VERB TENSE QUIZ | Grammar Lesson for Intermediate to Advanced Learners

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hey everyone my name is Wes this is interactive English which if this is your first time here we are all about helping you practice and improve your English skills and the way that we are going to do that today is this is this is all about practice and I am going to give you a verb tense quiz that's right we are going to practice your knowledge of the different verb tenses now if you have not seen the lesson that we did before which was all about the twelve different verb tenses I suggest you check that out and I am going to throw a link to it right here in the chat so that last lesson about the twelve different verb tenses is is what's leading us into this lesson right here in which we are going to practice our skills because practice makes practice makes perfect I almost screwed that up practice makes perfect the more you do something the better you will be so what I want you guys to do is I want you to participate in this lesson that is what interactive English is all about even if you are watching this later I want you to write your answer in the comments section use it like it's a piece of paper write your answers participate in the lesson and also just tell me hello say what's up tell me your name I just want to hear from you guys give you guys a quick little shout out hello hello lollie kelly maria lydia Baeza sahara olivia hello hello welcome thank you guys for joining me I will give more shoutouts as we go through the lesson and the quiz but let's just get into it so the first set of questions that I have for you it's gonna get it will get more difficult as we go along but the first part of it it is multiple choice so here is your first question okay and I've blanked out the part I want you to tell me which answer best completes the sentence a B or C or if you're very fast at typing just write the whole sentence because I think that that's really useful that will help you out so I hmm English since 2005 alright and there yes there is me over there my goofy picture I just tried to find something a picture where I was looking ridiculous so I M English since 2005 what do you think which of those verb tenses will best complete the answer yes excellent Aditya sorry if I mispronounced names Angela Leonardo Jacqueline the answer is C I have been teaching English since 2005 this is an example of the present perfect progressive it's talking about an action that started in the past has continued to the present and will likely continue into the future because I will continue teaching English I have been teaching one of the key words that I wanted to point out in here is the word since when you see words like since and for that that can indicate the perfect tense so in this case we are going to use the present perfect progressive next one here we go from time to time we mmm for dinner okay from time to time we mmm for dinner what what do you think best completes that sentence I tried to find an image of this eating out wait we I was about to say the answer alright that's not the type of restaurant we typically go to but it was a fun image so I thought I would use it so again if you're just joining us I saw somebody come in it's okay Brenna if you're late no problem we are practicing your English skills this is a verb tense quiz all right what do you think which one completes the sentence yes new yen go Xie Carlo Syed excellent a eat out that is the correct answer from time to time we eat out for dinner we're talking about the present simple and the the hint that I tried to give you was that from time to time because from time to time that is an expression that means the same as sometimes sometimes from time to time they mean the same thing and that is that adverb of frequency will tell us the present simple it's something that's used to describe actions that are in the present and they are habitual they are factual so this is something that's that is habitual we do it from time to time all right are you ready for your next question which is this by the time I arrived at the restaurant everyone mmm eating what do you guys think all right write your answer in the chat write your answer in the comments if you're watching this later I just want you to participate because that is the best way to improve your skills not just learning and listening but actually engaging with the lessons by the time I arrived at the restaurant everyone mmm eating okay what what do you guys think all right what what do you what do you think Thank You Maria you're awesome - I think you're great as well so yes exactly as seeing some good answers yes lolly foo Leah sleepwalker Kate Wang Wang Tien Elena the answer is C by the time I arrived at the restaurant everyone had already started eating so let's let's dissect this and talk about it in a little more detail this is an example of the past perfect one indicator is that already when you see already that also talks about more of the perfect tense so if this refers to two actions that are in the past one happened before the other so by the time I arrived at the restaurant all right this is my dependent clause this is my adverb clause and it is in the past the simple past arrived it's what happened before that everyone had already started eating I'm going to use the past perfect so before I arrived something else happened which is everyone had already started eating see is the correct answer great job you guys you guys are rocking this excellent that must mean maybe you guys also that lesson last week and you learned all of these verb tenses and you know them perfectly okay then next one I'm gonna I'm gonna try and go through this quickly too and just keep it moving right along I tried but the door just mmm open okay I tried but the door just mm open what what do you think which which verb best completes this sentence and again we're just starting out as we go through them they will get a bit more challenging a little