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One thing he's always good at is making his thumbnails look cursed.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Sprodersprack 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi you're in the right place you did click on a three scary games video the best three scary games videos around no one else does him like I do them whatever my name may be who cares really all that matters is it you're here with me for the duration of this video what did you expect a jump scare no silly [ __ ] we're gonna get right into it we're starting off with a game called this game is real I'm not sure what they mean by that alright this game seems to be some kind of real I am real this game is real what kind of real are we talking about here I was strange okay - hello I'm glad I stand it's sitting height huh very real battery do I have a very real flashlight waiting for me very real old cell phone very real Oh with that okay creativity time and love and then whoa and a spoon or a bow I seem to collect some very strange things oh that's that's never a good sign oh that's not a good sign either oh my other computer interesting oh no it's another bedroom what is this a streamer house why are all the faces all blocked out oh why is it so really why I didn't hear while all the windows or a bricked up grandma oh oh grandma no oh oh I'm sorry what was that who's doing that and why is this the thing that it is rape okay good excellent what am i doing and why am i doing it and whoa no that was open was that closed what happened what just happened what was that what was that okay is anything different the same there's something on the ground there a basket good okay oh he is coming better I would love to how how do I hide underneath here no I can't oh god he's coming who he him him that guy who is he who's coming is he really a thing also I just noticed the battery symbol peeping up down the bottom left I didn't notice that before well it seems like the Oh almost seems like the screens of the rum resolution I'm assuming that that note was a lie a dirty rotten stinky lie and there's no one coming after me because that would be ridiculous that would be absurd look if someone probably just ate some ribs in my closet and that's why there was a spine and some bones left over that's the only reason you lied to me it's not real you're not real and most importantly I'm not real and this game definitely isn't not real alright who's here mm-hm who's here who's coming huh if you're coming right now let me see it let me see it show me huh hee hee who is coming you better get out here you better come out here come where I am ok good grand guess no one's coming I didn't expect that to open it are you coming in here kind of get me in here oh I have a flashlight I didn't know I had a flashlight I didn't exactly need one but now I know I have one that's not good oh you are safe here stay with hey hey hey yo never mind I didn't get a choice about this oh is this my [ __ ] in bucket oh okay okay it's very lovely here yes all right cool just be here maybe I can leave maybe I'll leave nope can't leave Oh ominous piano stings are never a good sign I'm apparently a baby oh did I do that oh no oh no oh okay oh good freedom freedom all right oh that is interesting I got a checkpoint now why would someone need me to have a checkpoint it's not like I'm in any danger right what did I grab that grab a battery I don't trust that [ __ ] oh don't trust a [ __ ] either oh definitely don't trust the bugs crawling in my ears oh no definitely don't trust the things going in reverse are you coming into here who's there what do we got going on huh what do we got going up whoa uh wait what oh that's problem um okay well it's a good thing TV screens are one way and oh god it's everywhere okay good great yeah that's good dust great oh god here - yeah great great ready to guess I know where all the eyes went that was not bugs before but okay what what oh good what wait why Bob the burning bush okay um don't know what that was all about don't even know what I saw at the end of the hallway it was gone so fast but I'm sure it was fine and I'm sure it was fun okay ooh you are next I don't know who is first and I don't even know what happened to them just because it's blood everywhere doesn't mean they're dead maybe they had fun well Oh come find me I have something to show you oh I got a key I didn't see that before I hate it hate it my flashlight does dick my flashlight doesn't nothing Oh my flashlight does nothing oh it does so much nothing oh no none of these doors are gonna work are they oh no they're not oh no they're not I know a fruitless task when I see one yeah down good yeah it's good it feels safe always feel safe to go down into this weird dungeon that attaches to my apartment for whatever reason also I don't think I had a front door on my apartment unless this is the front door in which case again I have more questions I should have oh oh that was not cool oh my god okay yeah cool nice white mask that