Advanced American Idioms πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | LIVE QUIZ LESSON

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everyone welcome to today's lesson uh my name is wes this is interactive english and the channel it's it's just all about helping you practice and improve your english skills if this is your first time here please let me know in the comments in the chat love hearing from new people and i also enjoy uh hearing from people who regularly watch our videos as well uh great to see so many familiar faces i have i think it's a fun lesson and it's a useful lesson especially for your comprehension so i'm going to talk to you about idioms we're going to talk about some advanced idioms and i put the um the flag from the united states because i think these are idioms that people will use in the u.s that that does not mean that they're only used in the united states i think many of these idioms are pretty common across all english varieties if you're talking about british english or in canada australia south africa i think many people may use these idioms but the reason why i say they're advanced is because they're not um they are a little more difficult i think the meaning of these idioms are very different from their individual words and the way that we're going to do this is we're going to practice i'm going to give you it's it's kind of a quiz lesson so i'm going to give you some questions and i want you to try to answer and think about the the idiom in english and it this is going to be challenging it will be difficult i hope that you learn some new idioms today and the one thing i want to say is this will be very helpful for your comprehension i'm i'm teaching you these idioms not so that oh i have to go out there and use them if you can if you find yourself in the appropriate situation that's great but i think it's really useful for your comprehension because you will hear these idioms from time to time if you're in a conversation or watching a movie tv show listening to a podcast or an audio book these are idioms that you may hear and it's really helpful for your conversation so this will be challenging i'm just going ahead and throw that out there uh i want to give some quick hellos to uh people that are here with me hello lollygatrudist uh great to see some members excellent um bombas and nat karina uh arafan takayo hey takayo how are you um and i i want you guys to participate throughout this lesson and i will give you some questions give you a moment to think about the answer and then of course i will tell you the answer so let's go ahead and start and we're going to practice with some of these idioms the first way that we're going to do this is i'm going to give you the meaning of the idiom and then i'm going to give you a picture that to kind of help you out and i want you to just write the idiom what idiom am i talking about in english so the the first one is this right here to do or say something that lacks evidence or support and you see the picture use that picture hopefully it'll help you again i know this is difficult i know this is challenging but just bear with me and i will show you the idiom and then the meaning as well so you can kind of think about it but if you're thinking about like you're you're saying something that lacks evidence or support often i think people will use this idiom at the beginning of a sentence when they want to make a guess about something all right and the picture there is well you see a bird that is out on a limb the key word there is limb that's what i was hoping that you would think of but i i know that that that may be very difficult because the idiom that i'm talking about is to go out on a limb and if you say that you're going to like go out on a limb you're saying something or doing something that lacks evidence let me give you uh more of an explanation i told you that somebody would use this when they're about to maybe make a guess they don't really have much evidence but they're going to make a guess and they'll say i'm going to go out on a limb and say that and then they share their opinion i'm going to go out on a limb and say that he was lying all right i don't have evidence but i'm going to suggest that and you'd say i'm going to go out on a limb all right so that's a good idiom um that's a good idiom to learn you go out on a limb you're saying something not with much evidence and remember i think it's mostly it's often used in that context people would say well i'm going to go out on a limb and say whatever guess it is all right excellent um i hope some of you got that one let's look at this one the next one hopefully this is a little easier i think the picture um you could probably perhaps guess it a little more so is to greatly annoy or upset someone use that picture think about what's happening in the picture there's a car driving and there is a what what is that those are bricks but i was trying to go for a wall all right so think about what edm that would be in english if you are uh greatly annoying someone or perhaps you're upsetting uh this person you could say that this person is what excellent uh i'm a uh anna perfect we're talking about driving someone up the wall to drive someone up the wall means that you are well you're very annoyed and you would say that uh like i said you could um say this person is driving me up the wall so if somebody is driving you up the wall then they are annoying you um and upsetting you excellent uh [Music] we have uh voice uh ramon excellent i'll try to get in as many shout outs as i can and again if you're just joining us we are doing a little bit of an idiom quiz and these are more advanced idioms and i think it's definitely a little more advanced in the way that i'm trying to quiz you on these so again i'm