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That opening and closing gave me the spoops.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
*crickle crackle* [HeLLo EvEryOne] *an awkward pause* [mY naMe iS] [MarKipLieR] [mAr Ki PlaR] [AnD We-We-WeLcOme BaCk to 3 ScArY gAmeS] *quiet contemplation if he should finish this gag* *very ominously*: THE ER [hi i'd just like to say that i hope you're having a nice day and are enjoying these captions] We recommend using headphones, this one is called I've already forgotten the name of it. What was it called? I forgotten... The ER! Oh whaat? *confusediplier* Wait a minute- What? I don't have arms! ...Okay. Is this why I'm at the ER? oHoHoHUHUHUOHUHOHO- o h Okay, I've got a weird h o b b l e to me too. My leg okay? I don't know. oH this is bizarre... huh. Woman Voice: All the doors leading to emergency exits are now open. Have a nice day. Thanks. What is the cocoon thing? Do I... *wheeze-laughter* I guess I couldn't...o k a y. a l r i g ht (you okay mark?) All right, let's take a nap on this gurney here. Not that way Not that way. Oh that gurney's real rusted...Someone spilled a lot of soup on that one....oohh.. Oh everyone's always eating their soups on their gurney's and what not and what have- You... o h h h n o- No. No, thank you. No, I'm okay. No, I'm good. I'm fine. n o. I heard some noises comin' from over here but I don't see nothin' no more...so... (uh mark-) Guess there's nothing here...ohhh. That- That's normal and the thing is out...right! g r e a t. Great. Oh- *weird noises* Oh great. I'm in the cocoon- OoOhUHuHU- Okay! Just in case I want a nice h u g. *scared mark has been initiated* Is this slightly eRoTiC for anyone else? nO oNe bUt mE? Alright. Just wanted to emphasize the eRoTiC nAtUrE of what's happening here *s qu I s h s q u ISh sqOsh sQWuErsH* Okay, I'm done. I swear I'm done. Okay, all right, well that was weird... Oh This is open. Oh god, they got soup on the walls and floor. We got some messy eaters here Oh, no, someone really messed up that gurn- Oh! Neverminddd Nevermindd- Let's see what's- Ah! I'm going in! Here I go! Hiiiii! How are you? Ohhh nuuuu >~< *slurpy noises* O- Ohhhohoho... Okaayyy Take your time man. Take your time Take your time Oh Wait, no. Hey, I got- Oh shit. Well, I didn't realize my moment was then... Oh god, really? Really? God- Okay good. We're here The opportunity was about to pass me by- Alright, can you move? Oh It follows me. Oh It wants to eat me That's what it is. Oh Here I was thinking that it was just moving for the sake of moving It's Okay Wow. Alright. Goodbye See you around Take care. Have a good day. Oh Here I am Okay, where is here? And why am I here? And what am I doing? And what's happening? Alright, cool. Oh Great. There we go. I don't want to Looks like you had a bit too much soup. No, I don't trust this. I Don't know what I can do to help you man Did what I could get for overeating on soup it just stuff your face full of soup and what do you expect to happen? Alright time to get out of here. Did someone draw a penis? With soup. Hello. Hi. Hello. Can I help you? Alright. Well, let's go back. Oh Great Pardon me don't mind me just the Scouten. Bye. Oh They got soup on the floor - oh This need to go on my comfort zone. Hang on a second. Ah, that's nice Huh feels warm. Okay. Alright just need a little bit just need just need a little little juice. That's all I needed Okay. All right Oh, hey, are you that guy that I was supposed to help? Hello, do you need help? I'm Sorry for everything I've ever done. Whoa. Whoa. Hey listen, buddy. Hi. Are you the soup? Oh you use soup delivery. I don't need any think you have good. I just carry on without me. Okay? See ya, huh. See see ya. I'll see ya See ya. I'll see you I'll see you around the bend. I'll see you. I'll see you I See you see you later. All right, that was Great That was awesome. I Loved that Love- I can't overstate how cool that was Because it built up the tension so good. Like of course like he was a linear experience And of course, it was just like like the ending was just a monster chasing you out of a door But the feel of it the feel of it- The feel of that game- (Realizes it isn't actually over) oh, Wait what? (queue confused Markimoo) Whoa! okay! Wait a minute! Hey, you can't just do that twice to me! Hey, wait a minute! No! Hey wait! No, I gotta go to my happy place. Hey, you would get distracted. Oh shit. Ah Fuck. uh oh You cheeky bastard You cheeky bastard you cheeky bastard, oh you You know Come on now That is just silly *SLURRRPPP* All right, that's pretty good. I like that a false ending Is there actually oh, yeah, whatever. Wake up. Yeah, whatever. Is there actually anything to do here? Could I could I actually get away from this? I have no idea I bet I couldn't get away cause it's just too close like there's no way that you could get away from that thing. Oh Really? Oh now I can leave Okay, I Oh Fuck that's so weird. That's so weird That's so weird. I love that. I love