The Dark Web 4 | A Game in the dark web by Horror Diary

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[Music] oh my name is david i'm working as head of marketing in a private company i have some leisure time at the end of the office so i spend most of my time watching movies sometimes i browse social media sites and read news from various news portals even today as i was browsing the internet i came across a news headline a 16 year old boy shot and killed his parents gun bought from the dark web there it is a picture of the boy and next to it is a picture of his dead parents i read the whole news to find out how a 16 year old boy collected the gun i found out that the boy himself had bought the gun from the dark web i was curious to browse the dark web too since i don't know much about it i started browsing the internet which i came to know that i needed to install the tour browser for my security so i downloaded the tor browser and started browsing the dark web what i found is amazing not only drugs but also guns professional killers and snipers can be hired here there are even murder scenes and suicide videos at one point i began to get stressed i turned off the laptop and fell asleep [Music] the next day when i got home from the office i was thinking about what to do suddenly i thought let's browse the dark web again it looks like i'm getting obsessed with it i started browsing the dark web today i'm looking for some chatting sites to see if i can chat with anyone at one point i found a website named talk with strangers which is written in bold letters on top of the site then chat with john doe then random chat and then chat with friends at the bottom of the site it's showing how many users are online i clicked on chat with john doe he wrote hello want to buy human slaves buy one get one free hi how to buy i need your social security number [Music] facebook id works yeah sorry i can't give you my password then no slaves for you saying this the user left the site and then i click on random chat it connects with a user hi hello want to play a game what game go to xyz 666.onion and follow the instructions after giving me the link the user goes offline i clicked on the link it brought up a black screen a text appeared want to make a lifetime friend by playing a game below are the options yes and no i clicked yes then another text appeared it says you have to do what we tell you to do below are two options one is proceed another get me out of here i clicked on proceed then another text came on the screen are you sure there are two options yes and no i clicked yes after clicking yes another screen came up it read the rules are simple there will be 12 tasks at first you will see two tasks after completing those two tasks then every time you will see three tasks at a time all tasks have to be done within 24 hours no task can be omitted after completing you have to send us the picture of your work as a proof and from now on you will be monitored the last task will remain hidden until you have completed all the 12 tasks above once it's all done you will have a lifetime friend without any condition below it is written click anywhere to continue i clicked then a pop-up box appeared it said there's no turning back are you sure to proceed options are yes and no i clicked yes then it brought up a new screen sorting all the tasks serially from one to twelve the first two tasks appear and the remaining 10 are blurred the two tasks are 1. install our app to your phone so that you can send us the pictures of your completed tasks 2. buy two birds and put them in a cage place the cage near your room the tasks seem very easy to me the whole thing seemed very interesting not for a lifelong friend i started to feel a kind of challenge i immediately installed tor on my mobile and downloaded their app i sent them a screenshot of their app via my phone after a while i saw a tick next to task number one on their site meaning the work has been done [Music] the next day i bought two lovebirds in a cage and put them in one corner of my room i took a picture of the cage and took a selfie of myself and sent the images to them then when it's all done i fell asleep i woke up in the morning fed the two birds had a light breakfast the laptop was on since last night i was about to turn it off when i noticed that the laptop's webcam was turned on after many attempts i could not turn off the webcam i sat down to watch the new tasks the first two tasks are ticked and the next three tasks are now visible and the remaining seven tasks are blurring i looked at my new tasks three watch some documentaries about the russian sleep experiment or write a suicide note in 25 words or more 5. buy some black candles draw a pentagram on the floor and place a black candle in the middle of the pentagram there was a 24 hour countdown running in the corner of the screen the tasks are a bit strange but straightforward so i decided in the evening on the way home from the office i will buy a brush paint and some black candles in the evening i came home with all the necessary things i went to my living room with paint and brush to draw a pentagram when i finish outlining i sent them a picture placing a black candle in the middle of it [Music] then i started writing suicide notes after trying for a while i realized that writing a suicide note is not easy yet i wrote i feel like i'm going crazy i'm having a terrible time i hear voices all around me as if someone is whispering something to me i can't concentrate on my work i've been fighting it but now i'm tired i can't fight anymore writing i took a picture of the note and sent it to them after dinner i saw some videos of the russian sleep experiment on youtube i took a picture and as soon as i sent the images i saw three to five tasks being ticked and six to eight now visible my new tasks are six light up five black candles and place them on each corner of the pentagram seven dig up a hole near your house eight kill the birds by beheading them with bare hands and bury them in the hole i read task number eight three times my head began to spin what kind of game is this it wasn't fun anymore no more of this as soon as that thought came to my mind i immediately heard a sound from the living room it's like someone is dragging something cumbersome in there i went in there to check it out i entered the room and saw that there's nothing but the window is open i vividly remember i closed the window who opened it then [Music] as i'm about to close the window the lights in the room went out the next day i got up in the morning ate fresh breakfast and was walking around the house with a mug of coffee as soon as i entered the living room i saw something written with blood on the wall kill the birds or kill your father the choice is yours