that should not have gotten me like that I just was not prepared for whatever the hell this tube of meat is I what's in here I shouldn't look in here something's gonna jump out at me in there probably not broadly maybe apparently nothing did that one that one got me good uh okay that's normal what Oh apparently I reloaded double in my flashlight oh yeah um hmm all right what's in here oh I see you I see you in there I see you I see you I see you in there okay getting real SCP oh wait seven vibes get real SCP oh eight seven fives here the infinite stairwell of doom I am feeling that oh yeah good also I never questioned the idea that those were in my bathroom what I suppose that's not the weirdest things happen why did you do this I thought we were safe with you you are a monster me am I the monster or a me you are not a monster they don't understand I do who doesn't understand what and who are you and who are they more specifically who are any of us really don't look behind you Oh too late to do you scare me with that that's my joke but seriously don't look behind you just wait it'll be gone soon but you can't look behind you even if it asks you to whatever you do don't turn around okay it's gone maybe okay so that open but what's down here what's over here I'm a Curious George I'm very curious I'm a Curious George I'm curious oh nothing who's there hmm hmm hmm perfect opportunity for a spook and you didn't take it [Music] shame I never mind to take it back I'm sorry what was I saying Oh are you real wait no hang on oh you're actually a thing in that is this a maze oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no it's amazes and it hoards a square and the worst oh I should have been following it okay I don't know I don't hello sure love the big clog stompers in here love that they're all in here with me Oh weird that's fine very units honest I don't know if I'm just like missing these guys by random happenstance or I am incredibly skilled I'd be willing to bet that I'm incredibly skilled oh hi you in timeout sorry can't help you okay ooh hi oh hi nice codpiece all right checkpoints to Hawaii all right strained dungeon the mix of Technology here is really throwing me off and amnesia vibes getting like you know my computer room vibes oh hello baby oh I see you're taking oh hi I see you okay very strange what's she doing up here oh you're smiling oh you're so cute when you smile you so [ __ ] precious when you smile murder people of glass houses shouldn't kiss oh boy never good when a skeleton floats up in a bathtub full of blood I've had that happen a few times in my life and it never ends well yes plain-old not good is what they say about that anywho what do I do about that do I hop in there with you it's hard to feel bad about something I don't know what I did you see what I mean hard to feel any sort of moral quandary when I'm rather uncertain of the circumstances by which I have been accused Oh haven't gone this way oh it keeps going oh alright more bones always good oh well you don't look so good yeah you'll be alright ok so there's got to be some kind of a conclusion here oh uh should I put myself in this Oh what the hell Oh what the Frick what am I looking at whoa whoa weird Oh very weird it's like a screen oh [ __ ] there goes my batteries Oh what the hell okay so there's got to be a way to get through this that's to do with something about this cuz why would they go through the trouble of making this effect looking at that through what looks like this camera for some reason very weird I am always behind you oh not in the game in real life eh hey now that's my trick I'm not alone we are all keeping it close I ask you let us take control in your suffering will end go look inside your head go look inside your head maybe a now I gotta stick my head in the stockade that what I got to do just by again do a Boop Bob look good inside my head oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh it opened oh hey bud I'm looking inside my head I'm ready ah I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready [Music] all right oh oh hey hey hey what's up sup big guy oh you made the right choice go back to sleep now well I don't know what I did to fall asleep okay get real sleepy real fun I'll go quick sleeper I I just go right out when I conk I conk oh I think confusing look not bad no don't get me wrong this game was good I I enjoyed it it definitely had the atmosphere especially in the early stages of it but at the same time I'm kind of confused I don't really understand what the moral quandary was it accused me of being a murderer and it kept saying like this game was real and spooky but I I'm left with like a sense of dissatisfaction because I just didn't understand what the stakes were but the game was good yeah it adds some spookiness to it it really did so anyway link in the description but we got to move on this game is made by the same person that made discover my body sister it's called lips like vellum which is weird please wake up please listen you've got to get out of the