3 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation Of September 2020)

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[Music] summer for me and my friend jake usually only meant one thing endless hiking trips in the mountainous terrain around our city while traveling far away was a luxury we couldn't afford we'd frequently spend the weekend camping out there were plenty of new places to discover in our vicinity new lakes forests and even caves jake and i had randomly met during one of our many solo hikes i found him sitting by the lake with a cup of lukewarm coffee he offered me some and we got to talking that was the start of our decade-long friendship this summer due to the quarantine and all nothing sounded better than some extreme social distancing we both had a week off work and decided to travel along one of our favorite treks through the mountains we equipped ourselves with ample amounts of supplies an emergency phone and suitable clothes then we set out on our new adventure the trip brought us through an amazing green valley after a rainy spring both plant and animal life thrived around us we traverse the endless fields near an abandoned farm only contrasted by the forest and mountains in the distance personally the mountain itself was my favorite part of the journey i enjoyed the effort required to walk up once we reached the first plateau we got a brilliant view of the valley beneath the sun was just about to set and we decided to make camp for the night we made a simple bonfire and sat down with a few cups of whiskey while we told our usual round of ghost stories since alcohol runs straight to my bladder it wasn't long before i needed to take a leak i wandered a short distance away from the camp and let loose there in the cliff wall i noticed a cave entrance it wasn't particularly big but large enough for any adult to crouch down and get inside we taken that very same path twice before but neither of us had ever seen it i excitedly ran back to tell jake about my discovery even in our inebriated state we knew better than to go exploring a cave at night after drinking but once morning came around we would be ready we awoke early to the sun rising above the horizon even though we'd each had a few glasses of whiskey we'd managed to elude the curse of a hangover with little hesitation we packed the necessary equipment for spelunking we didn't have much rope to speak of so climbing down or up rocky walls was out of the question but as long as the cave could be traversed solely on foot we'd be fine jake went first holding on to the stronger flashlight while i followed behind to mark our path at each intersection once we'd gotten past the first narrow section we reached a chamber where we could fully stand up it was a massive boneyard full of partially eroded limestone i took a closer look and found pale insects crawling around inside the tiny maze hey jake check these out i yelled my voice echoing through the cave what the hell we'd explored many caves together but had never seen anything like it better leave them alone don't know if they're poisonous or whatever already in the first chamber we'd made an interesting discovery the cave was looking good we made our way through the boneyard only to be met by a narrow network of caves we had to crawl through i'll check if i can get through to the other side jake said a few of them were just dead ends while others were simply too narrow after trying about four of the passages we finally found one that led to another chamber i marked our path and we crawled further in the room we entered was the biggest i'd ever seen it came with a massive hole that stretched 20 feet down into a shallow underground river we only had a narrow path to follow to the other side watch your step let's try not to slide off the cliff i said of course with that warning jake pretending to lose his grip i instinctively reached out to grab him only to be met with laughter real funny keep going we spent a couple hours getting familiarized with the caves making sure we could find our way back out i marked it pretty accurately and we theoretically had enough batteries to keep the flashlights going for three days straight still we had a hike to continue and when we realized the cave just kept going deeper into the mountain we had to turn around just then something echoed through the cave it sounded like a wet growl coming from further ahead shivers were sent down my spine and suddenly i realized just how cold it had gone yeah we're definitely turning around jake said he was joking but through his smile i could tell he was nervous then we heard a similar sound coming from behind us alright what the hell is that sound jake asked i don't know but let's just get out of here we followed the path back quickly knowing exactly where to go even then the narrow tunnels we had to crawl through drastically slowed us down in the distance we heard the broken growls and roars growing closer hurry up i told jake as panic started to set in wait there's something on the other he managed to say before he suddenly started screaming i followed him as quickly as i could we'd made it back to the room with the large hole but jake was nowhere in sight jake no response i laid down and peeked over the cliff edge jake wasn't there but i got a glimpse of one of the creatures that had growled it was a pale hairless thing that looked like a large slender dog it had no eyes but its mouth extended abnormally far back towards its throat its whole face was rather thin perfectly fitted to dig small creatures out of the cave walls i called out from my friend once again but he was simply gone if the creatures had pulled him down there was a good chance he died in the fall unfortunately that theory was quickly put to rest as i heard him screaming from the head of the river he'd been taken down but that hadn't killed him i saw streaks of blood mixed in the clear waters i pulled out the little bit of rope we had but there was no way i could get down to help him then more of the dog-like creatures approached i couldn't stay behind any longer instead i decided to flee the cave grab the phone and call for help it took me 20 minutes just to get out but luckily none of the creatures took chase once out i called for rescue which would arrive by helicopter the 30 minutes it took for them to arrive were the