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this story happened when I was 8 years old my friends and I were playing outside it was getting dark outside and one of my friends suggested that we should go back inside I convinced my friends to stay outside and play one more game as we were playing we noticed a white van coming down my street it stopped right in front of my house a man dressed in brown clothes got out with a box in his hand I asked him if he had any packages for me he said yes I have some huge toys in the back of my van why don't you boys help me carry them he led us to the back of the van and opened the doors he said the boxes are in the back could you go and get them with little trepidation okay he jumped inside no sooner had we reached the back before the man shut the door and locked us in just as the man went to start the truck he noticed an actual delivery van pull up next to our house I recognized the delivery man from a previous delivery and screamed to get his attention he looked in our direction but before he could react we started driving away in panic we tried to pry the door open but it was pointless we were too small and weak to escape all we could do was stare out the crack and pray that someone heard a scream then out of nowhere we saw flashing blue and red lights it was a patrol car telling the driver to pull over he jumped out and cried as the officer freed us the man was arrested and we were subsequently delivered back home as it turns out the real delivery driver had seen us and followed the truck while giving the police as many details as possible without him who knows what could have happened I used to think my neighborhood was a safe place and that the horrors of evil people belonged to places far away from my childhood home as teenagers we used to take our scooters down to the playground there were not many kids around to annoy us so we used the place to just chill out trevor was usually the one to accompany me on one particular day we decided to ride down to the playground as we arrived we noticed a dark-colored SUV pull up at a nearby parking lot facing the playground five minutes passed and no one exited the car I couldn't even see anything through the windows due to the tinted glass needless to say I started getting worried but Trevor convinced me I was being paranoid and begged for us to just stay finally the doors to the black SUV opened a hooded man exited the car Trevor started to get nervous a sickly looking child accompanied the man she couldn't have been more than seven and looked absolutely horrified once out from the car they started to approach us being scared teenagers we decided to bolt away from the area maybe we were being paranoid after all but something in my guts just told me to stay clear a few days later missing posters started popping up around the neighborhood on them was the same sickly-looking girl that had been with the creepy man as I helped my dad pack our car for a softball game I heard horrified screams coming from the neighbor's house being ten I knew better than to run towards danger without being accompanied by an adult so I rushed inside to grab my dad and older brother together we went to check on our neighbor he was standing there frozen in shock and just staring into the garage there hung the neighbor's wife dead from a broken neck pale as a sheet as soon as my dad realized what was going on he quickly told my brother to escort me back into the house once the police arrived we drove to my softball game I suppose that was my dad's way of maintaining some normalcy but the image had already been burned into my mind why she chose to kill herself I don't know but ever since her death we've been hearing strange moans coming from the garage it sounds like a woman crying but the cries sound struggled as if she's being perpetually choked some of our neighbors have also complained about the moans on one occasion they even called the police as they arrived to check on the situation they just vanished leaving their car there in the middle of the road the neighbor has since moved away which seemed to quell the weird noises no one else ever moved in and the house remains abandoned a source of great distress and horrid memories for the entire neighborhood the date was 1982 it was a clear cool summer night in London I had just boarded a British Airways Boeing 747 headed to Bombay the plane was almost completely full but I still managed to find a window seat nothing seemed out of the ordinary this was a routine filet that I made every month for the company I worked for the flight attendant came on the loudspeaker to give the safety briefing I completely zoned out and began to think about other things on my mind after the briefing was over I felt the plane pull back from the gates and the planes four powerful engines after a few minutes of taxiing we lined up on the runway and we started our takeoff roll after barreling down the runway for what seemed like forever we left the ground as we ascended the City of London became more and more visible seeing the beautiful London skyline while taking off from London never got old 15 minutes later we were already at her cruising altitude and the seatbelt sign came off it was an unusually smooth flight without even the slightest bump of turbulence after listening to music for a while I fell into a deep sleep I was woken up to the sound of the plane's loudspeaker the pilot came on and said ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we are experiencing some engine trouble in one of our engines this shouldn't be an issue as this plane can fly on two engines without a problem we will update you if the situation changes I glanced outside my window and saw a strange glow encompassing the plane's wing it almost looked as if the wing was on fire I have never seen anything like it before I looked around the cabin and everyone had a nervous look on their faces but nobody said a word I managed to look out of a window across from me and I saw the same glow on the wings the air started to have a weird smell to it it smelled a little like rotten eggs a few minutes later small traces of smoke began to fill the cabin I am usually a calm flier but now I have started to get really nervous the smoke became heavier and heavier I couldn't even see the row of seeds across from me now the worst thoughts begin to cross my mind is the plane on fire are we going to crash what is going on to make things worse the captain hadn't made any updates I wondered if the PA system even worked anymore suddenly one of the plane's engines began to spool down I wondered if we were slowing down in preparation to land shortly afterwards another engine revved down followed by another now there was dead silence in the cabin you could almost hear the wind rushing by the plane it was at that moment I realized that all four of the plane's engines were completely shut down the captain came on the loudspeaker he said ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we have a small problem all four engines have stopped we are doing our damnedest to get them going again I trust you are not in too much distress some passengers screamed as the news was read other passengers cried and hugged loved ones nearby adrenaline began to pump through my