22 True Horror Stories Animated Compilation

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just out of college and despite having a degree it was almost impossible for me to get a job day after day week after week i sent out my resume to every game developer and computer company in the country and a few in europe and asia six months into this my money was running very low this was when i was forced to face the facts i needed a job immediately and it didn't matter where and for how much just in time i found a job listing for a video game store at the mall you know the one i mean and the terrible stories you hear about them are almost always true because of my background in games i was given an interview immediately and hired soon after my first shift was the following morning other than a few hiccups along the way it kept my head above water until i got on with dell two years later the meat of the facts began just before my second year was about to start because of the high turnover i was made an assistant manager by month nine none of my shifts were evenings so i was tasked with keeping the younger employees in line a job i never really took seriously since i was only a few years older than they were i didn't care how they acted as long as they did their job around this time a girl was hired that could have been my undoing the second i saw her i knew she would be a problem however it wasn't just her that was the source of trouble her super jealous boyfriend became a thorn in the side of every guy that worked with her and sometimes just spoke to her a shift of hers didn't go by without him showing up to check on her some nights he would do no more than sit on a bench outside the store and watch her work but anytime she would get too close to a guy for his liking he'd approach them and physically intimidate the guy she was talking to she never said a thing when this happened i actually think she kind of liked it but it would be what would push her away from him in the end she'd worked at the store for a couple of weeks before someone showed her the hallways that ran along the back of every place she took advantage of the fact he wasn't aware of them and this turned out to be a big mistake if any person reading this doesn't know what i'm talking about pay attention you're about to learn something i'm not sure how common this is but some indoor malls those built in the old way where each store inhabited an area that leased from the mall owner there are a network of paths or halls that run behind each business they're used mainly by the employees the system allows them to enter and leave their jobs without being seen by the customers although i'm pretty sure their intended purpose was to give janitorial staff an uncluttered pathway to maintain the spaces that being said in all my time at that job i only saw a member of the cleaning staff a handful of times most of those times they were sneaking a cigarette rather than working luckily we could still smoke inside the building back then no one said anything to the office if they caught you probably because they were doing the same thing on their breaks if we are all on the same page now i'll get to the real story like i said his jealousy no matter how it turned her on was at the same time pushing her away on her breaks she'd often sneak out the back and disappear for a while where she went i had no idea or really cared the boyfriend took forever to catch on but when he did he was super angry she continued this routine for a few months and just one day she never came back to the store i didn't attach any importance to this it was during the holidays and work was a nightmare it wasn't uncommon for employees to go on break after an especially hectic rush and not return the turnover was simply that bad things got a bit more interesting about four or five days later the police showed up and had some questions about her disappearance i was like disappearance what's going on here they then informed me that she had been reported missing the day after she bailed on work by her parents she had never made it home and they thought we may know something the crazy thing was that when they visited her boyfriend's place to see if she was there in addition to him not being there after some digging they learned that nobody had seen either of them for about a week i was quick to make it clear that i didn't know anything i just assumed she got sick of the place and bailed i guess they were happy with that never heard from them again time passed and the situation around her almost faded completely from my mind until something really big in february happened and brought it back into crystal clarity some workmen were renovating one of the store's spaces for an incoming client and once they had completed emptying the space of what the previous renters had left behind they began the undertaking of finding the source of a terrible smell initially it had been inferred that the smell was emanating from some old food products left behind in the space but even after the clearing the stink remained the next theory was that an animal like a rat had died in the wall it had happened before so before they went to the extreme of busting holes in the walls to find the source of the smell they went next door to the adjoining space that was also empty and had been for some time they spent close to an hour sifting through tons of old displays and leftover building materials it turned out that the mall had been using this space for years as storage and the place was a mess the two guys tasked with doing this were about to say forget it when one of them stumbled upon the source of the stink and it definitely wasn't a rat someone had taken a large piece of plywood and put it over a tiny little closet thus making it invisible the guy had caught on that the smell grew worse as he got closer to this board so he pushed aside the heavy display rack holding the board against the wall and as soon as he pulled back the board he found what was causing it the semi-mummified body of what looked like a female was lying on the floor facing the wall it appeared the arid and dry arizona heat had preserved the corpse and suppressed decomposition this had to have been why it wasn't stinking up the entire mall and managed to remain hidden for so long naturally the mall was alive with talk of who the body could possibly belong to numbers of people had just stopped coming to work one day or skipped out during their lunch we gone through at least 15 people in the last year ourselves when the answer came no one could have guessed who it was early one morning i was awakened by my manager with the news that becky morrison was the person they found in the empty store my only answer was who he reminded me that she was the girl with the crazy jealous boyfriend that had disappeared just before christmas i hung up and went back to sleep when i returned for my shift that night it was the only thing anyone could talk about the next question asked was who did it the overall favorite was the crazy boyfriend everyone knew by now that he had disappeared just after her and considering his body wasn't found alongside hers it was a fair assumption he was most definitely nuts it made sense the story took a whole new angle just a couple of weeks after she was identified an article was published in the paper discussing a possible new motive behind this the police had recently received information that becky had been messing around with a fellow mall employee during her breaks they were meeting in the unoccupied store her body had been discovered in and fooling around after following some leads they were able to identify the employee he was a 22 year old guy working in the hallmark store but no name was given he told the officers that he and becky were supposed to hook up the day she disappeared but he got holed up by the time he'd reached the empty space and she was gone he figured she couldn't wait and return to work it was only a few days later when the cop showed up at the mall to ask questions that he heard she was missing his mind went straight to the worst and he was afraid he'd be blamed for it so he said nothing then when the news reached him that the boyfriend was also missing it was too late he figured if the boyfriend was hiding out waiting for his chance to get him it was best for him to say nothing just on the off chance he didn't know for sure who the guy was it all boiled down to him being afraid and with what i knew i could understand what nobody knew and still probably doesn't is that her and i had a thing for a short while too it wasn't long but once is all it takes i was the person who told her about the back hallways after all we slipped out there a few times to mess around fortunately we never got busted when she moved on to the next guy i wasn't hurt i knew she had a boyfriend anyway now you know why i had to act as if though i didn't care about her we figured it was the safest thing for the both of us turns out we were right i was overjoyed no one knew about us if the dude was crazy enough to strangle her for cheating which seemed to be the reason he would no doubt come after the dude she was with i felt sorry for the hallmark guy it wouldn't take much mental math to figure out who he was if he didn't already know and since they still haven't found him to this day the fear of her boyfriend popping up out of nowhere and putting some holes in him must have been real strong i know i was looking over my shoulder for several years after the police have this theory that he may have ended his life not long after there hadn't been any activity on his bank account or card for years and i still wasn't taking any chances nine years later a week doesn't go by that i don't think about her an outsider may have seen her as an easy girl but i still don't think of her that way it struck me that she was just looking for a guy that would treat her well and commit to her for the long term without being psychotic about it she was genuinely a good person and certainly didn't deserve the end she had but then again i can't think of very many that do i'm not sure if this is the creepiest or the most disgusting thing to ever happen to me but here it is i'm a 17 year old female and this happened about three months ago me and my friends always like to go to mcdonald's after we had a good yoga session you could call us regulars we probably did yoga together two or three times a week and it wasn't a class or anything it was just me and three of my friends we had another friend olivia who occasionally joined us but she was kind of flaky if she didn't feel like doing yoga that day we just went ahead and did it without her we had been in this routine for a couple of weeks at this point and we always look forward to getting some nice junk food there was something about mcdonald's that was like the guilty pleasure of my entire existence i normally didn't get it otherwise but i really look forward to the couple of occasions that me and my friends went there but this one experience was horrible i have been there enough that i started to recognize the people that work there i never had conversations with them but i knew their faces well enough to spot when someone knew was in the back working that's exactly what happened this one wednesday afternoon i noticed this guy with really thin hair he had a really creepy face and i'm not sure how to describe it exactly his eyes were humongous they looked like the eyes of a bug and then he had this really strange body language that always kind of freaked me out it was like jumpy or something if he was deep frying french fries for example he would stand perfectly still for a second and then really quickly submerge them in one motion and it would splash grease all over this was very unusual considering i had seen enough people put down fries that there was an easier way could have done that he didn't have to splash it like that i was watching him one day and we made eye contact it was really unusual too because i was looking at him as my mom's credit card was processing to pay for my meal he had his back turned toward me i was trying to figure out if i knew who he was and then he just spun around to look at me it was all in one motion it was just really freaky so i started noticing him more and more he was always working whenever my friends and i got finished with our yoga it didn't bother me too much my friends also noticed how weird he was and told me about similar experiences it wasn't creepy enough that we stopped going or anything but it was certainly enough to notice i remember the day in particular it was a weekend because i didn't have school that day me and my friends had just finished a really good yoga session and we headed over to mcdonald's anyway my friends and i ordered our food and we're waiting for a few minutes it took a little bit longer than usual which isn't really an issue because we're not impatient or anything but here was the weird part they weren't busy we were basically the only people in there waiting for food and i think they had one other person who had already ordered who was sitting down and already eating i didn't see any cars in the drive-through and i just found the whole situation extremely bizarre i'd noticed that the creepy guy was working but i didn't see him for a very long time he went behind a wall that i couldn't see him around and i wasn't sure why he did this either life went on and we got her food and sat down i normally start by eating my fries and then have