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if you want to improve your grammar skills then this lesson is for you because I am going to talk to you about some confusing grammar in English hey everyone my name is Wes this is interactive English and if this is your first time here I want to hear from you I want you to write your name in the comments because we always love hearing from from new people and today is all about helping you practice and improve your grammar because this this is important you know grammar is is basically talking about the structure of language we need to use the appropriate grammar to communicate clearly so that we all understand each other but the problem with grammar is that there are always exceptions there are things that may be confusing and that's what I want to focus on today I want to talk to you about some of those confusing grammar problems especially that that English learners have and that may be a little bit of a challenge so the way that we're going to do this is that I am going to introduce some of these grammar topics some of these grammar challenges with a question so this is an interactive lesson where I want all of you to participate in the lesson if you're in the chat I want you to write your answers in the chat and even if you're watching this later I want you to participate that is what interactive English is all about it's about participating in the lessons and I want you to use those comment sections as a piece of paper and write your answers there to practice your English skills because that is the best way that you are going to improve is just practice practice and practice and as we go through these questions I'm gonna teach you some some different grammar that people can find a little confusing so let's just go ahead and begin with the first question that I have for you which is this one right here they're all multiple-choice than if you're just joining us we're talking about just confusing grammar grammar that everybody guides just a little confusing and the first one that I have is I get so mmm when I get the wrong answer which word best complete that sentence are you going to say a frustrated or be frustrating I get so mmm when I get the wrong answer I think many of us I think you can relate to this that we when when we get the wrong answer you know it's not something that makes us happy and somebody might be like wow I get so what what do you think I'll give you just a moment and then I want you and then we'll go over the answer and tell you which one is correct all right excellent I want to give some shout outs for people that have giving the right answer yes excellent Lali Michelle Fred owe me kima who else we have again Mohammed Johnny her Oh Johnny Hernandez hi it's going very fast Ladon Angela the correct answer is a I get so frustrated when I get the wrong answer now the reason this is confusing grammar many times learners may confuse Edie and ing adjectives so right down here I gave you a little bit of an explanation we use eg adjectives when we describe a feeling or an emotion when you describe the way you feel about something I'm frustrated I'm confused I'm bored I'm tired those are IDI adjectives that describe our feeling we use ing adjectives when you are describing a person's character a thing or a situation so for example you'd say well I am excited that's the way I feel the movie is exciting and we use that ing adjectives now I think the one the one way this really confuses people is when you're talking about a person's character because oftentimes a student I might hear somebody say and they say well I'm boring and they really want to say that they're bored that they have nothing to do and nothing is exciting and they say ah I'm bored but if they say I'm boring they're describing their character and they are calling themselves a boring person which is not what people often want to do so that is the one part that really I think confuses people when you're talking about describing a person's character because if you say he's boring or she's boring then that just means well you probably don't want to spend time with that person so keep that in mind all right Eady ing adjectives this is something that can confuse people the next question I have for you is this one what do you think which-which best completes the sentence the phone is ringing hmm answer it all right I'm giving that mmm that's that's my blank space so what would you say the phone is ringing mmm answer it would you say a I'll which is the contraction of I will or B I'm going to I'm going to I am going to which one because we can use either of those to you know talk about something that that will happen in the future what do you think would best complete and again I I think some of this can be tricky for you the phone is ringing mmm answer it all right so I'm gonna try and give a few more shout outs to people as people are writing their answers yes Faysal excellent IELTS writing Lally um who else we got Luana perfect yeah so I think a lot of sighted great a lot of you may have been tricky tricked by this one the phone is ringing I'll answer it I will answer it now you might be wondering well this this is a slight difference between I will and I'm going to now oftentimes they can be used interchangeably especially if you're talking about future plans if you say like Oh tonight I'll go out for dinner or tonight I'm going out for dinner we can use those it means the same thing but when you're talking about a quick decision something where there's not much time you're going to use I will ow so for example if you think about the situation the phone rings it happens suddenly and somebody says ok I'll get it or maybe there is a knock on the door it was unexpected it happens suddenly I'll get the door I'll answer it so in that case it's more common to use I will instead of I'm going to because when you use going to it makes me think that there was kind of a plan to do this but the truth is you never know when the phone is going to ring or if somebody says I'm going to it makes me think the phone has been ringing for a long long time or if you said I'm going to answer it maybe you'll answer it five minutes from now it just doesn't make much sense it's a slight difference you would say I will all right so excellent that is a slight difference between using will and going to that's