IDIOMS to Express Hope & Inspiration | Vocabulary Lesson

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if you'd like to express hope and inspiration then this lesson is for you hey everyone my name is Wes this is interactive English which is all about helping you practice and improve your English skills and today I want to talk to you about some idioms that you can use to to help give other people some hope and inspiration especially if they've been feeling a little down and just need that extra encouragement to get through some situation in life so the first idiom that I have for you is keep your chin up so this idiom means that you want to encourage someone to you know stay positive if they are going through a difficult situation you want them to keep their chin up and though this idiom comes from what when people feel a little sad typically their head might be down so you're telling them you're basically saying you know keep your chin up you know things are going to get better and you just want to give them that little bit of encouragement to stay positive in some difficult situation keep your chin up often I think it's use as a standalone statement it's kind of like you're giving somebody a command and saying hey you know keep your chin up alright things are gonna get better stay positive keep your chin up anyway keep your chin up you keep looking and good things will happen [Music] you work on that for you just keep your chin up the next idiom is you know hang in there and this idiom it also means to you to encourage someone to keep trying especially when they are going through some difficult situation too to keep trying don't give up just just hang in there you can do it when I think of somebody using like hang in there I think that that person is doing something that they're actually doing some kind of work or activity and they're actually they're doing something that they don't want to do and they are having to endure this thing so you may hear this used again is just a standalone statement somebody saying you know just just hang in there you can do it or they might say you know I need you to hang in there especially if they are encouraging you to finish because maybe you're working together and you're like you know I need you to hang in there or maybe you're talking about yourself and you're telling somebody and they're listening to your problems and you'd say you know I'm just having a tough time hanging in there and then the other person might tell you you know it stay positive keep your chin up so again these are very useful idioms to offer that hope and inspiration have a plan and I am going to save our jobs hang in there please just hang in there a little longer okay it's okay feel just hang in there next is the expression break a leg and this is used just to to tell somebody good luck so instead of saying good luck you can just replace it with this idiom and say break a leg so you would often hear it right before somebody is getting ready to do something such as a performance and instead of saying good luck you say break a leg they're getting ready to start the competition could be a sport competition and academic competition and before they begin you could say hey break a leg you could even use it together with good luck and say you know good luck break a leg I believe in you I want to give you that that that hope so just go out there do your best break a leg grab your scripts people we open in 20 minutes break a leg Serkis floor on a wire no wider than a human know if he's time Oh break leg then we have in the bag and if you say that something is in the bag it means that that you are sure of success or are you are sure of accomplishing something you are you're very confident in something and you might hear somebody say just a general statement like hey it's in the bag when giving somebody a little bit of hope or inspiration I think this idiom could be used to offer some reassurance to somebody who may not be confident about what's going to happen and you tell them you know don't worry I think you can do it you know that it's in the bag you're going to have success it's in the bag don't worry this is in the bag I've got him dead to rights fingerprints witnesses it's in the bag the next idiom and it's also a very popular expression and that is sky's the limit and if somebody says you know the sky's the limit then it just means that there is no limit to your success to your aspirations and this is a great way to offer someone some inspiration by telling them you know to keep going that they can continuously grow and develop and succeed and you you can express that by saying you know sky's the limit for example I could try to offer you some inspiration if you're you're having some difficulty and tell you you know just just keep going I hope you keep learning with us throughout this year there's so much that you can achieve and accomplish and grow the sky's the limit well I turn this one into a functioning boyfriend your birthday Big Dawg it's okay I'm good come on this guy's the limit dream big my boy then we have the idiom the world is your oyster and again I think this is often used as a standalone statement and somebody would just tell another person the world is your oyster and what it means is that that this person the person that you're telling this to will have many different opportunities to to do things in their life or their career there are so many choices that they will have you could tell them the world is your oyster often I think it's used when you're somebody is talking to a younger person that they have their whole life ahead of them and they can do all these different things and you can express that by telling them you know the world is your oyster you have so many options so many choices take advantage of it the world is your oyster I'm telling you kids from now on the world is your oyster I could do anything all bets are off or old is my oyster you're a beautiful young girl world is your oyster next is the idiom and this is one of my favorites and that is light at the end of the tunnel and somebody would say this when they want to express that things the situation is going to improve or it is going to end especially if it is a difficult or challenging situation it will improve or it's going to end that is the light at the end of the tunnel so think about the exact meaning of what this would say so if you are in a tunnel it's very dark it's a little scary nobody wants to be there you are looking for your way out of this tunnel and then you you see this light up ahead and you know that that it's going to end or things are going to improve that is what will basically again what it means light at the end of the tunnel and the reason why I really like this idiom is because I think you could use it in in any situation no matter how bad or horrible it is you can always try to find some sort of light at the end of the tunnel and it's a great way to offer somebody that hope the light at the end of the tunnel but I finally feel like I'm a place where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel this is just my luck finally catch a break at the office finally see some light at the end of the tunnel and when gone then we have the statement there's plenty of fish in the sea now this is a statement that's used for a specific situation because what it means is that you are basically telling somebody who has ended their relationship that they should stay positive and that things are going to be ok because there are plenty of other people out there that they can have another romantic