Fusion 360 Absolute Beginner - How To Model a Spark Plug - Last Nights Facebook Livestream

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hey everybody how are you doing this Wednesday evening I think we are alive I hope we are I hit the button so hopefully we are there it is Wednesday evening Facebook live 8 p.m. good to see you I missed you last week this here is the relaxed setting so if you ever watch the YouTube live streams I do I kind of like up running ahead in a good tempo this we're gonna take a step back it's Wednesday evening 8 p.m. if you have any questions you just throw them in in the chat and I will stop what I'm doing and I will do my absolutely best to answer any of your questions please keep it up ladies a fusion 360 that's what I know most about man we got John we got Mike Brandon Phillip Matthew really appreciate you guys taking the time out of your busy day to join this this livestream I think this is number 11 of these Facebook live streams so I have something that I wanted to to model up this evening um I thought that a good topic would be something something round and I was thinking a spark clock honestly I was planning on I was gonna have one here in my hand I was gonna steal the sparkler on my snowblower but you know living in western New York you never think that spark plug out when there's still this chance for snow so um got Larry here got Greg here really appreciate it so I was thinking yes let's do something let's do something round but there's a couple of nice things about this model and I really if I do a good job you let me know if I do a good job then you should feel a lot more comfortable with the revolve command what is I would say is the probably the most used feature when you have anything anything round so let me X out of this spark plug it is now these Wednesday evenings I know we prefer if I if I have a choice to start right from scratch inside of fusion 360s I made two changes inside of fusion 360 when I start out with the default the default settings first I go up to this view cube up here and I right-click and then I go down and click perspective with Auto faces on so click on that one and the other thing you will see I normally do is I go down to the grid down here the bottoms be aware of these menus down here I think many times you can oversee these click on the little grid layout here and I turn off layout grid and snap to grid that's the two changes just left click out here there's the two changes that I normally do the fusion 360 and as soon as you save a file those should stick so you never have to worry about them again but you know sometimes people get a little bit you know confused about settings but that's the two things I do okay so let's let Sir Mark will help a a spark plug now I'm gonna show you and I've used this technique before used to take me before with using an attached canvas but I think I'm gonna try to show at least my attempt is to show a couple of different tips and tricks for this again if you have any questions just throw them in the in the questions area down there now I did go out on the web and I I I grabbed I can actually probably call that up here I grabbed an image of a of a spark block so that's what we can only gonna use to model up kind of s our reference now this is not going to be this is an absolute beginner so this is not gonna be like the full functional spark probably all the stuff inside of it but it's gonna be like the outside shape right so within fusion we're gonna go up and we're gonna click on this attached canvas and when we do that we get the menu and you get a couple of settings over you can select the face that you want to put the image on and then I'm gonna select this face over here it doesn't really matter I'm gonna select this side face here the right face I'm gonna click on that then it's looking for the image so I'm going to click on that little icon for the image and I want to select that spark plug and they'd open and as soon as I do that you will see me get some more options in here um and if I roll the middle mouse button let me zoom in you can see that M it's kind of like come in here now I want to be a make you aware you aware this slider right here you can change the opacity of the image meaning how sharp it's gonna be you can kind of like look at the at the imagism as I'm rolling here so that's full sharp right from the from the website I know likes ever around 50 that's what I normally use now before I close out of this I can actually go up here and click on the right view up on the viewcube okay so can I look in the normally and I have and you have these menus here where you can kinda like modify things now this is just my brain I would like to rotate it so I'm gonna grab that little handle right there I'm just gonna rotate it around the edge like that I don't know why but that's how I feel like I want a muscle Marvel it up now I'm going to hit okay right now to this um hey thank you Rick really appreciate it the juggling here we got David here thank you so much guys for joining now a couple of so Quentin Ike hit ok to that we get this canvas photo over here never clicking a little arrow you will see the camera shows up here now here's a couple of things that is important number one is that this was something I just copied out from the internet give auto light a little you know exposure here for their great spark plugs and so it's a picture so I don't know what size this is now if you ever watched me use your sizes before you don't wanna do Chi like the overall length of the part we can adjust the side by right-clicking and he right clicking on the image here and hit calibrates and nothing really happens except I don't cursors now like a crosshair this is actually the measurement arm or the dimension tool we're looking at right now so now if you ever seen me do this I know I'm gonna do like the overall length so two left clicks but with this one here