The Basement Horror Story | Part 1

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i was jolted awake by the sound of my phone ringing it was an excruciatingly loud noise to my tired mind but i couldn't ignore it before picking up the phone i checked the time 9 34 pm it wasn't even late had i really gotten that old [Music] jake was the one who'd called and though i hadn't gotten to the phone in time he'd left an urgent message he practically begged me to meet him at the carlson pub which on a friday didn't exactly sound like a bad idea if not for the long day i'd had at work once i got there i found jake sitting alone in the corner an empty glass of whiskey in his hand and a worried expression on his face it was odd it had only been a week since i saw him yet he looked older his wrinkles were more prominent and his hair had grown thinner did you bring it he asked i nodded and pulled out a recording device when he called i'd assumed that he wanted it for some sort of project but the look on his face seemed absolutely horrified jake are you alright i asked he just shook his head he seemed wounded worn out i don't know how i was supposed to help should i call the police no please don't there's nothing they can do i just need you to listen to me i am begging you i don't know how much time i have left jake i tried to say before getting cut off just let me talk please he begged he waved at one of the bartenders who promptly came over to ask what we wanted to drink jake ordered an entire bottle of lagavulin which immediately triggered a frown from the bartender i'm not supposed to do that jake you know the rules before jake had the chance to argue i handed the bartender a generous tip he counted the money and then just sighed as he handed us a couple of glasses you better start recording jake said as he drank the glass of whiskey in a single swallow i clicked record and directed attention back at him for a moment he just sat there and stared at the glass he touched it in a peculiar way as if he couldn't quite believe it was real jake sorry i'm ready here's the story he told me i was awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of a phone ringing that's not exactly a particularly new occurrence except it wasn't my mobile or anything that rang it sounded like one of those old rotary phones you know these high-pitched ringing phones we used to have as kids at first i was just confused thinking it was a dream then i remembered that we still had one of those down in the living room it had been down there since i inherited the house from my parents a remnant of shittier times i didn't even think the damn thing was still working the last phone call that came through was 20 years ago when my father decided to blow his own brains out not that it's relevant to what happened but that old bastard had it coming anyway i made my way downstairs that's when i noticed just how muffled the sound was even when i walked into my own living room the sound was distant in a way it was as if the sound came from under the floorboards hidden out of reach from me confused i just bent down onto the ground and pressed my ear towards the cold floor sure enough it was coming from beneath my living room now i've lived in that house my whole goddamn life and we never had a basement but still there had to be something down there a ringing phone was proof enough but it didn't make any sense i started searching around the house looking for any place where i could hear it louder that's when i noticed something at the end of my hallway just on the top of the cupboard i could see the edge of a door frame i pulled the cupboard away and what do you know there was a door there one that i hadn't noticed during the 30 years i lived there either i was going insane or no one had ever cleaned behind the cupboard regardless of the cause there was a phone ringing and i was determined to figure out what the hell was going on so without further ado i opened the door nothing but darkness lay on the other side i stretched my hand in to fumble around for a light switch but there wasn't anything there i actually had to take a step inside to even realize that there was a staircase leading downwards i turned my phone's flashlight on and started the descent it took me 50 steps to even reach the bottom and for each step i took the air got colder it wasn't the kind of cold you'd expect from a basement no it felt as if the darkness was actively sucking the life out from the place still there wasn't a light switch in sight i had to rely on my dim phone that was already running low on power i took a few careful steps into the basement as my eyes started to adapt to the dark i realized just how familiar the room actually seemed i took a break from hunting down the phone and glanced around the place that's when it hit me that the room was actually a carbon copy of my own living room in fact it looked like the entire ground floor had been rebuilt full on with windows and the front door except it was underground on the walls i saw pictures i recognized from my old photo albums but there was something off about them as if they'd been taken from a slightly different angle it just didn't fit with my memories even the furniture matched to a t albeit worn out and covered in dust then i saw the phone not only was it the same brand as the ancient one i had upstairs but it had the same faults down to the broken number eight and faded paint i hesitated for a good while before i finally picked it up but something about the sound compelled me for whatever reason it brought out uncontrollable anger in me and i had to shut it up so i picked it up and i knew i i knew the voice on the other end it was my father he was crying just like the last time we spoke he even used the exact same words but they were broken and distorted like an old tape recording i'm sorry i didn't mean to it was it was an accident he said between sobs i couldn't even respond i just stood there and listened to his twisted cries it went on for minutes and despite the intense hatred i held for my father i was feeling sorry for him then he started laughing it was an insane maniacal laugh that just wouldn't stop he mocked me for failing to stop him he blamed me for everything that happened in a mixture of panic and anger i slammed the phone back on its handle a process i repeated until the phone had broken into a thousand tiny pieces still the laughing wouldn't stop he kept taunting me and i couldn't tell where the voice was coming from without any other ideas i decided to flee the basement i rushed back up the stairs ready to leave the place and the house itself behind but the door was gone in its place i only found a solid concrete wall i was effectively stuck in a nightmarish replica of my own house with no way out horrified i turned to my mobile phone it didn't have a signal nor was the battery going to last much longer i was getting desperate and despite being about 50 feet underground i decided to try the front door unfortunately that only led to another stone wall same with the windows there wasn't any way out i searched every nook and cranny of the damn place when it finally hit me the cupboard the very same thing that had brought me here still existed down there it even hid the same secret another forgotten door with a lot of trepidation i opened it up sure enough there was another set of stairs i'd been trapped in the hellscape basement under my own home and the only way i could go was further down thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 90,150
Rating: 4.9284163 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, the basement horror story, the basement, the basement pt. 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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