How to Use Modal Verbs | Should - Could - Would

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all right hello hello hello glad happy to be back hope you guys are having a wonderful day whenever you're watching this if you're watching this now as a live stream or even even if you're watching it later so what I'd like to do again just say hello in the comments let me know your name where are you joining us from and again even if you're watching this later write to us in the comments say what's up we love hearing from you guys so my name is Wes and from interactive English and every week we come out with new and different English lessons to help you guys practice and improve your skills and this week right now this lesson it's a fun lesson because I'm going to talk to you about modal verbs and this is actually a lesson that I think some any one of you asked me about it about a month or two ago about doing a lesson on modal verbs and I'm gonna talk to you about how to use them and when we use them and specifically I'm gonna focus on those right there should could and would so stay with us because I promise you will learn something new I got a bunch of questions for you and we're gonna practice using these modal verbs so what's up I julissa Vika sort of Gerry Oh Fred Marco hello hello how are you guys long good to see so many familiar faces today thanks for joining me hope you guys are having a wonderful day and again sorry if I don't if I miss some names sometimes not everything it just Scrolls so fast in the feed but I will try to say what's up to you guys I appreciate you being here so let's just let's just jump into it so we're gonna talk about modal verbs specifically these three right here should and would there's all types of modal verbs but I specifically for this lesson just want to look at those three and then we're gonna practice using them a little bit so let's start out with a basic and simple question answering this well what are modal verbs the reason I wanted to talk to you about modal verbs is because we use them all the time it is these are very these are words that are very common we use them a lot but we don't tend to focus on these words they don't they're not given a lot of emphasis and we use them for the mostly these four reasons right here to show likelihood about whether something is going to happen or it's not going to happen we can use it to show ability whether we are capable of doing something we also use it for permission whether it's okay to do something or an obligation which is basically saying that it's something that we must do that we should do it is important for us to do something and if you really want to think about it modal's really just give us more information about the main verb now look at I'm I'm very proud of that picture that I found right down there because I saw it and I was like wow this will be a great way to show how modal's work in a sentence and kind of how it's connected and kind of turns things forward in our heads so we understand what is being talked about so you basically have your subject followed by the modal verb followed by the main verb and it really takes us through that process of the sentence and the modal verb again it's just really giving more information about that main verb in the main verb you can see is that biggest part of the the biggest gear because it is it's probably the most important part of a sentence because it really gives meaning to the sentence and what we're trying to to convey the message the thought the idea that we're trying to tell so modal verbs really help out the main verbs in that way now there are certain characteristics about modal verbs that we should be aware of which is more of the the grammar to show us how to use these modal verbs so let's look at the characteristics of a modal verb so first off is modal's they never never never never never never I'll say it one more time never change their form so we don't add we don't we don't conjugate a modal verb we don't add s we don't add an e D for the past we don't add an ING for the continuous so you can look down there typically the subject and verb have to agree for example I want he wants we add an S but if we're using a modal verb and we say like I should you just say he should the modal verb does not change a form we do not add an S to the modal verb I tried to put it down there in that example and basically put the S in red to show you don't use it along with an X so yes do not change the form of the modal verb the second thing to be aware of is that modal's are followed by the bare infinitive and you might be wondering well what is the bare infinitive so an infinitive verb is is just 2 plus the base verb to go to dance to run to learn if it's the bare infinitive you're just it's without - there is no - so for example again you would just have the subject the modal and then the bare infinitive just the base verb he should go alright now this is something that I think would be more common that learners might make mistakes in their writing I think speaking people use it correctly but sometimes I think in writing people might make these small mistakes and they might use the infinitive and when they should just use the bare infinitive you would just say he should go there is no - in between the modal and the base verb so those are the characteristics of modal verbs so let's start talking about that first modal verb should let's have a look at it should so we use should for this first part to talk about to show an obligation a recommendation or a polite request so I'm sorry if hopefully you can read these I try to make the text as large as I can I know some of you might be watching this on a mobile device and it's harder to read but if it if not it's okay I will say the sentences for you so we're showing an obligation a recommendation or a request and my request I might ask you guys mmm you should give this lesson a thumbs up you should give this lesson a thumbs up so it's it's basically in this case it's a polite request now it's not something it's not something that you absolutely have to do if you're using should it's maybe like mmm 75% to 90% of saying okay this is you know this is something that you probably should do it will benefit you you should exercise you should eat healthier all right it's also polite because if I just tell you do some exercise it's a little it comes off as a little rude it's a little strong so you can use that modal verb to make it a little more polite by just giving you know a recommendation you should do this you should do that so what I want you to do right now is share with us and tell us what do you