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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to another three scary games. It's gonna start off with a game called first winter w- *Markiplier noises* Which is a pixelated style horror game set in the cold depths of winter I think anyway. 10% I don't know what that means. I can only assume it's good Ohh. April 16th 1982. Ah! Whoo, ah! So very pixelated I can only assume that's Rambo Hello, I can't hear anything Press E to pick up..Video game Soviet Sub Takeover Okay! Computer...OOP hi. Hello, you supposed to do anything for me? Okay, I guess not. I don't even have any clothes. What I did do, just move in here? Do I live with my parents? Hello!? AH..Oh, no, that's the Godfather. It just looks really creepy when it's pixelated like that looks like the Slender Man if I wasn't too mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that..is in fact- Radio host: W.N.G. 103.7 We'll back to the music right away, but I do have some breaking news this afternoon coming out of the White House... The US Navy is reporting its intercepted a Soviet submarine in the North Pacific. The suspicious vessel was first spotted around 120 nautical miles west of Los Angeles. A senior United States Navy officer has described the nuclear power submersible as being Provocatively close...which does not sound good and it's currently unknown if the vessel is equipped with nuclear weapons the Soviet Minister for Foreign Affairs has denied any Provocation and insists that the submarine is in international waters and therefore has no obligation to abandon its routine Exercises in the area so we'll give you more on this situation as and when we get it But now let's get right back into the music right now on W.N.G 103.7! [Radio host turns music back on] Okay, that doesn't sound worrisome at all Yeah, a nuclear submarine with nukes on it. Probably nearby the Los Angeles area. Why am I locked in my own apartment? [lights and radio turns off] .......Oh Okay, alright Nobody panic! This is perfectly normal! Power goes out all the time then all you gotta do is Reset the circuit breaker and everything should be hunky-dory. I thought I turned that off. That's my door..? Is that my door? Please tell me that's not my door.... I can't use it so I can only assume that it's not my door and uh... Nobody's watching me in my apartment Should I uh... Should I do something about that? *screams* *sighs with relief* Everything's totally fine. A thousand normal occurrence, this is a normal apartment hallway, everything is fine and happy! [weird noise] Don't like any of THAT sound Hello- oh it's locked, okay, are you gonna change the hallway on me? you better not cuz I've got some concerns about that in particular if you do. Oh no, it did! OH see, it did!! Press E to pick up. I picked up a cassette tape, good! I'm gonna shove that in the first cassette player I can find! I'm probably not gonna be scared by the contest they're in Does this have anything to do with the- hmm. Does this have anything to do with the UM? Okay, there's nothing in this room W A I T This seems familiar... I played a lot of horror games but have I h-have i played this one before? *whispers to self* have i played this one? I think I played this one before wait a minute Oh mama wait. Hey, let me go look at my channel real quick *chuckles* Okay wait. They gone. Let me look this up...uh first winter this seems so familiar this seems- this seems so familiar But yet wait a minute Wait, but hang on *whispers in confusion* wha? is this like an updated version of this game or something cuz I don't remember that intro sequence at all, but now I'm- maybe I gotta... yeah! wait... ping Yanni Yeah, but it's not on my channel. Where did I play this? What did I do? Oh, hi. Yeah, no wait I reme- Man on the tape: There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being in a location if your actions in that place cause no harm or intimidation A problem may occur on the other hand if one is considered a threat whilst occupying such a vicinity The mother will risk her life to chase away anything should she perceive a risk to her calf. I'm gonna like I'm my mind is being blown right now because I'm almost sure- maybe it wasn't called first winter... Maybe that's the thing of it cuz I-I kinda remember that survival under atomic attaaack cuz I remember the door mechanic in it but I don't remember the opening sequence I think this is just an updated version of the game and there's something else to this if I open it It's gonna be a different room in here. Yeah Yeah, I think this is just