3 Scary Games #37

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to a very Christmas themed three scary games just because Christmas is over doesn't mean that we can't bundle up get cozy and enjoy the tears of Santa Claus finding his way into your home at night this game is called this game is called sleigh bells I don't exactly remember what the name of the game is in this isn't exactly telling me but I need to press any key o sleigh bells that's it who may who the hell made this Blake McKinnon okay Brianna McKinnon okay controls woz shift left click zoom flashlight interact objective is either or queue I don't know which one that is but let's go into it Christmas Eve and I'm still taking my clothes off in this horrible town for money oh I guess that's what I'm doing ha I better deliver Billy's Christmas present before it gets too late I wonder if he even remembers what I look like he hasn't seen me for months not since he went to live with his father why'd they have to take him from me I miss my little Billy alright Billy I hope I don't have my clothes off in the middle of winter right now flashlight on flashlight off zoom in zoom out objective deliver Billy's present okay got it I don't know why I have a radar that seems like a very strange thing to need in my profession but you know anything that keeps me safe and steps people from creeping up on me so it seems to be going a weird way riskier to display your crew oh hi taxi all right fine then what happens if I run in this is a stupid idea don't please God oh I'm so nimble I'm so nimble and so quick okay I guess saying the arrow in the radar is kind of pointing me in the direction I need to go because seems to be counterintuitive your objectives are marked on the yellow on the mini-map with yellow dots okay all right oh hi how are you doing hey good to see you all right are you cold fine Merry Christmas Oh what happened here oh wait yellow dot there we go there we go this way hello here is this it no what's going on with the whole police thing yeah AUSA fir officers officers hello hello all right nothing to say to me I got a flashlight to go with someone murder back there oh [ __ ] Santa Claus some one of the elves oh boy okay all right then you have a lovely day I'm gonna go this way you take care of yourself now you hear take care of yourself it's good to see oh okay no need to do that completely unnecessary I find then uh here we go I'll just leave the present here I doubt they'll want to see me right now am i butt naked am I just completely butt ass naked right now I better get home before it gets too late I don't want to be out after midnight Merry Christmas Billy wow this is sad oh hi hey how you doing hello nah nothing okay all right then well see you around he's gonna go home wherever home maybe home is where I go okay did I just not notice you or you did I walk right by you guys not see you I have no idea I think the arrow is still probably pointing me in the objective direction oh I see oh I was supposed to go to the police afterwards hey can I get home I wonder what's going on here I won't be getting home this way I guess I'll have to go through the subway tunnel it's not mad that much further yeah okay all right I'll go through this subway tunnel that that makes perfect sense up this way I'm guessing some way kinda reminds me a little bit of cry of fear which I haven't played in ages and ages but a little does what if that game still holds up tasty burger tasty map tasty hot sausage tasty cat-and-mouse experiment that's a little different one of these things is not like the other Mary Chris oh that's a problem he's been disemboweled what sort of maniac would do such a thing I better get out of here before whoever did this comes back yeah actually that's a that's a smart move I'll better get out of here [Applause] yeah I doubt it's gonna let me go this way but I'm gonna try nonetheless it's not gonna work till it's locked okay so I can't go the way I came which means that I just got to go further down which makes total sense yeah definitely the murderer wouldn't be in the subway hmm oh that's peculiar that's interesting I see okay Santa Claus Santa Claus is in these sewers with the subway with me sorry it's in this subway restaurant with me oh I'm in the bathroom I didn't quite expect that to be a thing all right cool good hi Santa Quaid are you patrolling or do I actually need to wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait what wait is he just patrolling did I did I got him whoa grab that please he's killing policemen now what a monster can I pick the gun okay I'll take this no bullets oh damn it oh god I'm never gonna be able to shoot Santy Claus so I got actually avoid I didn't know that he was actually there oh god where is he oh there he is okay just you wait till I get some bullets simple Santy Claus you're gonna you're gonna get it you're gonna get it you are you're gonna get it okay I need some bullets okay we gone I need some bullets and then I sure hope that wasn't a maniacal Santa Claus immediately behind me okay it was good Oh goober I don't know if that's entirely true but I'm gonna believe you now I got crazy monster kickers when I'm cornered I kick like a mule how many people know this but if I am a stripper as it was suggesting my legs are immensely strong from working I'll just go I'm gonna go up well there's no need to ho ho ho this way I don't know where I'm