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Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome back to Three Scary Games We're gonna start out with a game called Tonsil Terror. Now this might be the most... "innovative" game?.. I hesitate to say innovative because I'm gonna assume this is gonna be weird.. (you assume correctly, Mark) I-it's a game that's built off of you screaming. And me, I'm a good scream guy. (Yea you are -.-) I know how to scream rEaL gUd I know the screams.. I do scream. I scream real good. I-I, you don't play as.. a human, I think you play as.. a tonsil? in a human?? (where else would the tonsil be Mark?) And- wait, you'll see. Alright, you'll see what I mean, just a second.. Okay I think I've got the scream level where it should be, so I'm gonna start this. okay, like I said *giggles* You're um, a-uh AHAHGHAGHHA *giggles* AGHAGHAHA *continues to giggle* you-you're a- ...god! It's connected to your microphone so *proceeds to scream* YAHHHHHHHHHHHH *laughs* I gotta play real close up on it *laughs* I GOTTA PLAY REAL UP ON IT OKay so THEEE.. *giggles* YAHHHHHH *won't stop laughing* y-I gotta go set it a lil lower Okay-okay, I don't wanna be screaming into a *screams* *laughs* SO what you uh, WAGHGG- what is-? *stares in confusion* *just screams* (Mark i think you're havin' too much fun wit dis) YAGHGHGHG (Yup, way too much fun) *screams in fake terror* OHH NOO- so you're looking for- so you're looking for candy here. so you're looking for candy a-and uh, I can barely see- YAHHHHH oooh.. and the only defence against the ghosts is screaming.... AHHGHGGG ... hello ?? HELLO EVERYBODY MY NAME IS MARKIPLIERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well that didn't work ;( apparently that didn't work-k-k-k *laughs* alright, so what I can also do is, I can bind it I can bind it too, umm a button? Oh, both! Oh both is good. Both is good. (reaL gUd, MArK) okay! We're gonna do both AHhhhHH *weak* aHHHH *weaker* aHHhh *weakest*aHHH So we got- *screams* AGHHHHH *game continues to scream while Mark laughs* *giggles* oh this game's great oh wow aH No no no no no nonono ahhhh aww *giggles* So really once the guy gets you, there's really no... way to go about it For educational use only! Yes. I assume this game is very educational about the interiors of a mouth Ok so I'm assuming I'm supposed to- *giggles* -assume I'm supposed to run away That's a can- That's a piece of candy! CANDYYY?! OhH BOY! *eating sounds* ahHmnumnumnumnumnum oh Really? It just gets stuck in my teeth? Uh oh aghHHH *laughs* This is how I'm supposed to do this? AHHHH What am I supposed to do?? *quietly laughing* What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to- Is it like- Am I not screaming loud enough?? Cos I'll scream louder! I'll do it! I'll hurt m- This is the WORST first game to start Is a whole day of recording that I'm doing- It's the worst first game because this is gonna blow out my voice *giggles* Like at the very beginning of the game UHhh ok, alright, I can do this *singing* YAHHHHH *slightly higher* YAHHHH I wonder if it's like- BAHHHH *sheep-iplier* BAHHHH This is gonna- Everyone cover their ears This is gonna be- *inhales* NUHHHH NUHNUHNUHNUH NOOOONO *continues to scream-sing* *scream-singing* OHHHH This is not- that can't be good- that can't be aaHHH uh oh uh oh uh oh AHHHHHHH *giggling* there's no- I can't go faster than that! What am I supposed to be doing? AHH WOHHH YAHHH YOOO *slightly higher* YOOOOOOOO YAHH OHhhh DUHhhh They don't like the screaming Ohhhh So I'm supposed to just be nice and calm AHHHHHHH Candy YAHHHH Ok so AH uh AHHH Ah I'm getting it now AH And it flashes when there's candy nearBYYyyYYy NAHHHH I think? Maybe not YAHHHH No? Oh HIIIIIIII OOOOOOO AHHHH Oh AHH I guess he won UHP Yeah I see something Here we go Ok AHH How do I get that? DUH AHHHH Alright Ok AHHHH Uh oh Hey bUHdy How you doin'? Nonononono Nononono C'mon AHHHH Where the f- There we are DUH DUH DUH DUH where's the- There's a hole in the wall DUH EeeEEEh AHHH Uh oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit Ok (Mario) Ima fine. Ima fine. Ima fine. Ima fine I'm fine AHHHH Ok I don't think this is how I'm supposed to play- AHHHH -the game but I'm playing it this way Alright here we go, here we