Take Sheet Metal To The Next Level — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 135

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welcome to livestream number 135 my name is last Christensen and thank you so much for taking the time to watch today's livestream today's topic is sheet metal this is one of the requests from a couple of you guys who wanted to see some mold sheet metal and particularly when I answer one of the questions I got via email a few days ago in the gaps to working with sheet metal so trying to do a better job of incorporating more of your requests into into these so my email address is down the line in the description area send me an email if there's any top few topic you'd like to see see me or get people in here Craig Mike awesome love it thank you so much yes so today's sheet metal and I thought we could have some fun I'm with what I want to try to do is share some of my I think best tips and tricks as we are going through here alright so let's get into it let's get into where everybody want to be anyways haha fusion so right out of the bed now I know that we're gonna have people on different levels and we don't want to mess anybody up up here in the drop-down we have the sheet metal workspace so we're gonna switch over to that now the first thing that I just want to point out is I've seen I think I don't know seen some people do this and it's fine but there's different ways to do things in here one way is to create a sketch on the top face here so this is pretty like standard sketching right I'm gonna hit the S key so like my Center rectangle here and I'm just gonna make this one 50 by 50 hits enter so this is just a sketch nothing fancy here now excel sheet metal be using the flam's tool for this so if I click here and I select we will get our first sheet metal type body one thing I gotta point out in here is that this is where we can control the different libraries in here and I've done live streams on how to customize these libraries in here for sheet metal I've also left in the description area of the video there is a link to understanding what k-factor is and how you figure out what your key factor should be I'm gonna talk about that in just a second too soon when you have everybody in the same page but that library we can set in here with the first glance I'm gonna hit OK and really all we got is a sketch we got our first kind of like the bottom of a plate here and now we could go ahead and hit the flames tool again and we could click an edge and then we kind of like creating the next the next side up here make that 50 so here we can like have the first sheet metal all bent so one sketch to two features fans features you could say now I just wanted to show another way to get to this point just you know sometimes it's just a matter of just seeing things a little bit different you could also I'm not saying you cannot do this you could also didn't stab me the sign it's not another 2d sketch instead of setting the bottom here makes it gonna select the side view I'm gonna hit alpha line and just sketch a kind of like the same thing we want to befall D fold I mentioned fifty by fifty so now we just have this sketch here and we could now go in oh I did this in the model environment doesn't really matter because you can just fit the sheet metal we can select the Flan's here and now we could create the same menu the same flange same menus with what we can do the different K factors and so these two are not the same right but one has two features and one has one feature I just wanted to kind of like this one we're going to work with I just wanted to you know kind of like just bring that up that there's a couple of different ways to do it so one less feature I guess to to work with in here alright so let's get into some other fun sheetmetal stuff um well actually no well let's get into the fun stuff they start just two seconds of k-factor just an end sheet metal I just want to make sure if somebody's watching who is this is kind of like a little new do you to you what is sheet metal really means so this is normally you know you see sheet metal on like your your computer.this coming to chassis for your computer around mo anything that is stamped out of metal and they think that sheet metal would let you do is that if we look at this sketch and we turn the sketch on here and you disses standard right click show dimension you can see the sketch here so right now we can see we made this one 50/50 right now the thing that happens with the material when we bent metal is that down in here the metal collar gets compressed and here it gets stretched does that make sense so like if you think about it took like thin metal and you you kind of like appending it you actually crimping this area compressing this area and you're stretching this area what actually means that to get if you took a flat piece of material and you cut it out when you then bend it it would actually not be that dimension anymore what I mean by that is that this is inside here is 50 by 50 so you could think that this would be a hundred but it's actually not if I go in and I use the create flat pattern we're going to cover the difference between unfolding and flat panel doesn't people have asked about that if I go in here and say create a flat pattern and we select the bottom face here and we hit OK you will exist see when I measure here it was a hundred right 50 plus 50 but I measure here you will actually see that it is a hundred and one hundred point six five five that is how long we had to cut that piece so when we fold it up that it would actually end up being 50 by 50 so in this case here we will cut a little bit longer so when we folded it out the inside measurement is 50 by 50 now if you go back into our feature down here or right click and hit edit we can flip the side arm and if we flip it to side too you will see that it's gonna flip