whatever my main meal is after that today it happens to be chicken nuggets i got a 10 piece as i was eating i felt that creepy guy's watchful eyes looming over us i felt really freaked out and i convinced my friends to take our meal into the car to leave as we left i looked back to see him frowning at me i didn't stop walking well we got out there and for a few minutes i felt like i was being paranoid and i overreacted my friends thought so too until i looked at my chicken nuggets i looked inside of the box they were in and they seemed to be covered in some kind of weird substance i couldn't quite make it out and i didn't know what to think my immediate reaction was that they had put mayonnaise on it or something thankfully i was smart enough to ask my friends before i took a bite my one friend screamed that freak jizzed on your nuggets the more i analyzed the strange substance on my chicken nuggets the more convinced i became that it really was in fact that that certainly explains why it had taken so long for us to get our food i didn't quite understand how he was able to pull it off though he was one of at least five other workers there it's not like they would have just allowed him to do this right whatever the case may have been i didn't feel comfortable eating those chicken nuggets and i threw them out without hesitation my friends and i were all really freaked out that this had happened to us my friends threw out the rest of their food just to be on the safe side we weren't really sure if we should have reported this incident to the police or something we really didn't know what to do we just kind of laughed it off as being one of those crazy life experiences and that was it i haven't gone back to mcdonald's since this whole experience but yeah that's the story of how i ordered chicken nuggets one time and the freaky guy working there put his secret sauce on them okay i don't think you guys are even going to believe this story but it's 100 true just happened last week i don't know how else i could even preface this dumpster fire of a story but here it goes i'm a 22 year old male and i live with my fiance we had a nice apartment but we were really looking to buy a house i know a little young for that but we both landed really nice jobs after college and figured that it's better to get it out of the way now and start settling down or kind of old fashion like that my fiance's grandmother owns a home and no one lives in it she had it for about a year since a family relative passed away no one wanted anything to do with it since there was a lot of work that needed to be done like painting the walls and redoing the floors and just various tasks like that it wasn't completely horrible inside but there was enough work that it literally sat there for a good little while well my fiance and i started talking to her grandmother after buying the place she told us that she would sell it to us for a low enough price that we would be able to afford all of the renovations and whatnot we're really excited about it it was really exciting to think we were going to have purchased our first home together so shortly after graduating from college but here was the problem she had a lot of people in her family who started feeling left out it was my fiancee's aunt and her two sons their father had died shortly after the second son was born and the mother had a hard time coping with everything she was a regular drinker and arguably an alcoholic my fiance told me that they were extremely negative people and after meeting them a few times at family functions i was surprised at how right she was they lived in government housing she collected disability fraudulently and her two sons didn't work despite one being 24 and the other being 19. there were whispers of drug abuse in there too suffice to know that these were not the kind of people he wanted to associate with when word got out that we were buying the house from her grandma they started feeling really left out there were a few occasions where they'd try offering to watch the house very obviously an attempt to get in there and do god only knows what we politely declined and did everything we could to avoid them i happened to be at the house one day my fiancee was working and i work remotely online so i was home alone i just walked down the street to buy a lemonade when i saw someone at her house it was extremely unexpected i got ready to confront a potential burglar when i noticed it was my fiancee's cousin trying to break in he was startled when he saw me and froze for a minute i asked him what he was doing and he told me something about thinking he saw a car he didn't recognize in the driveway i explained that it was my car and he left without any big confrontation as he walked away though i heard him start cursing under his breath this was the point when i started feeling like we had something to worry about not feeling it safe inside your own home is the worst feeling ever especially being two young recent college graduates we both worked really hard to make this happen and the idea that it made us feel unsafe there really bothered us i still didn't even understand what they wanted out of the whole ordeal they didn't have enough money to afford the property tax alone forget about utilities and anything else about two weeks went by without any kind of confrontation i had falsely convinced myself that they'd finally leave us alone i was dead wrong we went to mcdonald's one day exactly one week ago today the day i'm writing this me and my fiance both just wanted to be out of the house for a little while considering we were in the process of buying a house we didn't want to go eat anywhere expensive so mcdonald's just seemed like a logical decision now before i continue i feel the need to explain something about my fiance and i we are normally very serious people we work very hard and we're both kind of workaholics but when we get together to have some fun we go hard work hard play hard right well we got kind of silly when we played let me cut to the chase we were both playing in the ball pit at our local mcdonald's we always enjoyed goofing off like that and we weren't too concerned with what people would think of us we'd only been messing around for five minutes when her cousin showed up at mcdonald's too it was creepy he walked right in looked at us the entire time before he even opened the front door his eyes were stuck on us and they felt heavy my fiance immediately knew something was wrong when my facial expression changed and she darted around to see what i was looking at we both watched as her cousin made his way out to the ball pit he stepped outside as he walked he moved his body to grab something out of his pocket i couldn't see what it was but my first thought was a gun or a knife the look in his eyes told me he was out to do serious harm he jumped into the ball pit in my direction i luckily landed one solid punch in his face as he came down it threw him off i had an advantage he kicked me in the stomach but i landed a few more punches on his face he started screaming for me to stop and that i was killing him i would have kept going if my fiance hadn't been watching he started this not me we got out of the ball pit he then began telling us that he was going to press charges on me for assaulting him i wasn't even phased by this there were plenty of witnesses there that had seen the whole thing transpire i started telling him that i was calling the cops and i was going to press charges on him he got really panicked and ran back to his car and drove off i'm not going to lie to you this whole thing really shook me up i didn't know what to think i didn't know what to do i looked around online and found an easy solution a restraining order my fiance and i had both gotten restraining orders on her aunt and her two cousins i didn't know why we didn't think of this sooner they really solved the issue and once they understood that we had a restraining order against them they buggered right off i haven't seen or heard from them since and thankfully and hopefully that's the end of my story my name's gerald and i'm 22. for the past year i've encountered a buttload of crazy people and have accumulated even more crazy stories while most of them would make you laugh the one i've chosen to share was terrifying while it was happening and still gives me shivers when i remember it a little more than a year ago i applied for and got a job at my favorite convenience store across the street from my house i'd moved there my sophomore year in college and decided to stay after i left school this little store is served as a savior to me living as young men often do i had very little money but i was always confident i could find something to fill my belly regardless of how much was in my pocket at the time so when the time came i was no longer able to rely on my parents for money the corner store was the first place i went for a job i was in luck only the day before one of the employees was fired for stealing from the register i took his place and i've been here ever since like any other corner store we sell alcohol beer wine liquor the whole boat naturally this makes us a beacon for the local drunks these folks have served as countless hours of entertainment while most are harmless people on one specific occasion a horribly violent outburst occurred it was a quiet saturday night about an hour before close most of the regulars had made their appearances a few more than once the two involved in this incident had been in around 7 pm and had just returned they were or at least appear to be a couple i'd seen them around the neighborhood since i moved in the owner of the stores said they'd been customers since he bought the store and that was 13 years ago although they were not very talkative when they came in i never had any reason to believe either could be violent however that night something had changed upon arriving the second time they went straight to the cooler containing the court and 40 ounce sized beers nothing out of the ordinary as i said but tonight an argument between the two started soon after their arrival initially i couldn't hear what it was about but soon i could hear everything they said across the store i minded my own business for a while but once the female began screaming curse words at the man i felt like i had to at least get them to take it outside i wasn't sure what to say but i began my walk to the opposite side of the small store before i was halfway there the man started screaming back at the woman i'm not sure exactly what she had said to him but it had obviously infuriated him mere moments before he had taken a quart bottle of bush or some other cheap beer from the cooler all of a sudden he began striking down at the woman's head with it i'm not sure if he thought it would break or if he intended on hurting her with the nearest thing but strike after strike he continued it was a horrifying thing to witness i blame the entertainment industry for giving people the false impression of how easy it is to break a beer bottle over someone's head i assure you it's very hard following the fifth or sixth strike the woman had dropped completely to the floor and stopped moving the guy stood over her for a moment but looked up when i assume he heard me running towards him the second he saw me he ran out the side door and disappeared into the darkness the sight of her laying there made me sick to my stomach the blood dripping from her ears was almost as shocking as the ever growing pool around her head it seemed like a bad idea to touch her so i made the decision to let the paramedics check her for a pulse when they arrived she was still alive but they didn't have much hope for her survival the cops certainly weren't in any hurry to get there but when they did finally arrive 45 minutes later i filled them in on all i had seen from the way they reacted i got a strong feeling that they were very familiar with the two while on shift a few days later my boss called with some news the female was brain dead and her family had made the choice to let her pass the cops would pick the guy up the following night from the description my boss gave me he didn't even seem to remember what had happened the doctors that examined him said that it's likely he truly may not remember what he did because of the many years of alcohol abuse had possibly destroyed his brain sounds like he might not get the full punishment due to him under the law i'm not really sure how i feel about that sometimes it seems like people really do get away with murder during my time in college i had a friend whose dad owned an 800 acre piece of land in eastern texas in the past he leased it out to hunters and paper companies but was no longer doing it he had built a cabin on the land a few years before and would let us go out there from time to time to mess around it served as a great way to relax from the pressures of school and getting closer to nature the spring break of 1997 we loaded up our trucks and headed for the cabin our plans included shooting guns drinking beer and other things rednecks like us do in the woods our first morning kept us pretty busy cleaning the cabin and moving all our stuff inside around dinner we made a big fire outside and cooked a bunch of steaks and fried potatoes we skipped dessert and broke open some beers the sun went down not long after and for the remainder of the evening we got loaded and passed around a joint or two at some point in the night i heard a shuffling noise