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Noticed his glasses in this video. Is there a fan lookbook place that tracks his clothing so I can see what they are?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Etiennera 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games now we've got one called Sophie which is probably about a creepy little girl that is a ghost or possessed or in some way bad so we're gonna find out which one of those alternatives it is and get into the game the rules are simple enough some things are triggered by your gaze other by player interaction you need to use your wits to escape your environment whoa I don't have a lot of those we don't want to spoil too much here's a few hints look closely at everything but not everything in the matters well remember you can use your e key to interact with certain objects and yes the game can be beaten at some point the answer is right in front of you okay this looks great hey Sophie is this your uh is your thing I'm gazing at it I'm pumping it full of all my gaze nothing okay alrighty then nobody here hello no you or doing my excuse my oh the door oh I was looking at the wall I hear a squeaking door I automatically look at the wall cuz I'm none too smart alright well nevermind then oh it's one of those games one of those changing games so why am I so low on the screen there's a whole there's all 3/4 of his screen that's not taken up why is my flashlight so low yeah are you doing hey how you doing hey how you doing hey how you doing hey how you doing hey how you doing whoa someone learned acrobatics how you doing hey what's your doing hey how you doing okay I won't be here anymore where will I be well get out oh I'm trying I'm trying to get out that's like my objective that's like the whole point of the game all right whatever what have you got for me Merc Merc ABBA what happened did I look too closely at Merkava Sophie or Coppa James Nadia anybody here somebody drop their coat might somebody make a drawing of the flux capacitor from Back to the Future oh that's a fun one no I like that guy hey how you doing hey how you doing hey how you doing well these kids sure are drawing real good art please no okay yes sure is the thing okey oh that's yeah that makes so much sense can I have that can I has that can I have that is that a smudge on my screeners at the dot and I asked that hello No okay well I guess looking at that key did absolutely dick and diddly okay Oh Oh Sophie whoa Sophie all right Sophie you uh-oh it's a combination of all the it's a combination of all the symbols okay I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing about this but I'm looking looking real closely at this okay yes no bombs clunk he [Music] haha that's nice is a big deal it's not a big deal at all ain't nothing that ain't nothing stopped me nothing you ain't nothing you know nothing you do nothing you have nothing can I pick this goddamn goddamn key up no okay fine then so still Sophie's not crossed out does that mean I need to do something mmm the cooler a [ __ ] air heckum cooler become clear haggle stamp I am ultimately very confused Oh screw you you children's Arts I'm gonna get you yes will you oh [Music] it's the wrong one well that's what you're saying all creepy-like all right I get it now I understand okay Ruby no Rishon yes give me that listen I don't want to call you a sack of [ __ ] cuz that's mean but I'm gonna call you a sec [ __ ] if you keep doing that to me alright so what about the ones that aren't on here Ruby now you ain't nothin Claudia you're on there no it's gonna be a certain order or something right oh whoa whoa whoa whoa hey now don't be like that what did i do did I do good I think I did good okay I think I did good hey will James James is the man right okay got James [Music] Hey whoa whoa whoa why what'd that happen why'd you do that to me why would you do that why'd you kill me I'll skip this you use my wits huh got those I got big old bag of rocks that's what I got oh hello squeakily weakly squiggly dickly okay so we shown no no no no no so what about swoo weird something well Sophie Sophie no Sophie no use Sophie no get use maybe I need to touch that probably thunk all right Sophie no well I'm at loss I'm at my big brain okay I get that that was the wrong one but I also don't understand because I was punished for what seemed like the right ones and I died okay so what did that do it tore one down Oh Oh what what really really I just got I could have done that I didn't know I didn't know I couldn't I didn't know I could have done that at any moment at any juncture oh you seen nothing whoosh alright so is this what I'm supposed to be doing because it seems like if I do too many of these I'm thumbs are gonna die moms are gonna die real bad da-dew okay think about this logically big ol mark brain come on think brain come on I'm talking to your brain in my head come on think about this it's just a simple puzzle so a simple puzzle is as simple as a puzzle can be so if you really take two plus two and you make it for when the lesson is over you're gonna be on the floor open the door get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur right [Music] apparently I'm not right you say wrong one and yet you killed me when I supposedly got the right one so I think it's sending a lot of mixed signals here well it is just a big old bag of stupid ain't it I'm talking about myself I am a big old bag of stupid according to everybody yeah okay I get it wrong one yeah what else do you want from me I can't I'm not these symbols are too smart boy I wish I had a big brain maybe if I gotta go outside in and maybe figure outside in I don't see the wool maybe James James James taller I got it I'm a smarty so we are going outside in on this bad boy aren't we that's the general juxtaposition of what I'm getting huh so if it's outside it's got to be this wrong one apparently it was very obviously the wrong one maybe I gotta unlock the outer