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welcome to today's lesson it's good to be back i feel like i've taken a short little break from these live lessons but i'm glad to be back and i have a fun lesson for you today it's a little bit of a quiz lesson i am going to see how well you know some of your three word phrasal verbs and i think uh well just to go ahead and show you my little slide where it has that scary emoji face i think when people learners think of phrasal verbs it can be it can be a little scary because the meaning that many of them have multiple meanings and then if you change the the preposition then the meaning of the phrasal verb is going to change completely so i think there's a lot to learn when it comes to phrasal verbs and trying to use the correct one in conversation because that's the other thing phrasal verbs are quite common in just casual conversation but today we're gonna focus on three word phrasal verbs which i think may sound a little more daunting may sound a little like oh no i have enough trouble with two words but i think it may actually even be a little easier and as we go through this lesson i'm going to talk about why and and how you can learn these the meaning of these phrasal verbs and then try and go out and use them because i think that it might be a little easier i do want to say a quick hello to some of you who are with me if you are new please write to me in the comments tell me your name tell me where you're from write to me in the chat i always love hearing from new people but i also like seeing um some familiar names as well hello sleepwalker angela judith uh takaya juliana yashar good to see you uh as we go through the lesson i'll try to give some more shout outs because i i want you guys to participate i'm gonna give you some questions i want you to think of the answer write it in the chat even if you're watching this later write it in the comments it's always good to practice because that that is what interactive english is all about so as i mentioned we're talking about three word phrasal verbs and i i kind of want to start out by just basically breaking down and showing you well what is a three-word phrasal verb very similar to a two-word phrasal verb you have a verb and you have plus a particle and another particle and i i said particle right here most of the time i think people think of preposition which often times the verb is followed by a preposition sometimes it could be followed by an adverb which is why technically people would say well you have a verb plus a particle and i've given you this example right down here this is very common because i i think the the phrasal verbs that i'm going to talk to you about in this lesson i think they're very useful because these are words these are phrases that you're going to hear quite often all right so look forward to if you look forward to something it just means that you are excited about some future event something is going to happen and you say well i look forward to it i look forward to to traveling um during my next vacation so this is a perfect example of a three-word phrasal verb and i think many of them you're probably going to be a little familiar with i'll give you one more example i look forward to speaking with you all right and the reason i could say that and give you that example is because yes uh if you would like to speak with me i want to make a quick little announcement i'm getting ready to start another one of my speak up courses which is a speaking course you can see it right here it's all about trying to help you speak confidently speak clearly speak naturally enrollment is now open and classes are going to begin in august there is a link down below in the description if you want more information or if you're interested in signing up i've also pinned a comment here uh with the link as well so really each week you're going to have a lesson with me so you'll talk with me as well as some of your other classmates each week there is a different discussion topic so you're going to learn to talk about a variety of different topics we do different speaking activities there's a lot included in the course including weekly video lessons pronunciation videos lesson previews a couple of audio lessons as well so check that out if you would like to improve your speaking fluency which is why i say i look forward to speaking with you or look forward to speaking uh i look forward to speaking with you and the last thing i want to mention oh yes please if you are going to sign up you can use the code i'll write this in the chat use the code speak 10 to get a 10 discount all right um so check out that link in the description for more information and remember use that code to get a 10 discount i'll make i'll say another reminder at the end but i want to jump in to the lesson right now and let's look at some of these phrasal verbs i look forward to to teaching you these phrasal verbs the first part what i've done i want to start out make it a little easier and then as we go through this it'll get a little more challenging so i've given you an example of well the blank that is the three word phrasal verb and i'm trying to give you an example of it being used in context think about somebody actually saying this sentence right here and then down below right here i have given you the meaning of the phrasal verb i want you to think about okay what three word phrasal verb would complete that sentence and has the meaning to tolerate or endure something you could say uh i'm sick and tired of your crap i'm not going to um it anymore all right what do you think write your answers in the chat uh or in the comments if you're watching it later and then we'll talk a little bit more about it sick and tired is a very it's a it's a common binomial uh pair it's a phrase that just means you're really exhausted and really frustrated uh with something and you might hear somebody say yeah i'm sick and tired of your crap i'm not going to um it anymore excellent uh see some great answers yes carolina um dipanjan uh anawat um gokvan sorry my mispronounced name put up with that is the the three for word phrasal verb that we're looking for it means that you are tolerating or enduring something oftentimes i would say that because i want to tell you a little bit about how you're going to use these in just general conversation oftentimes i think you're going to use this in the negative and you're talking about something that you are not going to