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hello what's up everyone my name is Wes and in case this is your first time here at interactive English we are all about helping you practice and improve your English skills and today this is a lesson that many people have requested us to do we are going to talk about all 12 verb tenses that's right I am going to cover all 12 verb tenses in this lesson but not only that I want you guys to practice your skills which is what this is all about so I want you to write sentences throughout this lesson write sentences in the chat and practice these verb tenses and even if you are watching this later I want you to use the comments section as though it were a piece of paper and write sentences there and always practice practice practice practice that is what these interactive lessons are all about so I want to give quick shout out hello lollie Luna Susanna min yellow van Saeed Angela welcome thank you for joining me today I will give some more shout outs throughout the lesson especially as you guys are writing your sentences so let's just let's let's just begin all right there are 12 different verb tenses that we're going to talk about today so you might think well how did we get to 12 well there are four aspects in which you were talking about the simple the progressive the perfect or the perfect progressive now you may hear some people refer to the progressive as continuous they mean the same thing either one whether you want to say the the progressive tense or continuous either one is okay so we have those four aspects and then the three main tenses which I think everyone is familiar with the past the present in the future and when we multiply four times three we get 12 we get 12 different verb tenses now I gave you this just as a reference I used the verb the base verb go to go and I conjugated it using those four different aspects and those three main tenses I'm not going to go over this chart with you this is again just for you to kind of look and examine because we are going to talk about each and every one of these verb tenses and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna tell you how we like when the verb tense is used I'm gonna ask you a question and then I'm gonna give you some example sentences showing you again how to use this verb tense some common ways in which the verb tenses are used and again I want you guys to write in the chat so that anybody watching this they can see all of these wonderful examples of these verb tenses being used the other thing I would say is that I am going to try and start it's going to start with the easiest tenses and then kind of work your way up to the more difficult ones so these are it's almost like this is the order and which learners would learn these verb tenses now there are different ways in different orders in which somebody may learn it but just in general these are the ones that I think are the most I guess the most valuable I I've ordered them in terms of importance and priority okay so here we go let's go we're gonna start with the present simple okay which is generally used to describe actions in the present that are either habitual or factual all right so just keep that in mind present simple and I've given you a question that I want you to answer and I want you to write a complete sentence all right for all of these questions please write in complete sentences okay so my question is how often do you study English how often do you study English write your answer in the chat or if you're watching it later write that in the comments and I'm gonna keep a lookout for for some of those comments right there okay ready so how often do you study English here are some example sentences that I would give you okay right here so I would say the following all right I we usually play soccer when you're talking about those adverbs of frequency always usually sometimes rarely never it's often used in the present simple okay we usually play soccer we play I could say another one like nobody stands up to her I wanted to throw that three work that that phrasal verb in there stand up to someone if you stand up to someone it means you are you are kind of you're you're kind of fighting back you're you're you're sticking up for yourself usually you would stand up to a bully so you could say like you know nobody stands up to her and nobody stands remember subject verb agreement then I throw a question in there a question using the present simple do you enjoy watching YouTube would be just again a question now keep in mind in this case watching alright this is not the continuous tense watching is a gerund alright you enjoy doing something so watching is not a verb it's not in its it's actually a gerund so keep that in mind if you're wondering like wait why is there an ING in there and then my final sentence again just I don't know pick on myself sometimes Wes doesn't like broccoli it's true I know I'm sure many of you are broccoli lovers out there I don't want to offend you but yes I am NOT a fan of broccoli mostly I wanted to share that image down there which I found as part of a meme because it looks like this piece of broccoli is is giving is giving someone the finger and the meme would be like you know fu to broccoli so I thought that was really funny and I just wanted to share that picture mostly which is why I wrote that sentence so again some some examples in the using the present simple Thank You um Angela I study English every day alright Syed I watch your live your live lessons whenever you hold them perfect and let's see angel I enjoy watching interactive English on YouTube thank you angel we really appreciate that yell v'n a sentence in the principal