Scary Games for HALLOWEEN!!

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I beat you by a minute :D

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

Does that mean he's posting good content again too?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cjnlocke95 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to Emily wants to play too and happy Halloween everybody we're gonna be playing some scary games this Halloween and it all starts with Emily wants to play too so I it's been a long time since I played Emily wants to play one and thank you everybody so much for the patience with me getting back to scary games and games in general hello hi hello everybody oh that was a crazy party I'm exhausted here I've also got some other games lined up after this because this is only the demo for this game hi hello we're gonna get right into this don't even worry you me I'm so sleepy and I'm so glad I have these lovely paintings right by my room here what the hell is that popping out of the pot over there oh whatever it doesn't matter oh that's not that's not disconcerting at all especially the fact that it's at the end of a hallway oh jeez oh I get it I threw a crazy party last night I'm the fool that invited everybody over to my abode oh I'm the idiot oh there's a power box over there I need to go upstairs to bed am I just narrating this to myself oh it's it's uh oh oh I'm upstairs now alright okay thank you oh good I got a picture of grandma on my house oh boy I sure do love my creepy art ah okay heard that hello guys yes welcome happy Halloween happy Halloween indeed is this my bedroom ah I stumbled over a styrofoam tray for a from tray the scariest possible thing I could have possibly stumbled over alright let's go over here I guess yeesh yeesh oh okay alright then I'm just gonna slowly try to meander my way over this way and hopefully nothing terrible will happen to me one second I had to make sure that everything isn't absolutely exploding everywhere I gotta all right cool yeah everything's good right good what I don't know what you're talking about for Halloween this year ah hey I decided to go as a 2012 mark Blair you know you know how it is you know how it do ooh that's spooky all right hang on I got it I got it I got it I gotta change one thing and then then then we'll be good hey one second there okay let's try that all right back into it hopefully nothing explodes like crazy hello I really need to go to bed well which way is my bed which was supposed to be my bed you know this is my bed oh good I got I saved the creepiest part of all for my room ah home sweet home wonderful wonderful ah my bad let me lay my head down to rest in my bed and see what the hell's going on here yeah where's the beard I don't know I sucked it back into my face as hard as I could and that's that's where my beard went okay yeah where's my alarm set for 3:00 a.m. the alarm clock is so annoying yeah okay how am i oh there we go you need a shower before I go to work why do I go to work at 3:00 a.m. why is that a thing that happens what in the world is happening yet I have no idea hey I got changed I got changed one more thing because I just I just forgot well is is the video lagging at all because I see that my CPU is spiking up to like 100% which isn't supposed to be happening at all why is this goddamn game take up so much resources but is everything looking ok in the video here because I'm not on my main computer I'm on my on my like cheap office computer at all everything look good a little I have no lag let's see not really lagging not lagging I have no idea yes it's lagging no it's fine it looks good great well you guys are just a bunch of conflicting information that I don't think is help in this scenario yeah looks good alright I'm gonna continue until you guys tell me otherwise chica don't move over there it's very scary alright yeah hello okay what's going on over here hello tiny box Tim you've changed and I don't like it hello what's gonna pop out of the box what's gonna pop out of the box okay great old mommy just gonna shower up and get naked next to that horrifying box Yee ah good that's that's no good the waters kind of gross but I'm using a lot of soap that always helps those alleviates my problems oh wait I know what I know I know what's what's causing the problem here hang on I've got another game that was loaded up and ready to go hand see if that helps a little bit all right ah excellent I've showered and the box is gone great good good stuff happening good Greg gosh gosh golly gosh great okay all righty then mm-hmm Oh my old friend Oh the clown from it how are you doing I love your big grabby hands I don't remember how you work but I don't like you at all okay I'm gonna back away slowly out of this room than ever all right all righty then don't go in there huh okay i'ma go in there now where did I put my car keys hello hi friend grandpa so you are you doing this the slender man just sitting in a rocking chair in my house where did I put my car keys my number-one priority after everything that's gone wrong here II run I don't know about that running seems like a silly option now why would I do that are you guys out of your gourds if you need a jump-scare list there ain't no jump-scare list when you're doing it live let her in some dark apply our level [ __ ] that's some Damien and Celine and everyone knows what happened with that oh those eyes are gonna open all those those eyes are gonna open yeah okay well hey hi how's it going hey no thank you I don't like that we're done now where did I put my car keys where to Humpty diddly doo deee daaah did i put my car keys okay all right ding dong ding dong ding dong you know I'm gonna go with a big hard no on that one I'm gonna nope away from this situation why do I keep stepping over things and it keeps throwing me everywhere all right turn that on stop doing that don't do that this is my house not your house you don't get to goof me in my own house now where did I put my car keys okay no no no I'm not okay with that one I don't know where I am and I don't know where I'm going it's pitch blackness what is happening we're oh boy okay that's not good I don't like you I remember that noise and that noise was nothing but bad oh hello you still get in here you're still good buddy can I turn this on oh gone what a wonderful precarious situation I've put myself in this is my live streaming room hi I recognize it by all the art on the walls well can't play my guitar can I sing you a song play a ditty here ye okay why do you think you turning out the lights on me okay there was no need for that I like oh my god there's no need to slam doors I like to keep them open for many many routes of escape I don't like that either I don't like that at all Oh flashlight well ain't that ain't that Hey oh look at that Hey is that my car keys oh there's my car keys Wow okay all right then well good for me I said what oh of course the most important thing to do when demons are infesting your house go wash the Frick frack and dick docking dishes how about you take your dishes and you shove them up your stupid butthole how about that how about that how about you do a whole lot of that huh how