more difficult as we continue going through these so let's see I tried but the door just mmm open all right think about if somebody is saying this to you all right the keyword in there are the key phrase I would say is I tried I tried I tried to do something but the door just mmm open all right the correct answer yes I'm gonna give it a couple shoutouts Mickey Elena Sarah who else has it [Music] perfect the correct answer is C I tried but the door just won't open it will not open I gave you an example like this last week which it is the future simple it describes actions that will happen in in the future but it expresses some it can express some sort of fact or certainty so in this case somebody that the key phrase is I tried somebody's trying to open the door but it's it's not opening and you're subscribing the situation of how this certainty what's it gonna be like in the future you know the door won't open the door just won't open I tried but the door just won't open so if this is some situation which you're in you're you're trying to do something but it's not going to happen you will use won't all right I tried to make a phone call but my phone it just it won't work all right so I tried but the door just won't open okay future simple ready next one okay lately mmm watching reruns of the office okay and this is uh this is a true story all right my wife and I you wanna and our little girl and me we we you know lately I don't want to say it I get close to actually telling you the answers lately mmm watching reruns of the office what do you think is the answer a B or C we've been we were we'd been which one do you think would be correct okay so alright lately hmm watching reruns of the office okay in this case the key word is lately that a verb is actually giving us some specific information it's telling us more information and yes we have some answers excellent Lally missus redundant who else ro Missa ticktick perfect Angela Omar the correct answer is a lately we've been watching reruns of The Office this is the present perfect progressive it's talking about with so we're doing it again because I've already asked you one with the present perfect progressive just kind of seeing you know trying to trick you throw you off a little bit it refers to actions that start in the past they continue to the present and and will likely continue into the future lately we've been watching reruns off the office we have been present perfect progressive okay the next one by the time this lesson ends you hmm the like button okay what do you think by the time this lesson ends you mmm the like button I'm trying to include all of you in this example so what do you think is the correct answer all right a B or C we would you say you will have hit you will be hitting or you will hit by the time this lesson ends okay what do you think is the correct answer a B or C and some of these yeah some of these verb tenses can be a bit challenging all right so again if you're just joining us we are doing a verb tense quiz and I want you guys to participate I want you to write your answers in the chat and even later use that comment section practice your English skills so we have some good answers by the time this lesson ends all right the answer is yes excellent job Chris Stefano alash Olivia perfect Natalie by the time this lesson ends you will have hit the like button a that is the correct answer we are talking about the future perfect and again when you see that by the time remember we had it in a question just like two questions ago by the time it's often used with a perfect tense maybe it's the past perfect in this case it's the future perfect by the time this lesson ends all right we have our dependent clause using the present simple which means our independent clause we're going to talk about the future you will have hit the like button two actions in the future one happens before the other so the action in the future the lesson ends well what will happen before that in the future you will have hit the like button I hope that you have already hit it but if you if you have not hit it please go ahead and and hit that like button let me know if you enjoy these quiz lessons the more I see those likes that I know okay I need to do more of these quiz lessons people enjoy them it's great practice okay so again this is a little more challenging when we're talking about the future perfect by the time this lesson ends you will have hit the like button excellent let's look at the next one okay back in 2010 I mmm live in and that's true story I I'm trying to think I want to talk about this without giving it away all right what do you think would you say a used to be used to or see have used to which one do you think is correct this one I tried to I tried to be a little cute with and tried to maybe trick you a little bit I think you guys will do fine on this one back in 2010 all right I'm giving you the year I mmm live in Namibia and I said that's true if you don't know where Namibia is it is in southern Africa it is just northwest of South Africa it is a beautiful country that is me with my grade 11 English class all right that is in 2010 so yes excellent great perfect thank you for your answers mercs on Quique Alba's Ricardo Luna M RN the answer is be used - all right back in 2010 I use to live in Namibia I could just use if I wanted to use live as my main verb I just say you know back in 2010 I lived in Namibia it is an action that is complete it is finished so you would say be used to it is the past simple an action in the past that is finished alright it is finished in the past the reason I say it could be a little tricky is because used to and used to that what it means is again the meaning of the verb is something that you did in the past but you no longer do so I was trying to be a little tricky but you guys caught onto that you knew that you knew that all too well excellent alright here we go let's continue when her parents knocked on the door you guys can hear him out trying to simulate