13 TRUE Horror Stories Animated

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Wow! I love this animation to the stories, it's really well done. It's like the re-enactments you see in the original Unsolved Mysteries; it really adds to the narration.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Number60000 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 đź—«︎ replies

haha the first voice tho XD

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Clucking_hen420 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2020 đź—«︎ replies
13. I am not one to have a great memory. Most things from my childhood I tend to forget, but this. This little event I could never forget. So it starts off in Texas at a relative’s farm at least fourteen years back during the summer. My family and I were starting to move and since my brother and I were kinda small and not exactly helpful with moving stuff like furniture we had to stay with our aunt who was my dad’s sister and my uncle who recently married my aunt and their son. I was around six years old and my cousin was twelve, and my brother was fourteen. The three of us used to help out with many of the animals that were at the farms to waste time, but whenever our aunt and uncle say they didn’t need our help we would run off and do our own thing. Which in other words meant going out with our slingshots. This one day our uncle told us that we could stay out as late as we wanted so this meant we didn’t have to come back before sundown like we usually did. The three of us, my cousin, my brother, and I decided that we were going to go out as far as we possibly could from that farm and practice with our flimsy slingshots. Looking back at this it’s kinda funny how the three of us thought we could get anything and everything with a rickety slingshot. After a couple of hours of not finding anything and being at least a mile or two from the farm we decided to go back. On the way back we saw what we all thought was a coyote on the way back near the chicken pen. Seeing that it would take a long time to grab our uncle … the three of us with our flimsy slingshots tried to take care of it. Big mistake. The “coyote” turned around and started to slowly walk at us. The closer it got the bigger it seemed to get and soon I realized that it was not a coyote, but some sort of creature with some long wire like hair, red all over its face. It was out of nowhere my brother dropped his slingshot, grabbed me, and started bolting towards the house with our cousin following behind screaming at us to … run. I can’t remember how long it took us to actually make it inside that house, but I was so happy to make it inside. Whatever that thing was it stayed outside watching us. It wasn’t until our aunt saw it outside did it leave. My aunt thought it was just a coyote, but my cousin was … sure it was a skinwalker. Our uncle sided with him on whatever it was. My uncle was a Navajo and didn’t joke about this stuff, but my brother, my aunt and I weren’t. My cousin, who grew up learning about these legends, kept telling him that it was a skinwalker until he was bawling his eyes out. Our uncle decided to believe him and fortify that house the best he could that night. The next day, we went outside and found all the chickens torn apart outside of their pens. My parents came that same day to pick up my brother and I. Mainly because our uncle was calling them frantically and they worried about our safety. I rarely keep in touch with those relatives anymore due to my family moving all those years ago, and whenever I do so we never bring up the incident anymore out of fear that may have actually been a skinwalker. 12. When I was 20 years old and my brother was 15 years old. Our parents were out of town. My brother had some friends over one night. As I walked out the door to pickup food I overheard them talking about the supernatural, ghost, demons etc. What I didn't know was one of them had brought over a spirit board. While I was gone they decided to call on a spirit. After a few times asking for a spirit to appear to them they got their wish. The lights in the house went out, a low eerie laugh consumed the whole house, not one of the seven could move.They all say they could see a shadow circling the table but the light from the neighbours house was dense. All of them knew they should run yet they couldn't move even a finger. No one could speak or scream or cry. As I pulled into the drive the seven teenagers came running out of the house screaming and crying. They reached me quickly but as they were running to me I seen the blinds in the living room pull apart in the middle aggressively. Before I could process what I had seen all of them were trying to tell me what had just happened. The front door suddenly slammed knocking the already torn blind to the floor. Although you think that would be the end of the story but it's not. Someone still had to go back in the house or at the least lock the door. The seven teens weren't an option and I was the only adult in sight. I