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hey hey hey hello everybody my name is Marc barn welcome back to 3 scary games this one is called the filth breed this is gonna be scary hopefully [ __ ] would you like to read the tutorial yes I guess click to advance the slideshow narration use the arrow keys to move in the mouse to look around once you find a firearm scroll up on the mouse wheel to draw your gun and click to shoot you can't interact with objects and your surroundings if you're ready to open fire lower your guard and holster your weapon by scrolling down click on objects in to interact with them depending on the prompts shown at the bottom of the screen and it was sparse and there's no health recovery so don't go in guns a-blazing alright ok yeah homeless shelters all over the state have reported the disappearance of several people in the past few months investigators are pointing to michigan truck driver louis burton as a prime suspect having a well-documented track record of smuggling cocaine across the border he too is nowhere to be found his former partner has confirmed Burton's involvement in the case but remains adamant that he's not absconded according to his testimony Burton's then recruited by a local cult and held captive in an unknown location all these claims have yet to be verified a transport truck matching that of his suspect has been located next to a warehouse in the outskirts of Detroit higher-ups remain skeptical but you've been tasked to search the area for any evidence pertaining to the case alright no great love it let me I'm out you turn back straightaway and tell your superior you quick return and Shore for raises some eyebrows in the office but nobody was buying that cult nonsense anyway you feel like an absolute coward and quit the foolish the trail goes cold [Laughter] [ __ ] okay well let's ride again show all right okay all right let's just keep gonna skip on that little diddly all right here we are backing it again I always love anything like that that's always fun the way it was talking it reminded me a lot of cry of fear you know like the way it was talking about the inventory management the way it was talking about the guns like it seems interesting except no super juice bulb you were right Sally we should never have trusted these crazy they keep us all down here in the dark trap like cattle we're just animals to them some of us are even starting to act the part this is Lucas guy walks around on all fours and bites you when you're sleeping I miss you Sally I miss the gang back home I miss Brightmoor I hear them chanting again it's time time for why I scream I took the gun right out of his pocket in the Indian didn't even flinch if only I had the balls to do it before it's too late for me now whoever's reading this I pray you can make better use of it just don't bother aiming for the head I've seen those freaks last well over a week without it oh you found an old Glock scroll up to equip it and click - oh God alright do I have unlimited ammo no I'm guessing no very much like cry fear probably okay great can I leave now can I go back home oh this is not the way I owe it is where maybe I could maybe I could Oh can't leave now alright wait maybe I could I don't want to leave now I just get the ultimate what sending or maybe the smart choice ending also if I'm a police officer why don't have a gun myself you know even the health bar looks and the gun ammo icon looks a lot like cry fear I'm wondering if they drew inspiration from that because if they did and even the enemy kind of looked like cry fear if they did I'm totally down with that because I haven't played a game like cry fear in so long that's like Resident Evil animations are cool I bet if I reload this I'm gonna lose that ammo so I'm not gonna reload until I absolutely have to bang I'm aiming for the head even though they told me not to probably doesn't make a big difference but I'm doing it not sure what that's about but it's probably okay every time I wake up there are roaches in my mouth are they getting in are they coming out that's what as you put that in my brain clever little buggers pulling out my teeth laying eggs under my tongue I can't chew or spit yeah every time I wake up there are roaches in my mouth are they getting in okay coming out I can't take it yeah thanks for giving me a new phobia appreciate that prease you big prease big three shun the phobia all right that's probably fine what time is it what day is it it all just blends together after a while I can't even tell dreams from reality anymore no matter if I open or close my eyes it's only this pitch black shroud around me what's worse is the things I do here I wish I didn't this calling hands and feet all over the ceiling and they can't all be mine how are your hands and feet on the ceiling all right oh I can't it's okay I didn't want to go there I didn't want to go in there at all anyway actually oh well what is it that could get bad oh oh oh hey looking at here excuse you and excuse me holy [ __ ] why who did that anyway that's awful