giving you the meaning when someone is so frustrated or annoyed they can no longer cope or they can no longer deal with this situation and you would describe this and somebody would they would say this idiom right here and it that's what it means and use this picture uh to help you guess what the idiom is that's a picture that's a rope all right um so i just told you it's a rope that is part of the idiom so think about that hopefully that may help you especially if you've heard this idiom before um you some you're frustrated you can no longer cope excellent yes uh ramon uh sid what somebody would say is that they are at the end of their rope so so if i were to tell you i'm at the end of my rope it means that i'm so frustrated i can no longer deal with this situation and often i think people may use this if you're maybe having an argument or a disagreement with somebody you're very frustrated uh perhaps parents with children they're they're very frustrated with their children and you could say they they can't cope they'd say uh i'm i'm at the end of my rope so it's in that case people might use it as kind of a warning that if you're frustrated with somebody and you're telling them look i'm at the end of my rope that you're you're really about at this point that you're no longer to cope excellent um so are you ready uh these are some other good i see some other good and uh idioms guesses that people are using here's another one and then i'm gonna switch it up the way that i'm asking you this so here's the the meaning of the idiom and there are some pictures to help you so if uh you are talking about personal issues in front of other people that are not involved so really if you're talking about your personal issues that in front of other people and you don't need to be doing this what would you how would how would you describe that situation you have a picture right there of laundry all right dirty laundry so that that is your clue that is your hint uh dirty laundry and people are talking about their issues in front of other people and i think often people would use it to tell somebody not to do this so perhaps you're at a party with a group of people and you're talking maybe you're having a little bit of an argument with your friend your boyfriend girlfriend husband wife and you you start talking about your personal issues your relationship whatever and the other person i say look we don't need to let's let's not do this let's not do this so often um you may use this with the negative excellent um we have some excellent uh mzz uh you guys are close uh michael perfect the the idiom is to air out one's dirty laundry to air out your dirty laundry is if you are talking about your personal issues in front of other people and like i said i think you would think somebody's in a group and two people are talking and somebody is really they're talking about their personal issues with maybe this other person and they say look let's let's not air out our dirty laundry or you don't need to air out your your dirty laundry um excellent yes so you i think you might hear it used with that word let's like let's not air out our dirty laundry we don't need to do this stop airing out your dirty laundry excellent uh maggie perfect how are you excellent great to see you uh so those are again a couple of idioms that we've talked about so far so i've given you uh to go out on a limb you're kind of saying something without evidence we can also drive someone up the wall which makes them a little crazy you if you want to say that you can no longer cope you're at the end of your rope and uh to air out your dirty laundry is talking about your personal issues so now we're gonna switch it up i have some more idioms for you uh but the way that i'm going to do it this time now i'm i'm going to give you uh like a conversation and i'm gonna give you a blank so i'm gonna give you the context and then i'm gonna give you one word which uh is a hint to what the idiom is so let me show you that will be a better way to explain it so think about here's this situation right here one person there's a blank because this person is using the idiom the key word is speak so this that word is part of the idiom and the other person says hey tom we were just talking about you so think about what what idiom might this person be using it's really um it's kind of it's an expression that people would use in english to when this situation occurs and i think we can all relate to this situation so what is what's this first person saying right here you know the situation somebody tom this guy he just arrived and they were just they were just talking about him and you would say this excellent um julio lulu perfect um ramon julie uh gertrudis lolly i think i i think you may have heard this uh expression before speak of the devil so i told you i think we can all relate to it we're having a conversation talking about somebody that person just arrives or perhaps they call and you could say speak of the devil which refers to it's used informally in speech to say that a person was being talked about and then they suddenly appear they appear or it could be like a phone call that their their presence is felt excellent the next one that i have for you is this and this one i think is a little more it's not as common but i it's good again it's good for your comprehension i told you guys i think this if anything the expectation is not that you're going to learn these and just go out and start using them but so that you understand them if you happen to hear them uh in another conversation or movie tv show so they say i understand it's a big risk but we need to that's the idiom the key word that i'm giving you is caution so you the the context is they're going to take some risk and they're following it up with this idiom