2 TRUE Creepy Nightshift Horror Stories Animated

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when i was in college i worked the night shift one summer vacation i was 19 years old and an average looking female i wasn't enthused about having to work a job over the summer but it was the only way i was going to be able to afford tuition working night shift was probably the weirdest experience of my life it was at the mcdonald's drive through i still remember my first night on the job this lady came in and was talking to someone while she was waiting for us to take her order she sounded extremely upset and she was screaming at the top of her lungs it sounded like it was directed at someone in the backseat i immediately assumed that perhaps she was abusing her children i'm a psychology major so i naturally pick up on stuff like that she ordered three big macs and three large cokes and my intuition has been wrong when she pulled up to pay for her meal she was completely alone i was honestly a little startled why would this lady be here wanting this much food and screaming her car if she was alone i couldn't wrap my head around the situation she was otherwise polite she was nice as she spoke to me and paid for her food and left she even told me to have a good night she had been the only customer we had in probably a 45 minute window and after she left i saw some of my co-workers laughing at me i asked him what was so funny and he told me it was my first encounter with schizo susan they told me that she regularly did stuff like this and always showed up at all hours of the night to order seemingly too much food she was always yelling at people in her car but there was never anyone actually in her car they didn't actually know her name so they just started calling her schizo susan they told me that there were occasional nights when she was the only customer to come through the drive-through at all and i found that extremely unnerving i immediately started wondering what was wrong with this woman about a week went by she came in every night just like they said and in between speaking to me to order her food and picking up her food she was always yelling at someone i couldn't take it anymore i had to know what was up so i formulated a plan i was just going to ask her who she was speaking to you know play it off like i thought she was talking to me it was the best i could come up with without seeming abrasive i remember it being a friday night when i decided i was gonna go do it i chickened out a couple of times but i figured that since i don't work the weekends may as well try something new to end my last shift for the week well the night that i did it i listened into her screaming for a few more seconds than i normally did you see i can listen to what people are saying through the mcdonald's speaker without them necessarily knowing that i'm listening if i don't say anything they would never know i normally never did this because it's kind of frowned upon i'm pretty sure there's some kind of rule against it but i listened for maybe 20 or 30 seconds i listened for long enough to know that she was yelling at someone named darion when she was in the middle of saying something i interrupted her and said i'm sorry ma'am were you speaking to me she just replied no okay i thought to myself i knew that i had to try something else i asked her if darion would be ordering with her then she was silent it wasn't an entire minute but she just didn't say anything after the second time of asking her if she was still there she let out a banshee of the scream it was the loudest thing that i've ever heard in my life it really hurt my ears blasting through the intercom the mcdonald's microphone system is already pretty loud but when someone screams into it trust me when i say that it's the most unbearable thing you've ever experienced i was also surprised at how long she screamed she had one deep guttural scream going for like 30 entire seconds in the moment though i was scared for my life i also got really worried that i was going to lose my job i felt really guilty for asking it was my fault for setting her off in retrospect i don't think i really did anything horrible to her literally just ask her if the person whose name she was screaming just a minute ago was also going to be ordering food he didn't actually say anything when she screamed it was just kind of a violent and guttural screaming i was really taken aback there for a minute how the heck do you even respond to that i asked her if she wanted to continue placing her order and that's when she just drove away she floored it and drove way faster than she should have and as she drove by i saw her face looking at me through the window it must have only been a split second that i could see her but i got that one really good look at her she looked extremely distressed and as if things couldn't get any weirder the microphone system stopped working correctly the rest of the night i think she screamed loud enough to break something in it that was hands down the weirdest thing to ever happen to me throughout any job i've ever worked and this weird lady just disappeared after that she stopped coming mcdonald's all together i asked some of the other co-workers how long she has been stopping by for her nightly visits and all they said was that it was for as long as they can remember which probably meant at least a year for some of them i felt somewhat guilty for angering this lady so badly but i think it is safe to say