go, here we- AHHHHH Oh dead end. Nevermind DOOOO DAHHHH DUUHHLELE YAHHH I wish I kept the button on now DAHHHH DAHH DAH AH AH AH Oh AHHHH AHH AHH UHHHH Ok AHHH I have no idea where to go YeeAHHHH I wish I had- AHHHHH I wish I had kept the button on! Oh I love the..tonsil physics Or the..uvula physics That's what I really want out of a game Good uvula physics HEEEYYYYYY MACARENA Anybody? HAAHH HWAHHH AHHH AHHHH Ah ha! I see one AHHHHH DAHHHH DAWAAEE BAHHH DOHHHH AHHH Here we go Perfect FOUR of eight AHH AHH hnDAHHH AHHHH AHHHH AHHHH Five AHHHH They're really gonna get me this time I don't know how or why dAHHHH I don't know AHHHH Is there candy here? Candy?? AHHHH dAAHHaH CANDY? No? I don't know where I'm going AHHH AHHHH AHHH What's down there? doOOOAHH Or did I come from down here I don't remember AHHHH AHHHH Ooo AHHH AhhAH OOAHH yOOOOO dOOOOH Ohhh I see I went in a circle dOOOOHH Let me get real up- BUHHHHH *realizing he's screwed* AH ah I'm fucked I'm FUCKED ahhh they're so everywhere They're everywhere Do they move even when I'm not- AHHH Ohhh yeah they do Ok AHHHhhhHHHHH Ok Ok I gotta stop this game just for my own sanity, but that's funny That's a clever mechanic What can I say? I got a little bit of a sweet tooth I got a sweet tooth! I'm gonna try another game Alright so this is I-sa-belle Now I don't know what I-sa-bell is about,,, buuut we're going to find out Am I waking up again? Ohhh I am. Ok Cave this time! No comfy bed for me Ohh! It's a bright sunshiny day :) Did I fall in a hole? Oh hello Alright. Woahh *hearty chuckle* Someone give me a can of beer! I've got my good weapon here Hello? Oh Hello? ehh Oh another tomb, *MarkiMumblesTM* Who's laughing at me? WHo's laughing at me? You know who the hEll I am >:(? You better NOT. I mean, you better- yes. (what) I mean, you probably do- I don't know :/ My name is Markiplier an' no matter what.. ... that's t-who I am. Hello? *creeeeeeak* .. thought I saw some movement there. Can I pick this up? Hoh yea I can ):3 Does- *giggle* -this is like, no light at all. I might as well not be having this... aalright well this is moderately creepy So, who put all this stuff up here? This definitely isn't a MINE ):T *the face of intense spoop* did i hear something?? *the face of questioning* aalright This definitely isn't a MINE *footsteps, MarkiMumblesTM, & spoopy ambiance* *clik of failure* No, not yet anyway... -alright. I can't sprint so this is my maximum speed- -unless it's gonna get to a chase sequence and then unlock sprint for me ;D Which is something with these douches who make these horror games sometimes won't do :(( oH hello What a.. what an ugly key. I mean I'm sorry, I don't usually insult keys that way but this key is just.. butt-ugly. whatever.. here we go *another clik of failure* kerCHUnk Just that easy, huh? *will there ever be a successful clik?* Can it-is it open? *yet another failure to open a door, Mark's confusion, & spoopy music* Is it open? *FINALLY* Ahhh-I gotta right click. Okay, I get it *creakk* Okay- So far so oDD.. Ohh, sh*t-- *the face of nope* Oh hi! Ah no thank you I don't want- I-I-I-I bought girl scout cookies already ;-; Hello How are you? Oh, another tomb! Surrounded by weird floating skulls! Perfectly normal~ *the sound of our lord satan himself* Hi! Oh- there- why- and do I need this? *nope face 2.0* I'm gonna assume that I do Even though I haven't needed any TOmbs up until this point- OHHh grandma! Hi! How you doing? Hey,, grandma come back D': C'mon Your back ain't so good. You should lie down. Oh that's sunlight Oh I can't see anything that way, I'm not gonna go that way.. Now what do we have here? Hello? Oh! Good! It's locked! And I didn't bring the key! So is there something down there? *Marki mumbles* GRANDMA? I can't see grandma!! *Michael Rosen* NO GRANDMA! Did you say you could smell me? I know I haven't bathed in a while grandma, but that doesn't mean you need to call me out like that... I don't know where uh- There's something there. There IS something there *detective mork on the case* I need to go get like a candle or something.. .. or maybe one of these skulls. I can put a candle in, make a nice candle holder. Ala the forest okay weird I highly doubt that the key is gonna be the same key across the board, but I guess