what idiom am i talking about keyword is caution all right so excellent uh ramon very very quick on that answer perfect uh ahmed yes the answer is to throw caution to the wind if you're saying that you're going to throw caution to the wind it's basically saying that you're going to you're not going to be careful and in that situation if there's something that's a risk then perhaps you're not going to be careful and you would throw caution to the wind so to throw caution to the wind to give you the meaning is to behave in a way that is not considered sensible or careful to throw caution to the wind all right now let's look at this next one here's another conversation that these um these three ladies are having she says i need your help finding my ring so the ring is lost it's so valuable to me and then she would say this idiom right here so based on this context this situation i need your help they're looking for this ring that well that's what i was going to say they're going to look for it the ring is lost they're going to look for it it's very valuable it's very important to her and before they start looking for the ring perhaps she uses this idiom right here um so what do you think uh this one this context i it's you well i don't want to give you i don't want to give you the meaning i told you that i was just going to try to give you an example uh of a situation and the key word is stone all right so what phrase would you say it's an idiom and you would tell somebody this stone and well it's using the word stone and you're trying to to find it all right you need to find this um all right you guys are close um close it's more of a a command so think of it that way you're going to tell somebody a command using stone i think ahmed mcc you guys were close but the idiom that i'm referring to is when you would tell somebody leave no stone unturned so most of the time i think you're going to you hear it as a command if you're telling a a group of people or another person to look for something carefully really look hard and say look everywhere leave no stone unturned so in this situation i was trying to think that well the ring is valuable it's very precious they're going to look for it and she might say leave no stone unturned it means to do everything you can to achieve a good result but i think it's it's typically used in the context of looking for something you're trying to find it and you would leave no stone unturned this could be an example as to when you might hear this perhaps you're watching some tv show that involves uh the police and a criminal and they're looking for the criminal they're looking for the thief and they need to find this person and they may tell the group of police officers leave no stone unturned we need to find uh the thief the next one that i have for you again is this situation um this this person right here saying i don't want to hear a long explanation please just what and then that's that's the idiom the key word is chase okay so think about it again think about the situation what do you think the idiom uh the english idiom is and maybe maybe you've heard of it maybe you haven't again i hope that that you are learning some new idioms right now that's what i hope and i don't expect you to remember all of them i think when it comes to idioms it's just good to get exposure it's good to become a little bit familiar with them because over time as you're listening to music podcasts watching tv you get that exposure to the language you're just going to hear these idioms and then you'll be able to remember them well i think you guys wow you guys rock this one okay so i don't want to hear a long explanation please just cut to the chase all right excellent i gotta give some shout outs there um excellent muthalite anna julio uh anawat chris stella trying to find some new names i haven't said abraham uh mike perfect so uh gertrudis maggie cut to the chase it means that you're you're telling somebody quick like come to the point what are you trying to say what are you trying what point are you trying to make cut to the chase all right so we've had uh let me back up and review some of these so the this last part we've talked about speak of the devil i told you that it's used informally to say that some somebody suddenly appears and then you could use this phrase and typically it's used as a standalone phrase somebody well speak of the devil and then maybe you start talking about um you just start having a conversation or if you want to throw caution to the wind you're behaving in a way that's not careful and somebody might throw caution to the wind or to leave no stone unturned i said that you're looking for something and and you want to have that good result and you might again use it as a command and you're telling a group of people we need to find this thing leave no stone unturned and we just talked about this cut to the chase i think this is a common one because uh sometimes like i'm i'm a person that may not come directly to the point and somebody would say this to me like wes just cut to the chase all right tell us tell us what you're thinking all right so i i have more idioms for you again i want to keep going a little more practice but i'm trying to switch it up in the way that we're practicing these and now it's going to be even a little more difficult so uh this time i'm going to give you um i'm going to give you the situation and i want you just to listen to what i'm saying listen to the situation and then i may give you a key word that has that that the idiom has and you can try to guess it okay so in this first one uh it's talking about a situation in that somebody is not speaking directly all right and maybe another person is just saying look just tell me what's on your mind please cut to the chase give it to me straight