Fusion 360 Live - Stump the Chump

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hello everybody this is Brad Tallis I apologize we are having some technical difficulties and now for whatever reason my camera is not working originally angela was going to present today but he's having some issues with his iOS so this topic was gonna be about give me just a second here let me see if I can get my camera working let me go back to my Bree oh there we go let's see if that's projecting now originally we were gonna do some stuff with cam learning - everything about the setup menu but like I said we're having some technical difficulties with his computer so we're going to change the topic I apologize and I'll update the the name on the video and all the kind of stuff and so what we're gonna do now is stump the chump so literally not more than a few minutes ago I downloaded a bunch of sample models or sample drawings I should say because somebody posted on the chat on our last livestream that they said hey you should do some of the SolidWorks model mania challenges and I was like oh that's a great idea so I went out there and I actually did some of them it was kind of fun and I was gonna present that next week however there's a big copyright thing on their webpage saying that this is only for SolidWorks users and nobody else so unfortunately I can't use their models and walk through them so I did find some other models out on the web and I'm gonna pick this I mean literally I have not practiced this I haven't tried it I haven't done anything with it so this is gonna be me live going through how would I model this and I might stumble I might trip up and stuff like that but we're gonna kind of solve these together so let me switch here here is the PDF document so I actually got these off of this webpage the study cad/cam calm now it is in a different language in fact you can kind of see the drawing title and a lot kind of stuff so you'll either want to use like Google Translate or just pick on pictures and stuff like that but there are hundreds of sample models out there and you can go out and practice some of them are easy some of them are a little bit more difficult and I looked at this one I said okay how would I approach this it's not overly complicated we're gonna probably do a side profile and revolve it this is my guess and then I'm probably going to have to create these little air vents or whatever they're called but you'll notice that they're slightly tapered in fact it's kind of hard to see right here it looks like they're at a 7 degree taper so I'm gonna have to figure out how are we gonna go about doing that and then obviously I would cry pattern let that let the software do the hard work here so so I'm going to I'm looking over the chat really quick so Angelo if you're able to join let me know in the chat and we'll see if we can switch back over to the manufacturing side of things I'd be willing to do that if necessary so ok so I'm going to be using this drawing now I'll go ahead and attach it to the video after we're all done so let me switch to fusion ok and I'll jump back and forth between the drawing and the model and stuff like that so like I mentioned I'm probably gonna start with a side profile of this and we can kind of see like the overall shape of it and almost kind of stuff looks like the overall diameter is 240 you know it looks like some of these openings are 123 so I'm just gonna basically use these dimensions to help me to our drawing this profile what I'm gonna do is pretty much just kind of mock it up first I'm just doing a sketch what it sort of looks like and then we'll come back and define it with dimensions etc so okay um let me looks like Angelo's trying to talk so give me just a second guys um see if okay so there is Angelo I'm going to Angelo I'm gonna you're on mute right now but you are part of the zoom meeting and I don't know if I can hear you okay so we'll see are you able to share your screen into a lot kind of stuff or not okay I'm not hearing anything okay so I'm gonna keep moving forward here sorry guys um okay so let me jump back to fusion and I notice in the drawings that it is in metric so I'm gonna change my units to millimeters so we can do that there I'll say okay I like to start everything as a component so I'm gonna say new component and then I can give this a name now do I have to do a component no this is a single part single example but I'm doing this just to get used to the process of always creating things as components because it'll help me in the long run down the road so I'm gonna give it a name I'll call it part 756 cuz that's what it is I'll say okay and now you'll notice I have a component and if I create a new sketch on my front plane you'll see that that sketch is gonna be underneath that component and again that's gonna help me out so okay I'm gonna go ahead and start like I've mentioned before I'm just gonna sort of mock-up what this thing looks like so I'm going - basically hover over this center point here or the starting point and you'll see it's kind of hard to see but there's a little snap guide that sort of appears and so it's basically saying you're right above that zero zero so I'll come over a little bit I'll come down a little bit come over and now notice like that green check box is kind of in the way so if I were to click right now it would actually end my selection so I might want to zoom up just a little bit to get that checkbox out of the way then I'll come over here I'll come down and then finally I want to draw this little foot and I want it to be at the same level as that so I'm just gonna hover I don't have to click I'm just gonna hover and it's hard to see but it's gonna create a snap guide so you're gonna see it's gonna kind of snap down to that point right there I'll go to that point right there and you'll notice that my profile is not filled in and this is because it's not closed if I draw my line up here now you'll see that it's fully closed and when I go to revolve this I want to make sure that it's fully closed okay so now what I want to do is I got the the constraints were automatically created this line says that it's horizontal it's perpendicular to this vertical line all of these corners are perpendicular so I can kind of see that here so I drew it pretty good now I want to start typing in dimensions so for example I'll come in here and let's just throw a dimension on this edge I'll place that dimension and it's supposed to be 8 now watch what happens when I hit enter you'll notice my whole sketch kind of got a little bit bigger okay this is a neat feature we recently added previously if I had done that sometimes the scale would change so much that you know