outside and went out to check on it the fire was barely burning at that point and just outside of its light i swore i could see the shape of a man standing completely still from what i could tell he was facing me perhaps waiting to see what i would do i blinked my eyes real hard to get a clear look but my position and the lack of light made it hard to see clearly the shape continued to stand still so i decided i'd walk up a little closer in hopes of getting a better picture the thought terrified me but i was transfixed by the being or perhaps i was still too intoxicated to make wise decisions i took two steps forward but was distracted by a voice behind me my friend had woken up and noticed the door was wide open so he got out of bed and saw me walking around the fire his voice caused me to jump a little but i soon realized who it was speaking i asked him if he saw the figure on the other side of the fire pit he just laughed at me and said i must be so stoned i was seeing things we laughed it off and returned to bed on my way i turned back to take one more look but the shape was no longer there i chuckled myself and went back to sleep the next morning i wrote the whole experience off as the result of too much fun and went on with my day we spent the first half of it fishing at the big pond post lunch was shooting guns and one guy's compound bowed that he had just bought the beers and smoke were broken out after dinner a game of poker was attempted but soon cancelled in favor of another evening telling lies around the fire on one of my many trips to relieve myself that night i was spooked by the sound of a stick breaking close by and noped it back to the fire the look of fear on my face made the other guys laugh their butts off i tried to explain what had happened but was quickly reminded that we weren't the only creatures in the woods the reasoning seemed sound so i accepted it not long after we were standing around involved in some deep discussion and i turned to speak to the guy on my left what i saw caused me to clench up so tight i could have snapped a steel rod with my sphincter standing within a few steps behind my friend was another man i did not recognize it was like he appeared out of nowhere what made it creepier was that he was staring intently at the back of his head almost like he was trying to bore through it with his eyes i remained frozen stiff the longer i looked at him i realized he was the same being i saw lingering outside the light of the fire the night before it was average height with a long unkempt beard my friend continued rambling about whatever unaware of his shadow after several long seconds the stranger turned to me with a blank expression and walked away this was when my friend finally noticed my horrified look when he spoke the thrall of fear was released and i began pointing and rambling about what i had just witnessed he and my other friend laughed at me again there was no way i was seeing things this time i described the man and one of them suggested he was a bigfoot despite my protestations no one was buying it and i eventually cut my losses and shut up however i wasn't beat their mockery had made me even more determined to prove the stranger's existence the next two days were quiet no stranger in other words but i kept my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary by our fifth morning i was beginning to question my sanity i'd seen this mysterious being stalking around us twice and now it had suddenly disappeared i resolved to put my quest on the back burner until some new evidence arose my friend's dad had mentioned him an owner of one of the surrounding properties had spotted a small group of wild hogs running through his land so he grabbed her rifles went on the search for them a mile or so down one of the property's many roads we came across some hog wallows and knew we were on the scent we went up the road now on foot tracking them another mile on we stumble upon three large hogs rooting up the ground and prepared to make bacon two of us chambered around as quiet as possible on our rifles and took aim i was less than a second from saying three and pulling the trigger when the loud crack of another rifle filled the air followed closely by a burst of wood and bark above my friend's head it took a moment for it to register that we were being shot at a few seconds later another crack in strike this time even close to my friend we weren't going to wait for a third the friend who appeared to be the target led us down a side trail that led back to the cabin no more shots followed as we fled however instead of finding safety at the camp the shots began again seeing no other option we hopped into my truck and hauled it out of there this was a time just before the commonality of cell phones so we had to drive the 20 miles to town to get help after we explained the situation we returned to the property a few hours later with some deputies we approached slowly and remain in the cars when we parked we waited to see if the shots would start again but nothing happened a cursory look around counted three holes in the cabin and another two in my buddy's windshield perhaps the worst was that all of our camping stuff sleeping bags and such were spread out all over the ground luckily we'd smoked everything the night before so the police were none the wiser nothing was missing but a box of 30 30 ammo and strangely my sleeping bag and wool blanket a theory began to form in the deputies mind that we had stumbled upon a squatter or poacher camping out on the property for whatever reason they acted as if they were going to let it go but once my friend's dad who owned the land heard about it he put pressure on them to start a search this was about the time i repeated my story of seeing someone lurking around the cabin no one was laughing now and my story was finally being taken seriously by somebody the search was led around the property by my friend's dad schooled already begun again by the time it took place it continued for a full week but nothing other than a few old camps were found it was assumed that he knew the heat would be on him after the shooting incident and he moved on during the course of the investigation several avenues were followed to id the stranger like escaped cons but he remains unidentified to this day because of the chance of another attack our trips to the property ended the next year we tried to camp out somewhere else but it wasn't the same and our nature getaways died out within five years my friend's dad had a heart attack and lost interest in the cabin the paper company's lease were renewed and the land's trees have been used to make paper and pulpwood products ever since each time i jot down a quick note i'm reminded of our awesome trips and especially the odd and terrifying week that caused them to stop i do once or twice a year talk to my old college friends on the phone as far as he's heard that crazy stranger still hasn't been caught we sometimes theorize as to his origins and where he may have ended up i however often take this much further when i'm alone i wonder why our so-called strangers seem to focus so much of his anger onto my friend and perhaps far more concerning is he still out there waiting for his chance to finish what he began all those years ago i live in a major city in texas my apartment complex is gated and in a good neighborhood but the security isn't extremely tight sometimes the gates are left open and anyone could piggyback off of someone else entering with the access code maybe twice in the past three years the management has put out notices of vehicle break-ins and other items being stolen from porches we also have frequent door-to-door solicitors even though there are signs forbidding it so this particular friday evening i go to bed at about 2 30 a.m for some odd reason i was having trouble getting to sleep so i put on a podcast to listen to and eventually start to doze off i've become aware of a noise that sounds like a clicking sound but it sounds like one of my upstairs neighbors making some noise i kinda zoned this out as i'm used to my neighbors staying up late on weekends after about 30 seconds i realized the noise is extremely repetitive and getting louder i then start focusing on it more intently trying to isolate what it could be and where it was coming from suddenly it hits me it's coming from the entrance to my apartment i leap out of bed and head to the foyer i identify the noise right away the lock mechanism is moving back and forth rapidly like someone is trying to unlock the front door i can hear that an object is inserted into the lock and the person is jimmying it back and forth with a lot of force i instinctively turn around head to my bedside safe unlock it with a combination and pull out my 357 sig pistol load of 14 round magazine and chamber a hollow point round i head back to the door and as i exit the bedroom i see the lock twist and unlatch i immediately pointed my weapon straight ahead knowing that if someone comes through i will have to make a split-second reaction i decide that if someone comes through my door i will give them a momentary chance to retreat but if they do anything other than that or enter aggressively i'm going to shoot and ask questions later they don't enter however because i had also locked the deadbolt inside only when i first moved in a year prior i remember thinking that the deadbolt was a great security feature and i got in the habit of always keeping it locked when i'm home in hindsight this decision saved me from a life or death confrontation upon realizing that i approached the door and looked through the keyhole on the other side are three asians two men and one woman all three are wearing hoodies so it's difficult to make out their faces the men have objects in their hands but i can't make out exactly what the two men are talking back and forth probably trying to figure out why they can't open the door even though they have successfully opened the outside lock at this point the woman is also talking loudly behind the two men such that anyone in the hallway would be able to hear her voice she's talking in another language the only words i can make out are blah blah blah apartment 250 blah blah blah and she keeps repeating that over and over like a broken record upon hearing that i start to wonder for a moment if maybe they're just drunk and have the wrong apartment number but that's impossible to open my lock they would have to have a copy of my exact key or some kind of lock-picking device i've never copied my key or even given it to anyone and here's the other thing not only is 250 not my apartment number but as i figured out later that apartment number doesn't exist anywhere in the complex standing back from the door i take a long broom handle and jab it hard in the face of the door letting them know that i'm on the other side they immediately stop fiddling with the lock and take off running i debate whether to call it until they 911 i know they'll be long gone by the time anyone gets there it would be too risky to follow them to try and get a better description or license plate and i don't have enough identifying info as it is to make an arrest i filed a police report the next day and let the apartment management know they said it was unusual but they would alert the resource officer and ask for a police presence for a couple of nights nothing ever came of the report but that's not a surprise to me it's been seven months since this happened and no further incidents nobody else in the apartment has reported anything similar happening i don't think they'll be back but one precaution i took was to buy a smart lock for the deadbolt so i can leave that deadbolt always locked from the inside even when i'm not home it's crazy to think that the deadbolt was the only thing between myself and an armed confrontation with intruders they say you don't really know what you'll do in those situations until it really happens but i can honestly say i am proud of how i stayed calm and was mentally prepared to defend myself if there's one good thing that came out of this i feel confident that i responded the right way and was ready for the unthinkable [Music] i've had a few delivery jobs that had given me the creeps one or two that i was pretty sure i was about to be robbed another was a gunfight between gang members unfolding in the street i was delivering to right as i was turning onto it but these are just occupational hazards yeah it sucks but i guess you do get over them only one delivery job really truly terrified me the only one that scares me to think about even today so we get an order from an address that none of us drivers had ever delivered to before this normally causes some suspicion among us since we're always pretty wary whenever delivering to a new address a fair few first-time deliveries have resulted in an address getting blacklisted sometimes they try to stiff you for money or some other scam to get free pizza generally speaking the drivers take turns delivering to a new address and this time it just so happened to be my turn so once the order is completed and the pizzas are boxed up i take them out to my car and punch the address into my sat nav it turns out the address is right on the edge of our delivery area pretty much in the middle of absolute nowhere it dawns on me that this could be the oldest trick in the book call the pizza into some hard to reach location then demand it to be free once it takes more than 45 minutes to deliver but to my relief i