about you do that this game has a time limit I don't know I want to take my time you take your time limit and you shove up your time limiting what whole oh I don't care all right here we go I'm gonna wash the dishes apparently this is what I'm gonna do apparently lalalala oh yeah priority number one okay great cool I'm washing the dishes like a responsible adult cuz that's what I am a responsible adult that somehow these pictures are a nightmare these are the scariest dishes I've ever seen oh my god these goddamn dishes and then it's a spoofer you say time with butthole I don't remember saying oh my god why did that happen why did that happen what why did that happen why was that okay well that's a thing so what am i I wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna why why did any of that happen I don't trust anything ever in my life I trust nothing the alarm clock is - all okay I got go through this goddamn time loop again huh huh oh is that what I gotta do huh good okay dumb alarm stupid alarm alarming me - alarm things and is it possible to jump out the window I don't know but I'd like to try okay all right so I'm a brave boy see it's different when it's live cuz then you guys are experiencing at the same time as me yeah oh yeah this is live why don't do that do I gotta take a shower I'm gonna take a shower I guess cuz apparently I really did die oh it's disgusting water ah soupy water ah the water oh no and then I got to do it I got it I gotta wash the the terrifying things Oh God its waters kind of gross indeed it is oh yeah okay so I'm gonna assume that what you guys said about there being a time limit was 100% true and I gotta get my get my butt out that or with more wolf as some discussing water okay so how do I run is there a way to run oh that's how you run okay I got it whoo oh my keys are not oh no how about no that's good no about they go - no no stop no don't do that we do a lot of not that hello squeaks crunk oh you're gone now apparently okay that's how we're gonna play this game can i well I didn't know I could pick that up can I pick up yes okay if I take this sword and stabbed it in my eye hole I'll be fine this is how we're gonna survive this everybody this is how we're gonna survive good go all right continuing on all right that's fine hey you [ __ ] bucko get out of my face where'd I put my keys no really put anything in this godforsaken hellhole ya know like that nope you can [ __ ] right off you can die in a hole oh yeah I gotta do the dishes I forgot about that it's okay I stabbed katanas in my eyeball all the time don't worry about that that's totally fine mm oh god it's not the scary dishes again oh god oh god all right oh thank you for the advice stay away from the clown ah I didn't ever thunk that I've never funcle' that in my life oh there's no way I could funcle' up don't do that where'd I put my goddamn car keys but I put my goddamn car keys oh there's more house I I didn't know I had more house I don't know where my car keys are all right wait hey bye Emily Babli Emily now Emily Emily don't do that oh that's a lot of clocks on the wall okay I'm gonna find it I'm gonna go find it yes munch spoop the keys are in the bathroom you guys saw the keys huh that's so helpful you guys are so helpful to me being here with me in the spoop zone tonight oh they are you guys weren't oh you guys are so helpful there's my car I just gotta get the hell out of here right I just gotta get the hell out of here I could leave for work now I'm gonna do that I would do exactly that here I go leaving for work running his fancies again not looking behind me no nope nope nope nope nope that dumb fuse box oh ha ha ha I don't like it yeah I don't like it I don't like a dumb fuse box I got a dumb fuse box I knew it everything's fine everything is a-okay everything is fine did I do it did I done did did I done diddle it correct okay okay all right well that's a thing that happened to me turn that off okay guy go run oh I don't like that okay shut up go shower its demons Jim its demons its demons Jim okay mark look at the surroundings oh thank you thank you for that look at the surroundings you said that's all I gotta do who didn't own a even funk that Oh God okay here we go alright so I gotta find the keys wherever the hell those are I don't know where they are let me check my where did I put my keys I don't know in my bedroom someone nope no 'pls noble opal all right well that's creepy but hey well your creepiness is gonna be beaten by my brash nature okay that's what I have to say about you and you to you is that a key no that's a fork I thought that was a key turned out to be a fork let's do these scary dishes first okay you gotta stay low I can't stay low in this game because there's no way to stay low staying low is not an option embrace the boob that's not even advice I don't shutting off the electricity scares me ok then why did I do that I don't want any of that no no don't do don't do the double no don't don't no no sir okay just cry in the corner it's best for all of us you know I'm inclined to agree with you look oddly I'm inclined to agree with you hey I work at Timmy thumb's fast sandwiches all right that's funny nope all right let's grab the shower how many times do I need to grab this disgusting shower how many times oh you're welcome yeah see no jump-scare list to hide behind you just gotta experience it live and use a lot of soap geez yeah I will do it I will do a playthrough of evil within - that's the thing I want to do with like these these live streams like I wanna I want to do everything that I was doing before but in a live atmosphere so that I can be with you guys when this is happening it's just it's a bit more fun like to know that you guys are here and also I won't get so lost because you're a girl you guys will be like the keys the keys you idiot Oh get the keys they're right there even though I'll probably no no no you know no I'm nope ah the keys excellent there's my car keys ah ha ha scary dishes time and then I got to find the key card and then I got to get out of here I think that's what I'm getting but I have no idea if that's actually gonna happen I have no idea read some books okay all right I check the book covers okay I'll get your guys I'll get towards these dishes they're just so scary and I gotta wash um I'm just my fear of these dishes are so high hey yeah yeah yeah she's coming after me I know she's coming after me I'm well aware of what she's coming after and how me that is that she is the me okay I can leave for work now all right book covers checking them checking them these are the videogame physics Matthew Patrick this game theory for the psychology of reacting the finebros first samurai okay PewDiePie this book loves you too wish me am i in here why do I have so many laptops this is too close to home all right where's all my porn stash all right that was good no okay better fix it before I leave nope not dealing with that there we go okay got it now I gotta go over here nope not gonna look at that okay you leave for working out nope no I'm gonna do that key card required don't like that oh don't do that god dammit dammit I shouldn't leave yet but I was just doing