Fusion 360: When & How to use 3D Sketch? [Techniques and more]

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hey guys welcome back to my channel in this video we are going to talk about 3d sketch now what do you know that normally most of the designs are done with 2d sketching and it's working really nice and you can do a lot of things with it but there are some situations where 2d sketch is not good enough or the result that we are looking for may be a bit trickier to do it with the 2d sketch and that's why I decided to create this video and right here I'm gonna show you a really good example of this situation and how we can actually achieve our goal with 3d sketching and it's also relatively simple so but before we gonna begin I just want to remind you don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you can get a notification every time I'm releasing a new video and also don't forget to visit my website they go to the forum section here you can ask me any question as you can also see there are three sub forms we have for boats and airplanes and this is one for general discussions and help and yeah while you're here if you don't mind you can also check out the the table that I've created as you can see right here and this is for Hardware benchmark he can test your much computer and you know - all kind of comparisons which is great especially if you're looking for a new computer now moving on so we are back to 3ds sketching so I'm just gonna tell you about a what kind of situation it might be helpful so I don't know if you've seen my video about the space Mars space Mouse Pro if you haven't seen it yet so I recommend you to watch it so this is the space mouse pro and after I got it I was really excited about this product in it's amazing and I also really like the shape and kami kind of an idea to try to build it in fusion 360 so when I started this finding it obviously I started with a 2d sketching but the result well quite bad not what I expected that's what I really wanted to achieve but as you can see here the shape it's quite special you have many curves to a lot of sides and it's very very very tricky to do it in 2d sketching it is possible but it's gonna take you a really long time so I decided to move on and to do it in 3d sketching so what we are going to do today and so we are going to build only the top surface because this is the tricky part the rest is just 2d sketching so I'm going to show you how I create this one and what I'm also gonna do is I'm also gonna give you the file so you can see first how I build it again you can play with it and you can also see how I continue with the rest of the body there are some really cool techniques over there which kind of saw a lot of problems when working with a for example with loft and you can also see what I did instead of using the loft comment I use another comment so go ahead and after you watch this video you can just download it and play with it okay so let's begin what I'm gonna do now I'm just gonna move all the way back so we're starting from scratch so right here as you can see I have put together all the canvases if you have the top we have the size and we have the front and so we're gonna start here I'm gonna start with creating a new sketch but first of course I'm going to activate my body a component here I'm gonna start a new scratch a sketch sorry now another thing you have to be careful make sure that the 3d sketch is turned off okay I know it's kind of sounds weird because we work in a 3d sketching yes but turn it off because I'm gonna show you in a moment how we can move the sketch around without actually doing it right here and it's gonna be much easier so in order to work with 3d sketching the tool that we're gonna use it is the spline tool okay I'm gonna use the control point because I feel more comfortable with it but if you want you can also use the feed point spline so rule number one when working with the spline tool in general it's to use a less point as possible remember that we can always add more points later on if it's necessary so I'm gonna start a marking right here so it's gonna help me to figure out where is the center now I'm gonna start with just a straight line in a moment I'm gonna show you also why I'm doing it and I'm gonna do it like this I'm gonna do another one straight so and right now I'm going to connect them together it's gonna be also a center now what we're going to do is I'm going to create a dimension I want this one to be one millimeter and if it's happening to you this one so all you're gonna do is I'm just gonna go back I'm gonna dimension it okay so I'm gonna create a dimension right here so sorry and that's gonna keep it in place so it's not gonna move so I'm gonna go back and just want one millimeter I'm gonna do the same right here one millimeter now the reason I'm creating this line it's because a in order to make the transition for one side to the other so it's gonna be much more smooth and I'm gonna explain it a later in more detail exactly and so we have one millimeter here one millimeter here which is good we are not going to keep those dimensions I'm gonna delete them it just is just for now okay so we can move on and continue with our sketching so I wouldn't know plus - how many I'm gonna need how many points I'm gonna need so I'm just going to create follow the the canvas and that's it so the first thing I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go to our constrain and I'm gonna create a tangent constraint between those two it's very important good so now we know that we have a tangent constraint here and everything is continue as it should so with this point we can start playing with the shape this one can be a bit tricky maybe to move because of the tangent right here but we can fix it later when we are moving it we're deleting the constraint but for now I'm just gonna do a rough design as you can see right here following the shape like that I'm not gonna spend way too much time on it but it looks pretty good so I'm happy with the results now we can delete the dimensions and constraint and I know that everything is gonna be in place nothing is going to move so