made my brother go with me since this was partly his fault. We walked to the front door slowly, both of us we breathing hard and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. As I put my fingers on the handle of the door I thought about it like ripping off a band-aide. Just do it fast. I slung the door open with one swoop. The smell was unimaginable and it hit us like a slap in the face. The odor was a mixture of flowers and something rotting. It took us a moment to overcome the horrific smell. Before entering the house I tried to turn on the lights by the door. The outside light and the hall light turned on right away. I shouldn't have been surprised to see the house was in a shambles. If I hadn't seen the blind rip open or the see the door slam on it's own I would've thought my brother had entertained a wild party. As we entered the house I began telling the entity in a loud demanding voice, "Leave this home. You are not welcome here." As I spoke I walked to where the spirit board was on the floor. When I picked up the board I said "This conversation has ended. Goodbye." The front door slammed on it's own again but the odor was gone. We cleaned up and never told my parents. 11. I was dating this one girl, a long distance relationship. She lived in Washington State while I lived in California, long distance relationships usually involved the usual: facetiming, phone calls, Skype, etc. About 7 months into the relationship I had a dream. The only member of her family I've seen on FaceTime was her cousin, Zoe. In the dream I was watching over her while she played in a bouncy house, suddenly she stopped and pointed. I looked into the direction she pointed, there was an old male, so old that gravity took a toll on his wrinkly skin. I locked eyes with him and I felt his piercing blue eyes freeze my body in place. He raised his hand from the resting place on his rocking chair. He pointed at me, his mouth opened wide as a sharp screeching noise came out of him. I woke up in cold sweat, texting my girlfriend telling her the dream. She was shocked... she texted back "you saw grandpa?" She later explained that her late grandpa's appearance perfectly fit my dream. What shocked us both was that I've never seen a picture of her grandfather let alone knew that he [had passed away]. "He would always stay in his rocking chair and look out the window during his final days.", she said. Can ghosts communicate through dreams? Can I see ghosts? Are ghosts real? I don't know if any of these will ever be answered but I hope one day I can understand. 10. So this happened about 2 years ago, nearly 3, when I was a freshman. I never had much faith in the afterlife or the paranormal. Anyways, I never had much of a hard time sleeping, however, during the second week of winter break it was becoming really difficult to sleep. I remember one night I had woken up to a loud bang. At first I thought I was a shot, which wouldn't have been so surprising since I live in a rough neighborhood in East Los Angeles, but then I heard another bang that came from outside my door. I slowly made my way out of bed and i looked over to my alarm clock which read 2:53 a.m. I thought maybe it could be my mom or my older brother, but then i remembered my mom was working until 8 o'clock and my brother was at his girl's house. With a racing heart, i grabbed the bat i had under my bed and i waited, thinking it could be an intruder. I held my breath waiting for another sound, but nothing happened for the rest of the night. The next day i told my family about it, but they just joked about it. They joked that it was the devil checking on me and ultimately they paid no mind to it. It wasn't until around midnight that i heard the bang again. This time i was awake an i rushed to where i heard the sound, which led to my bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and i looked inside only to see nothing. I jumped when i heard the sound of glass breaking. It came from my kitchen and i saw that at least 4 plates had fallen off of the cabinet and were shattered on the floor. It scared me because those plates couldn't have fallen on their own because there was a latched that kept the cabinet shut. I inspected the cabinet to see if maybe the latch had broken, but it wasn't. The activity continued throughout the rest of the break and most of it was childish. There would be knocks in one room and then another, like if someone was messing with me. I would have my hair tugged and some mornings old family picture frames would be broken. My mom even said she heard a little kid crying when she was alone in the house. Then one day she revealed to me that the previous owners of the house had a 3 year old son who had passed away in the tub when his mother had left him alone to answer the phone. After the boy's passing the parents had sold the house to my family and were never heard from again. At first i was skeptical, but then i remembered the knocking coming from the bathroom. Needless to say, it pushed me to believe in the afterlife