DON'T LOOK AWAY... | Horns of Fear

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hey buddy hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to horns of fear okay let's do this horns of fear for the best gameplay experiences recommend that you play the game in a dark room while using headphones I've heard that before and I was misled down a road that caused me to have a lot of problems with my camera so we're not gonna talk about that and we're gonna okay I guess I gotta hit the skip skip but we're not gonna talk about that a Saturday evening in Jim's son remorse abhorrent oh it's a top down game I haven't played a top-down game like this in ages well I guess technically the RPG horror maker games are top-down but this is different the fridge is empty that's so sad I don't feel like cooking right now I don't feel like cooking I don't feel like cooking all right I like the styling of it that is pretty cool yeah that's not bad alright I'm into you I won't open your menu oh [ __ ] in certain parts of the game the many puzzles etc you must use the mouse to interact Jim will only pick up items if he needs them whenever you need to use an item open your menu and click on the item oh is that the family the family still alive click back okay cool alright I'll take a shower later yeah good use these machines pizza beans so alright thanks a lot bye thank you I guess sit down at your desk to eat alright good I don't have a dining table okay alright then my name is Jim Sundra Nora I'm 36 years old isn't that sad I take care of myself work out every morning avoid eating too much meat i watch Seinfeld every Saturday night such a good show my parents insisted I studied journalism they were right to do so has I'm one of the best in the field me I wanted to become an artiste paint creatures all day long while lighting up you mean lighting up like like in you want to sing like a weed my wife Brenda and daughter Maria's sweet as could be I want for nothing it's your typical well-ordered life but I feel as if I'm floating downriver with barely any nipples just waiting to grow old I need something else on board and that is probably why I'm talking to you right now my old imaginary friend just like all of you you're all my imaginary friend you don't really exist right you're all just in my head right just talking that's something I haven't done with my wife in ages apart from the insults we've slung at each other the last few days well that's not it sounds like you want for something after hitting a wall with me she decided to take Murray to a hotel for a few days to re-evaluate things so I sit here at home kept company by cold pizza and an array of pills to keep me submerged in my own maze-like subconscious oh this guy's the kind of guy that would poster are I am very smart on reddit I've been taking them for a few weeks now ah time to take my pill let's give this one a try that's some good [ __ ] right there hello did i vom or did i do something else hello excuse my rasp I do apologize for calling so late I'm trying to reach Jim's son oh there's a different person I'm trying to reach Jim Sandra Moore the reporter who specializes in the paranormal this is me he how can I help you I miss Oh I'm mrs. Gordon you contacted us last week about your next article on the paranormal it's true there have been rumors about strange things happening in the vicinity since you seem intent on seeing the property for yourself why don't you come right on over tell her I don't over right now we'll leave the door open for you how long be available much longer hmm all right then I'll be over shortly horns ephyra okay I like the music I do like music the music is quite nice yeah he's tripping balls going up to this place this is definitely 207 I know my numbers but nobody's answering huh the door is open they did leave it open for me hmm hello anyone home I don't like the look at this place they got a Salt Rock lamp I can lick that a few times the only thing these computers can do is save data that's it why did we buy so many of these old relics nice art save and data okay cool that's cool this painting is in rough shape the man's face has eaten away by mold but they seemed to love each other regardless is it is it eaten away by mold in real-life roads in the painting a statuette of a cat with a livid glazed gaze glaze glaze huh oh no comment I suppose worms and beetles share a heap of rotting meat this is bizarre this stench is horrific oh hi buddy oh you're alive oh I'm Jim Sanremo the journalist sorry to bother you oh he doesn't seem very accommodating I'll come back later ask about himself you seem concerned about something can I can I help which is not communicating okay I came here after receiving a phone call I don't think he's listening well let's see what's gonna happen could you tell me more about the rumors surrounding this place not like I expected a constructive response have you been on the property for a very long okay don't know why I expect anything you never know that could have sparked an interesting conversation yep okay well frankly I thought you were just a corpse in a wheelchair I didn't even know that you were I still don't over your life that's the face my daughter makes when I take away her phone Matt Matt Matt not official plan nothing unusual this game is pretty cool I like it a lot ah snake equals f hmm now if I know my alphabet f is not for snake o is not for triangle either so fool me once shame on you oh well that's not right oh this is all over the place oh well this is just wrong wrong wrong cross everything oh this is terrible terrible terrible all right someone in the chat remember this like just absolutely memorize this okay okay cool Wow Oh are all these originals a painting of Medusa decapitated by Perseus her gaze has me literally frozen in place okay