How to Use the Word ⚡️OF ⚡️

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hey everyone what's up welcome to today's lesson my name is Wes this is interactive English and if this is your first time here the channel it's all about helping you practice and improve your English skills and especially if this is your first time here please let me know say hello write your name tell me where you're from in the chat or in the comments if if you happen to be watching this later so thank you guys so much for joining me today I have I guess it's more of a grammar lesson that we're gonna talk about because I am going this lesson well it's all about one word and that word is of alright of is it's a preposition and according to Oxford English corpus it is the fourth most common word in the English language so this is a word that you are going to read all of the time you are going to hear it all the time and if you're having a conversation you are probably going to be using this word quite often so it is a very important word which is part of the reason why I put the little crown on top of it is one of the the kings of English or maybe you could say of is the queen of English either one so hello I just want to give some shout outs hello to Gibson Louisa Aiden good to see you lolli welcome Mary Alana Turin Michelle Leonardo thank you guys for joining me so today's lesson it's I it is very important because like I told you this is a very common word it's a very common preposition now before we start talking about this I want you to know that I'm gonna go through and talk about specific times when you would use this preposition and I give you some examples now you could think of these as rules but instead I think that if you really want to learn prepositions and improve your English I think this is a good way to practice and kind of familiarize yourself with certain times when you should use this word but overall I think the absolute best way to learn prepositions is to do more reading more listening and get more exposure to the language and try to learn them naturally because you will start to absorb this information the more you read the more you listen and then the next time you have a conversation you are going to start using these prepositions correctly I of course I think it's okay if you want to learn some rules like you use the preposition in when talking about certain parts of the day in the morning in the evening in the afternoon I think that's perfectly fine that's perfectly okay but in general more reading more listening I think that helps and again you're gonna get that today because I'm gonna talk all about these different times when you should use of and I would encourage you to participate as we go through these certain well rules if you will I try to write some sentences write them in the chat practice your English skills I always encourage you guys to practice as much as you can so let's start with the first one so you would you would use of if you are showing possession or origin an origin is basically just saying where something comes from for example if somebody were to say a friend of mine all right that's more a possession a friend of mine or like origin the colors of the rainbow the colors of the rainbow now let's get a little more advanced all right and talk about that first one a friend of mine because you might be thinking why why not say my friend so you could say wes is my friend or wes is a friend of mine both of them have the same meaning it means the exact same thing now one slight difference and this is this is my well I think it's my opinion as to how it might be slightly different is that I think when you say my friend and you put that adjective pronoun before friend my friend that possessive pronoun sorry I think it shows that you have a real really a closer relationship if you say a friend of mine it might be a little bit of a looser relationship but again either one is okay but to give you an example I think this is where somebody might ask a question maybe they would say hey is is is he a friend of yours maybe they're mad at this person they're like wait is this your friend is he a friend of yours or is she a friend of yours and in that case they're using of I think in part because you're you're leaving it open to have a looser relationship but that's one little one little difference between saying my friend or a friend of mine but in general both of them are perfectly okay now you would also use of if you are using it afterwards expressing an amount or a number so I want to start with that last one 20 20 20 kilos of Nutella my wife she loves Nutella and I'm sure she wishes she could have 20 kilos of Nutella I also enjoy it so I would ask you what would you like to have 20 kilos of or what would you like to have any amount of and just write that in the chat or write that in the comments and practice using of when talking about an amount 20 kilos of Nutella 20 pounds of something so it depends whether you're using the metric system or not but after any amount or number you would use of 20 kilos of something or if you're talking about just expressing that number thousands of people or even when we're using words like most or many most of us that is a common expression that you may hear and I'm trying to as examples I will try to use some more calm in expressions that you're going to hear with of like Oh most of us so excellent lolly would like 20 kilos of pizza I would also enjoy 20 kilos of pizza especially pepperoni pizza sleep Walker 23 kilos of ice cream excellent I told you that thousands of times yes I try I try to tell you guys things as much as I can and repeat them often again and again and again it's a good way to remember things repetition is important so let's look at 20 kilos of sushi excellent four cups of coffee great example Gladys that's another one and I'm actually getting to that one right now because we use of when talking about like quantifiers like that example that I just read four cups of coffee when you have certain nouns that are non count you cannot count these 1 2 3 4 5 like rice that first one you would use a quantifier or a container either one so you could say a bag of rice or a box of chocolates I could say that this this is my class of learners you guys are all learning English so you could use a quantifier or container when talking about these non count nouns and that is another common that is a very common example as when you would use of like a bag of rice a cup a cup of coffee a liter of milk perfect excellent thank you guys for for providing these examples so I hope that even if you're watching this later I hope people continue to read the chat because this is a great way for you guys to help teach each other and give