Know How To Model, Sculpt & Patch. Then Build a Bridge and Get Over It — #LarsLive 154

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how are you doing welcome to livestream number 154 today is May 3rd 2018 today we're gonna talk about modeling sculpting patching and then how to build a bridge and get over it really appreciate you taking the time to join today's live stream my name is last Christiansen and this is about 20-30 minutes of just trying to add a little bit more value to to your fusion 360 experience so let's see we are live we got people in here time time to go let's talk about mixing things up a little bit so this is a question I've gotten all following up on yesterday's answering questions this is a question I've got a few times and that's in forgot to when the heck should I use sculpting versus modeling and pads and all that stuff and then you know the truth is that when it comes to doing sculpting many times you will actually mix it all up into into one so I think that if you're looking at this fusion model here where this is a modeling um you know pure what we would call standard modeling environment in here we got some extrusions did I put some them it's like a little plastic piece that has a couple of hex nuts pressed into them you have probably seen some some of these before this was um I should've looked up the name though somebody was asked about making kinda like a handle for like a crossbow style and it had like a piece like this as the thing that will go inside of mounted too and then it would have a sculpted arm piece around it and they think the truth is that normally when you are working with sculpt I don't think you can ever get into a point where you don't most of the times need to merge it with a model part so I think that today's tutorial is going to be helpful we're going to go into the skull space I'm going to show you a couple of tools that I've not shown before on this livestream when it comes to up to using using sculpt and then kind of like how we get it wrapped around this this one piece so let's let's stop talking and let's get Rocking you guys are doing doing good in this Thursday so yes so I love this part up here you can see here that it's an assembly it has a handle component what is literally just this piece I call it is a plastic that has the cut out for some hex screws and these two deck screws are right here sitting right in here I downloaded those from McMaster if you watch the livestream earlier in the week you should you should have felt pretty comfortable with this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get into the sculpting workspace but I think maybe sometimes there's a little bit of a wrong idea about what what this sculpt space is at least I should admit for me personally in the past I've always looked at its the sculpt workspace more as a you know consumer product and not thinking about mixing it in with outstanding modeling environment so if you're brand new to sculpting I'll show you kind of like some of the basics if I'm wearing a little bit too fans just remember you can always rewind the video when it comes up on your tube end up and we watched it again I guess so up here we can click on this create our create form now when you click on that you're gonna get a little dialog box and it's helping and telling us to be getting into the skull workspace you can turn it off I like to keep it on just because then I just get a reminder that I'm in the skull workspace and you will see that the dialog changes into the sculpt environment now I think for most people that you know if when you get in here if you know been in there before it seems very very overwhelming but there is really only a few tools that kind of like you kind of use in here first of all I'm gonna use the standard modeling kind of approach to this I'm gonna grow up and create a new sketch that's not new and I'm gonna select this bottom plane that I have down here that's pretty straightforward to see for certain that's standard and I'm just gonna draw a circle out here I'm gonna make it 25 millimeters just like this hit enter and and now we just have a sketch here now just like inside when we're doing standard modeling if we go up to the create drop-down there is an extrude command in here so that should make most people feel comfortable and now we can select this and we can drag the handle up just like we would do if you're modeling we can give it a length I think this one here is a 100 millimeters Oh in here let me just do that one more time I move too fast I just undid that let's go ahead and do an extrude and select 300 millimeters so just I went I entered just by by normal reaction so one thing I want to show you over here that you need to be somewhat aware of is the FaceTime so you see here on on these if you're new to this sculpting environment you see that that our our tube here is kind of broken up into different segments and you can regulate those over here so I can make it less all you can make it many high any man you want normally you don't want more than than you really need I'm gonna leave this one at 8 sections here so that means this is kind of like broken up into to eight sections and the rest of it is fairly normal so what you're normally using the extrude command so now we have this tube and it has it has eight sections out of here now um because that this thing you can see how it's kind of wrapped into to our our solid piece here we we could actually go ahead and move it the next right-click in the answer like move and this will be considered a body just like anything else and and we can now move that in here now the reason I'm showing you that is because if you have done the move command before and we use that all the time inside on the modeling workspace right if if you if you use the Move command this triad here you should be fairly familiar with with this triad in here and that's the same thing you're gonna be using most of the time inside using the sculpt tool so what we're gonna do is we're gonna right click and click Edit form that is the trick to now start shaping this sculpting tool we have so right click and select edit form and you get this dialog box up here and if I just go over and I hover over this little I'm assuming it alone hovering over this little point and I left click on it I will get that same dialog box as as we just saw and I can now grab I let arrow and you will see how I can start pulling in in this