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[Music] yay [Music] i'm streaming hi guys how's it going welcome welcome welcome good morning one and all thank you so much for joining me on this fine morning to test out the super chat for good feature and if you don't know the super chat for good feature it's basically a donation tool that uses super chat so that it can go through straight 100 of all the donations go straight towards the charity and you can pick any charity that directly integrates into the system now this is something that i've been working towards for a while now uh some people were uh talking about it obviously this morning and i was commenting on the last stream that wasn't supposed to be posted publicly that was supposed to remain unlisted which is usually the setting but then settings on the live stream settings usually get jumbled around a lot and i don't know why but as people were saying i was experimenting with all these different um let me turn down this music god this music is just thumping right now uh i was experimenting with like the notification settings because i wanted there to be a better way that people could notify uh me and interact with me on stream and also test out these systems so that they would be ready so that i could do something like this which is called scare me for charity i've got notifications and i've upped it i've steadily upped it as they go by the first uh stream i had them like low so there was nothing but spam the whole time this time i've got it a more reasonable or last time i had a little more reasonable but it was still a lot now the alert can only go off if a donation of 50 or more is there and if even that is a bit too much then i'll have to raise it a little bit more uh so that only the 100 donations actually go on screen but i've also got the event list so that anybody that donates will be shown up there and all money goes to the cystic fibrosis research institute i believe that it is uh there's a lot of cystic fibrosis charities out there but this one is cfri you can check it out it should pop up right in um right in the chat there so you should be able to see it as soon as it comes up and then hopefully that'll all work out so any and all donations going towards me quote unquote me through super chat go directly to the charity so this is an impromptu charity live stream that you're all joining right now hope you cleared up your schedule because it's going to be fun i'm not going to be streaming all day but i'm going to be streaming for a little bit so that i can give this a good solid test there kevin beam i'm broke here's two dollars kevin beam bing bong bing bong [Applause] kevin whoa kevin yeah kevin beam okay there we go so now we got that and hopefully my donation tally is actually going to work max there we go hell yeah max you the man max you demand oh thank you and thank you everybody that's become a member thank you jules and remember see you can even see you can even see you can even see uh it says 100 of this goes to cfri 100 of it goes to cfri so this is the super chat for good feature and i was hoping that this is going to work out really well oh no if you weren't here last night i i didn't even know this was working yet um but yeah that's that's the thing if there's a high enough donation my life tiger king yo let's do some good everyone let's do some good hell yeah thank you guys so much okay so that's working this is now a charity live stream 500 [ __ ] dollars everybody give it up for demented love at dementedlove just everybody at demented love type at demented love anybody that gives a huge donation like that give a round of applause it all goes to cfri at dementedlove type in type in chat oh god marpec thank you so much you can type uh it should autofill maybe is it not okay whatever i don't know where their name is but had demented love somebody typed there we go anyway thank you so much for everybody that's donating now you can do that anytime and you may have noticed that there's sound effects that trigger when those happen so that's why it's called scare me for charity you guys i'm gonna play this uh amnesia custom story thank you elisa woods whoop whoop whoop whoop indeed thank you so much and also there's a running list of everybody who donates on the bottom right i don't know how well it's going to update but it's going to do its best it's it's going to really try and if it does good then it does good oh no i meant to that's the one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hi ryan hey mark good morning good morning welcome to the charity stream uh it's pretty good yeah if you don't know what cystic fibrosis is uh thank you the game guru love everything you do and all the good you helped to accomplish it's a it's a disease that was at one time uh lethal it was whoa loco alexa hey mark just finished watching that you're welcome to our documentary and wondering when the las vegas show was coming out if it was coming out to buy no it's not coming out to buy that is the documentary that is what it is so if you go to i believe their website is thank you john gigi i remember you from last night john gg i know how to pronounce your name john gg you're not gonna fool me this time john gg you're not gonna fool me at all this time john gg holy [ __ ] tabatha stringham this is the first time i've donated for videos might as well go all out well hell yeah everybody give it up for tabitha this all goes to cf all right so if you go to i'll put a link in the description it should update uh as soon as i oh boy 200. from emery everybody give it up for emery thomasini thank you so much everybody give it up for all the wonderful people that are donating so far um we've just started here let me see if my little nope my little tally thing has an error just a big old error oh oh there we go it's it's uh it's at about 2 000 holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] juto thanks for all the joy and awesome content my guy awesome cause to give to well thank you so much let me let me quote their uh their mission statement so cystic fibrosis uh it started in 1975. thank you ramona labat sup senorita are you trying to propose to someone i was doing a stream last night testing out this stuff and someone pro oh [ __ ] that's so scary oh [ __ ] bailey west boo you've been scared by the one and only bailey west uh cfri was incorporated in 1975 by a small group of cf family members whose children were not expected to survive their teen years thank you for your crawler it does help uh these founding members were committed to keeping overhead low so as to raise funds for research originally the founding members were all gone emery thomasini again 200 everybody give it up for emery thomasini thank you so much any time there's a big donation it doesn't even matter if i notice it or don't notice it or anybody that donates keep the chat rolling is a big rolling thank you to everybody that's donating thank you squidward girl how to scare mark boo everybody please keep the thank you train going there's going to be a lot thank you today uh these founding members were committed to keeping overhead low uh the founding members were all volunteering the first executive director was hired in early 1880s initially focused on research cfri responded 100 from scarlet raven let's do some good let's do some good all right my lights are going to break from you guys grew in a million dollar agency in 2012 and continues its efforts to fund research and to provide education advocacy and psychological psychosocial programs and services to those with cf thank you elaine mitchell everybody give it up for elaine mitchell as well as their families and caregivers nearly all of cfri's originally founders have since lost their children to cystic fibrosis yet they've remained active and i think i've got my pause button working uh right now finally um yet they've remained active with the organization because of their commitment to finding a cure for this debilitating disease it is a rough one uh cystic fibrosis used to be a death sentence for children it's it's uh as far as i have a rough understanding of it this is not something that i fully understand but this is something that i was talking with uh my moderators earlier this morning i was like what's a good what's a good cause they were like cystic fibrosis i was like i i know if it's cystic fibrosis but i i've never raised money for it um as far as i know it's it's what it breaks down to is the mucus gets caught in the uh basically the lining of the lungs and it makes it harder and harder to breathe um and this gets worse and worse uh throughout a child's life and it gets worse and worse and then you know it it does it does kill a lot of kids and it's killed a lot of kids in the past but lately there's been a lot of uh new research in it new car uh new uh new new not cures but new treatments that have come out of the research that people have done so if you guys can give some it's almost to the point where cystic fibrosis can be a completely curable disease the lifetime i was reading up on it just before we did this but the lifetime expectancy now uh where it was barely through your teen years now it's up to 30 years of life expectancy and beyond because if that 30 years started today then in 30 years we can hopefully cure this disease and keep it going so with that being said you can find out more in the description below i'm gonna get started on the game and let's get spooked abby m i scared you once before have a nice day okay here we go start a new game oh all right well here we go ah lindsey grino get lit fam i am lit i am currently lit i'm as lit as i can be amazing and i gotta crank up the volume again there we go get the spooks ready to go oh hi is that a mannequin all right and sound holy [ __ ] thank you tabitha this is the first time you've noticed me and i'm so happy you said my name oh well thank you so much and thank you for contributing to the research oh thank you england oh do i have a lantern no need to find a lantern ooh crystal oh i regret touching the crystal okay just gonna scream it thank you coffee nut and again the notifications it's a work in progress i'm finding the right balance for it but with charity i want any and all so it's charity bear with it even if you you have any thoughts towards it bear with it and i'll work from it from here but i want as much possible going to the charity i don't make any of this money and we're gonna keep rolling with this okay so i need to obtain the shard of the orb hidden beneath the castle all right okay fine hannah johnson let's do this let's do it hey yay i've got the volume like cranked up like crazy in my headphones too so everything that i hear is just an explosion waylon cook love your recent streams of what you're doing right now i hope this helps it does help it really does help any amount helps like all the people that are rolling through the bottom right down there thank you so much for helping out and just thank you to everybody that's been here you guys are awesome abby am hey mark at my work so can't be here along thank you thank you this door won't open for me okay i gotta stop standing in the darkness i seem to be going a little bit crazy here okay mementos the teleportation injured me badly i need to heal what teleportation why is that what was i teleportated oh poros have fun mark thank you thank you yeah i could have i could have called this stream poopy spoopy sunday poopy sunday as well for how my family are gonna be after this pandax butterfly thank you for doing charity streams like this where we can donate hey no problem thank you guys for donating so much all right so this uh mess 3883 payday was friday so i can finally afford [ __ ] like donating to a good cause well thank you so much for that lana bony my god you guys are amazing okay i know that it's it's the opening of the stream and there's going to be a lot of these thank you so much for that and thank you everybody that's donating so much holy [ __ ] every one of those is a 50 donation to charity you should have had charity stream yesterday with all the donations little i was testing it out so that i could get everything ready to go every single tiger king again here's another 50. used to run cross-country and charity races with a friend who has cystic fibrosis holy [ __ ] what the hell you guys are awesome thank you so much for all that all right i need to find what i came after first for some reason i was teleported in here and i was just tickled to death that's because what happens is i raise the threshold on the on on the final alerts every time i've raised it every time i've done a stream every single time and then every single time it's just like boom bang oh my god thank you shady marjah i'm more than happy to help out and thank you mark for being amazing well thank you guys for being amazing thank you so much it'll cool down as the stream goes on i i've read that this game has like uh about oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] thank you demanded love for the amazing work you're doing right now i i've read that this this game has ah nicole happy to help on this spoopy sunday also try not to drop your ladder this time look look i know i am trying real hard oh jesus captain smith thank you so much for all you do you continue to inspire me i'm so honored to be a subscriber for two years now i think holy [ __ ] thank you for all you do means the world does thank you i'm glad you guys are amazing you guys are absolutely amazing god you you guys are doing this in force i can't believe it oh it's dark oh um should i be in here i don't know if i should be in here i'm not sure if i'm supposed to be in here i have no idea oh [Music] every time those lights start to blink that means a big donation is incoming all right i can't ah there it is rebecca a great way to start the week if you consider sunday to be the start of the week then yes indeed it is a great way to start the week all right i gotta i can't see [ __ ] because it's so blurry in my eyes ah jonathan you have a huge heart markiplier you remind us what it means to be kind keep up the great works i'm gonna have a dead heart by the end of this one emma carpenter love you mark thank you for sporting a good cause let's get spooky yeah let's let's do that i have no idea what i'm looking for where i'm going because i can't see oh 300 watts out for spooking chairs everybody give it up for a and rn everybody please give a round of applause for ay and naren thank you so much for that the lights are going again i don't like that oh there it is chris bass thank you for actually caring about the kids mark i've been watching your videos for years and this is one of the first charity live streams i've made it to well thank you so much because i i didn't announce it in any way shape or form so i'm not sure i'm not sure how many people are going to be here but thank you everybody that's attending tanchi you're an incredible person you inspire me in ways i can't explain we need more people like you oh gosh what have i done i'm not the one that's contributing all this money to cfri and if you wanna fellow dica what's your opinion on the oboe i prefer the bassoon okay uh i have a problem because i have no tinder boxes i can't jump oh here we go nope paul and sullivan 200 my god my goodness gracious you guys are amazing i i i've been saying that so much i