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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JuicyComrade 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Jumpscare Warning] It's gonna be my bed. just in my bed..AHHH Hello everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome to three scary games. Yes - Uhhh, Boo! Did I scare you? I hope not because that's AAHH. Okay, so this one is called Operation Es-cahp-a (Escape), which I think is based on some kind of SCP-087 B style thing.. *reading* On October 10th, 2007 two young teenagers died at 00:32 in the morning in an old abandoned house next to a field. *not reading* That's Amnesia music, I know that.. *reading* Their mothers who had filed a complaint contacted the police. An investigator decided to explore this abandoned house to find them. Once he arrived in the front of the abandoned house, he is equipped with a flashlight and a radio, with which he will be able to communicate with his superiors. There was a large metal door in front of him half open. Once inside He found himself inside without the possibility of going out and saw several pages hanging on the walls, and a barrel burning and believed that the teenagers were there not so long ago. So the investigator continued on his way, but the further he goes the darker they get, the more he starts hearing paranormal noises Will he succeed in getting out of here alive? *not reading* What is this a newsletter? I- I don't know what this is. Skip oh, oh Wooah! Nice hand. It's got a bit of a crack in it, but uh I think that's okay. Collect 14 page-Oh- What the fu- Onscreen Mark: Ha ha. Mark: *Laughing* OSM: Bonjour. (Hello) Oh de Soleil I was saying You're apparently a French investigator and your mission and the find clues concerns the Disappearance of two teenagers. If you can't do it Please find the eggs of- quickly before you get killed by some monster. *wheeze followed by throaty laughter* I- hehehehe I really didn't know that I was gonna be in this game, but, uh, okay. Yeah. Okay. Oooo. Alright (In French) "Warning, please proceed with caution." Ah ! French fans, please help me translate that. Alright, thank you. I can jump. That's- that's SCP music which I do got to play the updated versions of SCP I do have to do that. What's that- okay burning barrel. I remember that in- You want to run that by me again, slim? Oh it's dark. Maybe that's what happened and I just wasn't looking That's probably what happened. Yeah, that makes sense Oh, hi, aren't you just a peach? Your eyeball's falling out there, but you seem to be alright (French) "If it's really related to the disappearance of two young teenagers, I should take this with me". Okay, French fans, really need some translations on this I want you to fill the comments with good old translations for this. You guys got it. Oh, hey, buddy How are you doing? All riiight. Suurre- oooh. Sure thing buuuuuddy *in-game thump* Lot of thumpin happening, but I don't know much else besides that. I'm assuming that all is right in the world That's Bo-- hey buddy! It is like SCP-087-B. Just a constant staircase down It's gotta be an-- oh no, never mind then. Oh...wait Is this a trap? Oh my god! Oh, it is a trap. Shit. Okay. Well, I've already read (French) "Other elements of truth. I'll take this with me". Oui...non *superb French skills* AHh! *hello darkness my old friend* You ass! you a- you ass! What is this, 2012? Jesus C- Jesus Jes- Uuuooh Fuck, so it's gonna be like that. Huh? You're gonna be one of those games Huh? you're gonna- you're gonna jump-scare me out of my skin every few seconds, huh? "The radio signal seems to be weakening" Oh! These are the pag- those Oh f- Wai-wait- WOAHWOAH! I CAN'T RUN! *terrified and relieved* I didn't know that was the page. I thought it was just the article. I haven't even got the page from the beg- *GASP* I don't know what that is all about. Hang on, I gotta go back and get the page. I didn't know Yeesh. Yeeshums yeeshek- AAahee *distorted* *Hello darkness my old-* Oh Wait, doh god, I didn't know that was happening... Oh Frick. Oh, god. Are you kidding me? are you- gaAAw. alright, were going for it oh god I mmm *more inappropriate moaning* Oh Welll, it's fine *frustrated chuckling* It's fine. I didn't get the page That was here. ooh darkness, Hello Darkness my old friend *distorted song in the background* It's good to see you again. *French radio in background* Yeah, there's no way that I would have won (French) "I have to leave quickly!" Bla bla There's no way that I would have won because I didn't- I never picked up that page, so I had to die Not that I think I'm gonna actually beat this game. But you know, you know how it be. You know how it is Wha- what I- I just started I- hey whoa Slendy man, Hey! Wait- I just- *man-baby scream* I just Started! I just- I just Started...you dick hole...you dick bag. You think that you