3 Airplane Horror Stories Animated

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flying is a major part of my job each week for the past 20 years i've traveled from city to city on various business meetings during that time i've flown enough to join the million mile club i love it but there are aspects of flying even i can't handle crying babies limited leg space people listening to music too loud the list goes on luckily i've developed the perfect system throughout the years it includes a neck pillow a sleeping pill closed shades and earbuds unfortunately during my last flight the survival kit had gone missing during checking without it i was doomed to suffer through a long sleepless flight of course i was also seated behind someone who wouldn't stop crying it wasn't even an infant as i had expected but a grown woman she sat with her face pointed towards the window and sob loudly at first i assumed she was afraid of flying but if that were the case she surely wouldn't be too transfixed with the outside world the thought of her being sad crossed my mind as well but it didn't sound like it she just seemed broken before long her whining had garnered the attention of the staff a stewardess walked over with a concerned look on her face and gently tried to start a conversation with her ma'am are you alright she asked the woman didn't respond she just kept staring outside crying non-stop the stewardess gently shook her yet she didn't seem to react by then people were getting worried whispers filled the cabin people asking if she was on drugs or if she'd suffered a mental breakdown i wasn't as much annoyed as i was worried but something about the situation seemed oddly eerie i considered opening my own blinds to see what she was staring at outside before i got the chance i heard another person crying a few rows behind me i turned around to see a man sobbing loudly he too stared out the window his eyes were unblinking and didn't seem to produce a single tear in fact his entire face was rid of all emotion he just sat there crying without moving his mouth sir one of the neighboring passengers asked as they leaned in to help him no sooner had he peeked outside the same window as the man before his eyes went blank and he started sobbing with him then a fourth joined it by the time we realized what was happening half the plane had broken into an unbreakable rhythm of crying it's the windows close the damn shades one of the passengers called out in a haste we did as instructed first we made sure none of the still sane people got the chance to look outside then we proceeded to close the blind by the crying people each of us careful not to look outside in the process as soon as we'd blocked their view of the sky they instantly fell silent one by one their sobs stopped and the plane fell into uncomfortable silence i let out a sigh of relief but the small victory was quickly squashed by a panicked gasp they're not breathing the stewardess called out she was right each of the previously sobbing passengers had died in their seats without a view of the sky their bodies had simply shut down in the span of just a few minutes half the plane had succumbed to an unknown curse we attempted to resuscitate a few of them to no avail in the end we just sat in silence all of us in shock at what had just happened in the meantime the stewardesses were trying to contact the pilots they weren't responding and we all knew what it meant we lost them after a few agonizing minutes of doubt the stewardesses used their emergency code to open the cockpit on the inside we found the pilots crying unresponsively we brought blankets inside to quickly cover up the windows and removed the dead pilots from there ground control gave us instructions and aided us in landing the plane safely it was rough but we managed to get to the airport alive once there we were met by a team in hazmat suits despite our explanation they couldn't rule out a possible infection as we expected even after an over abundance of tests nothing was found to this day i don't know what happened aboard our flight nor do i care to find out what those poor souls saw outside the windows what i can tell you with absolute certainty is that i'm never setting foot inside a plane again during the past few months i've spent approximately 50 hours trying to obtain a private pilot's license i was just about ready to take my final test but first i wanted one final lesson with my teacher luckily it was a beautiful day with close to no wind my teacher lawrence felt comfortable enough to let me do most of the work he was a relaxed but stern man in his late 50s and he'd been flying for the better part of his life the airport was small and situated about an hour from the city it only had a handful of planes and little staff to speak of still it had its charm and the surrounding nature was absolutely breathtaking to the west stood tall mountains that looked gorgeous from the air it was only contrasted by lush forests and vast green fields it was a beautiful sight to behold nothing could beat it i started the engines before long we were flying gently through the air i had gotten quite good at takeoff and though my landings tended to be a bit rough we always got back in one piece