think what should you do to improve your English skills I want to hear from you guys right now me what should you do to improve your English skills and I want you to give me give me a full sentence right down there in the chat and if you are watching this later again practice with us use the comments section like like it's a whiteboard and write the sentences in there and practice writing with us tell me what do you think what should you do to improve your English skills have some other people joining us maaan deep hello Ahmed how's it going hope you guys mohammad sorry if i mispronounce some names sue-shaun good to have you guys here with us great thank you so much for joining us junior Marco whereas you wanna you wanna is actually out right now so she's she's not in the chat it's it's just us right now maybe she'll be back next time so Aman oh hello Helen great to have you guys with us thanks for joining us we are talking if you're just joining us we are talking about modal verbs and how we use them and why we use them and we're talking about should could and would so right now I want you to tell me what should you do to improve your English skills this is good advice that we can all read and learn from each other and and hear what each other is doing to practice and improve our English skills so in the chat tell me what should you do to improve your skills we can also you should to ask a question all right so I say you know should we watch another lesson maybe that's something that you're thinking after this lesson should I watch another lesson or should I cook dinner or should I watch some TV we can use it to ask questions but in my opinion I think it's used commonly to ask rhetorical questions and rhetorical questions are questions that are not meant to be answered and the reason I say this is because think it's commonly used when people are talking to themselves when people are thinking to themselves I do this all the time when I'm thinking to myself should I do this should I do that I'm not really expecting anybody to respond and give me an answer it's just something I asked myself so I think commonly we would you should in this context when we're thinking to ourselves about what we should do or maybe something we should not do we can use it to ask questions the other thing down at the bottom we can you should to express things that are likely to happen for example he should be here by now where you're waiting for somebody to show up to arrive and you might say well he should be here by now it's likely going to happen last week we talked about time expressions and I will I'll leave a link to it I'll put a card up in case you missed last week's live lesson and would like to check out and learn more about some time expressions but I told you how we could use the simple present to talk about something that will happen in the immediate future like the the plane arrives Monday or the plane arrives at night it's the simple present we can also you should like this to talk about something that will happen the plane should arrive tomorrow now if you're using should it means like well maybe maybe it's not going to arrive it should arrive but maybe it won't but you're talking about something that's likely going to happen the movie should start the party should start at 9 o'clock that is a great example and a way that it's commonly used because people will schedule a party but sometimes they well most of the time they start later than people tell you so but somebody might say well yeah it should start at 9:00 and that way you know like okay it's probably not going to start at that time I should show up a little later so I don't get there too early so that is again how we can use shoulds let's see what you guys told us what are some things you should do I should wake up early you're late class it's okay that's a good example Anibal thanks for sharing with us yes I should follow you to improve my learning skills perfect excellent use of should and yes I think you should follow us follow us on social media too you can join our classes we're always putting up new information and posting questions for you guys to answer and practice so I should watch you more than one hour to learn some ahmed thank you for sharing a sentence with us you guys are very flattering right now thank you I really appreciate it Rocio said we should practice listening listening and talking by watching by watching English movies in order to improve our English yes that is something that everyone should do to improve their skills practice their listening practice speaking you can watch movies read books I think is another great thing great way to improve your skills and it is something that you should do now let's look at the next modal verb which is good so the first part I want to tell you about is we use could to suggest a possibility alright you could do this or you could do that and the sentence that I had for you is well we could eat Italian or Thai food you have two choices and you're basically saying you could do this or you could do that so it's used to talk about a possibility something that you you have the choice to do so I want you to use it again let's let's practice using it in this way I want you to tell me what you know what could you eat tomorrow what is it possible for you to eat tomorrow give me some choices you you could eat this or you could eat that alright let me let me I'd like to hear from you because it's interesting to know what foods everybody is eating from all around the world and plus I'm kind of as you can tell I'm getting a little hungry right now so food food is on my mind so in the comments in the chat tell me what could you eat what could you eat tomorrow for lunch for dinner you could give me a sentence I could eat this or that alright you're talking about a possibility something that is it possible for you to eat the next thing you can also we use could quite often to ask questions and to make a request when you're asking somebody to do something and we you would say for example I'd say Oh could you please write to us in the comments we always ask you guys to write to us in the comments you can make it a request and could you you could also say can but again I think could is just it's a little more polite to use the modal it just sounds a little softer it's a little more polite a little more genuine you say could you please write to us in the comments and yes that's something we always want you guys to do is yes could you please write to us in the comments could you please join our classes could you please you know help us share the videos help us spread the word and make this class