes either knew her murderer or was sleeping when he attacked despite being found close to the road her corpse had been lying there for around two weeks there was apparently a significant amount of quote-unquote insect activity since nobody came forward to identify her she was buried after the case went cold still in the years of 1980 2000 and 2013 her body was dug up from the ground in fresh efforts to discover who she was and who took her life these efforts proved unsuccessful in fact there's really very little we know about her at all experts say she could have been as young as 20 or as old as 49 however they have been able to produce these reconstructions showing what she may have looked like in real life so what does any of this have to do with the movie industry you're probably wondering well a fresh lead was uncovered in the most unlikely of places the movie Jaws take a look at this scene from the movie pay special attention to the people in the crowd this scene shows the fourth of July Krauts arriving in the town of Amity take a look at this extra passing through in the background of the shot she's wearing a blue bandana and what appear to be a pair of Wrangler jeans just like the kind found resting under the head of the dead woman once more she even seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to the reconstruction photos jaws was released in 1975 but was filmed in Massachusetts in 1974 right around the time that the Lady of the dunes was murdered most of the footage for the movie was shot only a hundred miles from where her lifeless body was found could this passing extra be the Lady of the dunes playing an extra in a film caught on camera just before her disappearance and death since there's no other evidence to support this theory many people believed it to be nothing more than wild speculation but the cases lead investigator has taken a special interest in the lead and is actively investigating it the timings right the locations right in the clothes face and figure of the extra match the dead woman found at the crime scene since the case has remained unsold for so many years yet son likely will ever know if this woman really was the murder victim still it's strange to think that this could be her immortalized in a movie forever shortly before her brutal murder the next time you watch jaws and get to this scene pay attention to this extra and give a little thought to the Lady of the dunes this all happened in the summer of 2010 an old friend from school was getting married and a group of seven of us were going to his bachelor party there was me Killian Sammy the dude Spanish Miguel Aden and of course the guest of honor big drew the first of us to get hitched our friend Frank was also there a nice guy who never did as much as hurt a fly in his whole life it was my first bachelor party and to tell you the truth I was pretty excited I had seen how they were always portrayed in TV and movies the debauchery the wild dares the whole boys being boys thing and I figured it was going to be the best night I'd never remember well we started drinking pretty early in the afternoon chugging beers reminiscing about the good old days and laughing about what married life would have in store for all drew like how he was going to have a dad bod and how his wife was only gonna let him out once a year for a beer with the guys and at some point somebody brought over a platter of shots I've never held my liquor very well but hey it was my good pals party so it would have been rude to refuse after that platter somebody bought another one and then another one it all starts to get a little fuzzy after that the next morning I woke up fully dressed with the world's worst hangover I checked the clock 11:00 a.m. we were all staying at the same hotel so I stumbled down to the breakfast area and found all my friends sitting around a table eating all my friends that is except for Frank well look who finally woke up they all choked we all laughed about our aching heads over toast and OJ we waited there for Frank for over an hour when he didn't come to join us we went to his room to wake him up it was time for us to hit the road and head back home we knocked and knocked on his door but he wouldn't answer he got to the point where the hotel staff came to open the door it was past our checkout time and they were getting pretty impatient the door opened but Frank wasn't there his bed had obviously not been slept in and there was no evidence that he even made it back to the hotel that night had he not walked back with the rest of us none of us could seem to remember how he got back to the hotel in the first place let alone remember a Frank was with us we tried calling him a hundred times on his cell but he just wouldn't pick up after another hour we called his girlfriend and family to see if he'd hitched a ride home or called the taxi or something he wasn't with them hell he wasn't with anyone Frank was reported missing later that day as of right now eight and a half years later he remains a missing person we have no idea what happened to him that night or even if he's still alive we all of course sat around and tried to piece that fateful night together Sammy says he remembers Frank bumping into some guy with stubble at the bar and spilling his beer all over him they don't confirm this and said that the guy was getting really angry Aidan also remembers seeing some guy with stubble later in a nightclub staring at us constantly but he's not sure if it was the same guy from the bar or someone else in Tolly I remember us all being together outside the nightclub Frank was definitely still with us at that point drew says that he remembers Frank shouting into a cell phone at some point and said that he thought Frank seemed agitated and distressed when he tried to ask if he was okay Frank apparently became aggressive and told him to get lost if that's true then that was completely out of character I'd never heard Frank raises voice never seen him get angry at anyone even when he was drunk he was a super mild mannered guy Miguel also seemed to remember Frank acting a little off arguing with the bouncer at the club he wasn't sure what he was arguing about though we all seem to have a few different pieces of the puzzle to share problem is none of us can remember at which point we lost Frank we gave a description of the stubble guy to the police but they've never found anyone who matches our description we wonder if somebody put something in our drinks that night it's just crazy how little we remember anyway Frank if you're out there and you listen to this please get in touch buddy we love you and miss you peace brother ah Texas good food and blue skies and huge open spaces with patchy sell signal it was August 8th 2013 just before midnight after an argument with his wife 26 year-old Brandon Lawson left his home in San Angelo needing some time to cool off he hopped in his truck and began the journey to his father's house he would never make it to his destination Brandon ran out of gas on highway 277 near Bronte stuck there without any options he called up his brother Kyle saying that he needed a left of the nearest gas station Kyle and his girlfriend