going where am I gonna go where am I gonna go I'm gonna run a stamina how close are you oh you're fast I should have known I should have known the Santa Claus oh god please no no no no please don't murder me oh I would love to get stamina back immediately now okay do you have pull it pull it pull it it's been cut up fast I'm being murdered right now I am mu tau it's a little delayed on the blood okay this is a problem there's a big problem there's a big oak rubber whoa I know I wanted that no no Louie we we we what okay oh wow okay I got the crowbar I just need to get out of here that's all I need to do oh oh all right oh I'm all the way hey I got a hand oh yeah that'll that'll do that'll do the trick this is gonna do it yeah it's you wait just you waited Santa Claus about bop you one right on the nog right on the eggnog if you know what I mean ah all right I'm gonna go this way I know which way to go so I just got to go for it before he can see me easy as pie okay so where was it again uh it was this way where did I run like a madman I think over here there she is there she is it says this should says there's something over here oh oh oh oh whose bullets there was bullets in there I could have shot Santa I'm gonna shoot Santa oh I'm so gonna shoot Santa Claus oh but I have to go all the way back for the bullets is it worth it I don't even think it's worth it I don't even think it might be worth it it might not actually be worth it maybe it'd be worth it maybe if I should Santa Claus it might be worth it I didn't think I'd actually say those words but whatever okay that's good because now the man the mouse sensitivity is just so low in this game I don't know if he's like on the way back here from there I try to keep some stamina okay okay we're good I'm assuming he's down here I assumed correctly God Rick god dammit I didn't know that he would be right there so I'm gonna go grab the gun and wait for him to pass by again oh wait where is he oh god I'm so impatient I am the least patient human being on the planet I'm so dumb that was really dumb that was dumb that was just so dumb I have the word in if I was in a horror movie I'd die so fast Oh God okay bullets a blast Santa Claus I'm bout to blast him well yeah it's Santi boy we're yet or yet Claus man does he spawn only when I pick up the Kroeber oh yeah okay I knew it I knew it I knew it I'm coming for you I'm gonna shoot you okay I don't have enough bullets for you was I supposed hit every shot because I didn't like second time around the bend that's the good one okay okay once okay I'm just gonna go for it because this didn't work out at all my plan was not good my aim was terrible I again like it's that scene from Reservoir Dogs I just are not Reservoir Dogs Who am I doing that other movie I can't remember the name right now Shawshank Redemption no that wasn't it I don't remember what the movie was Pulp Fiction how was it Pulp Fiction got it there's like pulp fiction did shot a bunch of bullets in everything got it great this is great this is so good I made it I survived the nightmare is over and I am free and clear Billy got the present and I'm a-okay I will never begin be bothered by Santa Claus very quiet all of a sudden I wonder where everyone is gone Santa couldn't possibly have killed everyone except that would be entirely possible as Santa Claus can make it around the world to deliver presents he probably could be around the world to deliver broken necks and access to the spines of all his victims in no time fine this is fine this is very good very good and very fine oh hey how's it going there Oh why do they have to keep locking this gate I'm so close to getting home it looks damn East I might be able to break it down with something oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah here why don't you just take the road dear house oh why do you got to live in the back alley of a back alley of a back alley bug give your car don't run Santy Claus over I don't even know if there's a way to shoot a me just thank you where you going are you going buddy oh yeah oh ho ho ho and stuff ho ho where'd you go where need to go where did he go how did he just appear there at least you can't possibly see me it couldn't possibly see me but maybe if I put an axe in his maybe that'll teach him a lesson that no our prizes kill me all right let's do this Santa Claus at the close your ears we're good we're good let's go home I guess Oh what is this eviction notice I'm only a few days late on my payment they must have changed the locked in like he won't work I need to get out of here before Santa find B the only way out there's a lot of the drained rags Oh God perfect good great ah where is said train track well this is a dead end oh I need to go ah piss up is to go on the up train that's what it is sure up Santa Claus doesn't come chasing after me now it's uh can be totally out of character okay oh ah just a nice walk along the train tracks but naked with Santa Claus chasing after me and on that ax in my hand that has the blood of a murder victim on it oh great great bullets these work perfectly last time I'm sure they'll work again there's a lot of dead police around that especially looks like I did something but I definitely didn't wasn't me at all who could even suspect that it was someone like me okay there's another axe how many axes do I need more bullets okay I got 24 bullets if this doesn't take down Santa Claus