the thing oh don't do that Oh [Music] [Applause] okay let's try this again I got forgot the flashlight where is the flashlight flashlight not here flash Oh their flashlights chica don't move over there chicas moving in her bed and it's not okay it's not okay oh I know my mic speaking I'm aware of that it's really nothing I can do about that at this juncture in time kind of when I scream it gets real loud in here uh but I'm trying to turn it down ah yah yah yah yah okay it's fine it's fine just do this get the dishes done the keys turn the fuse on check the door and then I'll get to whatever the next objective is whatever that may be going as fast as I can ladies and gentlemen and fast as I can hello hello anybody in here is that my lucky flannel my lucky flannel right there yeah probably there probably it probably is probably clowns not there but Oh clown is there okay there's my car keys that's no that's a big no on that one all right hi yah yah yah yah hey I won saying uh yah yah yah yah yah yah okay then we got to get the keys then we got to get out of here then we gotta go on everything good do what we got to do and then we're out here hey okay all right cool again turn around turn around that's a terrible idea you're terrible don't do that all right here we go oh no the damn fuse box Oh No Oh doh swap I don't know having how do I get around how do I get around how do I get around that how do I get around that I have no idea do I gotta like flip it on and off again like flip the power on and off probably what I gotta do I don't know I don't know I don't know don't know shut up the clocks wait till she leaves ah keep staring at her that makes sense okay that makes sense that makes sense okay I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do that one I got that this time I got it you guys believe in me cuz I do I believe in me and the me that I am oh what is this game this is Emily wants to play too and it's spooky happy Halloween everybody too many showers is that even possible I'm just so dirty I just gotta clean myself up did I miss the keys are the keys over there again no where are my keys who took my keys where's my keys you guys got my keys anybody seen my keys stop looking around I don't wanna okay all right this time we got her beat if she shows up I know how to eat her butt punching her repeatedly in the face over and over again punch oh hello everybody from school I'm glad you're at school watching this stream that's a good use of your time that's a good use of your time these matches are so scary I can't believe how scary these dishes just flip her off yeah that's right give her one of these give her an old these we got it underway it's haven't found my keys and where did I put my car keys excellent question wait is that them that is them well almost miss that uh don't do that do not I can leave for work now Oh Boosh Oh No that dumb fuse box alrighty then okay bring it on well I don't know how to beat you I don't know how to beat you I don't know okay I was not ready for that you don't stare at that one apparently who'd have even funcle' bit no not having that no not having that not having it not having it I'm not having it I've had it up to here with it why is that doll in my closet did I not notice that doll in my closet another shower everybody another shower oh great okay everybody climb in the shower with me we're all gonna shower together together ah oh yeah yeah yay Frick frack a dick a deck mark the clocks I get it the clocks I can't even get to the clocks yet I can't get past them I gotta get to the clocks I will get to them I gotta get to him first you don't understand I'm trying my best and my best just ain't good enough my just my best it's just like not sufficient enough of the best bet it is hello from Spain this alright here we go one more time into the parang okay I don't like any of you all keys perfect there's my car keys here's the nightmare dishes is the doll your sex doll I don't think Oh think that dolls my sex doll and if this person in this game if that is the way that it is oh we got a lot more to be scared about that way originally funked everybody everybody everybody calm down everybody calm down you're being a little you're being a little crazy I appreciate it a Boosh better fix it before I leave why so I can waste power alright who's there no one all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go look no again why that's not fair okay clocks clocks right clocks okay looking at the clocks five oh no no see I wasn't crazy I wasn't crazy okay someone said use the pictures I don't wanna go near those kooky scary skeleton spine okay we got this though we got this it's all good it's all good guys it's all good we got this if you think that we don't got this you are wrong and we got this so hard ha ha all right whose idea is that whose idea is it to use the paintings or whose idea is it to any of this whose idea is it to anything here whose idea is that to fix the fuse before you leave whose idea is it to take a nice relaxing shower in the most disgusting water imaginable I don't know whose idea it is it's not mine and I don't want nothing to do with it I should wash the dishes before I go indeed I should indeed I should okay we got it we got this we got this everything's good everything's yeah we got this we got this we got this we got chicken stop moving don't why is it there's a lot of moaning happening behind me originally I thought it was chica but it may not be okay use the painting using it using it as hard as I can use odo the dab fuse it broke right no no I'm not going look what do I do you what do I do okay all right guys give me a breakdown give me a breakdown of give me a breakdown I get that the doll you stare at I get the the the clown I forget what the clown is but I think the little like gangster doll you have to you have to like turn the light back on before it gets you because that's like from the first game the tall guy what do you do what do you do you have to take him out to dinner that doesn't help anybody I'm not gonna take about today I don't care how dapper he is in his suit you know that guy's looking a little grey his skid turns gray you know I think it's dark I will play the evil within to it there's a clown no movement okay clown no movement that's right found no woman jump out the window that doesn't show him chica these don't not helping at all not helping give him a kiss no I just wanna give him a kiss don't look at him that's what I did I didn't look at him I swear I give him the sword I know send Jim after him this is not helping he's handsome I don't care how handsome is okay all right now where did I put my car keys all right let's see show them the pictures B to blow these you banged a horse that that is not anything to do is what's happening here and frankly I'm just concerned turn the lights close a door behind him I suppose that would help now that's actually tangible tangible help there I think that's good I gotta do my dishes reset the fuse box that might be good that might be good okay I'll try the fuse box and if that doesn't work scream Adam Stoneham nope punch him in the ass boop his snoot I don't I don't think any of these are