6 Scary Stories Animated Horror Stories Animated Compilation August 2020

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right after i dropped out of high school and moved out of my parents house i needed work real bad i'd have done pretty much anything for rent money about that time in my life so i'm lucky or unlucky depending on how you look at it that the local cemetery needed employees at first the old-timers who had been working there for 20 or 30 years just wondered why someone so young would ever want to be a gravedigger it was hard work really bad on the lower back but i soon adjusted and it turned out to be something more akin to a free gym membership than an actual job i mean it i got swole pretty fast and if i'm honest it only ever felt like work if the weather was bad or we had an actual funeral on site otherwise it was just nice to be able to spend time outdoors so the way our cemetery was set up was pretty simple the majority of the grounds were just regular grave sites all pretty much the same size and same price but the northwest corner of the grounds was a private site that contained much larger plots these were reserved for much wealthier families and the local undertaker made a lot of cash from selling extravagant grave setups to them i'm talking whole mausoleum statues of angels and stuff like that we hardly ever visited that area of the site except for cleaning and maintenance duties and those were never left to me i didn't take it personally but the older guys just didn't trust me with all the cleaning chemicals and whatnot that kept the marble and brass fixtures looking fresh which is why it was so weird when i got a call one of my days off asking me if i'd been up to that area recently my boss was livid i could hear it in his voice and he pulled no punches when he asked me if i'd been screwing around on the northwest plots of course i told him no that the last time i'd been up there was to watch one of the old timers using the marble cleaning chemical as part of my training and that had been months back he sighed seemed confused and confounded so i asked him what exactly the issue was he replied that it could wait until the next time i was at work i was worried sure but i was pretty sure that i hadn't done anything wrong not deliberately anyway and especially nothing that involved the northwest plots a couple of days later when i rolled into work the atmosphere was incredibly tense i knew something fairly serious had happened all i knew is that i wouldn't have to badger anyone to find out why the boss man walked me out to the northwest plot silent the whole way and i knew better than to open my mouth until i found out exactly what was going on there was already a worker up in the plot tending to one of the graves and that's when my boss told me that if i'd been hanging around the area maybe during my lunch break eating a few snacks among the opulent grave sites now would be the time to tell them i swear to god that i hadn't but i knew better than to eat stuff near the graves as i'd been well informed it attracts wild animals that can in turn do damage to some of the resting places and that's when he broke it down for me something had tried to dig up one of the freshly dug graves out the northwest plots he said something in particular not someone because we each had enough experience to recognize when a grave had been dug up by tools or by hand or in this case by claw it was rough around the edges obvious claw marks in the dirt as opposed to the straight lines carved out by a shovel this was something in an emergency i mean for obvious sanitary reasons but for sentimental reasons too if local families discovered that wild animals were trying to dig up their deceased relatives there would be an uproar something had to be done and quickly a meeting was called among the gravediggers in attendance as far as we knew the mysterious digging had been taking place overnight it was most likely undertaken by some kind of scavenger animal a coyote black bear maybe even an escaped dog the solution was obvious night watchmen would have to be present in the cemetery every night until the situation was resolved and guess who was fallen told to be the night watchman for the first full week you guessed it the young guy the new guy me the only thing that made the proposal even vaguely attractive was the fact that anyone doing the night work would be paid double the regular rate and i could definitely have done with the extra cash first night of being on watch really sucked all i had for company was a flask of strong coffee and a 22 pellet gun loaned me by one of the other workers to take down any varmints it was long boring and lonely but once i adjusted my sleeping pattern it got a little easier then on the second to last night of my watchman duties i was on a little foot patrol walking towards the northwest plot with a flashlight in my hand and that's when i saw it a flurry of frantic limbs digging at the earth i could have shouted something maybe even fired the 22 in the air to scare the animal away but if i killed whatever critter was causing us so much trouble i might be out of the extra pay but at least i'd have my daytime life back i crept up slowly turning the flashlight off and sneaking stealthily towards the dark shape working away at the earth i've hunted rabbits at night with my uncle before so i figured i'd use the old flashlight technique to cause the animal to freeze for a second so i could take the killing shot but when i did when i aimed that powerful flashlight in the direction of the digging thing i almost cried out in fear it wasn't an animal at all it was a human crouched on all fours digging away at the earth with his or her bare hands i couldn't bring myself to aim the rifle i was too shocked at what i was looking at so all i did was start making as much noise as possible telling them to get out of there saying i call the cops if they didn't comply they complied all right but not out of fear the look in that person's eyes was one of fury pure anger that they've been interrupted in their obscene little act i swear if i hadn't had that rifle with me if i hadn't the means to defend myself that were obvious to them i honestly don't know if i'd be here today