agreed to help Brandon out and began making their way to him for some unknown reason Brandon didn't wait for his brother in his vehicle instead he ended up in an undisclosed field then he made the exact transcript of the call is up for debate and it's particularly hard to make out what he's trying to say at the beginning some think he's saying that a state trooper pulled some guys over and others distinctly hear the word sniper it definitely sounds as if there's someone else with Brandon as well one thing does become clear analyzing the audio though in the background of the clip there are at least two audible gunshots the police eventually arrived at the scene along with Brandon's brother Kyle Brandon's truck had been left at a crooked angle on the road posing a serious hazard it seemed as if he had left in a hurry whatever had happened to Brandon he was still alive at this point Kyle received a call from his desperate brother the signal kept going in and out making it difficult to understand what Brandon was trying to say what Kyle did understand though was that his brother was enough filled 10 minutes up the road and that he was bleeding things may have gone very differently that night had a simple misunderstanding being avoided here you see the police weren't at the scene because of the call Brandon had made to 9-1-1 they were there because of another caller who had complained about his truck in the road Kyle himself had no idea his brother was in danger he thought that Brandon was hiding from the police since he had an outstanding warrant from two years ago as such he thought that his brother was bleeding because he had scratched himself on a bush and made no mention of the call to the deputies he was standing with after some time the lawmen drove off saying that they'd have the vehicle towed in the morning Kyle and his girlfriend spent some time searching for Brandon but found no trace of him they figured he'd gone off to a gas station it wasn't until the next morning that everyone realized Brandon was missing he hasn't been seen or heard from since the money in his bank account hasn't been touched and his cell phone has been completely inactive from what I've heard the area around Bronte is known for being a bit of a no-man's land did Brandon witness something he wasn't supposed to some sort of car activity it's possible others think that he was high on drugs hence why in the call he seems to make very little sense at the beginning then there are those who think that he's the victim of a police cover-up the land he disappeared on is owned by the sheriff whose wife also runs the local newspaper the sheriff is not allowing any more searches on his land and Brandon's name rarely crops up in the paper if he did indeed say that a state trooper pulled some guys over at the beginning is it possible that in some way the authorities are involved in his disappearance well whoever Brandon did run into that night he was more scared of them than going to jail hence why he specifically asked the operator for the cops despite his outstanding warrant whoever Brandon did run into that night and whatever they did with him will likely never know in 2014 two young Dutch women disappeared on a hike in Panama 10 weeks later after an intensive search some of their bone fragments were discovered along with their phones and one of their cameras on it were a series of photos chronicling the final days of Chris Kremers analyse an Thrun here are those images things start off as you'd expect with the goals cheerfully posing for the camera at various points along the hiking route they sang continues to take pictures of Chris as they moved deeper into the jungle then the pictures stop abruptly eight days later about 90 photos were taken in the early hours of the morning 87 of them were apparently of near complete blackness they still haven't been released to the public of the three that have been released one was of this patch of Earth one was of this potentially a marker that one of the girls have made the final discernible image was a close-up of the back of Chris's head her temple appears to be bloody some think that we were using the camera's flash to signal for help others think that we were using it to light their way as they navigated through the wilderness to make sure that they weren't walking in circles in their weakened state perhaps they were using the flash to scare off predators at this point they would have been starving dehydrated and completely disoriented after checking their call history investigators learned that the girls had tried to make over 80 distress calls it also became apparent that the girls were desperately trying to conserve their battery power the SANS phone died on the fifth day in Chris's phone was switched off for the last time at 11:56 p.m. on the tenth day it's likely that Chris died on day 8 hence the bloody photo and nice and took her phone in hopes of finding a signal that would explain why after day 8 the wrong pin was repeatedly entered into Chris's phone and the device remained locked the main theory at this point is that in the darkness the girl somehow became separated Chris fell hit her head and died as a result he Sam may have taken the rest of the pictures to mark the way back to Chris's body hoping that the authorities may be able to use them to find her remains does it sound like I'm speculating a lot well that's because I am nobody knows the exact fate of those girls during and after those 10 days there are of course many theories flying around and even some evidence that may suggest foul play it's possible that a local guide with a history of inappropriate and aggressive behavior may have led the girls deep into the jungle then when they fought off his advances he may have left them stranded in the wilderness whatever the case it's hard to imagine being lost in the jungle for 10 days straight no food no water and no phone signal these last dark images give us a sense of the desperation those girls must have felt what a nightmarish scenario this is a bizarre story but I swear it's true and my girlfriend can back me up on what I saw that night my girlfriend had a babysitting job out of this country house in the middle of nowheres Ville the place was surrounded by woodland and a good ten minute drive from the nearest town no neighbors or nothing the prospect of staying there overnight all alone kind of creeped her out so I of course agreed to head over there after work and spend the night with her and the kid she was sitting I get there and the silence of the area was kind of creepy to be honest there were no crickets or rustling or even any wind the place was just without sound if that makes sense and that sort of thing is a little area in the daylight let alone a night time so the night rolls on and my girlfriend puts the kid to bed we decide to chill out for a couple of hours and watch a movie that's playing on TV and I can't remember what exactly we're both are relaxing and cuddling up on the couch all of a sudden we both hear the front door open whoever opened it wasn't even trying to be quiet or conceal their footsteps in any way in this really silent setting their boots sounded like dumbbells