sound like a broken record at this point but really honestly that's incredible for an impromptu charity live stream where i made no announcement that it was happening blue mercy thank you for doing these great charity stream boo hey you guys are here donating in force i can't believe it honestly this warms my arm thank you so much i hope i don't sound in oh here's a door i didn't oh it will not budge all right well then i'm going to plow into the darkness here and see what happens oh thank you guys thank you ladies bonnie lonnie bonnie loco lexa one more donation for good luck i got to go but good luck on the charity stream you've donated like what is that your 300 or is that 200 either way amazing oh god i can't see anything oh grave rob we're not going to let you play the game keep up the good work yeah i know you're not oh the lights are blinking oh no i'm just gonna i'm gonna you definitely shouldn't be in there what do you mean i should heal myself before progressing i can't do [ __ ] pie man got go but spend this somewhere good it's going to cfri all all super chat every cent every penny goes to cfri hey 500 hayden becker a great donation hayden becker hayden thank you that random one boop your nose there you go i have no i can't i gotta heal myself but i have no idea i have no idea how i'm so confused i can't see [ __ ] i don't know where i'm going i can't heal myself i can't open this it won't budge i don't know what i'm doing can i throw a rock at it a brick maybe thank you lanny lonnie bonnie oh there we go nope brick oh my god see this is the problem i keep miss citrus kiss you and everyone here donating watching are the best kinds of people thank you for everything this is the problem see this is the problem i keep trying to raise the threshold so that it's less spammy and it's just to spare me but i can't be mad at it because it's for charity and you can't be mad either ian thank you it's your birthday yesterday well happy birthday you are mother [Music] thank you that's so kind of here two hundred dollars casually donating for a cheap spook i'm just desperately looking for heels i just want some loud down in them oh thank you ty your shoe in the midst of all the nice messages i want to say heck you heck boy heck oh here we go have i been in here i'm desperate laura there london opie opie ah shove it in me opie i got some sweet opie ah open ah opie monica my best friend's 27 and living a vibrant life with cf because of new treatments my heart is so full hey hell yeah you've got a friend with cf and see new treatments coming out all the time and making it so much better to live with thank you x fallen angel thank you everybody that's donating thank you everybody that's contributing you're awesome thank you atlas visitor i swear it'll calm down eventually and i if it gets if it carries on for the next 30 minutes i will i'll stop chris benfredo good luck today man football's on but just dropped in to donate well thank you go football it up go football it up with your football people we'll get we'll get there eventually everybody you're all freaking out thanks david this warms my heart i have cf and we'll be turning 26 on wednesday research has come so far and given so much hope hell yeah everybody give it up oh my god thank you so much oh and congratulations and i hope it only gets better thank you leviathan i'm glad you're doing the charity's room right now can you please give my girlfriend a shout out she loves your videos girlfriend shout that's all i got i didn't get a name jack's awesomeness thank you so much and then there's a running list in the bottom right of names of everyone who is also donating and becoming a member as well oh demented love i hope he wanted to convince you to contribute so here is this that's so nice demented 500 what are we up to hang on what are we up to now oh my god 100 neocaliber where's your lantern mark i don't have one i haven't got one i've made it two steps in the game i'm trying i'm trying so desperately i'm trying so hard guys that's right oh god we've almost made ten thousand dollars we've been streaming for 20 minutes thank you jalen it's something about the navy what was that about the navy yeah where was that oh god oh my god oh god thank you riana the power of beer compels me i'm trying you made my navy life a little bit better thank you so much we're three minutes behind on alerts by the way oh my god look at me take my money charity take it i'm trying i'm trying so every time i think it gets quiet there goes the spirit inspiration to us two plus two equals chicken okay all right we're up to ten thousand dollars mark back aren't you supposed to be paying attention to the king shut up marpak i shadow everyone deserves a chance that's true especially me so give me a chance i'm just trying to live all right we're going in the game thank you jordan taylor you shall never be able to play this game i'm gonna play it i'm playing it here we go hi where am i ah it's just kids what is happening rare cure care cure i also have a rare disease thanks for bringing these rare issues to light well thank you so much and i'm so sorry about that uh mercy it's not much but i'm glad i can help for a good cause well thank you what the [ __ ] what the what the [ __ ] wait a minute lindsay pretend it's more love down or dumb ah what the [ __ ] oh thank you quiet one we took you raising the threshold as a child yeah you did you really did yeah you did you did you did you did oh my god thank you nama we will never let you rest i can tell i could tell that okay so i gotta i got a lantern now finally so that's good ooh oh it's the broadcast lantern from uh machine for pigs oh it's the directional one oh that's cool okay hello oh that's scary i like that oh flicker to it too will not budge okay okay i don't like that flicker i don't like it at all the music in this game is pretty good i gotta admit i always like it this is a full conversion mod called the five magics 300 dawson raven blood don't lose your mind with all the jump scares i want to donate to a great cause raven blood raven blood what what the hell oh god not again i'm just sitting here with my lamp on like a goof zipline a hundred dollars we love you from peyton guillermo ashlynn and me danny well thank you so much honestly thank you okay all right where are we ah um i got a job so i can actually donate now love what you're doing well thank you love what you're doing you're just amazing thank you everybody that's contributing brian robbins i would love to be able to work with you on charity event someday bless you and what you do well you're working with me right now if that means what you want it to mean it means that you're helping me right now and you're helping a lot thank you shadow marjah love all your beautiful faces how many how many faces do i have how many faces could one man possibly have egos am i right okay thank you dara my husband and i love your work you've gotten us through a lot and m to basic training thank you for the donation opportunity thank you for donating what am i doing i'm just being stupid smiling panda bird boo spoops for charity that's so nice guys whoa this is the opposite of nice all right so someone exploded here um so uh oh sarah i hope this can help someone who deserves it i think it's new i think it definitely do okay is there like oil hidden in here no all right so what is the whoa floppy dog donating for a good cause and a small spook yeah just a small one okay is there any reason to jump up there i can't do it anyway thank you audrey i'm supposed to be saving up for attack ah [ __ ] for a tattoo but i want to donate more well thank you so much for that thank you for putting off the tattoo a little bit for the good of people with cystic fibrosis thank you la shawna garrett thank you for everything you do mark i lost my mom to als last year and you've helped me more than you will ever know well i'm so sorry to hear about your mom and i'm glad that you could find some comfort somewhere thank you arnolfo happy to donate can you say out of my knees aylin yes hi alan how are you doing okay all right glass jar oh would i need a glass heather hayden saw the notification designed to stop by a donut can't save for the whole stream but i wanted to help out a good cause well thank you i don't know how long i'm streaming this is just again an experiment see what happens but uh look over there katrina sheik me and my best friend lindsey love everything you do keep up the great work and get spooky oh we're getting spoopy all right oh we're getting about as spoopy as we can spoop oh we get maximum spoopage up in here all right okay guys 100 from boondock element happy to scare for a good cause keep up the good work man well thank you is this where i came from no it's not where did i come from oh i need to drill bit jasmine yay charity happy to help in any way i can thanks for being awesome everyone i love you mark well thank you i think that was the only thing in here cameron you're a bubble blowing baby mr fischbach but you're an inspiration to us all and we love you well thank you i love you guys too you guys have really stepped up where you like you could have not stepped up daniel r a little bit to give to help someone breathe a little better that is a great message to it and that's a great way to put it i mean that that that's all it is you're just helping someone live a normal life pancake jones love what you're doing for charity please shout out my boys dc and gavin hey dc and gavin thanks so much all right it's locked although the lock is weak so i could probably drill through that once i find the last piece thank you all over blep going to disney is wilford warstache today sticking this donation in as my trap as i travel along the way well thank you so much and good luck with that take some pictures queen at me thank zach duffer congrats on finding the lantern thank you thank you for giving us a chance to support a good cause well thank you you guys are the ones actually supporting it so what am i doing ah 200 tiger king we haven't had a charity stream in a while we're just making up for lost time well i've got plans for a big one next month i've got plans that's what i'm building up towards why are the lights blinking i am desperately desperately trying to hold on but thank you you've donated like 500 already thank you tech canadian spartan i've been a huge fan of your videos for almost six years now you always seem to brighten up everyone's day no matter what keep doing what you do well thank you for that okay so i came from there oh my god saya oh tanashi thank you okay so i looped her out there so there's gotta be like a drill bit in here this is where this is where i didn't i haven't found them i don't think thank you rebecca manas masamitsu watch your videos for you bring so much joy to my life thank you and i apologize if i can't read everything i'm juggling a liar we scare cause we care tr lux lights are blinking again everything's queued up so deep that it's like everything is like delayed by five minutes in terms of the alert so we're never gonna get through anything shelby rainwater i'm freaking so freaking proud of you thank you for always being there for me i love you so much well thank you so much for being there for the people that need it most okay i have not found anything in here thank you reaper gaming i'm gonna have to do something about that oh my god ah 500 membership hi markiplier enjoy the game just a little scare my boyfriend and i love you watching your videos enjoy the stream 500. amber and your boyfriend my god abby m mark thanks for everything you do need to run now bye bye oh well thank you good gosh good golly gosh ah [ __ ] 200 i toxic hi mark hi hi hi hello how are you doing thank you do we have a moment of peace near calvary are you woke yet also you're one of my role models keep up the good work good luck with all the spoops i'm losing my mind i'm losing it i'm losing it ah reaper gaming work i love you and thank you for supporting cfr thank you thank you thank you hannah brosu thank you for all that you do you've helped me fight my eating disorder by putting a genuine smile on my face though i wish i could donate more ah there yes thank you i didn't catch the end of that hundred dollars you're the person i joined the coast guard wait you're the reason i joined the coast guard i'm now part of something great helping to save lives well thank you on the gales 500 why are they blinking again stop there's too much charity please i'm begging you i need a break help let me help me i need help so definitely i don't know where i am what i've been doing i'm looking for i've been here man elaine mitchell earbuds are almost dead and i don't think my co-workers would appreciate the screaming i just i'm trying so desperately help ah charity charity losing my mind okay nice and calm i don't know where ah [ __ ] laser can i wanted to give some for charity but i could watch the stream more but i have to go honey good luck though thank you okay thank you thank you so much thank you okay okay all right they're blinking again aren't they they're blinking they're blinking they're blinking again all right i need to find i need to find the uh last drill bit so i can drill through that little bit of a lock but i'm gonna lose uh thank you that random one it's me again you call the members heroes but you're the real hero no come on now no ah come on now cinders watches watch your videos for a while that's got me through some hard times i love you well thank you so much i'm glad my videos can help in one way or another okay i've got i'm confused hundred dollars from ana sadly can't get my usual 500 super chat but now that i know about the charity stream next month better prepare yeah next month is gonna be the big the big charity event gonna have something nice and big going on for you it'll be cool oh god what the [ __ ] i can't keep losing i keep losing my way why are we blinking again i'm gonna have to raise the threshold to a hundred and then 500 or 200 i don't know god damn it damn it and thank you don't think i've forgotten my god obsidian dragon luigi is that from super mario strikers i think i recognize that i i haven't been able to figure out where the hell i'm going because there's just been so much spam happening oh my god that gamer girls terrifying thought playing welcome to game two again never never in your life not even for charity i was not demanded love you've already given my friend sam is that working can i make it to the stream this is from here [Music] yes stop moonlit melodica you being a hero and us being ears aren't mutually exclusive my dude i guess okay thank you for pushing us to help these awesome cause they're gonna be hearing these movie sounds in your sleep oh but i'm just gonna i'm just gonna jump in this well oh god tory wolf payne you're so amazing thank you i love you my heart's so happy you got me through a lot i love you again love you too love all of you you guys are amazing i'm gonna cry there's plus market mark going state equals win win i'm not going insane i'm just a little fluffered flustered i'm flubbered i don't know where am i going i gotta find one last piece of this drill i just got fired crystal barry this is what yeah i'm gonna concentrate on the game i'm gonna shut out all outside influences all i have is me and all i am is me all is me and i and i am one oh burger man my money can go