make it out onto this old dirt road with time to spare yet my relief doesn't last long not when i see the state of the address i'm delivering to the house is so run down it looks like a squat like it's been commandeered by the homeless as a place to avoid sleeping rough there's a musty old pickup in the driveway its wheels all askew from years of misuse i mean the place was just the very definition of haunted house needless to say i wasn't expecting a particularly generous tip as i take the pieces out from the passenger seat of my car i start hearing this faint whining noise my ears prick up immediately and i freeze trying to work out just what the sound is and where it's coming from i come to realize it's the sound of a violin being played but more accurately it was the sound of a violin being played very badly these discording noises carried on as i walked up the dirt pathway toward the porch in the front door the sound of some old violin bow being dragged across dry old strings that were way out of tune creepy sure but that's not what terrified me when i knocked on the front door the screaming cat violin sounds ceased instantly a few moments of silence went by before i began to hear slow heavy footsteps growing steadily closer i can't be certain but i'm almost sure i heard someone breathing on the other side these heavy labored breaths as i waited for the door to open the silence was broken by a metallic snap of the door unlocking before hurried footfalls sounded on the other side someone had unlocked the door then scampered away from it as if they were overtly skittish about visitors um hello i got your pizza order here i remember asking feeling the tension rise as silence once again engulfed the scene come inside mister a childish voice came from the other side i wanted to just turn tail and run at this point but returning to the pizza place without the money for the pizzas would definitely mean a verbal or written warning for my manager i already had one for turning up late i couldn't afford another so reluctantly i took hold of the door handle turned it and walked inside the interior of the house was bathed in darkness only a handful of weak oil lamps to give me any sense of the layout a figure was crouched on a nearby sofa the old violin laying next to it there's 15 on the table there mister person sounded like a child but they looked bigger than they should have on the small dusty coffee table in front of the couch there's a pile of change in little piles normally i'd have taken issue with this but to be honest i was desperate to get out of there at that point i'd have taken any form of currency as i stooped down to start sliding the little piles of coins into my cup palm i started to hear the kids labored breathing again but i dared not look towards him i could see its legs in my peripheral vision and even then i could see how unnaturally long they were this person was not a child sorry about the coins mister i saved them up i saved them all up to afford this treat for myself it's all i have i told the person not to worry in the sunniest disposition i could muster the last thing i wanted to do at this point was upset them i pocketed the coins barely having counted them i'd come up with a difference myself if i needed to like i said i just wanted to get out of there but as i turned to leave hastily thanking the person i caught a glimpse of the person's face in the low light of the oil lamps they were burned horribly burned up and down their arms and chest the scarred flesh extended all the way up their face and head only the person's features were obscured by a small rubber mask the mast didn't even cover up their entire face only a small central portion that concealed their eyes nose and mouth the only thing i could really make out was that the mask had a long wooden nose kind of like the puppet pinocchio whose nose would grow whenever he told lies the small carve eyes were blank i averted my gaze from the mask and was unable to return it it was one of the most hideously sad and scary things i'd ever laid eyes on just as i had reached the front door i heard that same childlike voice emanating behind me wanna hear me play a song mister before i even had the chance to answer to tell them i was too busy with deliveries to hang out they had grabbed the old violin next to them and began to whine out of tune although the strings were almost totally out of tune i started to make out the tune they were trying for you know the one if you go down in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise if you go down in the woods today you better go in disguise for every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic i was in the back of the driver's seat of my car before you could say nope i'm out scrambling to start the engine so i can make a quick getaway i don't think they had any intention of hurting me i certainly wasn't as much danger as when those idiot crip and blood wannabes decided to shoot it out like right in front of my car but something about that place still creeps back into my mind while i lay there in darkness trying to sleep something that means i'll never ever make another delivery there i'll quit before i go back i'm ashamed to say it but it needs to be said i screwed up on my job and a man died because of it not just a man a man i was being paid to protect usually it can be forgiven for making a mistake on my first job however when it's your first job protecting another man from outside dangers one mistake can be the last in retrospect hindsight whatever word you use i wish i'd never agreed to taking the job just being a large built man with a license to carry doesn't make you qualified to be a private security this all being said i took the job the client losing his life is a direct result of my negligence maybe if i discuss what happened i can relieve myself of a small amount of this burden however i can assure you i know the guilt will never truly fade away the job came out of nowhere mike a close friend of mine had been a bodyguard on and off for years he made it clear the job was a one time only deal no other guys he knew were available on such short notice his next client was coming into town in the morning mike needed someone with a carry permit to back him up he knew i had one so i got the call he assured me it wasn't a dangerous situation but he liked to have another guy to watch his and the client's back i was somewhat nervous initially but the money i was offered was too good to pass up we met up at his place later that night he gave me a rough outline of what i was expected to do once it had been all laid out before me it seemed simple enough although this would be his first time with this particular client he assured me once more it would be simple after all the guys with the real problems always had their own staff our client was a regular suit and tie in town for some business four hours of work and he'd be back on a plane home the morning of the job we met with client at the airport a third guy roger was doing the driving for us that day he's a retired swat officer who picked up the occasional driving job for mike he'd had a boatload of training and evasive maneuvers while he was in the army plus he could be a third gun in an emergency he drove us to the client's first appointment and everything was going well from what i could make out the dude was a wholesale jeweler out of london stuff didn't really start falling apart until we were leaving the second place as we exited the jewelers store i noticed a sketchy looking possibly middle eastern guy he was standing in front of the place next door when he noticed us leaving he pulled a knife from his pocket and ran towards us before he could get anywhere near us i instinctively moved toward him he turned and ran and i foolishly gave chase i'd gotten somewhere around 30 yards and heard a barrage of gunshots behind me i turned around just in time to see mike go down the client was already on the ground and wasn't moving roger was standing next to the car shooting at two men running from the scene by the time i drawn my pistol the firefight had ended it was clear to me i'd messed up as roger and i checked mike in the client for signs of life a weak few words came from mike i hope he won't be offended if i don't ask for your help again we had a brief chuckle but we both knew this wasn't a laughing matter roger confirmed that the client was in fact dead i rode to the hospital with mike and roger stayed behind with the cops this big mess made no sense i knew i could trust mike he said the client indicated no current danger to his life we were supposed to be only there to prevent robberies we both seen the guy with a load of stones on him so no flags went up regardless considering the number of guys in on the hit i had a strong feeling we didn't get the whole story been waiting for news on mike for about half an hour when roger finally showed the cops were right behind him now was my turn when they were done with me they wanted to talk to mike but he was still in surgery two hours later we got the good news he was gonna make it but he'd be in the hospital for the next week at the least for the next nine days i stayed aside it was the least i could do the following morning we had our first discussion since the shooting you do realize the guy with the blade was a decoy right became pretty obvious once i heard you all yell at me to come back listen don't feel guilty it's it's not your fault i've fallen for dumber things than that we continued our talk for a while until mike fell asleep no matter what he said though i'd always feel bad a man lost his life after all the detectives showed up later that day and pumped him for any new info but mike had none mike was released eight days later neither of us heard anything new until roger called mike five days later with some inside information he'd gotten from one of his pals the client had been far from honest with us he had hired us because he was involved in a deal with some men in which he screwed them out of the hundred thousand dollars they'd made it known if he was to return to the states he'd be whacked if mike would have known this beforehand he wouldn't have taken the job that's likely why the dirtbag kept it quiet somehow this bit of info had made it past the background check nonetheless even a crook doesn't deserve to be sprayed with bullets on a public street we were only hearing it from their side it could have all been a huge misunderstanding after my anger cooled it became obvious to me that i was just deflecting my feelings onto the client thief or not i was responsible for the safety of the man not only had my mistake gotten him killed a very good friend of mine almost did too when mike's back in fighting shape i'm sure he'll return to security work albeit in a slightly more careful manner i'm just glad he's still kicking i hope he gets someone in the future far more competent than myself when it comes to me i think i'll stick to construction it appears to be a whole lot safer [Music] for a little context i am currently a senior in college and live off campus with my two best friends this time of year particularly around thanksgiving my friends try to help me stay busy as it is typically a difficult time for me my mother left our family the week of thanksgiving when i was eight years old and my dad passed away five years ago on november 22nd so as i said it's a pretty easy time of year to get myself down in the dumps if i don't stay active every year for the last three or four years i have gone to one of my friend's houses to celebrate thanksgiving with their families but this past year i decided i wanted to just stay home and have a long weekend i figured i could catch up on work as well as my schoolwork which was pretty far behind my roommates and i didn't live particularly close to the university we lived in the suburb about 15 to 20 minutes outside of the school this was nice because we didn't ever have to host any parties we could just attend them near campus and head back home afterwards anyways there was one house in our street that didn't quite match the others it wasn't that the house was worse than the others but it had no landscaping and desperately needed a fresh coat of paint my roommates and i knew the owner as he introduced himself when we moved in a few years back his name is jacob he's about five foot six and probably weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet every time we've had an interaction with him he was always very nice and polite he even helped us fix our porch light when it broke last summer he seems to be very cordial with everyone in the neighborhood and has helped numerous people with small handy jobs similar to the one i just mentioned on the wednesday night leading up to thanksgiving my two roommates went back to their family's houses in their hometowns they both asked several times if i was 100 sure i wanted to spend thanksgiving alone and that i'd be fine by myself i honestly thought i would be and thought perhaps enough time had passed that i could just focus on other things and not dwell on the past i stocked up on mountain dew so i could stay awake after my assignments to play some playstation at about 9 or 10 pm i went up to my room to throw in some sweatpants and grab the blanket from my bed i glanced out my window and saw jacob sitting on his front porch with the two porch lights on i didn't think anything of it and went downstairs into the kitchen and made a peanut butter and fluff sandwich i would