i don't like broccoli either excellent alright great minds think alike alright so I Elma I study English every day perfect okay again these are examples in the present simple I think this should be pretty easy again it's going to get more difficult because some of the verb tenses we don't often use present simple we use all the time so let's continue moving right along let's look at the past simple alright this is used to describe a finish action in the past the action is complete the action is finished so here's a here's a question so to elicit a variety of different answers I this is a common question somebody might ask and I would ask you you know oh hey what did you do yesterday did is in the past tense what did you do yesterday again I'm identifying a lot of time with the past you will have those time expressions those time words like yesterday last night last year and that will tell you ok the past the past simple so just tell me write to me in the chat what did you do yesterday tell me I'm gonna lookout use the past tense and write a complete sentence that's always important I always want you guys to practice fully write a complete sentence so some of my example sentences would be right here okay I'd say she traveled to Italy a long time ago so again I'm referencing the past with a long time ago and I say she traveled to Italy it's she's already been there and she returned she's already done there it's a finished action and she traveled to Italy I bought some wet wipes yesterday alright that's a true story right there so again yesterday I'm indicating the time that's in the past bought is an irregular verb so I buy in the present simple I bought I bought some wet wipes yesterday they weren't for me they were for her little our little baby girl Amelia but yes I bought some white wet wipes yesterday the next one um this is a question that I I think is great because if you did not do something and maybe you should you should have done it in the past but you didn't do it like for example call someone somebody might ask you hey why didn't you call I'm trying to mix some of these examples with questions using the negative so that you can kind of see how this tense is used somebody might say hey why didn't you call the in this case I should have called in the past it did not happen so you might say why didn't you call why didn't you come why didn't you join us alright so in that case something did not happen but maybe it should have and then we could say Wes lived in South Korea for three years another true story there's a picture of me with some of my students at the University and I lived in South Korea for three years on young Sao - anybody out there who is in Korea watching right now so let's look at some sentences all right what did you do yesterday that was my question to you Albert I managed to create a file that I I need to analyze the data excellent alright you managed to do something yesterday Estella yesterday I played soccer and spent time with my friends perfect Kia new ends re if I mispronounce names I learned English yesterday past simple perfect Lally yesterday I didn't cook broccoli good good good on you awesome so again past simple you're going to either use the regular past which would be that IDI ending like traveled or irregular there are many many irregular verbs like bought or went and those you just have to memorize they're very common so the next tense that I want to look at is one that is very common very useful and it's also talking about the past which is why we're gonna do it next and that is the present perfect so even if you see that word present perfect it's not just talking about the present it's really referring to something in the past but it has a connection with the present and that's what I would say it talks about an action in the past at an unspecified time we don't know when this happened which has a connection with the present a connection to the present and I'll give you an example to show you a little bit more about that in just a moment so my question to you in the present perfect what incredible places have you visited we are always trying to you know learn about some new and cool and amazing places so that's what I that's really why I wanted to ask you tell me so that maybe we know where to travel on our next vacation what incredible places have you visited give me a you know again practice using the present perfect you could say I have been I have visited I have gone to there are many different ways that you could answer this question and and talk about some of these incredible places so let's look at some example sentences okay so present perfect alright she has played piano for six years again look at how its constructed you're going to use the helping verb have plus the past participle has played she has played piano for six years now what this tells us when you see for in since those are are two words that are going to indicate okay I think I might use the present perfect she has played piano for six years she started in the past six years ago and is playing today that is the connection to the present because she is still playing piano today the lesson has already begun okay the lesson began in the past but it's still happening right now it has a connection with the present but if you're just joining us thank you we are talking about all 12 verb tenses please stick around join and practice your English skills and the other question that I have again just to give you a question an example of a question in the present perfect somebody might ask you hey where have you been that is a common question that somebody would want to know that you know where were you in the past but it's an unspecified unspecified