longest in my entire life i wanted to go back and help jake but i knew they needed me there to guide them as soon as they arrived i brought them into the first chamber to all of our surprises the cave just ended there the narrow tunnel we'd crawled through earlier had simply vanished there were a few drops of blood from where i'd crawled through but that was about it of course i showed them proof that jake had been with me but that didn't exactly help us find him it has been a month since he vanished i've since tried to find the cave again but even the main entrance has been erased from existence whatever happened inside that cave will remain a mystery till the end of time during the first few days of the storm we laughed at its irony june was just about to end and our town was famously known for its beautiful if not a bit dry weather as an exceptionally pale person myself i rather enjoyed the never-ending downpour but then as july went on it only got worse with our town being situated in a valley there wasn't really anywhere the rain could go time passed and before long we were trapped by a devastating flood those who could afford it moved away to safer places our inhabitants weren't particularly rich so for most of us that wasn't an option the sick the poor and just the plain stubborn stayed behind to fight the incessant flow of water at first we tried redirecting the waters towards the lowest point of the valley the valley quickly filled to the brim after a brief struggle the flood had reached our town center buildings quickly perished only leaving behind the neighborhoods on the hills above but even for them it was just a matter of time a group of people had gotten themselves trapped amid the flood in the town center they'd taken shelter within the local hotel a fairly sturdy building with an easily accessible rooftop unfortunately due to the storm rescued by helicopter was out of the question as a last resort we decided to retrieve them with whatever small boats we had available i was quick to sign up for the rescue team as a volunteer there were about four groups each with a designated boat mine had four crew members including myself we kept close to the other boats while also making sure the stream didn't carry us away johnson my supervisor kept a watchful eye out for any survivors we slowly traverse the drowned narrow streets inching our way towards the hotel hey there's someone in the water johnson suddenly shouted i quickly redirected my attention towards where he was pointing sure enough a hand was sticking up from the water seemingly frozen in place it was an odd sight because we couldn't see anything beneath the surface it was simply too dirty johnson grabbed onto the arm while we steadied the boat he gave it a solid pull but the hand wouldn't budge i think they're stuck come help me he said as he pulled it again after the third and final pull the hand finally moved as he dragged it up from the water it only revealed more of the arm he kept pulling and pulling but the arm never ended it was just an impossibly long limb with a hand attached at its end what the hell is this thing he asked nervously before any of us got a chance at answering that question the hand grabbed onto johnson and pulled him into the water at an incredible speed we couldn't even react before he'd been taken under johnson i called out in panic as we searched for him in the murky waters below we heard screaming coming from the other boats multiple horribly long arms had stretched out from the water and was picking off the passengers one by one they just emerged and swept through the air until they found something then they pulled whatever they could grab onto back with them keep down i yelled as i threw myself towards the floor of the boat an arm barely missing my head as i ducked under but it was too late by the time i realized what was going on every single passenger besides myself had been taken only a minute had passed and i was the only one left hundreds of arms emerged and i had little choice but to stay put i felt the boat getting swept away by the current but i couldn't stop it i just had to lay there and hope to eventually hit solid ground i listened to the soft splashes from hands breaching the surface with most of the buildings on the brink of collapse they weren't places i could seek refuge an hour passed as i slowly floated through the streets then i heard a voice oh my god he's still alive my boat suddenly stopped and i could feel someone dragging me with them i peeked up to see a few survivors stranded on a rooftop they'd managed to throw down a rope and were pulling me to safety climb up fast they yelled at me i didn't need to be asked twice i wrapped the rope around myself and quickly started my ascent hurry i glanced behind me to see more hands reach out from the water one managed to grace my leg but i swiftly kicked it away thanks to the survivors i'd been saved what in the actual hell are these things i ask out of breath and horrified no one responded whatever the monstrosities were we just knew they had come with the flood still it wouldn't stop raining which meant rescue was an impossible task hours turned to days and more hands emerged from the water the arms that held them up had multiple joints allowing them to blindly grab at anything getting too close every now and then someone would get too brave or just get too close to the edge the hands didn't hesitate and struck at any opportunity to claim another victim just the first night five survivors were taken for days we survived on little more than the rain water that fell from above it wasn't until another week passed before the rain finally stopped by then we were all on the brink of death too weak to make any attempt at escape so we waited for the waters to rescind which took another two days when rescue finally came on foot only three of us had survived our town ended up as a wasteland with most of the buildings either washed away or simply collapsed any hope of rebuilding would take years but i doubt anyone wishes to return the weird thing is that no bodies have been recovered despite a thorough search of the region it's as if they vanished into thin air even the hands that killed them have left no trace by any measurable evidence they never existed more than 50 people died during the months of the flood a fact that cannot be