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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to three scary games. This one's called Death Trips. It markets itself as an extremely short... horror game. Inspector M. James- *mark gets a stroke* *mark's storybook narrator voice* Oh. Well that's a- Wait, NO wait hang on. I'm- Wait, hang on. Now, Listen, I'M the inspector, and the murderer is still there you say. Well well well. *radio sizzles* How lovely how lovely. *elevator door opens* Woahhh. All right, up the elevator we go then. I don't gotta do nothin'- I don't even need to push a button on the *mark loses ability to speak* floor. It will take me where I wanna go. I just imagine what floor I want and then it goes there. *dark ominous hallway greets mark as he gasps in regret* I didn't wanna go here.. *lights flicker on one by one* Ahh, much better. But somehow- WA-HEYYYY *death approaches as mark panic* *death trips* *mark wheezes* *credits plays as mark howls in laughter* Aaugh- Death Trips (mark repeating the title now knowing exactly what it means) I get it- *mark cackles again* That. Was. Fucking. Amazing. I love that so much Alright well, *giggles* we'll just move on then. I guess we'll just move on. That was amazing. *sniffs* Ohhh, that was amazing. Okay, good, great. Do Blink, unlike games where you don't blink, you have to do blink. You have to do the blink. You have to be blinking the do. You have to do the blinking thing with your eyes. You have to slap your lids together as hard as you can so that you do, in fact, blink. You gotta do the blink. *something growls near mark* Hey, I haven't started the game yet. *stomach-growling-like sound continues* Okay. *GROWL* Hey! Well, that's weird. It's like a- It's like a nine-year-old's defense to the boogeyman in it's closet. Okay, blink to start the game. Oh God, this game got me already. Wait, nope. Now. It got me. Okay, how do I blink? Ohh Ohh. Ahh. I gotta scroooll with my mouse. Alright, I'm going to turn my mouse into TURBO mode. I got a button here that makes my mouse wheel just go- FWOOOOOM Exactly like that. FWEOOOEOM! Alright we in baby. Now what do we got? I gotta find my key. It is LOUD in this, cold dreary forest. Urghh. Alright, Hey, is anybody in there? Oh, no. Okay, so, um-uhh Is Baldi out in these woods? Is he gonna slap my ass around? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Okay. That's probably nothing. It's probably just some very, very (hungry thunder?) or something like that. Probably just a storm rolling in. You know how it is with these winter storms. (sure mark) I can't sprint at all. I just like- lackadaisical- Ooo I just lackadaisically go through the woods. Find some firewood or something- or masturbate behind a tree. I don't know. (wtf mark) What's the squeaky door? Hey, hey, hey, listen. You don't need to watch me. I'm just doing my bit. Whoaa! Hey tree! Hehe Hey tree. Hey! Wow, all right. Oh gone. All right then. Weird. Okay. Do I gotta find like the seven pieces of my key? I wouldn't be surprised if that was kind of the idea here. Gotta, build my own key kit out in the woods. Get some soap. Dirt and spit- ugh. Is that actually something that I should be concerned about or is that nothing? (what do you think mark) Cuz it sounds like a whole lot of something. Right the- oooo Okay, yo-you're either hungry or you're just dicking with me and I'm gonna assume that you're just dicking with me cuz I don't see anything over there. I see nothing and I don't know if I gotta be lookin' out for a tiny speck of a key. *animalistic squeaky screaming* WHY? Why would you do that! Don't do that, don't do that, come on now. You're being ridiculous, you're being ridic- You bein' riddikulus. Now don't be riddikulus. Come on now. Also, I got a sneaking suspicion that I'm probably walking out here BUTT naked. Like, I stepped out for- after a shower cuz like someone doorbell-dingdong ditched me and I stepped out in a towel. I'm just butt ass naked out here and I can *mark sound effects* Alright did that help? Ooo what's this? It's the first distinguishable land- ooAH OH Is that a- *more screeching* Woah! Whoa! I'm on this rock you can- w-AHHHHHH! I can't see you. Oh, I'm gonna back away slowly I'mma peekaboo a little bit. Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo. Peeeeeek-a-boooooo Peeeeka- Peek-a-boo? PEEK-A-BOO PEEK-A-BOO! Oh, oh! Oh! Oh this game took a turn. Okay, all right. Okay. All right, you're naked, I'm naked I don't want to see you naked, you definitely don't want to see me naked. (oh do we mark) So we gotta play a game of peekaboo in the forest over here. Earrgh. How am I gonna see- how am I gonna know if I found the key or not? I know I'm going back towards it But just because I want to see if there's anything about this rock formation or something like that. I don't know. Eeurgh. All right, now that I know there's a credible threat in this forest, now I'm a little more worried. I mean I sneaky suspicion that something. uHHHH I had a sneaking suspicion that something dangerous was in these woods, but i'm I'm generally understanding that it's not toooooo bad of a problem(?) Should I just wander out into the Should I just go into the Siberian wilderness, dig myself my own grave and then jump in face-first? Uhh. Should I cannonball into my own grave? Ohh *animalistic screeching* hUh?! Okay, Why'd you do that? I was just trying to see what's up. Whoa. Yeah, that's big, You're bigger than I thought you was. Whoa! I didn't know if you were actually a thing. huAAuahh eeUrGh yeurgh A-and by I didn't know you if you were actually a thing I didn't know you were wandering out in the middle of everywhere. *screeching again* Nooo! Peek-a-boo! I can't see you You can't see me. Peek-a-bOOOOHHH OhhH shit oh man That was a mistake. Peek-a-bo- aHHHH! I gotta stop that. That's bad. That's one of those bad's I'm doing it again, I'm doing it. Just a little peek-a-boo. Okay, it's behind that tree. I don't think it can see me behind the tree. *markiplier noises* I have no idea where I'm going. Okay, I don't like- I'm just gonna squint, I'm gonna be real suspeecee. Real suspeecee what's going on here. Keeps it quiet I can actually hear myself think. I have no idea where the key would be. I went on the outskirts I might try to make another big circle, but I'm gonna go in - woahh You're not here. Are you? Yeah, you're not here Big stupid piece of poop! You smelly too. You're ugly. Woah,I shouldn't have called him ugly, that really did it! Whoa, I think I saw an ass Ahh I saw a face! It looked like an ass. Don't look back. I'm not looking back. What do you mean don't look back? don't look back I'm looking back. Don't tell me what to do. You can't tell me how to live my life You can't tell me how to live my life. I don't know what I was doing. But oh shit, there you are I see you what are you gonna do about it ?Ugly. You piece of poopie. Huh you a piece of poopie? The answer is yes The answer is very much. Yes. I don't know Maybe that's whoa. Hey. Oh That's that's helpful. That's that's helpful. That's very obvious Okay, I got the key. I get my naked ass back in my own house This is right here The whole time I could have seen that if that asshole hadn't come charging at me down out of the blue So I'm just gonna meander my way Assume that nothing's gonna come get me Nothing's gonna come get me on my way back to my own house My own house is my own house. It's my house. It's mine. The house is mine *monkey noises courtesy of Mark* UGGHGHHH You're a little scary. You're scary. I don't like you I don't like this idea of closing my eyes. I like seeing I like knowing where I'm going. Okay, I think I'm in the clear I think I'm in the clear, I think I'm in the clear. I'm not in the clear. Oh, I'm in the clear I'm in the clear. I'm in the clear. Yeah I'm in the clear. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I am fine Fine is what I am. I'm sure I'll be safe in this flimsy wooden building. That thing definitely couldn't knock down the walls! It won't huff, it won't puff. It definitely won't blow me down *nervous laughing* Open that door. I'm safe for now Is that a noose? Oh boy. Okay. Oh that's it okay goody goody gumdrops. That was great. That was good. That was good. I like that I like that That was good. That was good. I like that. I like that okay, but We're not done. All right, so this one's called woven shadows. I'm guessing it is something to do with spiders so if this tickles your fancy You about to get spidered. Oh, look at that happy family I'm not I'm not right about this....picture Richard: Uh hey there man uhh, I know you hate these reports Richard: But this one's kind of interesting. Nothing big happened, just seeing some strange things on the cameras. Richard: I was checking the gym the other night from the office and the camera would keep glitching out. Richard: I went to check on it and there never seemed to be anything wrong with it. No frayed wires, no sparks flying, nothing. Richard: You might want to give it a whirl, you seem to be a wizard with those cameras. Richard: Uh. That's about it. enjoy the rest of your shift you grumpy old dog. Richard out. Okay, thanks Richard, thanks dick. Thank you dick okay death to all phones Why would why would Richard take the boot drive out of the computer in the first place that doesn't make any sense What is this? What is this? What does that say? Shite Alright boot drive. Is this a boot drive? Okay "Aranea". Nice. Ooo Haha santé Yeah, it's a little empty what is this a five nights at Freddy's thing Jim Whoa, Jim's looking a little messed up man Jim is looking messed up. Okay cafe next Janitorial, what am I looking at these for? Whoa, what is that? MATH Oh Gross, ew a spider gross Okay, so then - wha? Wha? Jim? Whoa, that's a big spider. Oh boy. That's a good sign. Okay spider can knock out my equipment, that's- Yeah, check the tablet that's better definitely better than a computer. Can I check the..can