it looks really really nice I'm happy with the design okay so we're going oh now we just need to finish the sketch now another thing you should know in general about the working with Reedy sketching you cannot a mirror the sketches to the other side right now I can I can do it no problem because we're not it change anything to the sketch in a 3d dimension so we are still into this so I can move it to the other side but the problem is if you're gonna Miro the sketch to the other side and then we're gonna start playing with a a with the with the sketch itself to make it in 3d it's not gonna reflect on the other side okay but I'm gonna share now what we're going to do so we're just going to finish the sketch so this is what we've got now we can turn on the side view and also the front view so we can have like back view you can also call it okay and we can move back here so now the fun starts begin okay we're going to select these two points I'm gonna hit the M on my keyboard to bring up the move command let's move it down a little bit so you can see it and I'm dragging it upward okay let me zoom in a little bit something like that so now we can move on to the next point okay now if you clicking on it and it suddenly let me show you I'm gonna wait another second you see when you're waiting and then you click another point what's gonna happen it's gonna do like multiple selection and what's happening to you just click on the X here and then you can reselect the point and then you can move it up and then again then we move this one upwards okay this two three four should be enough now we're going to move to this side it can be a bit confusing so I'm just gonna turn this one off right so we're now we're back here we are going to start shaping our model right here according to our canvas now obviously you're asking me you forgot to do the center line and you're right so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna exit this one I'm gonna go back to my sketch and I need to add some points here so I'm gonna right click on our line here and then insert a spline control point now those points are quite important at their position because that's something that's going to help to determine when we're using the left comment for example how the shape is going to look and so I'm just gonna try to add almost as equal points as we've got I don't think I'm gonna need more than that so going back with finishing and now we can go and we can start bringing up the move comment just need to make sure that we are on the sketch project somehow we can select the point and then we can drag it down you can see like that and this one I'm gonna bring up this one maybe I'm gonna move where you can see how way too many point being selected so I can also drag this one so I have more freedom the way I'm dragging the points now also need to bring these up so we need to move to the other side and we're going to do the same as before but now I'm just going to create multi selections because I want to bring all those pieces together up word and I'm gonna also turn on a see what we've got here we a little bit on blind but let's see what we're going to do is yeah so we're going to move it to the side like that now we can move all of them somewhere here okay and this one I also need to push up this one I can just keep it like that you see now I'm just you know following the curves playing with it and making sure that it looks good this one right here and I wanted to be I wanted it to be straight as possible so let's see if we can make it straight now right here what we need to do is let's check it out it's actually looks good yeah I know from this side it maybe doesn't look good but in general it looks good but I don't want to waste way too much time I just want to show you the idea how it works right now at this side here I'm just wanna do something like this and this one looks fine and this one is well I don't want it to be way too curved here in this area not see ya I'm generally I'm pretty happy with the result we can always change it later so this is as you can see here let me just turn off so what we actually did here we are creating our 3d sketch we took our two-deep from 2d position to 3d okay and when removing one up as you can see I didn't really change my of the shape see the shape is still the same as before because we moved the sketch or the points in a specific position for example on the y-axis okay so we're just moving things upwards so so from the top it doesn't look like we made any kind of change okay but sometimes can happen when we move things too much you have to be careful but you can always for example if I turn on the top view as you can see here yeah it's pretty much the same but right now if I want I can always make changes through this one for example I can move this one a little bit more like that so now we're moving it on the z axis and just gonna click OK and it looks really really nice so what we're doing now now we're going to the surface environment and we are going to create a patch because we actually we have here a close a sketch okay a closed boundary so we can use the patch environment to help us create the first surface and we finish our first surface now we want to a mirror this surface to the other side let me give you cheap I don't know if the center geometry it's actually right in the center to be sure what I'm going to do is because what happens sometimes we're thinking that we are on the center but we're not and then we're gonna mirror it and after we mirror eight you're gonna see that there are some spaces in the middle in order to avoid that situation so I'm gonna add another step here I'm gonna do an extend okay you have this tool here extend so I'm gonna select the edge here and I'm just gonna give it one push and okay now we can go to modify and split body I'm gonna choose this one as our this our surface the body that we want to split I'm just gonna turn on the origin in order to choose the splitting tool and it's gonna be this one and now we can just turn this piece off we don't need it anymore so we made sure now that we are actually when we go into a mirror it to the other side so as you can