system and the reality of the situation hit me we are going to crash thoughts of my wife and my one-year-old child began to race through my mind through the smoke of the cabin I could make out a passenger sleeping and snoring I couldn't believe how calm he was in this situation it almost infuriated me finally a flight attendant woke him up the flight attendants finally gave us instructions on how to use our life vests they also showed us how to brace once we crash this was it I realized I was going to die I was going to die on my way to a job I didn't even particularly like I started to wonder why I even worked for this company I glanced out the window and could see the water getting closer and closer the glow across the plane's wing seemed to be less intense and bright but what did matter was we were going to crash anyways now it looked as if we were only a football field above the water the cabin was so silent you could hear a pin drop the smoke still occupied the area but seemed to be clearing out after a few minutes of silence I heard the sound of an engine spool up it seemed to start up and I heard the usual familiar engine noise fill the cabin I thought there might still be a chance one by one all the engines came back online and we began to climb above the clouds again eventually we landed at Jakarta and everyone applauded after our wheels touched the ground I realized after this experience life is too short to be at a job you hate so I quit my job I woke up to the sound of thunder in the distance I glanced at my alarm clock the time was 3 a.m. I moved my blinds and pressed my head against the window to look outside it was dead calm in the distance I could see streaks of lightning accompanied by the low rumble of thunder my phone vibrated on the nightstand next to me I thought it was strange that someone was messaging me at this hour I turned the phone over and realized it was a weather notification it read dangerous and possibly life-threatening storms are approaching please move to an interior room of your house high winds and tornadoes are possible I've received similar notifications in the past but most of the time they turned out to be false alarms I had lived in Oklahoma my whole life and bad storms were common I've had older family members who had experienced tornadoes but I had never been in one myself after thinking about the bad weather report I dismissed it as another false alarm who knew that this decision would change the rest of my life I put my phone down back on the nightstand and pulled the covers back over me I quickly fell back into a deep sleep after about an hour I woke up to a low rumbling sound at first I thought it was thunder but the rumbling didn't fade like thunder I peeked through my blinds again the situation outside was much different the wind was the fastest I had ever seen in any storm before the trees in my backyard were swaying so much I thought they might snap at any second the low rumbling sound seemed to be getting louder I instantly had a really bad feeling about this storm I continued to look outside to see if the storm was getting worse to my horror it was the wind continued to increase and the trees swayed more and more I knew this was bad very bad I thought maybe I should run to the storm shelter outside my house I decided against it because I would have to run in the fierce winds I decided to hope for the best and stay in my house this was the worst decision of my life I laid in bed and searched on my phone for any new weather updates before I had the time to open any weather reports a series of alarms started to sound off on my phone it sounded like an Amber Alert I quickly glanced at my phone screen it read strong tornado has been spotted on Doppler radar seek shelter immediately my stomach drop the low rumbling noise I heard earlier was getting louder and louder my mind went back to the storm shelter so many thoughts were racing through my mind should I run outside to my shelter or is it too dangerous I glanced through my blind again I couldn't even believe what I was seeing it looked like a hurricane outside the wind was howling ferociously the rumbling noise I heard earlier was loud now it sounded eerily similar to a freight train streaks of lightning filled the violent sky the Lightning lit up the sky so much I could see the ominous storm clouds as the Lightning continued to flash across the sky I saw something protruding down from the clouds at first I thought it was just a wall of rain another lightning bolt lit up the sky I caught another glimpse of the rain cloud and realized the wall of rain was rotating I thought to myself this can't be happening it was a tornado it was wide and it was coming right towards my house the roar was deafening now it became clear what I needed to do in order to survive I quickly ran to the front door of my house the roar now sounded like it was right on top of me I turned the knob of my front door before I was able to pull the door open the strong winds forced it over knocked me backwards I planted my feet angled myself against the wind and began my harrowing journey to the outdoor storm shelter after walking five feet outside the wind was so strong I began to crawl the force of the rain blinded me the only senses I could rely on was my hearing and touch the storm shelter was on the side of my house so I used the wall as a guide the roar was so loud now it began to hurt my ears I knew I needed to make it inside the safety of my shelter right away or else I would not survive as I continued to crawl it became harder and harder to move against the ferocious winds I could finally make out the bright yellow handle of my storm shelter it was about ten feet in front of me I thought to myself I am going to make it my newfound relief was crushed as I felt suction pulling on my entire body it felt as if I was an ant getting sucked into a vacuum cleaner I dug my hands into the ground to secure myself but it was of no use the last thing I remembered was being lifted up into the air everything went black I opened my eyes in a daze the Sun was just beginning to come up and there was not a cloud in the sky I looked around and there was complete devastation everything was gone first responders were searching the nearby debris I figured they didn't notice me or worse thought I was dead I thought maybe I should help in the search I tried to get up I realized I couldn't move my legs I began frantically trying to move them nothing happened I screamed the first responders rushed over to me but before they could even reach me I went into shock I woke up in a hospital bed my life forever changed thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell - stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 381,759
Rating: 4.8829908 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr nosleep animations, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, 5 horror stories animated, 5 subscriber horror stories animated, subscriber horror stories, subscriber horror stories animated, scary subscriber stories, subscriber horror story, animated horror stories, scary stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror stories
Id: aAVYpeOU4Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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