3 FNAF Fan Games

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"What are you a CHICKEN?!"


👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/MySaltIsExposed 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Five Nights at Ronald's? ... Ooh, so many feels.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/CrappyTheCat 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh boy here come the moon man jokes

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sambonzi 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like how he complained that he just wanted to "play the game" during the Fredbear and friends part, then he quits literally a minute before the gameplay starts

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Jakedman21 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2018 🗫︎ replies



👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ImYourAverageMemer 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

/u/Official_Moonman how it feels to br in a fnaf game

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/moronicmoro 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

The only important one here is Fredbear and Friends Reboot.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I want Mark to play DSaF 2, and if he wants to, the first one, too!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BufuuEgypt 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
Wait, has Chris died yet? CHRIS! CHRIIII-(jumpscare) Hello everybody, My name is Markiplier, and welcome back to even more Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Games Now in the last episode I did of this, I mentioned that there are tons and tons AND TONS of Five Nights At Freddy's fan games. And I didn't even scratch the surface of the good ones out there. So I got a few more here for Youuu... ...That I think you're gonna like OR MAYBE THEY'RE CRAP {Danciplier dancing to static-y upbeat music playing} Ah... ...I hate it! OH, I HATE IT! WoOoAh, I hate it! Wo-WOAH! I hate it, I broke it! ...BROKE IT! HooH, BROKE IT! Welcome to, uh... Five nights at... ...McDonalds, or something. MACTONIGHT! Five Nights At MacTonight! This is by the same guy that made... Uh, Five Night At Treasure Island Heh.. It's shift tonight Local McDonald's restaurant in need of a security guard to work night shifts through the week due to odd behaviors going on over nights. The McDonald's recently as well having a new set of animatronic characters that as well need to be maintained Salary includes $20.50 an hour Not bad Okay...haha that was deafening Night One!! I have no idea I can't make any testament to the quality of this It is highly rated, but that might just be because it is exceptionally meme-y I don't know We're gonna find out OHHHHHH Oh beautiful... Oohh I luve Mickey D's Oh hi... Hello friend! {Female Answering Machine: you have one new message} {Female Answering Machine: to listen to your messages press 1} ONE DING BING BONG ONE!! May I...? {Female Answering Machine: first new message} Ohh {Chrisy: G'day G'day, this is Chrisy. You may remember me. I'm the manger at the... I'm the manger here this Macker's.} {Again I'd just like to thank you for takin' the night shift job seein' as how no one else would} {This position is very deeply important to all of us here, especially by all the uh... "events" that took place at night...} {...concerning the collection animatronics} {We mostly think it's vandals breakin' in and tampering with them} {Seeing as how in the mornings, we would find them out of place from time to time} {So thanks to you, we can now make sure that doesn't happen again} {These animatronics are new and expensive and they're our only source of making new money here} {So please....} *Intense static* Whu uh? {...new mascot back tonight, which has recently been in the McDonald's commercials for promoting food} {You may have heard of him.. or not, but that doesn't matter right now} {These animatronics are sensitive to sound. So basically, if it's too quiet, they will think something is going on} {We aren't super sure, but just in case} {We aren't super sure, but just in case we have a sound system in Mc's that usually plays music throughout the day} {So if anything happens, just play that sound enough so it can walk away} {We aren't expecting em' to behave in such a way...