relationship with so I think you would hear this idiom or even use this idiom often when somebody has ended their relationship and you're trying to reassure them that hey things are gonna be ok don't worry about it you will meet somebody else there's plenty of fish in the sea now you could also say just to throw in a little bit of grammar there are plenty of fish in the sea because fish can be both singular and plural so no matter what the the meaning is still the same there are plenty of fish in the sea or you're trying to reassure somebody else there's plenty of fish in the sea point is you're the best guy I know you'll get over her plenty of other fish in the sea another sign from the universe that I'll never find love hey come on there's plenty of fish in the sea then we have to look on the bright side and if somebody says this it means that you should be cheerful and positive even though some kind of bad situation has occurred and usually when somebody tells you you know look on the bright side they will then tell you something to stay positive about or something that is you know good news or cheerful even though there's been some terrible situation so let me give you an example say that somebody has lost their job alright that's terrible that's a bad situation and somebody might be you know pretty sad or down about that and you want to give them a little bit of inspiration so you tell them hey look on the bright side and when you say this to your friend you need to tell them why they should be cheerful so in this case maybe you say hey you know look on the bright side you have always wanted to move to this other place but you couldn't do that the job was keeping you here now you're free so look on the bright side you can move to this other place try to find a new job it's what you've always talked about doing look on the bright side now look on the bright side I mean this you won't have to live with this ugly chair don't cry look on the bright side we get to see our lives flash before our eyes if all our hair falls off our wives won't want us anymore but there you go look on the bright side then we have the idiom pull yourself together and this is this is an idiom that means that you need to gain control over your emotions and you need to start acting normal again and behaving normal so I think often it may be used as like a command somebody telling you you know pull yourself together you need to pull yourself together if something happens and you are angry or you are frantic and you start you know you start panicking then that is when another person could tell you hey you know pull yourself together you know start behaving normal so that you can solve this problem or you could even use it and talk about yourself and you're telling someone you know I need to I need to pull myself together I need to get it together and start behaving normal so that I can solve this problem and get my life in order I need to pull myself together situation worse drink is to pull myself together next is fingers crossed and this just means that you are telling somebody that you hope that they will achieve something that will happen in the future or something successful will come to passed and that you've got your fingers crossed so you can say this to somebody else if they are telling you the things that they want to do that they want to accomplish and you should say you know fingers crossed I believe in you I'm hoping for you or you could say that about yourself that you wish something will happen in the future that that would be good for you and you're trying to kind of express a little bit of hope in your own situation and you could say you know I've got my fingers crossed I I have now I lost my job I tried to look on the bright side I have moved to this other place I have applied for a new job and I'm waiting to hear back from them god I've got my fingers crossed good luck on your tenure of you make me proud fingers crossed I thought you were that interview fingers crossed okay well let's just say this is gonna be great fingers crossed then we have blessing in disguise and this just describes a situation that appears bad at first but actually turns out to be pretty good and often I think it's used to reflect back on a past situation because something was bad and then since then you know some good things happen so when you think back about that first bad situation you could refer to it and say you know it was a blessing in disguise let me give you an example and we'll stick with that same story all right somebody loses their job and they try to look on the bright side and they move to a place that they've always wanted to live they they applied for a new job kept their fingers crossed and and got that new job and then let you know maybe they met the love of their life and they got married and they had a family and then when they think back about that initial situation all right they lost their job and you know they could say hey it was a blessing in disguise so quite often you may use it to reflect back on a past situation or you could also use it if you're you know you're trying to give somebody hope and inspiration who is actually in a bad situation now and you try to reassure them and say hey you know hey maybe it's a blessing in disguise that even though there there's just this terrible situation now in the future there will be some good that may come out of it it's a blessing in disguise I got fired from running the sweetums foundation thanks to me sorry again hey blessing in disguise I took a job at this accounting firm so you see George the whole incident was a god blessing yeah I mean a blessing in disguise yeah I'm saying is maybe this is a blessing in disguise please I don't know what the father is what so now I want to do a quick review as I offer you an inspirational message okay so I would tell you I know that learning English can be challenging and difficult but I want you to keep your chin up because even though it may feel that you're not making any type of progress whatsoever and that you're not improving you really are you need to take comfort in the fact that your skills are getting better and better each and every day that you practice so there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that light is English fluency so keep doing what you're doing keep watching our video lessons keep practicing a little bit each and every day write to us in the comments I want you to just hang in there and keep working hard and don't give up because the to be perfectly honest when it comes to learning another language there is so much that it will help you with about whether it's getting a job meeting other people there's so many ways that languages can help us learn and grow sky's the limit I hope you enjoyed this lesson learn some new idioms as well as feel a little more inspired perhaps after my message all right if you did then hit that like button down below let me know thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 79,980
Rating: 4.9696908 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, idioms in english, learn english idioms, idiom lesson, vocabulary lesson, learn english vocabulary, idioms to express hope, idioms to express inspiration, keep your chin up, light at the end of the tunnel, hang in there, sky's the limit, there's plenty of fish in the sea, break a leg, look on the bright side, pull yourself together, a blessing in disguise, the world is your oyster, fingers crossed
Id: U4OBY5n2BvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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