for some reason the lovely Mona Lisa is making a little nervous oh maybe that's maybe that was why okay the owners clearly have an affinity for painted art yeah and somehow they're able to afford all these multi-million dollar paintings oh I'm giving very uh what was a game called something living nightmares or neverending nightmares I'm getting very never-ending nightmare [ __ ] you [ __ ] you all right that's not it's gonna be Oh ha hi hello oh hi hello I'm the German Ellis Jim Sanremo I got a late night phone call inviting me to come visit I just let myself in Arian Gordon oh yeah I heard some about you you're writing an article about weird crapper whatever rot that's the basic idea oh do you think we're creepy I'm actually more interested in the rumors about this building I'm not here to offend anyone I'm just messing with you man okay so Aryan I take your your phone the Gordon's daughter is that info you using your article for the introduction possibly I don't really like talking about myself IRL to be honest follow me on Twitter if you want to learn more you sound just like my daughter does she like surfing the Deep Web too no anyway I think we're getting outside of the scope of my investigation okay I'm sure you've spotted my dad Joseph in the wheelchair he's an odd man mostly keeps to himself since the accident I see I'm surprised your mother didn't greet me at the door could you tell me about her Diane's pretty overbearing and demand and especially when it comes to my education school it isn't really my jam you know where can I find it most likely in the forest your mom already forgot I was stopping by who knows until she came back from her walk you could look around the area if you haven't already oh I almost forgot hopefully you're not scared of dogs because there's a good chance you'll meet nibble mmm don't worry sweetheart okay I don't like the orchestral swell of music in the background over there let's cut to the chase shall we this was a long time ago the former owners of the mansion the village butcher and her husband I'm gonna get out of that Backson had been living peacefully for several years oh this game is so cool then one day a circus set up not far from the mansion during a visit to the circus the husband met Miranda a beautiful romeny woman who practiced the occult quickly falling in love the pair began meeting late at night at the edge of the lake deep in the woods right next to the mansion to do what but the butcher eventually found out and she was furious the next day when Miranda was expecting to see her beloved once more oh she instead saw the butcher wielding a hefty cleaver above her head oh [ __ ] a single blow tore through the calm night as she lay dying the occultist cursed her attacker along with mansion not long after the husband became very so your mother singing very lovely [Music] how long after the husband became very ill so how exactly does his curse manifest you get this tightness in your rib cage a shadow stretches over the ground trying to grab you then there's the caretaker who's that I'd rather not talk about that I need to know more thanks for the information Ariane okay so the forest belongs to the Gordon family right personally with everything that happened here decades ago I tend to avoid the place especially at night I've got a maintenance man Mr Dedalus he's sort of a handyman takes care of the forest and you can thank em for creating all the mechanisms in the mansion his inventions are fascinating I'd like to check out the woods the only way there is through the lock door at the back of the mansion and just so happens I have the key then please lend it to me let's make a little deal ah yeah I like making deals you find the wooden cow Daedalus made for me Daedalus and then I'll help you a wooden cow I won't try and guess what's so important about it but okay sure no how would you just give it to me why do I have to go running around for a wooden cow oh this is this weird I like it though I tasted this dog food once when I was a kid honestly it wasn't half bad I don't doubt that I guess why is this wait wait no wait wait wait no wait no I don't like what this implies I don't like I do not like nope don't like that implication nope no I don't think that's a good idea right there putting all the pieces in the correct order won't unlock any mechanisms it'll just scar you for life all right is this like the actual myth of the Minotaur this lady put herself in a hollowed-out fake female cow presented her bum bum straight for the opening here a cow a bozo how are you doing and then that's the real story no way that's horrible horrible yeah I went there you like chips do your hair little girl you like chips yeah so I gotta go find a wooden cow but something tells me I really really really don't want to wouldn't go so the order is the symbols right the orders the symbols so everyone remember this so a moon over the valley of the mountains we've got two people with big noses facing back to back we've got sperm and we've got a moon no we've got a Bulls ring like a bull ring like a big old bull ring in the nose we've got moon over the mountain of two valleys we got two big nose people facing away from each other we've got sperm and we've got big old bull ring got it okay everybody remember that don't forget that don't forget that I love this I love this game I love this game I am in love with this game this game is so cool I love this game to be or not to be to be or not to be to be or not to be to be or not to be two old men eating soup they have a deathly complexion yeah they do to obey or not the way the clock stopped at 8:00 that's probably important art if you should plan nothing unusual weird all right okay that's nothing of interest it's a model it's a model of a cheerful clown man I hate clowns yeah it's a it's