MANY, MUCH, A LOT OF, & LOTS OF | Grammar Deep Dive with Common Quantifiers

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many much a lot of lots of so these are very common and useful quantifiers we use them quite often in everyday conversation so in this lesson i want to talk to you about well how to use these words as well as how they're different and i think the one thing that i want you to be aware of is that they are not always interchangeable that's very important and i'll talk about that as we go through the lesson so well one thing that they have in common is that you may use these words before a noun or you could even use them without a noun and i'm going to go into a lot of detail about all of this in just a moment but if this is your first time here i want to introduce myself my name is wes the channel is interactive english it's all about trying to help you reach your fluency goals if that's what you would like to do please subscribe turn on notifications so that you will learn about future lessons so let's first talk about when you use these words and then follow it with a noun and i'm going to break this part into three different parts i'm going to talk about affirmative statements negative statements and then questions so let's start with affirmative statements and we'll begin with many and much so you are going to use many with plural nouns and you will use much with singular uncountable nouns so i could say well you know maybe there is much concern on your part that you're not getting enough exposure to the english language which is maybe why you're here right now and you're in luck because there are many lessons to help you improve your english skills and i i just used much with a an uncountable noun much concern and i use many with that plural noun many lessons but to be perfectly honest i would probably say great concern instead of much concern because when we're talking about affirmative statements uh you're not often going to use much before the noun it just sounds really formal but the one thing you you just need to know is whether or not the noun is countable or uncountable i know that if you are in a conversation you're not going to stop and think about well wait is this a countable noun or an uncountable noun you're just going to to say one of these and i think over time as you continue to get exposure you continue to read and listen you'll be able to use these naturally without even thinking about it but that being said if you want to make sure and not really worry about it using an affirmative statement well then you could use a lot of or lots of because you can use these quantifiers with either plural nouns or singular uncountable nouns so um do you know this is true that there are a lot of people who are trying to become fluent in english and i i really believe that in order to become fluent it takes a lot of effort so i just used it with the plural noun a lot of people and i also used it with that uncountable noun a lot of effort i could also say that i always try to give you lots of useful information to help you improve your skills and well because of that like in this video i really hope that there are lots of likes and comments so again i use lots of with information which is uncountable and i use lots of with likes and comments which are both plural nouns now again in my opinion i feel like when we're talking about these affirmative statements i probably use a lot of most of the time and i i will use many when talking about countable nouns i already mentioned that you're not really going to use much and just personally i just don't use lots of because uh it's it's pretty informal if you're going to say a lot of or lots of it is a little more informal but with these affirmative statements i probably use a lot of most of the time that's just me now let's talk about some negative statements and again when we're we're talking about negative statements you're going to use many with plural nouns you're going to use much with singular uncountable nouns and you can use a lot of or lots of with either one and i'm i am probably going to say this again because this is important information so plural nouns i could say that well i don't have many contacts in my phone um i also don't have a lot of photos either and i i i do not have lots of apps so again i use those with the the plural nouns uh many contacts a lot of photos lots of apps and i really the thing that you're learning is that my phone is a bit uh old and boring it is an iphone 6 plus i probably need a new phone as for those uncountable nouns um i could say that i i don't have much money in my wallet i also don't have a lot of change in my pocket and i don't have lots of hope that my financial situation is going to change and well that that is a joke i i am hopeful but just to give you that example of using them with those uncountable nouns much money a lot of change and lots of hope i think the same applies for the negative statements that much and many are going to sound a bit more formal and a lot of and lots of are more informal and just to throw in my opinion i think when talking about negative statements i probably use all of them equally especially like much many and a lot of when talking about negative statements i use all three of those again i i just don't really use lots of that often now with questions there is something that's a little different um and i really want to focus on how many and how much so again we're going to use many with those plural nouns and much with those singular uncountable nouns and i could say well like um how many people have watched this video um i really don't know you know you're watching it right now you can see how many people have viewed it and i could also say well you know how much time is left in this lesson i'm sure there are probably several minutes so just stick with me but the one thing that is different about this is that you cannot use a lot of or lots of instead of many and much all right so you really just need to think of those as like fixed phrases how many how much with other questions you can use them interchangeably i could say well um were there many children on the playground were there a lot of children on the playground or something like does your teacher have much patience or does your teacher have lots of patience so with other questions you can use a lot of or lots of instead of much or many but when talking about that uh that amount that quantity and you're going to use how you're just going to use that fixed phrase how many or how much there's also a difference with negative questions because with negative questions there's kind of an expectation as to what the answer might be if i were to say well was this not what happened it's almost like i i expect what the answer is so you're going to use many and much in negative questions when you're you're asking about a large quantity that you expect is probably not there and you're going to use a lot of and lots of when well maybe there should be a large quantity of something and you think well yes it might be there so if i say um are there not many coffee shops in your neighborhood it's like i'm i'm expecting that the answer is probably going to be no or if i said are there not a lot of coffee shops in your neighborhood i i'm thinking well yes probably the answer should be yes that there are a lot of coffee shops or i could say didn't you drink much water um i'm expecting that this the other person well probably didn't drink much water and that is different if i ask well didn't you drink lots of water that i'm expecting that the answer may be yes that this person did drink lots of water so so keep that in mind that is a slight difference between many and much a lot of and lots of now as i mentioned at the beginning you can use these without a noun as well and i think this often happens when you're having a conversation and the noun is obvious and and both people or the group of people know what noun they're talking about so if i asked the question like oh did you catch many fish yesterday and you say yes i caught many right i don't need to say fish because we know that the noun is obvious can i borrow some money somebody might ask well how much or perhaps um were were there many people that came to the party say yes there were a lot or you could ask was there food left over after dinner and somebody might just say lots all right so in this case you're not going to say lots of you would just respond with lots if we're if we're taking out that noun without the noun you just say lots there are also some other phrases with these quantifiers like well many of or much of and you follow it with that preposition you'll follow it with of if it comes before a possessive a demonstrative an article or a pronoun i always try to answer many of your comments all right before that that possessive or i i have studied spanish for much of my life all right that that is i think a phrase that you will hear from time to time much of someone's life we can also use much along with a comparative adjective and the reason for this is that it just makes the comparison it makes it much stronger i just used it right then much stronger so you could say like much faster much better and it's really just to emphasize that comparison we can also use so with many or much and this really just replaces very so many so much there are so many different flavors of ice cream or somebody could say i have so much work to do and we could even use so along with with much and that comparative adjective just to make even the emphasis even stronger so much better so much faster and we could also use two with many and much too many too much it just means that something is more than necessary there are too many people uh on this bus or something that i say from time to time ugh i i ate too much food more than necessary and then we could use well as many as or as much as and these well there are several different uses but the one i want to talk to you about is kind of just referring to a large quantity like some some kind of upper limit so i could say something like well you can write as many comments as you like or something well that a person might say it's pretty common you can have as much food as you want all right so those are some useful phrases so i hope that you learned a lot of information in this video and i just realized every time i use them like a lot of information i told you these are very useful words these quantifiers we use them all the time in everyday conversation so i really hope that you learned something new if you did please hit that like button write to me in the comments i always love hearing from you and i will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 6,834
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Keywords: interactive english, learn english, learn english grammar, english grammar lesson, advanced grammar lesson, learn advanced grammar english, learn english quantifiers, how to use quantifiers grammar, grammar quantifiers, grammar much many, grammar a lot of lots of, english grammar much many a lot of lots of, how to use much many, much many a lot of difference, english grammar much many a lot of, many vs much, a lot of vs lots of, many much a lot of lots of
Id: EeiYA8xz3hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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