circles of it nope mmm Oh maybe because that's upside down maybe it's representative of the smaller one and what I need is the bigger one right here nope wrong one this'n oh oh that doesn't sound good I don't know what that is but it's not good oh oh hi oh hello ah 98 good old nine zero oh you know you don't have to 82 Oh am I on a timer here oh no I am aren't I okay so circle through that or this and Nadia Nadia got it okay Nadia and then no I don't know this is complicated all right here we go Anna Anna perfect all right I don't know why you're being them I don't want to deal with whatever it was happening behind me but okay got it all right now I need the pointy goober dabber that doesn't seem like a lot of time left you hey how you doing oh hey how are you doing I'm I'm assuming I shouldn't shouldn't go near any of you please don't go Mike so badly I want to breathe the sweet dough hey you're um mm-hmm see this is a problem uh hallucination I should have known all right do I have enough time to finish this oh the ring now the good old blue well that's not much time excuse me I do need this ring here okay and then we scot-free as far as the eye can see I'm free no no oh the glorious bright shining light of death all right that was that was interesting the mechanics not a hundred percent sure about but it was not too bad moderately scary you have enough five spooks out of eleven there you go next all right so this one is called it's not there where is it where is it oh there it is this one's called creeper on the 3rd of o on the 3rd of September a serial killer named Denver kidnapped three people too much reverb rumor has it that he keeps them in his five million dollar mansion in the outs sources confirmed that a videotape of a kidnapping is stashed in his basement unfortunately the video has been split in multiple parts your objective is to place the clips in the right order and render the video this will help us catch Denver and punish him for the crimes he committed to be careful clicking render 4 times when the video is not in the correct order will trigger a local lockdown and Denver will up to you good luck agent there's a weird mission I gotta admit Bosley this this one ain't to Bosley Charlie's and Charlie Charlie Bosley I don't remember who huh but there is get him okay here anything am I am I supposed to not hear anything okay what is this this is nothing this is a whole lot of nothing at this he's climbing a tree which makes sense I guess some dude with a bag and then this'n render I did it authorities arrived on scene and arrested the killer it's trial for murder of the three people will be held in December the murder is notice our unknown is there supposed to be sound to this there was sound here what hold on to your dicks what I can't even skip this what's happening wave for some years ago with the sound go put it in windowed mode yeah put it in windowed mode yeah there we go this will work now I guess it's just there there's some music is dramatic wait hang on a serial to an Indian that didn't leave a purple room reservation Simpsons 500 dollar mansion in the Alps sources confirm the diminutive taken nebulous cash and his basement unfortunately the video had been split into multiple warrants your objective is to place exclusive design right ordered in under the video this was mail post captain the parentheses [Music] gonna be all fun fun games [Music] alright so still no sound are you know running around around around or under he's got me he's got me by the balls I think does he got me danver all sound whoa I'm assuming I'm dead am i dead I might be dead oh and now there's sound a serial killer named Kendrick donor hazard 75 another man in the house stalked and his department unfortunately the fire was a split and emotional hurts your objective is to close the clothes right either right or and ran in a video that's what I'll ask a stander and punishing foreign crows is promoted Oh careful taking Randy evolved I will track down and capture go-go-go ah still no still no sound you sure you sure footsteps you wanna run the footsteps by me again okay let me put them in the right order and then let's just watch this video because they obviously put some work into this and I don't want it to I don't want to [ __ ] all over just because my audio settings are a little goofed oh hey buddy hey now see that's creepy that's real creepy I like that like you wherever you are you're nice I like you you're you're real nice hey see that's creepy what couldn't that have been there from the start okay play let's see this bad boy it's nor tried different tree yeah yeah I mean we have what are they doing dude look it's like bad yeah No you'll holy [ __ ] that's the person [Applause] [Laughter] you will be climbing trees anymore Billy nah you too tree climbing scoundrels are never gonna see the light of day again those hilarious probably wasn't meant to be hilarious but I found a hilarious cuz it was very reminiscent of pretty much everybody going into the woods filming and finding a murderer hello murderer anyway good game little silly I like it though the concept is nice it just needs to refine next is something wrong where is the game it just doesn't want to load okay all right then well I guess we're not gonna play that one let's do Oh Oh the game it's here welcome to burglary I gave up I was actually going off to download another game but I guess I don't have to now so good all right great oh hello my name is markiplier and I'm here to burgle I'm gonna burgle up all your goodies much stuff um of my burgling bag yeah you better believe I can fit a lot of junk in my trunk my burgling trunk something tells me if I'm here to burgle something no good Oh some no good fate is about to befall me I'm probably going to be haunted by many demons for my misbegotten ways ooh that looks expensive joint steel yes please i burgled it right out of here anything to burgle in the basement the basement of Burghley burglary burgles