to a better place than games little jokes on you it went to me playing the game for charity that's what it was and what it is oh yeah this is the god damn it emily knob or cool bean thanks for everything i just remembered this is what i was going for i'm gonna drink my drink christian mud thank you doing any more collaboration videos you know what yes why not [ __ ] it okay i'm gonna concentrate on landy bonnie last go then i'll stop okay thank you lonnie bonnie lonnie bonnie thank you lucid blake thank mark for being yourself we all appreciate it what are we up to what are we up to what are we up to what are we up to that's sixteen thousand dollars okay let's all just agree to calm down let's just agree to calm down might as well get pretzels derek you know what derek no but let's all just agree take a breather step step back puka 999 step back for just a spell we'll get through this together oh get through this chanel bush thank you thank you here's the door i haven't all right where is this ah thank you vanessa this is where i came from so all i gotta do is i gotta find a way i didn't go in here ta-da ah and there she blows all right shannon fake well i like to imagine these sounds are actually happening in the game they are for me okay hang on i'm pausing pausing alerts we're taking a nice breather all right okay the following guide will cover all the most important information regarding the machinery the main piston which stimulates the steam pressure in a proper way needs to be powered with whale oil though it can also be powered by various types of fuel well or only is the most safe and reliable source of energy the piston will not move as long as the furnace isn't lit boiling the water in the tank below and causing the piston mechanism to move once the piston descends down there's hot enough hot water in the boiler to blow to generate the required amount of heat in order to stabilize the steam pressure in the pipes which later flows in the mechanisms above the elevator powering the cog wheels and generating sufficient amount of power to raise the gate and make the elevator able to work okay go sir duck thank you i'm gonna try to concentrate now some sort of inlet for the whale oil all right so some kind of coal thing there i've got this now there we go thank you nitro me i'm chasing my lifelong dream thanks for doing what you do good luck with that okay is this cole cole thank you floppy dog yeah and thank you to everybody that hasn't been donating just 50 for these crazy alerts oh brian brandon boop boop indeed do i need more oh god it's happening again it's happening again oh zelda lover thank you a bit of good in this sucky world hey you know the world ain't so bad the world's bad sometimes but so long as people are trying to push the world in the right direction it can be some kind of good canadian spartan you are honestly my number one favorite youtuber of all times keep screaming like a baby and keep making us laugh i'll try my best no promises on that one but i'll try my best all right so let's get oh my god three ah hey and naren it's me again getting married in a couple weeks we've been watching you together since october 2012 well pay for your wedding go pay for your wedding why you give me money why you give me eagles boobs for charity exactly but known okay if you're just joining me and you have no idea what's going on this is a charity stream and all of the super chat uh contributions go directly to the cystic fibrosis research institute the cfri if you don't know what cystic fibrosis is you can learn more about it in the description below through their website or you can uh ask any around and see if anybody holy [ __ ] trevor trying to be a hero like you mark you are you already are there was nothing in here wait there's but but dude but but but there's but there's there's nothing in there but there's there's nothing in there but there's nothing in there [ __ ] hell steve for once i have money to donate glad to help glad you could help thank you but there was nothing in there what was the point of that what was the point of that i guess there's there's i i have a glass container and there's like an oil thing in here maybe that's the whale oil are you the way whale oil oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] whale oil annabelle thank you [ __ ] was that why can't i look away the [ __ ] was that thank you jessica what the [ __ ] is happening i heard something all the precious whale oil no my fortune thank you light chaotic all right i've got the whale oil so i gotta light the whale oil somehow i don't know how but i gotta light it i think i remember the way back i'm about to can i use the whale oil on my lantern that'd be nice no no no no which way hey why wait a minute carabao wait which way wait i don't know which way everybody shut up i gotta hear where you why you made it okay all right it's fine i don't know what that was spooky rose thank you so much my cousin athena passed away last year from cf and to see you having the charity stream for cfri means the world to me and my family well i'm so sorry to hear about that i really am hopefully some great strides can be made in the research very soon okay the old vault entrance okay that's stuck okay so i think i got to take the whale oil over here i don't know why i cracked open that little cabinet but there was nothing in there oh randy thank you okay all right is this uh do i dump my whale oil in here okay apparently i do okay oh [ __ ] okay it's fine all right so there's gotta be can i throw this switch now no i bet i gotta put like the the gears back the pelagio you're the best mark i'm glad i could give something for something this good well i'm glad you could too thank you so much for contributing that is oh hello okay never mind that that is honestly amazing thank you okay so what i gotta do okay i gotta find i gotta find something i'm gonna i'm gonna make us i'm gonna make a quick change here guys just uh quality quality of life change equality of life change squid or girl i'm i'm back been here since 2012 thank you so much i'm gonna make a little a little change a little change because obviously it's not going any less nope that's man there we go that one that one that one that one that one okay all right okay that's not how that's supposed to be i just changed you i just changed you no hang on or hold on your butts everybody hold tight to your tucuses hold tight there we go okay okay all right we're good we're good okay much better much better okay so we've got our whale oil we put our whale oil in that's good so we need to find a way to get the rest of this up and running there was a note that we got that had some of the stuff so we need uh piston will not move as long as the furnace isn't lit boiling the water in the tank below and causing the mechanism to move once it descends there's enough hot water in the boiler let's see later flow is powering the cog wheels so i gotta find the cog wheels i bet i got to bring those i bet i got to bring those back here well [ __ ] might go down soon i i guess oh boy so if the cogwheels aren't in here and if i can't use these and that means the cogwheel has got to be elsewhere so i got to go find them i think i may be wrong area son this made the perfect sunday thank you so much for doing a charity horror stream today you're welcome glad i could help thank you okay so i can't go in there unless did i try this no so there's got to be some kind of a cog wheel storage area somewhere over here okay i told you i told you guys it would settle down after a while could take a while but it settled down so we got it nice and settled nice and settle down okay i don't see a cog well in here and i've wasted a lot of oil elsewhere in there i waste a lot of oil but i think we're good oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] so somewhere here there's bound to be pj raging hey mark wanted to give as much as i could last time and wanted to help this charity been fan for a while want to say two things super chat um is it available for people in my region two people and two should play scp laboratory like an mmo for sap i will i've wanted to for a bit thank you so much yeah and super chat for good is only available in the us right now so if you're in the us you're you only can do super jeff for good there so it may not be the ideal in the end but super chat for good is still is kind of a cool thing just to test out okay i don't know where i am going i don't know where i [ __ ] i don't know where a [ __ ] wheel would be unless i don't need a cog wheel because i don't think i've seen a fully functional cog wheel in this entire area i think it's been more of just a rant obsidian we're going to change i have seen many cogwheels i've seen so i'm a cogwheel salesman here come to my cogwheel-powered car i'll open my cog trunk and bequeath you with cogwheels as far as i can see okay so there's got to be okay this would this would tell me like if there's nothing in this one there's nothing period right so the answer would have to be in that area why did i open this then i don't know some of these amnesia custom stories are notoriously just uh dickish they they mess with you intensely i don't know why and some of the puzzles that they put forward are quite perturbing indeed all right there we go adam tallman thank you so much i've toned down the the noise on the 50 one all right where am i i've lost my way no i haven't here we go god this place is so big and just not enough oil for anything that i've got going on here oh thank you coral star taylor you help inspire small two youtubers like me thank you for so much what you do thank you i'm gonna die i'm not gonna die i'm not gonna die why would i die why would i die i'm having a great time i'm having a wonderful time oh [ __ ] maybe there's more coal that needs to go in here i don't know of any more coal oh wait here okay let's try oh thank you cassandra and the lights are blinking again why are the lights blinking here we go oh nicholas muggio never under estimate the good you inspire sir well thank you guys so much for donating it's you guys that are doing all the good like honestly and truly you guys are the ones that are doing the good whoa there's enough coal in the burner now oh bacon bacon sex i'd use a vpn to donate from germany keep up the dork well thank you so much bacon sex everybody give it up for bacon sex thank you squid or girl here's a potato did that scare you no it didn't okay so that's loud hopefully that undid the uh lock over here i think this is yeah okay all right okay let's go down thank you john bennick hi from tripler army medical center whoa beth avat had been a hasty one ever since his life was filled with anger and misery rooting back to the day he was born he had always been a wretched filthy child society wouldn't accept him and he wouldn't accept this society that's that's an attitude to have oh okay thank you joseph from rj ej and calais whoa what is this the mechanism is ruined then why even bother why even bother have an ominously red glowing entirety of stuff if the mechanism is completely ruined okay no catherine me sick thank you for this opportunity mark you're an inspiration thank you guys thank you for donating oh whoa hi eagles what have i got the path to the leading to the orb changer protected by some sort of electrical mechanism find a way to disable it okay uh okay all right why am i here why am i trying to find this whatever this is the sanctum okay we're going to the sanctum i guess we'll go to sanctum not much was known about the mysterious ruin they uncovered other than them that was lying somewhere in the endless desert until they were finally able to enter the structure looked much older than anything else they've ever expected tunnels were blurred with an unknown language consisting of words that seemed almost gibberish as if someone tried to scribble random sybils on the wall okay hmm and if you're just joining us today we're doing an impromptu charity stream for cfri all super chat go directly to cfri if you can't donate through super chat donate directly to cfri wolfberg very little is known about this misty castle its history routes back to the 14th century when it was originally built by prussian king for the rothschild family as a reward for edvin von rothschild's military services though it stood well for several centuries and further genres of the family continued to live in the fortress at some point in the history something caused them to flee it is said that bad pandera richtor love the streams i love you mark happy to help where i can thank you so much uh it is said that beth bethavat von ross child the family's black sheep who developed a noxious interest in her heretic magical doings caused his family mates to flee because of something he had hidden underneath something that drove them nearly insane what he could have possibly stored down below in the deep unknown castle tunnels remains a mystery it's certain though that it wasn't something regular although most of these tellings are legend that grew over wolfberg over the centuries passing 50 from neocaliber thank you so much uh this is the last time i can donate good luck well thank you so much all right i hear a clunking and a clankin a clunk and a clank clunkity clank clank clunk hello oh hello bones of shadow glad to donate say i do anubis for me thanks for all that you do well thank you i am happy to help out where i can oh sorry i had to adjust my volume a bit okay should i shove myself in these should i shove something in these no okay machinery is powered by the electrical barrier seems to be protected well something powerful is required to ruin it okay so what would be required to ruin that i could smile at it that typically breaks every mirror i've ever seen oh my god wait wait wait a minute hi kayla be spoop have spooky time i will i don't like that i don't like that at all okay all right what have we got here oh hello talon i can't read that brutally what buy all your cogs at cogsworld's cogs vernon you traitor you cheated us you tried to take the elixir for yourself and almost got us killed whilst escaping you dare to vilify my actions sinister you who are you to judge you are as much guilty for the death of mathias as i am and yet you claim that i baxter here backstabbed him hi marissa please you now have my charity donation virginity love you man you are fantastic and are the best person i know well thank you so much both he knew about the dangers that awaits him but you you stole the assets i've been looking for my whole life i won't forget this we'll see again earlier or later but i'm sure that we will and you will return the favor okay thank you i don't know what you're upset about i didn't do that but why would you write an angry letter about it why wouldn't you go confront him about that anyway i got a key i don't know what to do with the key but i got a key this is a big loop okay it's a bigger loop okay so maybe it unlocks this door that i came across over here because there was one that was locked and there was one that there was a noise behind i mean we got this constant drone of the machinery here going on there ah mark has anything been scarier than paying for college or taxes will you be making a let's play series for do maternal yes i will yes i will thank you auntie miss what was that [Music] lithium bronide sanity potion yeah okay it's pure lsd can