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so 2020 it uh i think it's fair to say it's been a rough year i wanted to try and focus on something a little more positive so in today's lesson i want to teach you 20 phrasal verbs that all have a positive meaning that's coming up hey everyone my name is wes this is interactive english which is the channel you want to be watching to improve your english and achieve fluency and today i have a lesson that i hope will be a little more positive and uplifting because i want to teach you 20 different phrasal verbs that have all positive meanings and i think because i'm already telling you that all of these phrasal verbs have a positive meaning i think that will make them a little bit easier to understand and possibly remember because you can connect it to that feeling you can connect it to something that is positive and i also have some positive news that i want to share with you about today's sponsor which is lingoda because at the end of the lesson i want to talk to you about the lingoda team challenge this is a great opportunity for you to improve your english i'll give you a lot more information and really tell you how this will make a positive change in your life and others the first phrasal verb that i have for you is believe in and this just means to feel confident about something or someone often i think we use it when we're talking about a person and you might say that you believe in someone for example you all want to improve your english and i truly i believe in you i feel that if you keep working hard and practicing and watching these video lessons i believe in you and i think that you will achieve your fluency goals then we have a three-word phrasal verb which is brush up on and typically you would say that you're going to brush up on something which means that you are going to improve your knowledge or skill in well in something that you have learned before but you've kind of forgotten let's say that you studied english in the past you've forgotten a little bit but you're going to improve your knowledge and you're going to brush up on your skills read some books brush up on your history the quiz monday brush up on chapters three and four yeah i need to housebreak our new police dog plus it couldn't hurt ralphie to brush up on the fundamentals get along this is a very common phrasal verb and it's used to talk about two or more people that are just friendly with each other and i think it's very important that everyone try to get along next is the phrasal verb get over you get over something and what this is talking about is that you return to a normal state of health or happiness after some bad experience and you might get over an illness or perhaps you get over a bad breakup and you just return to your normal state then we have the phrasal verb get through and to get through something means that you are trying to survive it you're trying to endure it and then you will you will reach the end and everything will be better and often i think you would use this phrasal verb if you want to offer some some encouragement some support and you might hear somebody say look you're you're gonna get through this i believe in you you're gonna get through this just get through today i'll be there tomorrow afternoon but we're just gonna have to find a way to get through this get through this together next is go beyond and to go beyond just means to be more than or or do more than what is expected and often you may hear people use it with this expression to go above and beyond that if you do more than what is expected of you then somebody might say that you you just went above and beyond then we have goof off or goof around they mean the same thing and it pretty much means to avoid doing something and maybe you're wasting time and i've included them in this lesson about staying positive because when you are dealing with some type of really bad experience i think all of us need to relax a little bit and it can be helpful to goof off or goof around and it just helps us it could help you get through the day are we gonna be goofing off like this every day uh we're not goofing off but what they really want is an excuse to goof off and not study for finals i can goof around jd i i can goof around hard this says they only pay you 100 bucks a week yeah but all i really do is goof around all day then we have help out and i think often you may find a pronoun between the verb and the preposition to help someone out and this means that you are just you're doing some work for somebody else or maybe you're giving them some money and you are helping a person out you guys you can help me out if you want and hit that like button down below then we have the phrasal verb keep at and if you keep at something if somebody tells you to keep at it they just want you to continue working at something and i think often this is really a little more encouraging that if somebody's thinking about giving up and they're thinking about quitting and you want them to stay positive and really get through it you might tell them look i i believe in you you just need to keep at it then we have the phrasal verb keep up which is very similar if somebody tells you hey keep it up then they're telling you to continue working and maintain the effort that you're putting in or perhaps you're you're doing a great job and they want you to continue doing a good job and they may tell you to to keep it up so that's a little bit of a slight difference i think if somebody's going to tell you to keep at it then i think they want to encourage you if maybe you're having a difficult time or if you're doing well and they want you to continue doing well and working they may tell you to keep it up keep up the good work there's too much at stake i can't just write superman off we need him you're right we should keep at it no i should keep at it right your department's killing babe hey my pleasure my treasure keep it up then we have light up and to light up is just to look happy and often i think people may use it to describe someone's face and they would say oh like uh her face just lit up that she became very happy or maybe somebody might use the expression to light up the room that is somebody's presence that they enter and maybe you say they just light up the room they make everyone happy then we have look forward to it is a three-word phrasal verb and it means to feel very excited about something that that's going to happen in the future for example i look forward to 2021. i look forward to the tournament i look forward to tomorrow night i look forward to your call i look forward to meeting her look up this phrasal verb means to become better and often i think you would hear somebody say something like things are looking up things are becoming better they're starting to look up next is the phrasal verb pay off and if something pays off then it results in success for example people might say well hard work pays off if you work really hard then then it's going to pay off it's going to result in success then we have the phrasal verb pull through and pull through is talking about someone who becomes well again after a serious illness and if somebody is very