helpful ideas and I think you guys are all just absolutely not not giving this you're all here I think you guys are just goofing me pretty hard okay nope don't do that okay so falcon punch him nope no think so there's nothing to be done with the books I think that's don't like that all right it's fine it's fine nope no oh okay we're fine damnit show him the eight pages nothing so Oh God turn up ah that was not the same guy that was not the same guy that was not the handsome man that I thought was gonna be there that was someone very different that was extremely different that was not that was not that was not what I was that's not what I thought it was gonna be those that was the opposite of give him a smooch no no fart fart on his balls I'm gonna assume 100% that that's not not the right strategy I I think I think that's pretty much pretty much guaranteed not the correct strategy there if I had to guess if I had to think about it real hard like no not gonna do that hug him no no I've been doing that hugging him has been like my number one strategy and frankly it's terrible advice throwing through all right lick his face give him a cigarette no when I kick him in the nuts now that actually actually might do it okay key card is behind the cabinet someone said that's the clown that is not the clown the clown isn't the clown is like much shorter than that from what I remember if that's the clown then I live no no no no stop showering and doing the dishes okay you know what that's good advice I'm gonna do that alright so something about cabinet ooh whoa whoa whoa whoa I shouldn't run with these but I got him okay ah new developments okay choose wisely and fail why did that ding-dong she's wisely or fail oh okay ah interesting enlightened quotes you must see the answer to know the answer is there some kind of puzzle here with these paintings I don't know there's the keys though okay we're onto something here more than just our scares hello sir all right so what do we got going on oh-ho yes please Oh another book no notebook nothing okay so there's a lot more in this place to use than I originally suspected and if I can use that to my advantage then we're gonna get farther can I run with this no I can run with this scissors why can't I wait I really can't I can run with the scissors so what no huh oh I dropped the scissors okay well those are lost forever to the void but maybe in my room there was more cabinetry in my room wasn't there nothing there that's not a book yeah okay huh interesting okay I'm onto something run from the tall guy okay again I I don't seem to be able to get very far from him but I will try this one time is key okay so these are all him so these are definitely all hints whoa ah a bottle over there watch out demons I'm gonna open your brain a can opener yeah yeah give you a lobotomy [ __ ] oh all right fine bash out of here deal Eataly B Liddy anything in the fridge no nothing what's the point I'm not gonna wash the dishes washing the dishes seems to be the one thing that gets me dead all right time is key choose wisely all of these they're talking about something but I don't know what what are they talking about cabinets dishes it's all part of a big plan nope don't do that I don't like that nope okay so something about time something about time so these keep resetting the yeah they all are doing the same exact song and dance Emily's outside huh interesting yes welcome welcome welcome everybody this is something okay all right okay so they're all saying five does that mean something okay no I don't like that oh [ __ ] okay ye so the clocks paintings on the wall I've been trying to use the paintings on the wall but I haven't been able to see anything from that because if there's something that the painting is on the wall they don't change but Mayo are you talking about like the the the the small ones the square ones it might be might be maybe maybe not maybe I'm crazy I'm probably definitely crazy but I think there's something to this oh there's something to this alright so I suppose the dishes before we go there's something here so you must know you must see the answer to know the answer if these are hints all right and if I was choose wisely or fail oh oh oh oh oh five yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I need a key card I need two key card I gotta get hurt I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm really really leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving leaving leaving can I go home hey Emily hi you want to play Emily I keep having that same nightmare huh what say what now - who - what join me in another delicious shower [Music] I don't like this at all I like this the opposite of what this is oh I don't have that hole in my house anymore I don't think that's a good idea I don't know I don't think any of this is a good idea hmm I'm gonna go shower oh it's fine stop crying oh you just have so much trust over what you're seeing in front of my face are you honestly saying that you you're just okay with everything here and if I take a shower and I do the dishes everything's fine jump-scare list there's no jump-scare list you're watching this with me you're watching this with me why do I keep having that strange dream I don't know maybe dum-dum tikka how's it going what's going on Bob chicas over there just look down the whole time I don't think that's a good idea give it a good spoop I don't know everything looks normal calm down that in horror games when everything looks normal that's when you should be the most apprehensive I should wash the dishes before I go sure okay yeah okay all right then chica can't save us chica can't save us from this no no no spoofing poop trust us it's fine now I don't trust you at all I don't trust you even a little bit of what I do oh yeah yeah yeah yeah where's da go da goes down there but we'll get the dog go in a second just let me uh let me figure this out okay all these scary ass dishes they're just a goddamn nightmare don't I feel like I should look back once more before I leave hmm I guess I was wrong doc I don't know oh I thought it was over wait okay wait okay was that like anyone here hey Jimmy John's Jimmy John's no no oh okay then all right okay that's just how it's gonna be all right all right fine men that's fine it's all good that's great okay cool we got some new friends in the thing all right cool I don't know what's up with tall guy and I don't know what's up with statue guy dark applier over there on the left but that's pretty cool but the games don't end here that was the demo for Emily wants to play to the full game is not out yet it will be out soon I've got another horror game lined up for you right now that I'm gonna be I'm gonna be getting underway so give me just a second I'm gonna get this game for you and then we're gonna move right on because the scoops don't end on Halloween and then at noon I've got a little sneak peek for you at noon if you guys liked space is cool the song by schmoyoho I wanna I want to just play you a little snippet just the audio but at noon a very special video is gonna be coming out that you guys should definitely check out here's a little sneak break a sneak peek of it if