that knocking when her parents knocked on the door she mmm for work okay what do you guys think alright when her parents knocked on the door she mm-hmm for work would it be a will have already left be had already left see has already left again using that already like trying to use I like trying to use words that I think are common with the certain tenses all right that's why I'm doing this all right excellent thank you for your answers yes rumah Lally pronoun sorry again if I mispronounce names who else we got it's going so fast the shadows thank you for your answers Chris yes the answer is B all right when her parents knocked on the door there's that knock she had already left for work it is an example of the past perfect all right and again I want to give you that meaning down there if you're trying to figure out well what exactly is the past perfect it's talking about two actions that are in the past and one happened before the other so again like one action when her parents knocked on the door again knocked is in the past what happened before that she had already left for work now sometimes there's confusion between well when do I use what's the difference between the simple past and the past perfect if I use this sentence in the simple past when her parents knocked on the door she left for work and I just say it in the simple past then that makes me think well that these two things happened around the same time but in this case you want to give that extra information using the past perfect saying well she's not at home all right before the parents knocked on the door she had already left so in this case you definitely want to use the past perfect all right ready when he got to work everyone mmm in the conference room when he got to work everyone in the conference room what do you think a will meet B had met C was meeting alright which of those tenses which of those verbs best complete it's this sentence and again I would always encourage you try to put it into context all right think about it as though we're having a conversation or you're having a conversation with somebody and you know I say hey you know when he got to work everyone hmm in the conference room what do you guys think which best completes this sentence write your answer in the chat or even in the comments later I just want to hear from you I want you to participate so that you can practice and improve your English skills all right so I have some good answers yes Sabri Syed hanifa the shadows mr. Awlaki Nicosia Nika the answer is C when he got to work all right got that is in the past simple all right when he got to work that's my dependent clause everyone was meeting in the conference room all right past progressive when it can refer to two things refers to a continuous action at a specific time if I'm asking about a specific time in the past or talking about actions that were happening when another event occurred so for example you know what an event occurred he got to work all right what action was happening it was a continuous action so when he got to work you know he arrived there was a continuous action everyone was meeting because the meeting started in the past it's continued to when he got there and it's probably gonna continue on so when he got to work everyone was meeting in the conference room and I'm sure that he probably felt a bit embarrassed because he was late to the meeting it's not good sometimes to be late for these important meetings so hope you guys everyone got that one past progressive or as I think I said past continuous past progressive they mean the same thing progressive continuous it's the same all right at this time next week mmm another live lesson all right again there's that serious picture of me at this time next week hmm another live lesson this is actually an example that I used in the previous lesson so again if you have not seen that lesson check it out it really go through all of the verb tenses and give you some specific examples okay at this time next week mmm another live lesson what do you think it is hey I'll be teaching B I'll have taught or C i'll have been teaching what do you guys think write your answer in the chat write your answer in the comments I'm seeing some lovely answers alright yes Chris the the rubix Santi Sophia yes sleepwalker the answer is a at this time next week I'll be teaching another live lesson so again think about this it's the future progressive we're talking about a continuous action that happens at a specific time or actions that that will be happening when another event occurs in this case we're talking about a specific time I'm giving you that time at this time next week all right same time same place what continuous action will be happening I will be teaching I'll be teaching notice the form when you're talking about the progressive tense you're using the verb to be the main verb and ing I'll be teaching but in this case since it's the future you need that we'll all right I will be teaching another live lesson true story all right and I hope you guys will join me for that lesson okay so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna switch it up and now I'm gonna make it a little more difficult because I am NOT going to give you this is not going to be multiple choice anymore I'm not going to give you a B and C what I want you to do is you will need to write the correct verb tense I will give you the verb that you need to use in some cases I will give you the subject as well all right so let's go ahead and look at the next one so [Music] what mmm right now now one thing I will say I just noticed this the verb that I want you to use is do the subject is you I forgot to put the subject so it should say in parentheses you do so I should say the subject and the verb you do I want you to write the question or or write what that verb tense should be what mmm right now you do that that is what you should be in parentheses okay excellent yes go Co D shi-wan perfect all right so the key word there is right now