that's right I don't know what's about Spock plots but I hit that and I looked online and one of the things I saw is that the thread here comes of course in different sizes the one we're gonna do today it's gonna be a fourteen millimeter spark plug what means the thread here is 14 millimeters so I'm actually gonna go over and use that as my reference I'm gonna kinda like try to hit right around the sharp edges on the image here left click once and about there left click twice and you see this shows up with like three millimeters this is way small so soon as that's happen 14 here and I hit enter just wait this is gonna blow up in our face because roll the middle mouse button here now this here is 14 millimeters that's what we're gonna use for this thread so right clicking and calibrating will let you kinda like measure this up but there's another thing I like to to talk about too and that is where is our organ now up here in the tree we have if we hit the light bulb you will see the origin shows up right here it's right in the image I normally like to have my my organ place somewhere when it makes sense compared to the image so here I'm Mexicana instead of right-clicking and hit calibrate I'm gonna hit edit canvas what will bring me right back into the dialog box we had before with the handles and everything and now I'm gonna hit this arrow here I'm gonna move that or move the image compared to the origin I'm gonna place it right around like you can exercise right so we can kind of like see where how close we want it thirty Six's rates are probably pretty close to where we can start at thirty five maybe nope thirty five point five ah those 36 that's fine thirty-six this number doesn't really matter anything yet because we haven't we haven't done anything I'm just trying to get that origin where I think my cereal should be on my part in this case I don't know but in the spark plug where the Serie actually it may be its exit up here I don't know but I'm gonna place it right there hit okay so that's the two important things when it comes to when it comes to this kind of stuff when you're placing a name it's get it to the right side so we have fourteen across the threads but this could be an m14 and then two I place the origin down here David is asking what's the difference between sculpt and t-spline the sculpting environment is actually living right up here where you can it's exactly the same it's the same thing see spline is what is inside of fusion is called it's called sculpting if you click this up here will open up a t-spline environment really good for for more like commercial products where you need a constant kind of like curvature on your models good question alright so now our places limits now I am ready to start modeling things up now I'm gonna break this part down into different sections because you know if you're fairly new to fusion it can very quickly become overwhelming to work with this so I'm actually gonna break it down into the kind of like the cap here the porcelain part we're gonna kinda like model this section up here the thread kind of break it down into sections it's easier to do that and since we're gonna use to revolve throughout this whole exercise we actually what I'm gonna draw half of it but it's if you're brand-new true so care might sound a little weird but I think you will get a hang of it I'm gonna start out by creating a sketch we always create a 2d sketch right so I'm going to create a 2d sketch by click left clicking here so here's the 2d sketch and then I'm gonna go down and click on the plane but it's gonna be this constantly for the longest time here so I'm gonna click on this plane and now I'm ready to sketch and I know that because I had the sketch palette showing up over here so now I know that I'm ready to place my first sketch in this pot here so I'm gonna go up and hit the line tool right up here and I'm just gonna start out by drawing drawing one line from our audience I'm gonna make sure the first sketch is tied into the origin and then I'm just gonna roll on my middle mouse button I can I get close to where I think the image is about to end right around here and left click again so just place one line all the way down the center now to get out you see how it's ready to create the next line you can just go and hit that little checkbox right there the green check box and now we enter that line okay so I kinda like created that line all the way down the center kinda like helps me establish the part here now I'm gonna start drawing up this cat so I'm gonna start over here makes see I'm still in the line command you can see to my cursor hover over this X right here should be able to do that click over on this ass and I can draw a line up here vertically up like this now you will see that then we getting into like a radius I really don't want that so I'm just gonna go over and just create that line vertical and then go over here and you will see how I maybe a house to see but I get like a an X showing my cross that sort X and that's because it it sees that line so if I left click right here in the intersection then it snapped to that horse on the line I'm just gonna draw a line up here and then I'm just gonna kind of get close to following this or down over to about here and end this so now I'm kind of like drawing a line up here and drawn some lines to kind of like follow this and then we're ready for kind of applying this radius now to do the radius or an arc I'm gonna go up to my sketch tool I'm gonna go in and click the three-point arc one of my favorite arcs at this one I normally use and the only thing you need to know about the free partner is in the order of the three points so the idea is the two end points first that's it so just click one end point click another end point and then you get to kind of like the arc here and I'm just gonna kinda like get the clothes just like that now as soon as my sketch gets close notice