everything about that horrible this cult no good I you know I I'm normally very accepting of cults this cult no I think something bad about it okay back into it man this is good this is good what they got going on here is really good it just shows like you can have something that's like simpler in terms of graphics simpler in terms of animation it can still be really scary there's a reason why games made in the past 10 years are still really scary so where did that guy come from I don't think I can follow oh okay oh good it's like a classroom learning they're a little fun cult oh its day I did not think it was day oh that's a maze okay all right oh this seems fun thus Spoke the slumbering prophet gore Goren wait sorry hang on thus Spoke the slumbering prophet auto-tuned it took a sick God to imagine a world this filthy it took a phial God to shape the world is cruel it makes you borrow this filthy to shelter us all in its putrid bosom engine that's not what I was hoping for it for this we are but we are what the shadows of a madman's dancing fire man is not doomed but destined to ruin man is not to courage but to fester the world which innards reveal the path bring forth the lights mother the lice mother no thanks I'm okay big big pass on that one I'm okay without the lice mother you know what I'm saying just don't need that in my life bring me the life mother if you know what I'm talking about right this looks great all going good all going good looking yeah let's go in here now oh it's wet Oh God roaches oh no what is this uh uh nobody this game was called filth breed oh so gross oh it's so splooshing I don't trust a goddamn thing in this place Oh trust a gosh darn thing who burped who just burped why are you burping who's that me did I burp by burping whoa hey hey whoa hey whoa No you're gonna do that to me I'm gonna do that to you that's what you oh I came full circle oh it's the same oh yeah it's Wow I came full circle can I leave now I would love to leave leaving would be the best but I don't know if I'm definitely done so you know could go at any time I guess but it for some reason I'm real persistent oh and I can't even go this way oh well I guess I'll go you block the iron bull there in door and take him home to bask in the Sun out of the reach of those creatures back at the station you debrief your superior on everything you found you don't even bother trying not to sound crazy after a moment of awkward silence he finally congratulate cyou for the good work he then suggest you take a couple day break you go home and try your best to get some sleep come morning you wake up to the news of a fire at the warehouse the place went up in flames well before a team could be dispatched to check on your findings it's all gone 12 bodies have been recovered so far the police are hesitant to identify them as human they're hardened hollow like man shaped chitin shells hahahahahaha wait so what are the endings to this game oh hang on I gotta go back in I gotta go back in this is this one was so gross but it was so well made okay number one what happens if you get the gun and leave like right a like if you get the gun shoot the guy leave you know kind of like go for that cuz there's gotta be something that I missed you know what I mean cuz I didn't do anything I didn't solve anything okay you're gonna nah just try warning shot okay good alright then I just leave what happens about err what can I go this way I can't right no like definitely can what happens if I save enough bullets to shoot like all the bugs yeah okay you make the sensible decision to turn back whatever's going on there it's not normal you're not prepared for this kind of situation the guys of the station have a field day with your report you're not the first rookie to lose their temper under pressure the veterans will handle this one three officers under the warehouse won't leave one of them makes it back right leg maimed and infested with larvae she's in a state of shock and can barely muster the words to explain what happened in there she gassed something about feeding mom before collapsing you know it's not your fault but you feel responsible you granted a two-week break from the force and never returned the case didn't make the news you bought on with your life but years later you still have dreams about it tactical retreat wow this game went full-on sicko mode okay there's got to be something else that I can do there's got to be something else it's got to be like a secret or something you know what I mean because there's got to be something because there's like it's gotta be something right maybe there's not but I really hope there is I really hope there is like what if I actually shoot the bugs what if I shoot the larvae yeah I need to save my bullets oh you're good speed run baby oh [ __ ] no no no no whoa you're a toughy yeah what is with the bang boom 'n yeah what's the big boom all about what are you about I don't know maybe it's just meant to look scary [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay got it and then perfect now I've got one full