that's going to tell us that we would be asking this question in the continuous tense in the progressive tense the present progressive an action that's happening right now it's not yet complete if somebody were to say hey what are you doing right now what are you doing oftentimes I put right now so that you would know what kind of answer I wanted oftentimes somebody would just ask what are you doing hey what are you doing perhaps if they're on the phone they might say hey what are you doing right now and make it a little more precise but often if you're just having conversation they just say hey what are you doing what are you doing right now all right let's look at the next one in this case I gave you the subject I hmm took Guatemala all right and if you can't see the picture yes this is a picture of me from 2009 I believe it was ten years ago visiting Tikal in Guatemala which is these these ruins they're amazing it's a beautiful country shout-out to anybody in Guatemala right now who's watching who's watching this lesson all right hope you're having a wonderful weekend so I mmm to Guatemala okay how what do you think is the best way if somebody if you and I are having a conversation and I want to tell you this information what would I say I to Guatemala all right what what do you think okay I'm saying some some different answers in there but yes Lorenzo excellent one Lin O'Dare it's going so fast Aaron Wow I have been to Guatemala present perfect all right we're talking about in this case an action at the in the past at an unspecified time now you could say exactly some people said went and they use the simple past grammatically that is correct I could say yeah I went to Guatemala but the reason why I wanted the present perfect is because again we often use the past simple when you're giving a time let's say you know if I said 2009 I went to Guatemala in 2009 that is a completed action I'm giving you the time but in this case it's an unspecified time so I think commonly people would use the present perfect when they're talking about places they have traveled places they have been places they have visited notice I just used the present perfect when I said all of those have been have traveled have visited present perfect unspecified time I've been to Guatemala all right next one all right we're just going through these going through these um mmm learning English with us alright now I've taken out a bit more information I did give you the subjects in the verb you and joy what is the first part of that question what do you think hmm learning English with us I've given you the subject I've given you the verb hmm learning English with us what question am I asking you all right and there there is that's me and my beautiful wife you wanna and we are standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge because we used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area if you guys haven't been all right there again using the present perfect if you haven't been you should go it's a beautiful beautiful city alright um let's see yes go see a fool eeeh perfect alright again some of you writing part of the question but not all of it [Music] Elijah yes do you enjoy ok do you enjoy learning with us alright do you enjoy learning English with us that is my question for you it is a question in the present simple describing action in the present habitual factual I'm just asking you like it'd be like a yes or no question do you enjoy learning English with us remember the main verb is enjoy you enjoy learning in this case is a gerund okay do you enjoy learning English with us and if you guys do I really hope that you enjoy learning English with us and if you guys do enjoy learning English with us and want to support what we do here at interactive English check out our patreon page you can join the patreon family there are some cool rewards check that out there's a link down below in the description but I'm gonna throw a link right here just for all of you if you would like to support interactive English and the things our lessons here we'd really appreciate it you can check that out if you don't that's okay alright we're always gonna be here for you we just want to help all of you guys practice and improve your English skills so here we go the next one this is another example from the previous lesson alright by 2067 we hmm on YouTube for 50 years okay the verb is teach alright how are how are you going to complete that sentence using teach all right what what tense what verb tense are you going to use so that this makes sense and this is a little more challenging again some of the grammar that that I think you definitely need to know would be like you know present simple past simple present as past continuous present perfect those are the ones that we commonly use all the time once you get into some of those other ones it does become a little more advanced by 2067 we hmm on YouTube for 50 years okay there are there are I'll give you a hint there are four words that you should use all right in this in this sentence or if you guys close close some of you yes all right I see some grant correct answers yes Alicia perfect Lasha yes okay I see another one Daniel so four words all right we're talking about the future so we know that we're gonna need to put we'll all right by 2067 that's talking about a point in the future and we're referencing a continuous action perfect tense all right we'll have we'll have been and then it's a continuous action teaching will have been teaching on YouTube for 50 years this is an example of the future perfect progressive and like I said this is this is more advanced grammar because it's not in every conversation you're not going to views the future perfect progressive but in this case if you're talking about these actions two points in the future all right then this would be a time when you would use it by 2067 what's happening all right we will have been teaching for 50 years if we continue all right it's a continuous action that goes