on the outside so flip it here now that 50/50 is the outside well what does that mean well that means that if we flatten it now and we measure it you will see that now it's actually smaller than it had to be so we would have cut a smaller piece because now we're measure on the outside where it gets it gets scratched so if this is new to you uh you know I just want to make sure that you he's kind of like know what the flattening means so it's a way to find out in a flat state what we actually thought it had okay so I hope that that someone makes sense that's what we're doing these rules that I made a live stream on that that email me and I'll send you a link to that how you edit these rules and also down the description area the video you have the rule or the video link for how to figure out all this key factor okay let's get into some of my tips and tricks when we're working inside of sheet metal so what the neat thing about fusion 360 or at least in my opinion what it's worth oh yeah Soren says the decay factor also depends on the thickness of material true key factor is the thickness or material and then it can depend on what type of machine you have that's why we let you edit it and we don't have like set rules because it really comes down to what machine you have now the neat thing about any is that the Frantz tool can do a lot of different things so if I select this inner edge now that we use the Frank Lemmons can we use the flan tool with that sketch right we had a an L site scats we hit the Franz tool and and that gave us that gave us this we're gonna be reusing that flam tool again if I select this edge here we can see we can drag on the arrow we can create a new flange here we can actually also kind of like go in angles with it depending on what we want to do here we're gonna talk about angles a little bit late or I'm gonna leave it at 60 degrees now I want you to make B if I want to make sure you're aware of that there is some neat options over here in the menu one of them is if you click up here and you maybe wouldn't think about doing that they see some neat functions in here so right now we have full edge look if I select symmetrical and I drag the arrow look at this we can actually shorten this time it makes it also make it bigger what it's gonna need but we can shorten this down here symmetrical then there's a two side and an offset side to side it's just how its measured depending on when you're modeling things up suicide you see here that it says twenty two point five millimeters so that measurement comes from the center to whatever the edge we are dragging the arrow in we're offset we'll do the other way around it we'll do it from where it's coming from to the other one I think that's more to do with kind of like how you model things up but be aware of those options that you can very quickly create these kind of events here cool now at any times when I'm working in here check out that our flat pattern X to get a little warning sign and the reason the flat pan is giving us a warning sign is because it just needs to be updated if I click on the little update here it will update it and you will see we now got that section added to it with with the flat pattern there we can hit exit flat pattern up here and bam we are back to to a model again alright another thing that I think that some people may be I think easily missed is that you can use sketches to drive this so if I go in here and and create the scats let's say on this back face right here and I was going to hit alpha line let me draw a line up that looks something like this and we should always fully define our lines right yes okay let's make this tan and whatever this doesn't really matter all right there I just want to fully fully define the line here s cats like I just drew on the edge here we can excel as a fully defiant or we use that as a flange if I select the flames tool check this out and I select that that sketch geometry and then select this edge look at this it actually turns into its uses that sketch to create a net strands I think many people that would create one France up and then another France over but scared just can be used to drive those it actually gets better we can exit go over here and hit the little plus sign and we can also select this edge and you will see that it and it wraps around that so sketches inside this France command is is pretty pretty hot let me locate so that's and again just to keep us up on this let's go and update the flat pattern by flatten it don't have to do this every time but it's always fun to see kind of like what we what we get here I said the flat on pattern out again I hope this is useful for a little bit of sheet metal now the next trick here are I want to show you my body aaron pointed this one out and and I think it's important instead of fusion 360 to remember that we can use the different workspace so if I go back into the model workspace that's when we're mostly comfortable I think most of us here I can go in and I can actually mirror and it's default to faces let's select bodies and let's mirror over this face here we can mirror or across our our sheetmetal now if you look at the bodies folder we end up with two bodies and you would actually see that the sheet metal body looks different than then the standard body in here we can exit go ahead and use the standard combined tool and we can then combine the two it ok now there are 1 one body now if we go back into the sheetmetal workspace we update our flat pattern look at this it's actually smart enough to know that we just mirrored all this passed it together it's smart enough to know that it has to to flatten flatten that out and combining the two I think that's some I think that's pretty pretty good another thing I want to make sure you're aware of is that some of the other tools that we are used to working with inside the model workspace also works in here