an updated version of the game If there's a room with a bunch of beds with a bunch of bodies underneath like covered by blankets Then I am for certain gonna be able to okay. I don't remember that at all. Oh Okay, this ain't uh Must've been a oh, I don't remember that at all. It must have been an early demo Oh, hey, okay, that's not what I was thinking of when I said body under a blanket hi? hello?? Who's that? OH, hi..how are you doing... hey you alright? buddy? Fred? How are you doing? Okay, that's Morse code. I'm not really paying attention right now. WHEN did the water turned to blood Okay, well alright- Press E to use Morse code... Okay, I know that that's Morse code over in the access code and I gotta oh You need to get through hang on here you go. Hello, my name is markiplier. Okay. Goodbye Alright, so I need to remember the code so I can type it in the thing That's easy enough that was t I i-i-i-t which stands for Ted No, was it knocked a man, oh It's oh okay, it was hot it was it was not tit it was tat Oh, oh so the last one was uh, uh, uh, uh, w w ta Aw, okay. So his tau I thought it was dead and then I thought it was tapped. Huh gah loose lips mines You want to know about my loose lips My lips are the loosest the lousiest juiciest lips you've ever seen. Okay? All right, I Gotta close ago. Oh, never mind. I don't gotta close the door. I Distinctly I distinctly remember playing a game that was much like this and it must have been just the demo The room I told you I read with the room. There's gonna be bodies. What's this? To retreat and say phase especially in the theatres of war has been a perplexity as old as conflict itself The child may well tidy his rope but not directly after a dressing-down. Hmm Left to his own devices will allow him to decide the himself or at least appear to lose it Okay, alright, are you talking about Warren you comparing war to disciplining a child who's that? Asshole That seems like a pretty big thing to do Wham What's locked? Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, okay. Oh boy Oh Mr. Boddy's what did I tell you guys? I told you it was the Berardi's Oh Totally bribed oh it's barricaded I couldn't couldn't tell maybe for good reason considering you up I Know come fuh. Oh, no that ain't gonna come for angle Wait, wait a tick wait at-at. Where did Teddy weddy hear? Nothing some? Matic on her ability room if I'm not mistaken jumped ins something appears to be holding. It shut Hey whoa, but hey Lose your strength as you die of exhaustion holding this thing shot or did you run away because you knew I was coming. Whoo Nice hole okay It's okay bad combination safe use keyboard numbers to unlock up. I don't know no numbers So I'm gonna just look around for Sumi. It's locked Didn't mean no good. Okay. All right. Anybody know where I could find some numbers? Anybody know where maybe some numbers are booby? Okay, that's a lady in a bikini. All right I don't think there's anything numbers to be gained from though You picked up a locker key Oh the only lock blocker well, that's gonna do me some good I Unlocked a locker Oh fake-out picked it up a cassette player, but oh Sure a cassette player in one of these oh hello, I can't read this captain your 474 nautical miles off course Proceed immediately to your assigned mission location failure to comply will result in severe consequences. Okay. Um, oh I don't really know how that helps me. I got accept, but I don't know where Oh Oh, no, I thought that was the thing So what's with the big earth show our earth shattering kaboom? right If the subordinate shows disobedience Then naturally he will need to be disciplined and admire subordinates rash decisions. However, it's even more important you Should never allow the other side to suspect feel today If the viability of the product is compromised then the reputation of the corporation will surely Balan Comparing corporations to pirates you said mutiny no, no I don't like being decked with huh? There's a lot of dicking going on here Wait, this is the ending of the demo before. Whoo. Hi, oh, hey. Oh, whoa! Hi, okay Hope I scared you as much as you scared me willow. All right. Look I Hope you learned your lassen Want you Hahaha close the door on you. Alright, definitely not behind me. Definitely not. Oh My face, why would you shoot my face? But What's behind door number one whoo-hoo nothing, okay. All right. What are you doing to me was BOM door number two? Oh No, what's behind door number three I Got a bullet hole in my face, but I don't get it. All right. What if I Sound seemed to be what if I walk backwards Did that do