see here we it's gonna be perfectly cut in the center and everything is gonna touch each other like that at this point we're going to stitch them both together but we're not done yet because what we have actually created here as you can see we have this yeah bridge in the middle and it doesn't look good so in order to perfect it and to make it really nice and smooth what we are going to use now it is we're going to create a new is create a new sketch and we're going to use the 3d include 3d geometry projection and what we want to project is the edges all around like that now if you didn't do what I did here you know to make sure that we are on the center I mean that they are really touching each other both pieces you're gonna have some issues right here okay so make sure you're doing it and now I know that everything is has been projected okay except right here something doesn't look right I just want to make sure and finish this point we can turn off a hide our body here so we can see that everything looks good and we can go back to our patch and then it's enable chaining and we're gonna select all that and here we go so over in now you can see our pieces look much much better okay it looks really really really nice look at that but this is not the end result that I'm looking for because I'm going to do some a little bit more changes I want to make for example this one maybe more straight and so how we can achieve that the way to do it it's quite simple so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back turn on our sketch here I want to make this area more flat and we're going to create now an offset plane from here all the way is somewhere about right here yes I'm going to right-click on it and create a new sketch go to create project include and then intersect projects if you haven't seen my videos about the different projection so you go ahead and watch it so we have the two point now that we can use our straight line from one side to the other so now I made sure that everything is connected it's very important you can finish this sketch now we can go back double click on our feature here a surface feature that we have created and now we can see you intervals points so we can select this one and this sketch just created and now we made sure that it's nice and straight and flat okay and basically this is it I'm gonna do actually I'm gonna add another one the next one I'm gonna add it's right here it's way too curved like that okay I want to make I give it a different shape so it's a little bit more flat at the top I'm gonna move it all the way and something about here so I'm gonna do the exact same thing right click and I'm gonna do edit sorry not edit feature right click and then create a new sketch I'm just gonna turn this one off and we're going to create a new intersection projection just click somewhere on the line it's automatically gonna project the right point and I'm going to use again the control point spline I'm gonna do one two three it's gonna be somewhere here and then I wanted to make this equal a points on both sides first I'm gonna do the horizontal a constrain right here and we can if we want we can also create some dimension to make sure they are exactly equal right in the middle so will I just say we are creating a dimension here from this one so this one it's gonna be I just say 15 and this one it's gonna be the exact same so now we know that both sides when we I'm going to move it up and down they're gonna be horizontally aligned to each other and also the same distance to the center which is quite important so I'm also going to add another one here to the center right like that okay so again we're going now what happened here and that's another trick I'm gonna show you you see I did it after the surface patch here so I need to mean to move it back so I'm just gonna drag it and drop it right before our patch okay so here we go I can select the rail points again here so I can choose this one and voila here we go so and now at this point I can play with the shape if I don't like it but now it's more flat and I can move things around the way I want yeah and you can do it also to the other side okay you can do a lot of things with this and yeah so this is how you work with 3d sketching and this is just the tip of the iceberg but the information that I show you it's gone also it's already gonna give you a heads up so you can start playing with 3d sketching I watch it the video a few times because you can see I've used many kind of techniques right here and again if you have any questions for me just come here to the firm section and ask me don't forget to add all the information that you have images and so on so I know exactly how to help you and as I mentioned before I'm going to attach a the file that I've worked with right here and so you can download it play with it and you can see also how I continue and build everything also the bottom part and connect them together especially the connection between these two can be tricky but if you open the file you will see what I did then you know a light bulb will come out and say okay cool and if you still don't understand just come to my forum ask me a question and I'm gonna help you so this is it for now I hope you enjoyed the for the video if don't forget to subscribe and hit the bear icon so you can get a notification every time I'm releasing a new video and check out my website and stay safe and I'll see you in my next video bye bye
Channel: Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
Views: 27,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 join bodies, texture, Fusion Tutorial, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD modeling, 3D modeling, 2D sketching, components and bodies, combine bodies, custom threads, threads, beginner tutorial, fusion tutorial, Propellers, modeling, autodesk, fusion 360, design engineering, mechanical design, computer aided design, cad software, mechanical engineering, product design, Gears, Worm Gear, Boat Hull, Fusion 360 tutorials, Fusion 360 Loft, Airplane
Id: 7F2SkJhI2g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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