and they might be telling this person stop stop doing this thing and that's the idiom stop all right stop speaking indirectly instead of saying that they're going to use this idiom and say stop what just give it to me straight stop what so the idiom is really when um somebody is speaking indirectly but i told you that i think it's used when you people may use this when you're telling another person to stop doing that and they say don't do like stop doing this um and you guys wow excellent uh stella julie um ramon chris you guys got it to beat around the bush so if somebody's doing that again i tend to do that and not come and somebody would say wes cut to the chase stop beating around the bush just just say whatever it is you want to say so i think that's a good way to remember it and a good way to kind of listen for it somebody might tell another person stop beating around the bush you need to speak uh directly excellent uh yes gettrudus lolly perfect um maggie you guys rock that one so let me give you another situation and i'll give you another word that the idiom has so this situation um you're going to do something for another person perhaps you're going to get a birthday present for your friend and then you talk to your other friend and they say oh i have the perfect present for for this person um i'm going to get them [Music] some shirt that they always wanted and your friend says well i already bought that shirt i already i'm going to give i already uh i'm already giving that birthday present so you have to find somebody else and you say oh no you did what so it's kind of like they they took your idea a little bit and if you want to use an idiom that they've taken your idea and it's maybe a good idea and now you cannot get sick you cannot have success you're not gonna get praise for this great idea you'd say well that person did what and think of the word steel that would be the key word that i'm going to give you in this context in this situation so if somebody they they took your idea for a birthday present and you say oh my goodness you stole what all right and i think this is a good idiom i think it is a little i guess you could say it's fairly common um but again the meaning is very different from the individual words yes excellent uh sid anna uh gary uh sorry i've mispronounced names i'm talking about the idiom to steal someone's thunder so in that context that situation that i gave you right here um these people are talking and this person says i was going to get her that same birthday present you totally stole my thunder you took like my idea so in this case it's not something that is really you're kind of just saying that maybe playfully perhaps it wasn't planned so maybe there's not they're not going to be angry but perhaps if you could talk about a situation which would make somebody angry if somebody steals your idea at work and they take all the credit they get all the praise and you say this person they stole my thunder so to steal someone's thunder is you are preventing them from um that praise or that success to steal someone's thunder i think i showed you guys the the last one yes to beat around the bush you're avoiding talking to someone i think most people do it because it's unpleasant or it's difficult to talk about so they might beat around the bush um we just talked about steel one's thunder let me give you uh another situation um the next one so this would be a situation in which think about you are competing in some kind of competition and before the competition begins the the rules change and because of that you are surprised you're confused you're you don't know what to do and i could say wow this really what and the key word that i would give you is loop all right think about that situation that i just described with if the idiom has the word loop in it so if something if if something confuses you it distracts you um and i gave you that situation about perhaps somebody changing the rules at the last minute and you're telling somebody well that really what and the idiom has the word loop in it okay so i told you again this is definitely um it's definitely an advanced quiz because now i'm just you're really just having to listen to me give you the information and then try to figure it out all right uh yes um irvin excellent some of you are very close um what i'm talking about what you would say is this here's the situation at the last minute they changed the rules of the competition and it really threw our team for a loop so if something throws you for a loop it kind of it confuses you to the point where it's like well maybe you you don't know what to do so i know some of you had mentioned that you're out of the loop that is another idiom but if somebody is out of the loop it means that they are unaware of some information in this case you are aware of the information but it just confuses you it distracts you and you you don't know what to do you could say it it threw me for a loop and typically i think you would use it in a situation in which you are you are temporarily unfocused and you're not sure what to do and then you you refocus and you're able to in this case like you're able to compete in the competition and you're you're just going to do the best you can but for a quick for a brief moment you were you were thrown for a loop so i really think it's often used to describe a temporary situation where something is just shocking and it just like it says it upsets you it confuses you because something unexplained happens and i tried to give you that in the context of somebody changes the rules and it's it's unexpected and that may throw you for a loop so um it's a it's a good idiom the next one uh the next situation uh that i have for you is if uh okay uh i can relate to this uh my wife and i we can relate to