to tell the story needless to say the other workers didn't believe me and what i saw some of them told me they didn't doubt that i'd seen something that they disputed what that thing was and i get that i really do but still i don't know what i saw the police struggled to determine anything other than maybe a few boot footprints but it really didn't lead to anything else as that individual ran far far into the tree line beyond what i was capable of seeing all i know is that it was definitely a person [Music] this is a recounting of a terrifying incident that three of my friends experienced during the summer after junior year in high school i very nearly became part of a tale myself but a scheduled shift at the movie theater saved me they showed up in my house earlier that day asking if i wanted to go with them into the woods to explore an area we had yet to search but i had to work later that evening so i had to decline it's been over 25 years since this occurred therefore not all that happened can be remembered but i'll do my best looking back now at the way life was then i can possibly say things have changed greatly for kids my neighborhood was its own self-contained city on the edge of the city limits at the end of the 60s some idealistic developer got the crazy idea to buy up hundreds of rolling acres of prairie and forest land out in the middle of nowhere he created a little suburban sprawl for the coming rise of manufacturing and the people needed to fill those jobs the factories did come johnson and johnson folger's coffee places such as that but within 30 years they would begin to leave just as quickly the children of these factory workers found themselves separated from their peers in the rest of the city and with nothing better to do took to the woods surrounding them to explore and discover nature much as their distant ancestors who settled this land hundreds of years before i was one of those children and so were my three friends who would make the discovery on one of these journeys into the woods without me along they took to the fields opposite the new highway these stretched for miles back then and during the summer were laying fallow our part of texas rides the line between prairie land and riparian forest you may find yourself walking for miles on open land only to discover acres upon acres of woods between the next field after walking for miles across nothing they came upon a forested area most of us had yet to explore a path led to an abandoned barn when they turned the corner to look inside they came face to face with the corpse of a hanged man from what i was told later not one of them believed it to be real however as they got closer there was no longer any doubt the body was that of a trucker who had parked his 18-wheeler at the nearby truck stop around christmas he walked the three miles or so into the woods and ended his life to this day no one knows if he knew that barn was there or he just happened upon it but we do know on that hot humid summer day his bloated body posed a horrific sight to them realizing someone was likely missing him my friends returned to the very same truck stop he had walked away from the year before and called the cops of course i didn't hear all about this until the next day even though it did sound like an amazing adventure i'm thankful i had to sit it out all three of them went on to differing levels of legal and emotional troubles including battles with addiction the only one left living stephen had spent several stints in and out of institutions and the last time we spoke little of my childhood friend remained i can't claim that the discovery of the trucker's body was the only reason for their eventual decline but it most certainly contributed to it i'm your typical 21 year old american girl i grew up in the suburbs and had a pretty nice upbringing unfortunately i had been a total party girl up until the time i turned 20. that was when i started getting my stuff together i nearly died of alcohol poisoning one night and despite being surrounded by some of my friends nobody even bothered to help me even when was obvious that something was wrong i'm not gonna lie to you i was a really crummy person when i was younger one of the things i remember doing with my friends was teasing a really unpopular kid i get asked out by a fair amount of guys and i'm not the ugliest girl in the world my friends and i all had an algebra 2 class towards the end of high school and one of the boys in it always seemed to be checking me out i really regret being mean and teasing him because he was honestly a pretty nice kid just kind of socially awkward and completely lacking in any sense of fashion or style one day after class my friends and i were talking about a party for that weekend he must have been listening in on our conversation because he came up to me and asked if i needed someone to go to the party with i don't really know what he was expecting but i went with it on a whim i told him that i really needed a nice guy to go with me so people would think i have a boyfriend he agreed to go with me and said that he would pick me up before the party we exchanged phone numbers and that was that my friends and i were already plotting on how we were going to embarrass him on the night of the party i told him that it was a professional party he told me that he had to go out and buy a tuxedo then me being the horrible person i was back then totally agreed he picked me up in his mom's car before the party on friday night even brought me flowers it was at that point that i started to feel guilty and kind of wanted to abandon the whole thing i couldn't do it though my friends would have been really mad at me they got two giant tubs of mayonnaise that they were going to pour on top of them it was my job to have him stand for a picture and get him in the right position then i will tell them that i had to go to the bathroom real quick and for him to stay in place and that's when my friends were going to pour the mayonnaise on him again i regret that whole role i played in this whole thing i even felt guilty at the moment when i walked away and i actually went to the bathroom i didn't want to watch it happen from what i heard he started crying and went back to