hitting the floorboards and they got even louder as whoever it was made their way down the hall and towards the living room where we were sitting in here's the strangest part both my girlfriend and I feel perfectly calm not freaked out in the slightest we have no idea why but it doesn't even occur to us to be scared or concerned we felt weirdly peaceful and naturally peaceful the person walks into the room it's a large man around 40 years old him well-built he strolls him without hesitating and then just stops and turns his gaze towards us this smell of a stale cigarette smoke hit the both of us immediately still and we didn't react at all we remained perfectly calm he stared down at us with wide eyes not blinking we looked up at him as if him being there was the most natural thing in the world my heart wasn't racing or anything he had this sort of cowboy presence if that makes sense and that's the best way I can describe it relaxed but austere in a serious cool but dangerous he wasn't wearing stirrups or a cowboy hat or nothing just jeans and a shirt a little facial stubble dark rings under his eyes can we help you sir I asked him genuinely he drew a big breath don't go out in those woods tonight and taking someone mean shouldn't be you understand okay we will wait until morning then I said he nodded turned and walked back through the hallway towards the front door we heard it close behind him and he was gone we went back to watching our movie as if nothing had happened then went to bed without a care in the world it wasn't until the next morning when we both woke up that we realized just how disturbing that entire encounter had been we couldn't seem to work out why we didn't feel a thing when he walked in we asked the kid if he had a family member or someone he knew that VIP had appearance he didn't we asked his parents later who also didn't know anyone like that they got pissed at us and asked why we didn't call the police or call them we didn't have an answer 12 months later news broke out that a skeleton was unearthed in those very woods the police started digging around the area and a week later another skeleton was discovered in the following months bones belonging to five separate victims were dug up from the earth God knows how long they'd all been down there yeah ever since then there's been a police presence in those woods I don't know who that gentleman was that came into the house that night but my girlfriend and I both saw and heard the exact same thing remember it in the exact same way why did both of us feel so peaceful that night so unconcerned it was a strange and showing experience that we'll never forget but I'm grateful it wasn't us that he took that night this entry is a little bit different to the others the evidence is a video of the entire crime taken by the perpetrators themselves for reasons that will become obvious I'm only going to describe the footage rather than show it in 2015 a mobile phone was found in the back of a Fijian taxi on it was an extremely disturbing video taken somewhere in the Indian Ocean the found footage was then posted online in the video we can see at least four unarmed men floating in the sea some of them cling to an upturned wooden boat the men are surrounded by a number of large tuna fishing vessels they're screaming and shouting as the men swim for their lives to begin with it's not obvious why then over the ship's loudspeaker a chilling command shoot guns are cocked and bullets fired one by one the men in the water are picked off by those on the ships one of the victims even raises his hands in surrender only to be shot in the head he disappears under the water for a moment and then Bob's back up to the surface the ocean around him turning a dark shade of red when all of the men in the water are dead the killers pose for a selfie prosecution's foresee crimes like this are extremely rare some estimate it to be less than 1% according to maritime security officials hundreds are killed at sea every year for that reason looking at the size of the boats in the video there must have been dozens of witnesses on board despite this the killings went unreported as of right now the identity of the killer's remains unknown as does their motive for killing their defenseless victims this could have been a territorial dispute the settling of a grudge maybe even the execution of a group of pirates one things but definitely this was murder you can find the video quite easily online but I seriously suggest you don't go looking for it as you can imagine it's quite graphic in places here's a weird one have a look at this famous quote and tried to remember what movie is from pause the video now and have a little think you recognize it right most people do myself included but it's hard to remember which film is from you can even seem to hear how it's said by the actors in your head so what does it do do and that's the beauty of it it doesn't do anything kind of like that you can hear it quite vividly so where's it from when you ask people they usually answer with something like Back to the Future The Big Lebowski The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy or Doctor Who or The Simpsons but it's not from any of those in fact it's not from any film at all to this day it remains a mystery why so many people recognize it immediately there are no plausible theories and its origin remains unknown how did this non-existent quote embed itself into the memory of millions of people it's something that's perplexed people for a long time now there have even been studies conducted by Harvard and the University of Edinburgh to try and solve this mystery but so far nothing to this day it remains the only example of the Mandela effect with absolutely no explanation and that in itself warrants a place on this list two years ago right around Halloween time I was babysitting for these two ladies who each had a son they wanted to go out so I stayed at one of their houses and watched the boys it was around a p.m. and the boys were sitting on the couch playing on their iPads and whatnot when somebody knocked on the door I asked if anyone was supposed to be coming over and they both said no I go over and check the I hole in the door and it's some guy in a gray hoodie deliberately hunched over so I can't see his face well I don't say anything and start pacing around because I don't want to give him any inclination we're inside a couple of minutes later and I check outside the little window through the curtains he's gone I didn't want to spook the kids anymore and there weren't any more knocks so I just kind of let it go as a prank cut to a few hours later and the mums get back they ask me how everything was and I say that the kids were great but somebody came to the door they asked me at what time and I say around 8:00 one of the mum starts freaking out and going through her phone the other one tells me that right around that time somebody had been making strange phone calls to them on a blocked number they had disguised their voice and was saying things like I can see you through your window they didn't think it was serious because it didn't make sense in the context of where they were but in retrospect