she probably needs some serious mental help i haven't worked at mcdonald's in a long time and i don't ever plan on working fast food again i just hope that wherever that lady ended up she got the help that she so desperately needed [Music] i work at a regional grocery store i'm a 26 year old female i graduated from college with a master's degree in psychology and still couldn't find a job due to family circumstances i wasn't able to get my phd which was basically the bare minimum to land in a decent paying job so i was a little stuck i even had a hard time finding a regular job i had applied to a bunch of lower positions but i kept getting rejected because i was overqualified over and over again people told me that i would get too bored on the job and so they wouldn't hire me this made me live it after a certain point my student loan payments were due and i really needed the money i had to ask my cousin's friend for a job he was the manager at this regional grocery store literally the only position they had available was stocking shelves on night shift i couldn't believe myself i was so ashamed i felt like i'd wasted years of my life and thousands of dollars in debt just to get a job anyone could do but either way the job itself wasn't all that bad i was allowed to listen to my earbuds while i worked this meant i could turn on my favorite podcast while working my favorite murder if you're wondering i must have worked there for about a year before the big change came previously the store closed down at 12 in the morning but for whatever reason that policy got changed and it became a 24 hour store with the exception of holidays and sunday nights it really sucked what used to be my podcast and stock the shelves time kept getting interrupted by stupid customers asking where things were that was fine i didn't mind helping people out i worked there after all but they would literally ask me where the most obvious grocery items were so many times i couldn't help but think are you literally blind or stupid but then there was one night when a very strange man came up to me he had really buggish eyes entire body was round and he had the longest nose hair i'd ever seen on a human being it was like he took the hair right off of his head and glued it into his nose i was down on my knees stocking the bottom shelf was when he touched my hair i had my hair in a ponytail that night and he lightly caressed the part of it that was touching my back i jerked back and asked excuse me he tried playing it off like he had arthritis but i knew that he was just being a creep i asked him what he wanted he stood there for a second he seemed to be thinking of what to say but only one word came out of his mouth you he walked up closer to me and then started to smell my shoulder it felt so weird and i don't think i could have been more creeped out i told him that if he doesn't need any help finding any items then i had work i had to be doing but he kept standing there he started smiling real wide and then hugged me it's okay darling i'm going to take care of you at this point i was screaming inside of my own head this freak was crossing a million different lines i pushed him off of me and ran to get my manager who was a larger guy he'd have no problem fighting this creep if it came to it the creepy guy followed me as i went too the nerve on the sky when he saw my manager down the aisle he must have had second thoughts because he turned around and started running away i explained to my manager everything that had happened and he said he'd take care of it if that guy came back again and that creep was smart because he waited a couple of weeks before he did come back he waited long enough that the incident would not be on the tip of anyone's mind i wasn't expecting him and neither was my manager i was standing there stalking a shelf like i always did and all of a sudden i felt someone tugging my hair they took really hard and it really hurt my neck they totally overpowered me and started dragging me across the floor at this point i hadn't even realized who it was until i looked up to see that man he must have dragged me a solid 30 feet to the exit before someone saw what was going on it wasn't my manager but it was another one of the girls who work with me she started screaming like a banshee and running at him and for one reason or another he decided to run away again i was beyond relieved i couldn't believe that he was just going to walk up to me and start dragging me out of the store by my hair what kind of psycho does that it was all just truly horrifying this was finally the incident that convinced the store owner that we had to have security if we were going to be open at night we had a security guard somewhere on the premises after that and i felt a lot safer i'm still looking for a job in psychology and i really hope i can get one soon i felt like i really needed a break after having gone through all of this thank you for watching these stories are narrated by let's read and check out our channel dark ace narrative please subscribe as we are close to 1k subscribers links in the description below
Channel: DarkAce Animations
Views: 223,829
Rating: 4.9147267 out of 5
Keywords: True, True Horror Story, Horror Story Animated, Mcdonalds, Burger King, Horror, Creepy, Terrifying, Animated, Animation, Anime, DarkAce, DarkAce Animation, Bizarre, Nightshift, Home Alone
Id: CjZMwjpJwVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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