shape also grab the square here and I like pulling it whatever you want and this is what sculpting kind of does it will it will start pulling in the shape I'm just going to do ctrl Z to so kind of like go undo back so I selected just the point right there and I will pull in that point you can kind of see I was going sharp like that if I in the other hand I click on an edge and I drag on that I would like to now pull in the ass so think about like where you're placing this is kind of like where you grab your hand if I grab on to the face then I'm pulling in the entire face okay so that's kind of like the three different places you normally would go you would either go a a point and drag that out you will do some kind of a phase and drag that out it could also be this that's here drag that out or a face and drag that out that's the three different places we are normally dragging around on this part now this dialogue box over here maybe looks like there's a lot of stuff going on there's really not so transform mode is the trying to see him right now these are the ones are just kind of like filtering down from that point so if I click on the next one you will see on the keep an eye on this triad here you will see how we're loosing function so that's just arrow and faces that will only give you the rotation and that will give you the scaling tools this one here is just giving you everything so that's why you normally keep it at the next one over here is where it's pulling from so world space is the general place you would normally pull from you can also go from the view or local but I'm always keeping it keeping it there okay another trick you should know about right click Edit form is that you saw that I left click once and I get an X here but if I instead double click on an edge then it actually selects the entire circle so right click in the form if I click once it will just only pull there but if I double click on the edge then it will give me the whole head so now I can move that whole edge whatever whatever I want so if I start dragging and that here you we'll see that now I'm pulling out the whole thing because I have an edge that brings up another thing and that is these sex segments that you see that I created on the under perimeter it's very normal inside of starting to also insert edges and that is really all it does is it inserts more active so if I double click on this edge here you will see that I actually get a green edge and if I now give that some kind of a value and please that here now you will see that if I go back and and hit edit form and select that edge again and pull in it that now I'm not pulling from down here now I'm actually pulling from where the edge is though I am also pulling at this section down here and that's because this will always stay with curvature continuously to that edge so if I wanted this bottom section to stay straight all I would have to do was to insert another edge around here and now you will see that when I go and pull in this now now this will stay straight because the curvature is down there so I hope this kind of gives you an idea about what revealer doing in here now the other thing that you might want to might want to know as a little tip is that many times we also use cemetery when we are pulling in things in here and cemetery the way it works is that if I click on on this here well before I do symmetry let me show you how it looks before if I right clicking in edit form select this edge and I for example scrap here and start pulling out you can clearly see that I'm pulling out in that direction there but what I can do is and this is just a helpful tool I can insert a symmetry mirror ah and you select two faces and then you get a green line and that tells me now that there is symmetry here so if I go back in and select that edge again and drag this out now you can see we have the symmetry that both of them are going in that direction so symmetry can be extremely helpful another thing that is not uncommon to do with this kind of shapes is to actually go in and select a certain portion and you can see how my symmetry kicked in I select all the stuff in blue all the yellow got highlighted and hit delete on your keyboard and then you actually now we just kill that selection there but that could maybe give us a little bit of better tool - if you go back in hit edit form table clean edge now we maybe want to to kind of like work we maybe don't want it to be completely round maybe we just want to want to pull it in there so be aware of that it's not uncommon to delete sections and I'll show you real bridge them together in a second okay so now you should someone have right click edit form have a good idea about how we can kind of pull in different things in here let it go in different directions of stuff so here comes the next tip and that is to use a hotkey like the Alt key if I select this edge and I grab this section here and I hold down I'm not holding down the Alt key just my mouse cursor you'll see that we're just pulling out like this and I can drag that section out how far I want but if I hold down the Alt key and drag on my keyboard then you see how it's actually inserting a whole new section that's a brand new section that gets inserted this can be really handy when you start modeling things up then we can exit hold down all and I can start kind of like pull out a section let go of the Alt key and then I can hold it down again I can drag a new section this kind of gives me a neat tool to kind of like create these new sections so that's the Alt key for that I probably like the option key on your Mac I think that can be extremely handy to kind of work to build this kind of section out here I could also use that on the back edge here so maybe just to leave that section if I double click on this edge then it selects the whole edge if if I start dragging right now you will see that I'm just pulling the whole shape out but if I hold down the Alt key and start dragging then I'm actually getting a new section that means that I now have a little bit of control where I could maybe add a new section going going in here and kind of start closing this section around our our model block so they kind of like intersect so we can we can fill we can kind of like fill them up later or whatever whatever you want so I hope that this this kind of is helpful we can also go down here in the bottom down here maybe we insert another ATS down here let's just