i get something out of this no no all right fine then well either way i got lithium bromide was it the only thing in here why did i need to go in here then uh maybe this do i need this that's the first cog wheel i've seen brick oh oh i almost missed that mercury nitrate i don't know what that is or what that would be for but i'll take this i probably don't need this but just in case just in case maybe yeah i don't know see i told you guys it would calm down it would calm down well let me see if i can shove this in here shove shove okay no how about mercury bromide no then what do i gotta do thank you that nerd greece negotiated a raise with my boss last week and thought giving to charity was a great way to celebrate well congratulations congratulations on that okay so i need something powerful so maybe i gotta maybe that's what i could do i gotta make like a bomb out of this stuff that's the only thing i can imagine if only i get away the constant drone of it all no oh my god it's just like agony ah two hundred dollars knight to dragon junior thank you for always doing charity live streams i've spent a lot of time volunteering and donate when i can keep up this boost well thank you so much everybody give it up but give it up okay i'm gonna go on the other side because i bet there's something else over there that could probably find so both vernon or bethavat thank you pj raging didn't know much about their friend and come they always assumed him as the most wise and reasonable one both of them found his unexpected demise ironic the most careful one out of the risky group was the first one to die oh [ __ ] mr legitim friends thank you for everything you do and also had to use vpn to donate from germany yeah if you're international you might have to use a vpn but there is like right now super chat for good only works in the us i think super chat works 200 dollars from bacon sex if my vpn had a face i would punch it hey about how about some welcome to the game too no i'm not gonna play welcome to the game two ever ever again never never ever ever never good god nicolian complex too spoofish five you marky boo thank you for all the jump scares thank you thank you so much you guys are rocking it today we are up to just in this short little impromptu live stream we have raised 21 000 we've raised 21 000 already for charity 21 000 holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 21 000 what the [ __ ] we've been streaming for what like an hour a half what the [ __ ] oh sorry i'm shocked at that that's amazing you guys are awesome i i told nobody about this you guys just jumped at the opportunity that's what's amazing about like you guys and and that's what like i really appreciate it and and yes like this it's a ridiculous concept what i'm doing right here with the the jump scares for charity and oh god we're in here now but it's just like you guys are awesome you guys are absolutely awesome i really appreciate you guys sticking it out for charity and doing what you can and then like at the earliest opportunity at no prompting you guys leap at the opportunity to help out people that need it like that's that's an amazing thing that should not be discounted in any way and and it's not just like the big donations going through the majority of that probably is all the smaller donations the lower donations the ten the five the two the one like all the smaller donations those add up incredibly to mean a world of good to the people that need it most so just thank you to everybody thank each other and just i really honestly truly appreciate it because in very few circumstances would you find that kind of good will just spilling out into the world thank you chengwei you would you would very very rarely find that kind of goodwill just like willing to be spread like that so thank you guys honestly from the bottom of my heart thank you okay i don't know what i'm supposed to get by the way oh thank you to uh pj raging visiting pax australia unfortunately no but we are touring in australia in our last tour i don't know how many tickets are left but there are some tickets left for that event 50 from super chocolate milkshake donating for a good cause you're such an inspiration and for month of scares yeah pretty much this is the month of spoops i don't know i don't know what it wants from me and i don't know where to go something it just says something powerful to destroy it maybe if i mix no i'm at a loss guys i'm at a complete loss i've got nothing in my notes oh my god miss caliban your old amnesia videos gave me a lot of laughs and some really tough times hope this donation helps someone else through their tough times thanks a million and spoop on thank you something powerful is something powerful is required to destroy what does that mean to be destroyed by my girth i don't know what the hell is going on where am i going what am i doing and why am i doing it oh something about like some amnesia cousins swords are really really really lacking in instructions like they're lacking in instructions lacking in directions this one is highly rated that's the thing like this particular custom story is very highly rated i found the thing in the bucket oh [ __ ] my lights i found the thing in the bucket so that was important i'm guessing this is not important because this don't what the hell what the what whoa classy sombra keep the fighting good fight mark you're one of my favorite youtubers more so because you do things like this quick question would you play more games with jack bob wade uh yes of course been busy though why is that the top's just spinning on that no idea why nothing a whole lot of nothing whole lot of big bubbly nothing what am i supposed to do then there's no direction here there's no explanation this is this [ __ ] staring at me ah something powerful this is my least favorite thing about these games is getting lost yes 100 of the donations from super chat go directly to the cfri are my lights blinking yes they are yeah smaller donations don't set off alerts because if they did it would be constant spam like it was at the beginning of this but they are as always appreciated and the bulk of it mr whiteflop seeing so many donate can inspire love you mark that's that's that is 100 true you really really honestly truly cannot put a price on inspiration and uh it seems like a silly thing but inspiration is a lot of the driving force of what like keeps humanity moving it it's like inspiration flies in the face of logic a lot of times and i'm not equating this to anything like of of the days of old where inspiration came at the cost of lives but bacon sex sadly this is my last donation hope it will help it does help it does but when it comes down to like uh certain um certain sources of inspiration like things that don't make sense in a logical capacity but do make sense when you when you realize like what it leads to in the future and and the ideas that it gives people because thank you megan a lot of humanity is just spreading ideas and like sharing ideas so having that ability to share ideas with people and be able to like say something to someone else is important it really is i don't know what i'm doing by the way i am at a complete loss oh wait no i didn't check there was another one ah there's another over here what the hell this is open now has this been open this whole time during my latest expedition to egypt i've acquired the first piece of what i believe forms a much bigger asset an ancient orb thank you skyler the orb itself is a powerful artifact which grants strength and magical force increasement though i own only one piece it was like they found this orb and they found a little letter next to it it was like make your penis so much bigger through the power of magic and they were just like it's magical force increasement it's free real estate though i own only one piece i'm almost certain that there are more of them in this world currently i'm trying to draw as much power as i can thank you joe richards my wife has cf and it's great to see everyone bringing more awareness to this i'm glad that we can uh thank you to abby fame hey markiplier you've been my favorite youtuber and to my big brother my papa always told me to give people a need and you always help others like this i have to keep going and keep giving i will and you guys will too i'm trying to draw as much power as i can while also researching the possible locations of the other pieces i can't imagine the amount of potential it is capable of i believe i found a way to transfer human mind and soul into lifeless statues that's not good jay likurgis thank you so much i found a way to using the advanced form of magic conjuration i've been able to animate a statue using a foreign soul in mind though he was very weak i believe that with the help of the orb shard he will become more powerful with the whole orb deformed together my servants will be indestructible it seems as if something keeps trying to stop me from animating the statues i hear loud noises above the ceiling or something on sometimes underneath the ground i hear something unknown roar in the distance what can that be is my mind playing tricks on me or something more sinister while being able to transfer men into statues i'm not sure whether i'm lacking something or not conjuration seems to be an efficient inefficient source of energy for these creatures i must find another way but that's not good why would you do that wouldn't they be more useful as people wouldn't that be a thing that would be more useful like infinitely more useful no just a big no on that one okay whatever all right so is there something here that can help me whoa acetaldehyde yes please oh that's a little odd got the jar ready uh bloop okay all right i like me some acetaldehyde mix this with alcitalta okay is this like an acid or something a full of substance that belongs to aldehydes yes ezra starts it's free real estate indeed it is indeed it is okay but i think that was probably important probably there we go okay now we've got some progress okay oh thank you to kyle michaels thank you for giving uh thank you mark my girlfriend's niece has cf so it means a lot to us that people are showing support so thank you and everybody's donating thank you so much why are my lights blinking i don't know my fears came true it's impossible that i'm the only one paul keep up the good work mark thank you i will paul thank you thank you i'm scared for my life are they related to the orb piece i found it seems as if they keep trying to follow me everywhere i go every time i do something i couldn't sleep with several days 200 you need something more powerful huh obviously this custom game doesn't know who's playing it i didn't shove a chair into it let's see it seems that if they keep following me around everywhere i go every time i do something i couldn't sleep for several days at all i feel uneasy i feel alien presence among my fortress i locked the cells and hid the key in my secret transformation the perspective of getting all those prisoners isolated from me makes me slightly more comfortable sadly though this doesn't solve my problem okay what is your problem demons invading is that your problem because it's a big problem i got to deal with here well there's got to be something here right one of these books got to be like a secret i didn't get what i needed thank you angel in a music box my bestie is josie uh who introduced me to this channel and she's been through some things including a near-fatal car accident while she was pregnant you have helped her keep the strong thank you bro well i'm so sorry to hear about your friend i hope she gets better soon and uh this is rough that's rough all around i'm glad you can find any sort of comfort from my videos copper sawed and lost his mind uh gross is randa drank a fluid let me see if this um acetaldehyde works on the uh machinery can you shut up nope really no no no god damn it okay uh-oh my lights are blinking again i don't know why i know exactly what okay this is just bizarre i've never had a game give me this little instruction i've had i've had some custom stories give me like run me around for the ringer but this game this game is really giving me nothing to work with here i would really just appreciate some ah mr legitimate friends hello again wish i could stay for the whole stream but i got to do a long training event in the morning also my last donation keep it spoopy move i will thank you damn it what the [ __ ] do i do what do i do what am i doing what do you want from me game what do you want from me i want to appreciate you you've got a good reputation so give me something to work with don't just lead me around by my dingus come on give me something anybody got any ideas of what i'm supposed to do you guys got any ideas you guys and thank you to also everybody give a round of applause to the moderators for helping out the moderators are so nice with keeping everyone informed providing helpful links in the description below you guys are awesome the moderators deserve all the praise in the world everybody give a round of applause to the moderators big big big round of applause for moderators thank you punch it throw a rock at the machine i've tried that i've tried that i've really tried that and i've got nothing thank you to cymore's bastion cherub art connor brandon bray miller sean fortner lucy kramer samantha guerillino tyrell blossom philip hilliard thank you all so much is there really nothing in here that i can use i mean i didn't get anything from in here besides the letter thank you kenneth f burgin the most frightening is when your mom is angry and calls you by your fool i think we can all agree that is indeed the most frightening moment in the entire existence of humanity if you get called by your full name by your mother especially my mother who never even calls me by my right name anyway if she calls me by my full name i know i'm [ __ ] basically 100 absolutely destroyed none your business i don't know what's scary the notification no not knowing how to progress anyways i appreciate what you're doing for charity well thank you i wish i knew too maybe i could like i don't know melt this door oh lights are flashing again uh-oh oh oh oh also uh um i need to ask again did anybody know what to do with this because i definitely do not thank you michael saw that potato earlier and have to donate i love potato i guess any reason oh my god sarah anderson my 11 year old daughter asked me to donate and tell you that she loves you can you say hi to mckenzie we love you my god what your 11 year old daughter asked you to donate that is so nice that is so goddamn nice that is so nice not much was known about the mysterious ruin okay so i've been all the way up there it must be something down here right use orb on machine i don't have an orb yet i'm going to get the orb it must be some wheaton let me check out here again let me check out here again one more time let me check one more time let me try it one more time let me check out one more time oh geez carpenter mark would you save her lost in vivo october 20th 2018 i don't know what that is but i can only assume that it's something okay so if this is where this potion came out of maybe there's someone in the way [Music] no that's behind the painting close the door i wouldn't do anything nope i don't know thank you alphazar mark the marmous khalgar option is still on the