time you know it does not say it's not talking about you know maybe yesterday last year the its implying the more recent past it's not really in this case this question would be implying something in the recent past but not a very specified time hey where have you been and I could say Wes Wes has been to China again I didn't tell you when because it's unspecified but Wes has been to alright present perfect there's a picture of me in front of the Forbidden City with Chairman Mao staring over my shoulder now one thing that I wanted to point out because a lot of times that people get confused with these verb tenses is when to use one over the other and what is the difference when should I use the past simple and when should I use the present perfect because I gave you that example remember I said Wes lived in South Korea for three years and I told you when you see four and it's talking about a period of time often we use that with the present perfect so you might be thinking well why did you use the past simple then and not the present perfect well one difference is that if I say Wes has lit Wes lived in South Korea for three years it means it happened in the past it's finished I lived in South Korea but I don't live there now if I use the present perfect and say Wes has lived in South Korea for three years then that means that I still live there now so that is one difference between the past simple in the present perfect if it's the past simple it's finished it's completed remember the present perfect it has that connection with the present started in the past but it's still happening now like she has played piano for six years so keep that in mind when you're thinking about what's the difference between these somebody some other places again tell me where you guys have been Maggie says I have been to Japan this summer it was an amazing experience keep in mind I'd say again when you throw that time in there this summer oftentimes it would then be used with the past simple because you're specifying the time like I went to Japan this this past summer would be a common way and remember have been when you're using the present perfect often we refer to that unspecified time we don't know exactly when it happened somebody says I have studied English lolly for two years perfect so far I've eaten lunch okay yes that is present perfect we don't know when you ate lunch but yes I have been busy with work Alberto perfect somebody said where was it let's see I have been to Turkey it's a wonderful country so I a great example present perfect again its unspecified we don't know when and yes turkey is on the list we really want to visit Turkey there are I think we could find some good flights to Istanbul so yes that's on the list good idea so after the present perfect let's move on we're gonna make it it's gonna get a little more challenging a little more difficult this one I think is pretty easy pretty straightforward future simple okay it describes actions that will happen in the future and usually it expresses some kind of fact or certainty because you're talking about something that will happen that you think will happen you are certain about it so again a common question I will ask you you know what what will you eat tomorrow all right I'm kind of curious I've already told you that you know I don't like broccoli but I want to know what what do you guys like what will you eat tomorrow tell me you know express certainty and use the future simple what will you eat tomorrow that is my question for you guys write it in the chat and practice using the future simple so here are my examples that I have for you so I could say again it will rain all this week in this case you are expressing that certainty talking about something that will happen in the future and we often use notice that we use it with that modal will and I will plus the base verb will rain in the next sentence I said you know more something stating a fact if I'm saying well hey the door won't open all right it will not open again that's the negative in this case you're saying something won't happen in the future it's not going open and somebody might just express a fact and say hey the door won't open it's stuck the door won't open and then the next one we will we will rock you okay bonus points woohoo which group sings that song we will we will Rock you I'm not gonna try and sing this sing it for you because I'm a terrible singer and I don't want you guys to leave but bonus points who sings that we will we will rock you and my last question for you right down there will you join our community our email list our community will you join if you don't already know about it you can join our email list access the secret fluency lesson get some useful and freely resources as well as the latest updates let me throw a link in there just in case so again that that's my question to you will will you join our our our community make that connection with us that's what we want if you haven't joined it already please do so so let's look at again I want to go back and read some sentences yes MIMO or although Paul Lally perfect Queen yes Queen is my we will we will rock you question perfect go SIA excellent so what will you eat tomorrow Benny girl to said Gerardo said I'll eat pizza perfect Benny said I will eat a sandwich excellent perfect what will you do Rama said I will eat vegetables that is a great way to stay healthy I think I should eat vegetables tomorrow maybe I will I don't know we'll see there's a little uncertainty in that maybe so we've talked about the future again I think it's common we use it all the time you understand it let's look at the present progressive and remember I said progressive some people