as large as possible so you can use could to make a request a polite request something you want somebody to do so if you guys have questions for us if you would like to request something that is something that's a good way to practice it you guys could say could you please do this for example I know in some of our lessons especially at the beginning the music that we would add to the lessons it was a little too loud but and that would be a request some people have written to us and said you know for the future could you turn down the music a little bit because it's a bit too loud and that would be a polite request the last thing that we use could for is when we want to use the past tense of can and in this sense we're talking about inability something that you can do so for example maybe I would say oh I can run fast I was I can run fast and then I get older like I am right now and I could use this sentence and I'd say when I was younger I'm talking about a time in the past when I was younger I could run much faster alright I could run much faster I had that ability in the past alright I could run much faster excellent so let's see how we're practicing could and some sentences you Lisa said I could eat a sandwich at lunchtime yes that is a possibility Vivian I could eat mashed potatoes poached egg and a glass of apple juice as my breakfast that sounds like a very nice breakfast that is something you could do it is a possibility could you please mention my name Alamgir yes Almaguer Hussein all right sorry if I mispronounced your name but yes I I will mention your name that you asked you asked very politely and that's very nice Aziz I could eat potatoes and rice excellent I could eat jr. I could eat lasagna all right I could eat lasagna Amano I could eat chicken or meat again you have a choice so that's a possibility so perfect you guys using that perfectly Maalik yes could you please speak slowly I will try I will keep that in mind thank you you asked very nicely and I think when I get excited about something I tend to speak faster and faster so that's actually an interesting request because some people it's very interesting you usually I talk slower naturally that's just my speech and a lot of times people comment about that in on our video lessons and they're like you speak way too slow you speak you sound like a robot and then other people are like oh you're too fast so I'm trying to find that balance what's beneficial for everybody what would help you guys the best what's the best speed and it's always gonna change so again this is how we use could and let's look at the last one would alright we use wood when we're asking questions and using who what where when why how we we you commonly hear wood used with these W questions who what where when why how even though how is not a w but we use it all the time with these questions so for example I would ask you maybe a question what would you like to do today what would you like to do today that would be a question what would what would you like to do today and my question to you I have a question are well I didn't put today in there I said what would you like to do my question to you is what would you like to do what would you like to do tomorrow tomorrow is Sunday what would you like to do tomorrow let me know in the chat or if again if you're watching this later write to us in the comments right there it is write to us in the comments what would you like to do on Sunday what would you like to do tomorrow let us know give me an answer and again you're gonna respond I would like what I would like to go swimming I would like to read a book I would like to study more English with interactive English so let me know let's practice using it what would you like to do tomorrow on Sunday answer that question please could you please answer that question and in the chat we also use wood as you can tell same with these other modal verbs to ask questions we use wood to ask questions and again it's it's polite would you please help me I think this is a great phrase to learn would you please would you please any time that you want to be polite and it's very important if you're at school or for a job for work to use this phrase would you please and then you could ask somebody you know what what do you want them to do you're making your request you're asking a question would you please do this would you please do that it is a great great great great phrase to learn the last part down there this last one is a hypothetical situation if I were you I would do the practice at the end of the lesson that's what we are getting ready to do if I were you I would do the practice at the end of the lesson now you might be it's a hypothetical situation and you might be looking at that and you know that oh okay that is a conditional sentence so we you we do use would with conditionals with the second conditional and the third conditional truth be told we have some very very very super awesome lessons on conditionals and again I will put a card up so that if you haven't seen them you can check those out if we're talking about the second conditional like this one a hypothetical situation or even the third conditional which would be an unreal possibility you would use would so an example using the third conditional again the condition would be the past perfect okay if I had gotten up earlier today I would have started this live lesson sooner if I had gotten up earlier today I would have started this lesson sooner so again we're using wood Plus have plus the past participle but again I don't want to get into the grammar you guys can check out that lesson a little later next there are two other instances that we used would you would use it to make a polite request because instead of saying I want I would like I think I would ask you guys to take I want and almost just get rid of it all right it's it's so much more polite it's it's so much better to just say I would like I would like and I think it you know even if you're talking to your friends your family your teachers at work it's so universal it's good just to say you know I would like I would like I would like of glass of water you're making a polite request and the last one is to show a wish or desire what would you like all right what what is your wish what is your desire I gave you that example sentence kind of comparing two things I would rather I would rather go on vacation than go to work I think most of us would most of you would agree with that sentence I would rather go on vacation than go to work it's showing a wish showing a desire in your answers because I want to read them to you would basically you