Midnight Horror Story Animated

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i'm not making this video for attention or sympathy or anything i just want anyone who can help me to do that my name's daniel and this is a story i wish i didn't have to tell i've been a night owl my entire life as a teen i used to stay up way past midnight every night watching terrifying videos on youtube i know now they were nothing compared to the horrors of the real world nothing compared to the tragedy my family and i went through the story i'm gonna tell to you now my parents being teachers had always emphasized the importance of sleeping well to me and would definitely disapprove of my late night routine so i knew that if they'd caught me up at that time i'd be in big trouble at first this wasn't a problem but after i told them about a child predator in our neighborhood that i'd seen in one of my videos they seemed to grow more and more paranoid which was obviously understandable every night i'd hear one of them wandering into my room checking on me and every night i'd immediately turn off my light and pretend to be asleep i never knew for sure if it was my mom or dad coming in since obviously if i opened my eyes to see they'd know i was awake mostly i presumed it was my dad from the heavy sounding footsteps but either way i found it pretty hypocritical for them to preach to me about being up late when they were awake themselves sometimes i wondered if they knew i wasn't sleeping because often it was only after what seemed like hours before they'd finally leave and go to check on alfie that's my little brother lucy my little sister i'd have asked them about it but i thought it would have confirmed any suspicions which they seem to already have about my staying awake deep into the mornings of the next day like i said i guess they were just paranoid about the child predator it was stupid stupid for me to presume any of these things and i'll never forgive myself for it but i did it all the same anyway one day lucy's school where my parents both work announced a school trip it meant they'd be gone at some point next month from saturday morning to sunday morning and it meant that i'd finally get to watch the horror movie my friend had lent me and my parents had refused to let me watch there was one downside though i'd be left to look after healthy he being only six years old my mom was reluctant to leave him in my care alone but my dad defended me reminding her that alfie had been up most of the night after a nightmare so he'd probably sleep most of the day anyway besides he reassured her he's 17. he can be given a little responsibility with a heavy heart my mom agreed i honestly wish she hadn't finally the morning came for them to head off it took longer than expected because my sister said some of her favorite toy dolls had been stolen but eventually my mom persuaded her that they were probably just lost and told me to look for them whilst they were gone i begrudgingly agreed and soon they were ready to go as they were leaving my mom gave me a stern word reminding me to lock the doors not go to bed too late and take good care of alfie she told me she'd be watching through the security cameras to make sure i was looking after him properly i told her she really didn't have to worry then we said our goodbyes and they were off alfie and i spent most of the day playing outside but came in after the frisbee landed near a strange man who alfie said had been in his nightmare i told him that that was ridiculous because even if he somehow was in his dream he wouldn't be able to remember anyway i went by myself to get it and i have to admit that the man was fairly creepy he had a huge grin that his eyes staring right at me seemed to be permanently forced further open than they were designed to go his clothes all seemed to have been made from someone 50 years younger as they struggled to cling to his fully grown body it was cold but he was wearing a sun hat a tiny one for children which barely fit on his head i recognized it but didn't know how at the time if i'd learned anything from the videos i spent my nights watching i'd have abandoned the frisbee and left but clearly i didn't because not wanting to feel like a baby i approached him as i got closer to the man his smile disappeared and he removed the hat and held it behind his back i began to see his features in greater detail he looked tired he was pale and his eyes were bloodshot and had huge gaping bags under them in the entire time it took me to get to him the man didn't move an inch other than the odd blink not even his eyes shifted at this stage i was getting uneasy i just wanted to get it and leave hi can i have my frisbee back please thanks the thought of that conversation if you can even call it a conversation still makes me shiver and locked the front door as soon as we got home we were both a bit shaken and alfie looked tired so i gave him some more food and put him to bed it took him about two hours to fall asleep he kept complaining that he'd have another nightmare about that man i told him he wouldn't but he wasn't convinced i see him every night he whispered to me well if you see him again don't worry i'll be here to fight him off this seemed to settle him down and soon he was fast asleep at about 11 it was time to put my film on i couldn't have my mom knowing that i was watching it so i did something naive and ignorant and something i'll always regret i turned off the security cameras i watched it for two hours straight my eyes never straying from the screen until i replayed the last few seconds of the film but the sound didn't happen again it was coming from inside my house alfie he didn't reply but i could see him under the cover so i thought he was just asleep and i didn't want to wake him up i swear if i thought anything worse had happened i'd have checked you okay i thought maybe i was just worrying too much hearing things it was late the film had been scary maybe it was just all in my head i knew from the sound of his voice it was him alfie alfie usually this much noise would have woken him up alfie what's going on i knew something was wrong it was him the doll i couldn't believe it it had to be some kind of sick prank it had to be but it wasn't it was the man i'd spoken to earlier he'd taken my brother alfie i was certain they'd be gone before i could reach them but he didn't set off straight away he watched as i tried helplessly to do something i screamed and i shouted and i banged on the windows and i tried to open the doors but nothing worked it was all in vain there was nothing i could do for my brother my best friend as he was stolen away from me it was too late for the police to do anything it was too late for anybody to do anything he was gone and in time i'd have to come to accept that you have nine new messages first message hello if you're out with alfie call me back when you get back in please love you guys bye end of message second message daniel we've been trying to get a hold of you for hours is everything all right did you turn the security cameras off they'll be fine the security system probably just glitched out hey alfie just call us as soon as you can okay you know how mom worries end of message third message listen daniel we're starting to get really worried now if you don't pick up one of us is gonna have to come home to check if everything's okay please pick up end of message daniel are you okay daniel what's happened please answer i couldn't bear to tell them anything that was seven years ago we never found him when i asked my parents if they'd seen anything in all of this man whilst they checked on us during the night they only looked at me concerned and confused what do you mean they asked i could only stare at them in horror every night around two you come and check on alfie lucy and me to see if we were sleeping daniel they the police wanted security camera footage of the man but of course there wasn't any it automatically deletes any footage older than 24 hours which meant i'd been mindless enough to stop it recording and the only night we could have seen him you know the strange thing is i don't even know if i want alfie to be alive because if he is god knows what that monster has done to him sorry if i've gone on too long but the guilt's been killing me i had to get it out somehow i only tell it as a story because well people like stories and i want as many people to hear this as possible alfie if somehow you're watching i love you and i'm so so sorry please don't lose hope and to the man who took you it's not too late if you have any heart at all and even if you don't please please let my little brother come home to everybody else if someone comes into your bedroom at night open your eyes you never know who it might be i still stay up late at night it's not because i don't want to sleep it's because i can't in case anyone sees alfie this is the last good photo we took of him that's it stay safe you thank you for sticking around to the end of the video if you would like to support the channel check out the merch link in the video description
Channel: Llama Arts
Views: 1,425,992
Rating: 4.9362264 out of 5
Keywords: Llama Arts, Horror Animation, Creepypasta, Creepy Animation, Animated Story, Horror Cartoon
Id: 8RR5e8TO1Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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