house father can't be trusted I didn't just disappear we were both born to be taken by God you must leave or suffer the same fate as me search the room there is a way out find Bob and be brave tonight for your own sake okay who's Bob why is your hair so drippy what happened to you Oh God you have been contacted by your sister Clara in your sleep she has given you an urgent message to leave the house it would be wise to search the room for anything she might have left behind oh oh all right interest can't seem to click on anything am i clicking correctly can't seem to do ooh you're in your bedroom your bed sits in the corner by your dresser there is a crisp draft coming in through the open window okay so that's what D does Oh your window it's quite cold standing in front of it the wind blows in gently weird oh very weird oh very weird you are by your closet it has been locked and changed up ever since Clara disappeared you can't remember being in it in your short life my short life the heavy combination lock put on the door after Clara disappeared your father is the only one with the combination to your knowledge weird his weird everything about is just unsettling it's kind of the same it's like the other game it's just the style is unsettling this door leads out to the hallway on your left is a shelf on your right is a mirror all right you got geode all right I got you got crumpled note do I have an inventory I do read Lisa I know you understand that you are not to move from your room tonight but I went ahead and locked the door anyway I will come collect you when the time is right don't try anything I will no weird blunt rock with crystals Noah scrawled writing start with the number three then the numbers are up by the first till the third the last number is the third down by the second I'm sorry uh I don't like that your mirror quite dusty you look like a ghost in the reflection yeah probably something to that isn't there mm god I hate that why are these colored holidays and their origins the modern holiday of Halloween finds its roots in the Celtic semane festival this day marked the division of the year from the lighter half of the darker half the ancient Celts observed this day with caution understanding that the boundary between this world and the other world became thinner right on ferry doors a ferry door is a miniature door usually set into the base of a tree or cliff behind which may be small cavities for the leaving of gifts offering or nodes the construction of a ferry door ought to be done for best results with all-natural materials or materials consecrated on an auspicious day right on crabs about one-quarter of the done Dungeness crabs weight is meat the flesh has what is considered to be a delicate flavor and slightly sweet taste duncan s crabs can typically be purchased either live or cooked live crabs are cooked simply by dropping them into boiling saltwater waiting for the boil to return and then allowing for it to continue for 15 minutes after which time the crabs are removed and placed into cold water to cool and then cleaned I know no more than grabs and I ever have in my life start with the number three okay start with the number three the numbers are up by the first till the third the last number is third down by the second if I'm reading this right which I doubt I am they mean start with three then it's up by the by the first which would mean three six nine until the third then it's down by the second the last number is the third down by the second so the third which would be nine down by six would be three again is that what it is oh my god I got it holy helling hell I actually solved a puzzle so I'm in you are inside your closet heavy boxes line the wall there's a scrape on the wall that looks like a vagina as you slide the box a dark wet hole is revealed a strange coppery smell drifts from it you get the feeling it would be unwise to enter without being properly equipped yeah I don't have my body condom on very important if I use either the rock here you know what I mean yeah I was thinking maybe they'd tear it off there but if I use it on the mirror you know what I mean get a few years of bad luck but I oh [ __ ] well there's no reflection anymore buddy boo got glass shard well looks like someone's well equipped oh I don't like it the hole closes quickly behind you I don't feel like that's normal for a holes dude you're in a dark wet tunnel a dank smell hands in the air all right oh hi what's up you look like one of the things from either Princess Mononoke or uh my neighbor totoro who are you who are you please I knew Clara well your blood smells the same or similar very similar what do you want how do I find Bob you don't know you really did just wander in here well just follow the red mushrooms that's it well you seem friendly I hope you don't die bye-bye thanks buddy boo good luck all right mmm you can barely see your hands in front of you well the red mushrooms I have no reason to doubt [Music] there is no light here at all the darkness seems to fold everything into it