this. This is so good That's so good That is really good. That's that's something special. That is something special. Hmm Background again, here we go. Let me just pop a squat inside my warm Embrace place. Ah, yes, please Let me in. Ah, that feels good. Okay, I think I'm just gonna end it here because I don't think there's anything else to do Cuz what would happen if I go here again? What would happen if I go again? Right. It couldn't possibly do the same thing right Oh I'm not gonna make it It does it has infinite replay value It's the greatest game ever. Wow That is some Spanish So cool again again again again We go round the bend again This will be though oh, yeah, it's just the same dog. Okay. I'm not gonna do it again I'm not gonna go again cuz I think that's got to be the end Oh God oh ye gods. Okay. Alright, we're gonna call that one where it is. Alright, that was cool. That was cool Alright welcome to shut down I don't know his shut downs about but it says it's supposed to be a very scary first-person experience Let's do it. Oh I've got hands Terrifying hands. Oh shit I can't move. I mean why am I just standing here? Oh No, oh my hands Hello Hello Hi oh, oh Okay, oh I grew taller it's my dream come true I'm taller no I can't still can't move Okay, I think maybe this was supposed to be a VR experience, ah Well, I can't be bothered to do that. Okay? Oh, I can zoom whoosh Ah good the ring my favorite show. Great. Oh shit. Oh, Okay, that seems important I didn't catch that okay, that's Man, I got an interesting life. Oh, hello. What are the UH? Lamp I am I didn't catch that Well, who's there who's there I heard breathing By milk do not forget. I hate cars disorder. I don't know Come on in put some tea on. Okay, okay Okay, I Don't know this weird. I think this is supposed to be like a VR experience But at the same time it's creepy because I've never played a game where I'm not supposed to move I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am Sam? I am Oh What did I do that what happened was that my neck done bunch of my neck just brick Did my neck brick did I- Oh doe Guy, whoa shit. I hate it when my furniture does this What Oh Oh, oh I am something oh Okay, oh where am I oh good great oh oh Great. Oh wait. No, hang on. I don't want this. Um, uh, well shit, okay. Um ZOOM Oh shit. Oh, well, okay. All right. *Robot voice* Death is imminent. Oh Here I go Goodbye, oh Dude oh I'm fine, then I guess okay Oh there I go zooming and uh, I am crazy do not forget Okay Great. I am crazy apparently How could I forget it's so apparent. Uh-huh Wow Okay, well well I guess there we go then okay Jesus, that's it What?! okay Sure rip, riparoni, rip me. Give me some F's- whoa shit (RIP IN THE CHAT BOYS) Hi, hello *laughs* How are you? Hey, welcome. The main menu is just as scary as the game. Hey how ya Doing? Hey good to see ya. Alright, catch you later. Alright guess that is all for shutdown. Guess I'll have to shut her down. Did I say this one was called, mr. Twigs- activate three altars walk to start the game I don't want to start cuz I don't know what's gonna happen when I start this Alright here we go. Mr. Twigs. I think this one is very much like a Slenderman style one You know, you got to go out you got to accomplish some things You got to go to different locations and then you gotta I don't know escape or something like that Which you know reminds me. I still need to someday beat the original Slender Man I Never have which is a very weird thing when you really think about it But I never have considering like I spent so much time beating all those Slenderman say shadows maps That was such a time in my channel when those were coming out and it was like you have to play the next one As soon as it comes out and as I got a beat it as fast as possible get the video up it's like this is like this weird race that I had but I Still remember those times that was six and a half years ago now six and a half years ago Which is crazy to think about too because six and a half years. That's a long time But it's not the longest time in the world Separating me who I am now from them Oh an alter Well, Oh, bye Oh, bye okay, Duh see ya Okay, alright, oh oh Oh, why? Oh, hi. Oh, wait, hang on. How do you do that? What are you doing? No, I don't like that don't like that. Oh shit. Oh shit. Gotta keep an eye on mr. Twigs. Hang on Mr. Twigs. Hey, whoa. Hey, whoa, whoa whoa, buddy Whoa, buddy, whoa, buddy. Okay, you stay Right, okay. Mr. Twigs Hey, oh you're doing The opposite of the Slendy man. I haven't had like a Slenderman style game where people actually put some effort into it in a while. Uh pretty impressive Oh hey how ya doin? heyyy I don't know where these alters are and I don't seem to have any kind of a clue to indicate it But guess I'll just keep wandering Woah. Hey, buddy, you're getting kind of close. I don't like it. No, good, *Twank!