a model okay oh they appear to be fans of the painter Francisco de Goya and his black paintings in particular Oh somebody added elements to this fusilli piece man there's a lot of like artistic stuff going on here I don't know my art something's missing what's missing I'm not a hundred percent sure what's missing but something's missing okay man okay big holes in the ground I don't have anything to say about that all right okay I'll just move on then nothing weird about this man this bizarre hate everything about this room minute or minute or project soon they will be legion they will spread chaos the state must not survived and the corruption in lies now the note comes with a small key got a small key alright statue it is a slight look of despair good ol mannequin buts doll heads looks to be some kind of mechanism but it needs batteries to work another clown its model of a cheerful clown man I hate your definition of cheerful you must be high as a kite man because this is just weird okay I was watching that clown like a hawk oh well I don't know what those are alright whatever it's so many there's so many different puzzles here so many different puzzles Saturn has a strangely strange notion of fatherly love it was with all the different gods eating their own children that that's a little bizarre that's a little bizarre I gotta admit that's a little bizarre but yeah what the [ __ ] oh I love this surreal 'no sat this game - this is satanic ritual oh i oh this is probably what's tying in to all of those letters from that book like the different versions of it so i don't know what to do with this just yet so i'm not gonna I'm not gonna do anything with it but it's all part of a big puzzle so I don't know what I'm gonna be able to do that the woods extend as far as the eye can see do they now there's a shell casing in one of the pockets of this jacket nothing huge nothing useful huh okay nothing useful yet maybe I might need that Oh God nothing of interest really nothing of interest these beautiful statues nothing of interest they're part official plan nothing unusual nothing unusual it's locked okay oh that's right I need to get the wooden cow before I'm able to do that where was a wooden cow - haven't been everywhere yet I definitely haven't been anywhere this this place is big [ __ ] but I have not been everywhere okay you know this place is really weird right like living in this place is not cool anyway okay alright what the hell the puppeteer looks grim yeah the puppeteer looks grim I see a slot in the middle here alright nothing else to say about that so I'm controlling the movements of a test subject bear all right okay you didn't even see that that was over my face what the [ __ ] something in the bathroom just went horrible I'm sorry you missed that what the [ __ ] all right there was no way that I got a predictor that nice taxidermy work I feel like you could attack me at any second Oh more clowns this'll be me if I keep popping those pills yeah maybe captain the hold is packed with exotic fish and bottles of rum we should weigh anchor before the sea monster pulls us into the deep okay it's not a clue it's a large transparent sheet that reads Henry Fuseli Macbeth 1793 I'm gonna need this apparently I'm gonna need this print burn sheet this fish tank could use a lot more care waters green and the dead fish floating on the murky surface don't want to stare this bed too long I'm tired as hell cute dog my daughter would love to have one like it well why did you go over to this place in the dead of night yeah the exact same rocking horse as a kid is that a clue that a clue exact same wear on yours is like something about your childhood is that some weird thing about that oh maybe I can actually know I can get down there okay all right then there's a slimy liquid at the bottom of the bathtub god it stinks nasty set of dentures in the think I think I could use it for something really you think you could use dentures for something maybe give the old man some dentures I can't make much out in this dim light okay good to know oh this is so weird it's like it's just like a bizarre haunted oh hey hey hey I found the fun room all right a bonsai in an old photo stand on this dusty piece of furniture all I'm gonna find them is better suspicious stains hey I ain't complaining about nothing knows his business Dane's hmm hmm something's vibrating in whose arm wha I don't even want to know you may not but I do hmm a bedpan that's a little weird all right here's a painting I like now this I like this all right it's an old handheld radio the batteries inside could be useful what the [ __ ] it's kind of got like also a resident evil vibe to it no that's a lie that's a lie wait what the hell where am I could this be from one of the pills I took earlier hi hey there how you doing my name is markiplier how are you avenge me what hey listen here my head ally Wow I love it I love it I love it I love it I love everything about it I love this game this game so cool let's go so [ __ ] cool all right so we got dentures I'm thinking if we give them to the old man the old man will suddenly be able to make some kind of logical sense is there a hole a dog why are you donning like that huh Monalisa hey do you do anything about it okay hey old man that looks like a corpse I got some dentures do I need to actually like you dentures hands the dentures to the old man perfect okay gross Oh I am sorry I enabled that I am I deeply regret everything I did make that happen he fell asleep with a full stomach oh did he oh he did oh that's cute oh that's adorable oh oh but I can go in here now that's that's real nice okay nothing of interest don't wanna stare at this bed too long I'm tired as hell everything's normal here hunky-dory the loo dude I can see some wooden items behind this old rotten door