double click on this one insert an edge here and now I could right click edit form select this edge here and maybe I want to pull this out a little bit so I kind of have this is kind of handgrip for bow so kind of your top of your hands gonna rest here and and now we kinda like have a little bit of Khan Beks I think it is to go to go out here and you can actually can double-click this edge hold down ctrl and double click this adds and now we actually can pull in both those edges at at the same time so that's that's a neat thing to know we could also go in here and maybe select this edge and this edge and maybe I just make this concave a little bit in here so this is kind of how you will you will module up with with this and and and you know you could start playing around with inserting sections in here and stop you know making sections for where your hand will kind of like fit nicely around here ok so with this here let's just go in and and I wanted to show you something I had not shown you before and that's actually how we can build up different edges here so let me just go in here and get out of the tool here and I'm just going to select these edges here hit delete so I kind of like brings up a wider area right here so one of the things that if you follow me so far I think that we can all agree on this is pretty cool we're kind of like pulling and shaping this this would be a heart shape to do in the standard modeling environment but now we come to the point where we kind of like got it well it's got to turn into a solid at the end so I wanted to show you three different ways to kind of close this together in a way so the first one I want to show you Brits hit a bridge and get over it so the first one I want to show you is in here is called bridging and and it's fairly straightforward so if I go in here I can select bridge and I can select these at here on one side and I can select side two over here and select the other side over here like that and then I can kind of create how many pieces I want between here and you will see that that got that got Brits together in there so I kind of built in this bridge and that's that's extremely helpful to all to use there but the other thing I wanted to show you was then we can actually and I'm just gonna try to make this shape a little bit more interesting maybe I want to pull these edges forward a little bit so we get a little bit more of a angle on these here that makes a baby take right click Edit so like this one so like this ash let's see what happens if we pull this right now we're getting a little bit more of a of a shape that we maybe would like so pull this to here so this is what you do normally if you ever play with sculpting this is pretty common that you kind of work in this regard right like looking at it now the other thing we can do to close this off is try to create kind like a flat plane so I'm gonna go ahead and use the offset plane that we normally use inside the model environment and I'm just going to create a plane stand the plane is gonna be above things here that's a standard plane right here then you can go in and create a plane on that I'm just gonna go top view whoops let's look straight down at our pot here and I'm just gonna sketch that's just a flat plane that's gonna sit up here and again you can divide this into two multiple sex segments how many segments you want to get in here cuz they okay to that and then let me get symmetry on that one too so that way it's working with two different kind of sculpt the bodies here on and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna shape this top flat one two become the ceiling we want on this bow handle so one of the first things I would probably do is I would go in right click hit edit form if I double click on the face then you would like to see me to select the whole thing so I'm gonna kind of like just line this up so that it's all opening so I'm just going to make sure that this is kind of close to where this one and then what I'm gonna try to do is I'm gonna try to align every single vertice up to where about I need a vertice to kind of connect because we're gonna use what is called the welding tool so I'm gonna select this endpoint and drag this back a little bit far as I can kind of get that back in there maybe I double click on this ad so select that hole that's I can kind of make the whole thing a little narrower and like that might be good so right now I have this point to this point this point to this point we've got this point to this point so these two gotta kind of go together hold that a little bit closer like that and then of course the shape that I like fall down so let's drag this get the arrow and drag this one a little bit further up there this one goes toggle clink so you get the whole edge that up like that and then I can actually just grab the arrow here and stop bringing this somewhat down to about where I think I kind of want this okay so that looks pretty good double click this edge move that up a little bit and I mean I think you can all think about this this is a little bit more about practice then and I'm definitely not the master in this there's a lot of people that was a lot better right at these tools that I am but now let's see now yet see here so I have this edge to this edge and this edge to the that's what is maybe I actually liked if I can get them a little bit closer to one another might make you feel a little better about it they said so this edge this edge to this edge this edge to this edge those who are good this one is good this one to this one and then I think we have all the points we need here if we were missing some of these we could we could start to add more I would add another edge if I found that you know I was missing a point I could just double click here and insert another edge like this and I'm now headed so yeah that's the second tool I want to show you now before I do that I'm gonna turn the symmetry off I found that to be the best so I'm gonna turn the symmetry off of this one and the symmetry of the other one and then I'm going to show you the the well command and that would weld the vertices together so my figure vertices and then I'm literally just gonna go around and well these two together now look at how it jumps here that's okay um and then I gotta go all about it's like these here and you will see that the shapes come I kind of like hopefully start shaping in let me start closing this now I always