so if I for example going to select this face right here hit q4 press pull I can actually drag out and make this sheet metal piece longer if if I want to same thing if I go over on to click on this face on this flange this is actually the mirrored flange and I hit Q there you will see that that can be pulled out and not only can even hold out but it keeps its its angle in here right there the offset out here so I just want to make sure that you know that that some of these tools are in here now let's just flatten that just so we can say hey look at that okay so there's constantly changing the shape of this this flat pattern now another question I've gotten from a few people and I hope I'm not going too fast if I'm going too fast don't forget you can always rewind and see you and see it again in here some people have asked a question up between the create flat and unfold so I wanted to show that now the flat-panel do kind of like cupboard here we flatten it out and it gives us what plate flat plate we should um we should cut this out of the unfold is small it dikes it doesn't calculate the stretch like the k-factor does we're using the unfold if you want to be working within this so I can go in here and say unfold the stationery entity could select that body down there you can actually select all bends and hit okay and it kind of like did the same thing as the flat pattern did just without really doing anything I can refold it again and by the way this creates a a feature down here in the feature tree which is what is pretty cool now if I uncheck this everything that is green can actually be be unfolded so what I can go in and do here is I can flatten out maybe just a section that I want to work on so now I'll just flatten those two right if I do it that again here you're gonna see I just flatten these two edges here hit OK oops oh that's because I have that all of unfold right back there all right now we're now way I have its parametric man with the with the history down here now what I could do was create a sketch on this face and I'm just gonna draw something up just to give you an idea here let's go down to here this is not important I just wanted to draw something up there was a little interesting but I do want to fully define it because people are saying that they like to see me the process so I'm gonna make sure that this edge here this is 40 I'll make this one 20 and it sounds there's an angle I definitely want to make sure that that gets incorporated in there maybe there oops in four dimension maybe there is a thickness on this one that's probably an overall length of this one and don't forget that if you suddenly can't remember if you in doubt what why something is blue dragging a corner will kind of like give you an idea so if I give this D fat I mentioned here let's make that 10 like that and then it looks like we probably also either need to give this a length or this opening game with now it's all black so what I've just done was I just sketch something on this side with these unfolds and if I now hit Q I can now go in and select these areas that I could make a cut through here and I would probably select up to object and just select this side here hit OK so now you can see how we kind of like got a accordion that's what the fold and unfold will let us do so when we've unfolded again it folded back or whatever it it kind of like had that shape and again of course if I go to the flat pattern you will see that that cutout is caught in there um the last thing I want to show was an email I got from one of you guys and like I said in the beginning send me any emails with any future topics that you would like to see as I want to try to be better at that really these live streams just trying to add a little bit more value to your fusion experience and I want to try to incorporate more of your questions in there this one here was one of those and asked that I thought was pretty but very good if I for example go in and create a sketch here on this face and let me just create a line and I'm going to snap into this corner let's go up here and let's close it off like this d4 I mentioned and make this one let's make it thirty maybe and then do the person undercut with it so we're gonna select this and just cut all the way through that pot like this okay so now we have like a thirty degree cut here on the back now the this person had used the parameters tools that are also exist inside of of sheet metal of course we talked about parameters before to control that thirty that thirty degrees right so that we have the sketch with a thirty degrees well if you wanted to create a France that came up here and then followed that thirty thirty degrees there whatever around twenty inside/outside whatever you want that how do you make it so that one hundred and twenty their updates with that all the parameters up here meaning how do you associate kind of like the two and that kind of goes back to what I did before with you can actually use sketches so what we could do we had a couple of different options one thing we could do was if we wanted to also control the length of debt plants coming up we could open a new sketch on this face we could draw a line up here make sure that its associated here give it some kind of length maybe if you want to I'm just doing this in case you wanted to drive this as a parameter right and I've turned you all of the 30-degree off for a second now we could go into the Flan's tool select that line select that flight that adds and it will create that flange based on that line so if I turn that line back on should I mention the forty millimeters could now be controlled as a as a parameter and then the the thirty degrees is now tied in are with with with this one here so if I type in they say 20 degrees then you will see that that they have now following each other right parametrically 15 degrees and then if you wanted to do