the wooden cow is there let's try this caboose key sweet I don't know why I went oh okay don't know why wind come out a key come at a cabaret scene there wooden cow great okay something Bad's gonna happen down here let's prompt hey what boy don't show me your teeth Oh touchdown Oh die matter baby what I'm zipper do it oh my god oh my god my head oh my god no oh I'm here okay I'm good all right okay I shouldn't have stuck around so much huh down I'm so surprised oh hi old man Oh again my head what about this old man okay I don't know what about what's what what do i do what do I do really yeah show me [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you game I could have I was I was pressing down I was oh darling you got a really that's gonna trick him that tricks him really that trick some that trick some that tricks him Oh old man you just got into bed in the how did you wait how'd you get your wheelchair down here what the hell oh man you're just gonna go to bed I guess the old man he's sleeping peacefully I bet he is I just bet I bet he is oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hey wait a minute hey wait a minute I didn't sign up for that that's not right I'm sign up for that or that or that wait do I have anything to say about these clear I have an affinity for painted art you know I love Leah Mona Liz is making me a little nervous okay all right pour is gonna move on it pretend like that ain't nothing no don't split my head open oh my god press faster left no and dirt left oh I did it Oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh jeez the nice dinner oh the doors damned on me save I guess all right Wow um okay yeah I'll the lovely dinner got all SQUOZE okay nothing to say about it though and nothing to say about what just happened we're just gonna mosey on like nothing happened or she's gonna move forward and continue on with our life because that's what we do here now was the name is game horns of fear where's Ariana I hope she's safe I need to find her yeah well you know the old man didn't seem too worried about its whoa ah plus the Poochie so that's the guy who attacked me plus the Poochie there okay but what did I get okay the question is what I got I have the wooden cow and I need to find her so let me see if I can go find her I'm gonna check the other rooms over here and then I'm gonna go up maybe in one of these rooms maybe in this room although she probably shouldn't be in this room maybe in this room oh there she is hey did you see a murderous face ripping [ __ ] or honey er Aaron are you okay did did you see the caretaker Christ sick that was the caretaker he tried to kill me he shouldn't have gone the cellar he's really angry now I'm scared and my dog's nowhere to be found I'd like to have him with me you could have warned me I only went into the cellar to get your stupid cow sorry here's the key I promised okay the carrots taker seems close to your father yeah he washes over Joseph I don't know why you never told the authorities about this the caretaker can disappear into the shadows how do you catch something so elusive cops can't do anything about a curse and they wouldn't understand anyway can't you just leave the mansion if only it was that simple I have to get to the bottom of this anything else I should know if you go into the woods be sure to stay on the path there's tons of traps in the tall grass mr. Daedalus sent them to catch animals hmm okay so that was the caretaker huh okay fine by me Oh dead load Andy let's go I don't know where we're gonna go okay so I've got I've gotten out like two key things one of this is like a windy whoo batteries a normal key some trigonometry and emotive photo of my family no nope nope we just need to go back there [ __ ] [Music] okay was there something over here there was something with that painting of the finale guy the fennel Allah the Fenella Lilla the the full Allah Allah the fillol Aloha this guy okay fusilli I have a fusilli something Jim must correctly place a plastic sheet over the painting ah okay so alright so these guys wait oh wait this triangles in there oh wait there's triangles in their hands right here ooh what does this mean I don't know what this means what does this mean okay what does this mean okay Oh a d4 ah four d f-- d 4 I think d4 okay d4 got it okay well I got that and I know d4 now that's real handy that's handy dandy okay these needed batteries okay he's batteries so put batteries in there use the batteries to get the mechanism working okay now what does it do hate it oh I hate it oh wait XIV according to the book that need a certain a certain like thing there so okay are they just letters oh man they're all the letters okay that's weird okay so I don't know this just yet ah but it is telling me the clue okay so we're gonna go back to the book in the main area we're gonna look at this and we're gonna come back here so XIV oh it already opened it so remember it was mountain over moon well I don't Oh b c d e f g h i j k okay so b c d e f f is it gonna spell [ __ ] okay it was this one and then it was two big noses okay JK's so FJ f j sperm FJ b c FJ b c FJ b c FJ b c i got FJ b c hell yeah hell yeah FJ b c FJ b c o FJ b c o FJ b c we got this FJ b c oh yeah we got this FJ p c FJ b c FJ b c we got this FJ you and me FJ b c we got this oh yeah FJ b c FJ p c FJ b c FJ b c FJ b c stands for fun jolly big [ __ ] that's me that's what they call me FJ b see mr. fun jumping away okay I hate that I hate that even more hello it's a model of a cheerful clown has this ass gaped wider to know okay thank you I've got a Libra thing I'm not a Libra but okay I can't use it here all right well I have that maybe I could fit that in the slot with like the octopus or something and this was d4 so I gotta remember that everybody remember d4 better but no balloon around