there's no harm in... ...bringing it Just in case Aaand it's gone Ohh that's right it would be gone because it would've- it was stuck in the door So let me bring... *flame swoop* Let me bring this at least It's gonna help a little bit anyway I dunno Spooky :0 I don't know who- What am I looking at? I can't see anything :c oh oH OH grandma! You didn't tell me soup's on! Oh boy, grandma! Oh I see a key Kay, I see it I see it right there Ok Alright I got a key! I sure did! I sure did! I got the key, here we go! Right in the hole Imma go and grab that candle I ain't gonna be left alone in the dark anymORe Heh Ok grandma! I'll come back I ain't hungry right now I know, I know, I'm all skin and BOnes Skin and sweet, succulent bones But uhhh, hard pass grandma Ugh It reminds me of the- the inner caves from The Forest What am I- Just gotta find keys and unlock doors? Y'know the one where if you get caught by the cannibals, you wake up in the- in the cave Those cannibals sure are very forgiving... I don't like these- *terrified silence* No No I. DON'T. WANT. YOU. O- K So the ghosts around here throw tantrums, and throw these chairs all willy-nilly like Ok... I can't carry both of these so... Here we go then! I would like to state for the record that I hate this I just want everyone to know that this is the worst I just want everyone at home to understand that I DOn't appreciate what's happening here IT'S TOO QUIET! WHY IS IT QUIET? *scared squeal* Ok there we go Easy-peasy just like- *terrified mumbling* -nothing! It ain't nothing! Oh! Hehe! Oh the way out! I'm sure that's good! I'm sure I won't be stabbed in the back before I go home! Oh boy, a dusty tomb! OHhh I didn't know I could read these "Don't turn around" *terrified inhale* *rambling in terror* AH DON'T WORRY I'LL TAKE THE ADVICE. I AIN'T GONNA TURN AROUND, I KNOW BETTER THAN THAT ...EVEN THOUGH I JUST DID Ok. GOODBYE! Goodbye? *nervous laughter* AH! My ankles! OH! Uh oh Well that's not- that's not good That's- That's not good That's not good That- That's not good AH! GRANDMA! GRANDMAA! Grandma why you do that to me!? I know I didn't eat your sOUP! But that's okAY! Alright fine, grandma! If you're gonna be that way! God dammit I knew they were gonna do that but... Why'd you bother grabbing my ankles like that huh? Aaalright Oh! This was made by a Twitch developer? Oh that's so cool! Someone made this live- live on stream, oh that's cool! Someone made this live- live on stream, oh that's cool! That was really neat-o A very basic horror experience, but sometimes... basic horror is what you really need 'cos that did it, pretty well. I mean, it- it's like not *tongue tied* It's not innovative in a lot of ways, but it IS very true to form of good horror. Like it created the environment, it created the slow pacing... It didn't really give me instructions on what to do, but I could figure things out I didn't know I could open the books from the very get-go Because I didn't understand the controls But at the same time, Like even though I got it on the last one, which was important so, there you go Heh Heh heh heh Ah heh heh hehh Next! *Ariana Grande reference* Thank you, next! Alright, now bare with me 'cos the title's real weird Ssseven Uh-juh Seven Seven uh-juh seven Suh-VEN-uh-juh-seven I. Am not. suPPOse to stay in this home. stay. It's haunted She trying to kill mee in mY DREAM I need to GET the. hell out of. hERE oh. plEASE. GOD. HELP. MeEE. *ASMR time* God can't save you now buddy... Oh Oh Megadeth! Metallica, Metallica SomeBODY likes... music! "nothing's here" "not sleepy yet" Eh, that doesn't seem right Ok... What is it? *giggling mumbles* Hey, wait a minute! Hey! Hang on a second! If I know a thing or two about ominous glows coming out of my own house, That's probably a bad thing Also why- -why does my door not go all the way up? Oh well whatever Woah-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho *fades into giggles* Ok. Alright. Well I'm uh- I'm waitin'! I'm waitin' to be wowed- woOoo Aha Whooo-? Who do I live with? 3D game art for phOne and Unity "It's a radio" *Enter Sandman by Metallica starts playing* No! Copyright! *giggles* None of that. No thank you! Eh fffOOOp it's locked! *turns music on and off again* Ok. Well Might as well go to sleep