5 Phrasal Verbs with GET | Useful Grammar Lesson

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all right let's see if this is working all right so hello hello hello I hope that everybody out there is having a wonderful weekend and if you when you join us just tell us say where you're from and your name and if you're watching this at a later date in time don't worry about that but today what I want to talk to you about is phrasal verbs all right and phrasal verbs you know that they're very important they're very useful it there they're great to learn even though they can be extremely extremely frustrating because phrasal verbs can be very confusing you're dealing with prepositions which are words that can people can easily forget and also because phrasal verbs you have one of them and they have several different meanings oh hello hello Brazil here excellent awesome welcome I want to we're going to talk about phrasal verbs with get we've already done one video one lesson about some get phrasal verbs which we will link in the description below and I want to talk to you about five more of those phrasal verbs and I don't want to go over too many at one time because again they each have different meanings and it's best to do a little at a time so if you can just learn maybe two or three phrasal verbs in one day or even one week it is really useful so I'm going to go over five different phrasal verbs with you today and then we're going to do a little practice and I am going to test your knowledge and what you remember from this lesson so if you are in the chat I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to type your answer so we can all see it and if you're watching this video later again my recommendation use the comments section as a whiteboard and just write your answer and keep trying to produce the language even though you're listening to a video it doesn't always have to be passive learning you can make it into an active language learning lesson and actually write out your answers so today let's go ahead and begin with the first phrasal verb again if you're just joining us hit us up in the chat tell us your name where you're from we say I know is it Natalia's in here from Brazil so again say hello which country you are you joining us from be great to hear from you so the first phrasal verb let's go ahead and begin we're going to talk about is get around ok so again this phrasal verb has three different meanings the first one when you're talking and using get around it just basically means to travel to different places and this can be talking about traveling from one country to another country and you travel all throughout the world and you could say wow that person really gets around it can also mean shorter distances talking about just being around the home and I think this is a little more common usage of get around in this context if you're talking about somebody who's older maybe a grandparent or somebody who just broke their leg and you're asking you know do they have trouble getting around the house like getting out of bed and walking around different rooms and I gave you an example sentence there hey what's up George also from Brazil awesome the example sentence I gave you forget around is you know for her age my grandmother gets around easily so again getting around is more the literal sense just talking about moving from one place to another also get around can mean to avoid something where you literally want to get around something else because you want to avoid it and this is frequently used in the context of traffic we should find a way to get around this traffic I hope you like my lovely picture down there supposedly that is from the longest traffic jam in the world it was 62 miles in Beijing and apparently it lasted for 12 days so to get around something is to really just to go around it and the final meaning of get around is to if you're talking about just having sexual relations with many people and this is you know usually used in the context of it's not a typically a compliment you're usually talking about somebody else and you're not talking about yourself so typically it's used in just a sentence like oh he gets around or she gets around and and using it people would use it more so as like gossip in talking about other people getting around so those are the three different meanings of get around and again I know this can be difficult because you have one phrasal verb three different meanings but again we're going to practice this it's good to know how to use it and especially keep practice practice practice practice because practice makes perfect again if you just join us we are talking about different phrasal verbs with get you can hit us up in the chat say hello where where are you joining us from and yeah it'd be great to hear from you guys so that is get around let's look at the next phrasal verb that I want to show you is this one get through okay so get through also yeah it as three different meanings again that we need to learn so to get through you can also use it with the other preposition it can be a three word prepositional phrase get through two but I'll talk to you about that one in just a second so to get through the first meaning is just when you're talking on the phone okay you're trying to contact somebody and sometimes I think we've all been there depending maybe our cell reception is not good and you have a difficult time getting through to somebody else and a lot of often you might hear somebody say like I gave an example I said you know I'll call you later I can't get through I'll call later I can't get through right now you're not able to connect you're not able to reach that person because perhaps you don't have a cell reference cell reception you can't get through the other way that it's used get through to and this is talking about like you get through to someone else is to effectively communicate with somebody else you're trying to reach somebody you're trying to make them understand you're trying to show them your point of view you need to get through to somebody and a lot of times this might be used in the context when talking about maybe children or students that are difficult to work with and as a teacher this has happened to me before when I've taught when I taught kids way back when and some of the students some of the kids it was tough to get through to them because of one reason or another and like I said in the example sentence he doesn't listen to anyone nobody can get through