telling me your desire I asked you what would you like to do tomorrow what would you like to do and your answers would be telling me a desire I would like to go swimming I would like to read a book I would like to travel to another city so let's see what you guys put what would you like to do tomorrow my said I would like to go shopping perfect again that's expressing a desire Zarqa said I would like to hang out with my friends tomorrow perfect Doni tomorrow I would like to go to church search excellent Apple I would like to I would say I would like to thank you for your great videos you are very welcome thank you for joining us we're glad to have you so let's see IMed would have to work in the morning okay I would say well again your especially your desire what would you like to do tomorrow you then say if you don't want to work I I would not like to work tomorrow because it's very boring okay Dalia I would like to go clothes shopping to buy a new red dress for my relative's wedding excellent perfect thank you for sharing with us and have fun at the wedding Frank if I were you I would cook lunch at home instead of going to the restaurant that is a great example of the second conditional and using would perfect so let's now have a look and do the practice so I'm gonna give you a sentence and if you can try to write the whole sentence and you are just going to fill in are you going to use should are you going to use could or are you going to use would how are you going to complete the sentence alright so I will read the sentence and I just want you to write your answer in the comments and if you're watching this later make it more interactive write to us write to us in those comments all right don't don't be shy so this is your first one right here and with this first one okay I want you to pay attention to how I'm saying this pay attention to my intonation and my tone okay so I would say you try to study a little bit each day you try to study a little bit each day how would you complete that sentence I want you to write your answers in the chat are you going to use should could or would you try to study a little bit each day and I asked you again think about how I'm saying that think about my tone and that's kind of a hint so everybody you guys perfect excellent excellent so yes it is a suggestion so I said you should try to study a little bit each day that is something that we suggest to you guys all the time to improve your skills if you can find five minutes a day ten minutes a day 20 minutes a day a little bit each day even if it's three days a week four days a week five days a week you should try to study a little bit each day it really helps now what if I changed my intonation and said mmm you two try to study a little bit each day so what would you think in that went if I change my intonation and I say well you mM try to study a little bit each day what what would I what could we use in that case alright if if I set it with that tone and with that intonation so this is where you see a little bit of a difference if I said you mM try to study a little bit each day some of you you wrote it in there perfect excellent look at you guys in that case yes we would change it we would use could because it's talking about a possibility and my tone changed a little bit and I would say yeah you could try to study a little bit each day as though I'm I'm offering you a suggestion but something that's possible for you to do maybe you will do it maybe you won't but you could use could in that case so either should or could we could use that in this sentence but it changes the meaning depending on which one we want to say so I'm gonna just put should could and see does that fit alright so yes I could say a recommendation you should try to study a little bit each day as a possibility I'd say you could try to study what could you do you could try to study a little bit each day so that is a rather long explanation for this first question let's just move on so the next one I have for you is this question right here what do you guys think how would you complete boom this sentence make it there we go alright where hmm you like to go for dinner where mmm you like to go for dinner how are we going to complete that question what do you guys think Oh dosa hello hi you're just joining us we're practicing using these modal verbs should could and would if you guys just joined us hi Eduardo what's up glad to have you here so again write your answers in the chat how would you complete this question where mmm you like to go for dinner remember I told you that if we're talking about those questions who what where when why how we would use that with wood we often use it with wood where would you like to go for dinner so for this one we would put wood where would you like to go for dinner it's a common question that you might ask your friends your family members your husband your wife your boyfriend your girlfriend whoever where would you like to go for dinner let's look at this next question how about this one how would you guys say this oh if you got that last one right if you if you're getting these correct hit that hit that thumbs up button let me know that you guys are getting these correct and that you're able to follow this and it's pretty easy to follow so how would you complete this next sentence we get going we get going we get going we get going what would you use should could would to complete that sentence and everybody excellent yes you would say and this is a common phrase that if if you're leaving somewhere many people would say you know we should get going and again you're talking about in this case you're talking about something that is likely to happen something that's likely to happen we should we should get going it's getting late we should get going we should leave it's time to go we should get going it's a kind of a polite way to suggest that you know that it's time all right time to end the evening I should get going we should get going again you you could say it I guess as a possibility like hey you know well we could get going it's not it's not going to be you're not going to hear that too often I'm trying to think of a context that you might use that in but it's not something you would hear it's mostly yes we should get going what about this one right here how would you complete boom this sentence all right when I was a student I set my own schedule when I was a student I mmm set my own schedule are you going to use should could or would what do you guys think hi honey thanks for joining us excellent now nobody's ever nobody's ever late to class it is all good because this is going to get