up until 2060 seven and maybe we will continue I hate to break it to you probably we won't be teaching by 2060 seven because that would mean that I am 40 I think I would be 88 years old oh goodness I certainly hope that I'm not still teaching on YouTube at at 88 but who knows never know life is full of surprises let's look at it alright okay this actually no no I don't know why I'm laughing this is a very serious this is a very serious sentence all right this past month I mmm every other day and I plan to keep it up and you know I I tried I included a picture of myself in this you can see that picture down below I'm getting good results this past month I mmm every other day and I plan to keep it up okay that's that's part of the key and I plan to keep it up alright so think about it this is you think about you and I we're having a conversation and I'm just telling you hey this past month I mmm every other day and I plan to keep it up what do you think all right the verb is exercise the main verb is exercise all right I I haven't seen it yes all right Harry excellent great job what is she won all right room yes we're talking about something that started in the past all right I've continued up until the present and when I say I plan to keep it up I'm going to continue in the future I have been exercising every other day and I plan to keep it up to actions that again we're talking about actions that started in the past and they have continued to the present and as you can see again look I'm getting great results from this I was laughing it's such a bad Photoshop job but I just thought it was funny anyway all right let's look at the next one if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at alright that's what I always say this is another question why hmm Mia heads up last night all right you this is what I want you to use you not give okay how are you going to complete that question using that's the subject you it's in the negative and the main verb is give me a heads up last night and this is an expression that I like to use you're talking about a heads up is just the that you're you're making something known you're telling someone about something like some some kind of information all right I I don't want to to say the answer so I will tell you all right so what would you say yes Eddie exactly your name perfect la1 perfect yes Lally why didn't you give me a heads up last night again last night it's gonna tell you it's the past we need to use the helping verb do it's just gonna be conjugated in the past why didn't you or you know why didn't you give me a heads up last night past simple it describes an action again in the past so something happened and well actually in this case something didn't happen and I wanted this person to give me a heads up to tell me some information so that I could be prepared they did not tell me so I said hey you know why didn't you give me a heads up why didn't you tell me that I had to do this extra work why didn't you give me a heads up I need to know all right so yes if we're talking about giving someone a heads up you were giving them some information to make them aware of something so for example I'd say you know I'm gonna I just want to give you guys a heads up that we will that here we go follow my verb we will be doing a live lesson next Saturday I just want to give you a heads up let you know about that I hope that makes sense all right next one the phone mmm somebody answer it what do you guys think all right what do you think the phone mmm somebody answer it what do you what do you guys think how would you complete this sentence think of it like your this situation is happening all right what would you tell somebody if if you were saying this sentence what would you say to them the phone hmm somebody answer it all right so yes um let me see it's going so quickly all right remember the phone is singular yes Ricardo Lorenzo Eddie Omar so if this is like this would be happening now because the the key is somebody answer it I'm telling somebody answer the phone so this is happening now in the present which means we're going to use that present progressive tense the phone is ringing all right remember the formula you're going to use when you're talking about things that are happening now all right we're going to use the verb to be plus the main verb with the ing is ringing the phone is ringing somebody answer it present progressive something that's happening now it's not complete so this is a common incident you might hear this if you're watching a movie or a TV show and this is happening and say hey somebody's phone is ringing answer it pick up the phone are you ready here we go this is I think this is a little more difficult people mmm in the chat when I began this lesson all right people mmm in the chat when I began this lesson the verb that I want you to use is talk all right people mmm in the chat when I started when I began this lesson now there are there are two different answers that you could give one of them is what there is one answer that I'm looking for all right there is one answer in specific that I'm looking for and I will tell you but there are two answers that you could give actually most of you are giving the second answer that I thought of that's that is very common but okay so you could say this all right well yeah no people I've made a mistake sorry yes mostly everyone got it right people were talking in the chat when I began this lesson all right people were talking again it's a continuous action in the chat when something happened all right so it's talking about the it says again refers to continuous actions at a specific time all right or when they were happening when another event occurred so in this case it's not I'm not giving you a specific time I'm more talking about that event that occurred okay I began the lesson that is the event well what action was happening at that time and continuous what continuous action well when the event occurred I began this lesson people were talking people