this would end up above this line and it would be kind of crazy there is an option in preferences so I'm going to turn on my preferences here and I think it's under design let me scale entire sketch at first dimension and I have that turned on okay and so you could kind of see when I first put my dimension it was around four point something and so then when I typed in eight it actually scaled the whole thing up now what I'm trying to explain is sometimes you know previously if you don't have that turned on you might throw a dimension on like for example this line right here and it would do something like this okay as soon as I typed in like the height of that line I get a really weird result so by doing that Auto scale at first dimension it keeps my profile looking the way it should but it just scaled it up a little bit okay so again using my drawing I'm going to let's just do maybe this top line to the bottom that looks like that supposed to be my eyesight is really bad 116 okay and here's a prime example of see how that kind of went down and it really sort of shrunk that dimension right there so maybe instead I should do let's go ahead and do maybe a dimension here first so let's do and I think that guy is 105 so let's take a look at that so I'll throw a dimension from here to here and I'll type in like 105 and we can see that that went down and now if I set this dimension to be the 115 or 116 I'm sorry we'll see that that you know kept a pretty good shape right there okay I'm gonna do a dimension from here to here and if i right mouse click you'll notice I can actually type in a diameter dimension so watch what happens when I say diameter dimension you'll notice that even though I clicked this blue line here and then this other blue line there instead of dimensioning between those two on the drawing it's actually given me a diameter of in this case 80 so we see what happens with that okay that brings that over and then I need to have look again I have not looked at this drawing hardly at all so I'm trying to figure out where the next dimension is at so bear with me so what I'm doing here is so here's that 80 dimension I was just talking about so here's my centerline and I just typed in 80 so what I'm actually looking for is where is this next point right here and I'm hoping they provide that okay so looks like that might be no that's that guy there Wow I hope this is a fully dimension drawing I might have to and I'm not drawing this whole in here right now you can kind of see that if anybody sees it shout it out in the chat because I am not finding it I might just make an assumption of what that's going to be because I do not see it guys not there not there okay I'm basically this is eight millimeters down I'm gonna just make that eight millimeters across maybe there's a dimension missing on this drawing now you'll notice this kind of tucked in so I'm just gonna grab that point and drag it to the right and you can see that that allows me to you know kind of fix that point for example so I might just throw a dimension here let's just say eight in this case okay so I'm just going to stick with that and then what it looks like they're doing they're kind of giving me dimensions on the inside and on the outside so I can kind of see here 174 that's to the inside now I'm hoping to do this and she'll the whole part out instead of drawing a complicated profile and trying to you know keep equal wall thicknesses or whatever but in this case it looks like they're dimensioning to the the inside and I'm not sure what the wall thickness is so again I'm kind of struggling here to figure out how was this part created so it looks like so that's eight there okay and that's eight there that's good so let's do this I'm going to well I'll just keep the 174 let's just see what happens here so I'm going to do a dimension down here okay all right mouse-click actually I lied let me do I'm sorry so yeah let me show you what happened right there so I did dimension and I clicked on this line and so it was basically saying it wanted to dimension the length of this line and when I right mouse click you'll notice I didn't get the option to do a diameter however if I were to instead select the distance from that line to the distance to that line and I right mouse click now you can see that I get a diameter dimension because you can kind of think of it as a radial dimension around this guy right here so I'm gonna say diameter we'll go ahead and place that guy 174 let's see what happens here okay so that narrows down the overall length of it you can kind of see what that looks like and then I obviously need to bring this line in a certain distance and this is the one that I just don't see I'm sorry I apologize I had to mention this incorrectly let me drag this guy down this is supposed to be the overall which is 240 it's good 40 there we go makes more sense now and then I could do a another dimension I'll go from here to here that is supposed to be the 174 now that's a weird result let me try that again I'll say dimension there to there diameter wow I don't know I'm getting that result let me see what happens when I type in a number let's go 174 yeah that looks good not sure oh it is the order that I clicked it I can look there we go so we can see that it's coming off of the center there so let me try the order of that dimension again so if I say from here to here and then I say diameter dimension notice it is correct what I was doing was I was starting with this line and then going into that line there and so it was assuming that this was my radial you know my my axis that I was dimensioning around so you definitely want to click the axis first and then the other line so we're all learning together with this so I'm going to type in 174 that looks good and then the overall height I do not see dimension on here so I picked a poor drawing let me see has an angle so what I'm basically looking for is how far up do we go on this point right here okay so here we go it looks like sixty six point eight so I'll throw that dimension on there so I'll say a dimension from there to there should be sixty six point eight and you'll see that it pushes that line up higher okay so like I said this is literally the first time I've looked at this drawing saying download and save so I'm I struggled a little bit trying to figure out how is this thing designed I've now fully dimensioned this thing so you can kind of see as we go in here it is totally turned from blue to black which means that my sketch is constrained if I go in here I can see this little lock symbol that also means that the sketch is constrained so for example if I were to let's delete that dimension you'll notice that that lock symbol went