I don't think anything well whatever let me go to this door down here see what's up with this it seems safe no no no back up no no no not like oh god you [ __ ] I was facing the wrong way god you're such a douche I hate you I hate you I hate you saying I said it Christmas is over I can say it now I hate you what a dick move right as I'm out of stamina - now what a douche what a douche what a douche all right Santa you want to go I'm loaded to the tits with bullets and you are about to be loaded to the tits with holes where's your weak spot Santa where's your a weak spot you wimp yeah he's not a wimp he's surprisingly tough and surprisingly how no no you don't know God great great good great all right here we go santa claus if that is your real name which I know it's not yeah yeah that's what I thought okay gonna go this way gonna go this way bye round corners I bet that's gonna get some distance on him and now all I got to do oh yeah this is how we do there's only one other long hallway in this oh yeah you're dead good game everybody glad glad I was able to kill Santa all right pretty good I liked it I was a little slow going but not too shabby not too shabby all all right this one's called the thirstiest time of the year a game jam something you can't really call this game I don't know what that means but let's see what happens Dean being alone on the Christmas night isn't that bad when you think about it given that the whole house is in your possession oh you should probably check the door don't rush opening though we don't know who's on the other side right who's we oh hi that's peculiar oh the Grimm oh hi okay yeah that's fine I guess it's it's Locke broan job maze the cranberry ghost you should hide and find a way to deal with him I'm sorry what weird rumor I know but I hear he fears Fanta we aren't losing got some in the kitchen what oh just in case you were wondering questioning the voices in your head I'm your kind of Christmas spirit you're welcome of course wait what throw this in him to neutralize him for a moment what I'm so confused hi I got throw this on him right okay hey okay all right here we go and whoa nice Naruto run okay all right yeah oh that's not good how fast are you la bro and jaha maze oh no he's pretty quick do I have another can on me I hope I do here we go I pick up okay I can pick up more than one that's pretty plus my wasted all my cranberry he spooked me good oh he's oh he could see B oh that's not good well you can't get me if he can't catch me through the trees this might be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in my life here we go okay he busted the door ready for you where are you bad yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're a mistake oh yeah sucks for you seek help at the gas station they'll be able to help me with a refreshing spray alright were you out where you end yeah yeah yeah try me try me try me try me you won't you can't you don't you shan't you Fanta I can't believe I'm trying why am I trying I have no idea sir way to sneak out or is the front door the only way what's that yeah you want in you can't no no no I don't oddly enough weirdo coming come here did you bug my door did you try to break it and it didn't break did you just punch me through a door guys getting on my nerves I normally have nerves of steel but this guy's gettin ran on him come on we're yeah yeah Oh poopy man we don't know oh you don't know oh you Oh Oh God he knows no no no no you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know okay none of this Wow no none of that that what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that the crap slide what is that this is so stupid why am I trying at this why am i trying why do I try it this why is this something I'm trying why am i trying it's obviously a broken stupid game why am i trying we get love ran no no no no no no oh no he's coming okay you better not do the stupid slide there is okay he didn't slide he did not slide no no no no no no point there you go there you do not slide help help I'm being chased by the cranberry goes well I guess you saved huh I yeah I may be and even though Christmas is ruined for you at least you're alive right sure I've no one's here to help me I guess either way thanks for playing this excuse of a game for the scrim Jim beautiful ten out of ten twelve out of twelve thirteen thousand out of twelve thousand nine hundred ninety-nine I love it I would play it another twenty times but you know I got to move on I'll play it on my own later I guess okay so this game is called Oh it's Christmas Brian wakes up in the middle of the night bearing witness to Christmas cheer laid before him nostalgia overwhelms him thinking of all the great times he spent with his family and his late uncle as he gathers himself from his slumber he recalls he had been alone here for months who set all of this up yawn oh I'm completely and utterly okay with all this all right Christmas tree it feels like plastic it can't hurt to open one of the mysterious gift from the netherworld Oh gold artifact well it's definitely mysterious what is it I don't know but the music's too loud turn that music down a couple more notches that's good right there no wait raise it up just 1/100 of a percent higher if you go above that I swear to God alright this obviously goes here the lack of dust here is disturbing yeah well let's put that here it fits why was it wrapped in a