how we get like this shading inside of the box that means that this one is now closed and mean that it's ready to be extruded so of not being ready to extrude it but it's fully enclosed and can be extruded but there's one important thing we got to do before we do that that is you see how everything is blue on the outside here we need to turn that black and we do that with two things we do it with the constraints over here and we do it with dimensions okay now I'm gonna start out with the dimensions here so I'm gonna hit D for dimension so D on my keyboard and you'll see next to my cursor I get this dimension tool and I'm just gonna place a couple other methods is I'm gonna have to mention this first line here click on that and I'm just gonna round things kind of up here so I'm gonna make this one fall I'm gonna go over and click on this edge here let's make that point 6 and I'm kind of just working my way and long this model here so maybe we want to do this now we are doing kind of the vertical take that 1.5 that's that's good let's do this length here let's make that three let's make this one give me 1.5 let's place an angle here so actually two lies that will give me an angle 30 that's maybe pretty good and then let's do an old wall so from this line to this line let's make that 11.5 and when I did that I noticed that my shape is kind of like moving out here what reminds me that that entire length of this line have not been been placed either so if I click on that line I can now kind of like place these dimensions that maybe be a bit too long so if 0.55 looks pretty good to fit within here um the last so you see how everything kind like turning black the last thing you'll see here is that I got an arc the arc here now I can place a radius on it like this and let's make it maybe 5 that should maybe be a little bit fatter let me show you a trick if I click on this arc right here and this line by default it's it dimension it's through the center you see how the center of the circle is right there I'll just an escape to get out of this if I instead whoops if I instead a deeper dimension if I right click and click on the here I can select tangency and now I can try tangent between these two here and that will give me a better kind of odd right there so now the whole thing is black full of define it's a very important that you work with this and this was actually honest to god this was the hardest thing for me when I started using care well so kind of I grabbed this concept of fully define your sketches I was like who cares leaving some blue lines but it is important you do that if not you can drag it corner it's my $500 mistakes I'll talk about those other last dreams all right got a quick question here mine a pink and white is that a seconder for this I'm aware of purple I'm not aware of pink and white hmm you know what sent me an email I'm not sure about this send me an email my email address is down in I put it right in the chat right we're here I can't type and talk at the same time send me an email about and I can try to have somebody to look into it honestly I'm not um sincere I haven't seen them pink and white I've seen them purple we're gonna see some purple ones later on good question alright alright so now David asked a question about why not use this spline instead of the ark you could use the spline I just decided today I didn't want to mess around with with the splines you could use blanks that's nothing wrong with that the our tool is a little bit more easier to control but of course you don't get as much freedom as you do with the splines okay so all this now we're rated for actually doing our first revolve around his we kind of kept half of the cap thrown up so I'm go up to the create I'm go to revolve that we're gonna use this command multiple times today so you should hopefully be comfortable we live in the end hip involve and the first thing is looking for it's a profile what is that shape we have in here is I'm going to click on that turns blue then it's looking for an axes and I'm gonna click on the taxis and I'm just going to click on that line we created and as soon as I do that you will see that that cab is created I'm just gonna hit OK scroll out on my my middle mouse button here now if I go up and I hit the light bulb off the canvas hold down shift and middle mouse button you will see the meek how I grew that camp round if I turn the cameras on again you can kind of see how we created treated that cap right there hopefully this is for this is useful so that was kind of like our first sketch into our first revolve component now we're gonna create all of them attached to each other so it's gonna turn out to be what we up here head bodies it's gonna continue being one body because we're gonna join them all but instead of trying to draw everything up at once I just find it easier to to kind of draw it up in sections all right tiara me has a question off topic questions about the current design I fish a lot and design my own fishing lures from would I want you to lose my for the opinion for prototyping is it possible to create fishing lure with a semi round body with a flat surface so glue two halves together yes so I can show that quickly if I go back let me turn to the canvas off a second if we go back into our revolve we can always go back in and we can edit it again middle mouse button shifting middle mouse move rotate around you will see our here that is set to a full angle of 360 if I type in 180 I actually just revolved half of it if I did 200 you see that so you can totally control they've evolved into two half for example that's one way you could also do some other techniques where you revolve the whole thing around and then cut the piece but you could definitely do this that will be totally acceptable good question okay cool Ron says he sent some canvas examples that show a great use for this in the messenger right I don't see it but that