we're almost positive it was me he was looking at through the window they escorted me to my car and I touched base later apparently nothing strange ever happened after that but I'm just really glad I didn't open that door because I have a feeling in my gut it would have been really bad [Music] he excuse me for not being an amazing storyteller but this is definitely a true story my mother used to work at a hotel in Washington DC it was back in the 90s and she was a housekeeper or maid she needed money because she was a refugee from Vietnam even though she didn't know much English at the time she knew enough to get by at her job plus all the other hotel staff and guests loved her because of how sweet she was because of this anytime high-profile guests such as the Backstreet Boys would come and stay at the hotel the manager always sent my mum to clean their rooms one day a guest came we all refer to him as mr. M he checked into their most expensive suite as usual the manager told my mum to take care of this room as she got there there was a Do Not Disturb sign on the door so she told the manager that she'd go back later what was weird was that no one was ever allowed into mr. Ames room the man stayed there for over a month and not one time did he let any staff come in to clean however he paid a lot and he always gave a warm welcome every time he passed a staff member or housekeeper so no one paid him any attention really then one day people didn't see him anymore they assumed he had checked out even though the receptionist had no account of that since it had been so long since the room had been cleaned the manager told my mum to go and check it out and try and clean up what she could as she got to the room and unlocked the door a disturbing smell hit her she couldn't figure out what it was but she continued to survey the room it was disgustingly messy in her words it looked like someone had thrown a rave despite the fact that no one else had ever gone into mr. Ames room none of the other guests at least it looked like mr. M had deserted the place without telling anyone my mum was still shocked by the smell so she tried to track it down as she followed the smell she could tell it was coming from the closet when she opened the closet there was nothing but a cardboard box on the ground the smell was clearly resonating from it my mother's first instinct was to open the box to see what it was and to clean and throw it out and what she found scarred her it was the rotting decomposing head of a young woman my mother immediately screamed and got out of there she fainted in the elevator once she woke up the cops were everywhere and the hotel was like a CSI scene the manager told her that mr. M wasn't the guy's real name and he had used a fake credit card to check in the head of the woman was identified to be that of a call girl I don't know much more or any of the nitty gritty details but I'm sure you can look it up on the internet for more information needless to say my mum quit that day [Music] this next page is a rather disturbing mainly because it tells us things about ourselves we'd rather not hear leopold Sondhi was a Hungarian psychoanalyst who in 1935 created a simple test that we're going to try now take a look at these pictures now pick the one that scares you the most really try to visualize yourself alone with each of these people imagine that you're walking down a dark alleyway who would creep you out the most if you saw them walking towards you if you were in an elevator who would you least want to be trapped alone with essentially and which one gives off the creepiest vibes or makes you feel the most disgusted and repulsed take a moment and decide and be sure to remember your choice chosen well those eight faces were real-life mental patients that Sundy himself was treating each of these patients suffered with a different condition Sondhi believed that whichever face you picked reveals something about your personality not just anything about your personality though the part of you that you supposedly repress or at least try to deny about yourself either you've pushed these feelings and desires deep down into your unconscious mind or you simply refuse to accept that these character traits are a part of you and act in opposition towards them it's important to note that whichever result you get it doesn't mean you have a mental condition just that you potentially have hidden impulses that you subconsciously compensate for most people seem to find the results of this test accurate though obviously take them with a pinch of salt anyway let's go over them here quickly picture one the sadist if you chose this picture you likely had to deal with some strict authoritarian figures in your childhood as a result you've likely repressed the need to dominate others having been dominated so much in your formative years you're probably a very peaceful and friendly person and like to make others feel comfortable in your presence all that being said you probably respond with passive aggressiveness whenever you feel like someone's trying to dominate you that's your special way of indirectly punishing them deep inside you may actually enjoy seeing others suffer either physically or emotionally though on a conscious level you do your best to try and ignore these sports whenever they surface picture to the epileptic you likely feel emotions very intensely whether they be good or bad since you were taught in childhood that acting in certain ways is and not okay you refuse to let these negative feelings such as anger impulsiveness and irritability manifest as such you likely were a strong emotional mask and are very good and not letting others see how you're feeling when these negative emotions begin to bubble under the surface you probably compensate by acting very meek and friendly in your day-to-day interactions and other people probably see you as reliable and peaceful in stressful situations however you may finally lose your self-control and explode at others they likely never expect this since nobody views you as the type to lash out picture 3 the catatonic you're slightly a very intelligent person with a hyperactive mind well that doesn't sound so bad right here's the trade-off in an attempt to avoid losing touch with reality and control over your overactive brain you've likely become very dutiful inhibited and Driven you're probably also oblivious to the physical and emotional needs of yourself and others and likely feel very disconnected and potentially lost picture number four the schizophrenic her gaze is vacant and impassive if you selected this woman then you're likely repressing apathy towards others and probably struggled to form connections with people relating with others is also challenging for you maybe even relating with yourself as a result your relationships lack depth to compensate you're most likely very sociable and spend a lot of time with friends and family this is probably in an effort to mask your in a sense of isolation and loneliness picture five the hysteric you're probably repressing attention-seeking tendencies you were likely told to stop showing off as a child either by adults or your peers and as such you're