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Those are some funky parallels... AAAAA!- *cut off by intro* Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome back to "Three Scary Games." We're gonna be starting off with Sakura no gaku, the Japanese inspired or Japanese-made horror game that's really really good. So, let's see it. This is a horror game set, I believe in a Japanese school where a lot of horror games happen But we'll see what this one has in store for us now o .....clock... I like clock! It's a Yandere simulator sound, but what is also probably a very common Japanese school sound. *funiture moving* A ah *people talking and laughing* I like this intro series, it kinda establishes the mood and the theme really well. Uh oh, don't drift off to sleep! Don't do it. That's--no, don't drift off!- *Too late* That's how they all - oh no- That's how this always starts. Then you're lost in a horrible dream world AOHHHH no, she did... Oh no. Oh, no horrible dream world here I come. Oh my god *eerie music* What tha... What the hell What... these controls so weird I can't turn so oh, oh, there we go. Suddenly Oh, Well, I hate this. Oh I'm sorry. I meant to - wait I don't, wait, wait a - Oh, I gotta jump I just, la de da de- aAAAAgH I just didn't even give her a chance Whoa, okay crouch. Yeah, okay, but just blonk my head straight onto that thing ... What is that? What is that *said quickly* Excuse you! No creepy whispering when I'm about to approach this what might be a mannequin what might be a corpse Okay lets la de dah de dah to you getting real low on it. What who inspect? Okay. Oh That's way closer than I wanted to be. But I didn't do nothing - I didn't stab you *but i didn't* I didn't do that! And where did you al' come from? All right, okay if you're.. okay Can I take that knife that seems like it might be good for self-defense at some point at some juncture? ... I don't know what's waiting for me around the corners but ... I guess I'll just find out ... *Demon baby laughter* Okay ... I'm a brave boy, but something tells me that's bad. I got a bad feeling about this guys ... I just think maybe there's problem happening here in the school, and I'm about to face it ... head-on Get ready for me to surrender laying on the line to fight a jump-scare *yeeiplier* I knew ... eh hEYYYY Did you just like did you just like sprint straight through a wall? *huh* HEY! It could be like right in front of me and I wouldn't know because I'm not facing that direction Okay, I'll go I'll go in here well, let's do a nude painting of whatever the monster is Okay. Yo, okay. I Didn't know that's bad. Hey why that's me. Um, that's not me. I want to be very clear I got nothing to say about this, this weird circumstance Okay All right, we're just gonna let that be Are you done? Is it still there?... Still there? OkAay... alright... Okie! I don't like this ... Fuck this shit fuck this shit. *Tiny gasp* Is that blood or is it just beautiful rose petals? Fuck this shit, fuck this shiiiiit. Oh [CENSORD] thIS. Hi, okay. I don't know what happened. I don't know what I saw I'm gonna pretend I saw nothing. Oh fuck this. Oh fuck this, oh fuck this and fuck you. Fuck this and fuck you. Okay, I guess we're back to normal perspective here *squeaky spoopy sounds* If someone is stippy stepping behind me and isn't telling me I'm going to be very pissed off Oh, that's my shadow okay Oh! Uh OOOOOh! Um... UUUUUUM??! Do um Wha- Uuum uuuuh - Duh-um Wha-ah??? *Confused throat singing intensifies* That was smart I wanna point out a very smart game development because it reminded me of the ability to crouch by having to crouch under that To probably avoid detection there by crouching Very smart... very- *Gasp* Not where I wanted to be Hello Peekaboo, peekaboo? - Okay can't go in there. Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute This is gonna this is who's just gonna show that to me and not this is good Okay, I guess we're gonna walk towards that Hi hello fellow student, I'm just... Ohhh... Okay, you're fine then? What are you throwing away? You need a flower. Okay, so I gotta get a flower? I think someone shat out a flower in the bathroom back there. Let me- this is not the This is not the bathroom. *SNIFF SNUFF* There was a bathroom here. I've got a flower. The flower. Wanna flower? You're welcome and then you fade away into nothingness, I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Did I save you? Those are some funky parallels - EY! I'm gonna RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN Why are you doing this to me? Oh, I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready at all Okay. All right. I was just- I was just minding my own busine- oh shit shit shit shit Ow what the- I can't- I can only run so