more and now the activity doesn't bother me anymore. To me it's just a little boy who doesn't know he's passed and just wants to play. I hope that I'm able to catch some activity on video and post it. 9. My whole life I’ve had paranormal experiences so over the years I’ve grown used to them. One particular paranormal experience is something that gives me nightmares to this day. when I was between the ages of 5 and 11 my family lived in a small apartment building. My sister and I shared one bedroom while my brother had the other, both my parents slept in the living room downstairs. I would go downstairs every night to get water or a snack if I was hungry and I never got scared because my parents were just feet from the kitchen sleeping. I remember that night I woke up in the middle of the night as usual and went downstairs to the kitchen to get water. Our kitchen had an odd half wall so even if you were feet from it you could still see the whole kitchen. I remember I had passed my parents who were sleeping at the time and made it just feet from the kitchen where I had been able to see the sink and window just above it. I didn’t even make it to the kitchen. In front of the sink where the window was shining in lights from outside I saw a dark haired woman looking out the window. I remember standing there for what felt like hours but it only lasted about 10 seconds. The women just stood there not moving for a few more seconds and before I could even think of what to do next this woman started bending weirdly. Like her bones were breaking but no sound was audible. I stared at her not knowing what to do at the time, before I could react, the woman turned completely and looked towards me. Her face was completely blacked out. I ran past my parents and back up to my bedroom. Let’s just say I got no sleep that night. Since then my family has moved from that apartment complex and to this day 10+ years later I still can see that woman so clearly in my head and I hope I never encounter her again. 8. About a couple months ago around October I wanted to make a Halloween video with some friends. We wanted to film a short film about a psycho … in the woods. We went to my local woods where we were looking for a good spot to film. We ended up going down a small ravine to film. Everything was normal until we noticed weird objects above a part of the ravine so we went to check it out. We climbed uphill from the ravine were we found a small shelter something that a man built to sleep in. Around the small shelter there were dolls hanged around it deformed and almost satanic like. The dolls were really unpleasant and made us uncomfortable. However it looked good for our film so we started filming there until we kept hearing noises around us and our anxiety was getting to us so we booked it. We still filmed at the bottom of the ravine now with more friends. They didn't believe what we found so we took them to see the dolls. We didn't hear anything but some of our friends got really anxious so we left but me personally I don't believe in paranormal stuff but i did leave with scratches on my back that I did not feel until I left the woods. I have footage of us finding the dolls in the woods and pictures of my scratched back. It was really unpleasant finding those scratches though. I went back recently to see if the dolls were still there with a friend and they were gone however the shelter was still there. Don't know if there is psycho living in my local woods but I'll never know. 7. This is a true story, sorry if its a bit long. My mother passed away in 2015. I visit her grave on occasions to leave flowers and think about her.I have had an unusual life in many ways and this is but one tale in a sea of many. This may be the first of them or at least the earliest one I was told. Mom was buried in our family plot that also includes my grandparents at a local but secluded cemetery. During one of my visits over the summer I recalled a story my mother had told me a few years earlier, long before she too would join them there. At the time I had no memory of the following story as I was three when the event occured. After she told me I did start to remember parts of it which I had probably blocked out due to a combination of being young and how traumatic this was. My grandfather passed away when I was only a year old in 1972. My other had been very close to him and it had affected her deeply. For most of my childhood my mother and I would visit his grave in the cemetery, leave flowers and trim grass away from his headstone. We had gone to place a Christmas wreath on this particular trip. It was winter and we had gone late in the day. Typical for that time of year the days were short and the sun was dipping low in the sky. While my mother did her usual tending of his headstone, I wandered nearby among the neighboring graves. At my very young age I understood that people were laid to rest and understood the concept of passing on. My mother had explained this to me somewhat early probably to help me understand