away and it looks like a little pencil it means you still need to edit this sketch to fully constrain it so as soon as I put that eighth dimension on there it says I have all the information that I need and I don't need to nothing's gonna change basically okay okay so we learned a couple things we learned about the diameter dimension where are we we learned we have to click on this line first and then that line second you would right mouse click and actually have to be in the dimension you click that line you click that line you right mouse click and you can select diameter dimension and that comes in really handy with some of these drawings how they are dimensioned such as this guy here obviously I could have figured it out and said that's 40 and that's 25 and all kind of stuff but let's not add in potential for mistakes let's let fusion do the work for us now you'll also notice that there's some radiuses on here now I am NOT going to include those radiuses when I create this okay I'm gonna use a 3d command instead of a 2d command you've heard me say this multiple times I like to keep my sketch as simple and I you know don't want all these extra things on here so I'm gonna say finish sketch okay then we'll go to create and revolve now we do a lots of extrusion those exclusions are easy and stuff like that I haven't done very many revolves but these are a great command for doing like cylindrical objects like this guy is so what's the profile that's already selected what's the axis I'll go ahead and click on this axis right here and you'll see that it's going to swing that around and we have some options here so we have angle we could swing it to another object if we wanted to or we could say go fully around no matter what now by default it says angle and you can actually specify what that angle is gonna be for example 180 degrees okay or even 90 degrees now what's kind of cool is if this was a really complicated model I could do maybe just this one quadrant I had all my detail to it and then mirror it over to this other side and I'd have 180 and then I could mirror that again over to this side and not have 360 but in this case we'll do a full round or all the way around and say okay and now you can see under my component it has its own origin which is right in the center it has its own body okay and it has any sketch or sketches that have to do with this part okay so what is next well there's a couple options here now what I'm I'm a little bit nervous because I said I want to shell this part out but you'll notice that this foot here is a little bit thicker and I'm really kind of curious what's gonna happen to me here so we're gonna have to figure out what's gonna go on there and it's also a little bit thicker up here now when should I do this shell and that's one of the questions you'll want to ask as you're parametrically designing this model so I'm gonna actually do the shell fairly soon but should I do the show before I do these Phil it's or should I do them after well I'm gonna do these Phillips first and here's a prime example this radius six you can kind of see rounds over this corner let me zoom up here and see if we can actually see the detail let me zoom down might be a little hard to see but it's also probably curved on the inside so if the outside is curved and then I specify my wall thickness it'll lock actually bring that fill it on to the inside also so in this example I want to add my defining fill its first okay back out here so I'm gonna add in some of these filaments so that's gonna be in my next step and this will make more sense as we move forward here so I can see that this is a radius of six so I'm gonna pre-select that edge say fill it and I can either drag the arrow to kind of visually see what that's gonna look like and then I can start typing stuff in okay so that's a radius of six that's a radius of six so I'm gonna do both at the same time now this top edge is a radius of four now I could do that as a separate Philip let me show you what I mean by that I'm gonna say okay and here are my two six millimeter Philips then I could come in here and say I want that to be a radius of four I'll say okay and you can see a smaller Philip there and I have two Philip features in my timeline and that's that's totally fine or I'm gonna go ahead and delete that I could have done my two edges at six and then I can hit this little plus symbol and that's gonna let me pick another selection and you'll notice a new cell basically appears and I can say I want that to be four and so it's going to do two of them at six and one of them at four and then this top one is two so I'm going to go ahead and hit that little plus symbol I'll click this top edge and let's just make that two and so you'll see I say okay I still only have one Phillip feature in my timeline but inside of that I've got multiple different sizes so it's really up to you what you find easier do you want most of your your fill it's you know in one feature or do you want to see three or four Phillip features here that you could come back and edit easily again like I said it's up to you okay so now I have kind of the defined shape of this let's go ahead and show this guy out okay so I'm gonna click on this bottom face then I'm going to right mouse click and you'll notice one of the options is shell so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and I don't again I haven't had time to investigate I honestly don't know what the wall thickness is and I'm not sure where I would find that and so I apologize so again I'm gonna make some assumptions you know this might be a two millimeter wall thickness and what I think's going on here is what I'm missing is there's this 174 I don't know what this outside wall diameter is and I honestly don't see it on the drawing I might be missing it but I'm gonna just say this is maybe two or three well we'll play around with it and how am i coming up with that well I can see that this is eight millimeters right here and so I'm just basically gonna say at least half of that maybe even more than half of that so that's what I'm doing here so let's start dragging and see what happens I'm going to start dragging this this little distance here and you'll see that it's actually physically shelling that part out okay kind of rotating the round so you can kind of see what that looks like okay so let's do this this will be kind of fun I'm going to cancel that I'm going to inspect and do a section analysis now it says what face do you want to slice through well I don't have a flat face in the direction that I want to slice but I can click on this origin plane right here and you can see that it's gonna slice right through the middle of my part and I can see