good to know because often I think people just think that they are interchangeable no matter what context let's look at this one all right the next question is I plan to go to school - mmm my education and for this one maybe I think some of these are a little easier right now because they are multiple-choice I'm giving you an option I plan to go to school - hmm my education is it a farther or be further farther or further which one best completes that sentence you're talking about getting an education I plan to go to school - mmm my education and excellent I think we have a lot of great answers yes Mahmood yours truly abdul wahab Vicki trying to give different names say everybody's name get as many as I can Natasha yes the answer is B I plan to go to school to further my education now when you think about the difference between farther and further think of it this way all right both refer to some kind of distance we're talking about a distance farther refers to a physical distance like maybe you're traveling in a plane or a car that is a physical difference in which you can use a number to say how far it is in that case you would use farther while further refers to a figurative distance and in this case you're talking about your education you are going to go ahead you are going to become more informed you're going to get smarter and you are going to move a distance but you really don't know how far there is no number that you're going to be able to assign to that distance so it is a figurative distance and you would use further now I will say that further with the you is also sometimes used to refer to physical distances as well so for physical distances you may hear somebody say farther or further but in this sense you would want to use further alright it is a metaphor a figurative distance the next question and again if you guys if you're just joining us we are just practicing our grammar skills and learning all these different types of grammar concepts that I think can be very confusing now this none of how would you complete this sentence all right none of the bananas mmm ripe all right what do you think is it a is or B are which verb to be are you going to use to complete that sentence none of the bananas mmm ripe are you going to say is ripe or are ripe what do you think all right this question this is all about subject verb agreement now the the question that I other question that I would have for you see again this is great because I see a lot of different answers all right so yes I want to give some more shoutouts this one really tricked you Han Yong Chun Hong Kong Chun uh actually I just want to say your name in Korean I used to live in Korea but no that it actually that is not the right answer IRA yes Mohammed do we as mostiy this one tricks you guys up all right I got you got you guys excellent so yes Maria perfect the answer is B are none of the bananas are ripe all right the reason is because you're talking about none it is an indefinite pronoun but with this indefinite pronoun it can be used with either a singular or plural verb it depends on the noun to which its to which it refers so for example in this case you're talking about bananas none of the bananas bananas is a plural noun so this is going to take a plural verb none of the bananas are ripe now if I gave you a situation in which I say none of the and I say a singular noun then I would use is so keep that in mind this is an indefinite pronoun in which you can use either a singular or plural verb it really just depends on the noun all right in this case none of the bananas are ripe okay so good thing dough keep that in mind there are other words too for example some is another one some is another indefinite pronoun you can use with either a singular or plural verb let's look at the next question all right so here we go I had to throw out my mm-hmm I'm giving three three blanks Jersey and get another one I had to throw out my mmm Jersey and get another one I've given you three words here three different adjectives I want you to put them in order so I gave you blue basketball and raggedy alright I want you to take those adjectives put them in order so that the sentence makes so that the sentence makes sense alright this is all about adjectives word order which is another which is another part of grammar that can be a little confusing adjectives word order what do you guys think all right so put that in order again if you guys are just joining us we're talking about a different confusing grammar that is challenging for for many English learners and like I said you can see this question which is all about adjectives which word order put those words in order which adjectives would you use alright I'll give you another second and then I will tell you the answer alright let's see I wanted to find something for you alright so let's see let's see do we have any see you're just putting those in the numbers all right I'm trying to think I don't see any correct answer so far somebody asked Mohammed asks what's raggedy so that is a good question if something is raggedy it's an adjective that's often used to describe clothes that is old and torn maybe there's holes in it and it just looks worn down and most of the time yeah you would have to throw it away if you say oh that shirt looks raggedy so that it sorry if I didn't explain that before raggedy means something that is old and torn and sometimes things have sentimental value and you don't want to get rid of them um excellent uh yes uh rah mod Carlos thank you for those answers so we would say miss ow three if you want to do the order raggedy blue basketball jersey which would be three one two all right you're talking about I had to throw out my raggedy blue basketball jersey and get another one adjectives word order can be confusing because right down there I put it I put that together usually I think you're gonna find maybe just two or three adjectives used in a row I think very rarely you're going to have four or more adjectives come before a noun but if we're talking about order this may vary depending on the site you're going to use but most of this is pretty standard I think you're going to do opinion size shape condition age color pattern origin material purpose so in this case I'm talking about the condition first something is raggedy the condition and then the color which is blue and then it's