who we went there for and why. In my three year old mind I imagined skeletons buried underground. I was not afraid of the cemetary or graves however as this was a ritual we had done numerous times and had become somewhat routine. At some point on this trip, while wandering, my foot had slipped into a hole and become stuck. My mother heard me crying and ran to find my foot lodged into the headstone of a nearby grave. The headstones were bronze with a marble border. They featured a bronze vase you could unscrew and pull out of the headstone, invert and use to fill with flowers. This grave however was missing its vase, leaving only an empty hole. My foot had become wedged into the hole and trying as she could my mother could not get my foot out. Meanwhile, the sun was starting to set, it was getting dark quickly. She told me I was hysterical at this point. I do recall now, thinking in my three year olds mind that a skeleton had reached up and was grabbing my foot from somewhere beneath the grave.All I could think about was that it wanted to drag me down into the grave and keep me there. My mother had also become frantic, seeing the very real possibility of me being stuck in the graveyard at night. She left me to try and find the groundskeeper. She was unable to locate any people because due to winter the staff was minimal then during the warmer months. After what felt like an eternity she returned to me. She told me she could hear me screaming the whole time she had been searching for help. In a moment of desperation she yanked me as hard as she could and my foot popped out of my shoe freeing me from the hole. I clearly remember this part, and can picture seeing the small, hard-soled child's shoe wedged at an angle in the vase hole. We then left after this however I don't remember much after that point. I had never heard this story up until about 2012 when my mother recalled it to me. She had been surprised I started to recall details after she told it to me. It had shocked me when I actually started to remember these long buried memories. I still miss and think about my mother every day but I do sort of wonder if there were any other stories she never told me. Considering how many years it took her to bring this one up and the fact she is gone now I guess I will never really know. 6. This is a story about a girl in my high school. I go to high school just like any normal person would do but I was having a little trouble with my grades. So I started staying after school to do a little extra work to bring my grade up But I've noticed in school that there has been this quiet girl that attended tutoring along with 8 more people.But when I go staring around I would always see her staring at me, never letting her sight off me. I really didn't mind it but it felt just creepy. This kept going on for 2 weeks and there it is her still staring at me. Now I was feeling very uncomfortable. When the school day ended, and tutoring started I would sit as far away from her. We go home at about 6:00 pm and we were heading to the bus. There is only one bus because there aren't to many people. And as usual I would sit as far away from that girl. But that day when I got off for my bus stop she got off to. This was weird as she always got off at a different stop but I didn't really to much attention to it as I thought maybe she changed her bus stop or something so I really didn't think of it.It was kinda getting dark and it was 1 mile walk from my bus stop to my home. But I noticed that the girl has been following me for about 2 minutes and I didn't know why, this of course bothered me but there wasn't really much I could do.I just ignored her and minded my own business and kept walking. 2 minutes later I noticed that she kept on following me.I started to get a feeling that maybe she was lost or something. It was dark and then she started talking to herself. She was acting really weird and I just wanted ignore it but she kept whispering to herself but you could hear mumbling.The sound were getting closer and closer so I picked up the pace.When I picked up the pace she did too.She then let out a scream that was so ... loud that made me pee my pants.I started sprinting to get as far away from her.She went chasing me.I was getting scared and then I went running around the neighborhood. I didn't want to go to my house cause then she would know where I live. Around the corner I saw a bush large enough for me to hide in.Then she stopped as she though that she lost me.When she stopped,she took a deep breath and ran away.I stayed there for 5 minutes just too make sure?. I was thinking to myself that this girl is insane and had some mental problems. After this horrifying experience, I didn't go to after school tutoring again. 