25 Super Useful Phrases You Will Use Again and Again

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let's talk about some very common english expressions that you should know that's coming up [Music] everyone my name is wes from interactive english and the channel it's all about helping you practice and improve your english so that you can achieve fluency and today i want to talk to you about 25 very common phrases that you will hear people use again and again and again and these are also phrases that that you should also be using over and over because they're just that common and you you may be familiar with many of these phrases already that's great but if you're not this is an excellent way to build your vocabulary and it's also good for your listening so that you can easily identify them and recognize them if somebody else is saying them so the first phrase that i have for you well this is one that i use all the time it's just a very uh simple greeting a way of saying hello is just how's it going how's it going so uh i i say this when i see other people how's it going and notice that how is is contracted to house and going you you're not really going to hear that g at the end it's going to get dropped how's it going how's it going the next phrase is uh well it's another question how's that sound so this is a phrase that you would hear people say if they if maybe they make a suggestion and they want to know what you think and i think most of the time they want you to agree like oh what do you think about that how does that sound you can have the name for thousand dollars how's that sound then we have never mind all right if if somebody says something and maybe they don't want to repeat themselves or they just uh they don't want to talk about something anymore never mind speaking of repeating oneself another common question that somebody may ask especially if uh you're somebody who's learning english if you don't always understand someone you could just say uh you know could you repeat that could you repeat that if you want to be polite you can throw a please on the end could you repeat that please i think personally if i don't understand someone and that that happens from time to time i'll usually throw a sorry at the beginning and then say it i'd say oh sorry could you repeat that uh and then they would say it again could you repeat that you repeat that please peter i'm sorry can you repeat that then we have um what do you mean all right this if you don't understand something that someone is explaining to you then you could just tell them you know what do you what do you mean if you want to be more specific and a very common phrase it's a question what does mean if they're if you're talking about a specific word what does mean great question especially for somebody who's learning english because if you don't understand something i think it's great to always ask of like a new word what does um mean what does rhetorically mean what does ostentatious mean what does potential mean then we have the phrase uh which is again is if you meet somebody where are you from i i ask this to many of you if i'm communicating with you in the comments i might ask you you know where are you from and notice when i say that the u i'm not i'm pronouncing it more with a schwa sound yeah when i say it just quickly where are you from next is the phrase what time is it i think throughout the day if you're somebody like me i don't wear a watch i might ask uh another person especially a friend somebody i'm with a colleague what time is it the next one is i was just about to hmm like you're you're just about to do something and i think when you're just talking with somebody else you you could use this uh or you may hear it quite often again the two has more of a schwa sound i was just about uh oh i was just about to call you uh i was just about to leave you were just about to do something you know i was just about to give up i was just about to ask you i was just about to say that i was just about to head out then we have uh another great phrase very common thanks so much and i'm gonna actually add a preposition after that thanks so much for something because i think oftentimes people will will say why they are thanking someone and four it can kind of sound like fur so uh thanks so much for for hitting that like button i hope i hope you hit the like button or thanks so much for watching this video then we have be careful i think this is something that well you're gonna hear all the time and i think you might say it to somebody else if they're doing something could be dangerous be careful next i don't mean to bother you but and then you would ask a question so for example if i have to interrupt someone else and maybe i'm asking directions maybe i'm asking him hey what time is it i might start out and say that i don't mean to bother you but uh listen uh i don't mean to bother you but believe me i i think i may have left my hat in your apartment so uh i thought i'd just come by later and pick it up i don't mean to bother you but my name is lois griffin for me to bother you but we're just really if you're big fans of firefly another common and great phrase don't worry about it all right just i just don't worry about it okay i think i think you've heard this you know what it means don't worry about it now if you are late to an appointment or a meeting or just yeah just to meet a friend you could tell them i'm running a little behind i'm sorry i'm running a little behind another phrase is just telling somebody i'm pretty busy i'm pretty busy so i think it's often used like that instead of just saying i'm busy you could say that but i think people will will throw pretty in there as well to emphasize that i'm pretty busy i'm running a little behind because i'm pretty busy i'm pretty busy tonight oh i don't know i'm pretty busy i've inventory all the giveaways if you're not too busy i'm pretty busy then we have i haven't heard about that so if somebody's talking about something you have no idea about this thing you just tell them yeah i haven't heard about that next is a question just who cares i think this is something that you will use when you are well maybe you disagree with someone and you could just tell them hey who cares next time that that is the next phrase that i want to tell you and if this is one that that i use uh quite often if i can't do something right now i just say you know next time and that phrase it's good to know and that is the other phrase that i wanted to follow up uh uh on and it's just saying yeah good to know that if if you're getting some new information hey it's good to know the church will read that as us suing them so will everybody else good to know honestly you are straight up cursed good to know protect your eyes she's a gouger good to know i'm not dead good to know next is let me know if you want somebody to reply or tell you something later on just say let me know and keep in mind that that let me is is connected and just sounds like let me know that works it's a great phrase i love using it if you want to agree with someone that you're just saying okay that works then we have i have no idea if somebody is asking you uh maybe to give them some information or and you just don't know tell them you know i have no idea then we have the phrase let me think about that so again let me is kind of connected and you you can hear that let me think about that let me think about that hold on let me think about that yes that'll work uh well let me think about that let me think about that okay then we have this phrase which i think is great if you are shopping and maybe you don't plan on buying anything and somebody comes over and says can i help you you could just tell them i'm just looking around i'm just looking around so it's great if you're out shopping and you you don't want you don't want to talk to anybody maybe you don't want to talk to one of the employees and you just tell them hey i'm just looking around i'll be there in a second this is a this is a phrase that i love to use if uh i'm doing something and i have to go do something else and yeah i might tell my wife hey i'll be there in a second you could also say i'll be there in a moment either one usually i'm i won't definitely i'm definitely not there in a second and sometimes it takes longer than a moment but it's just a phrase that i like to use i'll be there in a second come on i'll be there i'll be there next thanks can you take your brother downstairs i'll be there in a second waitress we'll be in a second it's ready we'll be there in a second all right i hope that you recognize and understand all of those phrases because again these are these are phrases that you will use over and over and over and it's it's not really a problem that you're going to use them again and again because i think they're just very relevant in everyday conversation if you enjoyed this lesson please hit that like button as always thanks so much for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 26,655
Rating: 4.9744511 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english with lucy, linguamarina, american english, 25 phrases in english, common english phrases, english phrases, useful english phrases, phrases for conversation, conversation phrases, phrases to use in conversation, learn english phrases, american english phrases, conversation skills, best phrases for english conversation, best english phrases
Id: j7YqHhUpsSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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