fast I can only- I cAn'T- wHaDdA wAnT mE tO dO? what do you want me, what do you want from me oh my god No, no, no no no no no I was- B-but I was... Aw, I was right there :( but I was right there- oh shit oh shit shit shit. I can't- I literal- how do I go? Jump I'm a hippity-hoppity hippity-hohhh oh, I made it I made it apparently. *BIG BREATH* What the hell? HUHHHH Ohhhh Okay, if I'm piecing this together right, what I just saw was- that was like her dad or something Or someone she knew, PROBABLY her dad She had hung herself But she lived so she was in some weird Dream world, but then the monster was her dad So maybe she was abused too, which is even sadder if you really think about it :( You don't even have to really think about that. Just oh my god Or maybe it was something about the monster Following her out of the deep. I don't know. either way, it's bad news. Either way, It's bad news, but that was great Oh my god Kenny Amira sin(gerine), cos(gerine), Max, Zack, well doneeee for as simple as it was; the game, the concepts that you were putting forward, there. Goddamn good! All of them, all of them, everybody, even at the bottom. god damn good. That just had this sense of dread Zack! this sense of dread, Nathan Yi Lin. Like this... putri, this sense of dread That was- Wooow Like I legitimately was terrified there It was so good it's so short But so good! The setting, like the theme of it, the mood was set with that intro cinematic. The game was tight It had super nuance like game- game mechanic, like, teaching. It was w-well done I think I see something down there now. That was awesome It was awesome. Oh, it was awesome. All right moving on, but that was awesome Love that. Everyone play that, it's in the description, everyone play that that's good terrifying, but good Welcome to *RUM* 303. Yes. I pronounce *RUM* that way, but that's not the point here. This is a game, a horror game That's supposed to be about a *RUM* That's numbered 303. Do you guys understand how much I know about this game before going into it because it's a tremendous amount So... I don't know what to expect obviously like most of these games. Ooo...Oh Wait- (Crows In the Backround) Okay Satan: F̸̗̆i̵̟̎x̷̢̏ ̸̣͘T̶͕͂ḥ̸̈i̸͙͘s̷̫̕ HI. Oh, okay was that you? Was that a demon in my brain? Oh, that old demon. (〃 ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°〃ゞ Okay, fix this. You got it, buddy. All right. *giggle* Let me just put all your blood back in you. Ju- patch that hole up with these shards of glass that are on the inside of the apartment Did you jump into my hotel room and just die on my floor or were we in this-? Okay, if I'm looking at this logically, let's just look around the room first couch overturned TV, dead basically, but a sweet guitar right here. (Guitar Strums) Ohhh (Guitar strums again) Oh, that's nice, okay, and then a demon in my head telling me to fix this, alright, I don't- *breath* there's a lot of things that I don't understand. Either you were standing in this window and Ooooo. Wow, That's nice cloth physics. Oh, wow, that's actually real that's not just a premade animation. That's coooool So someone err, uh, you uh - Larry uh - Bill uh - Ernest. Larry Bill Ernest here, was standing, standing Proudly in this window, just loving life living life, looking out at that and then a sniper or a very good knife thrower. But I'm gonna go with sniper, shot him, crashed the window into the apartment He spun dramatically. OOOOOOOH! And then fell and died And this isn't my fault This is just random happenstance, from a sniper! A random, random sniper. Okay? All right (Mumbling) Am I... supposed- To leave and call the police? Is there a Pho- Is there a phone here that I can use If I could turn out the lights, close my eyes take a nap Play guitar... Oh. DONE. Fixed It. Fixed it good, all done. Also I'm swaying like I'm drunk. This game is like, Slightly nauseating Fixed it, Fixed it pretty goo- Satan Once More: F̸̗̆i̵̟̎x̷̢̏ ̸̣͘T̶͕͂ḥ̸̈i̸͙͘s̷̫̕ Okay, so that guy's, uh- Me. Me- me guy is in a panic. Oh, hey, how's it going there? It's 3:15 apparently. Okay, is that important? That's what time it is now, so... Okay. All right fix that, fix that, fix that Satan: F̸̗̆i̵̟̎x̷̢̏ ̸̣͘T̶͕͂ḥ̸̈i̸͙͘s̷̫̕ dAMN IT! Damn it- Oh, wait that's Clean- Clean Ox. Okay, that's bleach, so, I can mop up some blood if I'm ready to do that okay I don't know what this is trying to do. What's it trying to say? Oh, wait- (Eureka Moment) Ahhhh Satan: Y̴̲̋ò̶̧u̷͝ͅ ̷͓͝K̵̤͒n̶̝͊ŏ̵̬w̷̨͘ I dont- I don't really know, 100%, if you could just spell it out for me. If you could not be obscure with "Fix it" and "You know" and oh- "all better" to like nothing Satan once more: Y̶̖͋e̶̬̓s̴͕̕ ̸̜͌ÿ̶̧o̵̯͋ṷ̶̾ ̶̖̽d̵͍͛o̷̖͋ Yeah, I dunno what I'm doin'. What's with this ghost