say i was in the kitchen for probably about five minutes or so finishing eating and doing a few dishes when i finally sat down to play some games i thought i heard something hit the front bay window so i went to take a look at first i didn't see anything but then noticed that jacob had not turned the porch lights off and was standing on his front lawn staring at the house with his head tilted like he was looking towards the windows upstairs a little creeped out i tried calling one of my friends who knew i was still in town to see if she wanted to meet up or stop over to hang out for a little bit she didn't answer so i sat on the couch for a couple of moments trying to figure out what to do he was still standing there staring and seemingly moving a few feet closer to our property each time i looked i wasn't sure what to do i couldn't call the cops he hadn't done anything except freaked me out a little and to this point he hadn't even stepped on my property after another few minutes i looked out the window again and saw jacob now on our lawn looking at the corner of the house at least that's what it looked like he was staring at at this point i wasn't sure what his intentions were and i didn't want to find out perhaps i was blowing this out of proportion but i was legitimately scared i grabbed my keys and phone and a few other items thinking i would just drive to campus maybe the library was still open even though we were off for the holiday i kept all the lights on so i didn't seem like i was leaving and decided i was going to sneak out the back door as i quietly sneaked through the yard i turned the corner to quickly get to my car and there was jacob standing in our driveway i asked him what he was doing in the driveway and he put his finger over his mouth to make a sh noise i slapped him as hard as i could and made a run for it past my car my instincts and adrenaline told me to just run until i found someone or someplace else as i got about a block or two down the road i saw a bunch of cop cars pull up towards the area of my house confused i began to go back towards my house thinking perhaps another neighbor saw jacob stocking outside of my house and called the police as i approached the house one of the officers asked my name and if this was my residence i confirmed the information and what i heard next is still the most horrifying and disturbing information i had ever received the officer stated that jacob reported that he was on his porch when he saw me from across the street he saw me walk out of my upstairs bedroom and as i walked away out of the room he saw a man come out of my closet apparently that was why jacob was looking to my room when i saw him the first time and also why he was looking at the corner of the house he was following the intruder who was now walking into my roommate's room when i last saw him outside my house before i slapped him and ran in terror jacob stated that the random guy in my house had made it to the downstairs jacob was trying not to make any noise as not to alert the person inside fearful he could be violent or dangerous as soon as he saw the man in the house jacob called the authorities and did his best to try and defuse the situation and not bring any alarm to myself for the intruder the person inside the house was arrested and taken away he didn't have anything on him other than a knife so it is unclear if he was attempting to rob the home or was planning something more sinister either way i couldn't express to jacob how much gratitude i had for what he did he even tried apologizing for how he handled the situation stating that there were probably things he could have done differently to make sure i was safe and aware of the situation unfortunately this experience adds another mental scar to this time of year that will take a long time to get over but one thing i can be sure of is that i will never spend a thanksgiving holiday alone again this incident occurred during my second year of college sometime in the fall of 2002 all four years there i worked as a waitress in a small family restaurant next to campus the pay was far from adequate but the owners treated me like one of them growing up without parents made this connection very important to me so much so they remain an important part of my life to this day i was one of four girls working nights and three of us were students currently attending the university the surrounding neighborhood had been on a downward slide for the past 20 years even with a large number of students inhabiting the area crime was still steadily on the rise in order to at least try to prevent ourselves from becoming victims of said crime several safety measures were implemented all the usual things escorting each other to our cars not leaving the back door open things like that however no matter how hard you try to be safe some a-hole will find a way to violate you anyway one late night just as we were wrapping up the dinner shift a giant idiot would do just this and in the process almost cause a beautiful family to collapse that night we were quickly coming on the end of another regular dinner shift when a man came in and said he wanted to get something to go no problem i took his order and gave it to the kitchen working the kitchen that night was matt the owner's only son and he wasn't happy when he saw it he tried to throw it together as fast as possible so he could finish cleaning and head home while he waited the man paced nervously looking outside repeatedly this behavior seemed kind of shady so i stopped my closing duties and began looking outside to see if i could see what he was looking at it took a minute but i caught sight of another man standing just out of view of the bay windows this guy was dirty looking his hair looked like it hadn't been washed or combed in years the second man's actions were very similar to the others almost as if though they were about to rob us i foolishly pushed my instincts aside and began ringing up the man's orders when i gave him the total he quickly handed me a 20 bill and looked behind him i continued to ignore his behavior and when i opened the drawer i heard a man's voice quietly tell me to give him all the money in the register maybe from instinct i looked up to see who it was it was all coming from the customer and he was holding a handgun at my face keep your voice down and don't panic just give me the money and i'll leave this entire time i had been the only employee in the front of the house so he had me at his mercy every word he said quivered as it came from his mouth his fear made mine even worse i didn't need to be told twice i grabbed every cent out of the drawer and was about to hand it to him when i heard matt's voice coming from behind me did you forget something everything that happened after this went by so fast i still question my recollection of events to this day i know for sure that matt's arrival surprised us both but the look on the customer or robber's face was pure shock the second i noticed him moving the gun away from my face i crouched behind the podium to hide the gunfire followed soon after that i wasn't sure if matt had been shot at this point i was still curled up on the floor with my arms over my head very similar to a child hiding under the covers in hopes the boogeyman will go away i don't know how long i stayed like that a few seconds maybe when i did peek out from my arms all i saw was matt's body laying motionless on the floor even then i stayed where i was until i heard the voice of his mom yelling out to us that's when i finally stood up to see the results the shooter was gone and money was scattered all over the floor from where i dropped it matt more than likely died immediately at his feet grilled chicken salad was scattered everywhere like the money matt's mom stormed out of the back when she saw her only son lying on the floor she collapsed in grief next to him and this is where she stayed until the police arrived just to avoid making an already long story longer i'll leave you with the facts even after telling the cops everything i saw and giving a detailed description of both men neither man was caught the family closed the restaurant for several days after the shooting and stayed that way until a few days after the funeral from the day of the reopening a cop and plain clothes has protected the place and there hasn't ever been another hold up since my work at the restaurant would continue for the remainder of my time at the university i was shaken up for quite a while and may have been for far longer if it wasn't for the love and support of the family we seem to have served as a coping mechanism for one another and through the shared pain of matt's death brought closer together after i graduated i moved on and am currently living in atlanta with my partner the restaurant continues running five days a week and doing well it seems the neighborhood may be on its way up in the last year several large companies have opened branches and the continued growth has proved to be a positive thing for all concerned alison the matriarch of the family recently told me on a phone call that she was willing to put up with the hipsters that were slowly invading the area after all they were a big step up from the murdering crackheads that had been seen there before [Music] do you remember as a kid where you imagined dentists as some kind of crazy psychos who enjoy hurting people and how they wanted to rip out all of your teeth against your will well we all know now that we were just overreacting kids back then but it wasn't exactly false for me when one day my childhood nightmare became a reality and this experience is something that has forever left a mark and a trauma on me and my boyfriend back then moved in together and wanted to start a new life in a new town we both came from poor families with experiences of alcohol abuses so we couldn't afford much and we had to work really hard to sustain our needs one evening when i came back from work my tooth started to hurt a lot i tried to ignore it because i thought i was just tired and it would eventually go away after some time so i went to bed and fell asleep but in the morning the pain got worse i told that to my boyfriend and he started to worry we didn't have any insurance because we hardly even have money for our basic needs so for us this was a big problem we started to search through the internet and local magazines for dental clinics but most of them were very expensive and clearly we couldn't afford them my condition was getting worse to the point that i couldn't even focus on my work most of the time desperately i called to my parents i begged them for help and asked to send us some money but they refused by now you guys probably know what they were like and that's the exact reason why i moved out from there at the end of my shift my boyfriend called me with some good news he found a really cheap dentist in town and he immediately made an appointment for me he texted me the address and told me to be there at exactly 7 pm tonight i packed my things from work and went to the bus stop when i arrived there i went into the building and sat down on a chair next to the clinic room i could hear two people talking inside the room so i decided not to interrupt and wait for my turn after 10 minutes some lady just ran out of the room like she was in a hurry or something she dropped her wallet on the floor but before i notice it she was already gone meanwhile the door opened again and a pleasant man's voice invited me in i turned around and i could see a short middle-aged man with a big smile or greeted him and told him about the lady and the wall that she dropped he said oh don't worry she was in a hurry for a bus you can give me her wallet she's a close friend of mine and i'll give it back to her i gave him the wallet and brushed off the situation for the next few minutes we talked and filed all the necessary papers i told him about my toothache he seemed so nice and funny then he prepared his dental equipment and i sat down on the chair and after that things started to get weird he told me to open my mouth wide so that he could start the examination i don't know why but it felt like he was standing too close to me besides shouldn't dentists sit down on their chair while working too then i felt a rubbing sensation on my arm it was so weird i thought it was his leg but later i realized it wasn't i thought he wasn't doing it on purpose so i tried to move my arm a bit but his body followed my arm he tried to chat me up to distract me from whatever he was doing but i could feel everything then he stopped for some time but a few seconds later he just grabbed my arm and told me not to move that much he was holding me really tight i had enough so i gathered my courage to tell him to stop but he just sighed fortunately a few seconds later he released my arm after this confrontation he started to act harsh and rude he seemed like he was offended and didn't want to smile anymore nothing really happened after that until i finished my dental appointment where he told me to come back again for a follow-up treatment next week after leaving i felt so scared of him and didn't want to go back i could see him looking through the window of his clinic with a really angry or disappointed face like he was expecting something from me i told what just happened to my boyfriend but he told me i was just overreacting and we couldn't afford any other dentist so i should be grateful that he found me a clinic that fits our budget i knew