table send it send in the ultramarines i don't know [Laughter] i don't have a favorite in 40 cages okay so i've checked all the way up there there was a key in the juice room what was the juice room i got a key from in there thank you lucy kramer sorry this is the most i could donate i hope this helped it does that's a ton thank you so much for that and thank you to katie warren lucy kramer hey boom pod thank you to catlife fives are cool right i never get to catch your streams because i'm either working or sleeping so glad i could make it to a charity stream i must confess my love for you moderators oh that's so sweet thank you to mark sherman molten freddie 9 alphazar moonlit rose lady random box uh oh i missed that one lady random box markimoo my name's lindsey i met you on stage with the second detroit show love the show thank you for all you do well thank you for coming to the show we've got just a few shows left in australia just a few okay i am at a loss i am truly at a loss whoa molten freddy 90 god live i like donation good live good life good live good luck good live life good life liv what is this thing wait why is this a thing what is what is this then wait what is what is this what is what is this is that anything did anything nothing there i'm so lost guys guys i'm so lost this doesn't help anything there's nothing in there this is spinning this was spinning wait it's not spinning anymore why is it not spinning there it goes no it stopped there it goes rock rock rock press b to blow rock rock i don't know guys help ah molten freddy knight lol good live stream i mean oh five hundred dollars thank you thank you thank you put the chemicals in the beakers on the shelf nah that wouldn't work they they don't maybe hey let me shove this in here shove shove this show no open her up no come on shove this in here put that in there um oh no no no no hammer put hammer in put hammer in the acid talking point fight so real five things i have a conventional five unconventional ways you'd kill a zombie ah i i i show him a good time i i i string him up by his ball sack if he and if he didn't have a ball sack i'd string him up by his uh butt cheeks um uh uh play him uh sweet caroline until his brain explodes uh smash him with a rock uh yell him until everything he loves and holds dear is dead five things five things five things five things wait there's a there's a wheel here no that's nothing guys this might be the end for me i don't understand i don't know there's a secret room in the hub well i'll leave just because i don't want to deal with the loudness in here anymore let me just double check this area i'm not tari my sister and i love your videos can you say hi her name is cassia hi cassia thank you there's no oil left but i seem to keep getting little bits of oil thank you katie okay yes perfect perfect thank you happy fame perfect nope i'm out of here i'm out of here i'm out here thank you plant zam 69 69 been the fans and slender glad you follow you on your journey thank you for being here okay marissa thank you oh my god use the rock i dragged the big rock to the machine is that really what i have to do i have to drag a big rock really is that what i have to do if that's i'll do it oh i'll do it oh i'm gonna do it oh i'm gonna do it i'm a hi everybody we're doing an impromptu charity stream i'm gonna do this i'm gonna drag a big rock i'm patrick let's take a big rock and push it into the cogs we're gonna go rock to cog everybody get your rocks out everybody get your cogs open we're gonna go rock to cog there's a big rock was it in in the cog room i don't think it was no i was in a different room i'm gonna drag a big rock a big rock i'm gonna drag big rock to cog here we go here we go this is gonna work this is this is gonna work guys this is a big rock i got oh it's really big guys hang on big rock here we go [Music] oh come on now don't be shy big rock a big rock get in on get in you sack of [ __ ] you peace oh you go you get in there okay we just got to pick up enough speed okay well how could you get over that hum but not over that are you are you out of your gourd won't you be out of your gourd right now come on oh oh really oh oh but you're not why are my lights blinking who the [ __ ] is trying to scare me i'm in the middle of something ah hang on i just gotta oh there we go okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna rip ah freddy i'm patrick okay no time this i'm patrick with this pick up some speed okay we gotta pick up some speed get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of the way get out of get out of the way get out of the way get all the way get out of the way get out of the way get out of the way get out of the way get out of the way okay here we go are you in the way very good i can't move you get out of the way thank you oh my god i miss up hang on thank you to molten freddie benjamin webber what does it feel like to have so much influence over people ben you better 500 molten freddy donated 200 in low gearing donated a hundred dollars that's that was 800 in a span of seconds and i missed all of it why do you do it [ __ ] god [ __ ] see that's that's what i have the notifications on because that's how easy it is to miss ah [ __ ] all right i got this speed pick it's in it's in it's in close the door it didn't work it didn't work fargos it didn't work it didn't work i thought it would work it didn't work so i was lied to that's the answer here i was lied to i was just lied to someone lied to me i thought i thought that i could trust you guys i thought that i could trust you x bubbles i thought that i could trust you i thought i thought that i could trust you and it turns out nope nope can't trust okay no no trust okay someone look up a walk through someone look up a walk just go just go look up a walk-through someone go look up a walk-through find out what it is and come back to me and only people that i trust can do i'ma look on my discord right now i'm a look on there and there better be some answers right about now what is what is this what is this they're still freaking out that people were thanking them oh [ __ ] well there goes my lights people were still free their moderators are still freaking out that they were moderators can you go look up how to beat this and then come back oh dalton beery are you having fun riding the struggle uh yeah yeah i am i'm having a great time yeah so anyway you guys i'm big rock in gear i [ __ ] wonder okay what's my note saying what did my notes say a little this is protected well something powerful is required to ruin it well you know what you know what someone in chat said you messed up a long time ago you know what i i messed up when i started my youtube channel that's what i messed up that's that was the moment that i messed up by even trying to have any sort of career or that's what i messed up that's that's why i messed up that's what i tried that's why i messed up dash the enderman you're awesome mark you always made me happy when i'm stressed stay awesome love you bart thank you but who's gonna make me happy when i'm stressed oh super chat from cad life have you tried peeing on it no my pee isn't strong enough maybe if i go back the only thing i haven't tried is leaving so i'm gonna leave this one's called the five magics that's what this one's called there's no turning back then well [ __ ] they can [ __ ] me i i was just gonna uh why is there a light here was there a light goes a little secret it's mine this rock this is a rock this rock there's a secret book here i found it no found something you you no no there's something here there are pipes you have to use the wolf gang hey thank you [Music] have you tried turning the game off and on again you know what i haven't but screw you i'm gonna get this through i've been stuck here for like an hour but that don't matter that don't matter no no matter none because there's got to be an answer i'll need something powerful to ruin it i'm powerful i'm real powerful the pipes do nothing what about this what about up here do i get on these no no no no no no no no no no the five mad it's called the five magic who the heck lady macguffin bow thank you thank you a hundred percent of that donation goes to the this is cystic fibrosis research institute you can find out more doing an experiment tyler parks i'm an hour behind on the video so hopefully i'll be i'll see you read this in an hour fcf fcf to death thank you i need a flammable substance and you place it under the wheel like thor sent by your clapping reminds me of slippy slappy sounds of blank try reasoning with it cat life all right wheel listen you and i have had our differences but listen you are a wheel i am a man we can find common ground my ancestor invented you a long time ago so there must be some way that i can make you die but amicably so listen it's is is existing even worth it huh is existing even worth it maybe you could just not exist and we'd all be happier for it maybe maybe maybe that you want to just roll over and die my mod said laurel i said you need a flammable substance and you place it under the wheel and you can throw something on it to light it that's weird that's with this guy it was red the only thing that's red in this whole goddamn game is what's behind this door that i can't get into because the mechanism is ruined ace of huskies the past sounds like steam pipes or you can break a certain pipe to stop the seam circuit it might work it's not real it's a game the logic in this game isn't the same as the logic in real life i've gotta die go into the cell's room i can't it's locked i can't go in the cell's room it's locked there's i can't it's locked i can't open it i can't drill into it it's locked i'm gonna jump [Music] wow [Music] aah [Music] okay there was no save there was no se there was no save there was no save there was no save there was no save there was no save there was no safe no no safe safety there is no save there was no saving no save for me no save you wavy there was no save there was no save probably because i hadn't made it far enough in the game to even bother saving probably that's probably what the game thought so you know that's fine because i was so distracted by all of the bangs and booms and the jump scares from before hello and then you know it's fine it's fine i can get through it in five minutes because at least i know where to go [Music] [Applause] i'm real oh i'm a spicy meat ball then i've got good feelings i got a good feeling about everything that's going on so all i got to do is i gotta work back from the beginning i gotta work back i've said the name of the game so many times this is the five magics it's the five googly boogalies and it's just it's the five of my googly boogly bears and then i just gonna get back i'm just gonna get back i you know that's fine that's fine it's fine because it's fun you know what it is fine that's all this is welcome to the charity stream we're raising monies for cystic fibrosis research institute which is a very admirable goal we've raised a total of uh how much a cat life don't forget to hydrate marky boo oh 27 000 which is pretty impressive pretty impressive thank you thank you thank you okay it's fine okay so let me bring up okay so what i gotta do is i just gotta quickly go through this whole thing again i know where to go i oh yeah i know where to go there's nothing oh yeah i forgot about you good thing i went here [Applause] nicholas mugio have a sympathy scare i don't i don't think that's how scares work but thank you nonetheless it's fine because i just need to find the drill pieces that were immediately available wasn't there something in there why did i go in there what was the point of all that what was the point of that that screw you stupid [ __ ] stupid living statue [ __ ] wait what's over here first there we go machinery okay that's the drill that's that i got a foot got tinder box got that let me put the coal in the thing i i i don't need it now but let me put the coal in the thing anyway oh yeah oh yeah man it's such a discrepancy from the last one i played yesterday it was so well designed so nicely nicely designed and this one this game game design is a little bit of a missing element in this secret passage in the library you know i bet there was i bet there was a secret passage in the library you know i just bet there was i bet bing bong of bingabonga there was i bet i just you know i bet there was there would be there would have been there would be you know what progress is for chumps and i ain't no chump thank you for that i missed that richard madberry hope this helps keep up the vids and i've been and will be subbed for an eternity well thank you so much all right we've got this it's all good we have got this we have got this we have got this we have got this aj dolata foxy did the fight of 87. i think i remember you saying that before i think i remember that but thank you for the reminder the casual reminder just in case everybody forgot about that and thank you to everybody that has donated to the contributions so far you guys are awesome big small donations i really do appreciate that and i thank you for everybody sticking with me as i find a nice balance to the alerts yes i know it can get annoying at times especially for me like i am also being subjected to this but also there's a fine balance because what i want what i want is to be able to communicate with people that is like really at the heart of everything i do i want to be able to talk to people i want to be able to have a discussion with people i want people to feel like i'm not just an inapproachable like [ __ ] at the top of a mountain you know i i don't want to ever come across like that so it is important for me that people are able to figure out a way to do it and um thank you guys for bearing with me like uh also number one i really like screaming i do i'm not gonna stream full-time that's for sure i'm never gonna be able to do that because i never have the time to do that but i am like you know i do wanna stream as much as i can you know whenever i can and i think i think there's something very nice about being able to communicate with people live and in person there's something about that so it's it's important to me to have the opportunity to do it it's important to me to try to like live up to the expectations that i have for myself when i do normal videos in terms of live i don't want to live stream shittily you know what i mean i don't want to do a [ __ ] live stream i want to do the best in everything that i ever do whether or not that's like um what was the point of opening this oh what that wasn't there before what the hell yeah anyway like i have a i have a certain standard for myself like i like to make sure that i do things as best as i possibly can and that includes like trying to be the best in terms of live stream and when you're live streaming like it's a very recognized fact that you gotta acknowledge when people are trying to give you something or contribute to a cause and i wanna be sure that i am as best as i can be in terms of that department so that is why i do that and that's why it's important to me and that's why also these causes are important to me like the uh the charity causes too i i've spent a lot of time in the past few hi i'm coming with you i'm coming with you i'm coming with you i'm coming with you i'm in here with you i'm gonna be trapped in there aren't i