could be because I am I'm streaming here all right I'm gonna move on because the next section of this one I'm gonna hit up with the right up here the next get it's gonna be kind of interesting because we kind of like got these box here I want to show a couple of the sketching kind of tricks I guess so I'm gonna open up a new sketch by going create new sketch I'm gonna select on that same plane we use before nothing new middle mouse button rotate now here it kind of starts with I'm gonna use an arc again so I'm just gonna that might be a little bit of a flop going up but this is my decide I'm gonna go over and click on a three-point arc again and I'm gonna just go up and you see how it goes from an X up to a rectangle means it snaps right to that intersection I'm just gonna place the other one somewhere up around here I'm just gonna play this somewhere wherever I wanted now these buffs here that we see in this kind of hard to see this shadow but a neat tool if you go to the sketch menu you go into circle is that there's two point circles and that going to be helpful here so check this out click the two-point circle one point two points so then I got kind of a circle here that somewhat represent that first bump now I need three more of them if you watch some of my last days before you've probably seen the pattern you might not have seen that there's X also a sketch pattern so within the sketch menu you can also pattern so the first thing is looking for is the object but means what do you want a pattern I want a pattern this circle and as soon as you do that you get these arrows and every time I see an arrow I just start dragging them you can kinda like seed here now we need four of them Falls I'm gonna taste this to fall and then you could just stop dragging it out about this Lane now the last bump looks a little bit bigger so eight millimeters out hit okay and now we got a copy of three copies from this one now the next one looks a little bit deeper a little bit bigger I'm gonna go back again and use the same sue what we do before the the two-point circle and you could in theory just create a server like that that will kind of like be the same and to get out of the circle - I'm just gonna hit the escapes or get my bike Kherson you could kind of like just you know adjust it by dragging it at until you felt like that it maybe fit in there that's probably pretty good okay now we could create another circle so we pad on some we created some manually now I'm gonna go ahead and hit the line tool again I'm gonna snap into our original line and I'm just going to draw that line all the way over to where we kind of like want this segment to end and I'm just gonna drag it down here now you will see I lost the line we created before because that was in this sketch for this cab but what you can't actually do if you want to catch it again is if you go over to the origin just hover over it and moving back you would like to stay snap right to that section right there kind of Handy I'm gonna move over again to this intersection and there again you can see we get this shadow and that shows us that we are kind of like having a fully enclosed sketch now we still got a few things we got to do to this part again everything is blue and that's the we don't we don't want that I'm gonna do a couple of I want to show you a couple of other tricks in here if we go up to the sketch drop down again were you aware that there's a trim command and the trim command is brew but ever you hobble over turns red or means it will go away it's just left-click so this is a way that we can actually just start trimming what we don't want in here that's pretty smart right so that's kind of nice so that's the way you can do that now another thing that I can see here on this art you see how this are kind of like now goes up here this one is not tangent and that is really a hassle whenever you have an arc make Italian relationship between the arc and a line like this so you make sure you see level tangency there so it cannot snap up like that okay so I hope this is kind of useful seeing these kind of different techniques let's add some dimensions to this soccer here so we can revolve it so D for dimension and I'm gonna make this one 24 I'm just gonna I'm just rounding these I'm just rounding these up right let's make this distance from here to here let's make that maybe 5.5 these arts here a little bit bigger than that one maybe right I think it should be a little bigger let's dimension from here to here and many times when you're placing these dimensions notice that you might have to kind of like play around with them a little bit and kind of like figuring out what you what you're still missing I definitely know I need to place this radius here so I'm gonna make this one like home four point five let's do let's do the missing from here to these center points here's make those six let's make this radius here 1.5 and from here so here I'll make this one fifteen point five [Music] this should probably also be a height from here to here to make sure we're locking locking that on end okay now it's fully defined and we're kind of like following those bumps everything turning black so let's move all this so I'm gonna use the same command I did before go up here and hit revolve and click on this section here that's the profile and the X is gonna be that same line again and let's hit OK to that and now we got this body here so I hope that this kind of like make hey Scott thank you for joining I hope this kind of like makes sense I would buildings up the canvas off for a second shift middle mouse button we can spin it around so it starts looking it starts looking pretty good doesn't it I don't turn the campus back on again now I wanted to show you another tip as we are moving along here for the next section and I'm gonna go in here and create a new sketch so I'm following the same principle done every time new sketch on this face