tolerate anymore you are not going to put up with it or you don't want to put up with it anymore so often you will hear people use this when talking about the negative saying that they just they they can no longer endure this thing and they're not going to put up with it anymore very common very useful three-word phrasal verb let's continue here's the next one all right again think about the the situation that somebody's actually saying this all right you lied and cheated and i'm going to tell everyone what you did you won't um this again that blank that is your three word phrasal verb and the meaning the meaning of this phrasal verb is to succeed in avoiding punishment for something okay so think about uh again think about the meaning you're putting it into that that context and what phrase are you going to use don't try to think about the three individual words think about it as a phrase and one phrase because again these these are words that are used together to complete this uh sentence this phrase excellent uh yes um yufla takayao uh shikai perfects uh lamore angela ashar to to get away with something if you get away with something it means that like like it says down there a lot of these meanings i've taken from uh cambridge dictionary you succeed in avoiding punishment for something you get away with it and i think that statement that i said at the end is uh it's a statement that you will hear maybe in a tv show or movie uh somebody telling somebody else that you you won't be able to avoid punishment you're not going to get away with this you're not going to get away with this so excellent again this is another it's another very common three word phrasal verb to get away with something uh here we go let's continue and then i am going to switch up the way that i'm doing this quiz in just a little bit just again as i make it a little more difficult so again if you're just joining us right now we are doing a lesson on three word phrasal verbs i think it's very important and if you enjoy learning about phrasal verbs please go ahead hit that like button let me know it tells me that i need to to do more lessons like this so here's another one the meaning would be i think this is another very common one you're ending some type of romantic relationship so think about the context right here you should ask her out on a date i heard that she with her previous boyfriend a few months ago so what what what three word phrasal verb or again think of it as a phrase what phrase is going to um complete that sentence and i just realized i made a mistake well i didn't make a mistake but i kind of gave you part of the answer um as i did this i think i spotted it uh earlier but i forgot to delete one of the words so i gave you the last part um of this phrasal verb the third word but yes excellent um uh bung woo sleepwalker uh dreary morgianna the the answer is to break up with and again you see i forgot to delete with there uh i so i gave you that part of it and right here yeah so you could get rid of one of those with so it shouldn't say with with but um in this case you know you remember that if you wanted to get technical and i think many of you put that in your answer you we're talking about the past tense so the main verb that the verb is going to you use it in the past or the present um or the future so in this case we're talking about a few months ago she broke up with her previous boyfriend a few months ago broke up with that is the correct answer to break up with that is the three-word phrasal verb you're ending a romantic relationship here is the next one what do you guys think children should not um they're parents it's disrespectful so think about the situation what phrase would you put in there what could children possibly do there's quite a few things that would be disrespectful and the meaning of this phrase is to respond in really a rude and well defiant manner and you are well i don't want to give you i don't want to give you the answer make it too easy but i'm giving you the context i'm giving you the meaning so what three words what phrase would best complete this sentence excellent i already seen some great answers um anko lemur yashar angela the correct answer is to talk back to to talk back to someone means that you are talking to them in a very rude and defiant manner often times you're using this to you're talking back to someone in a position of authority so in this example that i gave you parents are in a position of authority children should respect their parents in general they should not talk back to them so thinking about it along those lines if you're thinking about a position of authority you might hear people talk about well students talking back to their teacher person in a position of authority or maybe an employee talking back to their boss again a position of authority so it's not something you would use like oh they were you're talking back to your friend it's really used in that context of somebody is in a higher position some position of authority and you're talking back to them um all right let's uh keep going i told you that i'm going to make it a little more challenging as we go through this i hope that you're familiar with some of the phrasal verbs that we just talked about i will review them at the very end and show you them as well as the meaning just to remind you once more but it's always good to practice kind of really helps it helps you put it up there in your active memory so that you can more easily use it when the time comes and you're having a conversation and you want to use these uh three word phrasal verbs so the way that i'm going to make it a little more challenging right here is i'm giving you a sentence i'm not giving you the meaning and i'm giving you two of the three words so i'm giving you part of the phrasal verb and you need to think of well the context try to determine well what is the meaning of this phrasal verb and i think that's going to help you once you kind of can put it in context the meaning you can start thinking of words to put in there to complete that phrase so yesterday we m out of milk so i went to the store to buy some more so that is your three word phrasal verb there's only one word missing which you can tell is that verb right there um so what do you think hello oh excellent lolly catrudus good to see you guys vicky and gustav um excellent thanks for joining so i think as i was kind of going through this you guys are really putting it in here perfect um