you guys [Music] okay [Music] okay anyway that's all you get for now but at noon that video is coming out so in 45 minutes I'm gonna keep streaming all the way up till noon so you guys don't have to worry about losing out on scary games and whatnot and that should be really cool it is it is one of my favorite things that they've ever done well for me they've done a ton of other stuff but I just got to be so I'm so grateful to schmoyoho for making that and that's gonna be coming out at noon so it's gonna be super cool super super cool so I look forward to that coming out right like right after this stream is done but the next game that we got it's called unbridled [ __ ] or unbridled horror it's an indie game that I got off gamejolt I'm loading it up right now and then I will be getting it underway daily do did it literally do it it literally dude it it literally dude hang on all right let's get the game up and Blau let's see if that works without breaking ah ha there we go okay so unbridled horror I have no idea what this game is about all I know is that the game quite possibly is spooky so let's get into it I'm in control with the controller oh that's in Russian anybody hate does anybody speak Russian in the comments right now that knows what this says if you do write in the comments below and hopefully uh hopefully that will help oh boy I don't know why it's turned blood-red that's that's that's not good that's not good okay so it is not a controller game like the other one so I'm gonna do WASD a letter excuse me how do i I can't move on oh I can jump wait is it no yeah turn this off excuse you I don't want to open the game bar there we go okay oh there we go there we go okay we're good all right so okay ah so I got a flashlight and it's got ass temporary time thing it's made in the Unreal Engine if anyone cares about that sort of stuff I do oh that's a squall key door those are bloody handprints hey I wasn't done with the door there what what what did I lose my operative arrow just lost my opportunity to go through the door here we go again into the spooks she can look like me chicas looking at me so concerned that it's loud that's a clunky funk chica why are you staring at me like that chicas giving me the weirdest stare right now that I've ever seen in my life hang on I have to like I'm gonna take a small video this cuz it's just super weird cuz she looks happy but she's okay so chicas just staring at me right now and I don't know why she's just like cheek are you okay she can you okay okay there's a little tail you're alright pop you're right pop okay good girl what's going on you okay pop oh no hmm oh she's alright I got into this anyway so chicas just looking a little shook maybe she doesn't like me like screaming in terror she tells sometimes gets a little worried for me it's okay Bob good girl good girl that's a good girl okay I'm fine just a little more squeeze here and there oh poor little bump she cares about me she's like why is master screaming why is master so skilled normally master is brave but today no brave aah why why why why is that in my house why is that in my house at all and why why why is that they're locked oh great okay so what do I do about that what Oh what am I supposed to be doing I can't open that yes I can oh there we go ah okay close that close that Matt yeah can I open the bottom on there crouch or something no damn it okay so if there's got to be something else in here that allows me to get out right why is there a bloody handprint on that one I just don't know all right clunker stonker you anything to do with this flashlight whoa oh I guess I'm just non-existent or is this just actually another hallway is that wait is this one of those moments where that's actually the hallway here or is that completely different no that's weird okay well I can't go back why is there a window here wait that window doesn't make any sense why is the window on the interior of that something's weird here but this is locked so what do I do Oh goobie alright so there's got to be something with the handprints right because there were handprints going up the wall and then there's handprint right here I can't rotate this or anything so there's got to be something around what is it though what is it where are those going alright I'm pressing use them pretty much everything I got over here but there's just nothing to see and I can't go back so what do I do someone please tell me what do I do things don't make sense in this world and yet I'm lost I can't even open this drawer that's supposedly looking like it's important because it's got a handprint on it I've got these weird snow painting here what's going on right there's got to be something here unless I'm just absolutely out of my mind huh books books books books books books books books books books books books books I can't climb up here press B to blow I'm smacking on B I'm really slammed bamming it and it's really doing nothing for me so I don't think B to blow is gonna help anybody here oh well how do you do picked up house key well it was right by the door that I needed it okay well that's awfully convenient alrighty then okie dokie I don't know what to do about that okay no no no no I don't know oh no no no oh hi hello how are you doing ah good excellent oh good excellent ah these are the things that I'm very happy about sir sir sir no thank you no thank you no thank you oh I'm backward goddamnit these goddamn with quick doors I'm not prepared for it I just want to take my time on my doors okay well I'm back you ah music that's a choice okay I got an app full I got an Apple good for me what is that gonna do for me is that good for me I don't know am I just gonna be stuck in a loop is this all I'm doing is I'm stuck in a loop [ __ ] not my fault that didn't scare me at all Boop Amon is snoot you guys have the worst advice I'm not gonna take him out to dinner I'm not gonna kiss him I'm not gonna poop him on his smooth not gonna do any of those things cuz they're terrible ideas and you guys have terrible advice was that always there I don't feel like those were always there before oh good bottle of blood on the pneuma is that ladawna numb middle medkit Oh good good gray gray yeah gray kill it with fire finally some sensible advice out of you guys some sensible honest true advice kill it with fire I've never heard such genius before locked no no make him do the dishes now there's a punishment worth I know now that's a punishment worth doing doing the dishes over and over and I'll make him shower - I'll make him use lots of soap in his shower oh this is not what did what was it this is new I don't know what this is and why this is here oh that's bad that's very clearly bad that a rocking ship rocking by itself is very clearly bad I like it I don't like it at all okay fine then thank you oh all right okay cool all right cool great okay okay fine we're fine we're fine everything's fine I'm panicking over nothing okay alright so this is now the same but it's at our there's no door why is there no door why you would you not have a door oh I don't know I don't like no no no no I don't like that no don't like that all right everything's fine it was all apparently a