5. On November 4th 2017, my grandmother had passed away. It wasn't until December when we moved into the old family house. My family and I, resting after a day of hard work, sat down in the living room with some old item of my grandmother's. Once we had all sat down an old music box started to play slowly with the little figures jerking, instead of moving peacefully. We realized at once that this was the lost relative trying to get in contact with us. But, as soon as one of us left the room it stopped, and started when we came back. We soon realized the house was haunted with spirits of the many generations of our family that had built and lived here. 4. I live in rural Kentucky in America south east Kentucky, to be exact. I was staying with my aunt and uncle up in Mt. Vernon Ky, along with my aunt's great-great aunt named Lela. I was about 6-8 at the time, and Lela was around her late 80's, early 90's, and was sadly in poor health. Doctor's had refused her treatment due to her age and overall health she was around 5ft 3in, 200+ pounds, and wheel-chair bound, so they opted for setting up Hospice in my Aunt's house, allowing her to live out her days there. Anyways, I had slept on the couch the days I were there, and, leading to their back porch, were the sliding glass doors. They always kept blinds over them, had an alarm system, and kept the doors locked, so I wasn't really worried, because even as a kid, I knew what break ins were. Needless to say, I was pretty freaked out when I was awakened by a low tapping sound on the glass doors. It was daylight, so I thought noting of it. I kinda assumed it was one of the stray dogs that roamed the area, and that their tail was hitting the glass. Not long after that, though, I saw a shadow through the blinds. No eyes, no features, just a really tall shadow. Well, I thought it was my Uncle just leaving to go to work, so I went back to sleep. I awoke later on, to find that a) t was Saturday, and he had the day off and b) it had snowed all night, and there was NO foot prints at all. My aunt was freaked out, and couldn't really let me sleep on the couch after that. Skip forwards a day or two, and I'm at home, when our phone rings; it was my aunt calling to tell my mom that Lela had died. That, in itself was kinda spooky, given the fact that my Aunt thought I had seen an apparition, but the kicker? Lela was sitting on the couch I had slept on, and she just slumped over. My little cousin, Emily, who was around 4-5 at the time, screamed, and began blabbering about the 'Dark man' over Lela. Needless to say, everyone now tells anyone I bring home about the time I 'Saw the reaper. 3. This is a couple stories of when I was alone in a house down the street from where I live now. 1) I was home alone for the afternoon one summer day. It was towards the end of summer, so I was being lazy and watching TV in the living room. My parents were out somewhere and my brother was at a friends. I kept getting paranoid a bit as I was only 15 at the time. I constantly checked out the windows and made sure the doors were locked as I kept getting a feeling I was being watched. Then the noises began. I kept hearing thumps in the attic and I got scared as the only way to the attic was through my closet in my room, as it only had a cover lid for it. I sat on the couch and tried to ignore the sounds. After awhile, it stopped, but then I started to hear talking in the backroom of the house. The weird part is, no one was home, I put the TV on mute, and it sounded like a male and female. So, I got up and slowly went to the backroom to check, only to find no one there. By then, I was really scared. I ran to the living room and curled up, sitting there in complete silence as I didn't know what to do. It was alright for a minute until I jumped by the sound of 3 knocks on the front door, only 5 feet from my left. I reluctantly went to check through the peek hole to find no one at the door or down the street. I immediately called my parents after that and they arrived a hour later 2) It was late at night in the same old house. Me and my brother were alone for the night while my parents went out to eat. During the night, everything went as normal, but then I noticed things moving on their own. The washer would have it's lid open right after I closed it, the keys would move, and clothes would go missing. Then the scariest thing happened that night. As I was going to bed, I looked outside my doorway to see a figure that appeared to be a shadow person standing there. I hid in my covers and ever since then, I always sleep with my door closed at night 2. So about 3 weeks ago I started having these strange dreams, often involving little things happening in a different order than usual. It started off pretty normal. My school bus came down my street from an abnormal direction. For some reason this stuck with me. The dreams were kind of like an anthology. The second dream followed the next night. The dream started the same, but this time I got on the bus. People’s face were just blurry, and an odd middle aged man sat behind me. Which is off seeing as how it’s a school bus. The man whispered to me, but I didn’t understand what he said. The next night I had the same dream with a few minor differences. This time I understood what he said. “Remember, don’t ask questions.” I