inside of it so I'm going to go ahead and say okay so obviously this is a solid revolution now when I come in here and say shell and I start to drag we can visually see what that wall thickness looks like I gave in coming here and look at the front so obviously eight is way too big let's try four that even looks a little bit too big so I think I was correct and saying that this is about three millimeters in wall thickness and that's what I'm gonna go with so kind of a cool way to see inside your model I'll go ahead and say ok and we've shelled that part out now I get this question a lot I I section but now I can't see my whole part all you have to do is click this little eyeball next to analysis and you can actually turn your section analysis on or off using these little eyeball icons so it still exists and I can come in and turn it on and off at any time okay so we have the the basic shape now let's start kind of doing some other things here now I noticed this chamfered hole right here I could have tried to draw this guy in in my profile but remember I said keep their sketches simple we could use the hole command to create this okay and check out how fast and how easy this is so I'm going to click on that face all right mouse click and there is the hole command so I'm gonna say hole and I get this weird little preview and it's kind of hard to see what's going on but you see that little red icon right there well I'm going to type in my diameter so it looks like it's supposed to be a 50 diameter so I'm gonna type in 50 and it updates and I get this interesting result but here's the cool trick I'm gonna start dragging this blue dot around and you'll see that white dot kind of appear in the middle and it'll snap right to that so I just have to drag that over and it'll snap right to the center of that cylinder okay it also shows on the drawing that there is a small chamfer a four millimeter chamfer there so I'm going to come over here and you can see we can do a simple a counter bore or a counter sink and watch what happens to this little icon here when I click on counter sink it gives me a little bit of a preview of what that's gonna look like however you'll notice it doesn't give me the height right here and I want that to be a four millimeter chamfer so in this case I'm gonna leave it a simple hole I'll say okay also taking a look at the drawing I can see that this is thicker right here and I have a thin wall so you're gonna see something happen here I'm going to go ahead and jump back to fusion if I were to come in here and say chamfer and we type in a distance of four you'll notice that it turns red okay the Phillip chamfer could not be created at the requested size why well I'm trying to create a four millimeter chamfer on a three millimeter thick section there and that's why it failed okay so I would say one of the drawbacks with our shell command is you can't specify multiple thicknesses it's literally just it's gonna be three millimeters thick throughout the part so how could I fix this well I could do something like an offset so I'm going to go ahead and grab this face and I could say press pull now I'm kind of looking up underneath it and I'm gonna start dragging this down and you'll notice as I'm dragging it down it's changing the thickness of everything in fact let me turn the section analysis on I grab this face and I say press pull watch what happens see how it's changing the thickness of everything and that is not what I want okay the reason for that is this offset type is set to automatic so I'm going to do the exact same thing again I'll say press pull I'm going to change from automatic and let's try the first one modify existing feature and I start to drag and I get the same result so obviously that's not correct let me do that again I'll say press pull and I'm gonna say new offset and I'm going to start to drag and notice the result that I get now okay so be real aware when you're doing offset face if you're wanting the whole thing to change you could leave it to automatic but in this case I was really kind of observant what was going on and here I'm saying I want to do a new offset well how far well remember I said I want this to be a certain thickness what this is telling me is that I've offset at five millimeters from where it was originally so I'm going to come in here and say reinker to this top face and now it's saying this blue face is eight millimeters from this top face so if I came in here and said I want that to be 10 watch what happens okay it adds some thickness and I know that it's ten millimeters from this top face to this blue face that rien Kirkham and is extremely extremely useful I could have done the math I could have said okay it's currently eight I'm adding three you know blah blah blah but again I that could cause issues I could be bad at math I could type it in wrong or whatever let feud and do the work for you so I'm gonna go ahead and say I want that to be ten millimeters thick I'll say okay and I get that result there let's go ahead and try our chamfer now and it's supposed to be a four millimeter chamfer and notice this time it doesn't complain okay because there's enough material there now hopefully this is making sense hopefully Angelo's answering the questions that are popping up I know this is not the topic that you signed up for but hopefully you learning stuff okay so I fixed that well let's go back to the drawing and what about this area down here you'll notice on mine it shelled it out in fact I'm going to turn on my section analysis you can kind of see sure enough it shelled that area out so could I try doing a new offset here I could try but I'm worried about this fill it I'm afraid that would cause potential issues but let's just see what happens here I'm gonna go ahead and save let me put this in my tech thursday's sorry and I'll just call this seven five six okay save often make sure you do that so I'm going to grab this face and let's do the press poll and we know that we don't want it to be automatic we don't want it to be modified existing I'm gonna say new offset well how far do I need to go well I can I want to know what this edge length is right there so I'm going to measure from that face to that face and notice what it did and now I'll back up so you can kind of see what I did there but I didn't know what that thickness was in fact let me cancel I didn't know what this thickness was and if I click on that it tells me what the radius is but it doesn't tell me the distance from this face to this face here I wanted to do well by selecting them it tells me that it's the minimum distance is five millimeters so what I did is I came in here and I said press Pole and I want it to go that exact