Fusion 360 — Forgot About Sweep's & Custom Threads? — #LarsLive 77

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and happy Monday everyone today is October 16th 2017 and welcome to livestream number 77 today we're gonna talk about forgotten about sweeps and custom frets um I should probably explain that so a while back I talked about lofts here on the livestream and I really we have used sweeps before but we haven't really gotten into the dialog box and I got a few people asked me some questions via email in regards to well some commands where sweet would be really useful so that's what we're gonna talk about today I can see we already got a bunch of people coming in here absolutely love it thank you so much guys happy Monday everybody hope you had a great great weekend so let's jump into it's a fusion 360 so I'm starting on a blank blank screen here I really don't need my data panel open to do this so let's talk about the sweep command pretty quickly here we're gonna go in and you know but I searched some pretty neat functions that is within that feature so it's sitting right down here sweep and the first thing if you're brand spanking new to suffusion is that it normally needs well it needs two sketches it needs a profile and then it needs a path to kind of project that profile down so um you know what I think we should do today's in in metric how about that so let's go in your settings and switch this over to millimeters okay so let's get something up here I'm just gonna sketch on my front plane here and I'm gonna hit seve a circle and I'm just gonna sketch out a a couple of circles here and then D for dimension and let's make this one 30 let's make this one 40 so this is what I'm going to to project out here kind of like a pipe or a two for something like that so this is our first scats was like I said before to sketches profile and then a path so this is our profiles let's do our path I'm gonna stop the sketch and so now we'll see you look over here we have once cats let's fire up a new sketch so create a new sketch and I'm gonna do this one on the top plane so the first one was on the front plane right now it's on the top plane so you for moving right there we have the front plane that's where we have the first one now we're sketching up on the top plane here and I'm just gonna sketch some lines here this is not really important let's guess this out something like like this here and you could choose if you wanted to just make it straight I'm gonna put a couple of radiuses on the lines here go back into my sketch and add some fill it's I don't know just because I like it I guess and some filters like that and stop that sketch so we have two sketches I didn't define that one I should probably put some dimensions on it so we got two sketches profile path okay now let's go up and activate the sweep command here and you should know that there's two options there is single path and then there is path plus guide rails now if this is brand new to you go back in and search the live stream when we're talking about guide rails with the lofts that will give you a lot more information about what they kind of can do we're gonna do single path first here and first is asking I selected our profile that's gonna be this kinda like the pipe outline then it's looking for the path and we're gonna select this edge here and then we we get kind of like a pipe here right so sweeps are really good and at this type of of work here was kind of like a pipe working through it oh you know it made sense what is used for like wires if you are you know doing like electrical wiring or tubes or something like that so not just but I mean this is sweeps would normally be the one you would use for something something like this here but you can do other things that the sweep command is actually pretty neat because that's pretty neat functions in it so let's go back in and do another sweep on a sweep you can do that so I'm gonna go in here just to demonstrate this I'm gonna go up and do an offset plane from this first face that we create it's so nice you're gonna create a sketch on a plane that is kind of a little bit further in here so I'm gonna right click and create a sketch on that so now I'm kinda like looking normal too and just because I like to I'm gonna just create a construction line from the center out here hit the light hit X that becomes a construction line let's do a rectangle I'm just gonna kind of like create a cutout in you know a tube here or a pipe so I'm gonna do some relationships I'm gonna do symmetry I love symmetry between one point another point and then that construction line there was where I created it now we know that this this will stay symmetrical over that line and then D for dimension and we can add a couple of dimensions let's make it 10 by 10 and then we need a dimensions from here here I don't know I'm just rounding off here 18 this is not really important but what I want to show you is so I just created this sketch here where it's gonna be my profile now if you have used other CAD systems you know some of these older times can systems like inventor and like I said don't know much about inventor but but SolidWorks that used to be a time where you had to have your profile and your path had to kind of like intersect or touching each other to be able to work but in fusion we actually don't need to do that see I can actually go out here my sketch for my profile and if I go back and turn on that original path I created the first for the tube I can actually reuse that one again even though the - don't even in a second another so even though that these doesn't are on relationship with each other it will still use another path so this path have been used in two instances now first for the for the pipe itself and now for this this cut out I just kind of like created through here so that's definitely important than you know that but you don't have to have the profiles kind of intersecting the pant and the profile they can really be two different places now another thing that is interesting with this is if you're looking over in the dialog box you will see that there's two instances over here called distance and they're both set to one now this value is is kind of one is max anything smaller between one and zero is a distance so the reason I created that plane in was to show you this if I grab this arrow I can actually move that cut back to where it started or I can move out so you will see that one it's out but if I move it back a little bit look how the value have changed I can do the same thing on our on the other end I can grab and and drag this in and it Cora gates with this value and this value goes back to that line segment if I move it back here you will see that that moves all the way so cero over here will be all the way back so I can learn to control how long I want that cut to be what can actually be that's kind of cool so be aware it's kinda like a per sentence I guess is probably what it exa calculates