it Backwards here Seem to be a whole lot of nothing going on here. All right, well, okay All right, what Leningrad blew up I'm sorry about that. It's blown this floaty, New York. Oh no. Oh, that's bad Moscow Not Los Angeles You should turn Or maybe not maybe maybe maybe that's for the best. Okay. All right. Well, I'd like to think I'm directly responsible for Oh what? Oh That's right. Take some of my exploding vision Okay. All right then Going here now You two have a lovely day. Hello, sir. How you doing Fred? Okay Okar I like car cars real nice How do I how do I open the code did I already fail that? Well, I never be given another opportunity to open up the code. I like codes codes are cool Hello. Okay. All right, then, excuse me. I need to look up more or pictures of oh, yes All right, okay That's where I came from it's kind of like a grid I think if it's like a grid then maybe It's not like a grid at all Where am I going? And why for that matter? Okay long ah - all wait that never ends, okay. Alright Like this Okay, our hot beginning to think I'm being fooled here I'm starting to conundrum eight that there may not be an end to this whole way But I'm a persistent son of a bitch Atari. Oh shit Please subscribe subscribe that like button. I'm going on door and Amsterdam in July. Not you gosh We're gonna be Australian a Stalemate is the situation in which further action or progressed by opposing parties seems impossible The deadlock cannot be broken for fear of one side or the other losing everything and gaining nothing But not can be loosened however If both sides become better informed of the other party's situations More often than not they're neither side will want to show their hand with all the other and thus the stalemate continued Okay, all right sure oh Never mind forget about the Bell no one needs to know about the Bell It's gonna make my way Out of here. Oh, hi, okay. All right, cool. I understand by. I'm very busy I can't sign any part of oh, thank you Take that. Oh, thank you. Great. Thank you. So helpful Goodbye forever Peekaboo. Okay. All right. Hello, how are you? How are you? Oh boy, that's good Okay. All right. Yeah. All right, cool. I did that. Oh that goes down, but do I want to go down? So nice horn Okay, it's locked where's the key there's a wheel I got I got a wheel that's nice We don't need music I just want to mention that straight up we don't need it doesn't need to happen I like silence is the foe. Here's the thing. All right, well Good, I guess Still nothing in here, okay. Still nothing. All right. Well, I don't know the code to that so Oh Hey, how's your hair buddy? Really? Yeah, they shot me. Hey, listen list friend. Hey, come on Amir thumb Give me your thumb cut it off give it hand it through a slot Let's just lumps too big in which case I won't promise I won't judge you from your giant thumb All right, I'm gonna go downstairs I guess or maybe over this way I can't go down there for some reason you're too far away to Hate it No, I hated honor do I hate it more Didn't think I could hey Fred. I didn't think I could hate it more but I hate it more shockingly. Hello, baby. Alright Okay Hello, baby Okay, alright Fred, how are you doing Uh-huh Yep Yep. Okay. All right. There was no point in coming down here just spend some time with the dead here. I'll be on my way What's my supposed to go Oh Valve I have that I had a wheel I don't know what that's doing, but it's real gurgly and I like that Everyone knows I've got a particular penchant for the gurgly did that like lower the water level in here? Oh it raised it Why did you do that now, I don't see the bodies anymore little baby, all right Good I guess that's real nice I suppose So So what about that huh y-you go boom y-you go a baggie. Oh I Got a empty bottle Wait, no It wasn't empty at all zero three six zero got it zero three six zero How's handy? Sorry, everybody down there that I flooded zero three six zero got it Okey-dokey, then three six zero Whoo. I got a key for a locker. This seems like a roundabout way just to open up a locker. There we go Oh, we need meanie miney moe, ah Got it. I can't have both. Oh, well guess I just gotta top off Coming What That's unfortunate don't know why but okay periscope up Okay Well, oh I get it. Oh he'll on. Oh, no. He launched Oh No Target acquired and validated. He launched him then killed himself. Why? Oh, man Okay. Well, this is a problem one and it's icky. Okay, uh poopy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Got it Ooh Oh, that's ok, um, well damn Hard boy, I don't know if there was like some oh, ok. Well, oh missile inbound. Let's uh see I guess I Was in an apartment in the beginning this I was in an apartment, oh, oh, okay. All right Whoa, hey, how's it going there? 