dream I guess little skittery scattery bastard Crypt crawling all over the floor friggin [ __ ] yeah yeah okay what is what Oh sparking okay well I guess I'm back here again now aren't I so do I just gotta go through the loop again I bet I do sound of a biscuit son of a biscuit let's keep going I just I guess it burn burn everything to the ground okay that's that's pretty good run brave one run don't think I'm showcasing myself and being very brave right now but thank you all the books have been scattered about it's all fine these ghosts are they pull the chair out for me oh I'm so glad about that thank you very much thank you you are so incredibly nice to me whoo that that that is the Pooh pious toilet I've ever seen in my entire life it's like the Hulk was in here and had a bad time oh the Jolly Green Giant wasn't so jolly in here ah should I take a shower in this water I don't know what that's all about they don't like it excuse me I'm pooping this ain't they come in poop time I'm busy I'm very preoccupied ear I'm having an ordeal nope no I don't want that no don't no none of that no I'm like I said pooping gonna be in here for a bit you stay out there I'll be in there okay you stay there I'll be there you stay here you stay there and be here all right cool goddamn poop demons up in this place the walls will ooze green all right that's just silly that barely scared me you guys are I thought these ghosts were more polite than that okay these goddamn poop demons think that they're gonna scare me the answer is a solid maybe oh good grandma the ghost of Grandma still I can't I'm not moving I'm not moving that nope used to be different someone's been around here yeah no kidding this didn't used to be upside down that couch wasn't topsy-turvy and grandmas on the other side no grandma grandma Emma okay all right grandma you stay you stay good yiii okay it was grandma all along I would not be surprised at that idea okay everything seems to be fine [Music] well that loop was uneventful Oh can't move oh it crashed okay is that the end oh you can't end it like that oh come on oh don't do that gosh darn it oh god damn it don't do that oh don't do that oh god damn it Oh Frick that was such a good game but that was a demo of that game that was called unbridled horror and damn it that was so good oh man I'm disappointed but I've got more game for you here I'm not I'm not over yet I've got more ready just in case those ones went a little shorter than I imagined if you guys remember you remember a game that started a little thing called be to blow and the sequel of this game came out about two years ago and I always meant to get to it and I played the demo I did play the demo of it but I never actually played the full game now think back to where B tableau first came from dungeon nightmares and dungeon nightmares - is here and it's been here for a long time and I always meant to get to it and this one of the other reasons why I like live streams and being able to have more time to do this and not worrying about like recording than editing and then uploading when I can do it all in one we can just shift gears and go straight in to dungeon nightmares - which is exactly what we're gonna be doing now III don't know how much different it's gonna be from the demo but dungeon nightmares was so terrifying hey night terrors pav Warnock turnus I get those all the time the disorder of sleep characterized by a dream of Terramax finding dimensions far worse than a typical nightmare yeah I suppose the problem with night terrors and what makes them scary let's see this burger like blam oh I got no candles I can't be to blow and I have no candles water baby [Music] you walk into a dungeon that's terrifying and the first book you come across is the horrifying tale of water that why isn't moving oh I don't know oh it's very creepy yeah that was that was exactly what I was gonna say yeah that's that's very creepy not sure what to do with it but you come across a book that's water babies and a world of girls what the hell is going on here this is used for drinking is used for drinking it can't be blood who'd have thought it was blood how do I know it's blood just cuz there's blood in it doesn't mean that people drank from it making a lot of assumptions here and they don't like it present m4 map I've got a map oh that's not cool oh yeah this is definitely different than the demo that I played and I remember nothing I remember absolutely nothing about this game what do we got here a little pretty pocketbook oh it's upside down there we go January 20 2008 I will end this tonight even if it means killing myself e Fitzpatrick okay e Fitzpatrick just don't drag me into your plans no idea what to do with a useless bits of old metal but god damnit what happened to my treasure collecting that was my favorite part this was used for drinking blood what about this who's this body used for drinking blood oh boy oh no the chair the terrifying horrifying chair alright that's your way to go back here nah it's all a dead end okay there's got to be some candles here somewhere somewhere in this horrifying place is exactly what we need oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah okay all right I thought that was bad oh yeah that's right that you can't sprint forever I forgot about that I forgot about that oh good blood on the walls oh I forgot about that oh that's not good okay that's fine no I know it's no bueno but we'll get to it we'll get through this together with the power of love and friendship and and love also love lots of love we'll get through this ah no we won't cuz we'll reach a goddamn dead end oh my god are you kidding me Jesus please be nothing nothing okay yeah I will be playing evil within - yeah that is next on my list of stuff to play I will be doing a full playthrough of that as well and yeah it'll be good okay so far so nothing which is good I'd rather have nothing than a whole lot of something but so far so nothing which is good I guess it's waiting for me to get a candle or it's waiting for me to actually like make some progress in this game whereas right now I'm just being a big old idiot and not getting anywhere but nonetheless trying my best here getting pretty far if I could just do what I need to do blood for Gabby's skulls roasting on an open fire oh good a chest oh good open this up do I get treasure nothing absolutely dick diddly I get nothing oh god I can't even take the Bulls anymore imported from China Oh what do I care I don't want to know what's inside why don't you wanna know what's inside oh wait I made it I made it I made it out what do you thought that I would have made it out oh [ __ ] I made it out oh there was a candle to back but it's okay cuz I made it out of the first area oh that's right in the demo you were dropped into the game right away oooh October 31st 11:30 6:00 a.m. which is weird because that's the exact time that it is now someone's here boy all right so we got figure out okay but why though uh-huh okay all right then that's cool but why though it's just uh it's just a shower well I don't know about that because last time I needed a shower I needed a shower a great deal no matter how spooky and scary the