distance so I don't know what that is so I'm gonna come in here and say measure I want to know the distance from that face to this face now here's another tip you'll notice I clicked on a face here and you'll notice I'm trying really hard to click on a face here I recommend selecting like items so if you're clicking a face measure to another face if you're clicking on an edge measure to another edge it just I think gives you better results so I said measure I click those two things and you can see that sure enough that thickened and that looks more like what our drawing looks like however it's a sharp edge right here okay now did I create this fill it no the shell actually created that fill it from this fill it here so I can't really like come in here and say change the change this fill it so all I'm gonna do is select on it right mouse click and say delete I want to delete that fill it off of my design and sure enough there we go okay and it added that feature in my timeline I could always unsuppressed that I'm gonna just drag before it I can always unsuppressed it and bring it back if we decide hey we want that to be you know scalloped or whatever on the end okay cool so I've basically fixed what this drawing is supposed to look like so I know it took a couple steps I could have drawn my profile to have all you know basically this shaded in area this hatched area I could have drawn my profile like that and then revolved it around and it'd be hollow on the inside but man I would have had to have a lot more dimensions I'd have to have some champers I'd have to maybe offset some faces and stuff like that there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing it three different ways use the shell command don't use the shell command try a complex sketch try a simple sketch can I get to the same spot using a couple features instead of a 20-minute sketch that I've created okay okay so I'll come back here let's turn off our section analysis let's go ahead and do these holes and look like they're a diameter of 12 they didn't give me a quantity one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 looks like 18 holes 12 and did they give me a location they did not okay so interesting poorly created drawing I apologize I'm going to figure out how to put these holes directly centered on this little flange right here so typically you would see a like a circle that goes through all these and a radius that defines what that would be so diameter 12 and we'll put it on this face right there okay I see this question a lot should I go back to my original sketch well I can't right I can't there's no I did my sketch on my front plane and I need to do it on top plane so some people like to have the minimal number of sketches as possible okay so I'm obviously gonna have to create a sketch now should I create it on that face or should I create it on that face and in all honesty it doesn't really matter it's really up to you I kind of like to look at so for example I'm looking down on this view right here so we're kind of looking down into the part so that's kind of how I like to do my sketches so I would look down onto my part if my sketch was on that face I'll be looking up into my part if my sketch was on that face and again this is just personal preference but I'm gonna create a sketch on that top face there this this flange face I should say okay I'm going to go ahead and create a circle and I have no idea where it's supposed to be I'm gonna purposely draw in the wrong spot and I know it's a diameter 12 so we know that so I'm gonna go ahead and type in 12 okay now I mentioned I want it to be equal distance or centered I should say on these two rings so how could I do that well here's a really cool trick I'm gonna draw a line okay now once again I'm gonna mess up so you can visually see what's going on I'm gonna draw a line kind of at an angle like so okay well I want that point to be touching that edge so I could here's another trick for you guys I could come in here and say I want that point to be coincident with that edge and notice what it does it kind of snaps that point and no matter what I do with that point now you'll notice it's always staying on that edge okay well here's my trick some people are like what is do I use coincident do I use collinear what do I use here well just grab the point and drag it to that edge and you'll notice it's kind of hard to see a little X appear so I'm just grabbing the point in space and I'm dragging it and dropping it onto that edge and fusion figured out to make a coincident constraint it looks kind of similar to that icon they're kind of different orientation but you kind of get the idea so I'm going to do the same thing here I'm just gonna click and drag to that point I could do the same thing here I'm just gonna click and drag you know to that point there you'll see that it snaps right to it and if I were to move that point that circle has to stay coincident with that point so so my point here is sometimes you don't even have to know which constraint should you use let fusion pick it for you so just drag the line to the edge and see what happens drag the circle to the center of another circle and see what happens and it'll try and create the correct constraint for you automatically okay so sorry guess I'm running out of time here let me undo back a little bit let's put the circle there okay so the next thing I want to do is I want that line to be vertical so I'm gonna say horizontal vertical now notice where it went okay but it is vertical okay well now I want that line to be vertical with the center so I'm going to click on horizontal vertical I'll say that point actually so you notice it says constraint has already been applied oh yeah sorry guys let me do that again I'll say horizontal vertical I'm gonna click on that line and you'll see constraint has already been applied to the selected sketch object I'm clicking on the line well let's try this I'm gonna say horizontal vertical let's click a point and notice I didn't get an error message and I'll say that point there and it jumped across okay I'm gonna undo so what was different there when I said horizontal vertical and I clicked on this line I'm basically telling Fusion I want that line to be horizontal or vertical well it already is and that's what it was complaining about because I said I want this line to be vertical okay what I really mean to say is I want this point and this point to be vertical with each other and you'll see how it moves it over to the vertical position there it is no longer cyan or blue so we know that that's fully constrained okay and this is an object line so I'm gonna click on it and say I want that to be a construction line instead