basically the purpose it is a basketball jersey that's what it is raggedy blue basketball jersey so adjective word order is something that can be a little confusing even if you guys get these wrong I appreciate all of your answers that is the best way to practice just go ahead and answer even if you don't know the answer write it down give it a try if you haven't seen we have done a lesson on adjectives word order before if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it I am gonna throw a link to it in the chat that is what I was trying to open up there it is here it is this lesson this is a live lesson we did a while back which I think is very useful where is it about adjectives word order wait why hold on bear with me for one second I feel like I am able to move faster than the Internet and I have to wait there it is so if you're looking for more information about adjectives word order check out that lesson it is very useful but again that that is great I want you guys to answer and participate and I do want to let you know we love you having you guys here if you want to connect with us if you want to support what we do here at interactive English we always appreciate your support you can connect with us on patreon we are active on patreon we have a whole family of patrons that really helped make this possible I will put a link there's a link in the description down below and here is another link in the chat if you want to check out our patreon page and we offer some cool different rewards and again it's another way for you to join the family connect with us and support what we do if you don't it's ok no worries we're still gonna come out and do these lessons each and every week to help you guys practice and improve your skills so let's continue with the grammar all right let's look at some more confusing grammar the next one that I have for you is this which which is grammatically correct now we're getting into a little bit of punctuation so we're talking about a dialogue something that somebody says all right so you have four different sentences to choose from sentence number one I'll read the sentences but I can't really explain the the punctuation that they're looking at I know some people like to listen to our lessons which is why I don't know if you notice this I actually try to read everything out loud so in case somebody is listening in their car they'll still be able to follow along because they don't see it but in this case sentence number one she said I took the photo number two the photo was taking by me he said number three I took the photo he said or number four the photo she said was taken by me which one is correct but for this one you really need to look at look at those sentences and determine the correct punctuation all right what do you guys think which sentence is correct and if you guys are just joining us that's okay don't worry if you're late just jump right in start answering questions we are doing a little bit of a interactive quiz on confusing grammar all right now I will tell you there is only one answer for this and have some correct answers yes Marco Mary Jane perfect Mikey and Mijares excellent so again this is wow this is a little tricky the correct answer is sentence number four that is our winner sentence number four so let's go ahead I kind of I've highlighted sentence number four but I will go ahead and tell you why each one so some of you put sentence number one she said I took the photo the problem is remember if we're talking about what somebody says you need to use quotes and when you're using quotes like this we're talking about - all right there are those two lines around that in that sentence I just put the one which means it is not correct that is the nut that is not the correct way to say these quotes the next one number two the photo was taking by me he said this is an example of the passive voice all right in that case you're using the verb to be followed by the past participle instead of was taking it should be was taken all right so was taking that is incorrect number three the that I took the photo he said in this one number 3 is incorrect because the quotes are around the wrong part of the sentence you don't want to put the quotes around he said you want to put the quotes around I took the photo so number three is incorrect and number four this is an example of a divided quote it's not something that you will see this if you're reading people will take quotes and they will divide it and the reason it's a divided quote because I said quote the photo he said was taken by me and again this is written in the passive voice the photo was taken by me but I've divided the quote and said he said so again you would have quotes on the first part the photo and you need that comma there you need that comma she said comma and in quotes was taken by me all right so again this is a little tricky this was a punctuation question and I think the best way to be able to learn this and identify this is just to read the more you read you will see that the grammar is written correctly reading is such a great way to improve your grammar skills without actually actively practicing your grammar skills today we're really practicing our grammar skills because I want you to answer these questions but reading is a great way to get exposure to the correct grammar and you guys can just keep practicing practicing and practicing all right let's look at the next one so we hmm for the bus for over 20 minutes hopefully it'll arrive soon all right now I want to again I'm gonna just tell you which one best completes the sentence which one best completes the sentence we mmm for the bus for over 20 minutes hopefully it'll arrive soon is it a weighted B have waited or C have been waiting which one best Co completes the sentence we mmm for the bus for over 20 minutes hopefully it'll arrive soon write your answer in the chat and if you're watching this later write your answers in the comments because again it's good practice practice practice practice makes perfect so excellent I think wow everybody was really knocking this one out yes Akiko yours truly jothee she'll Leonardo excellent train Truong Aziza sorry if i mispronounce names dari I'm trying to say as many new names as possible the answer is C that is the that is the one that will best complete the sentence we have been waiting for the bus