oh [ __ ] well oh oh no oh no no oh no oh no [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh phoebe 300. why did it save my game then why would it save my game then but that's okay i guess [Music] where is this one wait a minute oh here i go mother flipping flip flapper flip of a flip flap mumba flippy flap flumpy flop flim flap flip oh all right it's fine this might be the most rage inducing amnesia custom story i've ever played in my entire existence i might actually i i think i'm gonna burst blood vessels while i'm playing this one i'm going to literally like lose i'm gonna lose years off my life because of this game like this particular custom story oh oh it's just so fascinating to see how people can just make things go wrong you know they i see that the developer has the best of intentions with this game and yet you know you can see just thank you dalton do you need some spaghetti for your upsetting that's hilarious you're funny yeah yeah i really would like some spaghetti actually and it's fascinating because i've made it barely like two probably two percent at five percent into this game's intended ending because they said that this game has three hours of content and i've made it through ten minutes of it [Music] but it's fine fine thank you phillip it's fine thank you thank you steph thank you it's fine all good in this neighborhood where the heck is this right here all good all good all good it's all good it's so good i'm going to turn off hints also because that's i don't know okay armin mark i love what you do keep it up you're the best thank you thank you so much thank you okay i've got my whale oil i just need to go get the jar of large oil and then i am back to where i was oh baby a triple triple times that i got stupid but triple times that i'm gonna win bam get me got it hell yeah oh yeah thank you brian flammable substance under cog then throw a metal looking box at it love your videos watch all the time i don't know what any of that means i don't know what a goddamn thank you dr j i don't know what a goddamn thing you're talking about means so i am gonna do what i gotta do when i gotta do it and then i gotta do it now where am i going am i going the right way yes i am hi buddy okay i'm not gonna make a mistake i made before goodbye oh taylor you look tense did you forget your pretzels i'm i am hungry thank you very much for your contributions to my loss of sanity but you know it's fine whatever everybody just poke fun marky moo is being stupid again thank you heretic yeah but you know it's okay because i i'm gracious and i am good i'm a happy man bris lee one love when you do the charity thing oh i love when you take the picture thing well thank you so much come home we're good to go let's get out of here all right and just like that baby just like that we are going to be back where we was were before thank you charlotte hughes you got this mark you're a big brave boy just use your big old brain oh i'm gonna oh i use my big boy brain all big boy day my big boy brain all big boy day oh big boy day all big boy brain all big boy brains all right my big boy brain wretched filthy child me that's me i'm a wretched filthy child i'm disgusting oh [ __ ] the red light of truth has sounded all right i'm going comfy mode for this from now on we're going comf mode everybody get ready for a load of comf i i'm sorry uh that that is not what i meant to say no uh phoebe darling thank you so much for that i this is everybody forget i said that all right anyway a library so someone said there's a secret passage of the library and i would believe that because i would not believe that this library is just here for the sake of being here there's got to be some kind of a book that pulls some kind of a well what what you you oh you just pulled the whole thing [Applause] oh wait come on come on come on come come on are you really are you stopped by that book and you are stopped by that because you stupid what are you what what are you stuck on what what um i like cheese i did too but i've been trying to cut back it's right here oh activated it's not it's stuck the charity is for the cystic fibrosis research institute all right i don't know anymore i don't know i'm gonna leave this area and i'm gonna come back because the only thing that i can do is to the only thing that i could possibly do is go away and come back and that's it so there you have it i'm gonna go and i'm gonna come back and that's all there is to it and i'm hoping that it's gonna reload that thing so that i can try again [Music] and come back i'm also gonna go get whatever i need from down here first so yeah that's good how are you guys doing good great i'm such a comfy baby i'm a comfy baby this is called the five magics this is the five of magix i'm currently doing a speed run of it five magics get this i get this key and do we got there we go open that up look in the bucket look at the bucket look at the bucket there it is mercury nitrate got that anything else lithium [Music] hello you can keep scraping all you want i'm not gonna bother you then we go over here then we go over here and we look in this room and we scream at the wheels and then we run away and we got everything we need and hopefully the library is going to be reset so i can actually go through it okay you have ice cream god you're going to make me hungry i wish i would i should have food i wish i had any sort of food i wish i had some kind of a food substance inside me right now [Music] casey cooper oh no mark you fell into the 50 to scare side everyone wants to scare to not everyone has 50 all said in love i don't know what what did you just try to say i have no idea okay i'm gonna turn the 51 back into uh the actual scare sound so uh i think it was um yeah all right i'm gonna turn it back oh wait no that's not right oh what no that's not right wait there we go that's the one that's the one and i gotta hang on hang on thank you so much to jesse e love you mark for all you do well thank you okay okay all right okay ah there we go now that it's calmed down a bit maybe we can actually survive for a little bit longer okay so if we lily elizabeth lee said i'm gonna die if he says my name well too late oh no what the what the [ __ ] what the what where did what where did all these books come from what the hell oh on the gales that's the first time it's been synced up properly those are supposed to go as soon as that the members discord is cheering for you well thank you it's still stuck i don't okay uh i guess i'll try to climb up and get over it oh no oh no oh no oh no i would cook for you for free said demented love i appreciate that i appreciate that i do but that's okay i'll just get some delivery or something oh right i can i wedge it out oh no wait i oh that i think that worked a little bit [Music] chair always works chair always works chair oh oh [ __ ] chair didn't work okay so there's got to be something here that we can do this too but we're on the oh we're on the precipice of progress we're right on the edge of progress big rock i need a box somebody give me a box i need a box thank you i'm dead inside i i i understand that feeling so well okay barrel yes thank you garrett shafer mark who's the friend in there with you i've never seen them before thank you sarah dunda happy to donate i'm still worried who's in this room with me oh my god it's stuck i don't know why it's stuck but it's stuck it's so permanently stuck it is just absolutely stuck i don't get it i'm gonna try to like reload i'm gonna save and exit i'm gonna go back in i don't know [Music] i've gotta try i don't know i don't know thank you the mcgah meg gavin thank you for inspiring me to bring more good into this world i appreciate that dude nope it is just stuck [Music] wait it's moving a tiny bit tiny bit of movement it's moving back into place that's weird it is moving wait i'm wiggling it it's it's moving a bit and i guess a bit of movement is better than no movement but it's moving back into place okay i i wish i wish upon a star i wish upon a star i wish upon a star thank you butt monkey thank you butt monkey thank you mr halex thank you the mega vanie thank you king catfish thank you anthony kankowski fandom maniacs gone ascension sarah dunn garrett shaffer slenderman deadlock gaming laney spangler daresh demented love on the gales pull it towards you oh pull it towards me a no is that all oh okay okay okay it's close it's only closing it's only closing it's only closing like no matter what direction i pull it in it's only closing i never thought that the most harrowing adventure of this entire game is going to be moving this [ __ ] bookshelf use the plank to move the shelf i don't have a plank i don't know how to plank i don't have a plank there's no plank there's nothing i go oh my god did they program this particular custom story to make things get stuck extra easy okay okay pull you and then pull paul nope okay guys guys i broke it and it's closed and it's closed and i've closed it and it's closed [Music] is this before or after i already opened it is this before or after is this before is his afters after before before or afters before or after mark you need to get in there i know i need to get in there i am very aware i will not be beaten by this god damn bookshelf i refuse i refuse to be beaten by a bookshelf i think this bookshelf is trying to break no not here no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] niley can are you telling me are you telling me that the autosave only either puts me there or where exactly we are raising money for charity we're raising money here we go here we go we're raising money for the sifting fibrosis research institute it's an impromptu charity stream we're doing a great job every penny you give through super chat this money that goes a directly to the charity directly directly i don't get any of it it goes hundo pussento luster nicholas man charity sure is spooky you got that right there's special alerts so you could scare me for charity was that so hard my god was that so god damn hard okay we're in [Music] we made it we made it guys we did it they thought we couldn't do it but god damn it we did it they said we weren't good enough but god damn it we did it so yeah oh i got the cells key baby i got the cells key to the cell games and we are going to now make power grass you know it baby you know it baby you know it baby we are going to make some progress all right re-engage chill mode activate we got this you know we got this we got it thank you for your donations to the charity we got this activate chill mode ah lots of comf oh maximum comfitude engaged ah now that is what i call a nice relaxing stream were we playing a horror game cause i've completely forgotten you know i just wish that i could even remotely appreciate the finer things in life but alas i cannot this is five magics ah it's an amnesia full story thank you the okami project if everything i'm saying sounds sarcastic to you you're not listening hard enough so how are you guys doing good to hear that's so nice okay [Music] someone's making a ruckus over there okay keep your chin up marquee zeta butcher thank you so much for your donation thank you uh dragon girl thank you catherine colbert it's fine it's totally fine it's so fine and it is it is fine thank you erica meaner nicholas reeves anthony konkowski some phantom boy dim grim shaylee kaner ac outdoors luster nicholas uh asriel dramura scott moon nanski dim grim melody howard and magzy r ah dragon girl said i was told i have the personality of a house plant i doubt that very much thank you alan hensley into the cells we go it's the cell games bra brought to you by heat up all right i'm ready i'm ready scare me oh daisy rat tasty rat okay uh um why why why why are we doing that why would we do that we don't need to do that ah do i i don't know what's happening mode disengaged you behind me why oh oh my god you are um oh whis oh if you if i die do i die for i i don't want to die do if i die forever no please i've come so far no why would you do this to me don't do this to me don't do this to me please be oh yes no um uh uh in the closet maybe oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go go i forgot this was a horror game that was too close okay ah maurice doe cleese yeah you're still alive alive or live yeah i'm still alive i want pizza i'm real hungry okay all right i think we're okay i forgot this was a horror game tinderbox superb tinkerine hey oh papo you've seen better days jonathan dallas hey my sister had cystic fibrosis passed away seven years ago on this day thank you for supporting this charity i'm so sorry about that what a weird coincidence hey blinker i don't want to scare you but i want to help out don't worry you did you you didn't help i mean thank you i guess all right okay all right [Music] so okay we're fine i don't know where that dude went but i think it's okay [Music] you sack of [ __ ] new sack of [ __ ] new sack of [ __ ] you think that's gonna scare me a few books blown in the wind i'm too much of an expert at this game to even be remotely spooked by the likes of that so don't even think that you could get on my level of spookage because you cannot after many hours invested in studying alchemy i've created an interesting recipe for a substance which i call mercury fulminate it's created by mixing aquaphortis with mercury nitrate and then heating the secreted substance on a burner after the chemical is warm enough the burner shall be turned off and the last ingredient needs to be poured in acetaldehyde the liquid is now ready to be collected and stored eric meter you should play slendy tubbies the devil among us okay that sounds like a fun game the liquid is now ready to be collected and stored for a short period of time in the safe is that delayed or is that new i'm assuming that's delayed though i don't have any use before yet it might come in handy if removing the rubble blocking the ruined tunnels which pierced the castle from down below the fortress has a solid structure so using such brutal substance shouldn't worry me at all i'm still in search for the remaining orb pieces i've managed to determine that one of them is located in the ancient four lone underground underneath the city of center hold just just 20 kilometers away from the castle the tunnels shut underneath the area are most likely to be built during the periods of roman empire although due to the difficult conditions present here i'm not going to be able to go there just yet i need more preparations perhaps i should send my trusted servant howard joseph call the blacksmith you know i don't think the blacksmith can help me at this juncture okay so i need to find a burner that seems to be the long and the short of what i need to do i've got the hiccups but where do i do that okay so all right whatever so i don't know why their prisoners still alive down here or how they're even alive and man is it just me or is this music like blaringly loud what is with the music in this game and being obs is is it just me or is the music obscenely loud in this game like it's just like yes yeah is it is it loud that's just you maybe it's because i got the volume like cranked up i don't know what it is a little bit loud it is loud it's like super loud i don't know why the music is so loud i don't know why the developer was like opening puzzles impossible and the music loud to keep them company the