some examples so we also use of when talking about well expressions that are showing the position of something so if you're if you're trying to point something out and say well where something is and say oh it's the the top of his head or you might say something is something is on the back of your shirt you don't know what it is it's on the back of your shirt that is the position or like a very common one if you're talking about the line and you you need to get to the front of the line or maybe if you arrive late and somebody could tell you like oh you got to go to the back of the line the position of where something is and you're talking about the position in relation to this other thing like the the top of your head or the back of your shirt that is what you're talking about so excellent yes this is the class of interactive English you could say yes I'm right in front of you yeah that is that's very true right now you guys are in front of me and I am in front of all of you so when you're talking about position another example of when you use of you are also going to use of to describe a characteristic so in this case let me just and then you could give me an example the look of a criminal the sound of an angel the personality of a tree so instead of telling somebody you could say you have the look of a criminal you're describing this the way they look their characteristic you could also say you look like a criminal and again if you are the difference between those if somebody says oh you look like a criminal I think in that case the verb is one of the the main parts of that statement that look is what you're focusing on in this case if you saying if you change it to a noun and talk about the look you have the look of a criminal in that case I think you're highlighting criminal a little bit more like oh you have the look of a criminal arm instead of saying you sound like an angel you have the sound of an angel you you your song your your music oh it's the sound of an angel you're kind of highlighting that noun the angel so again you can tell me what do I have I have the look of what practice write it down the the look of something and the last one which somebody was asking personality of a tree so in this case if you I think when people use it in this sense they often use it to say something negative about another person and it's kind of a way of insulting somebody they and you don't have to say tree you could say that off you know this person they have the personality of a tree kind of like trying to say that that this person is boring that they're not very active and they're not fun to be around but you might hear somebody say this that oh they if they want to make fun or say something bad about this person though they have the personality of something else that they think is very boring so in that last example it's kind of a way to kind of insult somebody and say something bad about them in case in case you're wondering if somebody said Wes you sound like an angel I have the sound of an angel thank you I appreciate that let's see I have the look of an officer okay all right I have the look of a doctor really uh okay I guess I'll take that as a compliment I hope doctors they look friendly they look nice so again in this case to describe a characteristic you would use of you're also going to use it if you refer to a particular date and this is a very common example as to when you would use this preposition so for the first one the 12th of November that is a very important date that is what is a very important date can you guess guess what day that is the 12th of November but we're referring to that particular date you're going to use of the fourth of July that is a holiday in the United States that is when they celebrate Independence Day it is the fourth of July or if you're referring to a part of the month for example like that last one when I talked about the end of the month or the beginning of the month the middle of the month that is a more of a time period but you are also going to refer to this moment so yes you could say today is the the 20 23rd remember the the ordinal number 23rd of May that is today's date excellent great example the 23rd of May but I am a little more partial I really like the 12th of November that's that's a that's a great day yes Oh somebody get the 12th of November that's my birthday obviously Kira is your birthday today happy birthday Kieran excellent so if you're just joining us we're talking about different times when you would use the preposition of because of it is a very common word and I again I would say join it try not to think of these these are examples that hopefully you they're easy to follow and you can see this like oh yes when talking about dates I know that I understand it so try not to think like you have to memorize these different rules but just read follow along listen that I think is by far the best way to learn these prepositions so let's see when you you would also use of when talking about saying that something is made of something or having something for example you'd say oh like my my necklace is made of gold it's made of this this this thing this metal or I don't know I just put that in there I thought of the story that you I can't even think of Lord of the Rings and they're talking about Mordor the Land of Fire alright it's having this thing the Land of Fire or you could say a woman of great beauty again I think probably a more common way to say this would be just to describe somebody and say oh she is a beautiful woman but this is another way I think that you can it means the same thing but it allows you I think to be a little more colorful with language and use it in a variety of ways so you could refer to somebody using of like a woman of great beauty she has great beauty let's look at the next one so we're going to use of when you would connect adjectives or verbs with certain nouns now this one is extremely common and there is no general rule except I'm just kind of making this statement again this is when I think you really just need more reading and you start to see these adjectives that are followed by the preposition for example you are tired of doing something I'm tired of running or maybe your say I'm tired of learning English I don't know I hope not but you are tired of doing something and in that case you're going to follow that adjective with the preposition of and there are many adjectives and verbs that are like this you could say again very common you are afraid of something I am I am a little afraid of spiders I have just a little bit of arachnophobia and or you could be accused of a crime or as a verb to accuse someone of some crime or maybe you could say that you are fond of something or fond of one so