to him so it's easy to it's it's a little more difficult to communicate with somebody and a lot of times it's used in the negative talking about you can't get through to somebody else the last one with get through is to survive or to end or something all right you need to get through it so perhaps you're experiencing an unpleasant ordeal or an unpleasant situation and you are trying to get through it you are trying to survive it you are trying to endure it I know this time of year a lot of people are finishing up school and they have final exams in either if they're in high school or university and they are trying to survive it and they're trying to get through it which is the picture of the young lady studying and says I don't know how I'll get through my final exams how are you going to get through this how are you going to survive so again one phrasal verb three different meanings for it let's continue and then we're going to practice practice practice again if you guys have any questions just hit us up in the chat ask us anything English related and we will try and get back to you all right so also you know again let us know your name where you're watching from and if you really want to be helpful for us you know again just share the video sharing is caring help us spread the word and to spread the word is an idiom that means to talk to other people and other people and other people so more people know what's going on alright so I digress the next one that I want to talk to you about so we've done get around we've done get through the third phrasal verb that I want to show you is this one right here to get across alright and to get across thankfully this one just has two meanings that we are going to discuss the first one is is a little bit similar to getting through to someone alright trying to make them understand too to get across is to make someone understand something the difference between the two if you're want to get through to somebody you were wanting to communicate with them person to person if you're trying to get across you're actually trying to get something across all right not just you communicating you are actually trying to communicate an idea or an opinion or or a thought and you are trying to get that across to the other person so I gave you an example sentence up there again she couldn't get her point across because he wouldn't listen and a lot of times you know you you are talking about this you're getting your point across which is you're trying to say something you're trying to express your feelings your thought and you get your point across and this is kind of a very common collocation used in English with this phrasal verb to get some point across alright um all right George excellent example sentence alright I have to go through some work on Sunday morning you have to get through some work on Sunday morning yes unfortunately I I'm sorry that you have to be working on Sunday but you know it's all good great example sentence again I'd encourage you guys for more practice as we're going through these just like that keep writing in the chat throw out some sentences I'll talk about them and let you know how they work if you're using it in the right context but again it's good to keep keep practicing the other meaning of get across is more the literal meaning is that you are trying to go across something and get from one side to another now I would say there is a difference between get across and go across and that difference is when when somebody says get across I think that there is something kind of blocking or stopping somebody or you know something making it difficult to try and go to the other side so I'll give you an example so if we are standing at a street and there are no cars around absolutely nothing then I would just say hey we need to go across to the other side we're just going to cross the street if there are a lot of cars there and it's going to be very difficult and we have to wait and maybe it's a little dangerous then I would more likely use get across again because there is something there is a challenge in the way that may be preventing us from going from one side to another so that is a slight difference between get across and go across but you can use get across and talking about like I said in the example sentence we need to get a across the street all right so Oh hisses from Venezuela awesome welcome welcome again if you guys are just joining us tell us hello tell us your name where you're joining us from and if you really want to practice as we go through these phrasal verbs write a sentence out there in the chat tell us something about you about your lives using one of these phrasal verbs so we've done three phrasal verbs now we talked about get around get through get across I'm going to go do two more phrasal verbs and then we're I'm going to ask you guys some questions and I'm going to want you to put your answers into the chat and we'll see how that goes so the next phrasal verb that I want to show you is this one okay which is get off okay so get off whoo it's a big one it has four different meanings and again I think these are phrasal verbs that many of you you might already be familiar with you've already learned them but maybe there might be a meaning that you are not too familiar with so again it's always good to learn new ways to practice and improve your English so get off I have four meanings the first one is talking about leaving a place and typically you're almost always talking about work so if somebody is at work and you're talking to somebody else and you might ask them hey what time do you get off they're talking about what time are you going to be leaving work and this is a very common question like the one that I gave you what time do you get off work so right now I have a question for you that I want you to write in the chat I am going to ask you what time do you get off work what time do you normally get off work during the week or on the weekends if you're on this so I want you to try and write that sentence in the chat answer that question what time do you get off work and try it again just practice write a full sentence write a complete sentence don't just give me a time what time do you get off work let us know the next sent are the next meaning of get off is one that you guys are probably already familiar with and that you know about which just is to exit or disembark something you're talking about getting off of a bus getting off of a train getting off of a bike getting