we're talking about the verb run but again if you want to be very specific about this example yesterday you would need to use the past tense yesterday we ran out of milk so i went to the store to buy some more to run out of something means that well you've just used up all the supply of something i i think you would hear people use this phrasal verb talking about maybe uh food something that might be in your refrigerator like this example right here oh we ran out of milk um or you run out of something else and then you need to go to the store and get more people might use it um thinking about well like a car and maybe you're getting low on gas and you can say oh we're running out of gas you're using up the supply it's almost done so those i think are some common ways in which you may hear people use this phrasal verb to run out of awesome so maybe you guys rock that one maybe it was not as difficult as i thought but that's okay i think um i the ones i started with i think are definitely a bit more common i am going to get into some more phrasal verbs that are probably not as common so it may be a little more challenging in that regard so here's the next one again i'm giving you now i'm giving you the verb and those two particles that follow the next two words are missing so what do you think see if you can um come up oh no wait i don't wanna i almost just used it in context there anyway she's so imaginative i don't know where she comes her ideas so we're missing two words i basically kind of uh just gave it away a little bit but i think many of you um know it this is another one i i think is a pretty common uh phrasal verb the answer yes uh just give some quick shout outs to kyo sleepwalker um simple guy uh zine gertrudis we're talking about come up with she's so imaginative i don't know where she comes up with her ideas when you come up with something you suggest or think of an idea or plan and often i think uh people you might hear people use this if they're kind of stating that hey we need to cut we need to come up with a plan and somebody might say that if you're talking to a group of people or another person like what do you think we need to come up with a plan do you have any ideas um and this again i think is a fairly common phrase that you might hear somebody use to come up with uh the next one and i promise i won't give away this this answer this one i think is a little more challenging so again think about the context it was an unhealthy relationship so she eventually decided to um out her partner you have those three words in this case i'm giving you the middle word out so what two words are you gonna put around it to form this phrase it's an unhealthy relationship she decided to what uh her partner so think about again you know think about the meaning really like what is she doing in this situation and then try to think about the phrase it might be a little easier than you just trying to think about words to try to to plug in there so this one yeah i said it's a little more challenging it's not as common and the reason why i say it's maybe not as common is because it really is referring to a specific situation um such as like some relationship and this may happen so i'm gonna tell you the answer because i haven't um seeing the answer when some some people were saying like get out of i could say if you were trying to get out of a relationship sure absolutely you could use that to get out of a relationship but in this case i'm talking about somebody's partner all right their their boyfriend girlfriend husband wife it's an unhealthy relationship so you might say yes exactly um vicky gustav excellent walk out on so you i said that this is very specific like because you're talking about that situation to walk out on you can see the meaning down there when you suddenly leave your husband your wife your partner and end this relationship and you like they they walk out on you um so i again if you were saying like if you're referring to a relationship you might say to get out of a relationship but if you're talking about the person in this case like her partner um you could walk she walked out on her partner or somebody could walk out on their husband walk out on their uh wife and they are leaving so it's not as common because it is more specific but still it's a good phrase to know i hopefully for some of you this may be a new phrase um and you've just learned it which would be great if that's true please hit that like button let's look at the next one i appreciate you helping me on such short notice you more than [Music] for yesterday's mistake so here in this again i'm giving you the last part of this phrasal verb i'm giving you the last word you need to come up with uh the verb plus another particle um think of the situation i appreciate you helping me on such short notice somebody's very grateful they're very happy and then they're making this comment i'm you more than for yesterday's mistake so they're saying this to another person who apparently they made some kind of uh mistake before previously and it's like the other person is saying that it's it's okay and as i talk my way through this i'm kind of giving you the meaning of this three-word phrasal verb but some of you have shown uh that you knew the answer excellent uh takayo ana um simple guy amandeep we're talking about uh made up you made up for something and again because we're talking about something that happened yesterday yesterday's mistake we use it in the past tense i appreciate you helping me on such short notice you more than made up for yesterday's mistake the meaning of it if you um make up for something it's like you're making something that was bad and you're making it kind of become good you're or you're making it so it's not as bad so if there was a problem and you make up for it then you've done something right and you're you've made the situation less worse or maybe you've turned around and you've just made it into a good thing positive thing all right so let's keep going i have a few more uh some more questions for you as we learn some more phrasal verbs again i hope some of these are new for you and we will review at the end uh this the way that i'm gonna do this is we're gonna kind of walk through it i'm going to start by giving you the meaning and think about maybe if you can think about a phrase that has this meaning and then i'm going to give you a sentence using it in context to make it a little easier and then finally i'll just tell you