his car and drove home immediately i thought that would have sent some kind of a signal that i really wasn't interested in dating him well he didn't quite get that signal because he still kept trying to talk to me and go out on another date he even tried asking me where i went that night and it made me feel even worse than i already did because he didn't even realize that i was in on the joke like he thinks he randomly got mayonnaised as guilty as i felt i just tried to ignore him and hope the problem would go away on its own we only had another month or so of algebra and it was every other day so i figured the number of times i had to see him were limited well he never actually got the hint he found me on facebook and messaged me on there he somehow found my phone number which i still don't quite understand how he did it either suffice to know that he still regularly made an attempt to date me for a very long time i tell you this story not for fun or to brag but because this guy donald was his name continued his interest in me for six years still even to this very day we've been out of high school for years now and he still messages me or reaches out in some way every few weeks after i started getting my life together i tried explaining to him that i wasn't interested in him but he never really got the message i work a night shift job now at a gas station on the edge of town for the most part we only really ever got truckers and the occasional traveler anything else is pretty rare but sometimes on certain nights around three o'clock in the morning donald will show up and he's not looking to get gas he's looking to get me it's only happened three times now but they were honestly pretty horrifying and i nearly called the police last time i think i will if he shows up again the first time he showed up where i worked he tried pretending like it was a coincidence like oh hey i didn't know you worked here i was just buying one candy bar at a gas station at three o'clock in the morning you know the usual that night was really weird the second time he came by he told me that it was a long drive from his house to the gas station but he said that it was worth it because the candy bars at this gas station were the best bear in mind this guy was buying plain hershey milk chocolate candy bars every time he came in and not in bulk either literally just one every single time he came in like could you get any weirder this last time that he came though that was the time that really freaked me out he's a lot rougher now that he's been out of high school i think he works at some kind of manual labor job or maybe he's just a dirty person he always looks really disheveled when he comes in and he walked into the gas station bought his usual chocolate bar but instead of leaving he just stood there i was standing at the cash register just kind of awkwardly waiting for him to go but i handed him back his change in receipt and just watched him stand there and stare at me like dead on staring me in the eye i felt extremely uncomfortable and didn't know exactly how to end the social interaction i asked him if he needed anything else but he just said no and then continued staring at me that was when he reached over the counter and tried holding my hand i could tell by the look on his face that he had some sort of intimate intentions in his mind something devious as freaked out as i was i pulled my hand back as fast as i could and told him that he had to go why are you gonna be like that i love chasing you but you gotta give in one day he said to me that was when i told him that i was not interested in him at all and the only reason i went on a date with him was because i was in on the joke to pour the mayonnaise on him i told him that i wouldn't date him if he was the last guy on earth and that i would never be interested in him i saw his facial expression go from nefarious to angry he knocked a bunch of gum off of the gum rack before storming out before he walked out the door though he stopped and looked me right in the eye and said i'll have you one day you little pretty princess and then he left i had no idea how to respond i don't even know what to do about the situation he's not really doing anything illegal i don't think other than knocking things over if i see him again though i might have to call the police if this isn't stalking then it comes pretty darn close and the part that kills me about the whole thing is that i just want to put that phase of my life behind me i don't want to think about being popular or partying or being mean to kids like him i just want to save up some money get my life together and maybe find a good boyfriend but yeah that's my ongoing situation with a very creepy guy i played a prank on from high school and looking back i never should have gone along with it i should have followed my intuition and done the right thing instead i guess i have to pay my dues for what i have done in some way maybe this is some weird form of justice during the early 2000s when i was attending law school i worked nights delivering pizza for one of the national chains i had done something similar when i was younger and attending my local community college anytime i found myself sorely in need of quick cash that was the avenue i would choose despite the many stories i have heard questioning the safety of the job i never had a single run-in with a thief i'm sure back in the early days it could be a little dangerous but by the time i joined the game companies had learned that implementing practices such as limiting the driver to twenty dollars lowered the chance of holdups drastically even though i was never a victim of a robbery i did have one or two scary incidents i could write about the worst of these happened to me back in the 2000s i was very familiar with the city i was living at the time moving there after junior college and delivering for several places over the last five years had made me intimate with almost every nook and cranny of the place however one evening i would be called to an address that i nor any of the other drivers even knew existed when the order came in i went straight to the map to find the address but it wasn't there not even the gps on my phone showed it we didn't have any no