60 seconds to go the gravity of the situation was underestimated Like a western gunfight one party. It would seem has drawn first the bullet However takes 12 minutes to reach the cowboy giving both sides ample opportunity to empty their barrels Oh That's not good but accurate I guys but Homeboy, I don't know if there was like a code that could have shown up or something These are white Why can I pick up every single one of these they're like a hidden code in this that I could have could have had you know kept probably Early not okay. Oh, no. Let me just look at all my possessions. Where's my porn there? There you are, baby That's a Playboy. Oh boy Okay, well I Guess I'll duck and cover then Good bed Okay All right. Well locked in here. No, no Hello Wait a minute. Okay. I'd like to leave now. Whoo, okay Hey, my name is Mari black good you bring that Bell All right, you know what I I don't think it's a good idea to do oh I can leave. Okay, good happy. Oh, okay. I'm dead. I'm dead. That's a boom. That's a good movie. That's a big kaboom All right. Well, ah That's so cool. Yeah, the reason it was like ringing ending the first nuclear winter so there was There was a way there was a way to get to the other ending. I don't know what that was, though Where was the other? learning How do you get to the other end Dana? That's so cool? All right, but I'll leave it to you guys because I got other games I need to play but this was cool It's so cool to see this game go from a demo I don't remember what the name of the original game or the demo was, but this was really cool Good job, Dan, but we got to move on because we've got more games for you All right So in the same vein as the Dora the Explorer horror game I think this is made by the same person or team for all I know but this is night. I Think this is Nightmare on Elm Street if I I don't know It wasn't a nightmare on elm street was steamvr. Get out of here. I'm not gonna play this game beaver nightmare on Sesame Street da Odo II love the Riddhi is dead. I need to find another to wake up Am I not awake already find another radio to wake up? Alright, okay. Alright, so I'm So, I'm zero there a Freddy Krueger out there but uh gonna come get me Hi Oh, that's probably bad that's probably very done I can't open it Okay, well I can't open those which is concerning because I were always closing the apartment doors is the only way to escape Freddie Okay So I need so I need to find a radio Also, what does it mean by closing the apartment door do I have to go back To the first building and close the door to escape Freddie Also, where is Freddie? Whoa those - that's pretty loud kaboom ease. I didn't mean to do that. Okay anyway Elmo's gotta keep going I guess Let's go, maybe dig through the trash. Why? Okay All right Hello. Ooh another apartment close, okay Any of these open? Can I steal someone's radio? Oh that That okay. All right, that doesn't make any sense Hello Hello. Hello. Can I leave this hellhole? No, apparently not Can I go to this way? No, normally not Can I go into a flower shop can't close the door and another radio to wake up. Okay, I got it Oscar you in there no response. Guess I'm all alone whimper Okay much Once I'm literally just running into him and I'm not even opening in the market. So I'm just an idiot the hole is that Whoo, hi oh hi. Hello. Oh, there's a radio. Oh, Oh, no, that wasn't enough to wake me up I need to find another radio wait He was just he was just here oh Why is he over there? Okay, I Don't know I don't know I don't know I don't understand Oh One two buckle my shoe three four knock at the door five six Pick up sticks seven eight. Lay them straight. Nine ten a big fat, hen. Okay. All right That's not quite what I recall from the Freddy thing No, no still wasn't enough maybe one more radio will wake me up, okay? Why Why do you need what why? All right, whatever Honk honk cool. Whoa Big Bird big bird Hey Barney there Big Bird big bird Big Bird big bird ABC one two three, baby Girl okay. Maybe it respawned in some other area that I've been to already. I have no idea. Oh Wow too fast, no. No, I need to get to a door that I closed. Oh Now, uh, no no no snippy, please. I don't I got two radios bad. Oh, this is not gonna be pretty Okay, that's oh Shit. Oh, no, it's oh no, it's gonna be like the Kurds the Cowardly Dog gave up its gonna die over and over again Okay, but at least I know where they are unless a brand was generated, which