i check the tablet? Okay Show me the cameras. Computer: What's the magic word? Okay, press tab to open a RNA assistance on your tablet, oh that's handy Kitchen camera, cafe What What happened? Helloooo? Hello? Oh boy Let's not do that, that's something that we could not do * Demonic in game music* Oh, oh. OHHHH D horn Rams Okay That's not good. That's what one might call not good Okay. Whoo ha hee ha. Oh, I guess we're just into it We do- we don't we don't even have any commentary about that We don't even have anything to say about things going wonky like that. We just got to go for it Yeah Ok, so what am I what am I trying to accomplish here? What am I trying to do am I trying to get the power back on is it whoo Use your map, get to the cafe use your map if you need it. Okay, so cafe Where did I just come from? What am I? Where am I? Okay, so these are the classrooms. This is a long hallway. That's a wraparound. So the only wraparound is here. Office. Long hallway. Wait go down this way. Cafe is on the other side of this hallway. I'm on the wrong side. Okay. I've got good orientation skills. It's been awhile since I've been in school, but I know my way around at school So this should lead right to the cafe, right? No, yes, this is perfect. I love it ahhh. oh uh I'm dead *whisper* no nooooo NOOOOOO God damn it every goddamn time I'm just getting into something and then you do that shit to me. To meeee?! *weird growling/groaning* All right, so That I'm not gonna leave it there. Let's at least look at another one. ooooooo ah This looks neato. It started up, I don't know what Lifo is all about but it says short horror game Hmm interesting So someone was a dick and then someone's left oh, yeah really working hard sleeping on that couch. Are ya? *Weird in-game hissing* Uh, Um. Problem problem problem Pro- What the- oh, Hi, okay Hello. Are you the guy from Welcome to the Game 2? the guy I hate very very much. Are you that guy? As I don't like you. Oh Look at the water. Oh Oh, it's lovely miss studio presents. Wow. Wow, this is alright Okay, you got a little bit of production quality going on here. All right, you flex it, but it's alright Okay, I get it. You got flex. You got a do you got show-off? I get it looks good looks good. I'm into it I'm ready. Show me something good I'm ready Oh Am I upside down? Is this this guy's ass? Nice ass buddy So you've been doing your squats some deadlifts here and there me I've been doing nothing Hey, man, that's why you're carrying me and I'm not carrying myself, am I right- LIFO. That's a weird thing to have written on the floor, but I like it good stylistic choice. Huh, uh-huh. Yes I am awake. Be rude be less rude why don't you. Oh, is that my blood? *in game* You're not the same you're not gonna be a dick you're gonna pretty much gonna do and free anything, to get your ass out of there ? not really. I'm good buddy, if you were more polite, maybe I'd be more interested, but I I'm obstinate A thing there, whose voice is rang, who's feet are four and two and three? so beautiful, that thing is not one that rules in earth or sky or sea When in most, feet this thing not go. Forgive the comic relief. Now, I'm gonna be generous and I'm gonna help you The big giveaway, the big giveaway. "The word you're looking for is five letters. Yep, five letters. One more thing, uh, got a hundred seconds. Hundred seconds. But the important thing. Good luck to ya partner." I didn't even hear the riddle What - what I don't - what I don't even - what - what's th-thing Repeat it - repeat the riddle - repeat it. I'm pressing R, I don't know. What's my ass? Is that five letters "my ass"? You sure it's not my ass. Oh, I can't even type anymore? Roger. Roger's got three legs. Care- carrot with one R. Space. Doggo. There, I now see the saw okay, I see it now okay, I see the saw, I see the saw now. Stool. Chair - oop - chair. I don't want to f*** you but you know, you're offering um, uh, ouch, ouchy oochie *Mark screaming* *Mark continuing to scream* *still more screaming* the f***. Like what? Yeah, we're gonna skip this. Skip I didn't even know that was a saw I thought that was like a door or something. Oh, come on now I'm trying to get this. I'm trying to get it man. I'm trying.So mutable voice of one What has feet but doesn't really go? Okay, what has feet, a guy has feet, uh Caterpillar has feet. Ah Has legs I guess it doesn't have feet. The only thing with feet are like chairs and stools and like I don't know like Like peaches. Maybe they have feet. I don't know, maybe like a dog. They have tootsies. All right. I had to look this up cuz it don't make no sense. It don't make no sense. It's human. but All right, cool thanks that was great. Human that didn't make any sense, that made no sense. That made no sense. Maybe I'm just dumb but that didn't make - what happens if I walk into this? Ow. Oh oof ouchy ooch Just went right for it. All right, there we go. Well I'm dead. All right. All right, so now we're gonna actually