then, right? What do I gotta- *inhale of terror* Heh- Waaaiiit a minute What are you doing? What's going on? Uh! Oh Oh! Well Alright then! I guess that's... all there is "It's a sink" You're right, it is "Nothing's here", "Nothing's here", "Nothing's here" "Nothing's here" Ok, I got a whole... house full of nothing, which is always good Huh That was moderately dis-concerning! And I kinda like the fact that it didn't pay off into a cliche jumpscare God dang it! Dang- woaaaa *exhales in disbelief* Reallyyy? I've got a keypad to a door in my own home Ok Alright *high pitched* I'm down for that! I'm down to clown for that! Ok Alriiight I'm d- woah What? Just that one drawer? Just-jus-just this one drawer. With just- just that one. Thank you. Ok Alright Anyway, I'm down to clown! "Not available in this demo" Oh! This is just a dEmO! Okaaayy... A demo huh? Alright then... "Umm maybe not" Umm maybe yeah! My bladder's about to blow! Anybody in here? Maybe like there's clues in the- the... the environment or something? I don't know Ooo! Hello! Five! Five, baby! Gah! That's a five! Oh hell yeah! "Nowadays people prefer scrolling their phone rather than reading books...Sad but true" Oh my God! This is our- I'm 14 and this is deep! Five books here- ooo! Nine! Oh! Wo-Ohhh! Wo-Oohhhhh! Wo-OOoooh! Wooooo! One! This is the greatest mechanic- *gasps* There's another one! What have we got? Heh, lemme crouch down here- nope. I can't. Pick her up. There we- THREE! Ok I. am. on my. tOOTsIEs The tippy toppsies of my tootsie wootsies I am so ready, for whatever the hell this is getting in me- in store for Let's do this, baby What else we got? I am burning up this place In here? Nah not yet nah. We'll save that for later! Ohh! I am just RILED up to my testes! Here we go! C'mon, what do we got here? 59139 Ok Good Great Love it! Love it lots! Super love it! Lo- wah! There it is! There we go! 591394 Love it! Love it lots! Just one more On the kitchen table, you know it baby, I go- *game jumpscares him while he inhales in fear* Fu- oh God! I didn't even know! I didn't know! I didn't know! I was here making jokes! God- Dammit! Damn you! Six D- you think you're just gonna jumpscare me like that ya douche?! It's always the simple ones because I get lulled into a false sense of security God dammit 59...13946 Ehhnter T- Ohhh my God that was it! *game's ending music plays as Mark stares, questioningly* Ha! Ha! Ha! Alright! Ok! Alright! No! No! Nope! Nope! Nope! No! J-nope! Nope. Nope. Listen, Listen, listen, listen That was fine, That was fine One jumpscare... That's fine BUut, I don't think that was quite enough, so I'm gonna do one more game... just because... I think it's only fair So we're gonna do ONE more 'Cos that was only worth like one jumpscare, so I can't really say that that was, a proper trial of a game So, this one's called "Nosferrratu's Lair of Doom" Made byyy, good ol' Dave Microwave Oh no! Plot! Okaayy *mumbling, trying to make it sound like the character's talking* *reading the character dialogue with a magNIFicent Russian accent* Wait! Why would you go in alone?! *now with a Texan accent* Why you gonna go in alone? We came here together. Why not stick together? Split up is bad! You go in alone, you dIE How do you even get to the top of the bell? Oh no He's so brave! Look at him go! Wow... Oh! Well shit! That's- that's a prah- That's a problem! *chuckles* Why'd you go in alone? You went in alone! Ya doof! Ok Well then Oh! Heh, I'M the idiot! Oh! *Russian accent again* Vell I suppose I'm in trouble Well why does that keep happening? There we go! Much betterrr Alright! Well let's do this! Whatever- Just gotta get to the top of the castle? Is that all we gotta do? Is that you, Nosferatu? Okaaayy, I don't know how to get to toppy top Ok I suppose I'm- ohh creaky Alright then Is this all I gotta do? Hey! Who ah you? Who ah you? Ohhh *spoopy noise* HEY! WHY? WHY? WHAT DID I DO? I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT! WHATEVER I DID I DIDN'T DO IT! IT WASN'T ME! AH! I- didn't mean that I don't know why you thought that that was a necessary thing but y- Oh! Someone... Someone did something naughty on this floor! ;) Ok. So I gotta get to the tippy top again *scared squeal* ...and signal for help Woah *Russian accent yet