is always a possibility Oh There it is Got it. Okay. All right one wasn't enough. This is make sure so it could be anywhere I guess Which is not very helpful, but I'll take it. I I suppose And I'm only assuming that it spawns one after the other in random locations throughout this entire map it's on my beer while Always come in as much no. Oh, yeah. No no, no, no No. Oh no. No Okay I didn't know that there were things there Oh In here oh, I didn't know that it could be in here. Okay. I only need one more radio, which is good Okay, well that that dis way used him, let me just check upstairs just in case of one by my bed or something good Ha ha ha yes. Okay Oh Was that it what was that was that it was I did I win. Oh I Seven seemed like winning No, no like Oh what the hell a cinematic what Oh, Oh, no, Elmo doesn't like the stream. Oh, no, it's more than one dream. Oh no Elmo come. Oh, no Coming. No. What has he done to you? That's not good, okay. So uh What's my objective besides running away from him? I? don't want The steam events really want to get me it's too bad for them. I'm just Too damn good and handsome at this game Hi But no, no no no no No Get in the bed get in the bed All right, okay, I don't know how I could have gotten around you All right. Take there. We got this. See if you'll sneak that way Around the corner. Oh, this is gonna be tough I'm in the dark. He shouldn't be able to see me. Maybe go back Just left Whatever I'm going for that looks like an exit Don't turn around Badge is perfect to could sleep great exactly what I was oh, oh, that's a cookie Yay, yay, I guess Oh wakey-wakey. Ah It's either noon or midnight and I don't know which one's better. Oh wait never mind. I escaped Freddy's Nightmare yayyyyy Elmo happy! Oh I see oh I see you over there Okay, so that was nightmare on Sesame Street as usual the middle silly game in the in the cavalcade of games of horror But this next one Should definitely scare the patooties off of you. Actually. This might be made by the same exact person, but I don't know Yep, same guy. Okay. All right. Let's see what this one is. This one's a highly rated one. That's not Relating to any other. Oh I Don't know what that means. But okay. Alright Welcome to strange terror from beyond the stars made by the same guy that made the last game actually So, I don't know if it's gonna be silly. I don't know if it's gonna be like thoroughly scary, but all I know Is that we're ready to go monster? what kind of Monsters we dealing with you Oh that's a lot Okay All right, let's do this. I don't know I Don't know what this game is about. I've got no...I know next to nothing about this game. Hmm You sure you want to go out there it's pretty dangerous man once you step out that door I can't let you back in here. I don't have a choice. I'm not gonna wait any longer I mean, they're gonna find a way out of here or I'm gonna kill that thing. That's out there. All right Suit yourself. We'll just wait here till help arrives. Oh Okay. Well, what if I don't actually now that I think about guys we got a lot of food here *music* One two three O'clock four o'clock rock Five six seven o'clock All right, well that's cool probably copy written but that's okay whats this say I still can't friggin believe How it snuck on board the ship Apparently it crawled in through the external exhaust that it left open allowing and easy access on to our ship Well, then that seems pretty easy to believe why can't you friggin believe that that seems like a very apparent thing to believe? Hello Okay. All right. Okay. Goodbye. Mwah. Mwah. Love you All Right. See ya. I'm off to my death Oh captain Gotta find the key card. Eh, oh Oh So it's like oh, oh It's like a oh, it's randomly generooted with monsters. I I like that, I like that. So it's like every time I play this game it's a different monster. So they all have different behaviors oooh Well coming get me mr. Monster man Someone playing smooth jazz over there? Someone playing some smooth jazz Hello? Is anyone there? Hey you! Can you get me out of here? The door malfunctioned and now I'm stuck in the room am I getting me out all right, uh Okay, all right, I don't know How or.. oh Oh Okay, it's a fly I've got deal with a fly, all right well now I've gotten multiple things that I got to deal with Eeewwwww I dont wanna know what that is Who's doodling? Who's doodling? Okay, I've got the armory key card, but I got to get to the armory first That fly thing just went that way. Armory is this Apparently this is to the armory. Hey, but that means I can get a gun and I can kill it. Oh What is this uh Don't