off of a horse so these are some of the more common ones that you use get off with notice that there's a lot of transportation ones but you do not get off of a car all right that is not one that we use but when you're actually kind of leaving something in disembarking is kind of the word that I would like to use with those other forms of transportation you get off of a bus you get off of a train even in the example sentence you would say like we got off the train immediately you left the train you got off the next meaning of get off is to again you're basically telling somebody to stop touching you in some way shape or form so for example maybe somebody steps on your toes or they step on your foot and you'll just tell them hey you know get off of me hey get off of my foot all right you're basically saying stop touching all right or maybe somebody tackles you all right if you are wrestling playing around with your friends and you just say hey you know get off of me that is another common phrasal verb meaning for get off the last one if you're trying to get off is to avoid being punished severely so what I mean by this is you know if somebody went to jail and then they got out you would say you know they got off easy or something like that so actually it's kind of like you're getting punished but it wasn't a very severe punished so you'd say again mostly as a collocation you get off easy all right so sometimes at school I use this as an example in for our sentence students may be cheated on the test and maybe they didn't have much of a punishment and you say wow they got off easy for cheating on the test alright you get off is kind of to avoid a severe punishment and you have a lesser punishment and you are able to get off easy the next one all right you guys you aren't very chatty today alright like again let us know what time do you get off of work and again use it in the sentence try to practice practice makes perfect hello Matias how's it going if you guys were if you guys are joining us again let us know your name where are you writing us from it's always good to know so we've talked about now that is the fourth one we get around get through get across get off I want to talk to you one more phrasal verb and then I want to do some practice and I'm going to give you ten questions ten fill-in-the-blank questions and I want you to write the answer using one of these phrasal verbs so the next one that I want to show you is this one alright which is get by okay so to get by has two different meanings Zuse I get off work at 4:00 p.m. awesome perfect news l'Italia it doesn't work sorry Hey okay that's fine um good use of the word get off 4:00 p.m. nice that's that's good you get the whole afternoon after you get off work mostly so again this phrasal verb to get by has two meanings and these are maybe a little more difficult especially the first one to get by is to have enough money or knowledge to do what is necessary now these are two separate meanings so for example in the sentence that I gave you like I law he lost his job but he's still getting by this one is talking about money mostly and the ability to survive so if you're able to get by typically it's talking about you're able to survive with the little resources the little means that you of often you're talking about in this context maybe you lose your job or maybe you're experiencing some financial difficulties and you say yeah you're still able to get by it can also be used when talking about knowledge which is a little different so I'll tell you this would be like kind of in the context of school or education maybe you're taking a class and it is so difficult and you don't really understand the material and you would say like look I really don't know how I'm going to get by which is I don't know how I'm going to survive with the knowledge that I have or for example maybe you finished and you got a good grade in the class and you say wow I can't believe I got by with an A that you were able to survive with the knowledge you have you were able to get by with this grade so to get by is again you're talking about typically either money or knowledge and you're able to survive and endure vishal hi hello how are you where are you writing us from let us know and tell us - what time do you get off work that was the question that I had for everybody the other meaning of get by is again more of a literal one you're trying to pass somebody or something that is blocking you or in your way so if you are here and you need to go over there and maybe you need to get by something and this is again a little typical a little different than get around to get around you are actually going out of the way to go to where you want to be to get by is kind of you know kind of going through and and so for example like have those two nice security guards there hello hello from Argentina awesome cool got people from all over the place joining us Estella welcome in that picture those two security guards so this is something you would hear a lot of times in movies or TV and they say oh how are we going to get by the guards or how are we going to get by this person or that thing how are we going to get from here to the other side and get by okay so awesome joining us from India cool a lot of different places today one of the questions that I had we talked about the phrasal verb get off let me know what time do you get off of work I will get off my or and almost 4:00 p.m. all right nice George excellent sentence a lot of times you really don't need to use it like as an estimate you just say hey I'm I get off around 4:00 p.m. or something if you want to like if you're not sure of what time you know you get hour you get off around 4:00 p.m. sometimes you get off before sometimes you get off later I'll get off around 4:00 p.m. I get off school it's a good sentence I get off school at 4:00 p.m. typically again I'd say get off when you're talking about leaving it's almost always used in the context you're talking about work mostly so you one really you would say kind of maybe get out of class at a certain time like I get out of class at 4:00 p.m. or you just say yeah I finish school at 4:00 p.m. if you're talking about getting off it's more something work-related when you're talking about what time do you leave work what time do you get off so again for those of you are just joining us again hit us up in the chat let us know your name where are you were you watching this lesson from we were talking about five different phrasal verbs