it out of so you can do that so that's kind of cool to know another thing that is in here is a taper angle that you can apply now let me just let me just hit OK so you can see this cut so what we have now is kind of like what we ended up getting he's a cut inside of this side of the tube on one side I hope that makes sense I don't know what you would need that for but demonstration purpose let me go back into it again right click and edit the feature there's also a taper angle in here so if I put like 1/2 degree look how it tapers 1/2 degree from just like we had in the we had that in the loft - I believe so now it's 1/2 degree on all four sides of that rectangle it goes out so we can actually add you would actually see if I hit OK then it would actually cut an opening in this area over here because it kind of like it goes all four sides out 1/2 degree it's not just the direction of the path so that's important that you know that then you will also see that there is a twist angle in here but it's kind of interesting so let me go 150 degrees and look what happens the thing is kind of twisting it doesn't really know what it's gonna do with this distance down here I think let's let's bring that distance back out to maybe fall out you will see that it starts twisting it around the profile you can actually go pretty high up here you will see how it kind of like start twisting it looks weird right the biggest problem and an exit cut said the biggest problem you will see with the sweep command you can you can run into here I have no issues but many times is the profile cannot interest cannot cut itself so I mean I don't know how crazy we can get with this cut before looks like 1500 angle and it will just keep on grabbing a wrapping and wrapping you can get some really interesting rinsing cuts so do be aware of this twist angle you can make some pretty pretty neat neat patterns I think with that another thing you should know about is the perpendicular versus parallel now the easiest way to show this is probably not to use a pipe let me roll all the way back to the beginning little bit to our first sketch let me make it active remember the sketch if I go in and I create another new sketch so now we have kind of like down here in the bottom if I create a spline instead so before when I created the pipe I just use some some some lines and arcs but it's great for pipes but if you're doing something like wires or something you maybe want to use spline because as you maybe remember that with splines we get these handles where we can go really we can we can make some some really neat shapes and we can use these splines also as paths for our kite curves so it's starting to create a new sweep in here and select our profile again and then this time I'm going to select that spline as our path not as almost like more like a tube now the difference and again you will see in here I also get a distance what means I can just grab here and make it make it shorter what is kind of kind of cool the perpendicular versus parallel the perpendicular means that it's going to be perpendicular to kind of like the path that we are that we're following now parallel switches it you will like to see how it switches is over here let me look at the end here let me go back to perpendicular and go to parallel so parallel is actually staying parallel to the original sketch profile so check this out a thousand dragging it back right when I go over the the the second the point up here you like to see that it kind of like it's switch decides to go stay parallel through the original sketch so that is him important to know that you can control that in in here okay let's get out of that again let's get rid of that sketch and if I roll forward again we're kind of back to to our pipe there so one of the things I wanted to so this is kind of like this sweep the basis of the sweep if you if you've never really played around with it before and that is you know path profile write a profile path and it kind of like follows that path I used it quite a bit for tubing for different projects where you know creating that sketch for the the profiles are kind of like follow will give you a nice 2y or something like that but another thing that many times comes out of this discussion is threats especially customized threats on on a pot so in fusion we have this cool threat function so if I click on the threat function here and I select a face to put that threat on you can choose to have a model but not modeled and you can choose full-length on that face or you could choose to to make it shorter and depending on the diameter that you got you would actually try to fit a size to this and we actually did a live streaming on this a while back where we we confirmed and inserts for that one we confirmed that these frets are definitely right on and good threats compared to the machinist handbook so the frets inside of fusion they you know they are they're right on but one of the things that happens is and I think this kind of light comes out of the seventies eighties it looks like that every company decided that they were gonna make this stand their own standard like that was like the biggest height in and I think the seventies and eighties companies like if you ever worked with in making gears you know that every company created like their own little variation of a standard and call it like I used to do a lot of work for Kodak and they were definitely rocks they were definitely notorious for this so you will see over here we're going to look at the fret that there is all kinds of cool threats in here that you can use but what happens if you want to create your own kind of threat in here and that's maybe where you're looking for some tools to do that so I'll show you one way to do this let me get rid of this this fret here the one trick is to use the tool called coil here you can utilize that and we haven't looked at this before but probably should do some some other license on this but just to show you because again you might be looking at this video because you saw sweeps trying to figure out how to do custom frets so I'm gonna select the coil and the next if you look at my cursor you will see this trying to do a diameter and that's what it's really trying to do so I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna sketch a diameter and I'm just gonna make it the same as my oval diameter so that was 40 millimeters and as soon as I hit okay I get this dialog box and it shows up with this coral well it's kind of cool-looking and if I hit OK you will just see me get well it will turn it into a cut because where I started it if we just join it you will see me getting lucky he saw the coil here but that's not really what I am what I'm after here when I go back in to the cut for a second and let me just drag it on this side we actually want it what will be on this side over here now a couple of things I want to point out let's start up at the top you can choose over here to do