so now it's not an object line like the circle is and stuff like that now I want this to be exactly centered so I'm gonna come in here and say midpoint I want that point to be lined up I'm gonna click way up here just to prove a point you'll notice that it moved it over to the midpoint of that line okay I'm gonna undo to show you my little tip again I'm not in any constraint command the circle is not where it's supposed to be and I want it to be centered on this line so I come over here and you can see it's sort of snap and slide up and down that line so that's basically doing a coincident but watch what happens when I get near the middle you can kind of see it snap and it's really hard to see but there let me maybe try that again I'll do it closer I'm gonna grab this guy it's gonna get near the line so I know it's coincident but watch what happens here and I can't really point to it but there's a little blue triangle just play about 11 o'clock from my mouse okay so that's a visual confirmation that it's into the midpoint okay and then when I drop it I can see that triangle icon right there and so I know that that is snapped to the midpoint okay so there's two methods here I could Oh big thunderclap sorry about that my dog was freaked out there's two methods here I can physically say I want this to go from mid point to this point here and I see I'm actually clicking those two points or I could just drag what I want and fusions gonna try and build those constraints for me some people like to visually see you know I'm way out here I say mid point from here to here and I even click way up here knowing that hey it did snap to the mid point or you can just if you're comfortable with this get it near and see its snap and drop and then confirm that that is definitely the mid point so I'm gonna say finish sketch okay okay now I could also do two different things here again multiple different methods I could just extrude this guy oops sorry I could say extrude and I like to start to drag in the direction that it's supposed to go and I'm gonna say instead of distance now I've actually been corrected a couple times and I appreciate all of you guys making comments like this I'll usually click a face and say extrude to that face but what if that face changes or what if the whole thickness of the part changes it's almost better to always let me switch back here to say go through all or to object okay so let me show you what this does I'm gonna say to object and I'm going to click on that face and what its gonna do is it's gonna always extrude to this face now if this face changes and comes way down here ten more inches that hole will extend all the way down by just saying distance clicking on let me let me clear out of here so you can kind of see what's gonna happen here so I'll say extrude just by clicking on this guy you can see it's putting a distance of 8 millimeters in there well if this we're going to add 10 more millimeters and thickness this would still only go 8 millimeters so it is better to come in here and say go through all which means it'll go whatever distance it needs to go or to say to object and click that face so I definitely recommend doing that okay so here I used a circle and I extruded it I could also have let me back up a step I'll turn my sketch back on and even though I drew a circle I could come in here and say let's create a hole and you'll notice it says face or sketch points so I can click on that point right there and specify that supposed to be 12 okay now you'll notice it's asking like how thick does I need to go or how deep I could say go through all and it will figure out what distance it needs to go and it will always go through that distance now what's the difference whoops sorry I'd let me do that again let me go create hole so sketch point I'll say okay specify 12 I'll just leave the distance for now I'll say okay we turn off my sketch so what's the difference well in here I have a sketch of a circle and that's totally fine and stuff like that but what if I want to make a change what if we decide that we want this to be a chamfered hole or a counterbored hole or whatever it is much faster to come back and edit this feature and say I want that to be a countersunk hole let me just say okay and you'll see sure enough it's counters or I want it to be a counterbored hole and we can specify what size counterbore it's supposed to be all that kind of stuff I picked the wrong one but you get the idea okay or I could say I want it to be a tapped hole or a through hole or a blind hole it just gives me a lot more options using the hole feature or the hole command so I personally recommend using the hole command and we'll come back and change these here in a little bit okay running short on time but we'll get this we're getting close because patterning is really powerful I'm gonna come in here and say let's create a circular pattern now notice it says faces now in here there is only one face however if it was counterbored a countersink or whatever blind etc there'd be multiple faces so instead of doing faces I'm gonna say I want to pattern some features and I want to pattern this whole feature and it will select any and all of the faces of that whole feature in this case it's only one but that's okay what's my axis well I could click any of the I can click this face I could click this edge I could click the axis of my origin it really doesn't matter okay I'm gonna go ahead and say maybe this outside face right here and we can see it gives me a preview of three circles you'll also notice this little slider icon if I click and drag you'll see there's a plus symbol and a minus symbol so as I keep dragging you'll see it's gonna add or subtract the quantity so that's kind of cool or I can come in here and say I want 18 I'll say okay and we now have those holes and here's the power of using the hole command I'm gonna go back and say I want this to be a counter I'll say okay and it will countersink all of those holes for me okay because I said pattern the hole feature the hol e feature and by doing that now that it has a chamfer on it it's gonna pattern that also if I were to come back and say I want that to be a counter bore and so that's a diameter 12 let's make this a diameter of 15 and you know just do something like that I'll say okay you'll notice that all of the holes are counterbored so I find that much much easier than doing a circle and then patterning that and then having to select all those profiles etc so a little tip I recommend using the whole feature when possible so I'm going to switch that back let's just do a simple hole here okay we got that done let's take a look so the next thing is all of these little slots and we can see