with get and their different meanings so just to review again it's always good to review because some of you maybe you've been watching this from the beginning but just to show those that just joined us we talked about again I'll just run back through these real quick to review get around is again talking about three different meanings going from one place to another maybe traveling from country to country and you really get around a lot it can be to avoid something oftentimes I would say avoiding traffic we need to get around the traffic and again it's also can be used talking about in the having a lot of sexual relations just saying it's again it's a standalone sentence mostly gossip saying oh you know he gets around or she gets around and you're talking about some other person to get through it was the second one we talked about and you're talking about getting through to someone like on the phone you're trying to connect with them it can also mean to communicate effectively with somebody I'm trying to get through to you to help you understand the meaning of these phrasal verbs and hopefully this is making it easier it can also mean to get through something to survive an ordeal or an issue or a situation that maybe you find difficult we talked about get across and after I go through these I'm going to give you guys the questions to get across that first one is to help make sure to help make somebody understand something and typically you're talking about something like a an idea a feeling an opinion you're trying to get that across to another person or to a group of people you're trying to get your point across and then the other one like I said is to get across like literally to go from one side to another but it is typically talking that something is maybe a little more challenging that you have to get across and that was the difference between get across and go across and I use that Street as an example if there's no cars I would go across the street if there are cars I would say oh we need to get across the street try and find some way to do it the next one we talked about again quickly was get off I asked you guys what time do you get off work again it's typically it's just talking about work another meaning for get off was again like the bus the Train a bike you are actually getting off of it and leaving another one is again telling somebody hey you know get off of me somebody's on top of you or maybe like I said they step on your foot and you just say hey you know get off asking them stop touching me get off probably the more difficult one would be in this context of you know getting out of a punishment and then you're talking more specifically about crime maybe somebody's going to jail and they got off pretty easy they weren't severely punished and then the last one we just talked about it was get by talking about getting by with money getting by with knowledge and surviving and being able to get through this and it also means again getting by if somebody's blocking your way excellent George I'm following you on Twitter you have nice lessons there thank you very much again if you guys want more practice please follow us on social media were on Facebook and Twitter we post a lot of different questions it's not just stuff that's YouTube related to help you guys practice and kind of test your different knowledge of English so right now I am going to test your knowledge of what we just learned okay so wait a second I want to delete this before I turn on haha I don't want to show you the question just yet here we go okay so here we have the five phrasal verbs there okay now there's my hand five that we talked about get around get through get across get off and get by so I am going to ask you a question and what I want you to do is write it into the chat and I'll see how fast you guys are I know there's a little bit of a delay in this but I'm going to give you a question and I just want you to write the answer okay which phrasal verb are you going to use get around get through get across get off or get by so your first question is right here let's see okay so there is the first question I want you to write the answer right the phrasal verb in the chat all right so the question the bridge is destroyed how are we going to to the other side the bridge is destroyed how are we going to to the other side all right again we're talking about going from one side to the other which phrasal verb are we going to use for that alright just write your answer into the chat okay what do you think the bridge is destroyed how are we going to to the other side again if you know we're talking about a bridge probably the bridge is crossing over some type of river or something which means that there is a challenge remember if the bridge is is maybe crossing over something there is a challenge standing in your way which means let me write I'll throw the answer in there for you so the how are we going to get across to the other side whoops that is there we go okay that is actually still you can't see that on there let's alright remember the reason that we're talking about like we use get a across there we go we're trying to get from one side to the other and typically like I said there's usually something that maybe is preventing you from doing this remember I use the example of crossing the street when there are a lot of cars you wouldn't really say I know some of you said get through to the other side like usually if you're getting going getting through something you're actually going through like a tunnel or something like that so again in this context where you're specifically talking about a bridge that's kind of the key word there you would be talking about getting across from one side to the other alright again all right who's wrong don't worry it's alright if you get it wrong this is all good it's just practice practice practice next question that I have for you guys okay this one should be easy you guys should get this one the next question for you this right here alright she's working late and won't until 11 p.m. that's my my popping sound effect for those blank spaces she's working late and won't until 11 p.m. which one which one is it which phrasal verb are we talking about get around get through get across get off or get by if you're just joining us I'm kind of we're doing a little practice right now quizzing you on your knowledge of these get phrasal verbs and again even if you're watching this later and this is no longer being live-streamed I'd suggest you