probably quite a modest and reserved personnel deep down you love being in the spotlight and charming others and though you're rarely the center of attention you get a real buzz when you are you're the kind of person who pays close attention to detail as can be seen by the amount of effort you put into your physical appearance this could be your subconscious self showing off while your conscious self continues to act modestly picture six the depressive on the surface you probably appear happy and bubbly the kind of person who doesn't have a care in the world that's the side of you you show to other people at least beneath it all you may struggle with a nagging feeling of worthlessness you may even feel self-loathing and guilt you probably try and take your mind of this by focusing on work and other people low self-esteem is also associated with this choice if this is you it doesn't necessarily mean that you're a depressed person but that you have a predisposition to negative emotions picture seven the maniac you're most probably a very logical reasonable and collected individual you favor balance and aren't a fan of chaotic or excessive displays of emotion you're likely annoyed when people are too loud will hold too strong a belief that's because inside you're likely repressing hyperactive tendencies that would cause you to lose control deep within your probably quite a compulsive person with extreme energy levels this was likely repressed by your parents or teachers who continuously made you calm down as a child picture eight dissociative identity disorder as a child you may have been bullied defamed or traumatized by a teacher parent or other family member this drama may have made you subconsciously question your worth as a sexual partner now that you're older you may try to emphasize your gender role to make up for these internal feelings for example if you're a man you may act overly macho and if you're a female you may try to accentuate your femininity by being very flirty sexy or unnecessarily submissive you may have a tendency to belittle other members of your sex that you don't think act manly or womanly enough so there you have it what's your assault accurate being an old quick psychoanalytic test it's obviously not going to be a hundred percent spot-on for all of you but I found my choice to be disturbingly OnPoint definitely check out the Wikipedia page if you want to learn more about the test in its history number three the anniversary crasher Joe Martinez was at his in-laws 50th wedding anniversary enjoying a night of festivities along with his wife Patty unbeknownst to most of the other guests Joe was battling a severe drug problem one that he says was killing his soul still Patti stood by her husband in spite of his addiction hoping that one day Joe would see the light and finally get clean little did they both realize that Joe would indeed see the light of that evening and it would come in the form of a camera flash the couple posed together for this photo at first glance it's a fairly ordinary image but something appeared alongside Joe which wasn't there when they took the picture a doglike face an earring of a shoulder there were no dogs at the party no animals of any kind and the creature didn't appear in any other photographs taken that evening nobody at the event remembered seeing anything even remotely resembling it by all accounts it shouldn't be there the couple themselves truly believe that it's a demon believing that it was following him Joe took this photo as a sign to finally kick his drug habit and there's good and evil in this life said mr. Martinez there's the good on the right side of me and there's the evil on the left Joe now carries the photo with him wherever he goes as a reminder to keep himself clean not my story but I'm involved in a way several years ago my college roommate let's call her II worked as the night manager for a newly built hotel as was par for the course I would often bring coffee in at around 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. and stay in chat for a while one night I showed up to find E sitting at the front desk shaking her head looking completely perplexed allegedly she had just checked him what could only be described as the doppelganger of our other roommate we'll call her em in this guest to look just like her and down to the same height hair style eye color even the same southern accent I'm just quite odd as we live in the north he tried to speak with the new guests and show her a picture of em on her phone but was rebuffed several times we both chalked it up to a coincidence as we knew that M was visiting her parents we went on to enjoy our coffee shortly after 2:00 I decided to head home it wasn't until around 2:30 a.m. when I pulled into our garage that I checked my phone there was a series of texts from II sent to me and M she had sent these messages said exactly 2:17 a.m. stop not funny you guys suck what the hell naturally I was confused so I called her back this is when things got weird he sounded hysterical on the phone apparently M&I in the same clothes I wore earlier have been standing at the end of the main hallway staring at her he thought this was a joke and kept calling out to no response eventually the front desk phone rang and in the time it took to answer it we both had disappeared I calmed her down over the phone and the next morning we talked through the possibilities trying to rationalize what she saw the guest who did look like em I came back down to the front desk later that morning inquiring about some service much to ease surprise this so-called doppelganger only looked a vaguely similar to our roommate now the only thing that scares me to this day and that I never told her was that when I got into our house the kitchen clock was stuck at 2:17 directly next to it Sattar photo of m and i smiling that I had only developed that afternoon I still have no explanation and nothing weird ever happened at the hotel again but it still makes me uneasy to this day [Music] this is the Haiku staircase in Oahu Hawaii to locals in Salmonella known as the stairway to heaven built in 1942 the perilous trail consists of nearly 4,000 steps and leads climbers to the top of the ko allow mountain range it's closed to the public the entrance blocked and guarded still that doesn't stop the occasional thrill seeker from sneaking onto the structure one such adventurer was de lijn por better known as Moke on the 27th of february 2015 the 18 year old left his grandmother's house saying that he planned to go hiking she warned her grandson to stay away from the stairway to heaven she'd seen on the news that it was a forbidden trail you know how teenagers react when you tell them not to do something at 11 a.m. Moke texted her a picture from you guessed it in the stairway to heaven he disregarded her warning and was making his way up the lonely trail not a wise move she thought but at least he was staying in contact as he ascended the mountain he continued to update his social media pages and sent his family pictures of his journey to the top unfortunately it seems he didn't make it all the way up monk sent this one final picture to his family after