you cannot even be sure of the direction you came in you can only hear oh that was exit something you cannot see anything at all very dark and very quiet you can only hear the sound of your heart beating and the blood rushing in your head okay Oh what did I do something stirs in the darkness oh oh oh that's not good oh that's not good oh that's definitely not Bob blood good blood yours was so sweet so tasty blood blood blood a young girl's blood I love the young blood I love the copper Tang the texture sometimes I eat up the little children sometimes I cannot help myself he the bones are soft in the skin is sweet but why did you give me your blood would you like to be friends what can I do for you my friend are you Bob I have many names that is my little child name yes ah but why did you give me your blood would you like to be friends let's see why do you wear that mask what mask but why did you give me your blood I need help getting out of my room out of your room I know someone who can do that I know a friend who can do that he might need something from you someday though something more than blood Oh blood we please calm for me it's already done he's waiting outside your window now leave before I eat you up I have no idea what that was all right goodbye goodbye okay no more hold that's normal that's definitely normal that's normal this is all your window it is quite cold standing the wind blows gently no mouth bid hello sweetheart who are you I'm an angel from even I made something just for you please don't mind if it's a little wet why is it wet just remember this will cost you well you knew that got boned key great thank you thank you uh gone already okay thanks for the loan key I guess I'll not what I was expecting at the end of my whole well that's the end of the demo hope you enjoyed playing you can exit the game by either hitting me Escape key or I'm clicking the X on the window right there really it just could end like that you got a glass sure and maybe I can maybe I can shank a man uh-huh well dad I'm guessing that's who you are uh good talking to you I guess that's it okay all right well we got lips like vela men and let me tell you let me tell you maybe that's some vellum lips so surreal weird but god damn if it wasn't interesting there's something about this unsettling style that I love I love it a lot it's limited in a lot of ways but god I love it it's just like the ms-dos style super cool super well done all right moving on to the next one oh boy Micro horror arcade back at it again DPT this is game about Petey and dr. pepper DPT makes sense all you need to know and it's made by micro horror oh my god grab a piece Oh dr. pepper out of the rib no really put a big old your grandpappy's face oh no I'm thirsty you said not since 1972 and yet you are literally sitting in a squalor of dr. pepper there is dr. pepper strewn about the entirety of the backyard grandpa I think that you are full of [ __ ] and you were just sending me out on a wild goose chase the likes of which will end in my own death all right fine whatever man you know what Grampy I love you I really love you so I'm gonna go no I'm not cuz I have no idea where am I going what am i doing Gramps what am i how do I do I didn't look at the controls too deeply so I don't 100% know I got a click on it right oh very Resident Evil very interesting ah dr. pepper good for life okay great I love this I love it a lot woohoo a lift for life yay alright good is this a store the hell is happening here what is any of this supposed to be okay I can crawl through right I don't understand any of this oh I see uh-huh so I'm going to be stuck in a loop [Music] [Music] rebels are you I knew you sent all your son of a [ __ ] trapped I knew it Grampy Bambi Oh grandpa baby I knew it I knew you were dragged I knew it all along grandpa vamps I knew you were trying to kill me I can't see a goddamn thing sure wish I had a flashlight but I do not all I have this light of the fridge to go by okay so what am I supposed to do oh I was supposed to close the fridge oh okay that makes sense all right sure yeah uh-huh okay good great great great even good great all right round three baby run it again play the theme song let's get this thing popping in here I love me it's my grandpa and some dr. pepper that's what I love in that / absolutely yeah God you just blow out my eardrums why don't you just just to just destroy him just shred him just shred him you know you know you're on thin ice now you're on thin ice you're on thin ice you're on thin ice you're on then I said yeah then ice you're on thin ice you better watch yourself dr. pepper can't survive it's very nice temperatures such as the legs I'd pretend that made sense turn another volume so I save my goddamn eardrums what's going on what's going on over there oh wow what am I looking at what am I seeing and why am I going near okay all good baby I'm assuming I'm not going back yeah all right all good baby all good all good baby everything is good from here good great great still on thin ice you're still thin