posted later and people you guys can watch this anytime you and even if you're out there now watching this later I want you to answer these questions write your answers in the comments it doesn't just have to be passive learning we want you to interact with us we want you to be engaged and it's a really good way to to practice you can use the comments section use it as a whiteboard so what would you say to complete this sentence when I was a student I mmm set my own schedule excellent everybody again you're talking about the past tense of can and that first part is that that's your big hint when I was a student you're talking about a point in the past what did you have the ability to do I could set my own schedule that is an ability I had in the past so we're using it like can in the past tense let's try this one have a couple more for you boom how would you how would you complete this sentence I mmm like you to ask one more question I mmm like you to ask one more question should could or would which modal are you going to use to complete that sentence should could or would hi Carlos what's up thanks for joining us thanks for saying hello I hope you're having a good day so here is my question we're doing a practice with modal's and I just want you guys to write your answers in the chat and everybody is rocking this practice so yes you're basically it is a desire or a wish something that you're asking and you would say I would like remember I told you that's a great this is a great phrase to remember instead of I want I want I want I want no I would like I would like it is so much better to get in the habit of using this especially if you're just meeting people you want to be polite if you at work you want to be polite if you're at school you want to be polite so I would like and to meet that request yes I will give you another another question all right so how would you fill out what about this one um BAM okay after this lesson alright after this lesson you mM share this video or join our social media classes what would you use you like how I'm I'm dropping all these subtle hints for everybody throughout the lesson it's a good way to practice so after this lesson you mmm share this video or join our social media classes which are right down here down there Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat or of course right here on YouTube how would you guys complete that sentence after this lesson you hmm share this video or join our social media classes so this one Wow okay yeah what I was going for many of you put should I guess you say I I guess you could say that because I'm giving you a thing I was actually I was actually going for more of a possibility of saying well you don't have to do this but you could so maybe my tone was incorrect when I was saying those but yeah you could say after this lesson you should share this video or join our social media classes but I wanted to actually go for after this lesson you hmm you could share this video or join our social media classes so either one of those is correct maybe I didn't give you the right intonation but I was going for could suggesting a possibility of something that could happen so again if you just joined us late I just want to review the modal verbs that we talked about we went over and should and the times that we you should to talk about an obligation or request something you should do we can use it to ask questions and I said it was mostly I mostly use it to ask rhetorical questions when I'm thinking to myself should I do this should I do that should I ask another question should I not and finally like that last one down there to express something that's likely going to happen he should be here by now next we talked about could and could express a possibility like that last one I was going for you could share this lesson or join our social media classes it's just to suggest a possibility you can make questions and make a request you can ask questions and make a request could you please do something could you please a great way another great phrase to remember to be very very polite and finally to use it in the past of can when I was younger I could run much faster and finally we talked about wood with those questions who what where when why how what would you like to do what would you like to do where would you like to go why would you like to learn English and with questions just directly using the modal would you what would you please help me again that's another great way to be polite would you please anything do something would you please help me would you please write to us in the comments and a hypothetical situation if we're talking about conditionals if I were you I would mm I would watch another lesson all right we can also use wood to make a request I would like a glass of water or to show a wish or desire something that you would like to do tomorrow I would like to relax and rest and just kick back and have a day and just chill out and do nothing that's what I would like to do so again thank you guys so much for joining us I hope that you learned something new if you did boom please hit that like button or share the video with others help us spread the word if you have any other questions or comments related to could should or would please write them in the comments and even if you're watching this later just tell us your name tell us where you're from answer these questions and interact with us again because this is it's interactive English and finally you can join our social media classes we're active on Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat and YouTube so again excellent junior Carlos Frank long Rosa thank you guys Marco Amano Donny Annabelle Dahlia sorry if I'm missing some names thank you guys thank you thank you thank you so much for joining us and as always you know we will see you very shortly we will see you next time have a great day enjoy the rest of your weekend and we'll see you later so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 95,010
Rating: 4.9102149 out of 5
Keywords: Interactive English, Learn English Free, Practice English, Learn English Online, Study English, english grammar lesson, common grammar problems, learn english grammar, learn modal verbs, could, should, would, english modal verbs could should would, how to use modal verbs, intermediate grammar lesson, advanced grammar lesson, fun grammar lesson, how to use could should would, learn english modal verbs, practice english grammar, practice modal verbs, aprender gramática inglesa
Id: Y91wz9h0xLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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