in this case there are many adjectives and verbs out there that you are going to follow with the preposition of and other examples will fall in this category so this is a very broad category but it's still important to know now I'm tired of this quarantine that's good example excellent um I think many people are there you are full of enjoyment alright yeah actually I got that ones coming up a little later too perfect I'm sick and tired of politics excellent example Thank You Aidan excellent the the next one let's talk about we we use them after adjectives that judge a person's behavior so this could also fall under the last one that we just talked about certain adjectives and you follow them follow these adjectives or verbs with the preposition up but in this case it's specifically talking about you are judging the way that somebody acts or the way they behave and this is a very common expression if somebody does something nice you might say wow that's that's so thoughtful of you so that is a great expression to learn if you want to thank someone and you want to show some appreciation you could say that's that's so thoughtful of you great expression using of you're judging their behavior they are thoughtful or if somebody's not very nice and you want to say that they're rude they're you could say that's rude of you it's rude of you to do something all right you're saying that this this person's behavior it's rude of it's rude of him it's rude of her so you're talking about that person or that last expression again I wanted to combine that because that adverb and adjective awfully nice that is a common collocation those words are frequently used together and you could say that it is awfully nice of you again if you're just showing appreciation you could say wow that's that's awfully nice of you you guys you enjoy these lessons you hit that like button I could say wow that's that's awfully nice of you to to hit that like button I really appreciate it I think it's very thoughtful of you okay I'm not gonna say it's rude of you if you don't it's okay that's perfectly fine but just to give you some examples of when you would use it in this way and those are some good ones the thoughtful of you awfully nice of you uh maybe throw sounds some of those examples I like that if you want to say it's awfully nice of someone to do what all right let's look about the the next one is you would use the preposition of when you're talking about the well of the word about about something or it's relating to something so let's look at these examples again I wanted to throw in a common expression so I don't know if you've ever heard of the phrase speak of the devil so what this means it's an expression that when you are talking about another person and then that person suddenly appears that's when you could use this expression and say Oh speak of the devil this person just arrived we were just talking about you or you could use it when you're talking about like about this person and you'd say well speaking of wess and then you would give some information about me or something that you know speaking of this person but I want to teach you that common expression speak of the devil speak of that I'm gonna write it down for you and throw it in the chat it's an expression so that when talking so it's kind of saying a person when talking about a person they suddenly appear excellent and the other one when you want to give an example of relating to something else like maybe you're talking about the advantage of something the the advantage that is related to learning English is this the advantage of learning English or the disadvantage of something so in that case I think those are very common expressions would use of the advantage of something or the disadvantage of something so in that case it's more of or relating to UM think of the devil or the devil is here alright yeah so again it when you say speak of the devil it's not really something mean like the devil like a bad person just a expression that somebody is here then we would use of if you kind of if you want to say that is or that are so instead of saying you're talking about the issue of something the issue that is poverty but instead of saying that is saying the issue of poverty so in this case of takes the place of that is or that far the issue of poverty the difficulty of learning English the at the age of twenty-one so in this case at the age of twenty-one I could say yeah people can drink people can drink alcohol in the United States I know we it's a little later in the US I don't know why that's just the way it is so let's look at the next part we also use of when you are saying that something is done to this other thing or group for example this is a great example at the beginning well it's not a good thing the destruction of the rainforest the destruction done to the rainforest so you would use it when to when you want to say that something is done to something else the destruction of the rainforests the oppression of minorities the firing of employees so in all of those instances you could kind of think of of as something is done to something else or someone else excellent uh REO thank you great class perfect thank you I appreciate it Maria yes you enjoy this class I'm glad I'm glad that you guys are enjoying this lesson that's all about one word it's really just this one word but it's a very important word let's continue that you would use of if you want to say something or someone is you have felt or experienced by someone else and in this case I just used the word others so you're talking about you want to earn the respect of others you want to earn the respect of your colleagues or you want to earn the respect of your boss so that's a common phrase that you would use it to earn the respect of someone else or in this case if you're talking about somebody who is feeling some something like the suffering of others the suffering of others another example when you would use of again let's keep moving along uh right here when comparing now I I think not always but I think of superlatives for the most part you're using these superlatives superlatives is when that's when you are comparing three or more things you're you're basically comparing everything in which case you're talking about the best of all the worst of all so those are some common phrases that you may hear if you want to describe something and say wow this it's the best of all or maybe it is the worst of all you're going to use of or when comparing like making a comparison of all the YouTube teachers then you could say something of all the YouTube teachers wes is the best I don't know no all right I don't I want to be a little more humble okay so there are actually many great YouTube