might say continuous present progressive present continuous it means the same thing but what it does mean is it refers to an action that is happening right now it is not complete it is happening now now now now now so I would ask you my question to you that I want you to answer write it in the chat or write it in the comments if you're watching this later on where are you sitting or standing right now you guys are at home watching this maybe you're on a bus maybe you're standing in a metro I that's I don't know but that was my question I want to know where where are you right now where are you sitting right now or where are you standing right now I'm asking you about now so you are going to answer using the present progressive and if you want to see the present progressive in action and know how to answer it check this out the phone is ringing so when we're talking about the progressive tense we use it with the helping verb to be and the main verb and the ing is ringing you see that ing on the end of ringing because that is how we express that something is happening now and that's a that's a common sentence you might hear somebody say like hey you know somebody's phone is ringing the phone is ringing somebody needs to answer it their sentence the ants are marching one by one hurrah hurrah we've been watching a lot of just nursery rhymes lately with our little girl and that was just in my mind the ants are marching one by one but again present progressive that is what the ants are doing right now or a common question that that somebody might ask you which you know is just hey what what are you doing what are you doing maybe you're doing something that you should not be doing and somebody say what are you doing or maybe you're again you're talking to somebody on the phone and they just want to know you know what are you doing right now what are you doing common question and down there again present progressive I would say again if I'm thinking about right now in that picture in that picture I'd say we are standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge because we used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area I would use we are standing so again keep in mind the the way that you form the present progressive the helping verb to be plus the base verb Plus that I ng is ringing are marching yeah are standing okay so I had asked you guys where you know where are you guys right now so let me see where are you guys Ricardo I'm just laying on my bed perfect tinta and I'm on my bed right now while watching your video excellent booze corn I'm having dinner and watching your live lesson excellent I'm Gonzalo I'm sitting in a chair having breakfast awesome this is this is so cool like just everybody's connected right now at this moment Angela I'm standing in my room right now perfect okay again using that present progressive it's talking about now now now now now now alright so if the present progressive is talking about the present now let's look at the past progressive or the past continuous as some might call it it refers to a continuous for first to continuous actions at a specific time in the past that's one way we use it or it's talking about a continuous action that were happening when another event occurred and I will give you some examples talking about those and I would ask you my question all right again in this case I'm asking about a specific time what were you doing yesterday at 6:00 p.m. so yesterday it's talking about the past 6:00 p.m. that's a specific time what action were you doing yesterday at 6:00 p.m. I want you to write a sentence an example using the past progressive now what were you doing yesterday at 6:00 p.m. remember that now let's look at my examples again we're going to form this the same way as the present progressive the past progressive you're using the helping verb to be plus the main verb plus ing the only difference is is again we're talking about the past so the verb to be is going to be in the past last week this is true last week we were visiting Slovenia was with my family we were visiting Slovenia again we were the subject and verb must agree visiting I got to put that ing on there and last week that is the time I'm talking about that specific time so again you can refer to like yesterday at this specific time you could say last week last year I was doing this certain thing okay you can use the past progressive now if we're talking about when when we're talking about a continuous action when another action occurs like this next example when I started the lesson people were talking in the chat so that is my other point in time when I started the lesson that is a point in time what was happening at that time people were talking in the chat that was the continuous action as I started the lesson people were talking in the chat okay and I could say that again in this photo it's like this this photo just makes me laugh in this photo I was laughing with our baby girl so again and then in this case I'm using that photo that is my specific time that is my moment in this photo I was laughing with our baby girl we put her in front of the mirror and she just likes to look at me and her her she likes to look at herself and just laugh so makes me laugh too so we were all laughing now let's look at again I asked you what you were doing yesterday at 6:00 p.m. okay let's see what what kind of response is I'm just gonna read a few of them hong says are hanged wrong I was driving I was driving and I felt over last month I'm not sure you could say yeah I was driving yesterday at 6:00 p.m. eeehm I was driving to my home perfect Sahaj nuta I was in church meeting remember you in that case that's the past simple remember