refuted but the manner of their death is only known to the few of us that survive the ordeal if you ever see strange rains cover your home or town just leave everything whatever you're staying behind for it's not worth your life for 20 years a kid would go missing in our town each summer they'd vanish without a trace and without evidence of foul play nor proof that anyone had actually died no bodies were recovered during the investigations nor was anyone retrieved alive by all means they seem to have disappeared into thin air naturally such occurrences come along with a multitude of conspiracy theories ranging from monsters to kidnappers with supernatural powers most of us however blame the lake it was a beautiful piece of water hidden in the woods of saugatuck despite appearing perfectly still on the surface there had always been a strong undercurrent around the center of the lake it was theorized that it was caused by an underground river but thus far no one had been able to prove it so after multiple ignored warnings to stay away the police simply put up a barrier around the center where the current failed the strongest me and my friends were some of the many people to go swimming there despite the rumors we absolutely loved the lake with its crystal clear waters and bizarre lack of animal life we'd spend many days there every summer never leaving until our skins had turned crispy red or by the tempting promise of ice cream from our parents we were young and we felt invincible years passed and the three of us were about to graduate high school while we were naturally excited to move on to college and new adventures we desperately needed one last hurrah to say goodbye so that summer of 2017 we decided to solve the mystery of the missing children thanks to our part-time jobs we'd been able to save up a decent amount of cash we used some of it to purchase cheap bird watching cameras our plan was to place them in the areas where the kids had last been seen it just so happened that most of those areas were within saugatuck woods concentrated around the lake the whole area was weirdly shaped which meant we'd have to keep an eye on parts of the lake ourselves the center in particular was hard to get a view of from shore we thought ourselves so clever to have come up with such a genius plan little did we know that the police had thought of the exact same scheme only without results nevertheless we set out on our venture to save our town thinking nothing could stop us by the time we'd placed our cameras no one had gone missing we were hoping to catch the moment as it happened and swoop in to stop it in hindsight it was a poorly thought out plan but we were teenagers what else could one expect we strategically put the cameras around the forest and some by the water each day we'd collect the recordings to check the footage in addition we'd camp out around the lake and just enjoy the weather the summer went on with little incident until the first week of august then a kid by the name of alex florence had inexplicably gone missing in the middle of the day he'd last been seen throwing a ball around with his sister by the lake he was only seven years old the police did their usual search checking street cameras and sending divers into the lake to search for drowned bodies still nothing could be found we went through the footage but couldn't find anything the only part we hadn't yet investigated was the center of the lake i had just spent some extra money on a waterproof camera and figured we could at least find out where the current went we connected the camera to a flashlight and tied it to a rope we took a canoe and paddled past the barriers ready to finally solve the mystery though we couldn't see the bottom of the lake we expected it to be around 50 feet deep i tossed the camera into the warm waters and measured the depth using the rope before long it had sunk out of sight 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet 50 it had reached the supposed bottom yet it kept sinking deeper and deeper within a few minutes it had reached a hundred feet i looked at my friends in disbelief wondering if it had been swept away but based on the direction of the rope it was just going further down once our rope had reached the end of its length we had no choice but to pull it back up hopefully the footage could provide us with some answers we eagerly returned home and uploaded the recordings to my computer the quality of the video was only semi-decent at first it showed the clear waters blow only lit up by the flashlight attached to the camera it sank straight to the bottom at 50 feet just as expected then we saw something else it was just a tiny hole that opened and closed pulsating like a mouth trying to chew on something it only opened for brief periods of time which is probably why it went unnoticed for so long nevertheless it produced a current that immediately sucked in our camera it got pulled through a tiny tunnel small enough for a child but too narrow for an adult the tunnel went on for another 20 feet or so before opening up into a giant underwater cave there it kept sinking deeper until something horrific finally came to view it was alex florence the missing kid he'd been partially digested by strange plants emerging from the cave wall they reached out like tendrils looking for food the boy was little more than baron bones only recognizable by the fragments of his clothes still there the camera sunk even deeper at last we could see the cave floor it was littered with hundreds if not thousands of animal and human bones left to be forgotten for all of eternity that's when we pulled the camera back up we'd reached our goal but another kid had died next we just handed the footage over to the police and that was it the following year when we visited our hometown for the holidays the lake had been completely blocked off we set out to have one last adventure but the image of those bodies is something we'll never get over thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 290,417
Rating: 4.8909907 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, 3 horror stories animated, 3 scary horror stories animated, scary story animated, horror story animated, 3 scary horror stories
Id: fphLvYh944E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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