teachers out there and I hope that you guys get a little variety go go check out everybody it's great I think I think there's so many of us that do things a little differently I don't think one person is the best I think everybody just has different styles and different lessons so let's look at the next part right here when saying time now this is very American I'm not going to say that I no if this is common in British English I don't really think so and I don't I don't think it's it's not overwhelmingly common in the US but when talking about time people might use the word of and say something like it's five of five and if you say a five a five it means it's five minutes before that the top of this hour so five of five is really 455 or maybe you might say it's ten minutes of - in which case it's 150 it's 10 minutes before - so in this case of means like before so again this is more I think comment in the United States but even even still I don't really use this when talking about time I don't I don't use it often but it's something that you may hear if you are living in the US or traveling to the US or maybe even watching a TV show or movie and somebody says the time if they say of they're talking about its before before this and typically they're going to use it when talking about just before like you'd use it with minutes of like five or ten maybe twenty but really this is just those two mostly with five or ten like oh it's it's five of three you're not going to use it with talking about like oh it's thirty minutes before this time that's a little strange so if you do you if you do hear this most often people are gonna use it when talking about five minutes or ten minutes before this time I hope that makes sense alright uh the next one next time that used one it's one minute of seven ok good example you could say that yes it's a minute of seven but it does work most most commonly people would talk about five ten minutes and it's a very informal casual expression you are also going to use of if somebody wants to express loss or they're showing some loss that they are suffering or enduring maybe you are deprived of something that you cannot have this thing and you might be deprived of TV right now many people somebody was saying they were sick and tired of this quarantine right now many people are deprived of going outside and just doing normal activities we are deprived of this we it's a way of expressing loss or you might you could use it say you were robbed of something you were robbed of money or you could use it when talking about like you were robbed of maybe like I was robbed of this new job that you didn't get the job you lost out on it and you're saying oh I was I was robbed of this new position I should have got it it was mine so it doesn't always have to refer to money in that case but those are some common expressions you are deprived of something or you were robbed of something and then we could use it with some certain idiomatic expressions as well if somebody were to say something like I'm a man of my word if somebody uses this expression it means that you are a person that does what they say you do the things that you say you will do and somebody you're basically if you're asking somebody to trust you they believe me you can trust me I'll do what I say I'm going to do I'm a man of my word I'm a man of my word there will be a new video lesson for you guys this next Tuesday I promise believe me I'm a man of my word you could use it also I think you could say a woman of my word too if you're a woman that's perfectly fine but with that a geomatic expression you would use of or in the nick of time and if somebody says if you don't know what this means in the nick of time it means that the you need to accomplish something and it's getting very close to the end and at the last minute you succeed you accomplish your goal and you could say that we made in the nick of time so perhaps you have to get to some kind of meeting or an appointment and you get there five minutes of seven o'clock right before then I made it in the nick of time right at the last minute I think a good way to think of this idiom is thinking about sports if somebody's playing a sports game and they're running out of time and then one of the team scores in the nick of time they score in the nick of time hello so ray how are you thank you good to hear from you so these are again these are all different kind of rules that you guidelines I would say that you can follow when to use this word when to use the word of because it is such an important word and I hope this helps a little bit I do want to let you guys know if you guys like what we do and want to show us some love you can there we go I'll get in the frame support interactive English we have channel memberships patreon there are some cool rewards and there are links to that down below in the description if you want to check that out so again this is a very common preposition the I hope that that this was easy to follow and understand because I don't expect you to memorize all of these different rules or that I've talked about today I just I would encourage you to get more reading more listening you're going to see this word being used a lot and then it's just you're gonna start to understand it naturally especially when talking about those adjectives that are followed by the preposition of some are very common you're tired of something you're afraid of something you're scared of something but other ones they they can be a little trickier so I hope you guys enjoyed this lesson if you did hit that like button down below always write to me in the comments because I just love hearing from you and just to give some shout outs thank you for joining me a 10 Demitri I appear in the nick of time yeah I do sometimes I get there right at the last minute and he's like ah it made it just in the nick of time a sleepwalker Mary thank you guys for being here Louisa Ramsar a great see you Poonam xialu abdul-rahman Susi I'm sorry I can't measure his sweet dough hey soos I couldn't see that name it went away but thank you REO neckla Rita Francisco Gertrudis thank you guys hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will see you guys next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 15,831
Rating: 4.9678197 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english vocabulary, learn interactive english, english grammar, learn grammar, learn english grammar, of meaning, of preposition, how to use the word of, how to use the preposition of, how to use of in english, how to use prepositions in english, english grammar rules, grammar rules
Id: bdN5xSIE9Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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