try this for realsies, uh How we're gonna- ooo hey nice heads, are those real heads? Or are those just mannequins? I'm gonna assume those are mannequins because I doubt that real heads would be- well Uh, maybe they're real heads. Maybe they're real. They might be real. What are these buckets of? You got like flex glue in there? You like flex glue? You ever seen that? They cut a boat in half. Pretty cool, huh? All right, what do we got here? Whoa, oh, oooh on four feet your doth go slow. Ooooh You doth go slow on four tootsies. *confusion* They're hands, they're not feet. They're not feet. Oh hi, don't like you none. Thanks for putting bras on them and underwear. Appreciate that. That's... that helpful for m-me getting banned on Youtube. Alright, well if we- Hello? "That door you're gonna have to find a key." Okay, but what about this one? What about the - whoooah All righty then. Ookay Well, that was a pleasant one, I'm glad I listened to that. Let's go in the sunflower room! That sounds so nice! *happy gasp* It's actual sunflowers! wooo uh oh, uh oh UUUGH HEEYYY More spiders. Okay. Well, ooh, all right. I hate this place. I hate this - whoa ooh You make less noise when crouching, of course I do. Everybody knows that- *scared gasp* No, no, no, no no no no no, no No, no, I don't know where I'm going. I'll bet this, uh, key in here that I need to find and this guy is a dick for putting it in here With me. Did I just spin around in a circle? I think I did. I definitely did. okay so. uurgh eeergh Okay, it's probably fine. These, uh, spiders aren't too much of a problem, I think. So long as I don't run into him, I think I should be okay, right? That makes sense.That probably makes sense. Everybody knows that make sense. That makes sense. I always make sense. Sense is the only thing that I know how to make. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know what I'm looking for. I hope it's bright and glowy like that other key that I saw in that other game. Hey how you doing? Oh Um, no, no, no, nooo *scared hums* No, no, no, no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! uuuuugh All right, so it's somewhere in here. It's just I don't know where I don't know where it is but it's somewhere. Oh! oh, there's a door oh Well, that's easier, can I have it!? Can I has that? Thank you I can has that. And then I can get out of here right? Then I can just leave and then I'm done right and then I'm done Then I'm out of here baby. Then I'm out scott-free. Ain't no spider gonna crawl up my butt. Ain't no spider gonna mess up my day. I'm gonna be 100% fine and done easy-peasy. Lemon, squeeze me. Riddles, keys. All good, All done. Okay, can I go now? All right. I like how I run with a backwards lean to my flashlight, waving around in the air. Well, then it's not really a choice is it? It's just - it's just a 50/50 shot. That's - That's not really a choice. At least they're not pleading with me. Which you see if you kind of subservient? Okay I'll just - ba-dinka-dinka-link Well, that was um... That was a thing. All right, no, okay I'll do- Hello? Lifo, is that you? Who's slapping in the darkness? You fapping? You fapping? You better not be fapp- *asserting dominance* Oh, we're fine Okay, well. Alright Oh! Uh-oh That ain't go- Ah! My eyes! Grabby hands! Oh Ah alright, so not bad The production quality was okay. BUUUUUUUT It's like some of the choices that they made in the game itself were a little... Odd. Like it wasn't actually like good gameplay there. Oh, what's this? Oh, it's just starting over again It wasn't like, it wasn't like the gameplay itself is good The puzzles weren't engaging and fun to solve. The spider bit was kind of cool But at the same time it also was a little frustrating cuz it was less like - less like my actions and more of this random pathing of a spider and just always crouch, instead of being like subjectively crouched, crouch sometimes and in certain circumstances it didn't feel like I was Impactful of anything and then the riddle was just too weird and hard in the first place But either way, thank you everybody so much for watching This has been three scary games with a little extra. If you want to see more scary games that I've done I've got a huge playlist down there and many other scary games that I've played that aren't even in that playlist, They're in playlists of their own. Go check them out on the playlist tab on my channel's home page. Thank you everybody so much for watching, and as always, I will see you in the next video. Bye bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,670,566
Rating: 4.9643192 out of 5
Keywords: scary, horror, 3 scary games, scariest game, jumpscares, jump scare, scare, scared, scare reactions, markiplier, markiplier scary games, markiplier horror, markiplier reactions, gameplay, gaming, death trips, woven shadows, lifo, do blink, don't blink
Id: I39_Tf0s224
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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