gift why am I asking those gifts weren't from me anyways not from anyone as far as I know oh there's a note behind a photic discontinued LaValle how odd looks like a shopping list that is odd no more instructions for what though place Monty Baba artifact on mantel ok Rd that place 10 candles around the fireplace recite the phrase in Dec do ved read rev Tirupur over or Talavera smash a completely useless blue object in the fireplace lose yourself ok it's just white noise no point is staring into the abyss while it stares back ok o quest for Thrones Arkham's online first adult adventure game blood sex politics and damn it 6 3 maybe there's a save game already on the computer couldn't hurt to try what is happening what's happening the incestual twit what is happening what well that sucks I guess this boss is just a piece of [ __ ] thanks naughty should know people sit stand I'll just a static I can sit on the left side of waiting the mouldy stain or I could just not sit coffee table floppy disk and store some data Arkham online just one oh wait but there could be there's broken okay did I just do it wrong I don't know pretty cold outside okay blue cop I need candles I guess I'm so confused Cthulhu Bob let's wipe it's mine has to be the last thing in the cabinet a floppy disk titled final prototype well I can't do anything cuz it's all gone a bookcase there's an old saying don't open books that aren't yours else you may be consumed by the ideas of others no I'm sure I made that up I don't feel like reading right now foreboding darkness I can't do anything with it right I'm so incredibly utterly confused ten candles all right do I just put them anywhere in a circle around the fireplace that doesn't look right not that either [ __ ] this'll do okay seems to be more than ten candles it was a list recite in way where's Step four in deck do Rev Tirupur over uh or talavera okay blue cup fireplace I'm missing step four but I think that's for a point probably oh where am I going since Santa Oh Krampus oh [ __ ] it's Krampus oh my god oh my god maybe I should move oh oh this minigame is a seasonal promo for our upcoming game shadow over isolation oh yeah and I gotta go back in because there's obviously more to it than this but I didn't do it right obviously okay so now that the computer's not broken I can go here grab this disk but I can use the final prototype disk I don't know what that means oh this game does not represent naughty shinobi or its stories the prototype isn't an actual game and will be not be worked on after the final prototype isn't released I doubt this this will backfire are naughty shinobi who's dense enough to not read this it definitely backfired no one reads anything anymore I'm reading that has to count for all not damn it Oh what eldritch artifact if this was an actual full-length game I'd probably be able to get it but it's not this is a mini game I'm far too lazy to extend my arms fr then again no one's gonna read anything then complain why this game is so short what I got 40 of 42 which is better than I did before but I'm still very very confused oh my god what is that I'm so confused cuz I don't know if they just made this game on a whim in short order and there's actually nothing or if I'm actually doing it terribly I don't know I haven't tried this disc search for sanity oh okay well not my score is garbage but what even does a score mean Wow I just burnt some useless junk oh wait am I supposed to do wait a minute okay wait Han I'm gonna I'm gonna close out I'm gonna go back in [Music] wait now I've got a score 40 wait why we're gonna score 40 now 40 what wait but now 42 way I am so confused now I've got 43 I don't know why I have 43 it doesn't make any sense or how about Cthulhu in the fireplace fine you weirdo blue cop all right I've got 45 whatever that means why do I have 45 hey you got to be nice to me I've got 45 points you can't kill me there's no difference there's no difference all right whatever okay that was oh oh it's Christmas man that was a that was an odd assembly of games that was very strange very strange but honestly like I like point-and-click horror games I don't think there's enough of them um but that was just so weird I had no clear idea of what was going on III want to see like what other stuff they developed just to see like what the full game that this is relating to do is gonna be but for this like alright this is alright guys three scare games Christmas is now officially over we can say this for certain it's over but scary games will continue so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more scary games that I've done there is a playlist linked right down there in the description below also suggested videos over there thank you again if you got scary games do you want me to play comment the names of those scary games thanks again and as always I'll see you in this but I [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,161,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, 3 scary games 37, markiplier 3 scary games, 3 scary games markiplier, slay bells game, thirstiest time of the year, thirstiest time of the year game, slay bells, oh it's christmas game, oh it's christmas, scary, horror, holiday, christmas, christmas horror game, scary christmas, scary santa, krampus, krampus game
Id: o2heBuHF6Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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