past possessive you could say I was meeting with people from my church in that case that's the past progressive was meeting romasaa I yesterday I was studying perfect Laila I was practicing English 6 p.m. practicing English again perfect remember the verb to be plus that ing past progressive now let's look at the future progressive now we're getting into verb forms that are a little less common you know we talked about some of the main verb forms present simple past simple present perfect present progressive past progressive those are ones that you are going to use you know anytime you're speaking English they are so common now we're gonna get into ones that are not as common and they may be a little more difficult to grammar so the future progressive it's basically the opposite of the past progressive but we're talking about the future refers to continuous actions at a specific time in the future all right at a specific time or actions that will be happening when another event occurs and my question to you I couldn't think of any other question it's just a yes or no question will you be joining our community remember I gave you I gave you are are linked to join our community I'm gonna give it to you again boom there it is just in case you missed it the first time and I can say you know hey will you be joining our community I also wanted to use it because that is a question that somebody might ask using the future progressive like for dinner will you be joining us for dinner will you be joining us for this will you be joining us for that that is a common question that you might hear somebody using the future progressive so when we're talking about the future progressive there's a couple of different parts to it because again we're talking about the future so we're going to use will okay and after will we follow it with the base verb so in this case the progressive uses the helping verb to be so we'll be you're always gonna have that will be plus the main verb plus ing now the first one maybe it's a little trickier because I put it in the negative I'd say you know I won't be sleeping soundly later tonight I'm talking about a point a time in the future later tonight and I say you know I won't be sleeping soundly later tonight usually because our little girl wakes up quite often wanting you know wanting something to eat she's just a little baby but I could tell you you know I won't be sleeping soundly later tonight now the next one by the end of the year this is when we're talking about that other point in time one another by the end of the year that is my point in time you will be speaking fluently I think that you guys practice you you know you practice with us you work hard by the end of the year you will be speaking fluently there is that forum for you will be speaking another point I would say with some of these like even that second one I could say you know at this time next week again point in the future at this time next week I'll be doing another live lesson true story all right at this time next week next Saturday I'll be doing another live lesson and I hope you can join me for that lesson so we you often find the future progressive with a lot of these these time phrases by the end of next year at this time next week you're specifying that time and then talking about something that will be happening all right at this time next week I'll be doing another live lesson and I really hope I'll see you guys um so some of you seconds to answer it was a yes/no question it was closed in question but Hong said yes I will be joining your community thank you thank you for joining our community let's see some other examples um lolly at this time next year I'll be improving my English excellent I hope you will be improving your English with us alright Nellie next week I'll be watching your live lesson perfect I look forward to seeing you next week so again those are some great examples of using the future progressive okay here we go all right present perfect progressive refers to actions that started in the past and have continued to the present so I think before the present perfect it has that connection with the present when we're talking about the present perfect progressive it's a continuous action that is the key thing it's an action that has continued to the present and will likely continue into the future I will add that I will add that to this meeting so it continues to the present and will likely continue into the future and I could ask you again a question using the present perfect progressive how have you been spending your free time and in this case I'm talking about the more cent future and you can use these words those words like lately or recently when you see those words often times you may you think of the perfect tense like oh I need to use the perfect tense so you could use that in your response lately I've been what I've been doing what recently I've been doing what all right let me know in the chat that's my question how have you been spending your free time alright what have you been doing let's look at some examples okay so I'd say I've been waiting for hours alright present perfect progressive I've been waiting for hours and this is another case where it's like well how do I know when should I use the present perfect or when should I use the present perfect progressive in some cases it has a very similar meaning but sometimes there's just a small little nuance the difference so for example maybe let's say you're waiting for a bus then you're telling somebody well in the present perfect I've waited for hours okay that's perfectly fine I've waited for hours I think it's a little more appropriate and specific this is where we get into like