things going on around here were oh yeah I remember you I don't remember that okay well that's that's plenty terrifying it's a golden bear must be that's it Fred boys 308 is not my room I you don't know that you don't know that at all 306 is not my room 305 is not my room there's a giant mattress in the hallway I need the key okay I can't answer right now all righty then okay there's an elevator at the end of this hall I'm assuming that I got a drop back down into the dungeon and just kind of hope for the best here but I don't know if I can do it right away I can do it right away okay well good I'll back in I go back down I go okay all right great claustrophobic yeah no joke slam all those doors I just got to wake up everybody in the hallway like hey did you know it's terrifying out here hey donk donk excuse me it's awful you want to help me maybe no okay I see all right run your what I like that level of that level was nice oh now this level this is my level explore the basement for clues what kind of basement is is why did I need to go into a basement in the first place I should look around for clues about this place maybe I should but also maybe I should not cuz that's that's like what I want I guess what I want doesn't matter there's a room over here Oh oh good more skulls perfect love it love it love it love it love it love it love it what is this building I don't know what this building is I have no idea what this building is this building is just super weird and bizarre and I'm good what am I going in a goddamn circle Here I am wow I just went in a goddamn circle because I picked the wrong damn direction okay I saved my stamina gotta remember to be to blow when I got the opportunity to be the blow hello hello oh okay that's fine this corpse is in the basement of the building that I live in apparently totally normal run I'm trying to run you can't run that hard okay I'm trying my best blow the what blow the water I have no idea what you just said it what game is this this is dungeon nightmares too so whereas dungeon nightmares one was a thing and then the demo for dungeon nightmares came out and then I had never really got around to playing dungeon nightmares the full game now I finally have and I'm eagerly awaiting to see what kind of bony bony bony bony Bonino bony Pony pony pony pony pony you're moving nothing special about this skeleton it dick they're very very clearly something special about that moving skeleton about that skeleton that moves get up and walks around [Music] okay okay scissors there's a tooth stuck in this one great okay what do we got here 1993 the trick to survive is to keep moving and the hood thanks om HUD okay all right that's an option oh it's a dead end great okay interesting choice you made there okay that skeletons a little weird huh anything special about this one how does it stay upright how why is it moving why isn't bad the question that you're asking everybody why is it that the question why do you why do you mean whines of moving the rose in the ring okay I'm out of here I don't know why it's no bow oh okay there's no Bower okay all right then I guess I'll go back and go the other way okay hello no okay all right that's how we're gonna be that's how we're gonna play this game the flat iron for a farting the first day of my visit went great today I was told tomorrow would be even better can't wait this is to what this lovely basement is perfectly lovely basement where's the goddamn switch for power I've been where is the switch for power I've been everywhere I haven't seen a switch have I did you guys see a switch did anybody out there see a switch because I thought I didn't see no switch and yet it's saying I saw switches and I definitely did not maybe in this room over here and I didn't look close enough it would be glowing it would have like a big glowing thing on it yeah you guys didn't you guys didn't the power was in you all along I appreciate the confidence boost and I know I'm a no wonderful beautiful shining light in the darkness but it doesn't help me get power to the goddamn thing the famous pipes care Thank You yes I'm aware of the famous pipes care okay I don't think there's gonna be any monsters on the way back so I think this is gonna be near the skeleton you knocked over maybe beat boney I don't think it's be too bony at all I don't think be too bony you missed a room I did oh I did oh you were right I did I did miss a room okay so back this way there's a room that I missed ah and I'm gonna be to blow all up in that room you are correct you are absolutely correct smart person use smart person that's a smart person handsome too beautiful and smart hello Jess yes please give me treasures oh the little girl left her teddy behind again maybe she doesn't like it no room three one three key found find the exit Oh a candle well let me just light this bad boy up shebang and then I've got my B to blow charged up you can't see it right now but if you look behind the me here right here B to blow baby B to blow I'm gonna let that stay there because [Music] [Music] okay all right all right everything's fine didn't scare me at all there's the switch all right got power going everything's good we're happy I'm happy you're happy let's get out of here let's beat up below this place this place can be to blow itself I know it didn't scare me and anyone that says otherwise is just being a goof I didn't even get to be Tablo I think actually I did meet what do you say about myself what did you say about my shelf nope no don't know not no not a thing not a thing nope I'm gonna get to the exit perfectly organ arey everything's great that was quite a vertical I had and we Gucci oh it it's all Gucci baby okay alright then good great okay we did that great good golly gosh we got that under way okay so we got that we're waking up again it looks like grumpy cat who woke up why am I still here I don't know why are you still here why do you need can I say the national anthem again you have the key to room three one three okay well let's go see what's in room three one three can I go take a shower it's just a shower can't really see myself it not right now one's not a good time to shower if anything Emily wants to play Tommy it's a shower when you need a shower how you doing buddy the seat feels warm the first thing I do when I go to a chair is check the ass part for warmth that's what I always look for in my chairs that I observe I really just like to get in there give it a go like sniff it you know just to see if I recognize the person that was once there here let me get a girl sniff of that chair here come on bring that chair over to me oh yeah that's warm all right let me get a good look at that boy okay three one three where would three one three be okay alright 309 three times three one two one one two this is three one three I shouldn't disturb them are you talking about these bars are you talking about three one three from three one two is locked okay what about this one do I see something Oh oh I don't don't know no don't know I don't for the for the record I don't I want to be very clear you think I see something the answer is no I obviously don't that stupid and you're an idiot if you stink