as we hung in the air i glanced over at lawrence he looked nervous and kept staring towards the western horizon something's wrong john put her back down on the strip he commanded firmly all right what's going on he just pointed towards the mountain range a storm was approaching out of nowhere thick gray fog poured from the mountains approaching us with impossible speed what the hell just turn around that doesn't look good i did as instructed but even our plane couldn't outrun the oncoming storm before we even started our descent the fog had taken over the landing strip don't worry i'll take over lauren said he attempted to contact the staff back on the ground there weren't supposed to be any further flights that day but we had to make sure we didn't collide with anything on the ground alas all we got as we turned on the radio was a mess of incomprehensible static what the hell is this going on he asked more annoyed than afraid despite the thick clouds there wasn't much wind to speak of he gently put us down careful not to let the storm shake us up as we landed the fog had become so thick that we couldn't see 10 feet in front of us he parked the plane and started looking for the rest of the staff where the hell is everyone lawrence asked maybe seeking shelter from the oncoming storm i suggested we ran towards the main hangar which also contained access to the offices as we got close i noticed the number on the building was missing in its place someone had written a strange symbol that looked like random lines mashed together did someone vandalize the hanger sign or am i having a stroke lawrence joked trying to brighten the eerie atmosphere i didn't laugh something was horribly wrong there weren't any planes inside the hangar just scraps of rust and metal by all means it looked like the building had been abandoned for years parts of the internal structure had fallen to pieces in addition there were no signs of our team anywhere we entered the offices the power had gone out and each and every room appeared barren all that was left behind were a few broken chairs some papers and ancient posters still hanging on the wall this makes no sense lauren said as he ripped one of the posters off the wall the picture was faded but it looked like a plane from the late 40s the text was in a language we couldn't understand just incomprehensible symbols similar to the hangar number i picked up one of the papers that too contained a string of weird symbols it was clearly a different language though it wasn't one either of us had ever seen before it mostly resembled corrupted data printed on a piece of low quality paper before we got a chance to investigate the bizarre situation we heard a crashing sound coming from down the hall something had broken down the front door we rushed over hoping to find another person instead an obsidian black creature stumbled into the office its skin moved around swirling as if it were a liquid poorly forced into a humanoid shape it growled and started approaching us with impossibly long steps without hesitation we bolted back into the hangar a dozen more creatures had wandered onto the strip contrasting starkly with the pale fog what are we gonna do i asked there were too many of them at the landing strip the only possible escape would be by getting back into the plane and flying to another airport get to the plane lawrence yelled we tried to swiftly move past the horrific dark creatures they were slightly slower than ourselves but we'd still need time to get the plane into the air we got the engine going and slowly started accelerating one of the creatures had latched onto the plane on lawrence's side he attempted to push it off but just a simple touch seemed to burn his skin he let out an agonized yell and resorted to throwing his bag at it when that failed he opened the door which finally detached as he let out a sigh of relief another of the creatures jumped in through the open door and grabbed lawrence his skin burned and ripped from their bones and the creature dug deeper into him knowing he could do nothing to escape he simply unbuckled his seatbelt and let the creature pull him out i was free but at the cost of lawrence's life get out of here was the last thing i heard him scream by then i'd gathered just enough speed to take off i had no choice but to leave him behind with shaky hands i ascended up through the fog praying for a ray of sunshine to greet me before i knew it the skies had cleared and the fog had simply vanished into thin air below me lay nothing but the beautiful landscape i knew and loved touched by the warm sun back at the airport i could see the staff going about their day as if nothing had happened they seemed confused at my sudden appearance and came running when i finally managed to land the plane at first they were furious because i had taken off without lawrence but when they noticed the patches of burned skin and blood he left behind they got scared the police were called but without a body nor any reasonable explanation to what had happened they let me go after a long round of questioning and uh long investigation the case died down i've tried to come clean about what happened but who'd believe me i've always been an extremely heavy sleeper a