fluency of really expressing these small nuances that that people would use the present perfect progressive more often I have been waiting for hours because it's continued up until the present and it's an action that will likely continue into the future it makes me think like you know if somebody says I've waited for hours it makes me think well perhaps the bus has now arrived perhaps like you've waited for hours and now the bus is here and you're gonna get on it again there's not enough information we don't know I'm just talking about how were you interpret some of these nuances between these verb tenses but if you use I've been waiting for hours that tells me okay if you're waiting for a bus the bus is not here yet and you're probably going to keep waiting if we want to use it for a question has it been raining all day alright again has it been raining all day you don't know if this is something that started in the past has continued to the present and will continue into the future I forgot to mention mention the construction so remember we're talking about the present perfect so we're using have we're talking about the progressive so we're using the past participle of the verb to be so I have been the verb and ing okay so again as we get into these more challenging verb tenses the grammar does become a little trickier so again you're using I have he has the past participle of the verb to be which is been have been has been and then the verb plus ing I've been waiting or a question has it been raining I hope that that that is easy to follow and my last example again just using us as an example I could say we've been teaching on YouTube for two and a half years that's true we started the channel in February of 2017 so I could say as of now we've been teaching on YouTube for two and a half years and because I'm using the present progressive it's continued up until now and it's going to continue into the future especially because I told you that we will we will do another live at this time next week I will be doing another live lesson so it will continue into the future so let's look at some of your examples okay I had asked you guys the question you know what what have you how have you been spending your free time okay and so he said Estelle I have been spending my free time watching your videos thank you Estela excellent I've been Esther I've been trying for months to win the race okay maybe yeah you're involved in some kind of race competition I've been trying to do this for months zeki I said he has been writing a poem for five hours perfect okay present perfect progressive starting in the past continues to the future and will likely continue into into the future alright continues to the present and will continue in the future I've been teaching wait a second I've been teaching biology for 26 years again when you see that for foreign cents often times you use the perfect tense okay even though that's not always the case but again when you talk about for a duration of time or since a specific time you often use it with a perfect tense he has been sheffy he has been working for eight years excellent you guys are rocking these examples perfect so I also wanted to tell you guys again if you guys like what we do here at interactive English want to show us some love want to show us some support you can check out our patreon page I will leave a link in the description down below and I will also leave a link right here in the chat if you guys want to check that out it's another good way to connect with us we have some cool rewards up there and again yeah feel free to check that out now we're gonna get into more verb tenses that are more difficult and probably you know less commonly used even though you will you may hear this when you're watching a TV show watching a movie I'm not I'm not telling you that you should not use these but this is a little more advanced grammar these verb tenses so we're talking about the past perfect and the past perfect again the perfect tense it refers to two actions in the past and shows that one happened before the other so remember the present perfect again we're talking about inaction in the past that has a connection to the present the past perfect is an action in the past that has a connection with another action in the past so for example again my question this is not a good question I just couldn't think of anything but I'd say okay before you left the house this morning what had you eaten all right this trying to practice use practice using the past perfect even though I think it's common that somebody would answer and respond using the the past simple but that I couldn't think of any other question no see I already said I had eaten a scrambled eggs before I left the house excellent perfect thank you for that wonderful example of the passport so here are some of my examples okay when you knocked on the door again that happened in the past I had already left for work alright when you knocked on the door I had already left for work keep in mind often times you're using the past perfect with these adverb clauses of time all right something happened because again we're talking about two events in the past all right something happened before the other so when I knocked on the door all right well what happened before that I had already left for work so the event that happened before is the one in which you will use the past perfect and again the past perfect tense we're talking about the helping verb are have alright and the past which is had plus the past participle so had plus the past participle had left now again if you're talking about some of the differences between past perfect and past simple now if we change that to the