} *Intense Static* {way... because of it being night, so you would expect them to be shut off} {If the sound system corrupts at all, that panel above you should be able to fix it} {We connected it around the building in case of any emergency, but can take time to repair} {To your left there is also a drive through window } {You obviously know what they're used for} {It is important as it is an entrance of advantage point for anyone who attempts to break in} {So if you do happen to see anyone there at all, try activating some sound through the speaker box inside} {You know, where people talk through to order their food} {But anyway, that all I think that about all you need to know for the night} {So I'll see you in the morning} What the FUCK is happening at this McDonald's?!? And also w- god! Everything blinking in here hurt my eyes What is happening? I don't know Mr. Mac-Man! That's doing nothing. That's...that's doin- I don't know what that does That seems to do nothing as well! And then we got the big purple monster, which was just like my phobia as a kid I hate that fucking purple monster OK well... We got problems he- OHHH That's a BIG problem Hi Mister Mmmmbbbuh...Eating Tonight Man That's not working It's not working Uh, it's not working Alright well, we got... We got...bbb-we got issues We've got, hoo we got issues Ok well, Alright Feel like I am going to die soon Probably How are you here already? I don't know what hughhhh It's broken? Is it BROKEN? It's BROKEN! Ok, my speakers are broken AHHHAAAAH I don't know, Imma die Imma di- Imma die Okay, alright, wait hang on *Jazzy Mark* Hey! For that great taste! Get that Big Mac! Uh drink down with some diabetes! That's very close to where I am, I think I don't know for certain, but it's a problem I know it's a problem... a very bi- *Jazzy Mark* For the great taste! Gotta heat the ventilators Ohup, kay. He is by the bathroom, that's probably not good. So what do I heh Oh he moved. Okay he Moved He MOVED H-he MOVED? UHoh.. He MOVED Where did he MOVE to? *Jazzy Mark* For that great taste! I'm in trouble Oh no he's not gone. He's by the bathro-he's inching closer He is legitimately inching clo- what am I...? For that great taste! Ohhhh shhi- HEY WAIT HEY WOOH LET'S TALK ABOUT- *Manly Mark Scream* Okay... You wanna...you wanna run that by me again? You wanna Uhhh, you wanna run that by me again? You wanna....uhh, you wanna run that by me again? What the hell? Let's try that again I guess, I have no idea! I have no idea what I was supposed to do! I was fiddlin' diddlin' with the speaker and nothing was happenin' I was fiddle diddlin' as hard as I could fiddle diddle Three, Two, One: let's - Oh that great taste! Okay Man, I don't even remember what McDonald's did the b-m... eat late commercial bullshit thing Hor he great taste! What's that other asshole do? What? NO Is it cause I'm lookin at other... I'm sorry if I'm looking at other cameras and making you upset man I don't know... I don't know what you want from me bro Your eyes are not ok Ah god, it broke again didn't it!? God.Damnit.It.Breaks.Too.MUCH God, I-I love these themed ones I love the themed ones like Just like, for some reason it's just they want to make McDonald's scary WHY ARE YOU MOVING I was telling you about that GREAT TASTE! For that great taste... Go Back! Go Back >:( Godamnit! He just left! Whu-da *Manly Mark Scream* WHAT THE FUCK But I was giving him that Great Taste! I don't know what I'm supposed to doooooo Nope, it, they- they, it.. it-it told me that if something happens and this-this fucko starts wandering I'm supposed to tell him about That Great Taste And other than that just Well fuck me, ya know? Just fuck me, I don't know There's nothing to be done about at Just nothin to be done Nothing to be done You- Deactiv- deactivate? What did... What did- *Manly Mark scream* WHY IT'S NOT MACTONIGHT?! WHAT DO I DOO? What do I do hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hooo? Tit sprinkle my butthole- What am I supposed to do? Foohr that great taste Foohr dat great taste For that gurhuh For the uhuhgu For that gruhguh huh taste For that greasy taste From dat grlemz zlzlmpth Flibble that gleepy flump Flurp that glample Floorb the glazue flabel Flurp that glamlayboosh It's going so slow I- I mean I think OH HI MAC MAN MAC MAN...IN THE WINDOW... DRIVUH No UHHHHH I'M GONNA DIE!!!! OH I'm not dead? I guess I'm not dead I thought I was dead Turns out... Not dead OHH THAT'S A PROBLEM I...DUH GUH...GO FLUH uh, f- AHH UH Okay I get it I understand now I get it, I just got it I'm supposed to do that "For That Great Taste" when he comes in Cause he can come in at any point I understand it now We are of an accord Mr. MacTonight I now know what is it of the thing that I am to do Someone buy me a button and... You-you are, you have come to make me MacTonight? I