the answer so the meaning of this phrase which this three-word phrasal verb is to think that someone is less important than you and again this one i would say probably not as common it's uh used in specific uh instances but to think that someone is less important than you what do you what do you think all right let me know let me know all right so to think that someone's less important let me give you the example sent well i don't i think i just gave you the answer quickly um the the neighborhood is so pretentious some people um others because they are not so wealthy all right here's the context maybe some of you saw the answer as i put it up there quickly um pretentious again this would be a word like a context clue if you're trying to figure this out pretentious means that basically somebody you know they have their nose up in the air um they they think less of others so in that case if we're talking about some neighborhood some group of people and they think well these people are not as wealthy then they might um them which again um excellent uh just to give you we're talking about the phrase uh angela yashar shikaya wang uh amundi perfect king kong or no almost king kong we're talking about the the answer is look down on if you look down on someone you basically it's like you think that someone is less important than you and you would say that they look down on this but i told you it's probably not as common it's used in this specific instance where you have one person or a group of people who might think that they are more important and they look down on others of course this is not a good thing so it's not a phrasal verb that i hope that you are trying like want to use because it's not a good thing to look down on others let's go to the next one so the meaning of this one is to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something and i think this one is a bit more common you do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something what do you think could this phrase possibly be let me give you an example sentence uh to make it a little more a little easier so you can try and think about how it's used in context you know the meaning working and studying it's too it's too much it's too much for me right now i'm having trouble mmm my classes okay the situation somebody's trying to work they're trying to study perhaps at university or somewhere else and they're saying it's too much i'm having trouble my classes what is the answer all right excellent um i think some of you excellent perfect uh great job uh yashar alexander mohammed we're talking about now if you want to get techno the answer is keep up with but in this case if you were filling it um you completing it you're having trouble keeping up with i'm having trouble keeping up with my classes because in that situation you're having trouble doing something so keeping up with i'm having trouble keeping up with my classes so to keep up with means to do whatever's necessary you're trying to stay at that level or equal with someone or something and i think i said i think this is a little i think this is probably more common there are different situations in which you could use this phrasal verb if you are talking about you're having trouble trying to understand something or maintain a certain pace you're like i just can't keep up uh i just can't keep up with uh the the class or even doing something um physical like say that you're running and you're running with somebody else and that person's faster than you and you're having trouble staying with them and you're i'm having i can't keep up with you uh is another way that you could use this uh three-word phrasal verb so i think this is a good one good one to know then we have this meaning right here to tell the truth or to admit that you are responsible for something i think this one's a little more challenging um i every time i say that i feel like everybody gets the correct answer but when you're you're telling the truth and you're basically admitting like yes all right it's it's my fault it's my responsibility what phrase has this meaning three words all right let me give you a sentence uh to make it a little bit easier all right excellent uh rod thank you for uh thank you for becoming a member thank you i appreciate it so here is the sentence whatever i whenever i make a mistake i don't try to make excuses i try to um it so i really i'm giving you you know the meaning and i'm really kind of giving you a situation in which it's not maybe i don't know hopefully it'll help you as you kind of see it used in context but somebody's perhaps picture them saying saying this maybe i'm talking to you like you know whenever i make a mistake i don't try to make excuses i try to um it all right what do you think i haven't uh haven't seen too many answers for this one which makes me think people are thinking about it uh maybe it's still processing or maybe they're not sure don't want to take a chance i told you this is a little more more challenging the correct answer is to own up to to own up to something that's what i was going for if you own up to it you're like that meaning you're saying okay yes i am responsible uh it's completely my fault i'm gonna own up to it i think often um if i want to give you another example as to how somebody may use it perhaps you're probably trying maybe you're trying to give somebody advice and you're telling them like look admit the truth you need to own up to it uh tell them this person it was your responsibility you should own up to it own up to it uh oftentimes people might follow it with your mistakes like own up to your mistakes i try to own up to my mistakes but it is difficult i think it's difficult for all of us to own up to our mistakes and to admit that you might be wrong about something but from time to time i think it's important we need to own up to it all right then we have this one which i think i don't know how much help this is going to be these are definitely more more challenging i told you as we go through this it's going to get a little more difficult the meaning is to seem to be all right to seem to be and hopeful maybe let me give you some a con some more context i had heard bad things about him but when we met he um a stand-up guy and if you say that last part um stand up if somebody's a stand-up guy or a stand-up person in general it basically means that they're well a good person a nice person and it's an informal phrase oftentimes people i think use it with