can just do that to me? The answer is noooo All right, whatever All right, whatever, I'm just gonna keep moving (French) "Other elements of truth. I'll take this with me". Okay, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't understand you I don't get you. I don't understand anything about you I don't know what's going on. I don't- Oh Gosh, stop! you sack of tit! you big tit sack Oh, you're gonna ruin my wisdom tooth holes Gaauuh Oww oho oho oho Oh Whoa! Fuck. Why- wha- what is happening? What- what is happening on the ground? What is what is happening? What is happening on the *in-game static talking* "The radio signal seems to be weakening". "Other elements of truth" That's from SCP I think. I don't know. I don't know man They're speaking French, so I don't know what it is But I remember there being some like French mumbo-jumbo in the SCP games. Which this is the SCP music, or the SCP ambience Whatever you want to call it. I don't know where I'm going. I need to find-- Woahh.. Okay. 'Cuz this game seems to be an assembly of various different elements from different horror games, not-- Ohh! You sack-- Oh shit. WOah. Hey buddy! Hey- whoa, that's less than fair. That seems unfair. No-no, no, no. Up, up,up,up. UP. UPPP!! I GOTTA GO UPP! Why do I have to jump for every step? *big sigh* Why *le gasp*... no Don't do that to me. You are just a bag of ass Uhuuh. Why? What happened? You can't just do that randomly *chuckles* *Distorted* Fuck off! You know sometimes like I do enjoy a game that's like this, you know, it's not like a highbrow game It's just got some cheap jump scares in them. But I mean, it's put together fine Like this game is put together totally fine, and there's nothing wrong with it But you know, a lot of people are like constantly trying to push the envelope on games and try new things, you know And sometimes it's like yeah, you can make just a hodgepodge Jump-scare game and that's fine. That is fine, and and- shit. Sometimes that's what people want Like sometimes people just want jump scares. Not every game has to be groundbreaking. Sometimes horror games They can be this and it's a fun experience because it's- it's like a haunted house. You just want to go through a haunted house sometimes. Sometimes you don't want a deep narrative. Sometimes you just want to get scared Ooh! Eh! Hey! *tiny Mark* Hey! okay, that's fine. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know how deep this goes I've got five more pages that I need but *gASP* No! I mean I would encourage a game to like do more than just grab music and sounds from other horror games, but still Like if this is the first time you got to make it-- and I'm not saying this is the developers first game But I mean like if you just want to make a game *distorted voice and laughter on a static radio* Just make a game! Where am I going? I have no idea. Oh... that's a pleasant, gooshy sound! Oh weird, okay *creepy breathing* Who's breathing? aAH! Hey, NOOO! I'm almost done I think. I think? I'm not a hundred percent sure. I only need three left I probably missed one upstairs unless you got more than 14 somewhere strewn about here because I'm going down So if I missed any up there, I'm really boned Uh.. *distorted voice on radio* Okay, sure. Oh, no! NOT. FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIRR! NOT FAIR! NOOOO! NO! NOT FAIRRR! *Mark on the tv screen* Haha! Don't laugh at me! Laugh at you. Okay, so that was Operation Escape. Not bad! It really got me sometimes because sometimes just jump scares are what you need Like, it doesn't have to be a in-deep narrative. That was fun. That was a fun game. That was fun I enjoyed that. It wasn't fair or balanced or really that good, but it was fun It would- it did this scares well. And and sometimes that's all you need. Pretty good. Not the worst thing in the world So we're gonna move on to the next game, but this was pretty good This one's called "Did Stress" and I don't know what Did Stress means but it's probably some play on words that I don't understand We're gonna do this on-- *Title Screen: "Did Stress"* We're gonna do it on normal! Uhh, uhh, uhh WASD, uh, Left-click, spacebar... spam? *bloop* Aww, my camera died! Fucking cock and-- I'll be-- hang on. I'll get it. Don't worry I got... something I got battery somewhere. Hang on. I hope nothing scary happens while I'm away... that would be scary... *thump* *static fizzle* *inaudible whispering* *sounds like multiple people whispering?