Oh No hello is this burglar boo can i burgle anything you'd think if they would have something valuable in the basement don't mind me your friendly neighborhood burglar just passing through looking for burglar obols okay guess nothing's in the basement the Bergland basement ral oh I don't exactly remember there being more house here but okay what is that so I'm trying to sneak up on the burger it's impossible can't be done impossible hello okay oh there no oh you click on them interact date it's quick no I didn't know that all right here we go oh wow oh yes blaze a burgle more burglar bulls hello toilet Bergland no Bergland hello faucet Bergland what is this burglar crown what is that I don't care it's mine my burgled it's I think it might have been a ring or possibly a spleen or something but it's mine now in my bag of burgles right hello burgled pillow burgled stains I think I've got pretty much everything that's Berg Louisville Myrtle that TV away my bag hey hey how you doing watch of course i'll burgle that's right anything else I think I have to have burgled everything oh I can know I was here I was being a fool in the dark like an [ __ ] forget so I'll be on my way got enough burgles in my bag I shan't not need stay longer right yeah I'd be sure dumb of me to stay too long let's go back in the burgling basement because there's got to be like a light or something that I can turn on down here I'm back baby back and ready to burgle Lou who secret secrets tried to keep your secret's safe from me I think not I'm here to go ahh a basement in a basement you thought that would protect your valuables from the burglar no I say there's some interesting architecture you got going on here it's like brutalist gothic or whatever it's lovely valuables wait hang on hold the phone I was just here now the lights don't work oh well I think that maybe I think they're maybe not Oh someone what a bastard they knocked over a chair but hey this is like my heaven I get to burgle till the ends of my days nothing can stop the Bergling hello burglar balls I get to put it right back in my bag the joy of burgling never ends no watch here to burgle must be somewhere else no ah me he-hey Oh a epic that thank you all right hello hi how are you oh the basement I'll come back Lee to do burgle the basement and then the beyond basement in the bottom of the basement but for now I'm content to burgle upstairs or downstairs cuz I'm already been upstairs this is did not it's not up it's down all down from here pretty much just like me okay I think I got everything all right down into the basement la dee da dee da here I go to pep-pep at pip pap hello lights camera burgle hello can I have something ah it's open might I be on an endless loop I think that maybe I might be yay great closed not yet closed very closed okay closed closed no closed closed yes closed okay good good dee dum drop us you know a lifetime of Bergling anus appealing as I once thought it might be but last you know the old Bergland bones they get a little old and rusty over time why not let it just why not let it go quit while you're ahead why not quit while your burglar Lou my Bergland limbs are still working Oh wiser where's the grass and there's a guy where's our grass in the sink I can't burgle that all right downstairs here we go there was less to burgle I didn't get the clock it's almost as if life loses all meaning when there's nothing this is different I don't like change oh boy a fresh new day oh they're losing chairs some other person is boggling all their chairs how are they gonna sit there tired took assists down the answer is it they're not who not alone I don't like the title of that book I don't like books in general just don't trust them don't trust the way they look at you I'm judgmental from the shelf maybe they'll make myself at home oh I don't like the eyes on that pillow well I'm taking this and you can judge me all you want so shut up small pillow Salazar drink okay George your big pillow bunky whatever go away I don't yeah I don't need you judging me I don't need that kind of energy I don't need that vibe you need to you're harshing my yard my vibe oh this is growing that's good that's good that's a good thing is real good I'm glad I went here I'm glad I'm a burglar I'm glad I far gold this particular home of death and despair you see it's really my greed that's getting me I can't stop burgling so I keep going down it's really a sad tale what is that nothing it's a whole lot of nothing it's uh a whole lot of nothing you got eyes up to all that small pillow Salazar right there you don't think you're gonna get me I'm too fancy to be got um ungettable you will not burglar the burglar you'll not burgle the burglar hello oh wait a minute have I finally grown taller this always seems smaller I'll take that you wink everything's smaller here I must have finally a puberty from the biggest burglar around ain't nobody gonna stop me now whoa hello hi how are you Oh Dora there that I didn't notice before I'm still gonna try to burgle everything possible you know how it is with Bergling in my bones and in my jeans burling's in my blood as they say remind my Bloods probably gonna be out of my body very soon ah good old closet bed I bet Harry Potter lived here there still for us growing in here no my veranda I think if bran is a type of porch I don't think it's actually a type of plant line I'm probably wrong on that one but nobody correct me if I'm wrong okay suddenly I'm hearing noises from a cavalcade of silence I'm suddenly hearing noises where you go what is this a little trashy so not much left to burgle but I better buy our way out now go call my riches somewhere hello hello oh ah okay well this is definitely a thing that's happening right now don't you look at me you [ __ ] okay and away we go yeah the architecture seems to be slipping a little bit I don't I say you cut the budget down here below the the surface but you might have done it a little bit done a little