this that over time maybe your place starts to get a little messy and you you know that you need to clean up and as it begins to get messier and messier you could say well this is really starting to what and the the key word that i'll give you that's hand hand that's part of the idiom so think about that situation that i just told you that uh your place it's just over time you haven't cleaned in a while everybody's very busy it's getting messier and messier and you say oh goodness this is really uh this is really starting to what so it's a situation that it's it's getting really chaotic it's almost getting too much and you might use this idiom has the word hand in it um what do you think that situation and then and this is something that i'd like to use this idiom because i think you could use it to describe a lot of situations that are just too chaotic and you say all right i need to do something this is starting to all right excellent uh i think you guys got that one uh erwin ramon uh well thank you mustafa sid uh daryan uh amman uh i'm talking about to here it is let me show you the situation so somebody might say we really need to clean up our place this mess is starting to get out of hand and say yeah you're right so in that case uh if something is getting out of hand it's getting out of control it's a situation it becomes chaotic and sometimes it's unmanageable so you could say it's getting out of hand so let's review those um that i just went over so to avoid talking about something because it's difficult or unpleasant is to beat around the bush oftentimes i think somebody might you might be telling somebody to stop doing this you're like just tell me just be honest tell me the truth stop beating around the bush we have to steal someone's thunder is like your somebody takes your idea somebody takes your credit your praise they stole your thunder so it's a great it's a great idiom be careful with that preposition so if somebody takes your idea they steal your thunder if you take their idea then you steal their thunder so be careful with that preposition to throw someone for a loop is when something unexpected happens and you're temporarily upset or confused and like wow that that really threw me for a loop i wasn't expecting that it threw me for a loop and i talked about something that is unmanageable it gets a little chaotic it's difficult to control you may say you may say that this is this is starting to get out of hand and i think that's a really uh great one and i hope that i hope that you learned some new idioms and before before this lesson gets out of hand i want to make a quick announcement you guys like what we do want to show us some love um want to sponsor interactive english with a membership patreon links are down below in the description great to see some members here uh today as well as uh some patrons to kyo maggie lolly uh gettrudis excellent great to see you guys uh happy that you can join me today so i hope that i hope that you were able to follow um i hope you were able to follow the lesson i i hope that it was i hope the lesson was easy to follow that's what i'm trying to say i hope it was easy to follow i hope it was under easy to understand and again the idea is not for you to just go out and try and start using these idioms it does take some time to learn idioms and use them in the correct context it's mostly i think for your comprehension because we people use idioms in everyday conversation so these are idioms that you will hear in movies tv shows podcasts songs books because i think many of you out there get exposure to the language in a variety of different ways watching youtube videos there's many different things you can do so it's good to try and practice this from time to time here is a list here is a list of the idioms from today's lesson if you want to take a snapshot a screenshot of these idioms go for it i'm not going to include these idioms in the description typically i will do that so people can review but in this case it was more of a quiz lesson so i do not want to give the answers so here is a list of the idioms that we talked about today there were 12 in total i hope that you learned some new ones and if you enjoyed the lesson please hit that like button down below um i'm not going to beat around the bush i'm just going to tell you please hit that like button um and uh that's that's really it i was trying to think of some other idioms that uh i could use all right i'm gonna go now i'm gonna end the lesson because probably i might be starting to drive you guys up the wall so um thank you guys for joining me some shout outs peter marwa mustafa um mn glad it was useful excellent nabila uh julio nekla i hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend maggie lally excellent thank you glad you guys could join me um i know it's you early for you too maggie that's awesome uh it's impressive uh suhana mo mona uh julio gosh it goes on i had a lot of people today in class that's excellent um and i i think again the more the comments the likes it really tells me that uh okay i'll do more lessons like this in the future enjoy the rest of the weekend um and i will see you
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 25,653
Rating: 4.9409189 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, live english lesson, english lesson, american english, english idioms, learn english idioms, idiom english lesson, american idioms, learn american idioms, advanced idioms, learn idioms in english, common idioms in the us, english quiz, idiom quiz, useful english idioms, learn advanced idioms, difficult english idioms, advanced idiom quiz, english practice lesson, learn american english
Id: cSVpsfA-pfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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