okay token in the blue in the pot because they got checked hey couldn't you shut it okay if I couldn't put that in I can definitely put the token and an octopus thing D for blue oh that's a good point D for blue D for blue D for blue to call and put the coin in the slot it's perfectly hell yeah it does okay oh okay so we should oh wait nope the pirate the message there was a message here this was it no it was up here that's right wait hang on captain the hold is packed with fish and bottles of rum we should weigh anchor that is pirate fish bottle anchor that's what that is pirate fish bottle anchor red red blue red red red blue red pirate fish bottle anchor red red blue red pirate fish bottle anchor pirate fish bottle anchor red red blue red pirate fish bottle anchor pirate fish bottle but that's not red red blue I find Poseidon what a Poseidon Poseidon there that guy no that's Jupiter that's Jupiter paws are down policy isn't it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I'm gonna put it down here oh I hate that oh that's the worst thing I've ever seen oh that's awful that is [ __ ] up on every level [Music] okay so I did pass it without Saturn this one is for this Buzzard I got a Taurus alright I got that okay so I got the Taurus and Libra things and I've got this windy thing but I've got the key to the front door so I might as well just her the Forester so I might as well go up there even though that's probably gonna end in my death yeah okay I wasn't paying attention to that okay the woods extent is about weird about that totally fine all right it's all good it's locked well good thing for me I've got a key so I'm gonna just put that bad boy in there and I'm gonna be on my way hey buddy the crazy guy lurking around things are heating up for once and I'm not gonna throw in the towel okay all right well maybe you don't remember but I remember your face getting split in half many times oh something's missing ah so this needs the the the the the plates probably go here so if I can put them here tablet use tablet use right so I've got those better not spell out another lady getting [ __ ] by a bowl again oh no it's gonna look at this that Bulls giving the this the lady the sexy eyes none of that no yes you've been bad you don't be bad don't be bad anyway we got to find out where okay what about this thing we don't really know this one okay so is this one d 4 d 4 before blue is that what this is but there's also this gargoyle I'm not sure which oh never mind okay okay so then the only thing that's left is there's got to be something that this uh this windy tool goes to the clock that might be that might need a winder hand let's try that clock stopped at eight let's try the winding eight oh that's not infinity that's an eight okay don't like it which I didn't do it okay well I got the tablets so that was good hey I'm making good progress that's the thing about this game it seemed daunting at first but I'm making good progress real real real real real jolly progress there you go please don't spell out bestiality well just that easy huh okay doesn't look like it's spelling out bestiality but I don't like the way that bull's looking at that lady I don't like it but everything's okay so far alright here we go come on oh no he's stuck in a trap but it's still moving save it save the doggie what he can't be [Music] oh no I can't leave it suffering I can't let it suffer I can't I can't let it suffer oh I'm gonna cry oh I cried you couldn't leave it just like their if it can't be saved I believe it like oh no I hate that okay stop it god damn it stop it okay this is carry on cuz uh hi how you doing hello I'm Jim Sam Rimmer a journalist Shh see it what are you talking about that little bastard of a squirrel he's driving me up a tree squirrel meat is a more distinct flavor than rabbit or chicken it's a real treat forgive me I forgot my manners I'm mr. Daedalus pleased to me miss Jim Morrison Jim Morrison wait I thought the crazy guy was mr. Daedalus it's Sandra Moore Jim Sandra Moore okay traps you don't think maybe you've set me too many traps somebody could get hurt or Ariens dog could get caught in one of them but wait like [ __ ] you man don't tell me the dog oh poor thing we shouldn't tell area and what really happened Oh whatever you do stay on the trails oh oh you [ __ ] it was you you [ __ ] douche goddamnit [ __ ] you the forest is crawling with all manner of beasts I don't think anyone will mind if I harvest a few to prepare delicious meal for myself anyway our carved wooden figurines representing the animals I kill it's a way of giving them thanks you killed a cow out here what you also carved a wooden cow for air in that's right we had a cow a few years ago an Arian loved it so was an accident I swear a lot of accidents seem to happen around you man what's the story behind all the mechanisms in the mansion the Gorton's are quite fond of puzzles in all forms being creative I thought to provide a number of puzzles for them to solve still it's a little inconvenient having to find several tablets just to go into the forest that's a special key that allows you to unlock each puzzle if you're in a hurry hmm that doesn't help much tell me about your employers - gave me plenty of leeway on most things the mechanisms are traps have you noticed anything odd about them I suppose you one thing juicy details or get this Diana Diane keeps lovers she takes them on nighttime strolls through the woods ending up in the old cabin east of here considering the screams I sometimes hear it wouldn't surprise me if they were into sadomasochism you've been a real help you've been a real help buddy mind if I take your shovel need to bury the dog dead rodents okay you know mr. Dedalus I do not like you not at all this game is good at creating a narrative that suddenly gets me