were talking in the chat the verb to be again past progressive plus the main verb ing all right here we go when this quiz is over how many questions hmm correct all right this this is a question that I could ask you all right I'm giving you the seven you I'm giving you the tense to kind of you will get all right so you know that we're talking about the future at this point when this quiz is over how many questions mmm correct what do you think we're talking about remember think about it stuff when you're thinking about verbs verbs are so important because they they tell us the time they tell us when things happen is it happening in the past the present or the future and they we talked about those different aspects remember about something being the simple or the progressive or the perfect so this is a lot of information to go through and if you haven't seen it already check out the lesson from last week I think it will really help so when this quiz is over how many questions yes excellent you have many questions again I'm looking for specifics I haven't seen any people are close but I haven't seen a correct answer what's going on all right so think about it remember it's a question all right how many questions all right think about the construction when this quiz is over how many questions we need that that future tense will will you remember when we're talking about a question you're gonna you're gonna invert that subject how many questions will you have gotten or have got again the past participle of get can be got or gotten so how many questions will you have gotten correct all right that is the specific words that I want or you could say will you have got correct for me personally I always as the the past participle I always use gotten get got gotten I always use gotten so I'd say when this quiz is over how many questions will you have gotten correct so again the Future Perfect to actions in the future one happened before the other so when this quiz is over it's in the future all right you've already some things happen you've already gotten some questions correct we don't know how many which is why I'm asking you how many questions will you have gotten correct so remember that is the specific construction that you would need to use will you have gotten that was that was a little more difficult all right a little more challenging let's do another one we mmm to open the door for several minutes when she found her key all right think about the situation we mmm to open the door for several minutes when she found her key all right again this is this is more difficult this is a little more challenging how would you complete this sentence I think the other one was challenging because it was a question so this is just a statement all right we the verb is tri we mmm to open the door for several minutes for several minutes for is a key word there when she found her key all right so let's let's break this down found okay that when she found her key that is my dependent clause it's in the past so we know that we're talking about something in the past when I said for several minutes remember when I said if you see words like for and since that often tells you the perfect tense all right for several minutes found her key so in this case we'd say we had been trying to open the door for several minutes when she found her key past perfect progressive it is a continuous action because you're not just trying once what the door won't open let's stop you're continuously trying to open the door but it's in the past it's a continuous action it's for a duration of time had been trying all right we had been trying to open the door for several minutes when she found her keys suddenly she found her key and now we can open the door all right excellent so I hope that that I know that was a lot to cover I hope that you guys enjoyed this practice I hope that you got some some good use out of it thank you guys so much for watching thank you guys for joining us today if you enjoyed this quiz don't forget to hit that like button let me know so that I know that I should prepare more of these quiz lessons to help you guys practice and improve your skills because practice is such a big part of it here on YouTube you get a lot there are a lot of lessons out there including many of ours that are more for presentation lessons teaching you about where birds and grammar pronunciation but this is actually a great way that we want to actually have you guys practice your skills and participate in our lessons so please like and share this lesson write to us in the comments if you have questions we just love hearing from you tell us your name especially if this is your first time here at interactive English let us know we want to hear from you you can join our social media classes we are active on Facebook Instagram Twitter and that's it of course right here on YouTube so thank you thank you thank you sleep whopper sweets I can't speak anymore sleepwalker rumah Angelo Vishnu Alberto Eddie Michael Angelo karma show how to thank you thank you yawn hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will see you next time I don't know if you guys are still watching Viki Gustav I saw you guys comment on there quickly thank you guys glad you could join me hope you guys have a great day I will see you next week be here alright
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 52,964
Rating: 4.9503107 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english grammar, advanced grammar lesson, intermediate grammar lesson, practice grammar, verb tense quiz, learn verb tenses english, verb tense english grammar, learn english present simple, learn english past simple, learn english present continuous, learn english past continuous, learn english present perfect, learn english past perfect, learn english future tense, learn english future continuous, learn past perfect continuous
Id: p078c3xeHFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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