past simple and I said when you knocked on the door I left for work that makes me think well that those two things happened at about the same time right when you knocked on the door I left for work but in this case that's not that's not what we want to explain you want to say that this thing happened before I had already left for work I could say she felt great yesterday that is my point in the past because she had slept well the night before again she felt great yesterday what happened before that that's my past perfect she had slept well the night before and then this last one all right I just look ridiculous I thought I'd share that with you when this picture was taken all right at that point in the past I had not fixed my hair I hadn't fixed my hair you can use that contraction had not hadn't I hadn't fixed my hair okay um let's see what else do you have any others I asked you guys about eating before you left the house anything tomorrow I had already in a fried egg before my mom came home all right perfect again you're talking about those two points in the past and remember the one that happened the earliest the one that came before that is the past perfect that's the one that you want to use the past perfect with let's look at the next verb tense which is the past perfect progressive okay now we're now we're really getting into it refers to an action that started in the past and continued to another point in the past so remember two events in the past but the one continued to that other event all right so I could ask you a question had you been waiting long before this lesson started okay so again give me an answer in the past perfect using the past perfect progressive I had been waiting for what what amount of time before the lesson started so again you you often find the past progressive with these other dependent clauses when you talk about well when before after a while there's usually a dependent clause which is going to tell you the that one point in the past and then you will refer to the next thing so for example when you interrupted our conversation that is something that happened in the past interrupted when you interrupted our conversation again that's the dependent clause well what had happened what was happening before it and continued I he had been talking nonstop all right that's just an example hopefully maybe you can put a picture in your mind to thinking about some situation you know when you interrupted our conversation he had been talking nonstop okay he started in the past and continued up until the point when you interrupted the conversation past perfect progressive when I started this lesson people had been talking in the chat for several minutes all right when I it's when I started this lesson that's my point in the past people had been talking in the chat for several minutes they started several minutes beforehand and continued to the point that I started the lesson so again it's easy try to think about it like a timeline again past perfect progressive two points in the past one continues up until the other one alright Kareem said I had been waiting for a while when this lesson started okay sorry to keep you waiting Corinne kadai said I had been waiting for 10 minutes before the lesson started excellent excellent use of the past perfect progressive had been main verb ing now let's look at the future perfect okay these are these are tenses that are not as common but the future perfect refers to two actions in the future and shows that one happened before the other so the the idea is the same as the past perfect except we're taking the two events and we're moving them to the future so for example my question to you and I want you to answer using the future perfect what will you have accomplished before this weekend is over right now I think for most of you it's Saturday it's still Saturday but before the weekend is over all right on Sunday what will you have accomplished okay so that is my point in the future is before the weekend is over now I'm asking you about an action before that what will you have accomplished before the weekend is over that's my question write your answer in the chat or the comments using the future perfect so here are some other examples I started out with a question right here will you have eaten when we meet will you have eaten when we meet later this evening so perhaps were we're having a conversation I am going to meet you later tonight and maybe I want to know hey should we go get dinner so I might ask you hey you know will you have eaten when we meet later this evening later this evening is the point in time in the future and will you have eaten that would have happened before I don't know if it will have happened which is why I'm asking a question but I'm asking will you have in this morning we will you have I'm sorry I can't even speak anymore will you have eaten when we meet later this evening so again future perfect we have that we're using the future we'll all right Plus that have because we're talking about the perfect tense we'll have plus the past participle if you're wondering about how this is construction we'll have plus the past participle will have eaten will have gone will have danced will have played and my other example by the time you go to bed tomorrow tomorrow night by the time you go to bed I will have changed several diapers many of you know we have a little baby girl so this is true story I will have changed several diapers and that is just a goofy picture of me holding up some diapers and those are not the diapers that we use we don't use those diapers of course that's just an illustration so again I asked you guys the question what will you have accomplished before the