for over 20 minutes hopefully it'll arrive soon you use the present perfect continuous to talk about a continuous action started in the past it has continued to the present and will likely continue into the future that is the situation in which you would use this verb tense I think it's uh sometimes it's confused with the present perfect and you could say for example we've waited for the bus for over 20 minutes however I added that last part hopefully it'll arrive soon which basically means that you will still be waiting you are still waiting right now so it's talking about something that is happening an action that is continuous right now so that is why the present perfect continuous that is the correct answer for this question the next one are you ready and this is something that I I feel like learners confuse a lot especially in their writing if I would see learners write stories or write essays and or just practice their grammar and they would really confuse this I wonder where mmm eat dinner tonight I wonder will where mmm eat dinner tonight is it a they will or B will they all right which one completes that scent there's only one right answer all right so would you say I wonder where they will eat dinner tonight that is a or b I wonder where will they eat dinner tonight which one do you think best completes this sentence a or b write your answers and I will give you just a moment and then I will tell you the correct answer wow you guys are actually musty or really uh you're you're rocking this one excellent so perfect Andre excellent our Athena perfect Chandi MA excellent Aman yes the answer is a they will I wonder where they will eat dinner tonight now the question that I would have for you if if you answered a and you answered correctly I would then say why why is that the case why do we say they will instead of will they and if you can explain that then that is great that means that you have that advanced level of grammar that you can talk about what this is because the reason that we use they they will is because this is a noun clause where they will eat for dinner tonight dinner tonight that is a noun clause and a noun clause all right so if you don't know it is a dependent clause it acts as a noun so where they will eat dinner tonight that is my whole noun clause it acts as a noun it has a subject which is they it has a verb which is will and often these clauses if you want to identify them they often begin with words such as how that what where why there there's many wherever whatever there's many different words that you can use now when you are writing this and you're writing the Clause remember a sentence follows the a pattern it's not a question this is not a question so you need to have the subject and then follow it with the verb they will eat all right so you are going to follow it with the verb and not the other way around I think oftentimes when students might see this they they they have where and they think question and then they want to switch the subject and the verb but not in this case the same way if said I wonder where they will eat for dinner tonight I can follow that with another noun clause and say I don't know what they will eat for dinner tonight what they will eat for dinner is another noun clause again what they will eat all right you're going to have subject and then the verb excellent let's look at the next one yeah somebody said that one that last one that was not a question all right just something that somebody's thinking they're wondering well what do you think I suggest that everyone hmm our Saturday lessons which word completes that this is confusing grammar all right I've seen this this is a mistake that yes many learners tend to make this is a little more advanced grammar so let's look where is it so write your answer in the chat what do you think best completes that sentence I suggest that everyone mmm our Saturday lessons a join B joins or C will join alright so I have some good answers I'm trying to find if you bear with me I'm trying to find another video for you have another video lesson to share with you that's going to help you better understand the answer if you want more information about these that is very useful so let's look all right found it so the correct answer yes um I want to give some shout outs to yes excellent Mohammed Louisa perfect Kiko yes do we have any others the correct answer is a I suggest that everyone join our Saturday lessons now you may be looking at this and be like wait a second subject verb agreement everyone joins but in this case I suggest that is talking about the subjunctive mood a suggestion that somebody has so in that case I suggest that everyone join our Saturday live lessons the subjunctive mood it refers to a hypothetical situation in which you use the base form of the verb in the noun clause so right there we just talked about noun clauses it's another noun clause I suggest and then that everyone joins our Saturday lessons that is our noun clause it starts with that and then we have subject everyone in our verb join but it is the subjunctive so we're going to say everyone join alright there are many verbs out there that when you see that that identify like oh it is the subjunctive the subjunctive mood for example I recommend I demand I insist so those are some other verbs that you would use with the subjunctive mood and for more information on that I suggest you can check out we did another lesson in the past about grammar mistakes that even advanced learners often make and if you would like to check out that lesson I'm throwing it right there in the chat you can check that out a little later all right so that is the subjunctive mood let's look at the next one okay so this one this is I'm sorry you're looking at this like oh goodness I want you to first read this and tell me how many mistakes do you see how many mistakes and I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you that they are all mistakes with prepositions because I can't you can't do a great confusing grammar lesson without talking about prepositions so this is a great way to practice this I've had this little reading for you I want you to say how many mistakes with prepositions do you see first let's identify the mistakes that's the first step in this process so I'll just go ahead and read it for you it says okay read I'm gonna read it as is a long