do not like anything about that sentence There is not a single word in that sentence that I like Come- To- Make- Tonight- Mac's okay, but everything else- not good I'm still a little worried, I haven't... I don't know if my theory is true or not But now that I'm not so worried I think that we're all gonna be ok and I should get through this night OH THAT'S A PROBLEM... For That Great Taste It worked It worked! It's for true! It worked! It worked! It works! Okay... Where did he go..? I know this is dangerous for me to just look around for him Oh he's up... I saw him He was creepin' out on the stairs Which is fine Yeah, drive away. Is that what they call it in wherever the hell this person's from? Uh - oH HEY - for that GREAT TASTE! Five A.M. baby! Five A.M. it's almost morning, it's almost time for breakfas- ooOOH "Speaker: For that great taste!* Do NOT come to make me MacTonight because it's almost morning and that's when breakfast's served and you don't have ANY place at my breakfast!! One of the hardest orders for McDonald's- to get for me - and yes I'm going to gripe about a McDonald's order - is when I want a sausage McMuffin with egg whites- because every time I ask for that they put white cheddar on it- and I want the REGULAR American cheese- because I hate myself but they keep puttin' the white cheddar on there- with the egg whites for some reason they won't *stumbles* let those two go seperate They won't - ooHH! Time for breakfast!! They won't do it- I don't know why- I keep asking every time I'm like: "I just want the egg whites with the American cheese-! I don't like the taste of the white cheddar-! I like white cheddar by itself-!" BUT THIS ISN'T THE POINT! *Knocking* *Mark sighs because life's too hard* Game Voice: Come in! Mark: Come in? What? *sqeeeeeeek* (confused Markimoo) *Door squeaking open* Game Voice #1: Ah! Chris! What can I help you with? Chris: Well, lately I've been wanting to- talk about my payment situation. Game Voice: What do you mean? Chris: Well, life's been rather hard for my daughter and I at the moment.- We've hardly any money to get any food or such.- I was hoping for maybe a raise?- *Tentatively* Just so I can make ends meet?- Game Voice: Well, Chris, I'd love to help, but so far even- WE have a low budget right now, and- the McDonald's will be closed until then. Chris: Closed?- ...What do you mean? Game Voice: Well, seeing how those MacTonight- commercials recently aired, we got more attention from the locals- and seeing how the people loved the characters,- I thought I'd order the place some fresh,- new animatronic characters- to keep the customers entertained- and to, bring in more people.- Chris: B-b-b-but, h-ho-how does this include the McDonald's- being shut down until the-- Game Voice: We have to work on improvements,- new stages and lighting.- This can take weeks because of delivery and maintenance.- So, I'm sorry Chris, you'll have to find some other job- to work at until this place is finished. Chris: But - t-this was the only job I could get!- No where else would hire me! Game Voice: You'll have to see what you can do, Chris. I'm sorry. Mark: Poor Chris! Uh oh! That's not good! Oh... Is that the end? Hahaha- Was that just the end? Hang on, I wanna see- I wanna see what- what else they got. I'm not gonna play too much more of this,- -but I-I kinda just wanna see. I'm curious. I'm not gonna do this to completion Don't expect the full playthrough Of Five Nights At McDonald's uhh uhh, what else you got for me, huh? oh, lemme know tell me for true {Female Answering Machine: You have one new message} {Female Ansering Machine: To listen to your messages, press 1} I'm pressing it {Female Answering Machine: first new message} YES Hello {Hello again. Guess you had no issues on your first night of the job? Doubt it.} {Hardly anything happens on the first night now, does it?} {Mac wasn't the only one we found out of place this morning. He and Burger was - probably found in the vent on the second floor of the building.} {Due to him being rather smaller than the other animatronics no one else can fit into the vent.