invested in something I didn't think I was gonna get invested in I mean I really didn't man what is this oh oh this is important okay - ding - shh-shh remember that good all mechanisms I sure do love up puzzle he told me to go east so I'm gonna go east first and then I'm gonna go wherever I'm gonna go toe Dangs dang Oh string equals two trumpets okay well this is what I needed but okay can i click on this nah can't even click on this okay that's this instructions but guitar equals two trumpets all right I'm sure oh like what the [ __ ] okay I guess it's just that's it then all right thank you for the helpful info oh really why did I do what do I do am i easy oh my god oh my god why do I do why did that happen and I'm fine [ __ ] your game alright guess that's it then Oh what is this oh I don't know this puzzle okay so I can't go here I can't go into the BDSM Shack just yet I gotta go probably north to do the musical puzzle of some sort I guess oh wait no you're totally right about that you're totally right the the shapes right you're so right there's something buried here I need a tool to dig it up can I get air shovel you're totally right the musical symbols were connected to those things right the sounds were associated with the shapes there were shapes around that tree I get it now okay you're totally right and by that I mean I'm totally right I knew that all along you all are dumb and you just are leeching off my wisdom I am the bat no this envis and actually my intelligence to yelling at you remotely think is the moat and tire existing okay so two wearing mango two circles so it's elusive circle air truck triangle Circle Square Circle it's incredible it is unbelievably and unkind and easing in any oh other amazingness and without me but unable to even wipe your own ass okay hoot Tang from ting all right good nothing there all right well it seems like a lovely place a painting of the scourge of Carpathia all right who lit this fire by the way a thick layer of dust covers the mirror all right sitting in the old chair here no okay nothing of interest nothing of interest all right Oh tic-tac-toe oh it's one of these puzzles oh I'm usually pretty good at this ordinarily I've been known to go to the grocery store there we go hello what are you I'm guessing this is just an OCD and what is that that I just got some kind of crucifix thing a brooch Oh count legends chapter JV let me move my screen here Caleb like his Pierce was deprived of everlasting peace while wandering the arid land of damnation the demons gaze met that of a beautiful woman despite Caleb's monstrous appearance she fell under his charm damn didn't turned for offering her sold Caleb the young woman now had to eat human flesh in order to survive with a dying breath she brought two children into the world a girl and boy Caleb left his children near a family of carnies and then disappeared all right Caleb sound like a dick bought okay whatever you say oh my god I was that heart attack sorry I'm a bit on edge at the moment who are you and what are you doing yeah I'm Jim Sandra Moore you must be Diane you called me earlier did you forget not at all I but I fell asleep and I woke with a start and I heard you alright okay what's the deal with the caretaker he tried to slice my throat in your cellar you mustn't go down there that's where the caretaker brings my husband to rest they have some sort of connection but that's all I know we could ambush him when he's in the cellar you think we haven't tried that thing can go through walls and vanish in the dark it's not uncommon to see objects which places are shadows making obscene gestures on the walls I'm sure we'll eventually go mad but we take that risk and remain in this manner that costs so many sacrifices I read some of your articles on the paranormal and thought perhaps you could help us I'm not a ghost bus or anything but I won't turn down a lively how lively investigation I'll see what I can do okay the forest is gorgeous but also a little dangerous with all those traps the traps are the work of our maintenance man I can't complain the meat is excellent okay you know all this is the fault of the occultist [ __ ] who put a curse on the area before dying the [ __ ] the god damn [ __ ] Aryan told me about it she didn't hear this sordid tale until you moved here you can imagine the real estate agent wasn't about to share those details and I must admit we've got the property at a competitive price that's so funny though last question where is the body of the occultist she's resting near the lake seeing as she's the source of all these problems I'll go take a look there good I have a few things to attend to now watch yourself ah righty-ho thank you for all your help there are cockroaches on this mattress Xavier d-wade uh-huh Xavier D John W Felix Kjellberg Kevin L mark EF me Sean Mahalo and mark bababa I don't know hmm dine locked door binder the weirdo what is the point of that note I mean it's got cool but what's the point of the notes just a hit list it's the grandmas coming to get me that's pretty creepy though pretty creepy gotta admit a little creepy alright so I gotta go get the shovel from the caretaker to dig up the remains of the lady so I gotta go get the shovel dig up maybe I need to go to the lake first just to like so we can go like Arnie there's a shop over this so you know you never know what those things so I'm gonna go up there I don't see that you love you love Shawn me too man there's something buried here I need a tool to dig it up I've got a tool right here me I'm the biggest tool there is can I steal your shovel I'll just take it then I guess yeah anything new to say nope okay bye anyway did you know that the grandma takes also she has lovers I don't not not discrediting like elderly people having sex but just like from the screams I