try to make a point of kind of attacking each side of the time okay so I don't just do one side and come back because if something is off then I want to catch it now and not later on like pulling this together like this okay and if somebody have done a lot of of this kind of stuff they probably have something to add to this so I encourage you to share your knowledge with the rest of us that would be appreciated okay so now he's just gonna kind of take the last vertices together here and we're kind of just welding the whole thing together like this and we can see that we have kind of clothes that shape up now a couple of things that you might want to to be able so now this is back to being one shape again so we can right-click it edit we're going to add I'll probably exit add the symmetry back in so like here we got the symmetry back in so now you could start to to kind of stop working with the shape again and stop maybe start doing different types of you know aligning things like this and get the the different shapes kind of pulled in whatever you kind of want here you also should know that there is some tools in here that can help you do other things so you can for example go in here and you can do something like you can flatten so we can exit go in here and say we want to flatten these vertices here to a plane for example this bottom plane down here so then they will all end up being kind of parallel with that so be aware of that you have a lot of a lot of different tools to do that and at this point like I said at this point you probably would start working with some of the different tools they're kind of like getting this closer to you know the shape you you maybe want maybe any one that big bump up here so let me select these two another you can actually do is you can reset the pivot point there and now it could kind of stop working with this year okay so we're coming up on the half an hour so that was a way to first we saw the bridging that's things together we saw welding this together here and don't forget at the bottom in here is still open I'm just move this shape back into where it was somewhat before maybe move it in like this here I don't want it to interfere with the screws let me just grab this edge here like that that in a little bit uh so when I hit finished for now this is just considered a surface in here and exit maybe and we're back in the modeling space now so I could exit go any and get Q select that top face and do maybe maybe able do like an offset face down here just to move that down but you will see that it's open in the bottom here um another thing that can be really handy tool to use is the Pat's environment so if I click on patch there's a surfaces and I'm gonna just go in and create another sketch right on the bottom and I'm gonna hit the my s key so like my Center rectangle and I'm just gonna draw a big rectangle this doesn't really matter I'm gonna make it a flat surface here like this here okay and then inside all the pads tool I can hide hide our body for a second and in this patch tool here they take something called boundary fill boundary fill I would select this face this body and then when I click in here who this is not watertight okay so this plane here is not completely catching up so that hang on a second go back into this workspace here I'm gonna select this edge here edit form and I am just gonna hit alt section below that see it wasn't in a section at least that's what I'm thinking okay now it should be enclosed let's go into the pants environment boundary Phil got select these two here and then you will see that this turns kind of green if I select this internal sound here with this boundary Phil this will now become a solid model and I can now just hide our surfaces and this is now a full solid just like our handle is although this this here is and the last thing I will do is go back into the model environment go back into combine and I can now combine these two solids together and that will now become one solid body now I just realized as I did this that I actually did do one mistake because I actually wanted to have created all these things in here in the handle body and not in the top assembly but passing the 30 minute mark I'm not gonna I'm not gonna sweat it too much so what we had here and I hope this was useful what we have here is we ending up with a full solid model of and I probably would work on this little dip up there a little bit more but what we have is a full solid model of a handle I guess probably a crossbow type thing that is mounted into a model top bracket so I hope that this is I hope this is useful going back into a little bit to the sculpting in environment alike I like to think about it as a combination of of these so you know there's one part of us that just model things up all in the model environment but when you get into that sculpting environment where you can actually start you know crossing over between the sculpt and the model and stop putting it together so I hope I showed you some new tools with the bridge with the with the weld and if you're brand new to to this whole thing there's a couple of other sculpt livestream in the back in the day so we can definitely make sure you get those that was what I had planned to show you next week they're not gonna be any licensed there might be one on Friday but next week I'm gonna be out of town so there's no laughs which is what I make sure you know that tomorrow we are gonna do camp so if you are into camp tomorrow should definitely be something that you hopefully will with a find interesting all right people with that I hope you like this if you do thumbs up if you don't be honest thumbs down and again if you haven't already subscribe to the channel I would really really appreciate it that is how I can kind of show my boss and say hey people are actually watching this I truly appreciate you taking the time if you're watching the recording thank you so much if you are in the livestream but I truly appreciate you taking the time I will jump in there and say hi to everybody take care folks and hope to see you tomorrow bye you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 22,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, akn_include, Design, Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, Lars Christensen, Sculpt, Patch, Model
Id: JK-uxRdIyjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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