* *whispering continues* *DARKIPLIER* I'm back. I don't know if anything scary happened while i was gone. I was away, but I got the battery Yeah, it's cold in here. Feel a strange presence in the room here. Anyway, here we go. plug in the... And, three two one. *DARKI* There we go. There we are. Okay, cool. All right, let's do this! DIDstress, I'm out of breath. Oh shit right into it. Huh? Is that really how it's gonna be? Okay. Let's do this Mark: What? What did I do? Whoa, oh Oh, I can't jump Oh my god! Forgot that strangling doctor here. Okay, gotta get the code from his computer There's no code in here. There's there's no oh fucking criminy. Why does it get me? Oh, God, it's so fast. I can't jump I move these boxes a little bit. He's coming Hey, oh my god Yeah, it looks like I'm gonna lose this one right away cuz I don't know the code and I can't get by the boxes So I don't-- I don't know how to-- That's disconcerting. I'm gonna die All right! Interact: left click. Okay. Hang on. Let me interact. That moved. Whoa! Ohh! Oh shit, okay Okay, alright, so now I know Oh nothing in here worth getting so that's not good Mark: Okay, come on, come on! I'm ready for you Mark, French accent: "It's the code!" Still accented: Why are you French? *scream* You are an ass Mark: One one six, one three six, three three six One one six, one three six, three three six: that's not too bad. *Recites code* I can get that. I can memorize that. Sweet moves! Got him! *Recites code* Mark: Don't-- shut up! One one six One three six three three six. Shut up. I know it! Boom! Quick one that was a quick one. What? You thought I couldn't remember 9 numbers? 9 numbers, and there was only 3 or 4 different-- Well 3 different numbers: 116, 136, 336. That was really easy. Anyway, that was fun And that was scary but only because he looked so freaking weird Anyway, so we're gonna move on to a game called Glitch I don't know if it has anything to do with glitching, but we're gonna do that *Mark reading* 1965: Dr. Felix decided-- *Deep & echoing* to return to his old house, but he but he Was *Normal voice* Why? Why was something odd? Okay... Really heavy footsteps. Whoa... Oh! Okay, okay. All right, okay. All right, okay Is that all you're gonna do for me? Is that-- oh. Is that all you got? Huh? That's it? Oh, that's all you got? Huh? It's gonna take a lot-- Okay, that's a new one That's a new one. Oh, I am stuck. Uhh I don't think I was supposed to fly up into the sky! Hello? Wow this game runs like a turd and I think it's broken. I think I found the glitch in The Glitch. *laughing* I think I found the glitch just maybe wink wonk. I think I found it. Let's do a different one. That's kind of the same principle. So this one's called Dark Veer. Woo Fun. So this one is more. Oh my god chapters. Holy shit. Okay. Well, let's see how chapter one goes before we do anything Well, that's uncomfortable. *Reading* There are hidden monkey collectables in each level. Oh are there? Guys you all know how much I love hidden monkeys! You guys know that! I love hidden monkeys Think of all the times I put hidden monkeys in my game. Wow, this looks creepy. Ooh I love the styling of it, ooh of the styling of it, ooh left mouse button Left Mouse Button: Interact / Climb bed. Whoa Why am I up here? And why did things go black and white up here? How do I get down? Oh, oh! Oh. *reading* How to play, The Door: When the door opens turn the lamp on, it hates light. The Window: Run over and close the window when it opens, listen carefully. To continue on you have to fall asleep but your sleep bar will not fill up if the lamp is on. When the alarm clock rings run over and turn it off or they will move quicker. I have Oh shit. Oh god, I do not like the perspective Okay, let's just let's go to bed. No, no down down down, where is it? I don't know where the alarm is! Alarm? Alarm? Where's the alarm! Alarm! Okay, everything's fine. Everything's fine. Okay. Oh, there's the door. Okay. I don't like this Oh, I do not like this. Oh, I don't like this This-- *grunts* What is that? Who's there? Door? Door. No. Closed closed. How do I close you? How do I close you I'm closing I don't know how to close! Ah! The window! The door. Oh shit. Okay close on its own. I'm sure that's fine. I'm sure that's fine. That's all fine. *Sing-song* La la la... La la la... Drifting off to sleep... It's fine everything's good I don't-- Fuck. Oh shit. Nope. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What up? What up? Who's there? Huh loser nerd, huh? You wanna mess with me? You gonna mess with these fists, huh? Oh shit. I have no idea what turns that off. I have no idea. This is creepy This is no joke creepy There's gonna be a link to this game in the description if you want to play the other chapters of this I'm just gonna try to get through this one see how that goes for me This is a long or this is a long this boards too long With a bar like this, what are they thinking ah the light? I can't sleep with the light on what happens when I fall asleep. There's still gonna be oh shit Hey what you got done? Yeah. Yeah. What up? What up? How's my window? open? Apparently Alarm: off. You: fucked. get out of here. What up? What up? What of it? What of it? I do not know how that closes. I didn't read enough. Was that the