forget to smile laugh and have a great day elghhhh What did I open oh hi Okay, where's the armory? Wanted Claude Ebair. I don't know what that means that's a reference to something, but I have no idea Hello. Oh, this is spooky You found a wrench? Okay, I might be able to pry that guy's thing open. Oh k never mind , Ima go back the way I came wanted Dave microwave for breaking the fourth wall reward a microwave heheheheh thats real funny I don't know what these are but they're awfully duty Oh, what did that do? ah ummm ohh uhhh uhhh ooh All right, okay Armory, let's do this open oh that oh, oh, that doesn't want to help what the hell I Got a screwdriver. I don't know what that means That looks bad I probably shouldn't try to go through that. I need a fire extinguisher All right, where the hell am I gonna find a fire extinguisher I know what those do they make it impossible for me to hear if that things coming? Also my big blabbering mouth does the same job? Oh I hello. I got a wrench cuz they help Thanks, man. You're welcome. ulghh, I don't like that scoot What I think he dropped something, uh, I don't know if I want to go get it But I'm doing it steam maintenance key. Wait. Uh, I remember there being a steam maintenance area. I just saw it. It's quiet Okay, got it steam maintenance Steam Minuten. Yo So where's some steam mutiny new? Okay, that's weird. Alright, let's just spin this Goood. That did it I guess Oh another one Got it. I fixed the steam I really maintained it That's should stop the pipes from emitting any more fire. Yeah. Okay. So now I can go the armory Get it good let's just go for let's just Let's just go for it and see what happens cuz if I can get a gun then I can kill this thing, right? The rescue sure shit ain't gonna happen so I might as well make it happen myself. Is that space? That's beautiful, but I don't have time to look I gotta go. Alright, what else we got? Don't tell me there's another key card that I got to deal with GUN?!?! I can use this to kill the monster but it only has one round better make it count. Okay Alright oh This is a lot of pressure that you just put on on me, I don't like that I don't like the pressure You think that we would have more than one gun on this spaceship? Well, maybe not actually shooting guns in space might not be the best idea All right. Come on monster. Where are you at? Huh? Mr. fly. You show your ass here. I don't have two big plates with wish to squish you So you're gonna have to get in front of my bullets and let them do the sqooshin for me better hurry Losing my patience Mr. Fly man. Mr Fly? Ouh oouh I don't like this. This seems like a bad place to try to encounter this fly man AHH AHH UMM Three Two where's my targeting reticle and KAMBOOMEE I got you. Oh That's the end of that. Yes. Yes Got em, got em. I'm such a badass I'm such a god you and your friend survived except that one guy that one guy got I Got n dick three of five good. Oh You could oh You could have multiple and not only are there multiple monsters, but there's multiple game endings Game endings. Oh That's so cool. What did I even kill? Oh fly man. Oh, yeah. Well, that's so cool So they probably behaved in relatively similar ways, but maybe they have some individuality. So that's really cool So if you guys want to play a game That's randomized with the horrible monstrosities and multiple ways to beat it. Check out strains terror from beyond the storm So thank you everybody so much for watching. This has been three scary games I hope you enjoyed them If you've got more ideas for scary games that you want me to play Write them down in the comments below and you can check out all of these games through the links in the description below also everybody in Amsterdam We're gonna be coming to you me and all my friends are coming back for Amsterdam for the show that we missed you can check out the tickets at tour.markiplier.com and if you're in Australia and/or New Zealand Check out tour.markiplier.com for us to see you in November. Thank you everybody so much for watching Let me know what you thought in the comments as well. And as always see you in the next video. BYE BYE.
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,269,303
Rating: 4.9591217 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, 3 scary games markiplier, scariest game, scariest, scary, horror, horror game, gaming, markiplier, markiplier scares, reactions, scare reactions, funny reactions, screaming, facecam, lets play, best of
Id: zxPJzF3oh8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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