fact that has greatly helped me during my frequent flights i was making my way to sydney to visit family a trip that would last an entire day despite my easy dreams even i needed a sleeping pill for that particular journey medication combined with some music to cover up the constant noise in the cabin would allow me to spend at least half the journey over the pacific in a peaceful slumber suddenly i was jolted awake by another passenger violently shaking me in my groggy state it took a while before i could even comprehend the words he was yelling at me once my eyes finally opened i could see that he looked absolutely horrified [Music] they they're they're all gone you gotta wake up he stuttered loudly as he continued to shake me even then it took a while before the words hit me how could people be gone had we landed as i tried to compute the information mild turbulence shook through the plane we definitely hadn't reached our destination gone i asked what do you mean the man was too panicked to respond instead he just kept pointing around the cabin with a shaky finger slowly i got to my feet and tried to shake off the hold my sleeping medication had over me the plane had been packed to the brim before takeoff but now it was almost empty there were only about five of us left all equally terrified cabin crew please report to the cockpit one of the pilots said over the speakers i looked around the cabin the stewardesses were nowhere in sight apart from the few scared passengers the plane was completely rid of any life we made our way to the cockpit door and use the radio to respond they're gone what's going on i asked oh god them too the pilot asked back nervously a click was heard and the door opened inside we found only one pilot you're alone i asked he nodded we were taking shifts while on autopilot i fell asleep and when i woke up he was he was just gone from the cockpit i could get a better view of the outside world below us were endless sandy hills as far as i knew we were supposed to be crossing the pacific ocean yet all we could see was the infinite desert below where are we the pilot took another look at the instruments they were filled with numbers and blinking lights i couldn't comprehend the coordinates were last updated an hour ago we are supposed to be in the middle of the ocean but it just doesn't make any sense have you made contact with the airport no nothing is working i'm flying blind here with nowhere to land the one thing i could recognize within the complicated cockpit was the fuel indicator though it still seemed plentiful it would eventually run out how much fuel do we have left i asked we should have had more than enough to get to sydney twice over but i don't even know where the hell we are the captain replied the next few hours went by and we gathered every piece of technology we had in a futile attempt at contacting the outside world all the while the fuel kept dripping down a constant reminder that we were running out of time outside the desert continued only interrupted by strange rock formations they were unnaturally spiky extending high up from the ground like razors all we could do was watch and hope the pilot found a safe place to put us down after a while the deserts and rocks gave way to a flat piece of land the pilot looked around before finally making his decision to put the plane down this is the best i can do get ready for landing he said we buckled up in the back of the plane and got ready for a rough landing it was surprisingly gentle once we first hit the dirt and against all odds the break slowed us down without incident it looked like we were in the clear but then the ground below us finally gave out the front of the plane fell into a sinkhole which instantly crushed the cockpit and caused us to slam against our seats it knocked me unconscious for just a second but by the time i came back to it the cabin had filled with smoke a couple of the passengers had their necks broken from the impact and the pilot had been killed the few of us left alive rushed to escape the burning wreckage but in the chaos it was difficult to find the exit using the escape lights we got to an emergency exit and jumped onto the burning hot ground below three of us had survived the landing but we weren't safe yet it wasn't until we got away from the smoke and fire before we realized the true gravity of our situation at the horizon in front of us stood an impossibly tall mountain range stretching endlessly up into the sky it was little more than barren rocks and lifeless ground but the thing that truly horrified us was the sky above there hung a massive blue sun that felt like it was scolding our skin we'd survived the landing but it wouldn't even matter because wherever we were it wasn't on earth thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 130,339
Rating: 4.8866634 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, animated scary stories, animated stories horror, horror story, horror story animated, true scary stories animated, 3 airplane horror stories animated, airplane horror stories animated, airplane horror stories, scary airplane stories
Id: 2-O-zthqM8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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