here now many times when I'm doing round things I will actually use just a two-point rectangle so I'm select a two-point rectangle I'm gonna make sure that I snap right in here now again see that see the crosshair on my mouse turn into an X now when I'm hovering down towards the middle I get a little triangle next to it that tells me this is the midpoint and then I just draw that up to about there now that will of course automatically being closed so let me just throw a couple of dimensions on this D for dimension this one 16 and 1/2 baby and the height of it 8 so that was just a two-point rectangular let me just revolve that one now notice here that I'm missing the radius now before you'll receive me drawing all those in some sketches we don't have to do that go up here create revolve I can't select this is our profile so like the X is as the center it revolves around hold on middle mouse button spin around right it's not we got kinda like this around here but notice that we can always go up to the modify and fill it and we can place a fill it on this adds that would actually let us create kind of like that exact same round ok so just another way to kind of like get to the same resolve you could have drawn the arc and over just like we did over here but you can't actually also just add a fill it on the outside and do the same thing you know I my normal rule is if you know that nobody ever will change the the arc the radius then maybe put it in a sketch but if it's something that you know that people you know you go to a customer and they're like hey you know let's change that fill it then it's a little bit easier when it is eighth dimension down here or features down here you can right-click and hit edit on okay I'm gonna wait with the the the flat spots here what do you call that the flat spots for our ranch I'm gonna move over and revolve for the thread now I want to show you a couple of tricks with this also over the Raval again this last in here I really hope that the revolve command you feel a lot more comfortable with the revolve command so I'm gonna start a new sketch and click on the plane you want to sketch I was gonna be this right plane here like we have been doing all along now this one I know what I want this to be because we talked about in the beginning that this is an m14 so I'm gonna click on a two point rectangle just like we did before I'm gonna make sure that again I snap and get the midpoint cuz let's move all around and I'm gonna draw this one out to just about where it ends out here on the lengthwise now deef and I mentioned I know this year's gonna be seven this half of 14 so that was that ad that was what we kind of like how we how we balance this whole this whole she needs to begin with now the length here is another question 19 maybe that probably be good enough but what I wanted to kind of like show you what this function over here is there is actually a little bit of an arc here and then they Excel so gonna be a little bit of an undercut right here so let me stand up with the undercut down here so I could actually create another two part of rectangle make sure I snap into the top line go down and over to about where I think the bottom of the radius is gonna start place that one there then we can use again our two three-point arc right here free point now is easy just need to know the order of selecting it it's the first two endpoints of this endpoint and this endpoint and then you you kind of get the the radius you can place that now what I'm gonna do now is of course everything gotta be full of defiance so D for dimension let's define this so let's make it 1.5 let's make it one inch deep maybe let's place a 4.5 radius on this maybe add a dimension from this as so this hatch 2.5 and now you see everything here is turning black what means is fully defined we can revolve it so what I'm gonna show you here is I actually a drew a rectangle and another rectangle and an arc and they're all kind of crossing over each other when we go in to revolve we can select the sections that we want the revolve to be in so in this case here by creating this extra geometry we actually kind of created that cut down where we want it so let me just go in and revolve this around the center axis and now we're kind of prepped for the threat now if this is really you know if this is a little confusing you know don't worry rewind back and watch it again when the recording is up there but we kind of prepped this fall the threat but we applied that undercut in there right inside of this sketch right here so be aware of that within the revolve you can actually create more geometry and work with that okay let's apply the threat to this now this was the one of the things I looked up like I said I don't know too much about spark plugs but one of the things I looked up was that there's something so if you go to the create and we go to threads click on that we get to the thread command it's like the face you want to fret on that's gonna be this now by default you get a it's kind of like a pixelized picture here but you can exit click here and say marveled and then it would like to show you the thread you also should be aware of the next checkbox full length you can actually control how long you want that threat to go now in our case because we made the cut then then we can actually just click full length and that should be should be all good there now one thing I read up on I was was that an m14 is a said m14 times 125 1.25 that looks about probably about right for a spark clock now I just read this some people out there know a lot more about about spy products that I do but let's go with this here and and hit OK to that and you can see that our spark rocks is almost be almost done with it turn the cameras back on we only have a couple of revolve kind of left so the last thing we have is kind of this end section down here so let's just finish that up quick so let's create a