something with the with the length because as you're changing this angle this probably wanted this longer or right here so I that was kind of with 23 minutes over this is awesome so this was kind of like what I was hoping to some some tips and tricks when it comes to working in this sheet male environment doing some different tools now let me just flatten this for a second so we can we can look at it so we kind of created this box here around this now I was hoping I could do this quick I hope I was not too quick but one of the questions I also have gotten is okay this is all great now I want a get this to my wall at the end on my laser you know how do I manufacturing this you have options options always good one option is to go back into our flat pattern and you can click up here this was an enhancement edit where you can export it out as a DXF so many lasers and water jets and so forth use DXF to kind of like use the outside now you could also use the cam environment in here inside of a fusion and the nice thing about doing the cam environment is you now get some parametric if there's a design change things will update now you need to know how you do use sheet metal you convert it over to 2 km so I want to show that quick I know that I didn't advertise this as cam so we're just going to spend 4 minutes on this and we're done so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back and we're going to use that unfold and we're gonna unfold the entire here so now it's just unfolded here and then what we can do is we can create a sketch on the top of this okay and you guys have probably you already used put a P fit with Jack now very people reject if I just click here I only get an ass but if you select here you can actually project the whole body maybe never us write that before we can project the whole body here okay so let me hit OK to that and if I just hide the the sheet metal body I can actually now just hit Q and I can select up let me just window select the whole thing window select the whole thing window select the whole thing there we go and I can now add that the thickness of our oh we want to do it as a join the thickness of this thing if I can type 2.5 let go so now we actually end up with we have a sheet metal body and we now have this solid body standard body that we can now use in camp so now if I jump over to camp quick until the camp workspace oh I gotta breathe unfold that's fine okay in this camp workspace we can now create a set up I'm not going to talk too much about this but I just want to show it to you so we're gonna create a set up here and we can of course do whatever we want to do without or again up here we do have 2d profiling cuts so for example wallet yet so let me just go in here and select a tool path for that on a circular design change this in a second if you go into the profile tools metric you will see we have you know water get laser cutter plasmas and there's posts out for this let's just select the outside boundary hit okay and what you will see here when I simulate this is I now have created a waterjet tool path you know water getting around here the neat thing about doing this is that if we go back into the sheetmetal environment and hide our original body and bring up that body we worked on before if I decided to go in and make a design change so for example this last flange and let's go and do it oops metrical and drag this one it make this way thin right now everything updates hit the flat pattern it definitely becomes narrow right now it also does that lets you switch over to our cam environment over here and we just gotta show the right body you will see that that got thin also so everything updates now if I just click on the 2d profile you will see that it still shows the old size but as soon as I right you see where the red warnings was a right click generate tool path that will that will update there so I hope this was useful I just wanted to show how you can go both places so and the reason I want to show the cam of course just because cams is cool in itself but also because if you're working a place where it's very common that people update make changes to their designs all the time I used to work a place like that that doing it inside a fusion with the cam can absolutely help you know you know at least the guy was running the water get not pulling his hair out going going bald that was all our planning on showing today hope this was useful hope there was neat sheetmetal tricks in there tomorrow is cam it's all about probing I want to show you what I call my cheat man probing that I used to use when I worked at there at RIT lab when you don't have a fancy spindle probe you only have a table probe I'm gonna talk some other stuff man that was exactly under 30 minute mark perfect I really appreciate you taking the time to watch these elastin thumbs up if you like this sometime if you don't be honest my email address is down there any future topics you would like to see do me a favor and send it I love your feedback and I'm trying to do a better job of modeling things up that you are asking for if you are watching the recording thank you so much if you're in the live stream chat I'm gonna come in and say hi to you take care of have an awesome awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 71,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Product design, software, CAD, CAD Software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D, 3D Software, 3D Printing, CAM, CAM Software, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Manufacturing, CNC, Cimputer Numerical Control, cloud, Cloud based CAD, Autodesk CAD, Autodesk CAM, Free CAD, Free Software, cloud manufacturing, cloud CAM, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, YouTube Live Events
Id: 406aQFy6IbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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