that he wanted what's best for me but as i said we were in a bad financial situation so i couldn't complain and be picky in this time i knew i had to go back there again but at least he did his job and my tooth didn't hurt anymore fast forward to my second dental appointment i was feeling so anxious right before the meeting but unexpectedly he greeted me with the same big smile as before we chatted like nothing happened and he proceeded to the treatment very professionally everything seemed to be okay while he was treating me this time he sat on a chair and didn't do anything weird in the middle of the operation i was looking at him and he seemed nervous you were sitting in silence for some time when out of nowhere he told me hey i really like your body you were just my type it was so confusing and it felt so awkward i couldn't even answer him with a fully open mouth but i started to move my lips and replied i appreciate your compliment then there is just dead silence i started to look around the room and i noticed the wallet i realized it was the same wallet that i gave him a week ago after some lady dropped it on her way out something was wrong with the sky my heartbeat was pounding and i started to sweat then he said come to my apartment after the treatment just for a tea i immediately knew what was going on and i replied to him um thanks for the invite but i have a boyfriend and i respect him so i don't want to hang out with some other men come on i don't ask you to go to bed with me just for a t he won't find out he replied i refused again but he insisted he was trying so hard to convince me that he was literally forcing me to agree the worst thing was he was holding his dental drill and started to became violent with it he started to push it harder and harder into my teeth i couldn't see but i knew something bad was going on and he was intentionally doing it to me i could feel more and more pain while he was doing this you will go with me right just for a tea just for a tea okay he was repeating it over and over again i stopped replying to him and now i was just looking for a way to escape but i didn't want to hurt myself with all those dental equipment so i just didn't move i could feel he was drilling in my tooth harder and harder i felt like crying from the pain but i didn't want to show him that i am an easy target finally i said to him okay i will go with you his face instantly turned from angry to cheerful and he said sweet with a big smile like nothing had happened then he stepped away from me to grab something from the table and i took my chance to hit them on the head with any item next to my chair and i ran away from the clinic as fast as i can i wasn't even trying to look behind me if he was chasing me or if he was still inside i just want to escape from this crazy maniac when i ran out of breath after a few blocks i stopped to take some air fortunately i couldn't spot him anywhere then i realized something was pouring out of my mouth it was blood he did something to me and i couldn't see how bad it was i slowly placed my finger into my mouth and checked every tooth i came across something that felt really weird i counted all of them and realized that there was something quite missing but then i realized he just drilled my tooth deeper into my gums i came back to my house and told everything in tears to my boyfriend he drove me to the police station and i gave a statement they directed us to the state dental clinic to check for damages the damages were so bad that they had to remove my tooth i couldn't take it anymore and burst it out into tears it was so hard for me because we couldn't even afford an implant back then meanwhile the police drove to that guy's clinic to take him to custody he insisted that he was innocent it was just a medical mistake and that i was crazy he testified that i made it all up if you want to know how it all ended then here is the harsh reality unfortunately the law system favors the rich people and he was only fined a few thousands of punishment i bet he had deals with the police too he didn't go to jail nor was forced to close his dental clinic i couldn't afford a good lawyer so i couldn't do much back then and this crazy maniac is still seeing patience i remember the name of the lady true and id from her wallet and asked the police about her they told me that the lady was reported missing about a week ago and nothing more up to this day all i'm wondering is that what he did to that lady and how many more women did that maniac sexually harassed and have physically hurt it over the course of his time operating the clinic [Music] back when i was 17 i used to babysit for our neighbor who at the time was a single mother who happened to be going through a particularly nasty divorce she had two young sons one of which was eight years old while the other was only around 18 months they were absolutely adorable and very well behaved kids but you could tell that they were going through a lot and the older one definitely showed signs of stress over the whole thing and i'll never forget the time he asked me why his daddy couldn't live with them anymore and it honestly broke my heart not because i didn't have an answer for him but because to hear it would have just been too much to bear too much for anyone to bear anyway after a few months of being alone she finally decided to get back on the old dating horse i was so happy for her after such a rough time she deserved to find happiness again to find someone who had the wherewithal to be a real father to these two adorable little boys so one night she leaves on her date and says she'll be back around midnight and not a moment later only she doesn't tell me exactly where she's going and i have no way to contact her because this was back in the 80s and no one had a cell phone well they did exist but not in the available commercial sense it was all landlines back then otherwise this might not have gone the way it did so on the night in question i'm chilling on the couch absent-mindedly flicking through the tv channels i put the kids to bed an hour previous they're sleeping like rocks and everything seems fine and dandy when suddenly there's a knock at the front door i wasn't expecting anyone but then again it wasn't my house so i felt kind of obligated to answer and take a message or whatever only as i started walking down the hallway towards the front door whoever is on the other side starts banging against it and cursing up a storm cheryl i know you're in there open the door now what was exactly said i don't remember but i'm not keen on repeating some of the words they used it was really really harsh so i'm just frozen looking at the door in total fright when the oldest boy came flying out of his room and down the stairs running to the door and yelling daddy's home i grab him pull him away from the door i had no idea what this guy's intentions were and after all they were probably divorced for a freaking reason but i almost fainted with fear when i hear the words i got my shotgun in my truck and tonight i'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget he screams this but then i hear his footsteps move up the gravel path it appeared he wasn't bluffing at all and if that was the case then our lives were clearly in danger when he gets back he's banging on the door and threatening to start shooting through it if no one opens i grab both kids and run out the back door and across the street to my house where my mom calls the police when the police arrive a few minutes later they actually find the ex-husband taking a massive dump on cheryl's porch he was arrested and i wait with the kids at my house for their mom to show up everyone was in tears by that point even my mom who was normally a pretty reserved woman i mean maybe he was just having a manic episode and no one was in real danger but honestly it was one of the most terrifying nights of my entire life when my grandfather was younger he became the principal of an elementary school he was in his late 20s early 30s at the time and despite being young he was a born leader he was a great principal and everyone loved him i could attest to that as i attended multiple award ceremonies for him and the respect and admiration he received was crazy there was a young boy at the school who was having behavioral issues in class and my grandfather saw that the kid didn't have a lot of parental support so he called in his father and had talked with him about spending more time with his son in just a general parenting session it turned out that all the boy needed was his dad's attention and after a few weeks he was a happy model student whenever my grandfather would leave school late he would see the dad was playing basketball with his son after he got home from work it was one of those moments that he took pride in being able to make a difference in people's lives however not everything had such an easy solution and my grandfather found himself having to deal with an employee stanley the janitor who was showing up to work drunk stanley was an alcoholic with a mean streak and my grandfather tried on multiple occasions to deal with his behavior finally one day stanley showed up so drunk that my grandfather sent him home and called the superintendent to let him know he was going to be firing him the next morning after he sobered up he then warned them to let him deal with it when stanley was sober because he was not a stable person as it goes in these kinds of stories the superintendent was furious and decided that he was going to call stanley himself and fire him despite my grandfather's warning no one called my grandfather to tell him about it either so he was completely in the dark and thought he could deal with it in the morning stanley was furious and went to the school that evening he searched the offices my grandfather's included and tore things apart until he finally had what he wanted he was in a blaze of fury and on his way out he saw the father and his son playing basketball he walked towards them and pulled something out of his trousers it was a gun he then proceeded to shoot the little boy killing him instantly the father was so upset was hysterically crying but somehow managed to get the gun away from stanley and shoot him my grandfather was called to the elementary school immediately by the police because there were two dead bodies the little boy and stanley were dead what was even worse was the crying from the father and him saying that he couldn't save his son it was clear that he could never forgive himself for that day my grandfather was pulled aside by one of the police who would search stanley for evidence they had found a list a hit list of people that he was going to kill and all the addresses of those people that he had retrieved when he searched the offices my grandfather was number one on that list so if it weren't for that father it's likely that i would never been able to meet my grandfather and possibly my mother and grandmother would have been killed if stanley had been able to complete his mission to this day i get goosebumps whenever i hear that story and it's just so chilling my grandfather never uttered a single word about this after his initial recount and my mother made me swear to never tell him i knew he carried the weight of that boy's death on him until the day he died i live in a house compound and one day me and my family were visiting a friend's house after a couple of hours my mom and my friend's mom asked us to go fetch something from my house so we go back to my home which is a long way from his and the walk seemed uncomfortably long and creepy and had an eerie atmosphere for some reason after ages of walking we reached my house and we get the thing they needed which was inside the house so i unlocked the door and got the object and i noticed the bathroom door was lit and the exhaust fan was on which we usually turn off unless someone is using the toilet but i didn't give that any attention and thought my dad was using the toilet since he wasn't in my friend's house when we left so me and my buddy decided to wait outside the house for my dad to finish and i occasionally went to the small window outside the bathroom and called for my dad but i didn't get an answer but i heard someone humming and singing so i thought that he was having a good time after a good half an hour passed i started feeling uneasy and told my friend we had to leave because our parents are probably angry now when we arrive at his house we were shocked to see my dad sitting and talking to my friend's parents we asked him where were you and he said i didn't go anywhere i just stayed here since we first came this made me scared because my family had been here for three hours and we just waited for my dad for one hour i go ask my sister the same question and get the same response someone was surely in my bathroom after the visit is done we go back home just to find the front door which i locked and unlocked and the bathroom door was wide open my family acted normally but i was completely freaking out and i couldn't get any sleep that night first and last time i babysat back when i was 16 in the early 80s i'd just gotten a driver's license and needed gas and insurance money for the old beat up car i'd bought i was watching two boys about six and ten while parents went out to celebrate some anniversary or something they had promised to be home at eleven at the time cell phones were pretty rare so no way to contact them other than calling the restaurant evening was