weekend is over so yeah mo no checks or checking one saying I will you would say I will have read the book before my vacation before my vacation ends alright I will have read a book before my vacation ends that's what that's the the correct instruction you have so lolly I will I will have I will have done remember the past participle I will have done my homework before Tuesday before Tuesday arrives I will have done my homework alright I miss reluctant I will not have accomplished much okay I like I appreciate your candor that is a great example sentence thank you for sharing with us I will not have accomplished much it's a direct answer to that question let's look at the the next one the future perfect progressive it refers to an action that will start in the future and can continue to another point in the future again we're talking about those two actions in the future but one's going to continue to the other one it has that relationship that connection with the future action and once again this is definitely more advanced grammar the future perfect progressive because we again we use them a lot with those those those dependent clauses before after when while by the time like my question by the end of the month how long will you have been living in your place I want you to practice using this tense now it doesn't have to be exactly the end of the month you can talk about the end of the year the end of the month like I will have been living here for how long okay I just want you to practice so again I'm talking about how long will you have been living in your place if you live in an apartment if you live in a home you know by the end of sometime alright how long will you have been living there or I try to give me a sentence in the chat in the comments using the future perfect progressive and answering that question by the end of some time I will have been living here for what whatever amount all right that would be the correct construction of that sentence here are some more examples all right one it gets that should I'm sorry that's a typo once it should say once it gets to 4:30 all right I it's almost 4:30 for me right now right now it's for 19 but once it gets to 4:30 p.m. I will have been working for six and a half hours all right for 4:30 is in the future we're not there yet but the other point I will have been working okay because I'm working now I'm gonna continue working if it gets to that point and I'm still working I would have I will have been working for six and a half hours Saturdays are kind of a busy day for me I know many of for many of you it's the weekend for me it's a bit of a busy day and then the last one by 2067 all right is that point way in the future all right we will have been teaching on YouTube for 50 years that will be our golden anniversary 2067 we will have been teaching on YouTube for 50 years and I hope all of you will still be studying with us in 2000 67 don't know if I'll make it there because in 2000 67 I will be 89 years old that's that's a that's a long ways from now so let me see do you guys have any examples um about where you will do Monster says by the end of the month I will have been living where I am now for my whole life alright I will have been living here for my entire life okay excellent Saddam Saddam by the end of this month I will have been living here for two months excellent great use of the future perfect progressive Rohan by the end of the year I I'll have been living here for 16 years excellent or muscle by the end of this month I will have been playing games for what for one hour okay I say it where is it where to go I will have been living in my place for three years by the end of this month excellent great use of the future perfect so whoa that that we we covered a lot today those are all 12 verb tenses I hope that the lesson was easy to follow easy to understand I hope you got some good practice in because that's what we want I want you guys to interact with our lessons and practice and practice and practice especially because next week we are going to do a live lesson which is going to be a quiz and guess what that quiz will be about yes it will be about the 12 verb tenses so now that you have learned the verb tenses next week I am going to do a quiz live lesson using these different verb tenses so I hope that you will join me for that thank you guys so much for watching this lesson I hope that you learned something new please if you haven't usually asked you eyes already hit that like button if you enjoy learning with us and and enjoy what we do here at interactive English show us some love hit that like button write to us in the comments we love hearing from you guys and again you can check us out on social media we are on Facebook Twitter and Instagram it is another way to connect with all of us thank you guys so much thank you room essa o da I said Angela D Monson or muscle alley Kristina Sana's kamila thank you thank you thank you I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend have a wonderful day and I will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 112,120
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, english grammar, learn grammar, learn verb tenses, learn all 12 verb tenses, learn present simple tense, learn past simple tense, learn present perfect, learn past perfect, learn present progressive, learn past progressive, learn future simple tense, learn future progressive, learn present perfect continuous tense, how to learn past perfect continuous tense, grammar practice lesson, english grammar lesson, verb tenses, verb tenses in english
Id: 57siOIS-qEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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