that there are 38 inches I'm sorry eight millimeters up from the bottom and there are 20 millimeters wide but then they look like they taper back a little bit so that is pretty interesting I'm gonna have to figure out how would I go about doing this okay so let's try a couple different methods here so I'm going to and it doesn't give me does it give me the overall height it does not give me how tall these are yeah again she's gonna have to make an assumption don't see it okay so 38 from the bottom so let's do this so I'm going to come in here and let's try a couple different methods so I'm gonna say offset plane I'm gonna click the bottom and then I'm gonna start to drag and what this is gonna do is it's gonna let me create a construction plane a certain distance from the bottom now I can see it's in the negative direction so I want to make sure I keep that I'm gonna say -38 and sure enough this plane is now 38 millimeters from the bottom of the part so I'm just gonna go ahead and say okay that's just to kind of take a look at the top here okay it gives me a radius so if I bring this here it gives me a rate uh sorry a diameter of where these the top of these are so here I was looking for a height and I you know glanced down I saw okay it gives me a diameter of 123 and I'm gonna maybe draw this top one right here so I can kind of see that's perfectly lined up with a centerline so let's just take a look at that I'll go back to fusion I'm going to click on that plane and let's just create a sketch on that plane so our piece of paper is now 38 millimeters up from the base okay so I'll still look at the top view I'll go ahead and create a circle and it is a diameter of 123 so I type in 123 there it is now this is an object line I really don't want it to be an object line maybe I'll turn it to a construction plane okay then what I want to do is basically create a rectangle that is 20 millimeters wide so I'm just gonna draw a line like so now I could do a rectangle well actually again let's go ahead and do a rectangle I'll say rectangle and I'm just gonna draw something in here likes okay again I purposely made it the wrong size I could come in here and say dimension I know the overall width is supposed to be 20 so I'm gonna say 20 maybe I'll drag this over a little bit so we can kind of see what's going on here now I want this to be perfectly lined up so you might say okay use the midpoint so if I say I want the mid middle of this line to be lined up with the middle of this green line you'll notice that there isn't one there I can't click on it I can click this point here but watch what happens it brings my rectangle all the way down now in this case that might not be an issue in fact I'm gonna make this extremely big right here okay what I care about is where this line is all the way to basically this edge right here and I'm gonna machine down I'm gonna cut down well this is not an object line it is a construction line so check this out I'm gonna change that back to an object line okay also if I turn off my body you'll notice my profile does not give me all of the information that I need I need to know where that edge is and I need to know where that edge is etc so if again I'll turn this off you'll notice I don't know where that edge is so my profile is way too big so I'm gonna use the project command P for project and you'll notice I have some options specified entities or body well if I click on the body it's gonna basically do like a silhouette of the whole body and I don't want that I want a specific entity in fact that specific entity is that line right there so I'm gonna click on that line and say okay now if I turn off my body you'll notice I now have a trapped profile okay so it's from this 123 diameter radius or sorry diameter circle all the way to this edge so now I'll say finish sketch and again I don't know if this is the correct solution I'm hoping it is you notice it's not letting me select my profile it's trying to select faces and I want to select that profile so another tip I've shown is if you click and hold for about a second it probes through so the first thing it's going to hit is a face then there's the inside face and then there's the profile okay so instead of having to come over here and figure out which body it is turn it off click on my profile say extrude then turn my body back on again etc okay so you see the result we get instead I like to basically probe through so you need to make sure you're pointing in the right direction I can see my profile right there click and hold boom we're done I've selected that profile I didn't have to turn anybody's on or off then I can come in here and say extrude so let's go ahead and extrude this up now again how far well I could say to object and I could click on that face there and you'll notice it didn't work tool body creation failed and you're like well that doesn't make much sense why did it do that well notice it gave us some options under the - and it says like extend faces or chain faces and you can actually kind of hard to see the icon but you can see how this profile kind of follows that edge where this one kind of just stops so I'm going to try this chain faces and see if that gives me a different result and sure enough it does okay so what was happening with this first option is it was basically extruding it until it hit that inside face right there that inside angled face okay so if you ever see something like that try a couple of the options and I've always had really good luck with this chain faces so I'm going to go ahead and say okay and there we go okay now what about angling these faces right here well I couldn't have drawn I mean maybe I could have but let me see looking from the top view I could have maybe drawn my sketch instead of a rectangle I might have been able to draw an angle but I like again to keep my sketches simple I like to use commands such as like draft okay now it's asking for a draft plane well because this is centered I can actually only rotate it this way and grab with that as my draft so it's basically what's gonna mirror and you'll see this here in just a second so what face do I want to champ or director to say well I'm gonna come in here and select hopefully select this face and you'll notice it is not letting me select that face so oops how do I get around doing this okay cannot taper for surface as requested interesting okay so maybe what I need to do is maybe put the plane here again this is live who knows if this is gonna work or not so I might say I want to do a plane let's do a mid plane between that face there and this face here and maybe it's because of the shape of this it's not gonna let me draft I'm curious so let's come in here and say