going great until about 9 30 when their large aggressive doberman goes crazy running around the house barking and growling before running into the basement refusing to come up sort of freaks me out a bit because this dog is huge aggressive and very protective of the house and kids i do a quick check of the house and kids and everyone was okay i let the dog stay in the basement put kids to bed at around 10 as instructed by the parents job done so i'm watching tv at around 10 30 when suddenly i begin to smell something burning running into the youngest boy's room and find the oldest boy in bed with him both are asleep so i wake them both and tell them that we need to get the dog and go outside but the dog just straight up refuses to leave the basement and i had to prioritize so i get the kids outside and tell them to sit in the front yard while i go in to call the fire department not showing good judgment here but i was 16. oldest says i left a candle burning under my bed as i go back in yep a candle under their bed since apparently monsters couldn't live anywhere where there's light i know dumb kids as i open the door to go back in there's this huge explosion behind me across the street and power goes out the kid starts screaming and following me back into the house i grab the phone but there's no dial tone i get the kids out of the house again onto the back porch this time and make it really clear that there's stay there but i can still hear the dog whimpering in the basement i run to the oldest kid's bedroom with the fire extinguisher and flashlight from the kitchen and look under the bed through hazy smoke the offending candle has gone out but has burnt a hole in the box spring which also has gone out i flipped the box spring and blast it with the extinguisher just in case i then run to the front porch to see the transformer on a telephone pole had exploded a lightning pole what lighting the pole on fire and taking out the phone and electricity service for the street i run and check on the box springs which are still out i open the bedroom windows to air out the room then get the kids off the back porch into the living room onto the couch where they both are just crying their eyes out the oldest was apologizing for the fire but insisted that if he didn't keep the candle lit then of course monsters would get him fire department shows up for the transformer at around 11. kids fall asleep on the couch around midnight after watching the firemen across the street put out the transformer fire the power comes back on at about 1 30 am the parents show up at 2 30 a.m when they were supposed to be back by 11. they're somewhat buzzed and start complaining that the kids are not in bed and the oldest room is trashed with a flipped over mattress and dry fire extinguisher powder covering the box springs and to add insult to injury they straight up refuse to pay me the situation gets really tense and would you believe it the doberman picks this time to come out of the basement and starts aggressively growling at me walked out with a dollar to my name and i never babysat again for the longest time i was a tombstone caretaker for a cemetery in rural georgia it was only a summertime job for a 16 year old nothing too crazy just cleaning off the grime and build up dirt from off of the tombstones and stuff now to kind of set the scene a little the cemetery included one building that housed bathrooms for the five caretakers employed by the cemetery in addition to one small simple mausoleum other than that it was all just flat earth with tombstones littering the entire site the whole place felt pretty cut off too as surrounding the place were some of the densest forests in the entire state of georgia naturally because the eerie surroundings i was always a little bit more paranoid than maybe i should have been that and i watch a ton of horror movies and such which i get is a terrible combo for someone working at a cemetery so one night i'm doing my rounds when i have to go into the small mausoleum we had some of the wealthier families in the area entombed within and it was my job to go in make sure all was neat and clean making sure it met the standards of these uppity folks i'm walking over to it and right off the bat i feel like something is off i couldn't quite put my finger on it at first just this general sense that i wasn't alone that's about the time that i noticed candle light coming from the small mausoleum i was also pretty certain that i could hear voices coming from inside too like younger voices kids my age at the time they were giggling and laughing and it didn't sound particularly wholesome now i hadn't seen anyone enter or leave the cemetery but i also wasn't about to potentially take on a bunch of drunk teenagers on my own as i definitely would have got my butt whooped so i call the loan security officer on duty the dude that does a few rounds on the lot he was an older retired cop but he was definitely tough and i knew he jumped at the chance to help me out when the ex-cop finally turns up we both go inside it was empty which made absolutely no sense as i'd literally just heard voices and stuff inside and there were indeed lit candles inside burning around one of the tombs a tomb that had been opened up to reveal the remains of a child-sized skeleton nothing other than that was disturbed but that was bad enough mainly because the open tomb contained a rotten old child's doll like the knitted kind it was seriously disturbing to see that old thing smiling away whilst lying hand in hand with an actual kid skeleton me and the security guard quickly got out of there doing a lightning sweep of the grounds to try to at least get eyes on these sick idiots that desecrated that girl's final resting place neither of us saw a soul which was more frustrating than it was scary and after about a quarter of an hour we met back at the mausoleum to set the girl's grave in order by sliding the stone tablet back on top of the tomb when we stepped inside the doll that was previously hand in hand with the dead girl was sitting on the other side of the mausoleum like just sat there upright with that same uneven smile stitched across her face whoever was messing with us had actually gone back to move that doll to taunt us i quit the next day and never went back not even to visit okay so years ago my dad purchased a cemetery when i was in middle school and i worked for him through high school graduation i did yard work mowing weeding intended to flower beds etc and aside from the occasional shadows seen out of the corner of my eye or hearing strange sounds the cemetery was actually quite a peaceful little place but the strangest is when you have a burial in the crips basically you dig down about five or six feet to expose a giant pair of stone slab doors you pull the stone doors off and then drop down into a tiny cold dark room these rooms can either fit two full-size coffins four children's coffins by far the hardest to deal with or years and years worth of cremated remains so back in the 50s and 60s families would purchase one crypt and the entire family tree would be cremated and interred inside it some just put the cremated remains in it and close it up but others lit candles and leave mementos flowers and souvenirs pictures and stuff like that it's really creepy opening up one of those things after like 50 plus years and finding all kinds of melted candles and old pictures of the deceased people inside not only that but when you hop down in there enough times eventually you have a weird realization that you are at the same level and completely surrounded by bodies and that one day inevitably you're going to be joining them another time my best friend and i were earning a little money over summer at the cemetery working as groundskeepers when we were juniors and seniors it was easy money we got paid five bucks an hour mostly for edging or trimming and generally keeping the whole place nice and tidy we raked a lot of leaves and dug a lot of holes that summer but we also got to tear around the grounds in what was basically a souped-up golf cart with our tools in the back there was a lot of dead flowers to dig up not to mention a lot of empty liquor bottles beer cans and unfortunately on occasion even some used condoms there was a widow who left scribbled notes on her husband's grave almost all of them completely illegible also a lot of sod and stuffed animals left on the graves of children it felt so wrong throwing that stuff in the trash and take my word on it that it sucked even harder than digging holes it was annoying to work in the rain and it rained often but it was truly a gravy job no puns intended the creepiest thing i saw was one of the old style baby dolls that had been left on a graveyard not inherently spooky i know but what creeped us out was the fact that it was badly burned almost like someone had gone over it with a blowtorch or something not just that either it had what we discovered to be these big iron nails that had been driven into the spaces its eyes should have been probably just some local college kids playing a prank or something heck it could have been my buddy but he never admitted to it it just really creeped me out to see that thing one early morning when there wasn't another soul in sight having said that there was something far far worse i encountered while doing that job it was the naked corpse of a young woman my age left neatly with her arms at her sides one foggy saturday morning she had been strangled right there whoever murdered her had also bludgeoned her horribly she was identified quickly and it turned out that she was a student at a neighboring high school but her clothes were never found into my knowledge her murder was never ever solved my friend and i were grilled by police on two separate occasions and honestly i think that was the scariest part knowing we were actually implicated in the murder but we didn't know a thing and each had alibis so thankfully we were eventually rolled out and thankfully the cops never bothered us anymore i just pray that she's resting in peace former funeral director here a bit of a setup first the cemetery i run is real old like by a good few hundred years at least it must be since the church next to it was constructed during the 17th century considering the fact that it is a pretty rural place as well most people back in the day were buried with only wooden crosses and such no stone or marble so as time goes on crosses rot and wither away new people get buried etc nowadays due to less people living out here in the sticks which means our budget is increasingly limited the cemetery is really run down and overgrown it is a really pretty place and it's honestly pretty depressing so as some of you can imagine when you keep burying bodies in the same small patch of dirt for that many centuries eventually the soil has been worked over dozens and dozens of times so in the end it consists of mainly bone meal you can't even rake over the flower beds there without accidentally uncovering some teeth or finger bones or something equally grim it's nothing but fragmented skeletons all the way down under the thin turf the soil sort of resembles the kind of dirt you see near sandy beaches except on closer examination all the light-colored parts are just bone fragments rather than crushed seashells not really scary or unexpected just super eerie until you eventually get used to it you learn to treat anything recognizable as human remains with respect and just tuck it away out of sight under the plant or whatever else you were putting there anyway so someone was taking care of their relative's grave and decided to expand the area around the grave for some reason the people around her are not particularly fond of grass rather preferring a well-leveled ground with zen garden lines made with a rake the person removed the grass and was sprucing up the place with a rake when they pulled up a bunch of snow white hair from the dirt they must have just freaked out and ran out of there leaving the cemetery attendant to stumble across what was essentially hair coming out of the ground she reported it to the church and supposedly they reburied the remains even with all my years as an undertaker i'm not entirely sure how there could have been a body so close to the surface but there's another incident that sticks with me even more than that one my business partner and i had just gotten back to the funeral home from a call for a 27 year old woman who tragically passed away due to terminal cancer as we were moving her body from the cot to embalming table we heard an audible click and the radio across the room turned on full volume of static it's one of those old radios you turn the volume dial until it clicks to turn it on we both looked at each other pale as ghosts he happened to be extremely religious and this event visibly shook him he found an excuse to leave early not long after the incident so i shut the radio off as i typically use my iphone to listen to music while doing embalming work when i finished the procedure and was attempting to move her from the embalming table to a dressing table i heard that click from the old radio and it turned on full volume yet again at this point i was fairly freaked out and got out of there not long after my partner and i never spoke of it again and nothing like that had ever occurred to my knowledge before or after so this happened back in sixth grade and i think it's the closest i've ever come to dying at the school i went to we always