delivery areas at that time so i had to take it despite my misgivings theoretically the place would have existed if the road continued for ten more blocks so i turned on to said road a block before its ending and followed it south sure enough a newly paved road began where the old one should have ended for what seemed like miles i continued on this new section of road nothing stood on the other side of it and i didn't pass another car the whole time how the state managed to build it without a single report of its creation leaking to the media had me bewildered the five years i've been driving all over the city i'd not known this part existed in one way i was very excited seeing all of it like a victorian explorer tracing the sources of the nile but at the same time a deserted road popping up out of nowhere gave me a chill down my spine it must have been a good ten minutes before the house in question appeared in the distance i couldn't understand why someone would build a house out here in the middle of nowhere with no way to reach it when i got closer i could see the house had to be at least 50 years old or more and probably hadn't been repaired since then no cars were around and for a moment i thought the house was abandoned but i could see the front door wide open behind the rickety old screen everything looked to be above board so i grabbed the pizza and headed for the door i knocked on the screen door but got no answer i could see what appeared to be a young female walking around the kitchen when i knocked a second time i heard a female voice say to come in despite my reservations i stepped just inside the house and waited in the small foyer i learned from other drivers early on not to enter an unfamiliar house but i had yet to see anything to concern me i assumed the woman would be coming out soon to pay me instead i overheard an unseen man whisper calm into the kitchen when i heard that i fled from that place as fast as i could i was so freaked out i got back to the restaurant and half the time it took me to get to the house after i told my boss what had just occurred he called the police all the excitement had me rattled so my boss sent me home for the day my phone rang a few hours later it was the police they called to let me know what they had found whoever had been there was gone now even though the place had more than likely been abandoned for a while they did find evidence that people had just recently been inside this was stuff my boss had already told them however they did shed light on where the road came from and why the house was the only building on an otherwise deserted area the state had been trying to purchase the land on which the new section of road and house were for 20 years but the land owner wouldn't sell they even tried to use eminent domain to get it but a judge blocked it around two years before the owner passed and his children finally sold the land to the state they were so happy to get the land after all that time the construction on the road was started immediately it technically had yet to be formally open but locals had already began using it anyway this is good to know but i still wondered how the two people knew about the empty house sitting out in the middle of nowhere this was something the officer didn't know we could only assume they drove past it and decided it would be as good as place as any to ambush a delivery driver even twenty dollars is a good score if you're desperate enough he said from personal experience people have killed for much less the officer left me with one good piece of news though the county had slated the old house to be demolished in the coming week so no other poor delivery driver would be let out there to be robbed or worse two days later i was driving down the brand new road which i was now using as a shortcut across town and witnessed the house's destruction a load was even being lifted from my shoulders right before my eyes never again would i enter a customer's home or even deliver to an area in which i was not well versed perhaps in the future i'll share my other story while not as harrowing it was still scary nonetheless [Music] i was one of those kids you see walking around zoos or amusement parks wearing a leash those are already a thing 20 plus years ago but less common and were initially only tied around the wrist in my case it was a necessity i would always start wandering off from the rest of the family no matter what situation this is one of the stories that led to me earning my leash it happened when i was about six years old and i went to the zoo with my mom and sisters before every family outing my mom made sure to give me the talk about not walking off again or face the consequences my mom was a strict parent that made good on her promises she had to being a single mother of three i didn't try to disobey her per se but i often just didn't pay attention to the world and people around me no different to this day i behaved and followed the group for a while but then a butterfly garden caught my attention and off i was when i finally realized i separated myself from my mom and sisters again i panicked and started walking around the zoo looking for them being afraid for my mom's reaction more than anything else after a while i somehow got it in my head that if i could just walk out find our car and wait there my family would eventually find me so i did i got lost within a couple of minutes walking around a strange neighborhood looking for either our car or the way back to the zoo nothing looked familiar i started crying and my mom was going to be so mad then this man came up to me just normal looking about 40 years old asking me if i'm lost i explained i lost my family when we were visiting the zoo and i'm looking for the way back i couldn't believe my luck when the man told me he had just come from the zoo and saw a family there standing near the entrance who were waiting for a little girl with blonde hair and a baseball cap but it was still a few blocks away so he proposed i walk with him to his car and we could drive the rest of the way back just the mention of his car finally made me hesitant i told him i wasn't allowed to get in the car with strangers my mom would be so mad he then said something like