that or communication ceased he hasn't been seen or heard from since when his family realized he was missing they immediately contacted the authorities the Navy and the Honolulu Fire Department combed the area thoroughly and after an arduous five-day search they found no trace of the young man he had simply vanished off the face of the earth well that's no mystery you might be saying to yourself the boy must have just fallen from the mountain on his way up indeed that's what everyone initially thought the thing is he wasn't that far up the mountain when he took his last picture he wasn't in an area that was difficult to search and he wasn't alone did you notice anything unusual in Luke's lost picture after examining it in greater detail investigators spotted something out of place they're hidden in the bushes was the shape of a crouching man the question is who is he and was this just another adventurer on his way to the top some guy who was out exploring the area because of the way the man's crouched and partially hidden by the foliage many people believe that he has something to do with moocs disappearance it's certainly easy to see how people can draw that conclusion Moke made no mention of the man in the final message to his family he may not have even realized that someone was following him up the mountain whoever this man is he's yet to reveal his identity to the police despite their best efforts to track him down more than likely he is innocent of any wrongdoing but why hasn't he come forward at the very least he must have seen milk in the moments leading up to his disappearance does he not want to admit that he was on the forbidden trail whatever the case if Moke did die accidentally on the mountain his body still remains some found volunteers occasionally groomed the area in search of his remains hopefully his family can find closure his name was Flemming and he was a poor Scottish farmer one day while trying to eke out a living for his family he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bulk he dropped his tools and ran to the bulk there mired to his waist in black mulch and was a terrified boy screaming and struggling to free himself farmer Flemming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death the next day a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's house an elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy the farmer Fleming had saved I want to repay you said the nobleman you saved my son's life now I can't accept payment for what I did the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer at that moment the farmers own son came to the door of the family hovel is this your son the nobleman asked yes the farmer replied proudly I'll make you a deal let me take him and give him a good education if the boys anything like his father he will grow up to be a man you can be proud of and that he did in time farmer Fleming's son graduated from st. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming the discoverer of penicillin yes afterwards the same nobleman son was stricken with pneumonia what saved him penicillin the name of the nobleman Lord Randolph Churchill his sons named Winston her expression says it all this was eighteen-year-old selca Bischoff she'd been taken hostage by two bank robbers dieter de Gouw ski and hans-juergen Rosner the pair of gangsters were on the run from the cops and took a bus full of civilians hostage in Hakkari de Germany at the time this photo was taken the duo had already executed a 15 year old Italian hostage and a police officer had died in a crash while pursuing them over time most of the hostages on the bus were released only silca and one other female hostage were left behind as bargaining chips they were forced into a getaway car and the robbers took them on a long journey into the Netherlands the situation was handled extremely poorly by the police and media outlets were even able to hold interviews with the two armed convicts giving them not only exposure but leverage as well authorities watched on as journalists brought the criminals cups of tea and coffee some reporters even helped to prolong the incident guiding the abductors on their way and handing them pictures of the police officers involved in the case so that they wouldn't be tricked during a hostage exchange during an interview one reporter even our silca what's it like to have a gun held to your neck the ratings were through the roof near the end of the whole ordeal a police cruiser rammed into the robbers escape vehicle rendering it a mobile rather than come out with their hands up the gangsters decided to make their last stand all guns blazing with silca still in the car silca was killed in the ensuing gunfight the same can't be said of both the hostage-takers they survived with no more hostages left they were forced to surrender but asana received a life sentence the Gauss key got off flight with 24 years since this all took place in 1988 he is a free man last year I was on jury duty he has the scoop a dude was serving a month in a County Jail for a DUI the jails overcrowded impacts seven guys into a four-man cell three of them are violent offenders the one on trial violently raped a 15 year old girl over the course of two weeks the three violent guys in the cell make the other four guys fight each other sort of like Fight Club if they didn't bite and they'd beat the [ __ ] out of them finally one day they get bored and decide to just stomp the crap out of the guy in for the DUI charge just didn't like the way that he looked at them or something it was all on video I watched the video of this guy getting his head repeatedly bounced off the cinderblock wall the guy who was on trial waited until the DUI guy was unconscious then ran over and beat on him some more his lawyers tried to claim that it was just assault not aggravated assault because and I quote he didn't beat him unconscious he just hit him after he was unconscious after this the three violent guys made him clean up his own blood and then stay in his bunk and hide any time the guards came around he had to hide for three days the guy on trial ended up getting the aggravated assault charge along with a kidnapping charge but limiting the DUI guy's Liberty he can't just make someone stay in their bunk during the whole trial I was just in shock that we weren't there for a correctional officers trial we had video of the whole thing happening why was no one watching these cameras fifteen minute long violent fights on camera that a CEO should have been watching then they didn't question it when this guy hidden his cell for three days straight on top of all of that why was a non-violent DUI offender forced into a cell three extremely violent prisoners makes you wonder so this took place way back in the 80s I was living in Holland at the time and one of my best friends over there was finally getting hitched needless to say a crazy bachelor party had been planned the husband-to-be was Ronnie a real wild child now Ronnie was the kind of guy who wasn't afraid to take on the world he spoke his mind at all times and unfortunately for the rest of us his big mouth got us in trouble on more than one occasion regardless he was