time ago I had a terrible flight experience leaving to New York first the flight was delayed from three hours many people complained over waiting was so long a few hours later everyone was told the plane was incapable at taking off I had to wait until the next morning to leave that was a long time ago now I can look back and laugh on it all right so if you're just listening to me read it probably some of it sounds a bit awkward so there are there's actually quite a few mistakes with the preposition so the first thing I want you to do is just look at it look at those prepositions and find well how many mistakes do you see and then we're gonna go through and identify them and talk about well which ones how do we change these alright so this is a longer question all about prepositions all right so all right see some some different answers in there excellent um I'm gonna go back yes all right let's give our gonna give some shout outs for people that have found all of them yes IELTS writing nice job um who else do we have anybody else no gosh most people say five okay there's more than five all right I'll go ahead and tell you all right there are in this all right there are six mistakes with prepositions there are six mistakes I have highlighted those mistakes for you right here all right so now you can see the mistakes leaving to New York it's a mistake delayed from three hours mistake complained over waiting mistake waiting with so long mistake incapable at taking off mistake and laughs on it mistake now what I want you to do is go through all right see if you can I'd any crime out so write the preposition and then maybe write New York and then write the next one so I will tell you why it was a mistake and the correct preposition that you should use but I want you to go through and think about what should you change those prepositions to for example my flight was experience leaving to New York that is a problem all right the key word there is leaving all right you're talking about leaving some pumps someplace and if you're talking about flying all right all right we see some divot yes Sayid excellent that's what we're looking for delayed yes all right lots of perfect delayed for Krishna X and yes hon cheung chau allison yes so those are somewhere let's let's look through this together okay so a long time ago I had a terrible flight experience leaving from New York remember you would travel to someplace but if you're leaving you're going to leave from there so you're leaving from New York first the flight was delayed by three hours so something might be delayed by a certain amount of time delayed by because in this situation there are there are verbs that are usually followed by certain prepositions as well as some adjectives that are often followed by prepositions and that's what I tried to throw in there so the flight was delayed by three hours many people complained about waiting for so long so you would complain about something now you could complain to someone if you're talking to a person but in this case we're not talking to a person you're talking about you're complaining about the delay and you were complaining about waiting or you're complaining about waiting for so long you wait for a period of time after a few hours everyone was told the plane was incapable of taking off you are incapable of doing something I had to wait until the next morning to leave that was a long time ago now I can look back and laugh about it I often think you could say you could laugh at it I think that might be acceptable as well but I think more appropriately like if you're talking about thinking about something in the past more often people would say well they laugh about mistakes in the past I can look back and laugh about it now because it's already happened all right so I hope that you guys did well if you got all of those correct then write to me in the chat right perfect right the word perfect so I know that you knew the answer to all of those because this prepositions those are tricky little function words that again they are difficult to learn you just have to practice them like in this exercise right here or again reading reading reading reading really helps you because you are seeing the verbs followed by the correct preposition and over time you just start you take that information in so I hope that this grammar quiz this little interactive quiz was helpful for you that is what it's all about in order to practice your skills and actually talk about why the grammar is the way it is so if you learn something new if you enjoy this lesson please hit that like button let me know that is the way that you can let me know that okay in the future we should do more grammar lessons we should do more grammar quizzes like this because it helps you it helps you improve your skills and it helps you understand grammar a bit more hit that like button let me know and as always you guys can write us questions in the comments we love hearing from you and be sure to check out our social media we are active on Twitter on Instagram and on Facebook you can find us there well he says all wrong oh no that's not good we will definitely we will definitely have more practice like this in the future because it is it's a great way for you guys to participate in these lessons that is what it's all about that is a great way to improve your skills so thank you guys so much for joining me thank you Andre neckla perfect Aziza can we say leaving New York you could say leaving and take that preposition out yes that would be fine Swati Angela thank you guys a lot ah Tom Tom Tom time perfect Andre rusney hope you got I hope you guys enjoy the run rest of your weekend have a wonderful day and I will see you guys next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 63,060
Rating: 4.9571242 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english grammar, learn grammar, learn advanced grammar, advanced english lesson, intermediate grammar, intermediate english lesson, confusing grammar in english, confusing grammar for english learners, grammar quiz, interactive lesson, practice english grammar, online grammar quiz, learn english grammar, english grammar quiz, interactive english quiz, practice english skills, advanced grammar lesson
Id: _d3zNlATCDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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