bit better oh boy here we go again hello you're all out of chairs oh it's back to normal I hear the rain again wait what oh no the chairs are back good that's a good thing can you tell me if that's good that I'm taking this you Inc okay I'm joint joint okay what else can I join I don't know why I'm suddenly here in the rain again I assume that can only mean that I'm about to escape this with my life intact is that can only be a good thing the rain coming closer and closer joint hello Oh plants well it's been fun I'm super happy that I experienced this and it's quiet again not a hundred percent sure why but it's quiet again just gotta be something soon it's gotta be something soon what is the endgame here what is the deal am I just gonna be doing this for all eternity whoa one final bargainable you bet your sweet ass must steal that what's here what's this huh who's here somebody here for you Oh what the what the what the [ __ ] is that just a trick of the light did I see a face that might have just been that plant and that thing looking like a face at a certain angle but I could have sworn I saw a face yeah do a close-up zoom of that face when there's definitely a face there and if there's a professor see there was a face a horrible face an ugly face disgusting on every level imaginable no face worse than that face that I saw right there that was disgusting don't wear it no I don't know where I'm going Oh Oh drink well I don't I don't I'm having trouble here my my little brain ain't ain't understanding this place too good but so long as that got burglar bulls I'm a happy camper uh oh no no let's not go down there just yet I mean I imagine I'll have to go down there eventually oh it's the big room of what was that what was that why is that well is that it's the face oh I don't like that oh okay you Inc my shins they're dead okay Bertil Yoink let me out of this hell because I burgled too deeply i burgled with my own sanity away please I just want to burgle can't i burgle in peace must I give up my Bergling I guess I must then considering I'm not making any progress hmm what what am I looking at what am I looking at exactly it's deep horizon into nothingness with blue a little touch of blue oh hey a little touch of weird on the wall of concrete which has evolved a little bit which I appreciate that like like like things growing like content develop or character development that's nice okay you bye bye legs okay and Link and K and M hmm but there's gonna be more to burgle here and there and everywhere and burglar bulls I'm trying to go a slightly different way just to mix it up a little bit ah it's a concrete room oh it's amazed I love Meru don't mind if I forego how do I get out of here I guess I gotta go around don't I fine I tried to go a different way but then it bit me in the tit my sacs getting real hefty just so you all know my big sack is full to bursting with burglar Bulls can I get out of here can I get out of here please please pretty please see you Inc okey dokey ba okay well this is different I can't say that everything's been very different this whole time ah okay okay okay I don't see any more burglar bulls it's all just a bunch of nothing now whereas the burglar bulls what's the point of even being trapped in hell if it were if you can't burgle for all eternity okay long hallway I don't trust long hallways I'm always always lead to death this is not correct geometry this this this is not right dan st. hang on a second I mean I'm definitively going in a big luau I don't have to poop I'm pretty sure I'm being dict with I'm dive a good feel I've got like a spider sense about me and dict with the chairs are judging me and I think I think I think I've got a shear case of Ditka tree gone on air the hell it can only be matched by an incredible ability to burgle oh I don't trust long hallways I don't I just don't I just don't so if you could not do any of whatever you're doing that'd be greatly appreciated that would be wonderfully appreciated you got us the blue hey blue hey Geronimo okay all right well so I got used to pick blue oh [ __ ] know what what I was it all my burgling how am I going straight to hell was it because of all the things that I just did burgle a [ __ ] I deserve this okay we I'm in hell how it's lovely I don't know what this game is about I don't know what this games on I don't know what this game is doing I don't know his game is far I don't know what that's all about what do you guys there hole in the wall I can burgle my way out of here if I burgle the bricks in the wall they can't keep me caged up no I'm unstoppable oh good boy why this just don't make sense it don't make sense yeah I don't like to get out now I'd like to be free and out and I would like to be out and I would like to be free I would like to be free and I would like to be out I would like to be free and out Oh burgle ah [ __ ] nothing left a burgle alright oh [Music] [ __ ] oh boy ow again my okay well I'm in the basement again great do I have all my [ __ ] do I still have all my burglar bulls I'll burgle your soul my burger you're so right out of your body you don't even think about it don't even think about it you well that was burglar burglary murk glory burglary that was burglary we burgled I bet there's multiple endings that one I got the endless fall ending great thanks if you want more scary games let me know what scary games you want me to play in the next three scary games in the comments down below thank you everybody so much for watching and as always and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,640,295
Rating: 4.9572563 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, 3 scary games, scariest game, scary games, 3 scary games markiplier, creepy, creepypasta, burglary, sophie, creeper, creepy game, markiplier horror, markiplier sccary, horror, horror games, spooky, scared
Id: wrg9J3uf1rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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