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Engineering, here's a signal scope- wUAGH- *Cheerful, happy boy* Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome back to three scary games! I've got some good ones lined up for you here So let's get right into it. Welcome to Maguntsche chapter wow- holy shit HellooOh, how yuh doing? It was getting late Most of the kids were on their way home. Unfortunately for them a mysterious power outage had struck Macungie. something wasn't right It was too quiet, going outside to investigate wasn't an option for me all the doors and windows displayed an empty void That was once the outside world. Yeah, 'at's- that's a problem My thoughts were immediately interrupted by the tunes of a piano that I do not own I knew that I was not alone upon further investigation and curiosity I noticed that some of my most prized possessions had begun giving off a distinct glow as I moved closer I felt the warmth of my true home perhaps if I collected them and held them close to my heart I might live to see another day: The Laptop, The Book, The brushes. Ah, yes, my prized poss(heh)essions the brushes O H- oh my~ oOh mY~ -Who's playing the piano? Who's doin' that? Okay, is that the book? Did I get the book? I think I got the book..-Oh blood. Oh, upside down. OH Okay. Wait, hang on a second. Oh, hello Uuuuuaaaghh- Nothing.. (apparently..) Wh- whaHY. woaHWOAH wOAHWOAHWOAHWOAHWOAHWOAHW- WOAH- waOAH-wOOAH.... whOAH. Whoa. Hey, buddy, how're you should I know I shouldn't be looking at you. I probably shouldn't anyway, I I don't know what I'm collecting. I don't know what to do about you 'mjus gonna try to run by-hEe-Ee-EE OH-OH-OH Okay, all right, we're fine- apparently- aCK we're not fine we're less than fine *grudge* aGH No, no, oh shi- ah- oH-EE-Ooh- Uhm- oAGH- Oh, what the fuck? Okay. All right. I don't know what's happening. I don't know this button is oh, hey, how you doing? How you doing? How yuh doing? Hey, how you doing? My laptop uh- *Delighted Marki-noise* I Don't know what's going on Please leave me alone Oh- oh void, okay Oh door. Oh, I don't know where I-.. think I'm at a dead end. I think I'm dead ended I think I'm dead ended. Oh, I think I'm dead ended- The piano is getting wonky. Oh shit, okay Uhm- uh- oO- OOH OOOH- *Trails off in gorilla noises* Hello. Hi, there's noOte- hey, how you doing? Okay, that piano is not getting so happy. Ough.. You're really guard'n that note pretty close to the chest, ain'tcha *Stressed gorilla mark noises* nO- I DIDN't WANNIT- Wait, oh my god My soul has been consumed Excuse you, I don't know- whoof- whoOf. Okay. Um, I don't know- what makes him go? What gets him go- what gets him going? What- doesn't looking at him get him going? I don't know if looking at him gets him going. No. No I get some going *Stressed Mark Noises* FucKiNg- oh my god Okay, all right, that's how you're gonna dick with me okay try that again the BoOk Where's the lApToP? Hey, so I gotta go this way. I gotta go in here *More stressed Mark Gorilla Hybrid sounds* *DistrESSeD mOAN* *grunt* You're a sack of shit, ain'tcha.The book okay, the this whatever this was oh zzschjj- sHIT- Okay, it doesn't help that you just phase through a wall what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna lure him Lure him away. Hey, buddy. What makes you go? What makes you go? What make it what making you go? Oh, you're going. Oh you're going. All right Oh, yeah my Gooch, come on mcgoon. Come on magoons. Oh, come on mcgoun chief look It's like when you look at him you charge up his looky-loo and then three two one look away and he comes a little bit He doesn't nothing weird about that my statement is totally innocent because it meant to be innocent mr mcgoon Mr. Mcgoon, mr. Magoo's You stay right there. Mr. Mcgoon. I Don't know what's changing Oh Oh mr. Mcgoon, okay, mr. Mcgoon, mr. Magoo mr. Mcgoon Mr. Mcgoon. All right, mr. Mcgoon. See you need to back the hell up right now. All right, mr Mcgoon shoo come through here Wherever you're gonna come through if you're gonna slip through the wall or something now is the time to do it So go for it show me up. Show me what you've got Why is the world moving like that ugH Okay that nope not like that not like that not like that mr. Mcgoon, okay, you're gonna go far over here No no NO GOD- DAMN IT How you supposed to be- Mr. McGurn hi mister magoons. Can you knock it through the door? I'm mr. Mcgoon. Oh Shit. Oh shit. Oh Shit. Oh shit. Okay. All right. Mr. Mcgoon. All right, come at me. Mr. Magoo Sh Mr. A douche more like it. There we go Live to fight another day live to fight another day Live to fight another day who could get this whatever this is going here trying to get this door and no work. Okay go out It's a void and here nothing over here. Nothing Nothing can't go that way. Okay. All right. Mr. Magoo Sh, come here come in unity. I got word I got a word with you. I need a word with you Oh too much word. Okay. All right Mr. Magoo should stay a respectable distance away from me stairs a block two can't go up there. Well, that's just fantastic You got that whatever that did the song's getting kind of discordant Discourage I'm going in here again, but I don't know why I need brushes What why why Why? Why why why