you see something and you're dumb just the no brain in you just like me all right three one three Pennywise don't do it please I'm too young penny wise I hate everything about this and the worst part is you guys have to come in with me there's no jump-scare list there's no looking away oh that's a big bear oh there's a big bear well how big bear I feel creeped out just by looking at it talking about is it the blood here let me get a go sniff of the butt part yeah okay all right oh yeah that's warm oh yeah your your butt's warm buddy that creeps me out huh man right about that all right come here something is blocking the door on the other side well what could it be is it warm I don't know good old sip of that jeez all righty then why did I go on here oh that's awful that's the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life oh that's that's awful that is literally the worst you don't like that in any capacity all right well my nightmares are here and I love them so wait let me see I better not you know you might be right about that one you might be right why is this one a staff room staff you don't have the key to this staff room in there no I can't get to it okay yeah okay we just I don't want to turn around I don't trust you guys I don't trust you I don't trust myself I don't trust anything that's happening no I don't like that no I don't like that no I don't like that at all no that's the opposite of what I like I shouldn't disturb them you're right about that you are right 100% about that all right just enough time to go down here and then at noon that the new song drops so check that out it's it's coming out as a video it's got a whole music video proponent to it you guys are gonna love it so I'm gonna just go down here for another few minutes get scared a little bit more and then we've got a awesome song to try to cheer us back up on this horrible Halloween this is where I started yeah no Joe I don't like that one like jump off there can I jump can I jump off there No [Music] maybe someday wait till you get off the elevator find another key and exit great you know what hmm the walls have changed ah weird there has to be more Keys past the there be keep an eye out for secret walls and floors floors 5 6 get that crucifix okay all right that's weird but alright Blanc Blanc Blanc Blanc want want want gimme scare me scare me you don't scare me none of you do captain courageous oh that's an eye that's wonderful I love that the young fur traders bizarre it sees what you cannot okay ominous I like it very ominous alright let's see ooh I don't trust that at all nope don't trust that not gonna go that way peculiar in that that's horrible it's frying air no guillotine over my head this time and candles sure are sparse around here there's a crack on the right side oh god is that maggots whoa sorry I don't want to keep looking at the maggots you know what I don't either okay secret room they're not really secret when there's a ton of these just strewn about feels colder than touch yeah I wonder why oh it's a skull yeah you didn't give me that time I know what you're up to I know what you're on about what's this whoa okay alright that's Wow I've seen them okay well that's ow what the hell might lose that what is the owl painting the painting of oof goodness gracious no need to do that to me the tapestry room right okay this one nah this is a dead end okay dad nd er no switches that I saw no switches that I saw moving on all right goodness gracious this game is spooky alright yo yo yo well game is this is dungeon nightmares - done should have blown it yeah I should have okay it looks really old I don't know if I've ever seen a really young skeleton but I'm pretty sure the my powers of observation in this game are just a little bit above average I am just the world's greatest detective up in here oh my god like a gig I don't I have no idea what to do about that oh my god [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] where am i I'm going down a dead-end I'm dead okay well this has been a fun run what do i do what do i do what do i do god that's not nice okay that's not nice at all screw yourself and your squeaking squeaks won't embrace it you know what I think I won't I think I'd rather not do that can I get my stamina back please can I run at some point would be great but good screaming could stop at any mom that I'd be wonderful okay I think it's getting farther away oh did I oh no I didn't know okay we're good good god is that screaming ever gonna stop to stop go away each I get it yeah there's a zombie chasing me through the halls but really no need for all of this there we go fading down okay here we go don't like that at all it's filled with old rags great good for me buh buh knee what bony bony oh it's bony ain't it Oh bony see something bony bony Pony boat okay so I haven't found the key yet there's another room over here to the left just before this one I'm almost out of time but I can do oh there's no room here okay ah damn it I missed someplace on the way back all right why did you do that why did you do that why boney I can't believe bone easier that's amazing boney I love boney bomi's glades Oh boney woulda bonerific boner fricken boney alright so this game is dungeon nightmares and it's awesome but unfortunately I just ran out of stamina and I just ran out of time it is it is almost noon noon is in one minute and I want you guys to know there is an awesome video coming out at noon made by schmoyoho if you guys haven't seen if you guys haven't seen space is so cool I want to give you a little preview of it right here [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] okay so that video just released I believe it just released on my channel right now and I'm ending the stream right here thank you everybody so much for watching that song is actually about mostly about joy of creation and and a few other games and a few other surprises that you're gonna see the video just got released everybody please go see that give it a like and go subscribe to schmoyoho because they made it they did all the work on it and they are absolutely incredible check it out on my channel that just came out fly like a butterfly Marga bar song if I remix by schmoyoho thank you everybody so much for watching happy Halloween and get ready for more of these live streams whenever I'm able to do them I'm hoping to do them very often for a couple hours like every every day ideally but it's not gonna be every day life gets in the way like that and there's always other projects that I want to work on but in the end more gaming stuff for that so check it out give a like for schmoyoho share it around it's super cool thank you again everybody so much for being here and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye bye bye guys bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,650,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, emily wants to play too, scary games, halloween, horror games, jumpscares, reactions, creepy, creepypasta
Id: gvqvqeHqh_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 56sec (5756 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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