here? can I clean up the blood now or do I drag him? Oh shi- (Knocking) * Friendly Neighborhood Satan: A̷̟͗w̴̽ͅn̵̲̈́ş̸̉e̶̳̚r̸̪̀ ̶̢̂Ì̶̟t̸̗͆ Maybe I should like cover it up with the sheet. Okay, you know what? I'm gonna answer it. It's- it's fine. All right Hey neighbor! :) Hey, how you doing there? Oh. Hi. Oh. (Quietly) What the fuck? (Confuzzled Mark sounds) W-wait wait wait (More confuzzled sounds) Wait, but- What, hey, buddy. Hey, w-what are you-? Alright, well if you're just gonna watch... I... uhhh... (Mark noises) W-Wait a minute Larry... E-even, Even Stephen. Okay, goodbye. See, I gotta go. Sorry. Guh- how do I close? Uh, close the-, turn the light out- okay Hey Buddy, Oh now I can... Go away! BEGONE, THOT! Shh-pshhh I'll spray your eyes out. Let me get that stain out for you. Hey, you shouldn't walk around with ketchup on your shirt Okay, anyway, I'll juuust... I'll ju- I'm good with the door open. Here we go (Spray Noises??? apparently?) B-Bad dog bad Uhhh Hmmmm... Okay Ooookay. All right. Okay, What do we do? What do we do? What do we do what? Satan Lets Play: T̶̨̀h̷̛̙e̵͍͝ ̵̧͝e̴̳͝n̷̳̐d̵̺̆g̶̺͑ä̴̠m̴͚̊e̴͇͛ ̶͓͘i̸̞͝s̵̢̒ ̶͉̊n̷̨͘ŏ̷̰ẅ̵̘́ The game's ending? Whaaa does that mean? What do you mean by end game? Huh? The end of the game? End game? Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh Satan: R̵̭̆e̵̜͛s̸͕͌e̴̺̕ṫ̷͚ (Gun Shot and/or Thunder) Oh, what the fuck---ing hell? Oooookay... Oh. There we go. Oh, It was made for a theme of one room. Oh, okay. That's so weird. Wait, what- Wait, so reset, you mean I have to live that loop? Forever? What? What does it mean?(x2) What's the room? Room 303. (You just answered the question) Wasn't there a movie, like room 1303, where he couldn't leave Was that kind of like the theme of it like you have to, Oh man, maybe , uh and it just exits. Well that was *RUM* 303 Not bad I'm a little confused... I'm a little confuzzled (x2).(High pitch) I'm a little confused. But not bad, Moving on. This is Indagar, a horror game, of sooome.. Type? Barky doggy. Julia your daughter is kidnapped in an apartment building "La Hacienda", come if you want to save her, But I warn you if you show up with someone else or you talk to the police I will kill her. I see you in that place in an hour. Oh That's not good What was my daughter's name again, I've forgotten alread- Julie? Julia! I think? Julia?! Julia... (mark that's your name u goof) It's too dark I should find a way to turn on the lights Good old La Hacienda I don't remember what La Hacienda means Hacienda: noun (in Spanish-speaking regions) a large estate or plantation with a dwelling house. But it sure lives up to the name, whether that is or is not correct. Oh, this seems like one of the Classic horror games like give me an empty apart building, ?apart building?- apartment building and send me sploring' Oh good... oH gOoOoD! *~* Yeah, like most apartment buildings. They just toss bed frames into the- stairwells. Hello. Someone huffing paint in there? Or there's beer cans Not sure which. Alrigh- well, I haven't found anything to power yet, but I bet I'm gonna find a juuump- Scare or two Hello, Julie, Julie- (still not her name, mark.) Okay, thank you. Thank you for that. Okay, when did the creepy music kick up?That wasn't supposed to happen, okay I came a few hours ago, but your wife was not at home. So I entered by force. I took your medals I will not return them to you until you pay me my money If this is a recent note, who's living here? Who has a wife here? Who's raising a family here? Ohhhh. So these do open. This building is alive. I doubt that but okay, it's like a Silent Hill house. Is that what you're saying? I didn't think these are working before but apparently they are working. Okay Honey, I went to repair the hole in the wall of the guy from apartment number one He hides the hole with a bookcase that falls so easily that man is so weird He stole three metals from a neighbor and kept them in his bedroom, honey I want to move I'm sick of this place. it's full of crazy people why only people like that live in this building Why do you live in this building? Why do you live here? Don't live here. Alright, so someone has a bookshelf that falls easily this one No, I'll spend in one of the other rooms down here. I mean this one didn't open Yeah, so it must be this one over here One of the ones that I passed by on the way in. I probably should have found a way to get power up, But, hey, here I am, wandering on my own. I said no bookshelf here this one No, it's a mattress. Alright, so must be out towards the beginning of this area. And if it's not, then I'm stupid. Lock-ed-ed So this just doesn't open. I just get to see the beer cans and nothing else? All right, well, see ya. Oh, I hate the way those open. Those open... Badly. What