a hilarious dude a real character who was just so much fun to hang around with now for the most part the night went as planned we must have consumed every type of alcohol in almost every bar in town we'd been partying since 2:00 p.m. so by the time midnight rolled around well we were drunk as skunks that's when Ronnie's big mouth got us into a whole bunch of trouble we were all being loud and obnoxious people like people on bachelor parties all there was some guy standing by the bar now we weren't in the nicest part of town and this dude looked like the kind of guy you don't mess with you could tell from the way he was dressed from the tattoo on his neck in the hard expression on his face speaking of face this guy looked young younger than he actually was that's for sure I mean he had a real mean case of the baby face put it like that Ronnie sees this guy and he just can't help himself he approaches him and says something stupid like whoa whoa whoa what are this kid's parents thinking letting him have a beer come on buddy time for bed then he pinched the guy's cheek you okay little man he said a few other stupid things as well but they escaped my mind not cool I admit but he was drunk and just playing around baby vase turns to Ronnie gives him this big toothy smile and laughs at him in an obviously sarcastic way he then finishes his bear in a couple of big gulps throws on his coat and walks out of the bar doesn't say a word well that was something we all think anyway the night goes on things start to wind down at around 3 p.m. we all stumble out of the bar and decide to head home as we make our way down the streets our numbers start to dwindle people are branching off and heading their separate ways after a while the only people left are myself Ronnie and our good pal Eric a scrawny but happy chap we were getting to the end of the street we were on when a van suddenly pulls up ahead of us the side door slides open and guess who jumps out yeah the young looking thug from the bar and he's not alone he's brought four of his friends with him and they're all built like tanks they were holding baseball bats and metal poles and they had clearly planned to ambush us that's them says the young thug in Dutch when you're staring at five gangster looking weapon wielding men with bloodlust in their eyes you sober up real real quick Ronnie Eric and I turn and bolt we could hear the footsteps and shouting of the thugs behind us getting louder and louder as they gained on us I was certain that if they got their hands on us we were dead men we got to a fork at the end of the street we were just running on instinct at this point and Derrick and I turned left while Ronnie turned right I looked back to call for Ronnie only to see three of the men still chasing behind me and Eric they were like rabid dogs there was no way the two of us could handle them they were laughing as they chased us yelling about how we were already dead and how we'd messed with the wrong guy we made it to a turn that led onto a residential street I leap over the first fence I see and land in somebody's backyard Eric quickly follows I grabbed a shovel that was lying on the grass and the two of us crouched up close against the fence trying our best to stay hidden I held the shovel tight and whispered to Eric the first one that comes over I'm gonna hit him I really meant it I was gonna hit him on the head and probably kill the guy but I meant what I said I knew they'd probably kill us otherwise Eric and I looked up at the house of the garden we were hiding in the light in the bedroom window switched on a middle-aged woman poked her head out we must have woken her up she looked down at the two of us crouching in her yard holding her shovel then she looked to the men chasing us they had just turned the corner and were standing on the other side of the fence we were hiding behind where the hell did they go we heard one say we were terrified that they'd hear our heavy breaths all I could do was grip the shovel tightly and prepare to strike I prayed that I wouldn't miss I prayed that I could fight the two that were left standing the lady in the window called out to them hey my heart sank she was about to throw us to the dogs beads of sweat formed on my forehead I closed my eyes I saw him they went that way said the lady and pointed down one of the side roads the thugs bought it and ran off into the night this angel realized what was going on and she had just saved our skin she watched as we hopped over the fence and made a break for it in the opposite direction we both gave her a nod before we sprinted off I had never been so grateful and this was before the days of cellphones and we had no idea where Ronnie was we went around to his house but he wasn't there we of course feared the worst thankfully by the time the morning rolled around he had reached he'd managed to slip away from the thugs laid low for a while and made her home without them following him to this day I'd say that's the closest I've come to dying in hindsight those guys must have been watching us from afar for a few hours waiting for most of our group to leave so they could strike they wanted Ronnie but were more than happy to attack Eric and I just for being friends with him luckily we all escaped and Ronnie got to marry his blushing bride and have a few kids never did learn to keep his mouth shut a crazy Dutch bugger my brother was going to a concert in Indianapolis to see Metallica his buds pulled up outside to pick him up and he quickly goes to throw on his Metallica t-shirt annoyingly he couldn't find it not wanting to keep his pals waiting he just throws on a Nirvana shirt instead not really giving it too much thought the guys drive down to the stadium and have a whale of a time rocking out to their favorite tracks while there some random chick in the crowd comes up to my brother and comments on his Nirvana shirt saying how overrated that band was it didn't seem like she was coming over to flirt or nothing it was just something that came to her mind because she was a bit tipsy my brother thought she was quite attractive so he replies with the old way he must have hearing damage Felina a line so lame it wouldn't usually work but in this case she seemed pretty receptive they hang around for the rest of the show and afterwards my brother decides to hang out with her for a bit longer he tells his friends to drive back without him says that he'll grab a cab later back to his place they say their goodbyes and they drive off he chills with this girl for a while and they hit it off pretty well they both agree to stay in contact and my brother calls it a night and dance up for a cab well later that night he hears the news his friends were involved in a major collision on their way back from the show the crash was so bad that the only thing left of one of his buddies was basically a red skid mark on the road all three of them lost their lives the empty seat my brother would have been sitting in had pieces of sharp metal piercing it from all directions he would have been annihilated my brother managed to escape his fate well because he randomly through on that Nirvana shirt from the draw he found his Metallica shirt