clip ready for whatever dastardly demons are there and also what is that can I shoot that know if I want to waste my ammo on that thing shoot you nope nope how about this you oh oh you can shoot um oh did I waste my bullets I bet there are exactly the number of roaches that you can shoot wait maybe not maybe okay maybe not there's there's a lot of roaches in here there's a little okay there's a lot of roaches maybe I shoulda shot one of the eggs yeah I pushed you shut the eggs I don't even have an oh I don't have enough to survive this don't no no please please welp okay there are only three endings I think there are only three endings okay so that's it that's it that's it for that one but but but very cool very well done very well done I loved this very scary very scary very gross very good I like it that's really cool okay so moving on to the next game this one is called the pizza Lord I don't know why it's called the pizza lord and I don't know why there's a pentagram up here above the pizza oven and I feel like asking questions this early into a game is only a bad sign but I'm gonna go for it you are a chef who tries to make a living in a big city you move there to fulfill your dream to run your own restaurant so far you have found nothing but failure on your journey despite all the warnings from your friends you followed your heart and created a themed restaurant with a satanic theme great the theme is good enough but as you started working you learned that you are actually very poor at making pizzas ah that's problem one night when you were cleaning out the kitchen you notice that someone is sitting in one of the chairs in the dining area you were surprised since you usually notice when people come in because no one ever does you can't quite see them in the dim light but you can see two white eyes gleaming in the darkness play a game with our Lord sacrifice for things and he will come to your aid he points at the pizza oven and you look at it when you turn back to ask him questions he is already gone click to start yeah yeah let's sacrifice some people to the pizza devil let's do it only good can come from that bring it Wow hello-o I demand a cold sacrifice what oh ok a cold nice beer is that what you want shoes that's pretty cold this is a flask with holy water oh in the fridge of course there's nothing in the fridge utensils glass harmonica stuff animal love your pizza Necronomicon leather whip pack of smokes cold waters cold try that yeah don't throw that stuff at me I'm sorry it was cold though maybe I can pick up the whole refrigerator or anything in there can I open this no utensils are cold metal is cold I have enough silverware in hell oh alright sure how about my pizza it's so cold it's just been sitting out have some of my pizza eh it's my pizza oh yes cold and tasteless hey those are my feelings you don't want to hurt him of my feelings of demand a hot sacrifice oh these shoes so hot Peck smokes very hot very hot right so hot nope alright well [ __ ] Sade what do you want what do you want for me what do you want alright pizza you got it yeah yeah called intesa yeah yeah yeah alright hot you got it baby you got it um holy water it burns so that's hot oh god damn it okay fine these shoes they are hot huh you don't have any style well shut up goat really the goat the goat was hot to you god damn it okay unusually disgusting sorry about my pizza okay you talking about my pizza again aren't you talking about my pizza worst pizza in all 660 all right well that hurts my feelings that's of my feelings demand a sharp sacrifice you you make me I feel you make me cry you make me feel like I'm not good enough utensils this is what you wanted oops alright well fine oh yeah cold yeah okay but nice oh my pizza yeah yeah it's uh my grandma's recipe yeah yeah cold and tasteless yeah just like your face okay here's a goat for hotness don't know why this is hot to you well the would have caught fire sooner or later okay yeah that's any right disgusting sacrifice okay my pizza alright here we go let's go with this one here yeah there we go yep still hurts still hurts it still hurts alright a sharp sacrifice rather nothing sharper than the crack of the whip or the crack of my wit if you know what I'm talking about oh yeah okay nope on that one big no pie right you okay how's about you alright harmonica oh it's uh plays sharp notes haizao that news gets out sharp notes that's right a sharp hat I know how it do yeah my grandma taught me about that oh [ __ ] suddenly the mystic is back he produces a notebook out of thin air he carefully inspects it our Lord is satisfied you feel your legs weakened as objects around you blur and you pass out hours later you wake up on the floor it's morning you can hear people outside as you peekaboo window you're shocked that the ruckus comes from a line of people waiting to come to your restaurant you feel like you have a hundred years of combined pizza making powers you start preparing the kitchen yeah you feel like something's missing inside the the end okay ten out of ten 11 out of 20 