ill they're in the hospital you want them to pull through and become well again next is the phrasal verb settle down and that means to become well familiar with a place and just be happy about it often i think people might use it when they're they're talking about the future or something like that and they'd say later on in life i just want to settle down and have a family and just enjoy life we'll claim our land and then we'll marry and finally settle down you do want to settle down don't you shannon yes i want to settle down i will say you know kyle used to be just like us hanging out drinking and stuff but he seems happier that he settled down then we have sort out which means that you are dealing with a problem in a successful way so if you have a problem you might tell somebody that i you know i just need to sort this out i need to deal with it successfully i'm going to sort it out because you want to stay positive i i really hope that you sort out all of your problems then we have the phrasal verb straighten up and if you say that someone straightens up it's a positive phrasal verb because it means that they are behaving well after behaving poorly so if somebody has maybe they have some problems they have some issues you might tell that person to to straighten up and you'd say i really want you to straighten up i want you to behave well you really you should sort out all your problems go settle down and just try to be happy and work hard and in the end it's all going to pay off work through this phrasal verb means that you're trying to manage a problem that has different parts so it could be a problem that is a little complicated and you could say that you're trying to work through it you want to work through it so that afterwards everything is better then we have the phrasal verb work up and if you are trying to work your way up it means you're you're trying to make progress and typically i think you're you're trying to achieve some type of level or position for example you may hear people talk about the phrase to work your way up the corporate ladder you're trying to improve and make progress in the company and and work your way up the ladder now i want to tell you about a great opportunity to improve your english fluency and i think it will really pay off and i'm talking about the lingoda team challenge that's right when it comes to learning a language you you are not alone you can now do it as a team and this is a great way to win some cool prizes as well as donate classes to a good cause and i will tell you about all that in just a moment if you don't already know about lingoda it is an online language school where you can study english business english spanish german or french and you get to study with a native speaking teacher in small group classes and that's great because it gives you more opportunities to speak you can build your vocabulary work on your pronunciation do all of the things that you need to do to go above and beyond your fluency goals i've even studied with lingoda i wanted to brush up on my spanish so i took some spanish classes and it was a great learning experience so let me tell you more about the lingoda team challenge because when you participate you have two options you can do the challenge in which case you will study for seven weeks and take 21 classes three classes per week or you can do the super challenge in which case you will also study for seven weeks but you will take 35 classes so you'll be doing five classes per week now you can do the challenge or the super challenge as an individual or you can do it as a team and i highly recommend that you do this as a team because you will benefit more from this and very soon i will tell you why no matter whether you do this as an individual or with a team if you finish 100 of your classes lingoda will donate 20 of your attended classes to those in need with the lingoda language scholarship and these scholarships help those affected by covet 19 and just can't afford to pay for online classes so when you sign up and you do the challenge or the super challenge and attend 100 of the classes you you're not only helping yourself and supporting your own education you're also supporting somebody else's education as well and i think that's so important with it with everything going on in the world today i think that's exactly what we need more giving more helping and when you are supporting and helping somebody else out with their education there's just nothing more positive than that so i want to take a moment and tell you about some of the benefits you will get by forming a team because when you form a team you can become eligible to win some very cool prizes so the goal of a team is to qualify for those prizes and in order to qualify every team member must do three things the first thing that you must do is attend 100 of your classes the next thing that everyone must do is just take no more than one class per day and then the third thing is that each team member must take the same number of classes throughout the week so everyone on the team must do the challenge and they're taking three classes per week or everyone on the team must do the super challenge and take five classes per week and in case you're wondering about that first place prize it is a weekend trip to one of the following cities to practice your language skills another reason why you should form a team is because you can get 10 euro cash back for each person who joins your team and you can get a maximum of 110 euro cash back if you get 11 people to join all you have to do is use the name wes interactive when you fill out the team registration form so on that form you should see something like are you invited by an influencer and that is when you will use wes interactive to get 10 euro cash back for each team member all team members must sign up by november 1st and everyone must complete the seven week challenge within 63 days of purchase and by december 20th from november 10th to december 15th you will receive weekly updates of the team's results so that's really a great way to motivate each other you can click on the link in the description to learn more about the lingoda team challenge then start building your team so that you can win those cool prizes and donate to a good cause and remember use the name wes interactive when you complete the team registration form so this it's this is really a great opportunity for you to learn and improve your speaking fluency for you to support someone else's learning as well as just well n2020 on a positive note
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 16,476
Rating: 4.9560118 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, learn english phrasal verbs, english vocabulary lesson, english phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs vocabulary, phrasal verbs grammar, positive phrasal verbs, useful phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs in english, build vocabulary, phrasal verbs in american english, american english, lingoda, lingoda team challenge, phrasal verb lesson, learn phrasal verbs
Id: bIVgytdhHHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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