and I would think you want to do like revolution and Pitt's that is definitely what I have normally used so you can put some kind of a heap it's in here and this is depending on diameter in the sections let me just change that to something else maybe there we go so it is revolution and Pitt's so the diameter was what we used you can switch between rotation direction by the way then how many revolutions do you want you know that is up to you the pitch in here so this is where you can set up your pitch you can also control an angle in here then you get this section here where you can choose between some different types so right now it's as a circle or if I change that you triangular internal you will like to see that we get something that starts looking more like a what I would call a gear or something let me try to make the can I make the pits a little bit smaller maybe always a little - okay so you will start seeing that we getting something that could resemble some kind of a custom threat now I'm just gonna hit I'm not gonna hit okay to this what I'm gonna do in here is I'm gonna do it as a new body and I'll show you just in a second while I'm doing this I'm gonna create it as a new body it means it now our folder I kind of like have I should have I when I hit okay I'm gonna have two bodies so one was our pipe and the other one is this is this spiral here now I'm sure that your custom thread is not gonna have just a triangle on it that's gonna be something but we are pretty close right so here's a cool trick if I open up a sketch on this triangle face so you set your pitch and your length and your revolution all that you want within the coil here so fill out whatever you can in here the pitch in here triangle or the revolution if you pick revolution of pitch and save it out as a new body so you got this here then what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna open a new sketch on this face here okay and then there's a super neat tool over on the sketch under project that says include 3d geometry so what I can actually do now is I can project like this the helix of the inside and you might also that's depends on what you do you might want to use one of the other helix as a guide rail again if this whole thing will guide rails is new for you look at the all the live streams where we talk about it but what do I have now well if I hide that body here I right now I have these two spirals here to finish up my own kind of profile fret profile what is what you normally nobody wants so I can go in now and create you know that thread whatever whatever that custom thread kind of like should should kind of be whatever you know whatever fits in here so let's go in here and just create this here as a construction geometry then I could go in and say I want the midpoint of this line to be here I want maybe these two to be equally so now I'm kind of creating my own my own profile here right I can start adding some dimensions to all of this whatever whatever we we kind of want whoops that's kind of funny it flipped so let's do this one to this one to this one little flipping out huh that's interesting why is it doing that okay I'm not sure what does that alright well you can define your your own your own kind of profile that's kind of funny so now I'm over constrain it it looks like okay stop playing really lies so we now have created like our own profiles depending on what your threat should be here and if I now go back into the original body we have in here we can now go back in and do the sweep where we can go in and select the the custom profile we just drew up and we can select the the path here too to kind of get that custom profile cut threat in there of course this is now this is not really really great but I think you get hopefully you get the the gist of this so you can go in here and kind of create your own your own teeth profile you can wrap it around and of course again like I said before you can also use that the guide rail if you need to pull it to a certain I don't know if this gonna solve but then you can pull with the guide rail out there now I will say again that if you are working normally the standard France inside of fusion that we have covered before on the livestream they are definitely totally legit to use we confirm that by measuring them inspecting them that they are right in the tolerance oh it's really only whenever you gotta create custom kind of threats that you have to go in here maybe use some of these tools I hope this was this was useful folks um that was what as a big truck restoring bye that was what I had planned on showing today the rest of the week is planned if you didn't get the notification if you subscribe to the channel and you hit the little bell and you should get an email notification when I create these events tomorrow same time 2 p.m. Eastern we are gonna talk about sculpting and modeling so what happens when you model something up in the standard model environment like we were just in here and you want to use sculpting and also and kind of like a test those two Wednesday I can't tell you yet what that is Thursday we're gonna talk about how to split a plastic injection molding the parting line that was another question I got I did do a mold video a while back if you go back and you look in the videos I think was four or five series we're gonna talk a little bit about how you can do that more complex part and then Friday we're gonna talk cam we're gonna talk about pick up your pot we're gonna throw our t-54 t-55 and all of that stuff so it's a it's a good week there should be a lot of interesting stuff in there I hope you find this helpful that is really what these latitudes about to be and all about just adding a little bit more value to your use of fusion 361 other they are not I say Autodesk University is coming and mitten mid of next month November 14th through the 16th it's in Las Vegas if you've never heard about it you should definitely check out just search google art of this university 2017 if you're interested in going I will be there and if you are gonna be there and you want meet up shoot me an email my email address is down in the description area and maybe we can do breakfast or something like that one morning or some figure something out so 108 people in the live stream absolutely awesome if you're watching this recording thank you so much really appreciate it I hope you're ready for an awesome week I'm gonna do what I normally do I'm gonna end the broadcast of you watching the recording thank you don't forget to subscribe thumbs up thumbs down and I'm gonna jump into the to the live stream and say how'd everybody so have you Monday everyone
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 45,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, 3D Printing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Sweep, Custom Thread
Id: WvCNGR8C2uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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