new sketch that same plane we've been sketching on and X is what we know what I'm gonna do here I'm just gonna go in to point rectangle and I'm gonna say there and again a two point rectangle from here to here and D for dimension place a couple of dimensions on this one here again I'm just rounding things up a little bit just so we get something close so that looks pretty good right there let's revolve that you should feel pretty good with revolving by now I hope Center X's like that they're hit okay and then I will probably use that philic command again just place a filter on this one and kind of give that a good fill it hit okay you can select it again and maybe give this one a small fill right on the end there we almost done with with the spark plug here from from this size here now we've got to do a couple of things at the end to make it look at least somewhat right now one thing we're missing is kind of like the I don't know what this is called the contact point here the easiest way to model this one is actually probably just go back in and create another sketch select this face here same plane we've been sketching on I'm gonna click the line tool I'm gonna draw a line up here and then you could go over and this time you instead of a free point out we could select the tan generic so do a tangent arc from here to here and then we can create one more line from here into and make sure that it snaps in here to our pot here and then I'm gonna make that tangency relationship again and this one also need to be horizontal okay so something like this might be might be be the best here maybe add some dimensions to this D for dimension let's make this one on a 3.5 I'm gonna make this length here one inch overall from here to here maybe six that looks pretty good and let's do from here to here make that six something like that now that is fully defined then we could actually go over to the sketch menu and we could go and click offset and then we could select with the offset command select here and drag it to go minus 1.5 so now you kind of like offset those free lines and then all we have to do is close it off and alpha line across there so now we get that shading that shows us that it's closed off its hit Q for press pool select that area there let's gonna hold on shift the middle mouse button rotate around now right now this will go in one direction but be aware of over here we can't actually change this to symmetrical right in the extrude command and now we will go kind of both ways in here let's make it one inch hit okay know how to see with a canvas but now we're almost there we have that there now this thing doesn't look quite right in the end here if you're just going to have something that looks something that looks somewhat closer to what would be real you can't actually also cut with the Raval functions let me show you that you should hopefully feel very good about revolve when we're done here after today so I'm gonna start a new sketch on that same plane movement sketching on all the time I'm gonna go up and click on my line tool and one of the things I want to show you again you've seen me do it before snap - you can snap kind of like to a point here notice what I'm hovering over this thread how it wants to snap to every single item that I'm drawing over this can be really they can be a little bit of a hassle if you hold down ctrl on your keyboard notice how it's not trying to snap right now if I let go of control see how it's trying to snap to everything hold down ctrl or command on a Mac and it will not snap to anything so that's a little trick there so I can draw this line over here I'm gonna post it on down control I'm gonna go down a little bit and I'm gonna draw over and then I actually wanted to snap back in over here so I let go of control and I've drawn a line just like this here now this is a little hard to see right now whatever I drew up in here you can also go over and hide your body and now we can actually kind of see what we're up against here so I'm gonna create a lion so close it I'm gonna so now we get that shading even dimension and let's place it I mention here let's make it seven looks like I need a four-song relationship a vertical relationship on that the four dimensional let's add some kind of a an angle here 95 maybe now let me turn the body back on it's kind of still hard to see but now we have the sketch sitting on that plane right inside of that part now if you're go in and use the revolve again how many times we use revolve tonight and we now here I have a hard time selecting that profile I want to select that front face if you hold down your left mouse button this little menu shows up hold down your left mouse button and then you can select it so the trick here is I'm trying to select the profile I can't select it because the face is in the way however where the profile should be hold down your left mouse button and then you can select that profile right there again we're gonna select an axis to rotate around let's go back to the right menu here and we need to select it right the axis is actually the blue line down here now it turns red reddish and that's because when we hit OK we now have a cut inside of there okay we're almost done the last thing we got to do is we got to create the flats for our hacks let me turn the cameras back on I like see that it's sitting right there now I'm going to show you another trick I'm actually gonna draw this with the polygon tool that is in the sketch but now I makes it gotta go away from revolve so what I need to do is I need a plane I can sketch that on so what I'm exit gonna do is I'm going to go up here to offset plane I'm gonna select the plane from the origin down here in the end and then I can actually drag that plane over if I go to the side you can kind of almost see it that plane right around there hit OK so now we have a plane sitting right here and now I can sketch on that plane right there