seeing this i realized that i'm getting involved in something evil i forgot my coffee and tried to catch my father on the phone after trying six to seven times the phone didn't ring i heard whispering voices on the phone the same thing happened when i called my mother a few times then i tried to call 9-1-1 and this time it connects 9-1-1 how can i help you sir but when i tried to call my parents again the same thing happened i hear whispering voices after a while a police car came and stopped in front of the house as soon as i told them what's going on they looked at me with suspicion they didn't believe a single word i said instead they told me not to buy drugs from the dark web and warned me not to harass the police by writing on the wall with animal's blood the result will not be good i realized i don't have much time left whatever i do i have to do it by 8 tonight because after 8 pm 24 hours countdown will be finished and i don't know what will happen if the tasks are not done within 24 hours but i will not take that risk there's a little light in nature after dusk at that time i went back to my house with the cage i left the cage in one place and started digging a hole with a knife i took a picture of the hole then i tore the heads of the two birds at once i took another picture of the birds in the hole then i went to the living room lit five candles and put them in five corners of the pentagram i took a picture of it and sent three images at once i didn't have the courage or desire to see the next three tasks the next day i woke up in the morning opened my laptop and checked the site i saw the ticks next to the tasks from 6 to 8 and from 9 to 11 new tasks are visible now task number 12 is still blurred new tasks are 9. kill an animal and pour all of its blood inside the pentagram to fill the pentagram with blood 10. cut your hand and pour a few drops of your blood inside the pentagram 11. sleep for a minimum of six hours in the middle of the pentagram i sat stunned till the afternoon and i didn't go to the office that day i heard voices whenever i think i would not do any of it i began to listen to voices from the living room [Music] when i stop thinking the voices also stop immediately from time to time there was a faint mockery of laughter then i hear a deep voice complete the tasks or your father dies i couldn't take it anymore i went out to search for an animal i saw two rabbits in my front yard i looked around to see if anyone is witnessing me or not when i was sure there was no one around i grabbed a rabbit and got back into my house as soon as i entered the house i brought a knife from the kitchen and held the rabbit's neck over the pentagram and stabbed it in the neck the pentagram was drenched in blood i waited until the bleeding stopped then i put the rabbit to one side and took a picture of the blood soaked pentagram with the rabbit then i cut off the palm of my hand there was blood gurgling then i took a picture of the pentagram with my hand my blood mingled with the blood of the rabbit and at the same time laughter cries and humming started in the combined voices of innumerable men and women from around the house i came out of that room then i bandaged my hand i lied down on the pentagram to take a selfie and then sent three pictures to them and fell asleep on top of the pentagram the next day i woke up around 11am it was hard to get up because my shirt and pants were stuck on the floor with sticky stale blood i got up took a bath then turned on the laptop and saw the tick mark next to 11 tasks and task number 12 is visible now it says kill a human being i sat stunned until the evening i noticed a noise coming from the living room again i heard the sound of the window opening and something substantial was being pulled little by little i stroll towards the next room the lights are out it's dark in there a low amount of light of nature was coming through the window i entered the room and was surprised to see that the place where the rabbit's carcass was kept was empty and the blood stains went up to the window it was as if someone had dragged the rabbit's body to the window i looked at the wall the writing has changed a little kill a human or kill your father the choice is yours there the word bird was cut out and human was written on top of it i didn't change my mind i don't want to be any part of it there's no way of killing a human [Applause] and then i heard someone was laughing outside the window a blood curdling laughter i came to my room i was determined i will not do it whatever it is it will happen after eight tonight because at 8 pm the 24 hours countdown will be finished around 8 15 my phone rang i saw my mother's number on the screen as soon as i received the call my mom from opposite said david your father had a heart attack his condition is not good we're in the hospital i immediately remembered the writings on the walls as soon as i hung up the phone and went to the living room i couldn't see anything because of the darkness after a while my phone rang again it's my mother she said david your father he's gone mom i i'll call you later i put down the phone and took a torch went to the living room and saw the word father was cut out and mother was written on top of it i have to take action or it will be too late i ordered a pizza around 10 p.m a boy came and rang the doorbell i told him to open the door and come inside i was ready with a sharp knife as soon as the boy entered the house i inserted the knife into the boy's neck before the boy could do anything i cut the throttle in one go the boy fell on the ground he made a rattling noise i slammed the door and dragged the boy into the pentagram [Music] then i took a picture of the boy and sent it to their website then i heard a voice which was coming from my laptop speaker congratulations your tasks are over now now you have your lifetime friend with you and the sound of a severely distorted laugh began to float throughout the house i understood who or what was going to be my lifelong friend my subconscious mind warned me long ago now it doesn't matter i said with a little contempt for invisibility clean the writing on the wall and all the dirt in the living room i have a little work to do then i called my mother i have to go to the hospital [Music] you
Channel: Horror Diary
Views: 89,427
Rating: 4.821929 out of 5
Keywords: The dark web, dark web 4, a game in the dark web, scary story, dark web story, horror stories, dark web horror stories, horror story, scary horror story, horror diary, horror animation, dark web animated story, dark web animation, anime, horror anime, the dark web 4, dark web lifelong friend, dark web horror
Id: Mcu-vfS8uaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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