* Oh, oh oh! Uhh, Umm Didn't know there were bear traps in the woods- do I- do I- do I something about that? *stammering* or am I just-. Oh okay there we go *laughs relieved* All right, cool, Great. Good good to know that's the thing. All right. Okay. All right Well, hey, is that an alter or is that the one I activated? That's the one I activated? No, it's not- it is? did I go in a big circle? I did I went in a big circle. I am an idiot All right. Well time to go I guess. All right. Well, this is manageable This ain't too bad All it is, is finding where he is and looking at him. That's not that's not too bad Yeah, the hard part's just gonna be- that's pretty. Hard part's it's gonna be finding these things Cuz everything looks so similar. All right, where's when is something gonna happen? God where is this thing? this is what I don't like about the Slenderman games is like The part of the game is just learning where things are and that's boring like it's not exciting gameplay. There's another one This is something so give me something give me something to fight for here Here we go. All right activated. I don't know if he can actually get me Oh shit did you- are you accelerating or something mister? Whoa, okay. All right Whoa, okay A little faster a little faster, but manageable. Oh shit easy enough The only problem is I can't see where I'm going. So it's bit of an issue Hello. Oh the bear trap, but I bet that's the bear trap. I hit Okay, let me go this way Or maybe it's not. I don't know. I don't know man Never seen this before sure would be great. Oh, there we go. Third alter I guess yeah Hello, kay Do I win? *spooky sounds* whoa whoa, whoa well, wait what what Oh, Great I did it. All right Well what happens if you die that- I guess that's the only other thing in this game is if you die Well, that was not that wasn't satisfying there was no payoff to that was just death. That's all that was What a bunch of baloney. What a bunch of malarkey. Oh shit. oh well I guess I'm dead *Laughs* Alright guess i'm dead "You can run, but not forever" All right Well, alright, that's it's it's interesting because this game actually does have polish and it looks good But it's such a simple concept. The gameplay is not there. It's ok. It's ok. I don't wanna shit on it I- I definitely don't want to shit on it because it's not bad. It's well put together It's it's well, it's well executed. It's done. Well, the mechanic works It's just not very fun like that at the end of the day. That's all the criticism that you can make about this game Just not very fun. So that's it. So that's all I'm gonna say. Otherwise, just well made. Yeah Alright, so this one it's called mom I don't think it's so much a game as it is more just an experience because it's supposed to give you the feeling of If you were kid again, and you lost your mom in a shopping center or a grocery store. All right. (Short Markimoo is processing) (Still processing) I don't expect this one to be very long. I've only played two or three other horror games that took place in grocery stores So I can't exactly say *laughs* Wow, what? Is that bad? Is that bad? That's bad, isn't it? OH yeah, is that bad? Oh shit. I'm just a kid. Hey, whoa. Hey, whoa. Hey, what do you do? We gonna do you big- Oh, I guess *SLURRRRPP* *MORE SLURRRP* Okay, I like the music. Catchy tunes *EXTREME SLURRPP* *trys to ignore mistake* *laughs* *jibberish* Lets try that again let's let's not let's not be caught by the Whatever that was so is the objective to find our mother our Collective mother or is it just to keep away from the red glowing orb that sends you into eternal damnation and pain and Screaming, don't forget the screaming. Okay. So let's at least map out the circumference of this place. We're gonna run a lap Around this and we're gonna find out it's real pretty I'll give it that it's real pretty like really pretty in fact It's so pretty- No What is that? Is that my mom?! mom? You're not- you're you're not- that's a red glowy. Mom?! Mom! You're mom! Mom! That's so reassuring *disorienting voice* Daddy's here, Daddy's here, shush, shush, Daddy's here, it's okay shush, shush, Daddy's here Don't worry Daddy's here, shush, shush, it's okay. Shush. Daddy is here Don't worry Daddy's here okay? Daddy's here Shush shush shush Daddy's here shush Daddy's here Daddy's here. Don't worry. Don't cry daddy's here shush Come on now hush your tears that he's here come on out for food. It's okay, Daddy's here Daddy's here Shush sweetie it's okay *laughs* Mommy's here. All right. Well Wow- that was- wow Now I feel like I wasn't supposed to win that quick. But yeah, there you go. There you go That was three scary games, thank you so much for watching *Robot voice*And as always, I will see you in the next video. Bye. Bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,446,456
Rating: 4.9586892 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, 3 scary games, scary games, scary, horror, horror games, indie horror, scariest games, spooky, creepy, creepypasta, markiplier scary games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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