that was true but i looked smart enough to know i could trust someone don't remember the exact words but something along those lines also he added he spoke to my parents earlier when they were looking for me so he's not a complete stranger that didn't seem right i asked him if he really talked to my dad who had died a year before and when he said he did i broke down crying uncontrollably i still didn't understand the situation i was in i was just really confused about everything and scared of how angry my mom was going to be after all this finally my crying caught the attention of the security guard of a parking building we were standing next to asking if there was something he could help with the guy stepped aside with a security guard and started explaining the situation but made it vaguely sound like he was my father and we were looking for his wife the security guard seemed to believe him pointing us in the direction right towards the zoo the man thanks the security guard and proceeds to take my hand and walk away the security guard takes a last look at me and asked me in a comforting friendly adult-to-child kind of way why i'm still crying i tell him that my dad is dead he looks really confused for a second then asks if this man is not my dad i tell him again no my dad is dead in a split second his whole face and posture changes and he turns to look at the guy who's trying to explain he never actually said he was my dad that the security guard must have misunderstood and he was just helping me find my mom the security guard said he appreciated the man's help but he would take me off his hands now and the guy immediately took off i don't think there was much else a security guard could have done i explained the whole situation and after making a phone call he walked me to the entrance of the zoo which was just around the corner from the parking building from there we were brought to the securities office where my mom and sisters were already waiting i feel extremely lucky for the security guard being at the right place at the right time that day and very grateful for the extra second of time he took that could have made all the difference this happened yesterday and before anyone says anything yes i know i'm stupid i just gotten home from work around 9 00 pm and had barely had time to get my shoes off when i get a phone call from some number i don't recognize i'm searching for new jobs and i thought it might be one of the places that i was applying to call me back i pick it up and it's some guy who says that he's with some kind of third-party detention center which as he explained it was for low-risk inmates that were sent there whenever the local jails were busy or filled that should have set off a nice big red flag for me but for whatever reason it just made sense in my tired brain i'm getting ready to tell this guy i'm not interested in making a donation or anything like that when he asks if this is and then says my full name i confirm he says that they're holding my boyfriend at the center saying my boyfriend's full name and giving a dead-on description of him i ask what's going on since my boyfriend is supposed to be at work right now and the guy on the other end provides an explanation he says that my boyfriend had struck a pregnant woman with his car on his way to work and was four times the legal limit for blood alcohol he said the woman was in critical condition and that my boyfriend had broken a few ribs and his nose in the accident i'm freaking out at this point and asked if i can speak to my boyfriend which the man obliges i'm put on hold for a minute or two before my boyfriend picks up the phone this person on the other end was panicking saying how it wasn't his fault and begged me not to tell his parents again using my name it didn't particularly sound like my boyfriend but i figured was because of the broken nose he supposedly had and his tone really helped to sell it because it all sounded so legitimate the man from before comes back on the line before i can ask any questions and explains that they had to sedate my boyfriend since he had began to panic and hyperventilate which i was starting to relate to more and more by the second the man on the other end tells me that i should come right away and that the bail is set at two thousand dollars cash only i stupidly tell him that i don't have that much in that maybe i have half of that he tells me that it's fine and that i can work something out with the front office once i get there and just bring what i have seeming like he's trying to calm me down he's giving me the address and i can barely hold a pen because my hands are shaking so badly and i'm very poorly trying to hold back tears all of a sudden the doors open up and then walks my boyfriend completely normal looking with no broken nose but more than a little confused as to why i'm crying i'm still on the phone with the man and ask him what he thinks he's doing telling him how my boyfriend just walked in and he promptly hangs up i tried calling back a few times but it went directly to voicemail find out the power to the bar my boyfriend works at had gone out so his boss sent everyone home early and i'd never been so grateful for a power outage my boyfriend slept on the couch to keep watch but unfortunately i still couldn't sleep that night so i decided to look up the name of the organization the man said he worked for big surprise that turned up nothing i then looked up the address that he had given me on google maps and see that it was some random abandoned strip mall in the middle of a sketchy area that it was about an hour and a half out of town what really freaked me out about this whole thing was the guy knew my number both me and my boyfriend's names but didn't sound like anyone we had met before i have no idea what would have been waiting for me there but i'm counting my lucky stars right now
Channel: Dark Nights
Views: 308,911
Rating: 4.8820581 out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, true horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, true horror story animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: NEMmU1QM5rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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