kinda place is this? what kind of place is this? Where's an interior decorator when you need one? this place is in trash. I meant to say a travesty but then it came out a trash oh, heyy Is this the bookshelf that falls away so easily? I bet it is. I bet it- AHHHHH ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ *spooped breath* ( ̄□ ̄;) Sorry uH whAT THE- *uh mark is ur face ok* *uncomfortable mark giggling* wait hang on- My brain needed a few seconds to process what the hell I ca- I stumbled across Okay, okay. All right, so he stood on the sink and he was like "My pet goldfish is down there somewhere" and dove headfirst down (in between giggles) into the toilet (giggles hehe) Okay, that's the only reasonable explanation here and there's no other explanation. (mark r u sure) Oh my God that's so funny. Okay, three metals, why do I need three metals Why would I need three medals in what universe would I need three medals? Well good thing I got that information upstairs first. This place will eat you. Yeah, apparently the toilets too Oopsie whopsies, right? Why would people live here? Why- why would anybody- there has to be like inspections at some point Somebody has to ins-ooh... Sugar the rabbit. I don't want to sugar the rabbit. This toy belongs to my daughter. She must be here. Okay, whatever you say, brUH Whatever you say In case it's the power Kerchuncles. OH! Well, that would have been much easier Well, that would have been much better. Okay. Do I have nothing else to say about sugar the rabbit being here? Why do I have three medals? Okay, all right, I'll just wander. I'll just keep wandering, dudes and dudettes. I'll just keep wandering around this weird place. *toilet flushes* OH NO, LARRY! (゜ロ゜) Larry, no.. Oh, shit (giggling) what the fuck? He made it down. He was a dreamer He was a dreamer and he made it down. Finally. I always knew he could do it. I always believed in him. I always believed and now he- he's swimming with the fishes. (T⌓T) Just like he always dreamed. Just like he always dreamed. I just find it rather hilarious Enough silliness back to the seriousness. So there must have been a reason that I needed three medals, right? So I have to, like, give somebody three medals or give something three medals or takes three medals somewhere. So the guy who got the medals stolen from them is was her- oh... ah... oOh *reads above text in grandiose voice* ヾ(*′○`)゚.+:。゚☆ Well, I can see why he got upset because it feels like you're just kind of mocking him. All right way fourth second third So that's specific, that's there for a reason Fourth apply s- oh Second third apply. Did I do it? *game makes weird noise* *spooped mark* I did something, I did something, everybody. *wet noise* Oh shiiiIIIIIIT Uh oh spaghettios *disgusted markiplier noises* Okay, that's just gonna happen now. *reads above text* Who's this guy, me huh? Figures egotistical as me. No way. Okay, why? Why why? just wh- AYYY what the fUCKING WHAt the fuck. *spooped mark* Well that scared the p-poopy outta me. Am I dead, is the game done? Is that it? or is there more That scared the sh- - OH wake up. Wake up *reads script above in many weird voices* Why silver? Why can't I be gold? First place? I first place, me best. I'm the best I'm the best at everything and everything the best, I'm the best Who are you, your voice seems familiar. Are you my daughter? Are you my daughter? There's no time for that, dad. Find the silver amulet before time runs out. It has to be in one of the apartments. Okay? Alright if you say so oh shit. Oh Oh shit Alright, well, uh, oh shit Okay, silver metal, one of the apartments. I'm gonna die. Well, I don't like a ticking clock Definitely don't like that Skoosh okay, that's not scooshy no more mister friend, man isn't there. there's one thing this game has graphically it's kind of fun, like mechanically It's a little wonky but the music and the ambiance they they did that good that jump-scare was good. That jumpscare got me That jumpscare got me like goodly. (goodly, mark?) Building is alive and I'm aware of that, I don't know what to do about it. okaayyy You don't need to do that It's gonna be on the floor, silver amulet CD. Oh wow, it's Guns N Roses, guess it would be up here Wouldn't it? silver amulet? I mean duh- silver amulet? It could be the second place thing No, I can't take those. Okay. Well shit, I don't know what, I don't know what it looks like I don't know what it looks like. I don't know. What am I- I don't know. How am I supposed to know? Is it just gonna be sitting on something or am I just gonna die horribly? Silver amulet, Guns and Roses, shit, dicks I'm so dead. Is that it? Nooooo Ahhh shit. Cock. Ass, I'm dead Oh, poopy Oh, pooping my pants. ohh I don't like that. I don't like oh, I don't