whole time through they ain't getting bored in mine my game not mine all right so there's got to be there's got to be something else in here right i wouldn't have just missed it where maybe where the shelf blew off maybe the shelf blew itself um i don't see anything in here i don't see a burner i don't see a secret passageway thank you agent shepard i don't see anything nothing behind the painting nothing there nothing there okay so it's got to be in one of these other things right it's got to be in one of the others thank you wind image it just has to be oh maybe he was upstairs oh no there was a lot of stuff upstairs sciency looking stuff so there's probably something upstairs some kind of a burner here no no bernie no burner no burners none really none okay whatever all right let's keep looking in here then i would imagine that in one of these there would be something i just gotta find it right some of these are open no no you're locked because you're either dead or sleeping i don't know which i'd prefer at the moment maybe i could drill my way through here no this one's open i guess i would see something of use before i before i just need to go in there no no no no nope whoa whoa dude you all right man you don't look so good you all right oh he's probably fine thank you wait oh this is a different hallway okay oh where's this lead oh this one's open is this by design no is it just nothing is this a whole lot of nothing really okay good great all right that's wonderful hey he's probably fine i don't know where that dude went i've only got i've only got two of the ingredients that i need i do need one more i've got acetaldehyde and mercury nitrate but i need that ferrous whatever that was thank you alexandra so there's got to be something in here that i need they wouldn't have all of these cells if there wasn't something that i could get right probably not no i'm back here then well [ __ ] dick well shitty kid no oh there oh there it is aquaford is okay some people were saying that back in the library where i first found this stuff there was a burner so i'm gonna head back there i've got the aquafortus i'm gonna do that burner in the red room you got it baby you got it you got it i get it okay all right let up do it sumiya hey mark could you give my friend ammon a shout out he's in the navy you want to make her day hello let up off me okay my brain only so much capacity so you gotta go easy on me oh yeah everybody burn her in the red room burn her in the red room i get it okay i get it i got it you think i don't got it i get it listen i get it i got it you trust me i got it i get it i get it i know it okay aquafortus all right nothing to heat well there's about to be okay [ __ ] prank game plays oh wow my message gets pinned for half an hour i better say something cool um okay okay [Music] foreign ah it's right there nothing to heat you say well boy i'd love to give you something to eat right there no right there no right there that's my bad that was my bad that's i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine got it nailed it got it i got it i got it guys i got it guys i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it me and big brain big smart me i'm smart big brain me and big brainy smart man miam have big smarty brain you guys know me brain me brain am big how big brain everybody in chat say brain how big me brain how big m brain cause me you know me uh oh me brain am real big me brain super big me brain m s mega big how big brains big mouth i have your logo on the side of my semi trying to help spread your squirrely love and weirdness across events well thank you that's that's so sweet of you that's so nice oh but me and big brain me i'm the biggest brain that ever brain there it is some of those need to be struck with a great force in order to explode well i know what i need for this me and need rock me am need big brain rock for big brain splode city and dragon change by the way you're here may i need small rock me i'm need small bag of sand for small brain explode me and big brain rock oh yeah hey everybody in chat if you know say brain how big it big you know no brain big you you know brain big now me and big brain her brain how big oh so big they say on animal planet brain big of mark big smart here we go big brain rock oh i can't pick up rock at rock big here we go please do not blow up with me next to the big brain rock incoming amanda rock i'm 34 and have a rare condition thank you you have helped my mental health struggles well i'm happy to help and thank you for donating to the cfri okay all right me and big brain work this out if rock not big enough maybe it not about bigness maybe about hardness maybe need harder rock small more precise me and big brain know when to use big brock and me and big brain know when to use small rock [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ct donate to charity to achieve maximum galaxy that's what i've always wanted i didn't know it until this very moment i've wanted maximum galaxy brain that's what i've always truly desired thank you so much my maximum galaxy brain bigness brain bag okay so that destroyed that mechanism so it should have destroyed yes only now only down to a moderate zappilay let me make sure i can go through this okay so i'm gonna get this orb in the orb chamber oh i've got this i've got this now i'm gonna turn the volume back up so i can appreciate any spooks they got for me okay oh no loud here we go ah easy okay orb chamber we got this oh yeah baby our big brain working at big brain maximum capacity it's still loud why is the music so goddamn loud in this game okay all right okay oh i see you i see you you think you can hide from me no i'm a big brain too big [Music] okay all right oh thank you burf okay why do they have all these boxes everywhere that's what i gotta know i can't even break them thank you rashford okay all right i feel you i'm feel okay i'm feeling you oh all right i'm feeling you oh i feel you set the great fire of blaze restore the great knowledge please me with sanguinary ritual show me your big brain okay being in great danger i've decided to start moving my abode to the ancient shrine of uncovered in the kirchlinger forest brandon wheeler why you now play space engineers you know i ask myself the same question every day the shrine brickton buried under the rubble by the locals who's claimed it been haunted ever since it's so loud it's so loud the most promising one concerns of mithraeum is this really the time to go the passages have been secured by the worshippers just days before we were forced to flee though it is unknown what caused them to do so but i have my assumptions it could have been an orb shard potentially but as for now it is still unconfirmed until i will finally settle down in one place i don't know what will happen to wolfberg i will do my best to blur all the traces i've left around the castle it can do it can as well fall apart as it will not be my personal matter anymore the shrine seems more promising not only is it located in the middle of a forest where no men dare to go but it's also hidden underneath the ground giving me the perfect hideout from the outside world no strangers will interrupt my work why so [ __ ] loud maybe i'm just maybe i'm just on edge but this game has just given me a little bit of reason to be upsetty someone give me some spaghetti okay ah what are the donations at we are at let me one second we're at 31 000 we have no goal by the way we have no goal we've only been streaming for a few hours and all i've had is annoyances and terrible terrible terrible gameplay and you guys have raised 31 000 that is absolutely amazing thank you so much for helping out with this that is astonishing i i just want to take a second to like stop and just i know i've been being goof and i know that this has been like frustrating for me and everybody watching but that is a [ __ ] ton of money that is a stupid amount of money to just suddenly rain out of the sky for a cause that is really really necessary because right now it's on the cusp of something greater and a final cure cystic fibrosis is a disease that basically just destroys your lungs but with the advances that we can make like we can really do a lot of good and and this is another thing where i don't touch any of the money it goes straight to the cystic fibrosis research uh institute or incorporated or whatever it is like this charity is one of the highest rated charities in the world and it is just a great cause so thank you like a personal thank you from me to you guys you guys are awesome you guys change the world in every action you do and to know that i don't even need to ask you guys to do anything and you guys do it anyway at the drop of a hat at a moment's notice you are ready willing and just like so poised to spring and do good will that is just something that can be an inspiration for everybody out there and it's something that i really truly never want to take for granted so thank you guys so much uh for that and just thank you for everything that you do and uh also i want to say that i will be contributing five thousand dollars myself to cfri i just can't give a super chat to myself would that even what that even look wait maybe i can't i've never tried never tried let me let me try yeah i'm gonna try and let me try this i've never i've never done maybe it can because it doesn't go to me okay so the max the max is 500. okay yeah let me try this also it's really cool because the donation thing is right in the chat like it's built into that if you don't know how to give uh super chat i don't know if i've even mentioned how to do this there is a little heart hand thing down below in chat right down there what did it freeze uh oh oh it falls it froze i broke it um i don't know what i just did but that is completely broken now and i am i still live am i lying am i can you guys still see me am i still oh oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] that's a lot of error that's a lot of wrong those are numbers oh god oh no oh oh i broke it oh god no oh i am i live can you see me i don't i can't see any none of my all of chrome has crashed i think i'm still live so if you can still hear me help help help help i broke it oh it's so broken oh god it's broken everything is broken oh god everything is so broken i've never seen errors like this before in my life oh no i swear i've never seen this before i have no idea what's happening i can't see anything i've got to just close everything and reopen it i have no idea what's happening okay all right am i still live help oh demented love you are live okay so you can hear me i can't click anything i can do nothing i am frozen in time i have oh god oh god oh chrome is so unhappy with me oh no okay all right i'm just gonna close that close oh jamie boyle every time you get a super chat i jump which causes my two goldens to look at me funny i jumped too okay close that help help help help okay i promise if you do the super chat thing it won't do that has that been happening for people have you guys been trying to give super chat and it just completely shatters into a million pieces so if people been trying to donate more but it's just been exploding everywhere because i think you guys uh oh oh no oh no okay well okay all right it's i can't close chrome so i gotta force close chrome real quick hang on oh my god i wish i could show you what exactly i'm seeing it's like every window in the window that says like the super chat stuff thank you on the gales help this man he needs some milk i do need milk please ever the analytics the video itself all is its own box of air messy i have some money's for the charity could you say hi to a human named tyrion please hi tyrin but every box is its own error and i can't close it anymore so there's that then okay i'm just gonna let that be that ah do it zumamia i want hero patches for every shirt i own i'll get those to you very soon i can't play with my webcam it's too far away and uh i can't move it anyway so it doesn't work that way cute morbid fox i don't know how to help you from wait i i missed that one i don't know how to help you from new york mark well oh well i guess that's as good as you can get thank you though i don't know why the lights are flashing but thank you tiger shoe why don't you donate from your other account instead of breaking everything you touch i look look i don't know i can't log into my other house thank you zeven i'm in the army and i'm in a aut and you help me so much you make this worth it and my name's just pronounced zavon well thank you so much for that okay all right what up hello baby hello how are you doing what do you got in your hand oh a skull okay all right ow what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i didn't want to do that geez what did i miss uh sorry molten freddy how do i become a member there's a join button down below or in the description you can go to slash marketable join zz will we get to 50 000 will you eat chicken feet no there's no gold on this no i don't even have chicken feet where would i get chicken feet okay whatever all right so i stabbed myself with that i don't know why okay i made a sanguinary blah blah i think that's what i was supposed to do um okay back to the game i guess there was something about the instructions right it was like give a sanguinary what chicken feed is not good did you not hear my chicken foot story no no no no no no no chicken feet is the opposite of good ugh well it was like one of the worst things i've eaten ever restore the great knowledge please me with sanguinary ritual oh god i please you okay set the great fire ablaze does that mean these do i need to finish off these is that what i needed did i do it ah [ __ ] i probably just wasted my tinder [ __ ] redfish notice me mark okay i did thank you all right so there's gotta be something else right curls and sass i will fix all your problems if you marry me no and that's definitely not a proposal to someone else that i'm misreading oh streaming you sean good speed thank you for everything that you've done to donate the donation area is right down below you can find it directly below the chat it's actually built into the chat if you've never given super chat before like it's right down there it's integrated all through google and whatnot and uh it's tied into my alerts so you can scare me for charity hence the name super killer have you tried turning it off and on again here's the money for charity can you say hi to abby for me hi abby how you doing okay so let me check my notes okay these are old these are old uh thank you to leonard leonard church zevin frazier eric cruz zeta future uh zeta what's the weirdest thing you do if we get five thousand fifty thousand i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do anything i'm not gonna do anything you're not holding me in any promises here this was all voluntary i did i'm testing this is a test you guys are gonna raise fifty thousand dollars in a test this is this is the test huh okay so anyway uh i don't know what i'm doing i have no instructions and i don't know anything anymore so there's that ah krillian thank you for all you do thank you guys for all you do you guys are such a help i'm lost again already i don't know what i'm doing help walk through help help help help help help help help me help help help restore the great knowledge help help help you better do