uh, everything looks weirdly normal? I don't know why this is going great guys. It's going great He's going wonderfully Okay. All right, three two one fine brushes three Two one brush three, two one brush where it's brush. Okay. I got the brew Hey, whoa, hey Listen now, okay out here out the door with more Out the door with more. I'm not out the door. I'm not out the door with more. I'm No, mr. McGurn shhhhhh mr. Mcgoon mr. Mcgoon ch, what is that I don't know Oh, so why what the fucking now? What the shit soul consumed?! EAT A DICK I just got all the files Soul consumed?! Dick consumed more like! Put the shit. I gotta go back in. I gotta go back in now donut. Okay fine then Yeah, I'm not gonna go for the files this time because apparently that just game over to me. Come on. Mr. Mcgoon Shh. Yeah It's just you me now. Mr. Mcgoon. What are you gonna do about it miss Irma douche Mr. Mcgunn I don't get it. Oh, my health must have gone down. Oh, I have a health bar That must have been what it was. So if I'm near him Caused me to drop health. Well, that's weird What the hell? oh, so when I'm not look weight, but when I'm looking at him it it also wait then what does it And what causes my health to drop? I don't even know maybe as long as he's in like line of sight that's when problems happen probably Okay, I just got to keep him out of sight out of sight out of mind out of sight out of mind Okay, he's coming out of sight out of mind. Oh, so I don't mind I'm saying. Yeah It must be that must be just line of sight Oh god, how am I supposed to be able to survive then find a known? That was the mechanic from the beginning I would have I wouldn't have spent so much time basking in his glory the glory of the goonch where I am you oh Shit, there we go. Oh Fuck me gunch vegans vegans. Oh Shit he's right there. Oh Ye, oh that counts. I'll suck suck at it Well, how am I supposed to be able to get health back because this is draining me No wonder I died last time just drain me of all my health. It's probably pretty close a knee. Oh shit Yo ho yo, homie no, okay, no no no no no no No, no. Oh my god. I'm almost dead. How did I do it last time? All right last as long as I did. Oh Shit, there we go. Oh fuck. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, not this time. Not this time Leave me with my health. Leave me give me my health. That's all I need. Give me my health. That's all I want Okay brush, where were the brushes the brushes were over here? You got the brushes. Oh shit, okay No, don't look at me. Don't look at me. Don't look at me. Don't look don't even look don't even try me Don't even try me bro. Oh shit. That's not gonna work. Okay, don't try me bro. Oh, oh fuck. Okay. Oh, fuck. Oh fuck No, no, no. No, not my health. Not my health. Not my health cut it off now. Come on Come the fuck on it's impossible Wait wait Easy God my health is just completely gone. Now. My health is just gone. It's just gone. It's just gone It's like I might as well not have had it might as well not have tried WHAT THE FUCK You Fucking asshole!! You asshole You are screw this screw this Mmm, man it was good. It was good, but it had the fatal flaw Being very annoying. Okay. So this one's called dead signal. Whoa. Oh my This is a retro-style horror game again, but this one set in space Whoo, hull breach detected alert state in effect restart engineer report to bridge. I am floating Zero gravity. Oh This is cool. Oh This is neato burrito I love this one already No, I'll do a lot of things Sending me in in an unfamiliar environment just floating around in the darkness is not one of those things Oh Jake the guns not fully repaired only the pusle repulsor is active come by later Oh Oh Boom oh I've got the repulsor. Ah Good. I've gotten to match my face perfectly as repulsive as I am. All right, any baddies want to be repulsed? Oh This is this is crazy. I'm so down for this I've plates what is that? Is that bad Okay Is that okay? What is that? What am I looking at? What am I looking at? What is that? What is that What is any of this? What are you what are you? Why are you what are you? Okay, all right Frick, all right, okay I've played so few horror based space space horror games for space-based horror games I've played even fewer that are like free floating No gravity last what I can remember is actually dead space in just the zero-g segments. That's all I remember Nothing to report except the weird scratching from the wall someone better fix that rat problem. Yeah Yeah, that's that's definitely what that was. What the fuck was that? What was that? What was that I don't want to know what that was, I'm not okay with what that was Engineering here's a signal school. Oh It's a heat ski, oh Don't come floating out at me like that. That's so creepy. This game is so creepy not about this No, no, no, no, you try try try try try that's right. You better run you better run. Oh, yeah you Better go. Where'd you go, baby? Where'd you go? Where'd you go? Yeah, where'd you go? Yeah, where'd you go? You're not so tough now even though I probably didn't kill you or hurt you in any way shape or form I Feel strong when I right-click it brings up this blue overlay that that's the heat thing case You're all confused why I go blind for a few seconds. All