don't think she would be too energetic to BDSM her way through various lovers so I'm certain that she was probably eating them according to the hint there and she's probably the butcher's wife if I'm gonna be perfectly honest she's probably the butcher's wife and this is actually the [ __ ] that uh that is her husband was with I need a duel well I got a duel right here we go put that right in there yeah bones you say I don't feel so good it looks like part of his collars Minh his his his his color I thought you said this was the hue I'm sorry I did that I forgot that did Miranda need that to rest in peace [Music] hi hello how you doing I'm gonna dodge who are you ain't gonna give me I know I know whoa Oh come on out oh [ __ ] it's going down oh it's going [ __ ] down let's get this over with oh yeah [ __ ] oh I've been waiting for this my whole life you go back to get [ __ ] up oh you bout to get [ __ ] up Oh get Oh I'm gonna whomp you out [ __ ] I'll get ready to get oh oh wait no ow [ __ ] Oh what the [ __ ] I don't think okay oh wait no I know I know I got a dodge the attack first and then hit him huh yeah okay I got dodge miss me [ __ ] oh yeah you you want to hit me but you can't oh you know you want you missed me miss me now you want to kiss me um come here come here you bastard oh you [ __ ] I'm gonna slap the [ __ ] I'm just gonna take a lot longer than I suspected it was gonna but I'm gonna get you oh you you think oh you don't think oh you think you don't think oh yeah yeah as a kiss for good luck there Oh oh wait um Oh this place again the caretaker disappeared but I doubt a shovel is enough to get rid of them okay some kind of computer huh weird nope okay well that's a long hallway but what's over here huh what's over here oh go down it okay I'll go down it oh there we go then I guess I'm going down it Oh hate it no never mind don't want to be here I changed my mind about everything don't know why I'm here I don't hi Miranda you need my aid huh am i trippin my brother whom you call caretaker and myself we are special all right the shadow of our father the demons Kaleb flows through our souls the caretaker why does he want to kill me he's charged with protecting my remains as well as my love Joseph Joseph also husband to the butcher the one who murdered you by the lake yes his soul is damned because he loved me daughter if a demon you must feed on human flesh to survive the butcher Diane brings Joseph the meat he requires ah so I was right so as I Anna murdered you one of Diane's lover is about to be sacrificed save him but how return to the cabin why didn't you just ask your brother to kill Diane she was near the talisman that protects her to some degree as my brother is recovering from your confrontation he will have to deal with Diane yourself Oh Oh Oh I must return to the cabin I guess I must do that I'm on the way baby here to finish this once and for all just a lively investigation for me an everyday occurrence one that I care nothing about here we go baby I'm coming for you get ready for a face full of [ __ ] this fist I'm gonna get you good long road to go I like it maybe I started maybe I started talking a little too early there but I'm coming for you baby you you think the dog Diane you think you just go around calling people [ __ ] that's no good that's no cool get ready for a face full of [ __ ] this fist I'm coming for you baby okay forgot that there was another turn there are time on the way baby I'm come for you you're gonna get it well I'm here okay alright well okay alright Diane here comes the pain train ready to give you a face full of [ __ ] this fist we're coming for you baby whoa whoa help me I beg you oh okay Jesus did Diane do this to you she's insane I'm not the first one she's tortured she cut up a man with the saw in the bathtub in the mansion I fell into the clutches of the devil I'm getting you out air the box controls a torture device use it to free me okay nothing of interest all right how you doing buddy help me I beg you okay nothing of interest okay Oh oh ah oh [ __ ] okay oh God okay okay that does a lot okay oh there we go I got 70 there okay got that that's good duck down down yeah [ __ ] Clark there's literally no pressure but I feel so much pressure there we go got it oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] ah [ __ ] what have you done mr. sunroom or you had Miranda's talisman for production and yet you still tried to use me to make the caretaker go away even though he protects your husband he still wants to get rid of you to avenge your sister here that Joseph the journalist is beginning to understand you're a bunch of freaks Oh Joseph Oh No oh don't worry I'll take care of our guests I'll call the police you screwed your backed into a corner Jim there's no escape I'm gonna bleed you like a pig and Joseph will drink your blood come here oh my god what have they done is the police open up oh no [Music] so after taking drugs you went to the hotel where your wife and daughter were staying to kill them you're in deep [ __ ] mr. son or more tell me this is a nightmare I thought I'm gonna wake up soon my wife and I had our differences but for me to kill her I don't believe that it's too terrible ask about the pills where did you get the drugs oh now I'm here someone wearing a motorcycle helmet delivers pizzas to me the pills are slipped inside the pizza box with the pills of any particular marking they have horns printed on them he said something about a mansion I had to go to the Gorton's mansion to pad my article on the paranormal it seems so real Arianne yet de tolosa and the others I couldn't make all that up did this dad Lowe's make a wooden cow yes how did you know that I'm asking the questions here you ingested the so-called Minotaur drug it's the latest blight we're trying to eradicate those