} Oh! {So if he even does move at all, if you see him climb into the vent, you can trigger the vent to lay out more heat] [And the heat can cause the metal surroundings to become really hot, so of course he's going to get away to avoid causing circuitry damage.] [Don't worry though, I doubt the circuits will actually get damaged.] [So you don't have any risk of property damage. Speaking of damage, beware of using the vent.] [The vent was open in the first place for maintenance, so if it does get fixed, use your circuit panel there to fix it] [Just select the speaker icon. I know, I know, the equipment we have here is a tad bit awful, but that should be all you need to know.] [I'll see you in the morning] [Female Answering Machine:To return to the call to your normal call rate, press slash.] Mark:...What'd you say? Press what? Press hash? Hash-brown??? I need to press the hash-brown? Also, why does The Hamburgler know what the temperature i- Feminine Voice: I see you... Mark: Nope. I don't want any. Whatever you said, I don't want it. So the Hamblurgler is- *makes farting noises* *Giggling* The HamBLURGLER The Hamburgler- sorry, excuse me, I can't talk- The Hamburgler is also there. For a second there I thought they were talking about this guy- I don't even know what that guy's name is. But I hate him. I hate everything about him. You can just get deactivated, I- I don't like you. Oh, wait, NO! FOR THAT BIG AHHHHH!!! Okay, alright, that's enough of that. I think - I think I've had enough of that. I think I've had enough of that - I think I've had enough of this #Notsponsoredbymcdonalds game. *Laughing* It's pretty good! Honestly! It's pretty good! *Laughing* Did he just dab? Is that what I just see? Heh. Alright. Ya know what, Mr. Mac Tonight, I- I don't want, I don't want, I don't want that. No thank you. So this next one is... interesting, because I've actually already done a full playthrough of Five Nights at 39's. But, as you may know, I played it stupidly. *notices 39* Hi. *sighs* Oh god. Alright, h- pf- jeez, shut up, shut up, shut up. Alright, I've already played it, which is just to say that I played it very stupidly because I played it, and I didn't even see half the game because I, for some stupid reason, didn't realize that there was a flashlight in the camera to see 39. I thought it was just in the darkness and my game was bugged, but I played through the whole game. I was a fucking idiot. So, this is the anniversary edition of this game. It's a rerelease by the developer. I just wanted to play it a little bit because I felt so bad. *to the game* Fuck you, buddy. Yep, that- that makes sense to me. I'm not gonna do a full playthrough of this. "-that was a pretty mean prank." 39: "So? I mean, I'm bored." (continued) "I could use some f*cking company besides a plushie." 39: "I... honestly didn't think you would turn up." "Well, welcome to the advert studio." "I don't know why it's here, because it's merely a recolor of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza which kind of exists in this universe." "I have no idea how that makes f*cking sense." "Ugh... man, you know what? I need a minute." "I'm getting a big sense of deja vu here." "It feels like the graphics have been touched up. Ya know?" "One little lens flare here, some (????)." "Softer shadows, and no new textures. ... Nice touch, Dev." "F*cking what is this, a cash grab?" *Mark laughs* "You lazy f*ck." "Uh, listen to me, I'm getting off track." "So, Sam." "You're here to fight me, yes?" Aha. "No? What, (continued) are you just gonna sit there in the office and stare at me in the cameras?" Yep. "Not say a word?" Yep. "Mate, if you cannot handle this dick...maybe in the old universe." "Tch, you know what, I'm gonna- I'm gonna shut up." "I'm saying too much." "I am not comin' to f*ckin' chase you, mate." "I'm going to do what I've been doing for the last twenty years, all by myself." "Randomly popping into different rooms, and if I happen to pop in the office, you are fucked." Uh-huh. "So, have fun having a, f*cking tug over me, you creep." *Mark laughs* "Ugh. (???? ???? ????), you moron." "Fuck." Oh, yeah, so this is what I was missing out on! I didn't see literally ANYTHING from the game. I saw nothing! I saw absolutely dick diddely, his, uh, poses and shit, and they just... *laughs a little* I missed out on all of this. Which, is amazing. You can play the whole game without ever looking actually in the cameras. Which is fascinating. But, not gonna do that! So, this is the type of asshole that would go and yiff the fox in Dayshift at Freddy's, which is something that you guys have wanted me to play
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,468,606
Rating: 4.9492264 out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, fnaf, 3 fnaf fan games, markiplier, five nights at mac tonight, jolly, fredbear and friends, five nights with 39
Id: cq3cI6o9sig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 13sec (4033 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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