used to have some big end of the year field trip we'd usually go to some city and look at all the important or historic buildings have lunch learn some things and leave that year we were going to new york and me and a couple of friends planned what we wanted to do we wanted to go do our own thing go shopping get some new clothes that kind of thing only when we got to school the next day the teachers made it really clear we had to stick with the group but since we were all stupid rebellious 6th graders we decided we'd just have to work around that on the ride to new york me my friend olivia and my friend devin decided we were going to leave the group and do whatever we wanted our class was pretty big almost 60 of us because they put fifth sixth and seventh graders together so we thought if we weren't gone too long nobody would notice we had brought money and we had planned on buying tons of stuff because even though we were a big class we lived in a small town with only a couple of stores olivia loved shopping and she had actually researched the area we were going to be around and picked out all the good stores she even made us a little map she was good at that kind of stuff anyways when we got to new york devon chickened out because his parents were pretty strict and he didn't want to get his phone taken away again olivia and i just decided that he could just give us some money and we'd buy his stuff for him so he did that and after they herded everyone off the bus we kind of lingered back we were right about them being distracted by everyone else because we got away no problem olivia's map worked out pretty good and we were gone probably around 10 or 20 minutes before things started getting crazy we had just left the store and olivia was carrying her shopping bags when this guy noticed us it probably wasn't hard to pick us out two little sixth graders walking around alone carrying a ton of clothes he started calling out to us saying how he could buy us more clothes all the jewelry we wanted and if only we would just come with him we didn't believe him of course we just kept walking heading on to the next store only this guy wouldn't stop talking he started following us now and getting kind of angry that we wouldn't answer him i told him to buzz off because i thought that he would take a hint there were tons of people around and we figured he couldn't really kidnap us in front of 200 people but he kept following us and he started getting a lot closer he had probably been 30 or 40 yards back where we could barely see him over the people but now he was only 15 or 20 feet that's when we started panicking because god is a potential kidnapper after us and we had no idea where the group was we decided to split off from the sidewalk and head down to some alley because we figured people would call out the guy if he started following us but of course it was new york and everybody else was wrapped up in their own little problems so now we're walking down this dark alley and this guy is still after us he fell a little back probably back to about 30 feet now but now he's not pretending to be a good guy he's talking about how he's going to kill us and how they're never gonna find our bodies and how much fun he's gonna have with us and he's smiling this deranged grin the whole time we're both on the verge of tears now because we figured this sociopath is about to have his way with us olivia just decides to drop her stuff and yells run so we both start booking it and we're probably around halfway through this alley but then she turns around and she screams so i turn around and i see this psychopath is now running after us too and he has a knife we're both screaming now and i'm running faster than i ever have before and we just run out of the alley back into this crowd of people and as we try to get into this group of people to make sure this guy can't stab us to death i turn around and he's just standing back in the alley smiling and i turn back around and this random lady is asking us what's wrong because we're both sobbing and olivia's dress is ripped and i'm bleeding because my arms scrape the wall and we're crying so hard we can barely talk as soon as we can actually manage to talk we tell her about our school and she looks it up and calls them and we somehow managed to find our group again we're both forced to stay right next to the teacher because they don't trust us anymore and i honestly don't blame them we didn't even tell them about the man though and as soon as i get home i'm grounded and my phone is taken away but still nobody but me and olivia knows about that man school ends a couple of days later and i get my phone back so i text olivia and she sends me a picture of our class in front of some important building and says look in the bottom left corner and that man is in it mostly hidden behind some wall but you can still see his face smiling that deranged grin for the camera we never really talked about the man again i didn't want to bring it up and olivia didn't either i'm terrified of cities now i'd like to stick to a couple of towns near me and that's it there's a much lower chance of running into any psychopaths this happened to me when i was in first grade so about six or seven years old i'm now in my mid twenties every year the first graders take a trip to the zoo about an hour away from her town i was a shy little girl so i spent most of the bus ride staring out the window while the other kids were busy conversing with each other a jeep pulls up where i have a clear look into the vehicle and at the driver we were on the interstate i am seeing him playing with something under his shirt all the while looking at me and then back at the road back at me and so forth one hand on the wheel and the other fiddling with whatever was under his shirt i couldn't keep my eyes off of him fascinated about what he was hiding and then he lifted his shirt and yep i got a good look at what he was playing with the whole time he freaking waved at me granted i was a little girl and had never seen one before nor did i understand why he was doing what he was doing a girl that was near me asked what i was looking at and then she got to see for herself she started hollering and i swear to god all the kids on the bus ran to the window to see what was going on the jeep gunned off and i'm sure it got off the next exit i remember telling my mom about it when i got home but then i just sort of blocked it out of my mind it was only several years later when i had two daughters of my own that i recalled this event and just last night i was talking to my mom about it wishing that i had been more mature and had thought to get his license plate number or something all i remember is that it was a jeep or suv of some type and some middlewage white guy i just hope and pray to god that i nor any other child in their life ever has to go through or see something like that again when i was in high school my two closest friends were colin and eric they were both tallish skinny guys i was a small young woman who as a 16 year old could pass for 13. one night we went for a walk well i was walking and the two guys were rollerblading slowly along to get to my home we went through the middle school parking lot the lot was at the front of the school and a row of trees separated the lot in the road just as we entered the lot conversation broke as eric and colin decided to race to the end they took off as it was walking a car pulled into the lot and slowly drove up beside me it was about 10 o'clock at night but the lights on the front of the school meant i could see the car pretty clearly it was navy blue and its black windows were tinted dark there were no decals or anything on it nothing that said security or neighborhood watch the driver was a caucasian man probably in his late twenties he didn't look overweight but his face was wide and looked a bit swollen or something he was wearing a red shirt no uniform he rolled down his window and spoke to me hey you're not allowed to be here you're trespassing i was confused i stopped walking and took a small step toward the car to hear him better pardon me i'm gonna have to take you downtown get in the car now it was pretty clear this guy wasn't security or a cop so i immediately put more distance between myself in the car in a loud firm voice i said no the driver looked confused at that i glanced towards the end of the parking lot eric and colin had seen the car and were skating back quickly he tried again you're in a lot of trouble get in the car no at that moment colin and eric reached me i think one of them asked the driver who he is the guy didn't say a word and just pulled away quickly we all three discussed how creepy that was as we continued our walk when i got home and said goodbye to the guys i went inside and told my mom about the incident she thought i was overreacting i found the non-emergency number for police and gave him a call they told me at the middle school did have a security officer there but there was no reason that he would have had any right to ask me to get inside of his car i have grapheme to color synesthesia which gives me a very good memory for numbers and letters i remembered the driver's license plate and told the police but i'm not sure if anything came of it i moved into a large studio apartment complex a few months ago i am a single female with a two-year-old daughter my sister and a few of her friends came over about three weeks ago to hang out have some beers and play cards against humanity my studio has an enclosed patio save for a door size opening no gate or door since my child was sleeping i had everyone chill outside on the patio we were having a great time joking talking and listening to low playing music when the security guard entered my patio hi there are we being too loud has someone placed a complaint no no you guys are fine just doing my rounds he lingered for a minute more than strolled out into the night we continued our activities and didn't really give him a second thought he returned about 25 minutes later right after most of the group had left only my sister her friend cody and i remained he was an overweight late 40s to early 50s white male and wore glasses he strolls into my patio once again in strikes up conversation we learned he is a retired cop that had quit the force after suffering a heart attack on duty he states he had to undergo a quintuple bypass surgery and after recovery he started night security jobs i felt sorry for him because of his medical history and sat and listened to him for quite a while he must have stayed at least 30 minutes before my sister got uncomfortable and loudly announced that we were going to bed he bit us good night and left once again my sister said that she didn't like the way that he was looking at me and she thought that he took a liking to me i initially told her she was reading into it too much and that the dude was just lonely and had a long shift ahead a week and a half later my sister is visiting again and we are sitting inside my place talking my studio has a black screen door which is visible to see through in a wood door i had the screen locked and the wood door wide open to let some air in my sister is talking to me and i have the sensation that someone is looking at me so i glance up the security guard is standing at the doorway of my patio staring i say hello and he jerks forward as if expecting an invitation in or something but i turn my attention back to my sister and when i glance back again he's gone this week on tuesday i took a shower and threw on my red silk japanese style robe i was washing dishes for about 25 minutes and had poured a glass of wine i turned from the kitchen to sit on my couch and i strangled a scream the security guard is almost pressed up against my screen door staring straight at me through the footlong crack of the wooden door i was so startled and shaken but the first thing i did was make sure my robe wasn't exposing me i ran up to the screen you what are you doing you scared me no emotion no apology i was just doing my rounds my scalp is crawling and i'm still shaky okay well i'm going to bed now he is still right up next to the screen door all the way inside my patio and turns and looks at my beach cruiser parked against the wall oh you have a bike you should put that inside because someone could take it yeah i'll get to it i pretty much slammed the door shut and locked the door i sit down with the wine and calm my nerves i was shaken up but wasn't sure if he really was being a creeper or just a lonely individual that was looking for someone that had expressed interest after a debate with my friends and sister i contacted the property manager i was actually surprised at how quickly it escalated they took my verbal instant report over the phone and just informed me today that the guy has been fired the property manager told me to call the police if i see him on my premises again [Music] you
Channel: Mort
Views: 782,029
Rating: 4.853519 out of 5
Keywords: mcdonald's horror, creepy mcdonald, horror story, reddit stories animated, true horror story animated, ron mcdonalds horror, scary clown, mcdonalds clown horror story, animated horror compilation, deep web horror story, deep web animated, kfc animated horror story, school lockdown, school horror story, school lockdown horror animated
Id: QePlQlV4Y3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 0sec (7200 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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