know go ahead you know keep answering right these answers in the comments it's good to keep practicing so the key word here is again we are talking about work okay so if we're talking about work then the phrasal verb that we would want to use make sure I have enough room is this one alright she's working late and won't get off until 11 p.m. we're talking about work we're talking about leaving work we want to use get off excellent good job guys um let's go with the next one all right you're ready here we go the next one question I have for you is boom this one right here all right we were finally able to then speak to our family all right think about the context that this sentence is being used in what is the situation what do you think just by reading this sentence we are finally able to and speak to our family okay you know that you're speaking to somebody you are communicating alright which phrasal verb is it write it in the comments all right let's see let's see who's the fastest all right we we were finally able to and speak to our family which phrasal verb do you think we use get around get through get across get off or get by okay all right so think about it got some answers excellent you're talking about you know we're talking about speak to our family you're talking about talking to somebody and typically in this context you know given that all like we're finally able to and speak to our family makes me think that they are not in the same areas they are not right in front of each other which means that probably they're talking on the phone all right so if they're talking on the phone we would say we would want to use this one all right get through we were finally able to get through and speak to our family all right you're talking about communicating with somebody get through the next one all right let's do some more um boom all right this one it's easy but it's a little more challenging I want you to use the phrase over but use it with the correct form okay try to see if you can use it in the correct form how would you really complete this sentence right now I'm the bus right now I'm the bus are you going to use get around get through get across get off or get by and which form that is a that is a hint as to what I want you to try and write in there okay um all right how would you complete this other sentence right now I'm the bus the key word another key word in here is right now you are talking about now now now now now which verb form do we use with right now okay right now I'm the bus what phrasal verb which of these five which which of these five phrasal verbs are you going to use alright you guys are getting it awesome I like that you're getting the form that I'm talking about again we're talking about something that is bending now so which verb form are we going to use okay the answer okay remember we're talking about the the bus you're talking about a situation most likely what do people do they either get on a bus or they get off of a bus okay so they're talking about you know the other phrasal verbs you wouldn't really you know it doesn't make much sense to use with this context of talking about a bus again when you're getting off of something getting off a train getting off a bus getting off a bike we would say right now again because you're talking about now which is the present continuous right now I'm getting off the bus okay so again maybe you're talking to somebody on the phone and they say hey what are you doing and you're like well I'm getting off the right now I'm getting off the bus okay you just got somewhere you are getting off or maybe you are traveling somewhere okay does that make sense if you get off of something you are exiting it you are leaving okay the next question that I have for you okay let's do another one this one right here okay which phrasal verb which of these five get phrasal verbs would you use get around get through get across get off get by so the sentence I just barely with a passing grade okay I just barely mmm with a passing grade I kind of when we were going through this I gave you some of those examples um if you're just joining us again we're just kind of doing a little phrasal verb quiz with get so I would ask you guys write your answers in the comments right or wrong it really doesn't matter this is not a test this is just for you to practice and make this a little more interactive in an actual lesson so fill in the blank with descendants I just barely with a passing grade okay I'll give you a little hint because I haven't seen any answers I'll give you a little hint you're talking about you know surviving you're talking about enduring something with the resources that you have and this is talking about your knowledge okay your knowledge you've got you you are able to survive or endure with your knowledge and with a passing grade I almost said the answer right there I just barely hmm with a passing grade so this is the context you're talking about school you're talking about it the other thing I would say again and I should have reminded you from the beginning play pay close attention to the verb form okay so again in this context is this something is this a sentence that you would say is in the future is it in the present or is it in the past all right are they talking about the the future the present or the past in this sense because I see so you you got the you got the right phrasal verb so again this sentence we told you you're talking about the your knowledge you're able to survive you're able to endure it is something that is said and you're talking about the past because it's a passing grade you already received it it's finished it's done all right so I barely got by with a passing grade okay I just barely got by with a passing grade you took a class it was difficult maybe you thought you were going to fail but you didn't you survived you endured you got by with the knowledge that you had and again this was used in the past all right excellent but you guys got that one good job good job um next question that I have for you ah let's keep doing some of these okay next question boom right time so we're talking about he's having a tough time the divorce we're talking about a difficult situation all right something that something somebody's inexperienced a difficult experience a difficult situation so which phrasal verb would you use alright and again bonus points pay close attention to the verb form that you would need to use as well alright are you going to use get around get through