right I don't see anything Good would you buy me? Just some case. I've never felt like this kind of Kind of tension before I think it's been so long It's I think is what it is. It's the unfamiliarity of it Where's like if I'm playing a normal horror game and it's just like walking around in a 3d environment And you know, I'm walking everywhere like it wouldn't be nearly as bad. But because I'm floating like this It's so weird and it's unnatural and it doesn't feel right and I'm not used to it and it feels not I know it's somehow another level of terrifying. What is that? The kickstart engine apply percussive force to heated areas a good whack should teach it. What for? Ah, The good old what is it the the prayer of percussive maintenance it's like something in for hammer 40k. Oh shit Whoa, I got an upgrade Where are you just go away? Yeah, I got I got to do these in quick succession But these things keep getting in my way. So I can't get to it in time god damn god damn it Just let me get to it god damn Fucking hell, okay. All right Fucking what the fuck stop stop Okay, does that do it? Did I get it? Oh Get out of here, that's a lot of parts. Oh That sounds good or bad that sounds bad, whoa Whoa, ah Okay, we got it online, all right, okay Whoo-hoo jobs done everybody. Let's go home Let's go Oh Door opening. Okay, right. No No, give me a boost give me a boost Pro tactics here Wow Come out of the woodwork idea. Oh here comes another one here comes another one or that is the doorway Come on come on, come on Yeah, here we go, here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go come on Come on, come at me. Come at me. Come at me. Come at me. Come at me. Come on. Come at me. Come a me Call me, bro Call Matt me. Oh That's that's a human body. Oh shit, though That was probably not the best idea. Oh This marks the end of the sequence returning you to the Triton. Oh No, I didn't I didn't know Oh, no, I didn't know I didn't know Oh I gotta live with that now. That was great But god damn you god Damn you training me to be like that for and then shooting up friend of my fuck you. Oh, that's great I love that one. All right. This one's called true Nightmares. Oh boy Hello Oh, I don't know You I can't understand you. whatever you're trying to say I don't get Watching you You have to go back to sleep, okay? Right, okay. Yeah just record your thoughts like that that's good. I guess, that's good What the hell? Oh, hi. Um, don't mind me. I'm sorry. Whoa! Oh! OHHHHHHH!! I Can't move I, oh Oh Okay I don't know what the fuck is going on Huh? Okay, why do I get flashbacks from, uh, presentable liberty I'm getting very presented Turn the lights back on. Oh Hey, whoa, whoa. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa pick the sheets off you Klu Klux Klan. Get out of here Yeah, oh it's open. Okay, that's good. I was I was thinking that it was open I-I felt free, what is with these lines weird lines? Okay All right. Oh This looks this looks good. I Definitely like that. Okay. No. Oh No, no, no, no no no no, no, no. No. All right. You want to fight I'll fucking fight your bro Come on come into my fists go get fisted dismissed it Okay, all right then I he got fisted And I think I'm the way I'm the victor for that. Oh Wow, let me hop in my car. Let me put it in Drive and let's get the fuckey out of here All right, let's go go go go and away we go. I'm not controlling this by the way Well glad that nightmare is over. What a true nightmare. That was let's getey out of here and get on the open road Let's do this Real slow like I'd like to drive economically. I don't want to waste any gas. You know how it is You know how it is. We all know how it is. I Know how it is. You know how it is. They know how it is the ghosts know how, d- what is that? How is that? Is that what I think it is? Oh... Hi Whoa, oh Okay, well that's clearly insurance fraud, Oh what the hell whoa What? Huh, there's something in the grass over there? Huh huh huh huh got mad hops Okay, apparently not Oh-oh-oh Gah! Wha! Fib! This is how this always goes you just start getting into a game it's got some interesting concepts no substance to it No ending, no core gameplay. It's got just interesting concepts and then boom it's done. Well, that's pretty good. Nonetheless I would like to see more than I didn't know where it was going exactly But I liked the direction that it was going in if you know what I mean So anyway, that is three scary games if you want to see more scary games I've got so many scary games linked down in the description below I've got a playlist with Hundreds and hundreds of scary games look for it right down in the description or go to my channel. Look at the playlist tabs Thank you everybody so much for watching. And as always I will see you in the next video Buh-Bye!!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,828,671
Rating: 4.9669766 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, scariest, horror games, scary, horror, maguntsche, dead signal, dead space, true nightmare, markiplier, markiplier scary games, jumpscares, jump scare, scared, screaming, funny scares, funny moments, funny gameplay
Id: sPk1gnU9FFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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