guy and say oh this person's uh a stand-up guy that they're a nice person a good person so that's what that means so think about the context i heard bad things about him about this person but then we met and he um a stand-up guy think about a phrase what do you think you would put in there um that has that meaning to seem to be and wow i'm impressed i thought this one was uh gonna be a bit more difficult um but seems like some of you know the answer yes julia um rayon perfect uh so the the phrase that we're looking for that i was looking for is come comes across as so our in this case came across as we're talking about the past past tense sorry uh but when we met in the past he came across as a stand-up guy and it means that this person seemed to be a good person i would say in this case if you're saying somebody comes across as something often i think it's used you you're probably referring to people somebody comes across as and then you're referring to maybe a part of their personality like this person they they came across as a stand-up guy or maybe you could say you know she she came across as a very hard worker and you're referring to some part of their their personality and you could say it seems to be this way this person came across as this way and you're kind of sharing your opinion so this one is a a little a little trickier so i said at the end i wanted to i want to review them right now and kind of just talk a little bit about why i think this hopefully could be a little easier so these are these were the answers to the first set of questions that i gave you and one thing i think when you're thinking about learning these phrasal verbs and you could try to think of them a little differently than two-word phrasal verbs because again with these if the preposition changes it is going to have a different meaning but what i would recommend is think about it as just one phrase put up with and if you think about that entire phrase together having that one meaning don't focus too much on the individual words think about it as a phrase learn it as a phrase understand the meaning and then try to think about how uh you may use it in context i told you that's a pretty common one to put up with something i said people often use it in the negative saying look i'm not going to put up with this anymore i'm not going to tolerate it so first off think about it as a phrase the next thing i would say let me show you the next ones um these were the next set of phrasal verbs that we talked about is that these really these phrasal verbs are uh inseparable so sometimes when you have the when you have these two word phrasal verbs um that might be transitive which means they take a direct object for example put on put on is a phrasal verb you put on uh shoes or put on clothes it's it's transitive so you can split the verb and the particle or in that case the verb and the preposition put your shoes on or put your clothes on and you'd say that that phrasal verb is separable if we're talking about three word phrasal verbs they're not separable so you don't have to worry about putting the object in between the the verb and the particle in this case so this is one way in which i think three word phrasal verbs are perhaps a little easier than than trying to deal with and learn two word phrasal verbs and then here are the the last set i told you that i think these were i thought these were maybe a little more challenging because they may they may not be as common perhaps because they're used in a specific uh specific instance like to look down on someone of course that's not a good thing um keep up with i think is probably a little bit uh more common and i just realized i did sorry i made a mistake there uh remember to keep up with that's the wrong meaning it is to stay um at the same level or uh as someone or something and you're trying to keep up own up to uh is one that i think was a little more challenging and come across as so my hope my hope is that you guys learned something new from this lesson um if you did if you want to show us some love i really appreciate rod you're becoming a member there are links in the description to sponsor and support the the channel and the last thing just as a quick reminder if you would like to speak with me many of you ask about that i do have another speaking course it's getting ready to start in august there's a link to that as well in the description it's all about helping you speak confidently clearly speak naturally the i've also pinned a comment and uh just for good measure i'll go ahead and throw the link in the chat right here as well if you're interested in joining my speaking course and improving your speaking fluency thank you guys so much for joining me today i again i hope that you enjoyed it but most importantly i just hope that when i do these lessons that everybody's able to learn something new just one thing new that maybe they didn't know before about the meaning of something for example we're talking about phrasal verbs or perhaps maybe you learned a bit more about how it's used and when it's used that um that makes me happy all right so it's been great seeing you guys again i am gonna start doing these live lessons more regularly now i did take a bit of a hiatus but i'll try to give you guys as much up-to-date information as to when they will be so thank you so much uh for being here rod um uh gettrudus lolly i really appreciate it to kyle juliana good to see both of you again they were in uh the the speak up course uh and i got to talk with all of you directly so i really know i really know the two of you um and thank you uh sleepwalker uh joelle manuel just necklace trying to give some last minute shout outs morgana um christina uh demos simple guy eloisa angela all right i'm going to wrap things up hope you have a wonderful
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 28,767
Rating: 4.9427752 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, learn english online, english phrasal verbs, learn english phrasal verbs, three word phrasal verbs, three word phrasal verbs in english, learn three word phrasal verbs, common three word phrasal verbs, learn three word phrasal verbs in english, phrasal verbs in english, online english quiz phrasal verbs, practice english phrasal verbs, phrasal verb quiz, three word phrasal verb quiz, practice three word phrasal verbs
Id: HWW3uBxIv-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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