who take it become minotaurs themselves the worst labyrinths are not the ones made of stone rather those within ourselves you grappled with all of the Daedalus as riddles but air Arianne most certainly lent you a way out it was all a fantasy the drug is also known to make users highly aggressive lost everything why would anyone invent [ __ ] like that to create chaos and confusion in our society spring you back to yourself we can continue this discussion in a while later oh hi hello even here in my cell you haunt me but I'm not afraid anymore in a few hours the drugs effects will subside subside and you'll disappear I no more real than you are Jim your existence is an illusion you're nothing but lines of code confined to a program are you telling me this now are you trying to drive me crazy your story's almost over Jim it was time for you to know the truth you're the object of certain gazes like an immense face covered in eyes they watch your movements closely they take pleasure in your trials and tribulations I was designed as your tormentor to entertain them does my weapon not remind you of anything [Music] cynical wouldn't you say when all this is over Jim some will easily forget you like so many other fictional characters that's bull I won't listen to you I'll take away your skepticism by connecting you to you one of the players oh oh stop it stop it you'll stop it let me out oh boy oh well here I am again [Music] okay oh where oh oh [Music] Oh [Music] oh wow it was all a nightmare hahaha just a [ __ ] nightmare I know you can still hear me the pills not here anymore I took that crap as blood spatter in the photo of course as blood you just banged your head on the table did I kill my family you're still hallucinating you throw up that pizza and then fell asleep that's all she's not answering the phone calm down you think you killed them and came then came back to finish your slice of pizza come on don't be stupid get on my head I didn't want to know what really happened I'll go back to the hotel where my wife we're still going what the [ __ ] this time I won't make the mistake of leaving without my gun no don't what wait what don't take a gun that sounds bad don't don't do that but take a shower later you Jim you're in a loop don't bother stay here with me Seinfeld's on tonight come on ok ok I don't feel like cooking right now fridge is empty oh it's all the same thing I said before [ __ ] can I stay with you what I felt alright anyway so yeah ok Miranda Miranda ha ha Kabir Kabir Kabir it was just a poster Oh last show does it penis ferno's was oh you're completely lost all mixed up I'd rather not be in your head oh but wait hahaha I don't find that funny let me move move if you continue the story will end in the loop we'll start over again go back to your apartment oh don't I'm not someone's puppet let me go believe me there's nothing good for you further on I've made up my mind let's play a little game then Jim ha ha ha ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh ok I'm moving woof aah all right Oh Oh God right I don't want to shoot cuz you know just in case but here we go okay here's a fun game oh that's oh wait wait wait Oh with the numbers important probably oh oh okay green and purple that's what I'm gonna be looking for oh I see okay I got you green and purple okay green and purple green purple 1524 there we go [Music] okay I think I'm doing it Oh point goodbye hahaha Jim why well that's cool I love the ASCII event they got there you're condemning us both to relive these events for eternity this is all in my head is it 2 1 7 after a car ride lasting a few minutes I introduced myself to the receptionist to find out my wife's room number the doors open Brenda I I love you [Music] [Music] we all that was a handmade what if some of it was handmade [Music] wonderful game wonderful stories super confusing at the end but I think it's by design like I it's supposed to be by design he's trapped like he wasn't lying is trapped like in in a in a maze of his own design inside his own head like that's that's the truth of it but that's such a good game it was so fun from start to finish it was scary but then it was funny too it just was entertaining it just kept me going that was such a good game though such a good game oh it was so good [ __ ] I'm putting this on YouTube [ __ ] this is so good that was so good for every part of that was good [ __ ] [ __ ] yup just so good I give no complaints about it I have no complaints none I've no complains about that god that was fun god I want more God good God who like koala what was it koala something that made it [ __ ] so good it's Ben's Oh Jim your ordeal doesn't end here someone will inevitably start a new game inception horn blah Oh Doh at pick so all I'm going to follow at pixel all right [ __ ] now that was such a good game just oh my god everyone go fall a pixel wall everyone tweeted pixel wall up like such a good good game so thank you everybody I'm like I love this I love this 100% I love this I love this absolutely love this straight-up no joke loved it developer make more games like this maybe there were multiple endings maybe there were multiple endings maybe there were and that's awesome if there were but thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down the comments below and as always I'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,746,098
Rating: 4.9627285 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, horns of fear, scary game, horror game, scariest game, best horror game, funny horror game, reactions, jumpscares, jump scare, jumpscare game, markiplier scary games, markiplier horror
Id: Tn0JMIbjobg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 55sec (4555 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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