ice Micro horror arcade you're on thin ice okay la dee da da da da da I'm beginning to think that my grandpa is a curse Eldridge demon from another dimension and I'm just gonna die or worse yet I'm not gonna die it won't be perpetually looping through an endless nightmare really really you know I'm gonna let me go through you're gonna make me go back every time huh I see Alice okay I see I see oh you dick you did make me just go back all the way over here like I asked all expecting this something's gotta pop out of me no grandpa I'm beginning to think that this trip ain't worth it I'm beginning to think that my sanity in my a my mental stability is starting to become compromised also our house laughs real weird I keep getting lost he's running a loopy loop Oh straight through weird I thought there was gonna be something all right your subvert Amaya K shion's but for what purpose was this leading up to and how is it gonna destroy my life that's a different sound oh no oh no what what's happening oh okay I'm not even gonna look behind me because I don't want to know I don't know what kind of Slurpee demon was cracking open a cold one behind my ears because frankly no one needs to know that that's totally fine leave that oh my god who punched holes into literally everything or is it the delicious carbonation that's building up inside of him yum yum yum yeah okay good guess can't have anyone knowing the secret 23 flavors 21 20 how many flavors 18 oh you're on the by me again what are you doing over there hmm [Music] what the hell oh now I get a flashlight oh now now I get a flashlight oh now now great good I don't know what I saw weird honeycomb Tripta phobia [ __ ] I saw in the freezer but certainly couldn't have been the 23 delicious flavors of dr. pepper in this hellscape of Horrors oh it's even more red alright alright alright alright oh this is some good stuff yes yeah this is what I call the good stuff this is Wow top-quality one wah when I think of dr. pepper I think it and a little crumbly air grandpa please I'm hurrying as best I can to get you your sweet delicious dr. pepper gotta have some patience with me oh oh oh oh that's oh oh oh hey hey listen well I thought I was in a hurry oh hi alright so did I do something wrong you're displeased with my waist first of all rude and second of all my images ought to be fixed excuse you survived and you shall see the way hey listen I was just jumping it open hey I'm sorry I'm not understanding what you're saying you need to enunciate can I find it something about a power that can end up to the wall but I frankly I don't know because why would I know you know what I mean you feel me you're picking up what I'm putting down I think yeah there we go I apparently I found it no idea what I found what was that did I just see what did I just see clip through the goddamn fridge what did that you see Oh what what oh ok strawberry man what what's the problem what's the problem I dude I don't get it I don't get is this is the trip to phobia base game is that what this is all about know what we're dealing with here I am unclear I think I know what I need to do god damn it I know I need to hide that's what it wants me to do in this closet probably it didn't trigger until I open this so it must want me to go yeah definitely yeah that's why this exists Oh lights came back on it's that good did I do it did I get it did I win I think I might've won I think I might've won no apparently I didn't win I need to go back to the beginning oh really really I all right now you know I actually have good I'm good I have no desire nor need to beat that game I'm good the games fine got nothing wrong with the game it's not super well-made but the games fine I just don't feel like it I wasn't feeling it wasn't vibing wasn't getting it all in my soul you know what I mean and that happens that happens with games sometimes it's don't vibe with it and that's okay cuz I got sleep to do it is late his last video is gonna record today anyway and frankly I want to go to bed so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to check out these horror games they are all listed down in the description below there are so many more scary games for you to check out in the description and in the suggested videos right down there they're delicious they're nutritious and they're good for you just like dr. pepper so thank you everybody so much for watching ring the bell if you want to know what new videos are coming out and as always I'll see you in the next video bah-bah [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,333,973
Rating: 4.9698725 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games 47, 3 scary games markiplier, this game is real game, lips like velum game, dp. t., dr pepper horror game, scary game, horror game, markiplier, jumpscares, jump scare, jump scare game, jumpscare game, horror, scary, scariest, spooky, creepy, haunted house, pt, playable teaser
Id: KXrt2hMH4S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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