like that. Oh I don't like that No, I don't like that. I'm dead. I'm dead. Oh, I don't like that. Oh I don't like that, I don't like it. Woah I hate it I hate it, oh I hate it Okay, whatever you're doing don't do it - uh oh Shit oh it's doing the thing again ah shit, cock Ah shit can I huff some glue? Ah shit that's gonna get me. All right, don't, just do it, just kill me kill me Do it do it do it c'mon just do it just do it. Come on Oh just do it alrEADY Eat me like you eat the toilet. Oh just do it. Oh, just do it already Guess you're not gonna do it You're gonna do it. I know you're gonna do it Just do it HAH Whoa. Hey, whoa, whoa, hi, oh oh oh oh oh *marki breathh* All right, I don't know where the Frick this thing would be. All right, let's try again let's look in the rooms very carefully We're looking for a silver amulet I don't know what that would be but let's start from the back and work our way forward this apartment. Anything here silver amulet. I can't open this any more. So that's not there. It's not in the toilet It's not there. It's not in the curtain okay. Oh I hate the audio. Not here. It's not down here in these apartments. You almost find it You almost find it. What does that mean? There's nothing here There's nothing it's nothing it's not the silver thing here it's nothing where the hell is it? Ah, I don't know man. It's not here. Where would a silver amulet be? Well here I go down death again. All right, no, I'm gonna do something stupid I'm just gonna turn around and I'm gonna back that ass up into the monster and whenever it gets me I won't know I won't know. Who knows where is it? Oh Where is it? Uh-Oh, there's a bad idea. There's the stupidest thing I've ever done. Well leedleedeedleda. Here we go. I don't know What heckin hell- oh my god Oh Oh, oh Distress zoom This is a silver amulet, now what. That was it? Hmm, all right. Okay. All right. I could have sworn that I saw that before Or look there before maybe it changes. Maybe it's all random. I have no idea But the timers still going, is there another one? Oh Uh... Okay, uh, I guess I just- Hi, how are you my- Oh. *reads text* Oh, I was a mom! Oh! *reads text again* Oh, well I'm not easy to get-to- I'm-I'm not easy. I'm not easy Period if you know what I mean, ooookay I Can't see anything now if we're gonna be fighting in the dark is this why you're not easy to kill? Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Wait, I'm sorry I'm -indecipherable- I don't know about that *slight screaming* My god, oh my god Okay Worried about it. Oh, what a God, so that was in Indagar. Not bad I really liked the atmosphere it put together. I really liked the atmosphere But once again, the game mechanic itself gets really like it's almost like the game mechanic gets put on the back burner Towards the atmosphere and the horror aspect of it and it's like it could be ooh It could be so much more if the game was actually fun to play a lot of horror games fall into this trap They create a great setting the setting is great. The atmosphere is good It really draws you in you know The story kind of is like there but it's not it's not perfect But like the gameplay itself horror games cannot just be walk from A to B Collect a thing put it in B slot. That can't be all horror games are. At its core It has to be a game game physically it has to be a game and it has to have mechanics that come tie into the game and it has to do that this Was decent it had a great scare it got me good but as a game Needs a little bit more there and I'm not I'm hoping I'm not being overly critical about it But it's just like I feel like there could have been some more stuff here. I go into an apartment I find my daughter. Okay, I get that. What do I need to do? Why am I here? What am I solving other than finding this mystical metal that protects me? Makes sense. So either way that's Indagar. So that was three Scary games some pretty good stuff there a few flaws on some of them that kept it from being something memorable but Sakura No Gakkou was Amazing. So thank you everybody so much for watching You can find these games in the description below and let me know what you thought down in the comments as well Thank you everybody so much for watching If you've got other games that you want me to play in the future write in the comments. Thanks again And as always, I will see you in the next video, Buh byeeee!!! *horror dubstep music ensues!*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,034,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, 3 scary games, scary games, scariest games, horror, scary, horror games, gameplay, gaming, playthrough, walkthrough
Id: 0iBoVjaQWKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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