so if I open a new sketch select that plane right there go up to the polygon tool right here first thing is looking for is the center point and now you will see we kind of get that polygon tool showing up right here I don't know will help we want to make it they want to make it nine like that now that is also blue right because right now you can rotate around you have a couple of different options you can choose to make it flat easiest way to make it flat it's probably just clicking and selecting a horror song line like that but if you wanted the P just stick up and just click on that relationship and it can either my keyboard if you wanted this one to be up like that the easiest thing is probably selecting the same thing but instead of selecting a line select the point and the origin and they allow it like that okay just a little tip alright with this here I'm gonna hit Q for press pull again right I'm gonna select that area I'm gonna drag the arrow but notice how everything turns turns red that means cut means if I hit okay right now I just cut the whole thing in half or with an extrude menu down in operation it will default to cut but you can't click join and then we actually get what we want here what is I mean okay turn the cameras off we get that point right there at the end okay good stuff we are almost we're almost done here with this now I just wanted to show one little last finesse you could think that a good solution now would be to go internet fill its and you could add filters to these different edges around this part and that would actually probably okay but if you're looking at a spark plug that's really not how it is instead if I turn the cameras back on you might be able to see it it has more of a round to it and that would actually be created with with the fill it with the revolve tool also a again using a cot so what we could do is going to be the last kind of ammo here create a new sketch go back to the same plane we've been clicking on all the time now I'm gonna cheat a little bit I'm gonna create a line here click the line tool make sure I snap into the midpoint see how I get the triangle mean midpoint and this is a helping line I'm just gonna create right here now I'm gonna go into my three-point art that I've been using all the time and I'm just gonna create here so here and kind of like get that get that are gone there let me give it a dimension let's make it two well let's pick one oh and see how it's sticking out here and you're not a tangency relationship between here and here one might be a little this prope gonna make it 1.5 leaving 1.5 now you show how I created the line here we can go and mirror that arc over that edge like that so now we got kind of like two edges here but I need to close it so what I want to do is when it P fit with Jack now now I might get a little advanced I'm gonna make sure to get this line projected over here too so it becomes closed that maybe from our live stream it's getting late but with this now I'm gonna go in creep evolve the profiles now again I'm gonna have a little bit of an issue selecting them because I wanna select a face I'm gonna hold down my left mouse button so they profile it's like the other profile what are we evolving around then revolve around that axis the blue axis right down here hit okay and now you will see that we get more of a round than a fill it on the outside here let's turn the canvas I think that looks more like it maybe it's still maybe it's a little bit big maybe it's not big enough I'm not quite sure you could always go in and edit that sketch I think I'm gonna end the modeling here I wanted to show you a couple of more and we're gonna finish this up so I'm gonna turn the origin off I don't need that all you know we're here anymore so there's our spot clock looks pretty good I think now the only thing that I would do to this one is I would probably play a little bit with appearances I'm gonna show you how to add a decal on the difference between a decal and the attacks canvas so let's go in and add some colors with this so I'm gonna right click and say appearances and in here defaults to steel was actually fine for everything down here but I'm gonna go down to paint I just like glossy paint and in here you up you get the black so I wanna make the cat black down here but you got the charge between bodies or faces if I drag it on with bodies the whole thing's gonna turn black I don't want that so let me just right click up here and on inside of the lead but if I click faces then I can actually drag it on to the faces that I want this on so just drag this on a little cap the first thing we we kind of modeled up here just like zoom in a little get that on there okay so that's the cat now the cat is black now you know what I want this one I wanted white so we can put the right on like that [Music] if you have any questions throw them in the question area so we almost wrapped up I don't want to miss any if you have any questions here rope so missed one like that so we're almost there right that looks oh this one down here is a normally wide - isn't it go so that looks pretty good I think now the last thing we're gonna do is instead of using the closes up instead of using the attached cameras we used in the beginning that was how we kind of like have used to model this we brought this picture in how to model this whole thing up you can also use a decal now when I select a decal it's kind of working the same way it says show me a face I'm going to click that right on that face here select an image and I have out on the our light image here so I'm going to select that and you will see that that appears now what it's different with this image is that it's actually it's actually trying to fit on the it's not flats actually see how it's get projected on to to the the diameter I can make it a little bit bigger here something like that maybe right so now you can see how it's kind of like