agAIN while reading* Ooooor... Or you could climb up the bookshelf Ooo! Hello! *Russian accent* Ho ho! I could take this latter, put it on that latter! And make life a lot easier if you ask me I crouch! I mooove this! Kaboo- *panicked muttering* HEY! WOAH, WOAH, You can't crawl under here can you?! Naaah you can't! You idiot! You ssstupid piece of poopy! Oh you so stupid! But you did wedge me in here... God dammit! You wedged that back in there! You sack of shit! That was probably my only way to victory! You piece of poopy! I hate you! Look for a small glowing chest. Do a bit of puzzle solving and platforming then? OH! AYE! WhhYY LET'S- LET'S- You don't have to! You don't have to! YOU DON'T HAVE TO! YOU DON'T HAVE TO! NOOOOO I'm fine! I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine Up this ladder! Up this ladder! Up this ladder I go! Does he follow me up here? I have no idea Did he give up? Yeah he gave up 'cos he's an idiot! Yeah that's right! Uhh! (don't take this out of context) K Where am I? What's with these Minecraft blocks? Oh, hey How's it going, Nosferatu? Alright well that didn't help me OH! HEY! Wha- whAT? Hitler?? HITLER?? Is thaT HITLER?? That might be- that- I think that's Hitler! Is that HiTLER?? That might- that mIGHT be Hitler I thINK that's Hitler Eh, why is Hitler up here?? Ohhh Hitler please I don't know why you're here. I have no idea but ok. Alright Thank you- for the- your interest but nO Oh shi- OH SHIT! H- I've been grabbed! I've been graaabbed! Oh- th-thank you? I guess? Oh I found one- I've been graaabbed! I have been grabbed by his big, strong hands! He's just gotta grab me I guess Wow He's so big and he's so strong! Alright. What is this? Where am I now? I have no idea That's so funny... Ok. Huuuhh Uhhh, why? Why did that happen? I mean it wasn't terribly scary but- AH! WHY? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! HITLER NO!! I'VE BEEN GRABBED!! I'VE BEEN GRAAAABBED! I got webbed and I got- OHhhh I got w- OHhh I got goop all over me! You were the one that made that mess on the floor! You asshole! God damn you God damn you! Oh, you're still gonna be there aren't ya? Alright well then come on, graaab me Grab me with your big strooong arms There's nothing in any of these There's no reason to go in any of these This is a whole lotta nothing A lot of dick, a side order of diddly, and a whole lot of nothing There's the place where I knocked it over but I can't go- Oh! Ladder rungs! Don't. Do. Anything. Hiiitler, come on! Ah! I've been grabbed!! I've been graaabbed! Ughh Alright so I gotta get back down and I gotta put these ladder rungs on the ladder...I think And then that'll be good. I guess Where am I now? What is this place? What is tha- oh! Oh Ohhh Oh it's a laboratory Oh it's a lab- ah! Hitler! No Unless you're Frankenstein Are you FrankenstEIN HITLER?? Oh no! Ok Or no- Frankenstein's MONSTER Frankenstein's- ahh shit! It's Frankenstein's Hitler Ah I've been grabbed!! I'm graaabbed! Somebody saaAaave me! Oh well Poop Poop on my...face Ok NOOOOO I got- ah! Screw it Screw it. Screw it. Screw it. Screw it. Screw it. That's enough of that! We get- We get one short, not so good game, and then half of another game Ah it's fine though Anyway So that was 3, and a half, Scary Games Hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you everybody so much for watching! And thank you everybody so much for being here! If you wanna check out some cool clothing, I've got Cloak, which is Sean and I's clothing brand. You can check it out for yourself It's got a lot of cool stuff. A lot's sold out right now We've got a charity stream on December 1st! Be there, 10 am PST Everything on my Markiplier.com store on that date will be sold for charity. I won't make a penny, and you can help support a great cause for Stand Up to Cancer Thank you everybody so much for watching, and as always, I will see you in the next video. Bye-bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,479,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, horror games, markiplier, markiplier scary games, markiplier horror, jumpscares, creepy, ghosts, haunted, haunting, creepypasta
Id: nKrpR3PLvjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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