didn’t really understand what he meant by that. The next day I sat in class, I kind of fell asleep during a lecture in my psychology class. The dream continued where it left off. The strange man stood up, and the bus flipped. Before I woke up, he kept repeating a name. I didn’t understand it. When I woke up my mom was calling me, I stepped out of the class, and answered. My mother informed me that my estranged father had passed. She sent me a link to the obituary, there was a picture of that strange man. Was it some kind of intuition, or my mind playing tricks on me? After that the dreams stopped. I still haven’t figured out what the last thing he said was. Guess I’ll never know. 1. My name is Valentine and I live in Windsor Ontario, This is a horrific story that happened to me, I'm willing to share it to you. I feel I need to get this out here it goes.. This story happened about a decade ago. My mom was acquainted with this weird but nice guy named Michael. They would often hangout and she introduced me to him at some point. I noticed a creepy vibe when I was around him but as I got to know him more I never really cared. He even got me a real dream catcher as I'm into that kind of stuff and this got me to grow much respect towards him. However, there was this one day my mom was at her friends house and I was home alone. Michael was driving a mini van and he pulled up on the driveway and started honking the car horn for my mom, I went outside to tell him that she wasn't home. He grinned at me, I mean he grinned like he was going to get what he wanted. Well I think he did because he asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream with him and i being that little kid that didn't know better, I said "yes". "Hop on in bud" he said. I got in and we drove down to a place called "dairy delight". To be fair we actually did get ice cream but the car ride after that was just ..weird. We started driving in a direction I wasn't familiar with. "Where are we going?" I asked. his response was "Were going to see your mom!" He said that with a dark smile on his face. That didn't make any sense my mom was busy during this day there's no way she would of been able to be picked up by this guy. I started feeling a pain punch my stomach, I nervously said" Maybe we should go back to my house" and he turned back to me and glared. After glaring at me for like 5 or 10 seconds, he said in a very dark tone “No". I noticed he was pulling over and there was a guy standing on the road with his thumb out. Michael pulled over and told him he would drive him to wherever he was headed. The guy got in the van and we drove off In what felt like a hurry. For the record I was in the back seat. Michael and this guy both smiled and looked at each other then at me. This guy was messy, wearing a stained green shirt and cuts on his pants. The two were talking back and forth to each other about stuff I don't even remember but they seemed to be getting along like they knew each other. I already could tell that Michael knew this guy. he wasn't a hitchhiker . I was scarred out of my mind, I wanted to go home. I failed to notice this earlier, but In the way back of Michaels van there were pictures. What scared me straight was one of the pictures was of me. It looked like me walking home from school. I finally realized what Michaels true colours were. I started crying and screaming for someone to help me and the two up front started laughing at me. I saw a wrench that was on the floor of Michaels van. I quickly thought of what I had to do. I picked up the wrench and swung the van window open and screamed for my life. The "hitchhiker" tried grabbing me but I chomped his hand and he let out the most horrific scream. Michael slammed on the brakes and I jumped out. The van didn't move a inch while I was running away. I was able to get help from a nearby pedestrian and she helped me to my place where we called my mom and the cops. Turns out Michael has spent time behind bars for what he had done to other children. My mom rushed home when she heard the news. She was mad at me for going with him but she was very happy I was safe and cried while holding me. Michael was found at his sketchy apartment and was arrested later that same day. Unfortunately they never found the guy he picked up. I don't know where Michael is today but I hope he's rotting behind bars for other reasons because no kid should have to go through with that again.
Channel: Chills
Views: 623,470
Rating: 4.8545489 out of 5
Keywords: chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, lists, countdown, entertainment, horror stories animated, horror stories, true horror stories, true scary stories, scary stories animated, scary stories, horror animation, creepy animation, animated story, animated stories, true horror stories animated, nightmare files, true animated stories, stories, animation, short film, story animated, scary stories chills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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