a few days later hanging in the closet in plain view my uncle was a tunnel rat in the Vietnam War basically the Viacom had a huge underground system of complexes all over the place when American troops found one of their tunnels they'd send a few soldiers in to flush out any enemy troops it was usually the shorter guys in the squad who had to perform this horrible task unfortunately for my uncle he was five foot five since these tunnels were usually super confined our rifle was pretty much useless the only things they brought inside with them were a pistol a bayonet and a flashlight on the day of this incident my uncle in his platoon uncovered one of these tunnels he gets nominated to go inside with another guys back up in a way they were lucky half the time you had to crawl your way through the tunnels on your stomach this time they had just enough room to make their way through on their feet albeit extremely hunched over regardless you can imagine how they felt going in the VC had the home ground advantage knew the tunnels like the back of their hand and was slightly had booby traps set up all the way through the tunnel my uncle and his buddy were moving through the tunnels single-file adrenalin darkness and lack of oxygen screwing with their vision and their minds they're deep into the complex when they come to a fork in the path one path leads off to the left the other to the right time to split up they decided to rock paper scissors to see who would go left my uncle knew what he was going to choose right away paper this is where the butterfly effect comes in on the day prior at mealtime he had the choice of sitting with one of two groups of guys his usual buds or a couple of guys he hadn't talked to that much at this point my uncle always had a thing for the larger lady he had gotten into an argument with one of his pals about a picture of his girl one of the fellas made an inappropriate joke about the picture this led to a falling out as such my uncle sat with these other guys while they're talking one of the dudes brings up a little fact that my uncle finds kind of interesting he tells him that in rock-paper-scissors people are statistically more likely to open with rock this pops into my uncle's head as he and his fellow tunnel rat are about to shoot he goes with paper and sure enough the other guy goes with rock the numbers game worked as such my uncle goes off to the left and his partner heads right my uncle makes his way through and in 20 minutes feels like an eternity luckily for him he doesn't come face to face with Charlie or any of his traps he plant some c4 on the structural weak points to collapse the tunnel when he gets the hell out of there when he resurfaces his platoon leader gives him a pat on the shoulder now they just had to wait for the other guy to get back out the other guy never did make it out on the right side the VC were hiding and concealed cracks in the wall when the unsuspecting private made his way past them they impaled him with spears there's no way he could have seen them while waiting for him to come by so there you have it the fact my uncle prefers larger ladies and like statistics may have saved his life since hearing that story I always go with paper first 2011 Japan twenty-seven-year-old Mayumi era she was at home with her father her sister in her 18 month old baby at one point in the afternoon she became visibly flustered and uncomfortable she quickly made her way out the front door saying that she had plans to meet an old classmate of hers day became night and the young mother still hadn't returned home worried about her well-being her family began searching for her Mayumi sister Yoko contacted the former classmate Megumi said she was meeting lo and behold no such meeting had taken place and the classmate said that the two of them had never agreed to meet to begin with Megumi had lied but why later that evening Yoko discovered a note left by my Yumi she brought it to the attention of the police the note mentioned a man known to the media as a it read as follows to my family I've been betrayed by a this could be my punishment for betraying my husband I'm sorry what on earth was this cryptic message supposed to mean what was miyumi hinting at an affair of some kind how had this a betrayed her so many questions raised by such a short note in addition to finding this message Yoko also stated that she had received a call from a himself apparently he claimed to have met with me you me in the afternoon when she disappeared and said that he wanted to go to jail if Mayumi ever turned up dead another cryptic clue was a trying to express that he felt guilty if Mimi killed herself or was he hinting at the fact that he had killed her the next morning the police were able to track down a they saw him walking into a forested area carrying two cartons of juice they pursued him into the woods but lost track of him they haven't been able to find him since he had definitely seemed like something sinister had happened to me you me be that suicide abduction or murder still at least the case was progressing that was mostly thanks to Yoko who rocked at this point had collected most of the clues then the mystery took an unexpected turn the case blew up on the internet after an interview with me Yumi's father was posted by a Japanese news station it wasn't what he said in the interview that made it go viral it's what was spotted in the background there posted on the wall behind me Yumi's father was a note the note was in mommy's handwriting it read don't trust what Yoko says nobody knows what this mysterious note is referring to or why it was put there it wasn't addressed during the interview and apparently the news team didn't even notice it and despite it being clearly visible it's difficult to find sources for this case which aren't in Japanese but there are some interesting theories being discussed online whatever the case it's obvious that somebody's lying and at least one member of Mimi's family knows more about her disappearance than they're letting on hey guys Lizzy here and thank you very much for listening a special thank you to my biggest patrons Ray Price Burton Marley right Crawford K McDonald scion of the Emperor Monica Mendoza Alex green Sol Phillip Westra Gina Valera Bob the devil Pro Cupid I natter and Lester leader please consider supporting me by following the link in the description the best things happen in the dark
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Views: 2,085,631
Rating: 4.8050246 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true horror stories, real, true, new, best, most, long video, top 10, lazy masquerade, maskarade, reddit, 2chan, 4chan, creepypasta, creepiest, scariest, scariest video ever, on youtube, deeply disturbing, urban legends, ghosts, haunted, caught on camera, mysterious, mysteries, unsolved, solved, folklore, creepy, Halloween, lets not meet, asmr, british accent, english, Top 30 Creepy TRUE Stories Compilation, nightmare, horror movies, scary 2019 movies
Id: WItc99s5qkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 38sec (7238 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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