so good was good it's good it's good it's good it's good game good game it for a game jam so I can't [ __ ] on it so kids good it's good good game good game good game alright so this one's called the concrete crown you hear that concrete crown oh oh this looks fun my hand looks very much like salad fingers hands what the machines vomit shadows remember to turn on your lights oh oh what oh oh I know you said descend but I'm gonna a send it cuz I don't want to be here I don't think I want to know what's happening I'm ascending I'm ascending wait is this gonna be infinite I bet it's infinite isn't it Oh No alright yeah it looks pretty infinite alright descending it is here we go baby here we go it's SCP the staircase thing Oh eight seven B or whatever it was alright great wonderful I don't think it's I don't think it's actually an SCP i7b game but that being said that doesn't mean that it can't take a little bit of creativity from it and something about the the darkness vomiting shadows or something like that I don't know I don't know man oh well a whole lot of nothing so far probably because I went up first I was probably supposed to hit some stuff one going down sooner but you know how it be oh hi hello oh that looks like a fun door oh that door looks fun Wow hey how you doing in here a place for ghosts to wonder to realize they are dead oh my god okay goodbye thank you well good advice you have really helps me in my time of need oh good another door great wonderful hello oh so cat no it's shadows that's barbed wire well this isn't fun can I touch that apparently not I thought those are cat sticking its head out but apparently those are vomiting shadows okay good good to know Oh hopes condemned to gnaw and fester still born in your head okay cool great that's a weird machine but okay good great alright this is real fun it's great just wonderful out of this place of happiness yeah a whole lot of nothing happening oh god another door I can't wait for another freak show of horror coming at my way oh good more of those oh they're vomiting shadows great I get to listen to more words I can't wait oh god bless our skulls with a concrete crowns and bind our minds with three a thread ah thanks thank you thank you for that okay good lots of machines vomiting shadows don't know why though never got a solid answer a why I hear something no you're not gonna keep going on that one you're just gonna pretend low good didn't have any room left in in there for him oh my god oh my god okay yeah filled to the brim knows no lie alright well great this is great this is wonderful I bet there would have been something if I would gone up I don't think this is procedurally generated I think this is all scripted or all pre-built because if it was procedurally generated that'd be one thing but it seems like he's all pre-built that means there probably was a top because it couldn't have gone forever whereas some of the SCP o8 7b games were procedurally generated heck that game came before us to be containment breach hello why hello are you chasing me what's happening am I getting closer to something or is it coming down the stairs I don't know if I should be panicked about this or hesitant it really sounds like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay well we're at the bottom now I guess Oh God okay all right here we go Oh God throw your flesh into the pit the Pistons must be fandant good advice man good advice all right into the pit I go then some you see all right cool well nevermind that all right let's put her I don't know how Oh also what the hell oh jeez okay well that's that's funky all right well I don't think I can fit in this hole here I go oh here oh great Oh beautiful oh so intricate okay Oh whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh okay uh but that's a sight for sore eyes Bow Wow Wow well this is my stop I got it I got it yeah he's gonna tug out there we go see ya what happened I have no idea oh good hey what's up hey how you doing eh yes Oh nope we're done okay well I guess that's all there is for that game so hope you guys learned something that was a really enlightening experience I feel good about myself I hope you feel good about yourself and so that was three scary games thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more scary games you can check out the scary games playlist a whole bunch of other games that I played in the past all very scary link is in the description and if you've got other scary games do you want me to play put them in the comments thanks again and as always I will see you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,277,246
Rating: 4.9665065 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier, markiplier scary games, filthbreed, the pizza lord, concrete crown, horror, scary, scariest games, compilation, montage, top 3, best of, gameplay, gaming, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, markiplier 3 scary games, 3 scary games #17
Id: IiyhyNeBm8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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