something if we raise 50 000 [ __ ] said emerald chicken why why no no riku watch out for the crazed butt stabber thanks for being you mark thank you for being you thank you for all these donations this is incredible do i do okay can i drill into you okay look i don't understand anything i don't know what's happening i don't know why nice tucus i don't know i i i don't know i don't know i don't know thank you facade somebody look into the walk-through help me help me help help don thank you help help i'm lost and scared i'm scared and lost somebody please help lb help help help get the clay tablet on the stairs what great tablet on the stairs there's no great tablet on the stairs there's no gray tablet on the stairs there's no there's nothing you lie you lied to me there's no great tablet on the stairs under the stairs maybe under the stairs on the stairs around the stairs this no not that this ah yes this makes so much sense yeah i'd get this let me just chuck this priceless piece of knowledge yes this definitely makes sense yeah when i read that clue i would definitely be the one that would be like oh yeah yeah this this obscure hunk of rock that i definitely would have noticed yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no yeah i get that oh boy the lights are blaring okay yeah that's that's good yeah okay can you just magically glue to wherever there we go okay put this here okay yeah that's good all right well there's one more missing i don't know where it is are you in here oh here you are oh good okay sierra just wanted to say thank you for your videos have helped me with the idea with while i deal with ptsd ps a lot of marines love you and love how much you help the community well thank you oh there we go got it wow gimme gimme gimme gimme i got it uh oh well that doesn't look good wait wait wait what the [ __ ] is that what is that wait a minute whoa hey whoa oh thank you thank you dominique oh so i'm cooper wait i'm cooper oh ah interesting okay what happens is you said i was cooper oh [ __ ] um hey whoa hey uh sheila my daughter stephanie loves you thank you um wait hang on i can't lift it up uh uh uh oh uh no i got that i got that i got the library door stuck why wouldn't this get stuck wait hang on okay i don't have a lantern anymore um um oh boy um oh wait a minute hang on okay if i stack this here and stack this here okay here we go here we go here we go okay all right that's good that's good oh yeah that's good okay stack this here okay oh yeah this is gonna work this is what i call a genius plan unstoppable unflappable okay i've got it and easy peasy oh yeah okay all right and done easy peasy well give me a hard one that my big brain can't solve ah [ __ ] i'm gonna be squooshed oh god i didn't solve please don't game over me i want to live i want to live only oh no oh my impregnable defense um ah [ __ ] um lever is what powers the mechanisms [Music] gifted box quickly press oh oh i oh nicole hey i send love uh i can't read it right now hang on [ __ ] [ __ ] all right kobe oh god uh kobe hey i did it ugh hey i send love nicole still on please give chica extra pets for me i don't know if my other donation went through so here you go boo well thank you so much for that and thank you minty truffle it's your birthday happy birthday oh [ __ ] okay oh wait i'm back here what no way no way okay all right now i'm getting it now i'm getting a little bit i'm getting a little bit of it yeah for those of you who don't know how to donate the donation is right down below in chat it looks like two hands going like this it's called super chat it's youtube's donation system and it allows you to give a message and give a hundred percent of your donation to cfri thank you timid tabby longtime fan wishing you continued success and more hilarious inspiration content game on mark well thank you so much for that scp-105 thank you so much you gave last night i appreciate that big preach big priest why don't i have my preached emoji over here i have no idea can i go through here can i get out oh i guess i can i don't know if i'm supposed to it ain't working in the uk unfortunately yeah it doesn't work outside of the us at this moment hopefully they will because i don't know if people have been using it extensively it's relatively new but hopefully people will start using it again and that will be good that looks yeah it looks weakened that's probably fine i don't know if i'm supposed to go this way though yeah i guess i guess i they wouldn't be stupid enough just to put the orb right back where it was before right they wouldn't be that stupid they might be stupid but they might not be that stupid yeah the game could be good if it wasn't just a little bit cumbersome i would say that the game is a little cumbersome so oh hey amber jones me and my boyfriend love watching you thank you for all you do keep it up okay um what was that all about ah joshua draper 500 big donation for big brains working on big stuff everybody give it up for josh joshua draper 500 to cfri everybody give it up for josh everybody give it up for josh oh hell yeah thank you so much any member in chat give the heart the markiplier heart just start spamming that if you see a big donation that's worthy of that to spam the big heart icon thank you so much for that okay i've already given you the sanguinary thank you so much for that biggest preach huge pre-shawl around thank you tsukimori okay do i need to do anything besides just go forward i don't think so thank you so much oh you become a member you hit the join button down below or there's a link in the description that says support the channel oh this is where i dropped it okay yoink you stupid pieces of garbage you so stupid what what oh oh oh oh what is that what do i do stay away from the deadly red lumps okay yeah i'll stay away from the deadly red lumps oh thank you dawn wilson and thank you endalyn hayner thank you so much what the [ __ ] is up with only hearts it's for the donations like it's just giving goodwill no it's just spreading some love [Applause] nope nope no no run for your life i didn't know thank you correa ever thought about doing military bases or working with you so i i don't have a show to bring besides the one that's gonna do okay i guess i'll run out okay i'm running for my life get out of the way box you're not tiny box tims are you what do you matter oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh do you matter you matter you matter god damn it you mattered little box oh you're not tiny but you're little thank you savannah all right take two i got this okay i'm gonna take nothing i'll take nothing with me here we go here we go jump jump jump oh yeah pro level jumps going on there okay here we go yum yum yum oh my god i'm so good thank you isabella okay okay okay okay uh yum yup move move move push push push push him away get the [ __ ] up away jump jump jump jump jump [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sorry okay thank you ravin thank you wolfenda thank you wubb cake thank you zoe mcgrath wimpy marshmallow coria endalin dawn wilson thank you all for now i thought i was safe i had the shard but it wasn't over just yet evidence found in bethesda's castle suggested to head down to the south town of sanderholm in order to acquire the second piece of the orb even though my body was aching in pain i couldn't just stop and give up this was a battle and i was the one destined to win it oh [ __ ] you mark you scared my arms into karate chop mode oh my god are we done is that the end of it is that i know you said it wasn't over just yet but is that the end thank you raven is that all cedar home 20 kilometers why am i walking why am i walking oh there i go never mind i'm not walking anymore i am dying okay oh thank you scooter mcgee this is what more of us need to do help others thank you mark for all you do i mean that really is all it is just helping others that's all there ever is oh chapter two [ __ ] that was only chapter one it took me four three three hours three hours to get one two three how long have i been streaming i have no three if that's it three hours i feel like i've been streaming for all day we've been streaming for three hours and that's it holy [ __ ] victoria super chat for good isn't working on ios mobile devices oh that's a shame yeah there's still some bugs to work out with it but it's it's a start anyway so uh i think this is as good a place to end it as any i want to thank you guys so much uh number one like i really honestly truly want to thank you guys this was just a test all of this has been a test i've been doing a lot of tests lately just to see if i can like amp up how i do streams how i do like interactions how i do things like this and i'm finding a balance i'm fine-tuning it and i'm getting there it's not perfect i know it's not perfect but it's getting there i want to do like a once a week uh-oh incoming i want to do like a once a week regular live stream that's just for fun fun for stuff that it doesn't exist in any way shape or form beyond the live stream it's a weekly thing where we just hang out and it's not meant for recording videos it's not meant for anything else demented love who's buying 500 who is behind me i don't care kill me thank you what the hell oh my god heart's all in chat for that thank you so much demented love demented love has given stuff already oh my god the lights are going again but i i just wanted to say thank you guys so much for uh contributing to this i want to do like more i know i always say i want to do more and i really would like to do more and i i do want to do more but when it comes down to uh like what i want to do for this fluffy cats thank you so much you the best mark i want to do stuff that is meant just for live stream because there's a different mood to come out of life 500 victoria vanderbock my favorite way to donate is always during a markiplier stream seriously though i've been watching your videos for a few years now love seeing uh how the uh how your content evolves keep it up well thank you god good god thank you so much oh my god 150 from corrupted rhapsody hey mark my name is celeste i want to thank you so much for what you do in all honesty if it wasn't for you and your videos i wouldn't be here today this is the first time i've had money to do something like this and i'm excited to thank you for being you thank you my god oh my god elizabeth orrell i cried when i saw the cause you were doing for this i have it and think you are amazing for doing this oh my god like snowball the fluffball you are so amazing and keep doing what you do just my god let me speak but thank you yeah i mean like because there's there's a certain element of interaction that comes out of live and i know that not everyone can can be there for live streams it is very time dependent and that doesn't mean i would do any less in terms of video production but i i want to do something because once a week because it feels like it's important it it really does because the way the world is moving it will it moves more towards like live interact oh [ __ ] live interaction stuff like that things happening on that and what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 500 on the gales is a great cause and you made us all proud love you i'm proud of you what are you proud about what did i do i just complained the whole time that's all i did i just complained and just like like i feel like fifty dollars from youngest baby girl thank you so much and it's like it's like these these moments that you get when it's live that don't exist anywhere else it's not meant for like because i've gotten good at recording on a live stream thank you joseph symbol now is a good time to donate 50. yeah it is uh i've gotten good at recording on live streams that are meant for videos later like i've gotten good at that yeah hearts all through chat all hearts all chat all day um it's it's just so incredible to see but there's also something to be said about having live stream that is meant for livestream so i don't know what day that would be i don't know how that's going to be um i don't even know how it's going to exist like but i know i want it and that's what really matters like i've got to thank you kyle withers so much for the 50 and thank you everybody that hasn't just been donating 50 or 500 or whatever thank you everybody that's been donating any amount of money any amount of money to this charity that you guys are just giving willingly to an incredible like cause is just so important and it's really good to see it's it's good to see like you guys rally around something so simple and yet so profound and so like i said i want to do one a week i don't know how i don't know why i don't know where i don't know when but it's something that i know needs to happen live the comic thank you i love you mark you're the reason i'm here today and this cause personally affects me thank you so much well thank you thank you ian aaron a fifty dollars by mark had a great time during the live stream and uh i'll still fine tune things thank you so much i'll still fine-tune things as things go on i'll keep experimenting i'll keep like reserving certain things for certain reactions certain like thresholds for certain things but i know that you know these things are important and not every stream will be a charity stream but uh general spyro how is your brother doing much love oh he's doing great we had a great time in korea and uh just thank you guys so much thank you for being here um i'm gonna head out hopefully hopefully i read the last of the the donations before i go uh but just thank you guys so much for being here and just you know you guys are awesome so with that thank you again i will let you guys know in advance what's coming later on you guys take care of yourselves have a wonderful day last one atharin what you've done is bring us together i may not be able to give as much to some of the others but the cause like this is worth all that i can afford well thank you honestly truly thank you for that hope you guys like hope you guys got something out of this hope you guys felt a little bit of motivation from this and i hope you guys got some inspiration out of this because that is another thing that comes out of it like just other people seeing that this can be done and people can rally around a cause at any moment at any time for something that they truly believe in that's powerful so you guys even by just being here even if you weren't able to contribute because of whatever financial situation you're in and i totally understand that you don't need to give anything but those who do give and those who don't give thank you thank you for being a part of this community and thank you for being a part of something bigger than yourself and thank you for being willing to extend farther beyond anything and reach out to others and help those around you so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye bye bye guys bye goodbye bye bye oh and uh cfri has already probably gotten the money the money goes directly to them so thank you bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,635,164
Rating: 4.873035 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, gaming, charity, scare
Id: RM_eXHx_65w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 12sec (11292 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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