draft this is my draft plane what are my faces and it doesn't look like let me see if it will it's not gonna let me draft that face so unfortunately what I was hoping would be simple is not going to be in this case now I'm gonna try one more thing maybe it's because this face you know is cool-looking stuff so let's try something here I'm going to let me come in here let me see what could I do here I'll try splitting the face I'm gonna grab that face there what is my splitting tool I might just try this blend I'm just kind of curious what's gonna happen here let me see if I get anything nope and what what I was hoping to do is to get a line right here okay so let's try doing something a little bit different I'll say offset plane and I want it to go to that point right there so I I started it here and I said I want it to jump to that intersection right there I'm gonna go ahead and say okay now let's see if I can split my face so I'm gonna say that's the face I want to split what's my splitting tool I'll say that's my splitting tool and I'll say okay and you'll notice I now have an edge right there so even though this was one continuous face I've split that face right there okay now what I'm curious about will this work let me turn off my construction let's try a draft and let's try drafting around that plane what is the face I'm gonna say that face and notice I'm able to angle that face okay and it's basically pivoting around that edge or this plane I should say it's hinging on that plane so I know that that works now so let's go ahead and split the other side so I'll come in here and say split face and I'll click on that guys splitting tool that guy there I'll say okay I can now see that that's an individual face will do the draft what do we want to hinge our faces on I'm gonna say that plane there what are the faces I'm going to do both of these faces at the same time so I'm going to select both of those and you can kind of see how they draft in together and according to the drawing it's seven degrees so I'm gonna go ahead and type in seven and say okay and that leaves us with that there let me go ahead and turn off my construction okay so now I want to copy that all the way around so let's use the pattern command again so I'm gonna do a circular pattern again I want to make sure I'm doing features now what features do I want to do and we're gonna potentially run into an issue here I want to so that's a split face that's a split face so here's the extrude so I obviously want to pattern the extrude I'm gonna see if I can select so I can't select that guy I'm gonna see if I can select those split faces I can and I'm gonna see if I can select that draft which I can so you'll notice it let me select a bunch of different features except for the plane which kind of makes sense in this case so let's see what happens I've selected all of those features what's my axis again I'm plugin I pick the same axis I selected before and I'm assuming there's yep they look like they match the hole so I'm gonna type in 18 I'll say okay and let's see what this does if it allows us to do this and sure enough it did so Brad's happy okay so what we did there is select a multiple items in the timeline and you can do that with the pattern now let me undo I'm gonna go ahead and undo could I have done this let me go pattern circular pattern could I have done it with just faces I probably could so let's just try that I'm gonna say faces I'm gonna rotate it so there's no other faces in the way or anything like that so I'm gonna kind of rotate it like this I'm just gonna draw a box around that selection area and you can see that it's selected all of those faces let's do the same thing same axis same number I'll say 18 I'll say okay and that worked also which is better well what happens if I came back and made a change to the draft or something like that so let's just change this draft from 7 to like let's just say 9 or something that's turning 12 let's just make it a lot more pointed I'll say okay so that did work so which is better I can't answer that question I personally like using the features and you saw that example with the whole feature where if I changed it to a counter bore hole or you know a blind hole or something like that it it if you add more faces to that by making that change but doing the feature it'll do it fine if I had said select these 10 faces and pattern them around and then I change one of those and it adds to our faces it might complain so I personally recommend using the features okay so I'm looking at this and we have a cool part that looks just like the the model here so or the drawing I should say so the the last thing I would do in this case was maybe you know pick the the correct material so I might come in here and say physical material maybe this is made out of like carbon steel so I'm gonna go in for my metals let's just go into steel and there's carbon steel so I'm gonna drag that onto there say okay and you can kind of see a change color a little bit but the reason I do that is I can now come in here and go to my properties and it will tell me how much this thing weighs right there because it's made out of carbon steal I can find where the moment of inertia is and all this kind of stuff it's pretty cool so you can kind of see carbon steel okay and we ran out of time I could simulate this and determine are these little arms you know wide enough to withstand the weight and all that kind of stuff who knows but what was fun about this and you have to trust me as a Scouts honor I I have not practiced this this was live we were supposed to be doing something with Angelo on cam but unfortunately his computer was given him some fits so we'll try and reschedule that because his topic is really really cool how to set up the setup on your your your cam part or whatever so we will try and reschedule that hopefully for next week so keep an eye out for that I want to thank you everybody for hanging on for an extra couple minutes I want to thank you for putting up with hey how come this didn't work how do we resolve that and hopefully you learn something from this you know even even us fusion experts or gurus or wizards or whatever term you guys use which we always get a kick out of you know we might hit a stumbling block here and there and we have to figure out what's what makes the most sense how should I make this part so with that thank you and have a wonderful rest of your day you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 15,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 68thWAlggEI
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Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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