get across get off get by okay which one would you use okay so he's having a tough time the divorce get around get through get across get off get by remember the the verb form or the form that we would need to use okay so again you're talking about a difficult situation and experience the that you need to survive all right you guys awesome I'm going to if you're having a difficult time with an experience a situation you're talking about getting through it you're talking about surviving it enduring it so that you know it's at a point where it finally ends so you'd have a tough time the form that you'd want to use again it's not Tepic typically a verb but he's having a tough time getting through the divorce all right and this one was a little tricky because again the main verb is um you know talking about like he is having all right this is actually a you know a gerund so this is going to be a gerund of it you know you're having a tough time you know I'm having a tough time when when something follows that phrase you're going to use the Jarren alright I'm having a tough time doing homework I'm having a tough time following this lesson I don't know I'm having a tough time getting through the divorce so this one was a little more tricky because we're using the gerund right here still even though it is a phrasal verb getting through I don't want to get too much into the grammar if some of you are sitting there thinking like what the heck is a gerund in this sentence this is the correct context he's having a tough time getting through the divorce excellent again yeah that one that that is a little more difficult trying to throw some easier ones out there and then some more challenging ones so let's try let's do an easier one okay let's do this one right here so see if you can fill in this sentence all right again if you're just joining us we're doing a little phrasal verb quiz here with get okay so I want you to look at the sentence right the correct phrasal verb in the blank get around get through get across get off or get by you are stepping on my toes all right this is a command you're using it in the imperative and you're telling somebody to mmm what which phrasal verb which get phrasal verb are you going to use in this context so which one would you guys use alright I thought it was a video not live no no Marco we are live actually this is live so ok excellent so this one was a little easier I think again you're talking about somebody stepping on your toes and you want them to stop touching you so you would tell them to get off all right you're stepping on my toes get off okay again get off telling somebody stop touching you is one of the meanings of that phrasal verb let's do another one on this one I think is a little more challenging because maybe the context I think we use it it's not something he would hear as regularly okay so give that one a try she broke her leg so it's difficult for her - okay so think about again the context somebody breaks their leg um it's difficult for them to move so which phrasal verb which of those get phrasal verbs would complete that sentence she broke her leg so it's difficult for her to we need to use get around get through get across MA in mud hi hi everyone hey welcome how's it going we're doing a quick little practice with get phrasal verbs if you're just joining us giving you some questions and just asking you to fill in the blank with either get around get through get across get off get by write your response in the chat so she broke her leg so it's difficult for her too which one which one do you think which one would would make the most sense to complete that sentence alright and so again we're talking about in this context somebody broke their leg so it is like I said it's difficult for them to move alright it's difficult for them you know I don't I I don't know if you've ever broken your leg before I haven't but I imagine it is tough for people to you know obviously go from one room to the next even in or go shorter distances so in this context if you're talking about moving she broke her leg so it's difficult for her to get around remember this was the first phrasal verb and the first meaning that we talked about during this live lesson I told you to get around basically means to move from one place to another and you can use it in the context of travelling long distances whether maybe you say oh you know I've been to France I've been to Egypt I've been to China I've been to the United States and say wow that person really gets around they move a lot from one place to the other it can also mean about moving short distances I said typically you know getting around is used frequently when you're talking about maybe somebody who's older maybe a grandparent that you're talking about oh you know my grandmother has a tough time getting around moving from one place to another one all right so does that make sense let's do another one okay got two more for you here we go so the next one boom alright so this one it is a separable phrasal verb alright I didn't talk about too much about which one's separable inseparable again it's another challenge with phrasal verbs some of them you can some of you can't in this one it is separated if you let me my point then I'll tell you why you're wrong alright again this is a common collocation in English these are this when you're talking about your point it is commonly used with this get phrasal verb are we talking about get around get through get across get off or get by okay which one would you guys say which phrasal verb write it in the chat if you are watching this later again just write the sentence in the comments make it more active language-learning even if it is a recorded video and we are not live anymore write it in the chat keep practicing those are you're with us now of course we are live so what I want you to do again how would you which phrasal verb er you're going to use with that question if you'd let me my point then I'll tell you why you're wrong alright you're talking about trying to share information trying to share express your your feeling your opinion your idea what would you say what phrasal verb would complete that sentence which get phrasal verb get around get through get across get off or get by again like I said this one maybe is a little more difficult because a lot of times I think again you hear it in this context when you're talking about somebody's point they're trying to express themselves and you're using which one okay all right so again if