window? yeah, it was. yeah, it was. *Alarm* I am anything but relaxed at the moment I am anything but about to fall asleep. No What what no no Why are you mad? It's only game! oh, yeah, that's right. Whatever that means. I don't know I think that might be a bean bag! it's custom built to eat my butt You sit in that, your ass is grass. You sit in that, your ass is gone Do I hear when-- no, I don't *Alarm* I hear that! No, ack! I don't know it wind sounds like never heard wind before. Nope, nope Nope. Oh, I heard that Yeah, go away! Nobody likes you likes you *Chuckles* What am I saying... is that the wind? No, god, why do I hear the wind? It's like the bogeyman It really is like the bogeyman but honestly, I like the styling-- *Door opening* Oh shit. I think you just got to keep the light on for this one. Hey go go away. Oh shit go away Right. Okay. Sure. I'm almost through this night I'm almost through I hear wind, but I don't think that's wind. I don't think that's my window open. Anyway, I'm gonna just-- just gonna check Oh, it's fine. It was fine. Could've gotten some sweet sleep. Okay, oh no, no. Mm-hmm, nope, none of that, okay, you're not open get some sweet winks. Oh Shit, you're open. Oh *screaming* It's fine I'm fine As everyone can see I am fine. I'm almost done with this goddamn night it's just gonna be my luck that bar at the bottom just bursts over the slightly shadow part has to reach the edge of the window over on the right I'm gonna check. I've got a check. I don't feel confident. Okay. Well good thing I went down when I did, huh? I don't feel good feel bad feels bad man Feels bad. Whoo. Okay, apparently nothing a few more pixels. OOP. Dad is open. Hey, Dad I'm good I'm sleeping. Okay? I think I've got this in the bag Shit, okay I think this is gonna be this is gonna be the stretch until I go to sleep and then when I go to sleep everything That's gonna be fine. Definitely not gonna get murdered in the middle of my sleep Nothing's gonna creep into your bed tonight while you're sleeping three two one Yay? *Alarm* Ayy! I fell asleep with the alarm on I'm so tired. I couldn't help it. Oh Good oh good. It's my room again. Oh my lovely room *Reading* One night down, easy. So easy Sleeping for a child is just a nightmare Let me leave! let me leave!! Okay, Chapter Two: Beside You. I don't like the sound of that *High pitched autotune* I know what I heard, Dad. You have to believe me... *High pitched autotune, not reading* Are you sure it was just wrestling, Dad? The new chapter brings on a new challenge Oh does it Oh, does it really oh really I hope so I hope it did so. You're not leave-- *Reading* Last night was nothing It is all in my head, of course. Whose other bed is this by the way? who who else is in this room? Besides me and why aren't they helping? Oh, no, not the closet. Not the closet. Oh No, not the closet Oh Oh no, not the closet *laughing* *Reading* The Television. (Oh) When the television turns on run over and switch it off because the monsters hate the noise it makes. Well that wouldn't that scare them away? Isn't that what we want? I think that's what we want, right? Okay boink I'm not gonna play through all the chapters, but I'm gonna go until I die Basically, which might be never might be never I might never die I might be too much of a pro to die or I might try to sabotage myself and actually die. Who knows? Oh Shit oh that's no good. Oh, that's no good at all. I'm gonna be in my bed. I'm just gonna be in my bed. Just gonna be in my bed. just in my bed Kocher duck All right, that was good. Dark Veer, I don't know what that means but Dark Veer is pretty good You guys gotta check it out. It's really nice. This one's a good one It's got the ambience, which is really what I crave in these games Just set up a scenario where I can scare myself even though there are monsters in this one But very good, like this one a lot. *Burp* So anyway, that was Three Scary Games! Did we spook ya? Did we scare you? did we jump scare you? Boo! Ha-- I'm not gonna do it Boo! So thank you everybody so much for watching. If you want to check out more scary games that I've done, link is in the description to the entire scary games playlist There's tons of them If you want more of these let me know down in the comments below and thank you everybody for watching. And as always I will See you in the next video. Bye bye! *Outro music*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,236,289
Rating: 4.9724393 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier, scary games, jump scares, jumpscares, scariest, scary, horror, horror games, gameplay, gaming, compilation, scary games compilation, 3 scary games markiplier, 3 scary games #20, scary moments, scares, scare reactions, scare prank, creepy, creepypasta
Id: wjyeQt3u72o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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