projected on here just kind of giving it that finished touch on our pot here so it looks looks more like it cool dad that was about what I had planned to show here tonight Cosmos just jumped in and and said that he just came in late having trouble to figure out the canvas size so yeah that was kind of like the first thing I showed in this case here cosmos for this one here the canvas size I used was XD I knew that I wanted to make this an m14 so what I did was start a new design here I'm just going to new design go to your canvas size select a face to place it on let's pull that same canvas and then use befall and you can see kind of like that spark rock there then hit OK to place it now go over to the menu over here hit the little arrow right click on it and then hit calibrate and now this is actually as I mentioned tool and now you can place a dimension that you want in my case I wanted to be in m14 so I typed in m14 but blew the whole thing up right in your face here but now the canvas size is sad so hopefully hopefully that that will work one question Jonathan says can I show the project command again yes so the projec command I should do a more dedicated livestream on that I have it on my list you know it's just one of those things so get to it the project command you will find it down in the sketch menu you have a couple of different options in here and what you can do is if you open up a sketch let's create a new sketch let's just like the same plane we've been sketching on all along if you go down to this project down here we can now we have opened up a new sketch right and you can miss the draw on that we can still see the model when we draw we have brought up a new sketch we can start creating lines the project command will let us I say borrow a steel edges that is already in our model so I could for example go up here and if I click with the project command in here if I click on this line see how can I turns purple I just borrowed that adds to my new sketch to the sketch I'm in so you can actually go around you can project at different entities I can project this line here what will give me the end points up here so that's what the project command does I promise I really should do a live stream sooner than later on it and get into all the details I think maybe I'm just struggling with trying to find out a good way to explain it um all right it's snowing in Vermont you know what it's not starring in upstate New York but we do have snow on the ground can you calibrate an insert an SVG no because I don't think so good question no because the inserted SVG exit comes in as sketch geometry what you can do though it with an SVG is you can sketch scale it so if you go in here you should be able to in because it opens the SVG and as a sketch you should be able to scale the sketch here that would probably be my mic Oh - Jonathan hopefully help with testing out same thing Gregg when you're importing the XF because that should be standard sketched geometry again - Ron says - bringing multiple cameras together can be difficult yes if you had like a top if you have like a front and a top it takes a little bit to kind of like trying to to fit them together and I think that that is a little bit distraught because again it's images right so it's made out of pixels um and and they are not really meant to be the guide by all so I mean like this again I know that this spark plug here where I'm using this canvas is phony clothes I mean we we based it on the m14 so it shouldn't be too far off but you know my curse and everything was kind of like just made up as I went I'm just trying to I'm not trying to make the real thing I'm just trying to show you the tools right inside the software all right any other questions see here Scott thank you so much for for taking the time to thank you for taking the time to to join Florida's asking how can i model a regular surface so there's two different environments in here that you I'm over in a new document you could either look at the patch environment in here and build it up by using the patch that is that's old fashioned good old fashioned style but most people would probably in the model environment go in and use the T splines that David brought up before so if you click up here you're getting into the t-spline environment it's not a clock I'm not gonna go too deep into this but what the t-spline environment will let you do is it will let you pull and drag in shapes so this is really powerful stuff when it comes to trying to create shapes that are like crazy so like when you're talking about like the America's Cup trophy something could be could be done with something like the sculpt all a combination between the two yeah fly send me an email and I'll send you a video to a couple I've done a couple of live streams on YouTube about this the sculpting environment so definitely yeah go ahead and do that and I will make sure you get the videos ok well that's always man I really appreciate you guys taking the time to join these Facebook live streams it's awesome hope you got all your questions answered or at least most of them answered see you again next wing stay here on Facebook of course tomorrow's could be cam on YouTube back on 8 o'clock tomorrow with cam and then I posted of course you have Facebook - alright man thank you so much thank you fluoride Mike Gregg really appreciate all of you guys taking the time to join these live streams hope it adds a little bit more value to your fusion 360 experience 9 o'clock that's it for me it's my bedtime hope you have an awesome awesome day and until the next time take care folks
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 66,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Tutorial, Design, CAD, akn_include, Spark plug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 12sec (3732 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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