we're talking about an idea or an opinion and especially if you're talking about your point we would say if you'd let me get my point across then I'll tell you well why you're wrong okay if you'd let me get my point across then I'll tell you why you're wrong so again if you're talking about your point you want to get your point across get it across to somebody you want to them to understand your idea your opinion you want to get something across to someone else and a lot of times like I said it's used with the word point it's also could be used with the word message you want to get your message across when you're wanting to share your idea a lot of times politicians would talk about this when they're talking about a new policy or something that they want to implement in the government and they want to get their message across to the public to the people so again when you're using with get across a lot of times you find it with either point or maybe a word like message to get your point across or to get something across to someone else okay let's do one more all right let's do another let's give this one a try so hopefully that one makes sense I want to get your point across how about this one it's hard to to him because he's so stubborn all right it's hard to to him because he's so stubborn which phrase over which get phrasal verb most appropriately completes this sentence okay and this is a this is a little more maybe challenging again it's hard to to him because he's so stubborn which one which phrasal verb are you going to use are you going to use get around get through get across get off or get by okay remember in this in this instance you're talking about communicating with some you're trying to communicate with somebody and the other keyword that here is stubborn if you know what stubborn means then I think this would make a little more sense okay if Subba nee is stubborn they don't like to change they don't really listen to people they do whatever they they want and they it's difficult to change them so if somebody is stubborn it's hard to alright it's hard to it's hard to to him because he's so stubborn maybe I I am actually like this sometimes I can be very stubborn so it's hard to to me so what which one would you say Eloisa hello how are you that's some new names up there now um so again write your answer in the chat or if you don't know just write I don't know it's okay again this isn't a you know this isn't a major quiz or a test that you guys are taken it's all just about practice and you know what they say practice makes perfect okay so again you're talking about you're trying to communicate something with this person him maybe we're talking about me because he's so stubborn and to give you the answer it's hard to it's hard to get through to him because he's so stubborn all right you get through to someone else one of the key words I'd say in there was that - because I told you this is technically a three word phrasal verb get through to someone all right to be able to communicate with them so that you you guys make a connection that you understand each other and this is different than get across because getting across you're talking kind of about something else you're talking about your idea your thought this is just trying to establish a connection with somebody so that you can start a conversation so that you can try to find some common ground and you say it's hard to get through to him because he's so stubborn okay so again I hope you guys I hope you guys enjoyed that lesson what I'd say is if you came in a little late again you can go back rewatch it we went through the meaning of each of those phrasal verbs um we talked about all of those we talked about get around get through get across get off get by and their different meanings and then we did that practice so again I'd recommend you know re watching it again going through the practice again see if that makes sense because again all of this is going to help you and phrasal verbs they can be a real pain I know that and they are difficult to try and teach because again you have one phrasal verb with all of these different meanings but it's just good to practice and expose yourself to these meanings so again you'll start to internalize this information and you will really start to understand it so again you know we appreciate you guys joining us and finally I'd say check us out right there on social media if you want more practice if you're using any of these social media accounts Facebook Instagram snapchat Twitter obviously you're watching us on YouTube right now but these are all good ways to just get a little exposure each day we put up different questions for you to answer if you want to answer them or not it's up to you but it's always good to have that option and this is available for you so please take advantage of it the last thing that I want to tell you is please please please again sharing is caring if you want to help us spread the word to other people please share this video are some of our other videos we are trying to reach as many people as possible and we are going to keep doing these livestream lessons and hopefully we'll do them a little more regularly so you'll know exactly when to expect them but right now we did one on Saturday we're going to try and do one next Saturday and we post that on both Facebook and Twitter so you will know what time we will be doing that so again thank you guys for joining us Natalia Jorge Marco Luisa who else was with us thank you guys Ahmad is great having you guys here I hope you enjoyed this lesson hope you enjoyed learning some new phrasal verbs hope you learned some of these new phrasal verbs and now try to go out and continue practicing them alright thank you guys and we will see you next time goodbye
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 46,922
Rating: 4.9287601 out of 5
Keywords: Interactive English, Learn English Free, Practice English, Learn English Online, Learn English Speaking, Study English, English Learning, english phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs with get, phrasal verb lesson, phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, learn english phrasal verbs, learn get phrasal verbs, 5 phrasal verbs with get, useful grammar lesson, how to learn phrasal verbs, i want to learn phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs get, advanced grammar
Id: koMJWojuEr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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